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The Wingham Times, 1898-04-08, Page 2
`1'11\114;s, APRIL 81, 1808. rrr,.i{r.,,'WPM+A,w•yMMtl'!!.wl•#.•M.,N W M•MMr'w+IMI.4W MMIYo,MRMnrNwiSwM.M,NiFe.fl.rn..1�14AMM.�M�11.R. AIpMM„q�p�ARn!WAM.M+MIIrIA'fIMM I�P1MR.w,-MRo' •- _ _... • .-•. ... •-- --.. ,(RMM•. bM11M1.gIMMI4.IM#AIMIfMMa1MM11MMti%!MMM.M...F Beauty Pre3e, yes• Dr Ii rbert 1 alto of len vie has Sprains. Boy, . , , been al)l,uintcil nurser t 1!:(' (' I .l:• It ' etnamonly eaiti thata sprained To preserve personal Beauty ob- jtlint lei worse than a4 broken l)11(", (tl ) • often true for in severe morning use pure water as a preps- steamer, k*:11iI)re.ss et' China. There ie great encouragement for h 1 b serve the folio aviug rules : "In the: t1 G l' 1 Last t ve tr ,(,, `lila tin is to 1'.. greater story ;ablution, after which one; abstain from ill sudden gusts the attait Itttt it°tl " b �l':I1al> t le In Elry i leas r� c • Cording' to the i'ti:�"liar ret all'll", the ""\ tt>all in at simple hectare. The ' 211ua6 cl e cilli + export t)t' eft;'.; frntu ('itleid:t to Iat• :ankle perhaps• is the must frequently passions, particularly envy, as that Troubles, D ,• )•u,)rl tltltl t tv 1e gives the skin a sallow paleness. It (� a Ct9j U Britain iuer(,l�E ti nearly ., i tf •all the juin t, t lou h tl dozen over that ;>f i s:lti• �� y4.i� Old People's .4YP•.,..,IirM1K Kaar o».�rW,rM,K - saWrl-r. tee it:TWeekeye id.7.ftli Fa_ jl ;TT�' .Z t;„t l� ra LLE l,t 'l. elb • , may seem trifling to talk of temper - Heide to be injured, in falls, especial- ante, yet must this he attended to, ly. ; both in eating and drinking, if one A eveal) of a joint varys greatly `would avoid those pimples fur which in eet•rrity. . It may consist ot a , the advertised washes are a cure. >:ir', :ls• wrench without the tearing iInstead of rough use, moderate of tiny ut the ligaments, or It may be , exeerci5e, which eill r:aieee a usual al a neee ` exten&ive injury, stopping ; bloom in the cheek, inimitable by !tint short of a dislocation. leo. Ingenuous candor and una Elect In a inoderatt•ly severe case one ed good humor will give an openness or more of the 1igiamente of the it>itlts to the countenance that will make will be torn ,lightly or possibly e;:ln• ; one universally agreeable. A desire 'Ir't::c t >e- • of pleasing will add fire to the eyes, pletely acmes. rhe mon) . Heath the ligaments which retaaas and breathing the morning air at; -aae -• will sunrise will give the lips a vermillion p ft lubricating I1U1U o[ the joint rl ' hue That amiable vivacity which o.. 1 eareteets I'ositiv©?y e rsre(1 by fkeez3 • Little Pills. 'They a leo relieve Distress from Dyspepsi ., Tndiscstiou and Too Hearty I?«stiu;~,, A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, D4 Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Sr.le, TORPID LIVER. They Rebel: 4 r Irowels. Purely Vegetable. ��yy. $i`er.e..A �.R r'µu Strnatl la�n. iirQll Pince. Substitution the frauel of the day. See you get Carter's, Ash: for Carter's, Insist and demand he rn' tilled, permitting the ('Searle t, one now ossesses may oe happily t •.i more of less c,f this iluol into t,E. daunt., „Ha heightened and preserved if one :T!t'r❑ 'lt'ill t ,ze sumo 'eadill b ,•, r,u-�itleralilc, stt•c:Ilin , g; avoids late hours and i g y ti • • •a t•tt a 5t+(Ali ,"'' tune be inerea;•e(i t/lso `candlelight. 