HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-08, Page 3.111 E WES 611.A.AI TIMES, APRIL 8, 1898, 21.• +14 74;7' WV OR T. U. COLUMN. 1.••••••,*. • ONTARIO'13 .NORTHLANDE3., s TBE GOVERNHENT'S TISIbER SUFFERS (CONDUCTED BY WINOUAISI DRANC,11.) VERY LITTLE ROM IRE, Dear sisters of the W. C. T. U. Toronto, March 29. --The annual There is but one medium through report of the department of crown which we may show oar love and lands was published tt)-tlay. It loyalty to our departed president, deals almost entirely with the trans, and our sorrow that she has gone actions of rhe year. It showed that from. us. No marble mansoleum 60,1.471 acres were sold, fur which could be a tittn tribute to her .k',8,1,405 was received. Also 80,014 greatness. No house made with • acres of mining hind was leased for bands coula shadow forth her worth. $168,ls56. 'line department also Only in deeds can we pros e our realized $93,015 from stiles of former sorrow, our love and our loyalty to ' years. Besides this, 086 acres of the principles for which her great elergy reserve land and 320 of life stood, When sobriety and purity grammar school land and other shall become the rale, and not the :intnor sales were made. The total exception of the individual lite •, when ' revenue amounted to $1,609,285. justice and righteousness shall be The expenditure .amounted to $51, - enthroned in our nation's laws ; when 083. There are 161 townships open each shall esteem others better than for location under the free grants and himself and find his highest weal in homesteads act. During the year his brother's weltare ; when children .683 locations were made on 91,910 shall be horn into the world of a true ares of land ; and 49 loeatces pur- heredity and surrounded from birth I chased 2,197 cores; 208 patents were by a right environment ; when it ',Issued to locatees. The following shall be made easy for all men to do townships have been opened up right and difficult for any to do during the year: Casimir, Haddo, wrong then, and not till then will ICherrinian, Jennings, Hendrie, Bar• i nces Willard's true memorial be wash and Loudon in the districts ot1 built. The day s eum far distant Nipissing, and Sanford, Zealand and now, but, sisters, it is for the inbring• ! Aubrey in the Rainy River district. ing of that day we stand. It is noth- In the appendixto the report these ing less than alt this to which we townships are described as regards have pledged ourselves, heart and. i location, timber, soil, game, etc. In hand, It ought to mean Lew cense--; speaking of the fire ranges, the re- eration, new Weal, new members. ' port, says: lfortunetely the summer "God is not. dead, nor does He sleep," was more than ordinarily met, and .and that Gori, who, with a worm can consequently, although ;here was an thrash a mountain, can still use our immense number of men in the W. C. T. 1J, for His honor and Glery.lwoods prospecting for gold, no serious Yours in loving loyalty, fires occurred, and no . timber was LILLIAN STEvENS. destroyed. The vivid quality of Miss WIllard's ! nature was such that she could invest BRIGHT'S DISEASE BEA.TEN. any subject with interest, and the! , ivi re. John Rook, 3. Edward Street excursive quality of her mind was St. '. Oot , writes :—.Duan's Kid - so great that she mild toneli the usy Pills curedmy BOO o incipient whole circle of human thought anti Bright's Disease. lie had terrible back- liehee and night sweats. mid lilwuys felt tit among the scieeee, a hIrd from Iron to Jeremy pvo, 1,1 1,41;;;19,„rier.,11..ss book. on -Tno Art „1, , rio uomintimp.. Dom) d Kidney . speaks of bees, spiders and huttertlieS Pcils aud i now completely mired." lighting upon the same flowers ; the • bee extrats honey, the spider, pulson,1 A mover Stroke of Business. the butterfly, nothing. She touched' upon all flowers of thought, extractedl A smart Nantucket business man, 110 poison, but much honey, whi-h 1 who had a real estate ease of con - she did not. bide in 8 hive, but dis-1siderable local interest, came to tributed freely to all whe came in Webster to try it. The great lawyer ber way. 11aughed and replied the cause was A collection oi her Addresses to the not worth his coming. should have to stay there the whole week and my fee would cost you more than your case involves. I would not go down there for less than $1,000, and if I were to try every intervals, as though t::ev were ever- case on the docket as well as yours, lasting principles Most instructive it would not cost any more. Tbe -would they be in illustrating the Nantucket man at once drew a operations of the highest. type ot the cheque for $1,000. 