HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-08, Page 7111I!1 WIN !LAM TIMES, APRIL 8, 1698.
1 Messrs McKelvie & Hemphill
have purchased the Mildmay wooll-
, en mill and will operate the same dur-
ing the coming season.
We have all the Lateet raw Spring Suits, at moderate prices, Fit and Aliss Mary Hazelwood, has return -
Workmanship of the hest. "Guaranteed." Wee are snowing the most ed hotne from Harriston, where she OF THE SEASON'z:7
The Succe
JEW 2511.11L"
situation in Chesley.
Atho all kinds of Meal'e Burnishings fur Spring Wear, A special. eine a good
account of illness. I is the wonderful swing of our RFTIRING FROM BUSINESS' Sh\I I? NOW ON.
Mr. Joseph Thompson has Secured 1 4 SA
peddling rigs on the road.Wonderful bargains for everybody, and great money-saviug chances, The gm...t sale is
Messrs, iiderson Bros„ Co., and
lot Nseadymade Pants and Oeseealls cheap, Inspeetion invited. W. E. Hazelwood intend putting
Our village will have a, largo ! developing speed with each succeeding day, and we are not always able to wait en all who,
number of wheels in it title summer. wish to buy. We emphasize this week what we told you last week, viz., IF POSSIBLE'
1has been attending High Sehool, on
c3 -EE C.A....13,1-2B; S
Opposite Qureen's Hotel, Wingham. Mr, Jolla Gibson will soon have I SHOP IN THE FORENOONS,
eve residence completed.
B. Saunderspvits all merriment01;
he residepee of Mr. itIld MI'S. •
Wednesday 'evening of last week, it 1
being the oceasion of the marriage !
of their daughter, Miss Annie, to
Mr. Robert S. Gibson, of the firm of
Gibson & Barnard, oatmeal millere.
The ceremony was- perforened by 1
the Rev. R. S. 0. AndersonVn the
the presence of 'a late number of
invited guests, after which they all
sat clown to a sumptuous repast. •
1 The presents were numeroukcestry
and useful, testifying to the high-- es•
teem in which the young couple are
held. The bride and goom took the
evening train for Detroit and other
points, The TIMES joins in wishing
the young couple every success in
their future.
A e 414 410 ,644. 4'1 */ rer •
Slave of Your Foot 2
Such should be the Shoe -created
to protect it from the rough, roads
of life. But many feet to -day are
slaves to the shoe, because their
owners will not consult their feet,
when buying footwear. Here is a shoe would give a
springy foot -step even to old age, because in the building
of the sole no peg or stitch under the foot destroys
its elasticity. It is a foot conforming shoe, and every
variety of feet has been considered in its construction.
Goodyear welt process -Same as hand -made at half the
price. Stamped on the sole $3.00, es. oo pa -Fair.
The Si witer Shoe
Jr •,JOJJJ:: r•.474.1. 'ArdJ14...+4*.."
/M.01.1,4 .00dItt, e ON, .7 iMehlty1....... ,••••,.. .4'
For Sale Only by HOMUTH & BOWELS.
We are paying the highest market
prices for good sound saw logs of
every description.
• & SON.
yeamtus..mmomar•Smovs••••••• sou
that Will fit comfortably,
look well, wear well, and ,
keep in good Rhone. you
liad better go w
' Umbrellas llicl Parasols .some months ago from a mama-,
facturer, we had to take delivery of them this
ruinous prices to clear with the rest. Every
i bl 1 Si ilian and Fancv Shot
Having ordered ourLadies
also to hand n ac c
week, and throw them upon our counters at.
lady should see them. Another snap came
Effect Dress Goods at very atAritc,ive prices.'
C I - nd Groceries we are clearinp- out regardless of cost.
roc ‹ery a
The busiest sections these days is the Ready-tuacle Clothing and Hat Departments::
'prices, but COME,
This hint to the gentlemen is sufficient. No time or space to entuntrate
oe S. ART
d married on Mr. J. T. Curtis, the teacher. Mr.
81 D Id. Gillies to M. Black 'was yield ti) the chair,
and made many appropriate re-
marks. A long programme was
prepared by the pupils of the school,'
and they all did their parts in a
most creditable manner. Songs were
also rendered by the Misses Russell,.
Kr. D. L. Straelaan, Mr. McBain and.
Mr. Curtis. instrumentals were '
given by Mr. Bowinen, Mr. Clanston,'
Mr, Wilson and Miss Annie Davis.
Ever, body enjoyed the excellent
recitations of Messrs, Lamby and.