1 t, et•te he Month of April a Coloring t•r}u`t:i:l,l1' if tUL'tHlil_'ltiJn iti, + by :ln effot,t1 11 E,t'•iilliti into till[ joint, • T ani tiuxUv' theee it uettelly a slight + i rt lu kneed t and Ile-oreating Time. or pelt l ['tun ,,,,a clt(l.e , , ' : Diamond Dyes Make Old Things Look (or.;ll pe et t,lta,d itttu the LSSsues, and - As well As New. this, gradually win king to the itlt•- feet., appeals 116 a black :end Niue This is the great spring month for us- e. lin ing Diamond Dyes. Old, faded and din - In More severe cases the tendons gY looking dresses, costumes, skirts, ,ti•Ili'° over the joint and attaching blouses, jackets, eapee, shawls and suits pi t+jfor men and boys are usually looked the Muscles which move it to the over with a view ot fitting them for au - bones oily suffer con;•iderabhl dam- other seaeou'e wear. ego, of one of them maybe tot's al The dyeing operation is an itnportant relied demands care. The great point be .,ken from its nttlicilnl( nt, bringingis to get the right Dyes—Colors that Witai it a sliver of bone. Where are pure, bright and warranted fast to some such harm has heel, dune to all washing aua Silnlight. ' the parts—bones ligaments tendons The Diamond Dyes - the only guaran- teed Dyes in the world—possess all the Little soli tnuseles—it is easy to andel important virtues for the production ot Car Wit'{ i`" i"` a Pill's. "stand that much pelt' will result and perfect colors, The popular and tested that the cure will be tedit.us. • In the treatment of a sprain the first thin to be [aimed at is to re- tits. sell vile imitations, if you would lieve pain and prevent inflammation, have garments and goods colored richly than to favor healing of the torn apd permanently, avoid all such imita- SUE. Diamond Dyes have suck• an immense demand all over the world that unscru- pulous dealers for the sake of large pro - Toils how she was oured of Heart and structures and after that to restosa 110115. Refuse all dyes that your dealer tetra Nerve3 roubles. • the use of the limb. you aro /eat as good'as the "Diamond." 'i'lto first of their o1',jt.at5 is tae• Write for boot of directions and color The onerous dntie3theh fall to the lot of et>mplished by absulnle rest of the card • sent post free to any address by a nurse, the worry, et. , toes of sleep, tujtlrcd part, the limb be rxise(l, and irregnlarity of mY meets s 'n tell on the b retid and upitinl west),, al putt nervous system and undermine the health. Mrs. II. L. Menzies, a professional nurse lotion, or such other local ,tppli- living at the Corner of Wellington and elisions as the physician may pCe. Sang Streets, Brantford, Ont., status her scribe Swelling is prevented in a pleasure and pain is sometimes relieved by firm bandaging with a flannel bandage. When the swelling, heat and pain !are gore, the limb should not be used too soon, but should be brought gradually back to health by 1 cold douching, dry rubbing in a !direction towards the body and that life, in its true sense, means ; passive [notion. It i5 sometimes simply and always divine life.— necessary in very severe eitees to Lilian Whiting. treat the sprang by means of splints Pleasant petrospections, easy exactly as if it were a fracture of thoughts and comfortable presages are admirable opiates, They help to assauge the ang'ui'sh and disarm the distemper and almost make a man dispise his misery. --Jeremy Taylor. Solitude is a good school, but the world is the best theatre; the institution is the best there, but the practice here; the wilderness hath the advantage of t. discipline, and society opportunities of perfection.— Jeremy Taylor The needful thing is not that we abate, but that we:, concentrate the interests and affections of oar 'life, entertain them with a thoughtful heart, serve them with the will of duty and revere them as the bene- diction of God.—Jas. Martineau. When God sends darkness, let it be dark. 