HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-08, Page 64 FRESH STOOK FaINTAIN SYRINGES companies. handle most of this bust. tress. The two proposals bang together -m-thst is, there will be no reduction in the letter rate unless newspaper postage is imposed. Taking the combined scheme, the Postmaster General is confident his department • can be made self-sustaining, and the large increased business that would certainly result from the reduction in letter postage , would seem to 1 justify this conclusion. Certainly, the experience of the United States from $1.25 up. Best quality. C011ia �, CRMP�ELI DRUGGIST. Campbell's 11eaclacheWafers cure headache:,. TO ADVER'VISERS.. 1 IL E \V x1�v (� x11 ` IALE. `' APRIL 8, 1808. , li ,U1�VAL1�1. 1 �yinghalu, March ° 1£t0�t Tlie am iversary of the induction Corrected by P. Deane, Produce f the Rev. 1'ti W. J. `Fest to the jlustor- i ?IOW; poi 100 lbs 1 ate of lilttev:t v j Spring Wheat be on Sunday,1 S1 ' April , �� � Barley Wingh•un will preach. I Baas 1IAI3,1iI�.T ItL1'f)itx'b. wIx(i1IAA1. 1 'lr as Dealwr. b0to240r 0»1 to0621 0 Si to 0'28 to 028 o t5 to 0 20 0a3to054I 007 to 008 004 to 004), Ducks, 0 40 to 0 110;4 Bgg aper d .............. 0 15 to 0 to LEMONS I;6Rs per dozen U 8 to 0 Wood per cord.... ... • • . • • 1 00 to 1 25 4&U to 500 ,0 30 to 0 3i 0 3 to 0 3 0 0 to 0 4 18 to 21 5 00 to 0 00 l Presbyterian eongl e• bail R hoes 0 H' gation will Oats,...... 1 14th •hen Rev D,I errie oft D l F , A Missionary society has been 'Turkey, drawn (irtese, " , tion with the fres- r formed to connection per pair ORANGES Sweet Seedlings, Medium Navals, Large Navals, byterian church. The first meeting has been along these lines. l• itlt the general public the proposals should certainly be popular, as they pay less for letter postage, and coni- petion will probably prevent the material increase in the cost of news• paper publications to the subscriber. Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise- ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. enr . a • fi s 0.Vttug p am i4.1.1nnc5 __... CULROS&. l\lr• and Mrs. D. McCormick were visiting with friends in Mt. ForestRev. friendly W. J. an Misexcs West, of pulpits, during this „eek. . Mr. John McRae, was down in the was made on last Sunday morning vicinity of Elora a short time ago, l between the pastors of the Methodist and purchased a young S. Il. D. I and Presbyterian churches. Rev. Ibull calf, which is an up-to•date ani I.W. J. West preached a p' le mal and a fine specimen of its breed. and stirring sermon on a part of the Mrs. Wm. Harkness is suffering story of the "Prodigal Son," in the from a severe stroke of paralysis. Methodist church, and in the Pres Her many friends hope to hear of hyterianc good,goRevpel seting tri from speedy recovery. preached There -is a great deal of sickness, the words, Colossians 1 : 19. Both which is of a pulmonary nature, pre- the pastors and the congregations wailing in this neighborhood at pre- evidently enjoyed the exchange and sent. Messrs. John McKinnon and the christian fellowship exemplified. John Casliek are ]aid up for repairs. Asan she brie emyouotions a fill the and Mr. T. W. Piekell is home from pole; WiartOn. And realize without a doubt. Mr. Jos. Wellwood is attending a In the pond you dare not fish for trout. Spring fever is not a bad. thing to have if it develops into an anxiety to clean up our surroundings and was held on Tuesday and rho society will meet in the church on the first •Il not 'lay per ton be strictly either � a o� , but rather an independent society, gruel A�iples, per lb and mon as well as women are de- Dressedlio�e sired as members. The etlicers are : ___ - ._. - President, Miss 111ary Collie; vice and rheumatism of a most painful. president, Mrs. Toole treasurer, distressing character. The physi- Mrs. George � Robertson. ; secretary, cians in attendance dig their best blies Margaret ltobet•tson• y