HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-08, Page 13
VOL. XXVII.---NO. 1355
We would invite the ladies to call
and see our beautiful display of Mil-
linery whether yon buy or not. We
shall be pleased to see you, and we
are sure you, will be pleased to see
the many stylish and elegant hats
we have on exhibition.
Our MISS DOYLI`a has just re—
turned frori Toronto, bringing with
her the latest models of Paris, Lon-
don and New York. They are
creations of great beauty. Ladies,
come and see them—you cannot fail
to appreciate them.
The Ladies evidently appreciate
a chance to buy
at less than half price, as the 1200
yards we put on sale last Saturday
are half gone already. But there
are still some choice bargains left for
the late comers. This is positiiVely
the eheapest line of first-class goods
ever sold in Wingham. So don't
miss the opportunity of getting a
Dress at sueh a rediculausiy low
.. price. Just think, silk and wool
goods at
.350 ER YARD
T. II, Rosa—Specials.
T, A. Mills—Drebs needs.
Ireland & Button—Specials.
J, G. Fyfe—Boar for Service,
J. 0. Iiargus--•Neatness, etc,
N, A. Farquharson—Specials,
D. M. Gordon—Watch this Spate.
Jas, McAlpine—Portraits Enlarecd,
C. A, Campbell—Fountain Syringes.
Rouen 'plus Won.
Cummins, missions
of Australia, will 1
ebarch on Thursd
Everyone is eordi
appeared before
morning, °berg
from Mr. Jos. Gray's
evening of Mar
evidence in
sentenced him
jail at hard labor
t—letioses Vincent and
les of the W. C. T.11.,
°tore in tate Methodist
y evening and in the
is (Friday) evening.
fly invited to go and hear
JArr,---MOs. McGregor
ayor Morton on Tuoeday
i with stealing a rooster
ray's hen horse, 011 the
1 29th. After hearing the
e cnse, His Werehip
10 days in the county
Nuunin Iurn
Committee of t
trended at last
new fence and ne
the cemetery; als
lee planted. This
direction and we
of the council a
improvements. 0
sacred spot in the
always bo kept in
vulluxTs--The Property
town council reoom-
eeting of cou'icil that a
tie rails be planed at
that fifty shade Erees
s a move in the right
ndorse the movements
d commiteee in their
r cemetery ie the most
mmuni'ty and it should
e best of lops r,
CoxnucTon Sas
Snider, oue'of the
conductors on the
and who of late y
his leisure time t
lecturing, died `i
night, aged 40 y
taken to Elora o
interment will to
Mrs. Snider and
heartfelt sympath
f,tiends in their h
Wanted—good butter and eggs. Highest Go*tE TO VIE Z
prices paid. T. 0, Grahatn's grocery who has been a r
store, Chisl:•olm block.
years, left on To
TEAcnruts' CONYEN Iox—The East Huron I peg, where he
Teachers' Conventio will be held at the Motlday evening
Spring Terra Begins April 4th,
time of the year to enter our school.
School House, Bru
14th. Dr. McLell
liver a lecture at th
CnownEn Orr —
obliged to hold o
lengthy biograpbi
ard, late Presiden
T. U.; also an ar
D. Gunn, Brot
They will appear,
viotions made b
ing the last quart
ever published it, the county, and oon-
cases, by four separate
o of them realized fines
bile the fourth was a
st was a mighty short
Recognized throughout the Do
Minion as the leading commercia
School in Ontario.
Write tor special circulars.
En's DEA,Tri' Wm. K.
oldest and bost-known
Grand Trtiuk Railway,
re has devoted much of
evangelistic, wpi'ic' and
Wi dsor ort T._ epeday
er•s.VThe retrain§ :were
Wednesday, Wherethe
lace to -clay Friday)
A Leaman Siam
we anuonnced the
received a carload
plements. Wo et
two carloads. Mr
nese in this line tl
many largo sales f
firm's celebrated i nplements.
