HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-08, Page 42 I.)r, Herbert Lake, of lief f]e, ha„ been elti•tlirttetl ranee. (t 1i.0 1'. PAZ. Steamier, i';1Tlpre. s of China. There ie great ene,tul lgt tneet for the Caita((lhttt hen. Last Neer, ac• Cordite; to the titlicitti 1'ettltlir, the export of elm. Fr'nt Cat:;td.t t,) (,t. Britain increeeed ne.tri'; 2,0..eao•lt) dozen oe rr that tit ltit►t;. SIGA Loess TILE V I1 U.IIA11 TimE , APRIL 8, 181./8. Sprains. Reality Preserves. To reserve erson'li be;ut,v ot).' IL i eotnaiutlly chid that a (Trained P � p l> Pint is worse than a broken lune, i f severe morning use pure water as a preps- t Old People's '�raubles, l l t serve the fella ,ving rules . "In t o ate the iti often true 1H' get h 4 sprains the injery is really greater tarot'; ablution,. after which one than in a simple tincture. The • rust abstain from all sudden gusts ankle perhaps is the must frequently passions,. particularly envy, as that! f 11 l joints,. th )ugh the gives the skin a sallow paleness. it; lint+;•, F'lhoe4a and wrl•'.t are '^4 !lapels to be. injured, in. fall(;, (special- = ance, yet must this be attended tot! both in eating and drinking, if one ly.A sk•ra]u of 1L joint vat's {greatly ! would avoid those pimples fur which 4 ill severity. Ti may consist at a the advertised washes area cure. Flit itinC'.(1 u a the t „i t) very may seem trifling to talk of temper„ Instead of rough use, moderate Ornate wrench without the tearing i of any of the ligaments, of It may be , excerelee, whiell +ail rai e a %iatui as a were extensive injury, stopping : bloom in the cheek, inimitable bye 1 just short of a dislocation. . art. Ingenuous candor and unaffect It ' ed good humor will give an openness In a moderately severe caeca one or Moro of tile ligaments of the joints to the countenance that will make will be torn slightly Or possibly ecm• . one universally agreeable. A desire ! plctely across. The nleilthear:c: be- of pleasing will add tire to the eyes, Reath the ligaments which retains and breathing; the morning air at ---p t sunrise willgive the lips a vermillion tee lubricating," fluid, of the joint will ,hue. Ttlatl iable v�aacity which 1'c;,''t? be r•a,.tllred, permitting the creel:e one now possesses may oe happily, t e ,..• i il:G,:e or lees of this fieri into tt t'. heightened and preserved it one ems 1 l„ti'l't at)t,ill., al/tl �"1V leg t. hie seem g, tem., 1•) at e.)ll•,Uk1iible swelling. : avoids late hours and reading by Title S"( lith(; lila•' 1)e inel•ett:•ed ii he) "candlelight. especially b aril rffusl. a l't':ittltl lilt'., th jt,illi, -•t,„ p r,„4.intim tit April a Coloring especially if ii,11•ttInnatiotl ,et, j,1, , illtt Anil riot(!!; Luer is U�Nattly' a ;litht i anti Re-creating Time. ore 'en ol'u)<+.i.i lie; a quite p110()untsc'cl Diamond Dyes Make Old Things Look v$ettpe of blood into the t s: ut•s, and l As well As New. this, grade:lily riot kit#', to the title'- , t'(tce, appears 4.I6 a black :Inc( blue i This is the great spring month for us - i int; Diamond Dyes. Old, faded and din- s' soul , to more 6t:Ve1'C CaSen the tendons Igy looking dresses, costumes, skirts, blouses, jaosets, capes, shawls and suits pa,,.itng_r over the joint and :Attaching; ;for men and bays are usually looked the muscles whiell move it to the 1 over with a view of fitting them for au - bores may sutler considerable dam -other season's wear. age, , (,I one of til(eni maybe torn t11' The dyeing operation is an important I is to get the right Dyes --Colors that are pure, bright and warranted fast to washing aun Sunlight. The Diamond Dy.1s=•-the only guaran- teed Dyes in the world— possess all the ,. 