'Here's your DISEASE SUFFERING 111141. • "a, .• lemoommor.,,W. PHll AND MAY. HEALTH HAPPINESS HOW TO BANISH DISEASE AND SECURE GOOD HEALTH„ aine's Celery t ornpoun "lea:riser and the ife reat Spri wen '111! 11- MAKES FRESE1, PURE ED BLOOD FOR PALE AND SALLOW PEOPLE April is now with us. The ,feathered songsters are here again warbling their sweetest notes is panins of prait-o or the nem season. Nature is throwing of her old garb. The trees aro budding, the gins is showing new life, and soon the wild flowers will put on their dazzling dress of beauty and richness. All nature seems to be calling out to man, saying, "Be happy and rejoice ; give thankk to Ilin who makes ouch glorious provision for the children of the earth." Many a thankful prayer will ascend from truly grateful and Lealthy men and women for the beauties and bounties of the new POi‘son. On the other hand, a vast multitude of half dead, broken Woman's Ohistian 'Temperance Unic n would be selfrevealing. exhibiting the different stages of her develop- ment and the strange power she pos. seSsecl of uttering her sentiments at feminine mind in grappling with the mighty problems of development, ' government, civilization and ideal reform. Her power of attracting friends has hardly heel surpassed spenr the entire week at Nantucket, among women. Her religions to , and appeared on one side or the Lady Isabel Somerset illustrate it. I other in every case that came up for When these two met, the one untitled hearing. The shrewd Nantucket except by the suffrages of her hund- man hired Daniel out to all his friends red thousand constitueute, the other who were in litigation, and received of noble birth, they were henceforth 1in return about $1,500, so that he lovely and pleasant its their lives, got Webster's services for nothing until their came a time .when the and made a good profit to boot. differenee of opinion Was so wide that they drew apart in public acti- SICK HEA-DACHE SUBSIDES. aude, though not in personal regard. "nive been troubled with sick head - Deep was the grief of Miss Willard, ache for over .year. Lately I have - and doubt ess equally sincere was the used Laati Liver Pills and tind they help theta nTahney_o t idie) r nmoetd i gripe,o ha n sorrow of Lady Semerset. It would e seem to be an unusual mercy, since no 111 odpote21 Miss Willard was to die, that she ARY ELLEN HICKS. could know in her sickness that the South Bay, Ont cause at that divergence was re- - anoved.—The Christian Advocate. money, Mr. Webster,' he said, 'and I'll fix it SO you can try every case on the calendar.' The great ad- vocate much amused at the idea, clown, weak debiliated and suffering men and women will not have the cepa- eity to appreciate tho mercies so bounti- fully bestowed. Their thoughts are cent- red on their afflictions and sufferings ; they ars moody, despondent; reorose,and sone are hopeless and in despair. It is to this stiffen ing aloes that we would speak words ot hope and comfort. Wareing would be uneecessary it you fully realized the fact that Paine's Celery Compound cures the disease that is now making such progres and havoc in your body. It matters not whether the trouble bo rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney disease, .ra...•••••••..12464. Love By Letter. An Honest Man. A little over a year ego, Miss West, Guelph, commenced corresponding marked Brown : 'It has been six with a young man in the Lnited months since you borrowed that States whom she had heard her relit- five dollars from me.' dyes mention. He answered, and 'Seven,' corrected tender missives traveled back and forth until an intimate acquaintance was formed. 'risen photographs were exchanged. He was smitten and she was infatuated. It was a case of love by letter. He proposed and she accepted. Monday evening he arrived in Guelph to claim his bride, and on Thursday they were quietly married and left, in the even ing for their new home in Uncle Sam's domains. The truth of the above paragraph was entirely denied by Miss West in the Guelph papers on Monday. 