CouNTYBntDG S.—County itoad Com-
missioner Ainste reports that very little
dautage bas beet clone to bridges in the
southern portio of the county by Cho
recent freshets, ut there has been con-
siderable damn e in the northern part
of the county. The long bridge near
Auburn has be 1 rendered unsafe and a
bridge between Iullett and East Wawa -
nosh is entirely own.
p •
aoghter will 'have the
of their many_Wiug.bam
ur of s re berefieiement.
EST 1r. G. McIntyre,
resident of town for many
day morning for Winni-
ill probably locate. On
a number of his friends
xr -In our Inst issue I WANTEw—Go 3dAge et for every.°ourty,
]11r. T. II !Loss had
Tho Black hawk anufacturng Co.,
I',ondo:i, Ont,
of Massey-Harris im- For nice wool carpets and folded carpet
ould have said it Was paper troll at S. Gracey's.
Rocs is beoomirlc; bull- —Mr, A. Burkholder shipped three car
s season. He has made
r the above mentioned
els, on May 13tH and called at his hot le and presented him with
n, LL. D„ will de- .e, testifying to the high
or want of space wo are
until .next week, a
1 sketch of Miss Will -
of the National W. C.
ole on Eggs, by Messrs.
rs & Co., of Toronto.
n our tioxt issue.
•loss—Tho list of con -
Huron magistrates due.
• is probably the smallest
listed of only four
magisirates. Thr
of 9120 and oosts.
$5 fine. But the
team, at Brussel:
and they are no.
the clubs at Wi
Clinton with rete
forn.tng a league
clubs would mak
doubt our boys
others in fordo
Does AND M.
and instructive
given in the T
afternoon and
Garvin & Mar
dogs, 'monkeys
should make it
producing and
Admission to
AWE —The baseball
has been re -organized
communicating with
gleam, Seaforth and
once to the four clubs
Wo think the above
a good league and no
will join in with the
the same.
a well-filled pet
esteem in whit
His Sunday
him a present
Mrs. McIntyre
present. We joi
many friend« in
him.every success in the West....
he was held by them,
hoot class also made
fou before his removal;
' 1 remain in town for the
with Mr. Mclntyre's
his locality in wishing
—Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to euro headache.
—Good FricI v.
—Sunday wii be blaster.
Points and plates any plough, for
05 cents Dash, at T. Ross'.
—Hen fruit will Buffer during this week.
Something nioe in Baby Carriages at S,
—The Faster travel commenced on
Thursday 'merlin i.
—The Tures is headgtiar
post cards and wedding st
Get your Lounges
—What are our
about the early el
Fresh oysters served in any style at
James MaKelvie's Star Restaurant.
—We have hada slight covering o
ton the ground till last few morni
A. new and choice 1.1 of
just opened, Look . t t
window. N. A. Fa
—A. now bus lie in Wingham is one of
the things for t e future, so rumor says.
rs for private
°red at Ireland &
nerchants going to do
ing question ?
arson. 21
loads of wheat to P
export to Liverpool.
Arthur J. Irwin, D. D, S., of Wingham,
visits Myth every Wednesday.
—,Judge Doyle he Division °curt here
on Wednesday. TI re were only a few
ewsee on the docket.
—Messrs, Kreuter • Oster 4tikye been in
town this week, llibiting find taking
orders for their •ayon portrait work. That the auo0unts of ,
They have appoin ed Mr. ,Tas, McAlpine nod firemen's salami
their general agent or this vicinity..N a council.
his advertisement i t another color , Moved by Connell'
Peaches and Cream ar not d"to take, by Councillor Menne
Two cans of the choice sliaed, ready Finance Committee
for desert, for 25 cep a, at N. A. V.''argq- ed. ---Carried.
harson's. 2 t Moved by Deputy
Mr. T. Hall, o the Advance, has of by Couuoiil,ir R:
counts of ,las 111cGn
rnoved his househo1 effects to tosva this $4 each .be pod.—Ca
week from Tara, nd will take up . his The account f.1
residence in Mr. J.
on Patrick street.