1 important virtues for the production of `Stand that much pain will result and , perfect colors, The popular and tested that the cure will be tediG.us. ,sx;--• ' In the treatment of a sprain the Positively cued by tb e: e • Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyrprps1^, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, B:.c1 Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the ii.le, TORPID LIVER. They Kegel a.e £: a :i:oweis. Purely Vegetable. t Fi Deces:a 4.1 -nail Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. Sec you get Carter':, Ask -for Carter's, Insist and demand CaAtt•.'s Little Liver Plli..5. one and demands care, The great point Milken from its ;Attachment, bringing Wittt it a sliver of bone, el, seine such harm has brei, done to all the !)arils—bones ligaments tendons and muscles—it is easy .to under - 11 NURSE'S STORY. Diamond Dyes have such an immense demand all over the world that unscru- pulous dealers for the sake of large pro- first thing to be aimed at is to re- tits, sell vile imitations, it you would lieve pain and prevent inflammation, have garments and goods colored richly than to favor healing of the torn I and permanently, avoid all such imita- Tells how site wns cured of Heart and Stt'ltCt.U.CS and after that to 1'ESLUI e 'teem. ..__ es �, limb. ! Refuse all dyes that.your dealer tete I you are just as yood•as the "Diamoudi.” • The first of these objet -S le; ac• compliehed by absolute i este iujllred part. the limb be raised, and by lead ance opium (Vets!), a spirit lotion, or such other !oust! appl1- cations as the physician may pre• scribe. Swelling is prevented in a measure and pain 1s sometime); relieved by firm bandaging with a flannel bandage. i When the swelling, heat and pain !are gore, the !lith should not ibe used too soon, but should he brought gradually back to health by 1 cold douching, dry rubbing hl a dirc:etiun towards the body and that life, in its true sense, means Etas: ive motion. It is sometimes simply and always divine life.— I necessary in very severe eases to Lilian Whiting. I treat the sprain by cleans of splints Pleasant retrospections, easy !exactly at if it were a fracture or id islocation.—Youth's Companion. ot'th The operons duties th•A fall to the lot of at nurse, the worry, c. , loss of sleep, irregularity of me:;is s 'n tell on the nervous system and undermine the health. Mrs. II. L. Menzies, a professional nurse living at the Corner of Wellington and Sing Streets, Brantford, Ont., states her Write for UUOK of directtous and color card ; sent post free to any address by Welis & Richardson Co., Montreal, P. Q. IIard for the old folks to move about - constant backaches to c bother thein in t h e daytime — urinary weaksies-. w Cde.,.ib their rest at night. DOAi1'S KIDNEY PILLS Strengthen the Kidneys and help to [Hake the declining ,t, years comfortable. Mr. W. G. Mugford, Chestnut Street, Charlottetown, P, E. I., ta, writes : For the past two years I have had much trouble with disease of the kidneys and non -retention of urine, was dropsical and suffered a great deal with pain in my back, I have been greatly benefited.!ty the use of I)oan's Kidney ! News Notes. The bonstant drop of water wears a way the hardest stone ; the constant gnaw of Towser masticates the toughest hone. The constant cooing lover carries off the blushing maid, and the constant advertiser is one that gets the trade. Another immense fly wheel was suecessfully cast at the Goldin & Mc- Culloch Co. works, Galt, one day last week. A number of citizens, male and female, were present and witnessed: the proceedings.,The wheel which was cast into to sec- tions, will measure seventeen feet in diameter, with a forty-six inee face, It is for J. R. Booth, the Ottawa aillienaire lumberman. Words of Wisdom. --,t The paths of God are more in number than the breathings of created beings. --From the Persian. A soul's rays, looking Godward, must blend with all other rays thus tending. It is the only abiding nearness. --Trinities and,kanctities. The regeneration Vf the orld will begin when humanity is divine, and case as follows: "For the past three years I have su:fered from weakness, shortness of breath and palpitation of the heart. The least excitement would make my heart flutter, and at night I even found it difficult to sleep. After I got Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills I experienced great relief, and on continuing their use the improve. went has been marked until now all the old symptoms are gone and I am completely cured." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure Anaernia, Nervousness, Weakness, Sleep- lessness, Palpitation, Throbbing, Paint Spells, Dizziness or any condition arising from Impoverished Blood, Disordered Nerves or Weak Heart. IST . A' TO£,n.ONTO TOBACCO,'•1t . Mr. J. Bretz, 10# Church Street Tor- - onto, the popular tobaceonist., segs was tr(st.blfd with weak and int.errnitr- 143t schen of the heart, wee elceple:ss nervone and loping flesh 'Ti,•,•ee boxes id,f :.Ji1U111•n's ileal( and Nerve ('ills cons• pletely etlred him. Navigation on Lake Huron has opened two weeks earlier that usual. i The next meeting of the Vest • Association will be thoughts and comfortable presages are admirable opiates, They help to assauge the anguish and disarm the distemper and almost make a man dispise his misery.—Jeremy Taylor. Solitude is a good school, but the world is the best theatre ; the institution is the best there, but the practiee here; the `•;wilderness hath the advantage of +.discipline, and society opportunities of perfection.— Jeremy Taylor The needful thing is not that we Bruce 'Teachers' 1 ssociai ion wiabate but that we; concentrate the held in Port Elgin about the first of interests and affeetiens of our 'life, Lara-LiverPillseleanCoated Tongue. entertain them with a thoughtful TH May. ; At 1lilvcrton, Rev. David Ander- heart, serve them with the will of son, of Guelph, was iinlncted into the cha"ge of the i'rrsb.terian 1 Chare h. PHRENOLIN . REM ED i FS '1'thing the lead everywhere. We' are, working Clay and tiltltt t etre .lV ti's, demand. (1,;, e,,eree'l':)t:eleli,^e shows ':::a` ,,1. neoI l,trn(lreds ea. el !,!lieu( 1( ..' Y b ifs.' 7 • 3 '(T ) i)'i t t< r,,' .. (fail`. TRY ieP.. z>i 15 f .14::114.".7°Z. O,r.a..,, =.".140:2 i•/L _! t A ti. '1'. lt. official etet)'a that the pay roll throughout eat the entire SVr,te1f1 for (lite Inontliiiv.orAts to ;'„:,750 000 flu ef ital'I(t , t't 1'►',rn1 duty and revere them as the belie. One flr on the 20th of March is diction of God.—Jas. Martineau. l epresen`ed by 300 on the 24th of When God sends darkness, let it April, by 300 times 300, or 90,000 be dark. 'Tis so vain to think we on the 28th of ;flay, by 27,000,000 on can light up with candles, hr make the 3rd of July, and by 8,100,000)000 it anything %but dark. It may be On the 8th of Aegust. These figures because of the darkness we shall should st]rnulate the thrifty hoase see some new beauty in the stars.— wife to go for the March fly real (George S. Merriam, in "The Story of lively. William and Lucy Smith." Glory* is the crown woven by the tdrAAiC AND WEARY WO rN FIND A t'tffi(i1. ''as t self. .1 soul in Mild; the spirit of a Dr, (itir111inp;hatti), of ]iG'irtl(,11,, t."•'t'- .� n, °6'H MOST PROMPT, Pleasant and Perfect Cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarfen©ss, Sore Throat, Croup, Whoop- ing Cough, '•.' uinsy, Pain in the Chest and all Throat, Bronchial and Lung +'riseases. The healing anti -consumptive virtues of the Norway Pine are combined in this medicine with Wild Cherry and other pectoral Herbs and Bal- sams to make a true specific for all forests of disease originating from colds. Price - 25c, and 50c. •,'L ,, 1 nnomsmnn�,v u,yumn�mt��l,�u�nnuni�mmn�P ri• Mr. B. B. Gann has been elected Mayor, of Seaforth, by acclamation, to succeed the late Robt. Seott. 