'Tis so vain to think we can light up with Candles, 'or make Wells K Richardson Co., Montreal, P. Q. Words of Wisdom. Hard for the old folks to )Hove about - constant backaches to bother thein in t h e daytime — urinary tvi aknes, to ui+u.t b ilteM rest at night. DOAWS KIDNEY PILLS Strengthen the kidneys and help to snake the declining years comfortable. pi Mr. W. G. Mugford, Cttcstnut Street, Charlottetott•n, P, E. I., writes t "For the past two years I have had much trouble with disease of the kidnoys and non•retention of urine, vas droppsical and Buttere(loaf a great deal with pnin in my back. 1 have been greatly benefited by tl'ie use of Doan's Kidney s' News Notes: The'bonstant drop of water wears a way the hardest stone. ; the constant gnaw of Towser masticates the toughest bone, The constant cooing lover carries off the blushing maid, and the constant advertiser is one that gets the trade. Another immense fly wheel was successfully cast at the Goldie & Mc Cuiloeh Co. works, Galt, one Clay last week. A number of citizens, male and female, were present and witnessed the proceedings. The wheel which was cast into two sec- tions, •will measure seventeen feet in diameter, with a forty-six inch face, It is for J. R. Booth, the Ottawa millionaire lumberman. The paths of God are more in number than the breathings of created beings: —From the Persian. A soul's rays, looking Godward, must blend with all other rays thus tending. It is the only abiding nearness: —Trinities and•j anctities. The regeneration uhf the world will begin when humanity is divine, and j dislocation.—Youths Companion. case as follows: "For the past three years I have snifered fromwea1mese, shortness of breath a!td palpitation of the heart. The least excitement would make my heart flutter, and at night I even found it difficult to sleep. After I got MMliiburn's heart and Nerve Pills I experienced great relief, and on continuing their use the improve- ment has been marked until now all the old symptoms are gone and I am completely cured." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills care Anaemia, Nervousness, Weakness, Sleep- lessness. Palpitation, Throbbing, Faint Spells, Dizziness or any condition arising from Impoverished Blood, Disordered Nerves or Weak Heart. taxa -Livers PiliseleanCoated Tongue. THE -, PH RENOL1NE, R'11:D'-- A. TORRONTO TOBACCONIST. Mr. J. Bretz, 104 Church titreet Tor - , onto, the popular tub:meenlet. lea', s ha was trot.blad with weak and interrnitr- ent netlun or the heart, was eleepie:-s nervous and losing flesh Three boxes !of :tliluurn's [-[cia1 and Nerve Pirie cant- ; p,leteiy cured hila. --^ Navigation on Lake. Iluaon has opened two weeks earn,.'' that n nal. The next meeting of the West :Bruce 'Teachers' �1,ss(»eiatian will 1)e held in Port Elgin about the first of May. At Milverton. Rev. David Ander- son, of Guelph, was ioinetetl into the cha''ge of the :'t'esbyterian Church. Care 1. ':RSL:: .ia.:�.retee O}, 2. r .M it anything +l?ut dark. It may be G'��c `n°~o'" a`°%.3' -'.d; t • because of the darkness we shall see some new beauty in the stars. --- :el G s I � G. T. P. cif{lei::l •t+Tt�':, flint the :el George S. Merriam, in "The Story of pay roll throughout Jilt t,hi mitre" ' l William and Lucy ;itrlith. rl1 rh;n„" the. lead everywhere. \Vi,t a l•n, working ting day and `t', !l,, 1;) t.11X11 t's.,o demand. (1 i.• ('I`i'i•(„=;I:,Y,tis .,c(• shows ,tin li .(s l• t e +•':,` (ttlt'•tYS'4'at• 1t *?a •11 l' }t . ] +-;'•r ,i raj being. lb l to l.+ i'il :kill Ildpp)i• TRY C Y 3 "� If r t• P_, t'ai' ii C� N lJ U i V u,.a - Y u r.9 6s fit KIMCV Lire c Q NLLS 'i`lrta r tilde absolutely mire and healthful, (.Mttarantecrl to wire lthfnitnatl'•n). 5'':7t1cn 0041 till foriar3 c t I.ttltley and Liver svt:tei0 for rine in.,n:.l: °':n 1<.1,1t to , Glrory is the erown woven by the 5750,000--t.hre'••ttnat't<-a t t 1t. i Ili: ,t),1, l Dr, Cunningham, (:t Ir ,t;t,t,', t self. A soul in which the spltit of a asphyxiatlie:l i1\•ai, +.ro.Ii.'tt . , 1nI•tt ; divine purpose is at flood glorifies + irons a ...Ill stave t;i•- . 'L. . 1-t l•. ; everything it touchei, Ctlha1Ues every Jon -kites, who Ayr \ti h t to 0('..1•r•, . was revived tclth tai :legis: ; shin1 to be divine, sends the thrill of its coelia, tlu'(tngh the dullest,, '4.'.'''''''`'-44''''''''''''''''"'''-‘4'4"''''''''. ».I ._..44...__..