Carta% and Miss Rosen. The teaeher
and pupils are to be congratulated
for the succestful way in which their
entertainmentswas carried out.
The following report gives the
standing t.f the pupils of S. S. No. 8,
fur the meth of March. Total
400 marks: V. James Knox 304._
Moved by Mosgrove, seconded by u WI
TU. IINBERRY . Cruickshanks, that by-law No. 7 April 9th 18 - , to ago
Minutes of council meeting held in 1898, be passed appointing Daniel whose care she leaves a faintly of
Putland's hall, Bluevale, April 4tha Frifogle, Wm Frifogle, Wm Aiken, two sons, aged 13 and 4 years. For
1898 . members all present ; reeve John Porter, John Little, David the past nine years the family have
Al 4cnnon Wm Day- resided in Strathroy, among whose
in the chair. Tho minutes of last
meeting read approved and signed.
A Communication was read from
the clerk or Morris, re. settlement
boundary line expenditure. ston, August flonsuth, John Willits, ' ehureh, having, teane:erred her mem-
Moved by Mr. Cruickshanke, se- 1Francle Lewis, Peter Hastiugs, Wm bership from Knox church, Galt, on
eonded by Mr. Mitchell, that the 1 Haugh, Frank Carruthers, Wm moving to Straahroy. Her presence
reeve and Mr. Mosgrove be a corn- 1Deans, Alex Kelly, Chas Honauth, will be missed, especially from the
conmittee to meet a committee of I.John, Wray , Thomas Bolt, Alex Me• meetings of the Ladies' Aid, in which
(Morrie council at the, clerk's uffica in ' Ouneld Runt Weir. Samuel Vn- she was an active worker. For sev-
l Bluevale, on Seturday, April 9th at , stone., litueben Sanburn, James Nieh- eral weeks she had not been in the
J • - Elliot 'rhos Walker Thos best of health, but did not yield tu
o m . , i
ell, Samuel Burchall, Ralph MetealfeIpeople Airs.Gilliee was highly esteem -
Rueben St.,kes, Thos Aitken, Colvin ed. She was a faithful member and
ti. fief erd Porter John John- an earnest worker in St, Andrew's
11.30 p. in.—Carried. . i '
Reparte H- TiT reeve , reported • Lovell, Itobt Ibtuilten, Wal Douglas ilium until within four weeks of her
that a. huge number of culverts had John McEwon, neries Flislop, Peter death, when medical aid was sum
been damaged by the spring freshets' Scott, Chris Moffatt, Robt Black, Jnu moned and every endeavor made to
but none of the large bridges have B • rese Wm Messer, Harry Bosman conquer the rapidly developing evi-
been seriously damaged.Mr. Cruiek- • • A
shanks reported that a number of
culverts in Lower Wingliam, Wing -
ham and Wawanosh boundary lihe
have been damaged. I have ordered
some lumberyard tilesfor repairs, the
bills of which will be laid before you.
Moved by Mr. Cruickshanks, SEC,
onded by Mosgrove, that by-law No.
5,1898, be passed appoiuting, John
Rutherford, Thos Aiken, John Rob-
inson John W. Walker, James El-
liot 'John MeNitughton, Peter Scott,
New Spring Goods and Samples
of all the latest designs in Scotch
and Canadian Tweeds, 'Worsteds,
Serges and OverCoatings to choose
from. Orders filled promptly -at
very low prices.
Webster & Co.,
Queen's Block.
A Miss fl., c si hers
t •• A
A 40 1 II' 1 ;
A wishes to thank the Ladies of Wingham A
A and vicinity for their kind and liberal A
A patronage of the past season, and for V
their kindness in attending her Mil- V
✓ 'V
✓ liner! Display of recent date, and she
✓ is now fully prepared to have all orders V
✓ filled in the most fashionable and V
V speedy manner possible. V
✓ V
Win 'Maxwell, Duncan Anderson, denees of disea e. Urs. ,
John Blitek, Chas Gannett, Duncanland A. S. Thompson were consulted! Sr. IV Ailetta Fart.ence 331. Jr.
" •crd. 11 in tl-eir power to allevi 11V. Lorne Knox 317, Gordon Era-
MeNaughton, John J Moffatt, as , .
W Walker, John Mulvey, Robt Ale• 1 ate her suffering% Aided by the
lotosh, Andrew Gennnill, Wm Alit- tender ministration of an unusually
Chell, Robt Miller, John A Miller,
Henry Green, John Ansley, Peter
Murdock, James Deyell, and Hiram
Smith, Patinnasters kw the current
Moved by Cruickshank secoaded
Musgrove that by law No. 8, 1898,
be passed fur the purpose of borrow -
Win B.01111,1th and- Robt Li athorn, ing money for the current . expen-
fence viewers in this municipality, diture of the Municipality until taxes
for the current year.—Carried. es are collected.—Carried.