'Now look here, Thompsen,' re. Thompson liver complaint, nervous pr•-.istraticn, agonizing dyspepsia or booiseaee , Paine's Celery Compound is able to make you whole and well. Paine's Celery Compound, unlike other medicines, is a true and rapid banisher of disease; it makes the blood pure, so that life and energy flow quickly to every muscle, nerve and tissue. Nature's medi- cine promptly restores strength, vigor, ap- petite and digestion; it gives sweet sleep and repose to the wearied and restless. Will these honest and strong assurances induce you to give the earth's best medi- cine a fair trial in this your time of danger? The experience of physicians and their kindly words in favor of Paine's Celery Compound should be a gaurantee ot success to you. The marvellous results given to weak, sickly and broken down clergymen, judges, members of parliaizent, and to worthy and honorable citizens of every city in the Dominion, speak volumes in favor of Paine's Celery Compound. One bottle experimented with at this reason is always enough to make the most criticcil and skeptical continue with the medicine until they are cured 11 has been truly said by an eminent Canadian press correspondent that "No physician is ever needed in homes where Paine's Celery Compound is used." 4 Do You e uire gravely. 'Well then, seven months,' snorted Brown, and yokt promised to give it back to me in a week, Promised faithfully, you. did, to returu it to me in seven days, instead of months.' 'I'know it,' answsred Thompson, sadly, drawing a memorandum bock from his pocket. 'That bill was Series if , No. 672,929, issue of 1897. mode the note and then spent the money. Striae then I've been trying to recover it.' 'But', howled Brown, 'any other would do as well. 'No,' responded Thompson, shak-: SPRIN(.HOUSEKEEPING. Ing his head : 'I'm a. man of my Whilo rneoplie ere particular about wOrd. When you gave toe the hill ondea by atoSgrOvtet -sr. the win- I said : 1 will return this to yort, fr CATCH COLD. It's an easy thing to cio, but its just a easy to get cured if you tette Norwuy Pine Syrup. Costs ooly 5 cents at all drug stores. A vein Of nail has been struck on the farm of Are,ble Walker, lot 32, con, 7 about a mile and a .half from Alvinston. Samples have been sent to Ottawa for analysis. There is not the least doubt about the find ho- ing oat, as it has been tested local- ly and found to burn beautifully. ggormisgassataranotossegtosangeSfan2 asy to Take asy to Operate Are features pecnilar to Hood's Pills. Small Itt else, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man 00 "et never knew On Itawe takenff pin till it 11 -alt ilmer." ISO. C. 1.noodtato„ ProptietOre, Lwel1, Masa. the ally pais to take 'fettle need% .tehilikPartne, 5,1898, be passed appointing, au Rutherford, 'rhos Aiken, John R inson, John W. Walker, James liot, John MeNaughton, Peter Sco Wm Hoinuth and Robt L athoi fence viewers in this inunietpalit for the current year.—Carried. Moved by Mitchell seconded Oouplaud, that by-law No, 6, 1891 For Over Fifty Years. be passed appointing, John Litt AN OLD AND wittaf•roaso REMEDY Geo Breinner, Geo 1.3 Scott, ThomMrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup her. Gilmour, Geo Nicholson, flen,F9 etthseuieretisi Id; een used for over fifty years by mil Wheeler, Donald Stewart, Pcitte°entsh?n2gmwithberpser% :13soxeNtt.hie:i the child, softens the gums. allays all pain, cures wind collo, and is the best etuedy for diarrhoea. Is pleabant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five ,ants bottle. Its value is incal Be Pure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothiog Syrup, and take no other kind tad I meant it. Brown, old man, nst as soon as I. come across No, 172,929, Series F, issue of 1897, I'll 'ec that you get it, for I am not the ne to go hack on my promise.'— Iarper's Magazine. Printed Stationery? 