1'Iost girls would rather you sneer- ed at their parents than to insinuate that their hair is thin. The chap who wants his name kept out of the papers may gener- t.1ly be depended upon to kick it it is left out 'dhe fro• I 1„7,m 1°114:37 s ou Ei1"t:7 �I Y �����--� OP^.ry Cig7aA�arO sy%�Gacd'/G: yapper. J egctablePrcpttraftanforAs- a- ting the stomachs andBowelslof tijtlil� Promote sDigestion,Cheerful, cess andRest.Contains neither Otnunu,Morphine nor Mineral.' LVOTNARC°T C. .age'sar07z7D-'AMCILPfraill,R' ?iw z nes Sad - lbaSesaa -data Secd .Tfppermi it - Jt' Gr'Del,v/C.r'of& jlflrm,Seed - cakief Ftarer. THAT THE FAC—SIIVIILE SIGNATURE AperfectRemedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms r ss and Loss OF SLEEP Tac Simile Signature of NEW -YORK. ----• O F ------ IS ON TI -IE WRAP ""r4ER OF EVERY BOTTLE OF Castor's Is put up in one -size bottles only. IS is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone do soil you anything else on the vloa or promise that it. is "just as goods' and "will answer every par- poso.' RCri'Sce that you, get 0 -A -S -T -0 -2 -I -A. Tho fac- simile iirgnatnro of EXACT COPY 0? WRAPPER. yyyy ,.�{y yy,. p y��1♦��,,, 'i1FW5.1T4 S•�SK',:Vlilyw„•`.'ih11f} i,d. . ++f''t 'rt'r±d'i 4•SI', i� L,irtell t AV.•�rd') t" i is on M^ over' vranpa:. ,Mints To Housekeepers. In ease of fire wet a silk handker- chief and tie without tolding over the face. It will prevent suffocating from smoke, permit free breathing and exclude. smoke from the lungs. At many dinners thio winter, iced coffee has been served at the end of the ,neat, instead of the usual demi- tasse. It is the :game black coffee, but is cooled ill a small china freezer packed in lee, to which a little salt has been added. Silver that has been laid away and thus become badly tarnished can he Cleaned quickest if the first application cf the whiting is moisten- ed with sweet oil before application. Afterward dry whiting can be used as usual, idathc:l 1,r r"u•; ': e.i••.h ,e'•c•tt;-U divine purpose is at flood glorifies a,phy everything touches,cnhaloes every iron! a (:cal `.e ve ill LS i.ee. .lg, " place and twee,. lifts the meanest J':llicills, who :lfepr. with tee ,It ear, ev,, thethrill divine,d3 to 1 e sends 111It ) was revived aith (iiii tel.::. y of its cher,.;: Ulna -tett the (!Mice(, puts life into diet wfl ieli means death. • lied! out trntisli„;etrc:a, if it play ova rralt,lntite, everything it, comes lin contact with —J. F.. W. Ware. , 4g.!F 1 The loftiest test of friendship— eekeee d btiit:V. Th,',v draw l lltlrlerstotld asCompanfousllip--vis tile! out .,a rwearytn dstoneten 1:itsi it caelltlt:l til is z d:.v "' 1 poWe1 to do WittIu tt le And in this i (lin n n \Vitt A ?i' Ann 1. 1'attM.+nn, of world of (':eternal ecnfnoione end t t•u'levit '" B. fihi r.f�i 1c d terribly f I from till ( .,ion and ill rt•lf. zit u;. the y 1 t t t1 HEUE:'c?.iL'U F`brv.`!�..rrai [I u.2o' ir' ;,� ta•s�`*,�,GiL•{i Yp9 C�� KIDE� rN LETal ,7� S ram ,�,� � i:.,�$ b ?: a) . "i'i r ebsoiutely rure and healthful. (nar lnteed to ('ire 'ti'hetlintltl-tn SG'iofiert Xt ia,e,'ele f; ills :..c�.() liar! all forme ref Ieldtey turd Merl oe . 1'i; to".•1t :y tAit'r.e'rroYs Sold in :i'it;1;t.: �n:, (.,Pill, ' ; (: 'ri'..li & Co. 1oI. ,a✓ f, DL PLAST R 'We„gn rateeeti?atGiese Plasters will relieve pain quicker than any other. Put up only in 25c. tin boxes and 1.05 yard rolls. The latter -. allows you to cut the: Plasttr any size. Every family DriOtlld have onto reedy for an emer- gency. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LiMittD, MONTREAL Beware of imitations Fiil5ND IN SOUTH AWfmuICAst NERVINE. . I ItHAPS he was a cynic, but some one has said that In tills age there are leo heaithy women. The • linin! We age has n y 11!('11. 9(1'1111!7, and noble pilysiraliv, is they tire mentally ( and morally: but it 1s true 11em(r:hele3^, that t brut pl r- cent:Ign of the wo- r;( of the country sager from nervous- Mid e rvous- u as and general tie Separatjntts there is; often F- _ a . u0t A,ut Vuslt\renin. 1)2 tunas`, 11 reqs deed. � `e do nos yield the friend- lint built!'