Moved by Mitehell seconded by Moved by alitehel(, seconded by
Couplaud, that by-law No. 6, 1898, Cruickshauks, that Walter Hawke
be passed appointing, John Little. be allowed $1.75 per day, for operat-
Geo Breinner, Geo 13 Scott, Thomas ing road niachine.--Carried.
Gilmuur, Geo Nicholsou, Henry Moved by Alogrove, secended by
Wheeler, Donald Stewart, Peter
Scott, 'Wm Deyell, Wm Netterfield,
John Diment jr„ and Wm Maxwell,
poundkeepere for the current year.
Mr, Geo A Phippen and nine oth-
ers, :aid a petition before the coun
ell asking to have Comp, or rather
Princess street, opened from Mary to
Kate streets.
Aloved by Cruiekshanks, seconded
by Coupland, that the clerk notify
James Netterffeld and Afortimer
Smith to remove all fences off Prin-
cess street between Mary and Kate
streets inside of 10 days from this
date, or in case of failure of either
party the coned' will cause the
fences to be removed at the expense
of the party concerned.—Carried.
hury 347. Sr, III 1,:tte Agar 358,
Vena Knox hel5, Ruby Forbes 334,
faithful nurse, Miss Moralee, it seem- , Alice Paul 328, Peach EllibUry 278, ,. .
ed for a time that recovery was POS -I. Charlie fermis 27;), Martha Ingram .
able, but this proved only a tempor-1246, Wesley Germyn 107. Jr. III.
ary relief to the sorrowing householdEva may Souch 378, Xenia Fraser
as a change for the worse speedilyfollowed. - Many friends feel sincere 1325, John Gereisiii. Sy. II. Lola
Agar 3-18, Fred Pugh 2313, Milton ,
sympathy for the bereaved husbandi
and children in their great loss. Thl e ter) 845, Anuie, '-eh'e 318. Part
fy II. Hazel Embuta 343, Charlie Agar
funeral service was conducted b Jermyn 180. Jr. IL Emma Jer-
Rev. W. G. Jordan at the faintly re -1140. Sr. I. nry ale Knox, Willie
terrment souk place subsequently int Fe'e°1-ribleesst'l,Wei)ne'etni. al';:.';ikt!i'enif,rurt°1eindIngev, •
sidene,e on Satura ay morning and in -1
the Strathroy cemetery. The pall-illulda Rutledge, Lizzie Knox,
Mrs. Gillies, Andrew and Jared D. L STRACUAN, Teacher.. 4
bearers were the three brothers of
has just returned. from the Eastern Market,
having purchased a full line of the finest.
that can be bought this side of Montreal
in Black, grid in all the leading shades,
Now is your time to come' in and examine before they
are picked over.
We are opening out full lines of Chenille Curtains in all
colors, Lace Curtains for 35c and up. If you are wanting
anything hi Carpets, Matting or Oilcloth. We have a large
collection to pick from.
In Boots and Shoes we have a large stock in fine and
Coupland, that Meest.e. MePhersun,
Cruickehanks,AleLaren and Burgess,' Gillies of Niagara, Arch, o
be a committee to revise our by laws! Galt and John C. Scott. Among renewing old acquaintances in
and lay them before this council at Wingham and the surrounding •
their next meeting.—Carried.
The following accounts wet e pass
ed and cheques issued :
Thus Netterfield, $2, polling
booth for election ; John Burgess,
2, do.; Alex McPherson, $2, do.;1 and Aire. Gillies, of Galt, Mrs. Reed,
Geo B Scott, 2, do ; E L Dickeneon, ;of Canit bellville, Mrs. Brownlee, of
$1, account, Wingbam Advence ; 11 1 Cale Duncan Gillies, of Moffatt. F.
B $8,75 ace. plating ; and T. E. ?IcLellan, of Galt.
opal World, $6.35, Statutes ; D 111 Friends from a dista nee who forward.
f • dieent • le 'ed handsome floral offerings were
Turnbull, of Galt, and Thomas G. J A NI 0 W. N .
Turnbull of Kotnoka, and Duncan!
• • • Mr. and Mrs. James Turnbull were
A full stock orall kin& on hand.
'Thi n in flesh ? Perhaps it's
If perfectly well, this is
probably the case.
But many are suffering
from frequent colds, nervous
debility, pallor, and a hun-
the relatives of the deceased preseet1
at the funeral services were Mrs.Ivieini6Y last week.
