HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-01, Page 8!4:4 M 000 ca.marunsam....D SPRANG DISPLAY OF ------- NEW GOODS • •s CSI4 ‘1; 111 Ii0,2311S. IIE WINOJIAM TI1114:46,1 APRIL 1898. 0 X.F.ITER. '1111 11. KitLinI.MS011, ruysielalte son. Okik•ii, A si %00.11.7(3MITL iSt °lass iiouor oraduate ef ti Mayers • Chiehohn bloek. A cordial levitation next week. mesioai vonvg,..•; r TrinitY Medical 1 suree4ser to pr. ts. Groh on, liars ONT., The W. C. T. Be will meet Tuesday A fasy ',tumble wedding totk place ities of afternoon, DA, three o'clock, in the I. O. here on Wednesday. Particulars! , Trinity (Toro ,t), 'oven (Ku . ton). mid of Trim extended to all the ladies of the town. 1jy cameo and he,ft hr 0 Ooliese t,f etiveieluis Brent Hazelwood, who has been land smr,,,,,,, ot Oma • 11/4)4 Oradnate (tense in 'The review service% in connection with i i atteilding Trinity Medical College, i netreit and 011ie.() slid. Special attention paid the Methodist Sunday School last Sabbath : to BiSeflBet Oi Eye, Fria, Nuso and Throat. ond ) Toronto, was spendina• a . J.). s a st, b' , . few d. - . t n• -a• .s of Wont ni. lemisult•tion in Endlish and were a SlICOOSS, and were wellattended, t home. 0 email. Ite Ualarrlr, treated suceo g ally in all its forms. considering tile had weather. The reVi..3W Mr. F. V. Dickson was in Windsor. ! nni•Vive was conducted by three lady Rua last week, attending court, as official three gentlemen teaehers. 1 Between 150 and 200 good Sunday School reporter. It is reported tnat Mr. S. B. Mc— ! Library hooks for sale cheap. The books purchased the Mildmay have only beeu in se a short time. This . Kelvin has Woollen mi. is. is a splendid opportunity for some school ; • . Mr. Robert Ke Rae, of Sarnia, was I, otrice, 1 last week. A. D. 1,39i, th•ir nat rynoiiiresses end descriptions tbe full partienla, s r their claims ; if statement of ti As announced last week, the anniversary I their aeocurds and the nature a ttetquities (if any), serviets in connection with the 'Methodist 1 TIRED LIVING. ------ held hy them and notice is hercny giyen that the said executors will itmusdintely alter the last mem 1 1 reli will bo held el' Sunday next. Rev. Ten Years of Rheumatic Torture Kau dee,,,.,es annnw. the parties entitled thereto, Oohed day proceed to distribute the asiots of the EXECUTORS NOTICE. Pursuant to the statute in that elle% the 'rqed- itors of Nathaniel Holmes, late r the Township of Turoberry, in the tlounty o nron, and PV0Vhieu filiteein, )tretrum, diet on or about the ilith debiriOg to purchase a good cheap ,, undersigned exeento of e said deceased at Ilium dm of Feb., A D. 169 •equire.1 o amal to ti Full particalars by applying at the Time; renewing old act.intunto flees tnw", tale 0„ Ont,, cal • he oro eeill day of April, 100 B. Clement, of Clinton, will occupy pulpit both morning and evening. Rev. Dr Pascoe will take ,Ir. Clement's work at Clinton. In spite of the bad weather on Sunday, the meetings in the Army barracks were well attended. On elonday evebiug there i was quite a large attendance, to hear the : address. given by Mrs. Capt. Lightowler, on the S. A. work in 111(tia, cad judging Black Drc,,ss f.