rtland this week, for
Firemou's salary
J 13 Ferguson, Sala
V Vannerman, salat
Jos Coad, salary
T Il Manuel, salary
'2 Chisholm, blueato
,Jas Brock, work, str
Jas It Irwin "
Winghaln Mee L C
Geo Hughes, work,
Chas Barber,
Jas MoGavin, bee°
A lirisbois, zinc and
H Park, polling roo
'Young & Paulin, su
Sobe C'•anr, rent W
WM Moore, work, s
(15 00
100 00
34 00
3.5 00
8 84
e, W W3 75
4 38
, lights, liar, , 34 1.k
treets 1 1333
0 45
5 225
upper, W W 0 00
Ont elec4 00
plies 3.2 5I
power, '971 00
Teets 3 50.
as McGuire, II. Park
s be referred to the
Ears—A yery amusing
entertainments will be
mperance hall, Saturday
evening. April '0111, by
e's troupe of performing
and roosters. Everyone
point to see this mirth -
fascinating performance.
fternoon, 5c. and 10c.;
M.ut1:IEn Ix Tn
from the Lincoln
March 10th, refe
son of Mr. John
House. The
many friends 1
happy and prosp
P. Dinsley and
were married at
Bev. R. N. Tur
bride's sister, A
the wedding par
spread. The yo
in Meir suite at
evening, IOc. an+ 20e.
WONDER who runs the old second-hand
Furniture Store in Wingham ?
iWoxnxn who runs a lottery fatee (a bottle
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.) of peas, corn and beans to guess at) as
an endudement to sell goods?
I Wosrm, how soon we may buy out another
opposition ? Last ono we bought was
Cornyn's, iu June, 1805.
Woemea who has the cheapest. largest and
best assorted stock of Furniture? First
time you are in \Vinghalu, just call at
the Furniture Stores and see if S.
ilkarriage Licenses
Issued by PRANK PATERSON, NO 23, Vic -
so! Etreet,Wingham, Ont. leTo witnesses
Gracey's is not tho best. wFww1 4t
on—By reference to the
another column, it will
nncillor Manson intends
aw at the next meeting
of the council, to provide for the sprinkling
of• ,Josophine sir t. Last year this work
was not properly done and elouds of dust
were blowing h Her skelter all over the
tld remind strangers that
tmo township instead of
t the council will make
agamonts at their next
elle carrying out of this
us have snob another
think by reading
that wonders woul
greatest wonder w
matter with our
vance of February
ungentlemanly an
upon us and our bus
up ever since. Any
been on the defence,
of this kind of thing
started it. Now, our
be very much exercise
especially our Guessin
he must be badly rat
such contradictory sit
made. For instance, i
when ho had full coutr
and Undertaking of oft
was no excitement or u
by stating anything th
then stated he had bon
iture and Undertaking
Ireland. Then a few n
he h(ts opposition and t
ingest). smoothly, he Ina
that he has stood
. otter of such opposit
10 years, perhaps forge
he has ever stood out a
was left to ulonopoliz
town, was when he bot
out, which was more t
the Timm of last week
statement which con
former, and says the
bought out was Corny
when he can buy out
No doubt he would do
he knows from exp
muoli better prices n
Furniture and Uti
our town and no 0
with. As for the
don't know what he
for our Gneseing
ahead with it just t
has the same chart
Parlor Suite; a cl
worth you buy.
weelts-behind wi
something else to
opposition or his
draw Prem this u . ,_----__- -
wo feel the pu tc don't appreciate right
Wusr--The following
Nolo. State Journal ,of
s to the marriage of a
Dinsley of the Dinsley
11E5 joins with Will's
town in wishing him a
roue wedded life :—"tion.