Turnbull, who has been in attend- Mr. Richal ['son has extended his
three weeks, Mrs,Bryce and Mrs.Alc- putting a new back
at her daughter's bedside for thepast , dwelling bY
9th con.; Paul rowel ,, do.; Jas. Golley's I'ouse on first line.
Mee. Arephaii 1,1 kitchen to it.
Kegue, of Wingham, Mr. John McNeil la.kturned to his
home in Owen Sound after visiting
in this neigh berme d for a few weeks.
Distemper is an annoying disease
with the horses around here.
Mr. W. Johnston has been engaged'
clothing by Mr. R. A. Johnston, merchant,
G Gordon, 65c, do; Ireland indigent
that- 1 Dirs. Brownlee, and Misses Genreie, for the summer to ren his wagon. ,
ton, $8, funeral, Mrs. Farley ; ThosIBertha and Izzie Hogg, of Golt. ' 1
Irwin, $2, digging grave, do.; Wm
Dore, $1 50, ace. damages ; Peter
Hastings, $3, repairing culvert on Mr. Styles has Moved. into Mr.' —
Leo. Orvis, 50c, repairing TurnberrY Miss Mabel Mason is visiting MI Weak and Run Down, With Heart
share ; Geo Nicholson, $1.25 Gem-lber sister's,
pauper to House of Refuge, $3. days has put a stop to seeding ()per 1 4 i 1 was very . much run down,/ Amax-
; and Kidneys In Bad Condition
mil's bridge ; John Little, removing The cold weather of the l - C
Restored by Hood's Sarsapar1lt,"1/46:
ast few;
Moved by Mitchell, seconded by ations, hut we hope soon to have fine been sick for several menthe. XI- Ad been.
adjourn, to meet in Putland's hall, The many friends of Mr, (2a14 -trying different remedies whic`.4 at ms-,
Coupland, that this council do now c weather again.
I Buttress Clerk ' 2nd again. Mr. Caldbeek should bet
have ‘ I Has told that my
eon t on.
every Mall WAS I'
n Re A seo:1:1111:::
131' !rare affeted,„"
Bluevale, an Wednesday, May 25th beek and Mr, Warriek will be no good. I would have sevr
at 10 it. in., and as a court of reviti• pleased to know that 'duly
ion, at 1 p, m.—Carried. I safely arrived at their homes on the 1 di e t t, • aell ,
coughing that would leave
and my heart and kid' . vtgit 14 is 'be*
At of order. I felt that
tae prostrate..
\ Left Prostrate
dred aches and pains, simp• ly
The following is taken from theitongratelated on having success -1 something musi•efee done and dly brother
because they are not fleshy Stratin.oy Age, of March litiewhicit !fully passed his graduate examin- advised roe to,,try Rendre samparilia.
, refers to the death of sister of Mrs. otion in the Veterinary Colle,gh in proeuted 'how. and began taking it
enough. 1Geo. Bra ceeind Airs, mexagnos of i Toronto. Mr, Warrick 'lo took a Wort it was halt gone X felt that it Wei
Scott's Emulsion of Cod- thie township leuceessful mune in the Agnelli- belplbg me. X contIsesd Its en sad
Mach sorrow is felt ill ---trathrOytural College in Gdelph. vrlit yomig hal made rao a *CW trOman4 cantoikTA
liver Oil with Hypophos-
and vicinity in consequence of the men might well be proud. praise it toO
bIghIy' -M
of Reich Turnbull Hen* Bosratan a
phites strengthens the diges- - premature death
dc a i.e, t vim*, 217 Ossington Alt
beloVed wire of mold (Allies. Ade, improvement on hia surroutlins by
don, gives new force to the'
laide stivet, whieti deplorable event putting a new pickeefenet'aiorind
• I -
nerves, and makes rich, re
I A most sateeessfal entertainment, Isola by a1141ruggIsti. SI, Miro 0.
occurred tit the family residence on 1 his iwn.
blood. It is a food in itself, Thursday last at 7.15 P. m.
560, slut St.to, ,atamitist, i Deceased was born in North Don. I WaS held in S. S. No. 6, on the even. - ------..
„ , , „ , . , -A10... rtiti i - Ira peter- Irsititilite, *
I fries township, Waterloo county, in ing of April 1, under the direction di nova 3 rim Wit, tiatileiat. Oa.
. %
scorr a floTINS ulagaims, Twat..
Ontatio. Glet onlY Itoed!s,
Hood's Sarsaparti
1s 'OW best -la fact the Oa. True Wood