and would for a time succeed in al - Mr. John Mitchell, of Keighley, leviating the pain :incl he would for England, shipped a car load of maple a short time regainastrength. f3ut or I rollers from sere, on re, is visiting the disease would reassert itself and Miss Evans, of Gorrie, is he was worse if possible than before, His whole system seemed to be per- meated h ith the disease which sapped his vital energy. He tried ever so many remedies prescribed by doctors or suggested by friends and neigh- bors. All in vain—he grew weaker and weaker and at last despaired of life itself. He was completely toy go n out, found it very as far as the barn, and was only able to move about a little when not con- fined to his bed. At this juncture, Mr. Ravin, the station master at Deseronto Junction, who no doubt recalled the wonderful cure of M r . Wager by the use of this famous medicine, as reported some time since in the Tribune, recommended Mr. Henderson to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and volunteered to send for a quantity if Mr. Henderson would permit hien. The sick man consented f him a Tuesday of each month. It wt ; Potato n, per bushel, h foreign or home T ll v par lb FItIAA-i, APIt1L 8, 1898. EDITORIAL NOTES. 'THE Yukon bill, which was dis- cussed by the Senate for several days, Issas voted on last Wednesday night, :and a motion giving it a six months' I special meeting of the county coun- hoist was carried by 52 to 14. • oil in eo connection nection witherm the is Neck ouse of IF the political parties had to lose 1 Mr. Geo. Falconer, now wears a ;their thousand dollar deposits by fail- I broad smile Why ? A bouncing Eng to press the charges, there would young son. Miss Louisa Wellwood, from Mich- igan, is visiting her uncle, Mr. Jos. Welwood. Mr. R. Mobray and family who moved to Michigan a few years ago, are back again on the 4th conces- sion. Mr. Joe 11luclenhirn takes the place of his brother Will, at Mr. J. McRae's. Will intends leaving 'for the West.. He will be much missed by his large circle of friends in this vicinity. - Tins list of protests continues to ,i Miss Lizzie Wilson who is down ,5s,row. Up to Wednesday forty-nine I with typhoid fever is convalescent. iiad been entered. Two of this Mr. Wm. Dawson got some of his ribs broken a short time ago, while muaibar were dropped, North and I endeavoring to halter a young horse tilt York, on account of the necess- , and is slowly recovering. art, $1.000 deposit not laving been `� - '- are glad to note the success of ?at up. Of the remaining 47, 24 are _ ,', >,�.,,�,,,,ry:o �,,,, tri Mr. John • ;against Liberals and 22 against Conservatives. We notice that the election of Mr. Lilfer in South Huron fs among these whom have been pro- tested. TIIE NEW POSTAL BILL. toe fewer petitions entered with the de- liberate purpose of sa wing . otf.— 'Toronto Star. IN the lata Provincial elections, 434,000 votes were polled—an in- crease of 56,000, compared with the ;election of 1,894. The Liberals polled ,,208 more votea than the Conser- vatives, and the supporters of Pre- mier Hardy number 51 to 42 for the -Opposition leader. 20C doz. - 25e " - 40C " Fancy, Juicy i'rUit, 20C doz. BANANAS ti'ill arrive this week. JOH KERR WINGHANf. GROCER, �g ti. 1 improve the appearance of things and ilii. Ravin procuredof generally. If everyone ``cleans half dozen boxes, He tried a box, before his own door," pretty little but with little discernible effect. Ile, Bluevale will soon assume its lovely hoowever, kept on using the pills, and summer garb. "Pa, is it true there's nothing new under the sun ? That's what a wise man said, my son. "Well— you buy me a bicycle of the latest pattern, and there'll be something under yours." rft9N PkIN ;7 8�4��fl THE REMARKABLE CASE OF JOHN HENDERSON, OF DESERONTO JUNCTION. after taking six boxes, found that be was much imp: owed. Ile got ano`'"" supplyand continued toimprovestead