Miss Sallie M. Goodwin
o'clock last night by the
er at the Lorne of the
rs. Baxter, after which
partook of a bounteous
ng couple will be at home
he Windsor after March
art BIGHTS—One would
he Toanos of last week,
never cease. :Now the
have is, "what's" the
position. In the .d-
ein, he makes a very
uncalled for attact
ness, and has kept it
zing wo have said has
s we do not approve
nd never would have
opposition seems to
over our business,
Contest. In fact
ed when he makes
temente as ho has
your paper of '97,
1 of the Furniture
town, and the
tiling to be gal
t was of tr e, lie
ht o : Fero -
basin• s of Geo.
onths later, when
ings are not sail-
tes another state -
at or withstood. a
ns as us the last
ting that any time
1y opposition and
the trade of our
ght the opposition
ten once. Now, iu
he makes another
radicts both the
last Opposition he
in '95, and, wonders
another opposition.
it if he could, for
donee that. he bus
ren he controls the
'taking business of
position to contend
econd-hand store, we
is driying at, and as
melt we aro going
l0 sable, and everyone
for the Wateh er the
1nee with every dollar's
ow. as we are about two
1 our work and have
do beside ridiculing our
r Robinson, aeconded
y, that the report of
s now read be adopt -
Reeve Angus, second -
ding, that the ac-
re and Ii. Park of
Firemen's salaries
d. Iliscoclt's dsvellilig caused a great deal •f discussion, it being
r iliscook has mnved' claimed that Counci for Newton was not
d he will . • 1 Id, entitled to salary as , remail when he waa.
a Conueillor. The atter was laid over
nnister is the until the adjourned . eeting.
oke plow repairs Moved by Reeve 3anua, secouded by
T. H. Ross sells Councillor Ranson. that the Property
be ihstt ctFd to secure new'
stakes for use in,the •etnetery, as old ones
John pried.
Hanna, seconded by
hat Councillor Irwin
more Committees.—
his effects to Tara Ia
Hall's dwelling in hat place
Broken ear wheel and
right kind of stn t to
from. That is t
for 35 cents cast
Rooms, now
let int
hedMacdonald are ion bad state. C
Moved by Peeve
Councillor Hansoo,
TOWN MOLL. be placed 00 one 0
The regular monthl, meeting of the town Cott n. Kennedy h
Members present— Layer Ildorton, council was held cillors Hanson, Ne ton, Lemmex, ,Ken. a member of the P
Monday evening+) beloved by the 1 Coun9 tacY °him' Grahana, sidewalk c otractor, stating that I of Josephine street from the southerlyline in the if council would pa bine the 10 per cent. ! lirnit of J. E. S'wart ' property to railwayI at ear's track, the saute to b paid by the easessed
nedy, Robinson, Re ng and Long.
5110W The minutes of 1 t meeting were read Coun. Hanson ga
regular meeting of c mewl lle would intro.
s. and approved. *
A. communication was read from Mr. A. duce a by -lave, provi ling for the wcttering
Seeds! Seeds! Garden .seeds in any
quantity, by the ounce, pound or pareel,
setfihisbolnl's Drug Store:
=-Court Maitle. d, C. O. F., will hold
its regular meetin this (Friday) evening.
Private fonds to loan at lowest rates.
Apply to H. Davis, Wingham. 3m.
—Fall wheat is ••eperted to be darnag d
by recent frost in several sect"
Pickles ! Pickles 1
the best lines in
—The regular
School Board wi
evening next.
—Messrs. Me
their weakly eft
wood on Tuesdt
Tell everybody tl at
Ross is selling pi'
car wheel and ca
These points are
—A Poem ulade
feeting purposes
tor the County H
R A , !Icouncil
imintT i
Our Cluhhing List.
In order to sato our subscribers the trouble of
malting two or more remittances we have made
we aro arrangements
mitted to oiler the followintr publications io
totlnertion with the WING11AM TIMES at special
Sew n,9es freilt now until January 1st,1S00, $penal
clubbing' tater with all newspapers and magazines
quoted upon•applieation, Cle,it must accompany all
Times g125
and Weekly Globo, - •
Times and Western Advertiser, 1 10
Times and Family herald and Weekly Star 17G
and Picture
Tittles and Farmers' Advocate, . - 1 00
Times and !'arming, weekly, -
Times and Ladies' Journal, - 1 GO
Times and Montreal Weekly Witness, •
Times and r seniors' Sun, - - 4 e
'Times and Daily globe 3 00
Times and 1.(v World -
Times nod r ,.t itry Gentleman, 2 70
WINSITA'en Tiros. A lltAlIAIt.