433EINggiBMEZIMERIVESZE31EZEitnMEM!:=WEEIW We are in a position to turn out Scott, 'Wm Deyell, Wm Nettorfie John Dimentjr„ and Wm Maxw poundkeepere for the current ye Insurance Co. just issued, we glean the following : The number of poli- cies issued during 1897 was 781, and the number in force at the end of the year 2784, insuring $4,085,880.00,' being an increase of $19,295.00, in the amount at risk. The Premium Notes held by the Company amount to $204,204.00, and the premium note capital to $183,372.86. The total income from all sources was Prooess of C. O. C. V. 8,63'8.91, and the expmditurei 'nm the report of the Grand $5,206.03, leaving $3,432 88 to be Recorder of the Canadian Order of Chosen 1:'riends the following fig - urea are gleaned :—Two thousand let t hundred and ninety six ap. e k ills proved applications were received during the year, 167 in access of' the previous year. The membership at the dose of 1896 was 12,683, and at the close of 1897 was 15,027, e0111— posed of 11,032 males and 3,995 females, earrying a total insurance of $18,343,000. The total amount collected it; the relief fund depart- tncnt for the year was $1.10,760.41 of which amount $105,700 was paid for 85 death claims. The amount paid out since -organization for death and disability claims is nearly $1130.000. carried to next year's account. Edward Harding has disposed Itis 100 acre farm, lot 30, coo. 11, Adam Rees, for the stun of 8-1,500. LIFE'S REV When the blood is puie and rich. health and vitality ore curried tea all parts of the body. When it. is impute or watery the sends of disease germinate and grow. To clear tbe blood current of all impurities, to make it rich and health -giving there is nothing to equal the standard blood reined turdonk Blood Bitters. of to . . • BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, ETC. At a low& pri e 1111:101.1. than ever befora Mi\T-NTME...30PMS We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and we ca print and supply them as cheap as the cheapest. Give us a call when you are in need of anything in the Printing line and we will use you right. The Franchise BM. The Dominion Government does well in introducing a measure for • the repeal of the Frame.hise Act. Ponderous ; expensive in adminis- tration, resulting in lists of full ab- sentees and dead men ; giving op. ortunity for gross and extensive fraud ; practically debarring from 1 the franchise many otherwise entitl- ed ; its repeal mill be welcomed lsy men of all provinces and all parties. It is proposed to use hereafter itt, Dotninion' election the several Pro- vincial voters' lists. There may he , minor objection to this course, but they are few. The provinces are I the beskjudges Of who within their borders are qualified to exercise the franchise. The heavy expenditnre in the preparation of the Dominion lists will now be saved. Heavy es it was, it is not likely that it equalled the expense to which both political parties and those who had to attend RELIEVE* IN SO MINUTES. Ito the numerous courts were put. A MAGICAL Lirlt.*AVIta. Not the least advantage of the The most pronounced sIt' 0 ehl nee will be that hereafter in On - heart dlitease are palpitation or catering of thit hetet, ahottnesa wonitor tarso and the Western Provinces Irregular poise, smothering apellsti.ati nIgt4 least Obe DWI will have only one pains In region of heat t. . , be congested, esuslugheadnehes, vote.- -Farmers' Sun. nos Or Veligc. short, whenever the diseased, Mad If llfo valued Are. heart Mate s. sehev, loolnItates. It is Heart Is elle Only r molly t II ) mast b" taken. Dr. Agoew's Core ;ter tliN I Wilieit Will rilvforil et vOlof In 30 .nila- • • re I. voverm • Seekere after gold arsoftendisatmoirit- Sarsaparilla arid tind it meets every ea . I Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. pectation. THE TIMES, Winghant. ONE GIVES RELIEF. %-qa- ne - for a D Medicine until you have tried • liar to, Seekere.after health take Hood's I so% And eure AtottomAy..--n. You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents.. ,„„. on; in put up cheaply to gratify th• nntvargal pregent tletnand.fer t, tor prte• If you don't find this sort of Ripans TabuV At the Druggis s ease Send Five Cents tO Tsiz Maas ClittatcA CosiVANity ie 11 Spruce it., New York, af4d they will be M ty in by watili sr 12 cartons 1tt be mailed for 43 cents tits/Wei Ate tonsil* , le that Ripens Tabulet ate the very te•• int y. 'u heca,.