ily, the pain dissuppeared, be regain ed strength, and, as he expressed it "I ant now able to be about, fe quite strong, can attend to all depart ments of my work as well as eve and I attribute it all to thews: ofD Pills ' To the Tri AMIDST HELPLESS FROM SCIATIC ItHEUMATISIT, THE EFFECTS OF wistcn SHATTERED HIS CONSTI— McKenzie of the 4th con., who has passed all the examinations and is now properly .quali tied to practice as a veterinary surgeon, We under- stand that Mr. McKenzie intends lo- cating in one of the Westera States. Reveral.changes in the postal laws -ilaave been proposed by Postmaster (keneral Mistook, which will meet svith the approval of the majority -a publishera throughout Canada. One tsf these is to provide for q1i6 Age. sransinissou through the mails of ll000ks for the use of the blii4 The .9ostage on works of this 'lad suat: extremeLy heavy owing to the balky nature of the publications,. and there will not likely be any objection rais- ed to the concession asked for. The more important proposals are: 1, The abolition of the free postage on newspapers, save within ten miles of the office of publication, and the trnposition of one cent per pound. on the rest of the circulation and 2, the reduction of the letter rate to two cents per onnee or fraction thereof. The proposed change will no doubt correct to a great extent the +abuses of the present priveleges by illegitimate publications, which are ptit out for mere advertising parposes awhile the redaction on letter postage countract the imposition of post- age on newspapers. The metropolitan publications will be affected most, bemuse their eir. dilation is largly phitside the ten wile limit, and they will not regard the government's proposal with fav. stir. The weekly issues will be the (principal sufferers, beeause they reach subscribers almost solely rbrottgli the malts, and the cheap *tail editions of soh papers as the Montreal Daily Star and the Toronto Daily NOM Wil) al30 be hard hit. The regular daily issues of most of crther newspapers will not be tertonsly affected, as the express Nliss Davidson, of Wingham, is visiting her cousin, Mr. Walter David- son. Mrs. Joseph Murray is at present very ill. Prof. Brash, V. S.,'held forth in oar village on Friday and Saturday, of The debate between Bel more and Wroxeter, held here last week, was decided in tavor of Wroxeter by 10 to 15. The following copied from one of the Sault Ste. Marie papers, refers to a brother of Mr. 0. Barton, of our "In the death of Wm. Barton last week, St. Joseph'a Island sus- tained a very severe blow. He was an old landmark, widely known and beloved by everybody on the Island and it is doubtful if there was an- other man in the District of Algoma, who was more sincerely regarded. The diseased lived to the ripe old ags, of 72 years and when he passed away he bequeathed to his family the memory of a name which his children may well feel proud of. FIe was a big-hearted, whole- souled man with nothing but kind words to say of his neighbors, and St. Joe's has 11111Cil remember the departed Mr. Barton for. The funera,1 was the largest ever seen on the Island. The diseas. ed leaves a widow, two sons, one of whom wa3 engaged on the Canadian Canal during the season ot naviga- tion, and three daughters all ot whom are married." The maehinery for the Butter Vactory has been moved front Mild - mat/ and placed in position and a begin operations on the 10 of my store window I ani offering all ()wing to the fire in the goods slightly damaged by fire, consisting a. Spectacles, Etc. Sterling Silver Novelties, Rings, M BEL`111F.'' �i COST 'These goods at)�ern outs at once. worse on account of the fire but we want to clear Repairing done on short notice. Call and see us if you are looking for bargains. el FAR OFF WHEN k,RIENDLY AID PLACED WITHIN HIS REACH THE MEANS OF RECOVERY. From the Deseronto Tribune it will be remetnbered tha the past winter refere ce w times made in the "I? rso of the Tribune to t Henderson, a we r. Willia.ms' Pink bane reporter Mr. Henderson ap- peared a strong, vigorous man, --whom was sufficient proof of the story of his remarkable recovery. to see J..R.MUNSHAW, ` a HAM— .