intioducing a by
street, and it w
they had struck
a town. Wo tru
the necessary ar
meeting for the p
work, and not le
season as last way'
A l3xo Cur n Pnrois-•-i'xen's boots and
shoes half soled at from 40 to 50 cents a
pair; women's at from 30 to 40 cents a
pair. What enables me to work cheap is,
I have no rent to pay, no debts to pay, and
buy my stock for cash. The longest
established shop in town. A. few doors
west of Bitearts' hotel, Victoria Street.
s of
'10 s! We•have
t market. N. A.
onthly meeting of the
be held on Tuesday
onald & Burchill• made
ment of hogs o'tolling-
ygx{ see that T. H.
Dints made from
er for 35 cents gash.
ard and tough.
Generator for dim -
has been purchased
use of Refuge.
Dr. J. R. Macdonald is now per-
manently at home ane can be eon-
sulted by his patrons.
—The firemen jtad a run on Sunday
afternoon. A but
Wilson's, V. S., of
ing chime
ce was t
Yon would be sot;
pictures Ireland &
yy at John
a cause.
corning to him at ace
contract, the would t flow them 0 per cent, value of property,
- Moved by Goon..
the amount of
ton's have framed
since Now Years. There prices are all
business, we will with.
kind of thing, but we mauve the
—The West H
sioners will meet
for the purpose
the coming year.
Two more bales of n
trade just opened, an
prices, at Ireland &
{-M1ir. Edward
purchased Mr. 1!'
purchased the lin
Mr. D. Stewart'
Moved by Counc
by Reeve Hanna, tl
be accepted, provid
on License Commis -
n Clinton, on e 18th,
asses for sprit: g
sell at same
Haines. who recently
building lots
chance for the
Everyone has the
te at Ireland &
Watch or Parlor
wo—Itlehtry.oG" ebon.Y.W. .Cline visits Seaforth
neekly now, wher he is holding practices
for the production of the cantetit, "Queen
Esther," in that t wn in a fee. Weeks.
No old stoves or rotten t picked out
-in ineking the
of the fence corner' n
. Rose sells for 35
plow repairs that
.cents cash. All / e bard and tough and
tem ered in oil. •
—Mr. Abner Co zens, of Seaforth. was
tt Mr. Graham's offer credit of the School
he get the conseut of Ey-law No. 350, a
a. the borrowing of m
as also read from the expeoses, was read
r Co„ re the defective Moved by Coen.
wishes to return to 0011B, Readin,,,e the
read be adopted. -0
d Committee Melted bY Ceuta
feeding, seconded by
operty Committee. --
e notice that at peat
reported that they 1 ad examined the power DeputeaReeve Angt
house, etc., in conn ction with the water. instructed to mak
works and found he same in a yery frontage of an
satisfactory conditi n. November ; also me
That they had consulted with the which we exempt.
Messrs. Carr, re e tension of lease for Moved by Conn.
water power, and th y were informed that
the Messrs. Garr uld have a written
ag,reement to presen to the council at its
next regular meeting
That they could ot accept the pro-
positeon from the G tta Porcine Rubber
Cm., re returning of defective, hose, es
their terms were n satisfactory. We
want something mor definite from the
ootnpany before any a
Moved by Councilloi
by Councillor Long, th
Fire, Water and Light
read be adopted.—Can
The Public Works
as follows; —That in co
rains, weshouts had oc
parts of the town and
tion can be taken.