•4_7 ' puts life into tbr.twtaioh means deaith.! in -ell €nal transti ; ret es, if it clay not transmute, evert'thina; it coulee tin contact with •-•-J. F. W. Ware. ! i€R i '1 he loftiest' test of friendship—1 "a .6" bitTiV. 'Lilly tarsi( . tit1t1C1'st'atrtl las companionship -4e t11t1 cul a wrury ('.istr'nt1 end -each day IA 1 i a !1.^.r 'i l—`1` natll Ntifil Tl2!�S lili9 tt'afl ! pJR'C1 to (10 wltilu'.lt it, And in t111H! tit c•`o.t atth �ll:.v ionic 1'.t*tc rials, at' r , f:u•iai1S.' �1, li, :lilt• aatf`.'e,ra'5 t tiles world of f:;tCrHal G(;nctl:)tUil3 Mid' i•rotn ir<:. ,ft ion and ttertr,w atlas. ata tt::s separations there ill, i,ftt'n E;udl as lufh:al r•ptt by soma nor', xo!n•'l:ow, to try R"utit .\Tltt•r!1) \(rvina. ()f rotlr•:, it ilial i need. We do not yield the ftienfl• i titg i Anu. u inn[ Napa-�auothar l,aiant e • 1 inL,41. 13nt stir' hall tnkan only oar. bottle ship, hilt we illus[ a�')lltl and „gain • trhau lix•r xy, tent a; an to tat:a cn tit) forego the Con )anirnshi Then 1 health of rarltast yt ars, n+ld after usirtq r� l p' t tlrrao b^"idest [aha tray comnlMety enztd. comes the proof of our capaeity for eco tvonnaY trio IN Ear,'cns in her annvtatiou sacrifice, our loyality to the Ilif;he t sa t lVeriincs noZ�tarnedy tike south hinerl- of all,--Luey I,arcoln, in 'As It is in Heaven.' 14uld at ('hi.;0:::11:11111:18 sllolm's I)rttg Stare. 5 THE ;.' OST PROMPT, Pleasant and Perfect Cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoari3enods, Sore Throat, Croup, Whoop- ing Cough, Quinsy, Pain in the Chest and all Throat, Bronchial and Lung Diseases. The healing anti -consumptive virtues of the Norway Pine are combined in this medicine with gild Cherry and other pectoral Herbs and Bal- sams to snake a true specific for all forms of disease originating from colds. Price - 25c. sand 5elsc. At" -.4e 1 R: ' �i�.:k-il. is ,�:, [.,.1141,4 -k eseseessneeuWlessestssesseeses eee t c1 TIIAT T ; E Mr. B. B. Gunn has been elected Mayor, of Seaforth, by acclamation, to succeed the late Robt. Scott. Most girls would rather you sneer- ed at their parents than to insinuate that their hair is thin. The chap who wants his name kept out of the papers may gener- ally be depended upon to kick it it is left out.. 1; .7r-tia: a Plasters will relieve pain qtsicker than any other. Put up only in 25c. tat boxes zed airea yard mills. The latter allows you to cut the Phster any size. Every family an en d !save one ready for att emer- gency. DAYIS & LAWRENCE co., LIMiTEO, MONTREAL Beware of Imitations AYeectable Prcparatioit.forAs- sriillilating iherood andlieg uta - ting the Stomachs andHowels of 433 FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE PromotesDigestionCheerful- ttess andRest_Cotltains neither Opiuln,Morphing• tror Mineral.' II'OTN.AtCOTIIC. .FpeQfOldllrS;Mlg LFITCTSR i<i Seed - .tharnna dloa{a& Salta - •I.friop .9'ace o pismire - pJ1 tIl+'lmote.feris r xron Seed - C.(mifrud Y.i - 3 �ytr3cmPtmcr. IS ON THE WRAPPE OF EVERY BOTTLE OF W. (oo�'uut Dear si. There, which v' loyalty and our from u- could b g1'eatne. hands cc Only in sorrow, the prfn lite stool shall be exeeptic' justice en til yon each eh himself his brut shall be llererlit: by ib 1 shall b( right t Wrong built. now, b Ing of ing les• have r' blind, era tion "God i and th th rahh W. 0. Aperxectllemeily forConstipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Dierrhoea, Worrns,CorLvulsions,Feverish .ss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Ta eSitttiille Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, �w81•m. ffi.m� Castoria is pot up in one-sizo bottles only. it is not sold in. bulk. Don't allow anyone do sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it. is "just as good" and "will answer every pur- pose," ' Sce that you gat Tho fao- ���''� is on slmilo � /j evoty rignatnro GY�"•' s�y!