=�- -- .• !SP 4ffig: Att • Prices for Ladies' end Gents' Wheels $40,00 ring everal ' column ess of John nown and. re- spected farmer c the Gravel road, township of Richmond, about halt' a mile from DeSeronto Ju.nction. It EAST WAWANOSR. was said that bat very little hope Mrs. S. C. Howlett is spending a was entertained of his recovery as he few days with her friend, Mrs. R. continued to steadily sink under the Elliott, at Ingersoll. disease with which he,was afflicted. The following is the report for S. Farmers coining in to Deseronto S. No. 9, East Wasvanosla for the th cA March. The names are 033613 market, when asked how e , shook their heads and stated the worst might, soon be expected. That he should have subsequentl y recover- ed was therefore a cause of joyful surprise to his mauy friends in this district. Hearing that his recovery was alleged to be due to the use of Dr. NVilliams' Pink Pills, a reporter of the Tribune set out to discover if this rumor could be authenticated. Having reached Mr, Henderson's residence the reporter found no one at home except the hired boy who informed him that Mr. Henderson had gone with a load of grain to the, flour mill at :Napanee. This was evidence in itself that Mr.IIebderson must have greatly improved or he would not have undertaken Such a long drive in the raw weather of early spring. The boy having said that his master would ne back about tmo *leek the reporter waited for time the team. was observed coming ,tiong,, the road. When it drew up at the hoase Mr. Henderson, being arranged in order of merit, ascots tained by a system of daily mark -1 ings, deductions being made for bad I conduct, lateness, &c : 4th—Maggie McDougall. Jennie Rintoul, Mabel Billet!, Geo. Coultes. Sr. III—Frank Mills, Alberta ltin. tonl, Alfred Ritz, Alex. MeDongall, Leslie Deacon, Roy Mason, Emerald Anderson. Jr. III—Roy Deacon, Willie Elliott, 'Prank Shoebottom. Sr. II—Bella MaDougall, Nellie Dickle, Ethel Hicks. Jr. II—Raymend Elliott, David Johnston, Alex. Itintoul, Roy Ander- son, Will Hicks. Pt. II—Andrew Casemore, Howard Shiell, Willie Shoebottom, Beatrice NJ—Frank Casetuore, Stanley At the proMotioa examination held Mardi 24th and 25th, the fol- lowing pupils WOW suecessful:— Emerald Anderson, Frank Mills, Roy Mason Alberta, Rintoul, Alfred Ritz, • CHAINLESS $140.00 OLUMBIA The mmits of Columbia Wheels are well known. There is none better. HALSEY PARK, - JEWELER. 1: ere we are on more As a furthe inducement to pay ca. for your furniture and picture frames, we are going to ve to everyone buying from us the chance o getting a go watch or a parlor suite free. We are going t do it predisely the same way as the uess/for every dollar's worth you last. That is we give buy. The only difference here will be in the jar is, it will be filled with peas, corn id beans, It is the same jar, only filled different, ,Some ask w we can afford this. It is done in this way /Our expenses c low, we sell for small profits, get the cagh, and you don't have pay your neighbor's' bad debts. , told the objeet of the reporter a rats- The lagt contest was won by Mr. jas. ::NI avin,. who got sion, stated that the rumor was cor-i Vrem Jr. 8rd to sr. ilrd, Loy Dem- the watch', and is much pleased with it, and he s s it is just rect, his recovery was undoubtedly cm WillieElliott. as good`as we recommended it to be. due the use of Dr. Williams' Pink From "r. 2od to sr, 2nd, Datid / before he had been taken ill and the' Ilintoul, Roy Anderson. , . IRELAND St BUTT Pills. He said that about a year Johnston, Raymond Elliott, Alex. disease assumed a form of sciatic 1 Louts 11, Dim, reieher. Oppoeite Iiiiielltonidd illeeko