Reading, seconded
t the report of the
Committee as now
ommittee reported
esequence of recent
urred different
have only made
irs in many places
necessary repave. Rep.
srhoaodul;1 be made, none 1 evolving any great be taken ie ai o
expense—the worst spot being on Diagonal All are cordially in
The anniversary
with the Wingh
Gravel crossings in se eral parts of town
are in need of repairs.
further protecting wan r gutters, where i ... • ,
water course was over steep grade and' ver. y Pra°,t1c.,,DA -re
we are of the opinion thi t the same should agattitcLa• s'rilitlailv-e
lm paved.
ennedy, seconded by
e300 be placed to the
y-lasv to provide for
ney to meet current
hree times.
obinson, seconded by
the by-law lex jest
a, that the Clerk be
measurement of alt
Ike advertised last
surement of properties
Hanson, seconded by
Deputy -Reeve An us, that we do now
adjourn to meet op in on Monday evening
next, at 8 o'clock. arried.
Service will be h
be held on Sundey
preach the gospel i
next, at 7 1-30
vited to come.
This (Fridayytev
will deliver a le
church, on "Pulpit
ial Peculiarities."
Id in St. Peed's church.
pealed servizes will also
, evangelist will D. V.
McKenziels•hall, (over
•) on Sunday evening
All are cordially 10 -
titre in the 'Methodist
Oddities and Minister -
A silver Collection wilt
ited to be present.
That the queetion of s ewalks to be laid afternoon.
this year should be iyen immediate Nev. John L. R
attention and the piece laid on west side ei mr, een 11, Ker
of Minnie streeMoul be taken up and ana Ewa len E K
laid reeain at. proper leve away to the great
Thal the drain constri cted a number of in hie 72nd eear.
years ago along Alfre and Josephine the pioneer minis
streets was in bad shale and partly filled almond for some
good health until
up. They had left an e en drain in front
our sympathy to
roperty for the
silt pit might be bereavement.
aervices in connection.
in Methodist Sunday
n Sunday last. Rev.
tons to large emigre.
. gentleman also spoke
hool services in the
, bee of old woollen null
front of present. A. dreuch or
very advantageously co
convement point. on Al
refuse, which might ot
main drain.
Moved by Councillor
by Councillor Reedin
the Public Works 'Cot
be adopted.—Carried.
The Property Co emittee reported as
oenined the gates, fe cm, tie mile at the
cemetery and find th m in had .shape and
we recommeud Om iron feuce and
park and placed at tl cemetery.
That fitty more sl ado trees be phented
in town yestercla , looking for a imago in in. the cemetery this
which to move' e family. Mr. °enemies be removed and tha
That the old fence
has been appoin ed,general agent for this I eery
• wire fence be Leland
Assurance Co., and evklkopen offiee 1.)s, Councillor Lon
stracted at some
ed street to catch
°twist) lodge in the
Robinson, seconded
thet the report of
main() as. just read
dintriot for tit Ontario Mutual Life le' Moved ley Commit
here in the nen Mere. Ye welcome Mr.
defenci ourselves and our business as gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co,
Property Cotninitte
The Finence Corn
Jae McGuire, rent of
Ont sten
in front of cemetery
300 feet of Page's
Along front, of owe -
Reading, seconded
that the reeort
as now read be
Mee reported on the
rr, 'of Brussels, father •
of the Bruesele Post,
rr, of Hensel', passed
vond, on Sunday last,
eceaeed was 000 of
es and has been super -
ears. Ile Ited etijoyed
recently. WA extend
the redatives in their
Good Fridey. on't forget the melted
holineee meeting it the S. A. bat:racks thie
afternoon,. nt 3 p. • oleo the born at the
Grose at '1 p. in. Ile leeeter serviees
a resurrection kne Ail are invited.
A "fresh roll" wi 1 Le given to Cvery011e
who attende this early morning service.
On Easter Monde , et 8 pen., there wilt
be run up the ma explained, speeiat
songe are arrange( for this service, touch-
ing incidents will be given, etc. A good
time may be looltec forward to. The Army
aro malting peep, wanes to tepen ...up the
work in Skagway, Dyea, and lettweon City.
They will leave bont Mae and will he
followed shortly fter by BiN. more. Their
duty will be to at lel v1,111.4/44 nal needs
of the millers am enteral ter ,the sick
and dying and 0 ed vanes
33urenee," to ea •relitibie
and impartial to ts, ana
eftekle les or
Polling 1700111, %VIM may be in ant, ai