�;ict�f/<� �ravpa:. of Mi Z%�'''3•�9• l)-+rJ`1lii5c31F. F•' ir y . �,i. Hints To Housekeepers. cese of fire wet a silk handker- chief and tie without toldiug over the face. It will prevent suffocating ' from smoke, perniit free breathing and exclude smoke from the lungs. At many dinners thie winter, iced coffee has been served at the end of the meal, instead of the usual demi- tasse. it is the same black coffee, but is cooled in a small china freezer packed in ice, to which a little salt has been added. Silver that has been laid away and thus become badly tarnished can be cleaned quickest if the first applieation cf the whiting is moisten- ed with sweet oil before application. Afterward dry whiting can be used as usual. ft c - One fly on the 20th of March is represented by 300 on the 24th of April, by 300 times 300, or 90,000 on the 28th of Niay, by 27,000,000 on the 3rd of July, and by 8,100,000,000 on the Stli of Aap.;ust. These figures should stimulate the thrifty boast: wife to go !for the March. fly real traiAllt AND WEARY WOMEN Firm A REM ERITAPS lie was a eYnie, but some one has said that in this age there are no healthy women, The age has many wo. men, strong and noble physically. as they are Moll tally mid morally.; Mit it IN true nevcrthele3s, that a large per- centage of the we. men of the Penni ry stiffer from nervous. n,..ss and general de. tAtiliatiLIENAILAtIAIW ELTON'S LIMPS Will stand wear and tear for - 3 ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shosvn by tbe fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and PORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SHOP—Diagonal St. Opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, WinghaM. Ont, The nature any CK0W i1 so gre whole flit na tree tc book lighth bee e the bi upon no po sbe di tribut ber Wom the d' ment sessec inter lastin woult oper femit gove frien amm Whc exce of n love unti diff tha Dee and sort sem Mis cou ca ano OES Of SIN A)3ook for Young Old. OUR RECORD ESIst 1378 DISEASED CURED VIE cake Caveats and Trade -Mark -A obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES, My office is in the'immediate vicinity of the Patent Office, and my facilities for securing patents areunsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention! wit:h description and statement as to advantages claimed. .476rNo charge is made for an opinion as ta patentability, and my fee for prosecuting the application wilt nob be called for until the patent '4 allowed. "INVENTORS' GUIDR:' con- taining full information sem free. OOMMlinl• canons Considered as etrletly Confidential. 925 D' SirrueSo liVASZEINGWON. )Th.. C. 250, 00 cunD YOUNG 11111N nsiaTITie. when ignorant of the terrible crime you were committing. Did you only consuler the fascinating allurements of this evil e' halt? When too late to avoid the ter- ible recuIts, were your eyes opened to vour peril? Dittvon later on In man- hoodeontrnot anyPItIVATE or BLOOD e, then see some.alarming !symptoms? 3)are you marry Ineyeueigesent eon - 'Minn? You know, SALA FATEED, rie LIKE SON." If married, are you eon.- stantly living in dread,/ IS Marriage a failure withyouonaceount of any mak- flees caused by early abuse or Peter ex - •t• cosecs? Have you been drugged 'with =rem? This booklet will point4ut to ent 'tumour NEW MEMOD TREAT. MENT will positively enro you. It etows how thousand shatve been saved by rom NEW' TREATMENT. It proves how wo can GUARA.NTEE TO CURE L.NY CURABLE OASN OR NO PAY, We treat and cure—EMISSIONS, VAIITC0(3ELE, GLEET, CRET DRAINS, IINVATURAL DIS- CHARGES, KIDNEY' and BLADDER SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE IA MIKE • 444'4 DCSIGNS COPVIIICASTS &a. invention 14 probably pf.tenthbbr.- ComM1inlett- Patents tattoo tbrOutit fa CO. receive milation of any seloitlibl Terms, OE a yoar; four Menem, *1. by tai newee.ealers. Branch anise. ti,r) Washinr,unt.D. C. URES GUARANTEED "The )1rages of Sin." sent free br mu -dosing 2estenne CONSULTATION I', If enable to eall, *write for Car. Michigan Ave. and Shethl St. th A to in T1N TEE TIMES