. ,u°:tie t 1 ut again' ati�•il list system bullet to •tnt:r nn the hen•- anothl•r ntte i\ . nini .run itnt 1(1 Tari f Il nn n•)Iv one bottle ship, but we must ag'ein and forego the Colli )allirnslnp. erten hearth of narltnef years, stud after using res 1 three bnttie9 elle lva9 7'11'1 mlz: d. comes the proof 0i our Capacity for NO wondnt she. i9 9trons in her cnnvlrtlan sacrifice, our loynlit ' to the nig' teat there Is no remedy 11110 South Alneri- b i; cau Nervlue.---2e. of all. ---Lucy reerconi, in 'As It is in Heaven.' tgold at CIiisholm's Drug Store. ELT N'S QM PS Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. No better proof 'can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and FORCE PU1V(PS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended. to. SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, Wingham, Ont, OUR. [f RECORD t Errs 1878 250,000 F. DISEASED CURED t vvos000 CURED fl)J) 311 1 1 Ali Have you sinned G3 @3au 4'J1tl against . nature when rg norant of the tornblo crime you were committing. Did yott only consider the fascinating allurements of this evil habit? Wheaten late to avoid the ter- ; ibis er-;ibis results, aero your oyes opened to voar peril? Did'vou lator on in man- �"' ltnodcontract anyPRIVATEorBLOOD i(1 dleeaeo? Woreyoueured? Do 3,011n0,4/ and then see some alarming Symptoms? ,])aro you marry in your present eon- ditinn? - Yoa kuow, "LIIs.11 PATIIEI1, V LIKS SON." If married, are you con- b. scantly Dying in dread.? Ts marriage a failure wtthyouonaccount of any tvcak- o tees caused by early abuse or later os-, o f cones? Have you been drugged with f... mercury? This bookletwi11i1oint0ntto yen the results of these primes and coint net hew one NEW MEi'IHOD TRRA� �:; 1v TIENi7: will positively euro you. It sNowshow theurandshatebeonaav0 dby . 1 NEWv1IIA7n I N T. rove f inonv wo oan GUARANTEE TO GUliI. ANY UUItABLE OAl1I,!i OIL NO PAY. We treat and euro—EMISSIONS, VAIlTCOCI)LE, IWPHILIS, GLEET, t+'r'R•ICTTTIII2 IMP 0.T111TOY, 13E- ('lti P DnAfNTS, 'UNNATURAL DIS- ()HARM'S, KIDNEY and BLADDER CURES GUARANTEED `"She Wages of Sind! sent free by enebosing 2e stamp. CONSULTATION 1''1Liv'E. If.unttblo to call write for 9I1t17.STTnIXNT.BLASI for IIOME K EDY & KERGIN Cor. Michigan Ave, and 'Mai St, ) DETROIT, MICH. -r- Caveats and Trade-M•ark's obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE PEEN. My office is in thd'immediate vicinity of the Patent Office and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, wita description and statement as to advantage, claimed. .tr -No charge is made for an opinion as to patentabilitiy, and my fee for prosecuting the application well ato8 bo called for until the patent 'a allowed. "InvEsroRs' GurnuP con- taining full information sent free. Ali Commune. cations Considered as Strictly Confidential. FRAC! KU i' H. HOUGH. r3v r©eta 1a'7.8dss$azaait'FON. »r. n. 10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE " TRADE 11I.eRets DC3IGNSp� COPYRfntrT3 &c. Anlonn sending a s'.(eieh and description may (middy ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably a :tent.) it :. Cnmmunien. (Sons strictly confidential. Ilan 0Eiook on t>atente sent free. (lirie:Gt auR .nev for see tring patents. Patents taken (Brae •h ]Hunt fit Co. receive speoiat notice, without entree, Juno Scitiiti li�t1���a A handsomely itluetr ce weekly. I.nre:cat e1,. dilation of enytritutiil i.nmie:i. 'terms,O1a year • four mentheOl ,11.1 byi.n newodealerq.. 1� h11N . Ca. 3(31ero1.(:way, ft9 2 York )Branch Ott,00. G. 7 1' .. Wn31iingtnu. P TO ADVERT/ /eqi.,, IN TI1E TIMES . . 0441 (CONDI Dear t .Ther whiell loyalty and on from t could gt•eatnt hands Only sorrow the pri life sto shall b except ,justiee tut!) i'O each sl hitnsel his br( shall 1 beredi by 11 shall 1 right vr'ron Franc built. now, ing of • ing le have hand. era tic "God .and t thi'av W.c Til natal •any excu so gr whoi flit a tree boot: speltl light bee ( the 1 upor top she r tribe her A Woe wort the men sees, inte last' WOE ope ` fem lute ,gov •1'e& frie am La WI ex( '1'e( of lov un till tit -tu D( air so se Tel ei .]i