-)'-oods ; by the attentim given and the expressions , or a number who were present, everybody The e'loicost of imported goods in vseut away well satisfied with tho evening's the N •••-.N. Moire EC .r ts. Bea n liful ' prnceedings, rich dins in Brocades and in Silk. 1 On Good Friday there. will be a united mixtures. Many exclusive patterns , holiness meeting in the S. A. barracks, shown here for the first time at 50e, Icommencing at a p. in. kll christian 75e, 95e, $1.50, tworkers are specially iuvited. At 9 p. m. 1 there will be a special meeting, "One hour Colored Dress Goods 1 at the Cross." Everybody is heartily in- . vited. On Easter Sunday there will be IIornespun;, Poplins, Coverts, Silk . seecial services, commencing with a and Wool Mixtures and a magnifi- "Resurrection , Knee Drill," or "Sunrise cent array of Costume hes in 1 j Knee Drill," commencing at sunrise. every new shace at 5 , Cl7' , 85e, , la concert given in the lecture $1.00. RUBY VEIL IN STOCK. Had Sapped all Joy from South American Rheutn. Proved the Life Nee "For over tea yes from rbeuniat!sm. dies and wee und haring regard only' to the claims of whieh they butBlasi theu have notiee le Dated i III, :18th Idarch, 1S9X. W imam M esser and I rit e pl i Leech, Executors, Illuevale P. 0 A. AIORTON, Solicitor for Executors. was a sufferer ,ried may reine- reatment or best medical men, bet thing gave we any 1 hope of a euro. I procured a bottle of 1 2 acres of good ga 1 • • t is a 7-roorned house rain water cistern south hank or rive ham. Apply to FOR SA1.1) South American Rheumatic e effects on me were truly wondertul, for when 1 had taken but one bottle, every pain and symptom or rheumatism Lan left tne. I heartily lecononetici H. Sherman, Merrisburg, Ont. Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. N., BORN. 26th, the Wife of Martin Merkley, of a daughter/ v/Krrsolv—InWingliam, on March, 30th, the wife or Mr. R. Kitson, of a sons' NriCOLLTElt---ln 'l'urnberry, on NIarch 2ah, the wife or Mr.R.Collier, of Buffalo, of a daughter, • . .. manniEn • '; DEANS—WOODS—At the residence of I room of the Presbyterian church, under SILKS —Rich Black 13ro0acle Silk 1 the auspices of the Young People's Society Rev. 13.13. mmon, Wingham, on March and Satin Dresses at 50e, 75e and ! Ou Thursday evening of last week, was 30th, by the Rev. El. E. Mason, Mr. Wm. 1.90. Grand assortment of Silks 1 without doubt, one of the best entertain- Deans to Miss Mary Woods, both of Turnberry.er d Iments we have had in the town for many • 11 t ' .1 Dom-is—McDonnell—At the residence MERKLEV—In Wingham, on March for Illonsos and Shirt Waists. • i Shot Brocades at 455, 65e, 95e, and , a day. The programme was an $1.50. one and consisted of readipgs, recitations, ; songs, speeches, instrumental music, etc., 'WATERPROOFS -- Ileptonette I all of a Scottish nature, and the following and. Twee,d, silk lined, with Military i parties each took their part well : Misses detachable Cape, Black', Navy, Fawn M. Stewart, McKibbon, C. Fisher, E Mc. and Gra:, very choice goods from !Donald, Alba Chisholm. and Messrs. D. i 5,00 P1 $18.00. ! Perrie, G. NV. Cline, L. Fyfe, S. Gracey, SPECIAL IN CLOTEIING.—We13-as. McAlpine. The refreshments served are adding new goods to our stock . were all Scotch and the large number almost daily. Variety is the spice of i present enjoyed the evening's entertain - life. There 13 sufficient variety of i ment very much. The proceeds . of the amounted in the neighborhood Men's and Boys' Suits at this store I evening ; of !1135 and the young people are to be 000 - to suit all tastes. ; gratulated on the success that attended SAT IT RD AY B ‘VIIG- AINS — 1° 1 thcir efforts to furnish a first-class enter - Men's D. -irk Suits, snap, $2 75 ; 121 tainment. Boys' Fan,:y Suits, good, $1.25 ; 50 The review in the Presbyterian Senday pairs Men's and Boys' Fine Tan school last Sunday was greatly enjoyed Shoes. reg. it,,:2.00 for $1.25 ; 10 doz. by all who were present. The attondance Men's White. Shirts, all sizes, reg. was large, considering the unfavorable 81.00, Saturday 75e.; 30 soft ancl 1 v,,eather. After the openiug exercises, stuff Hats, extra fine. reg. $2.00, `Prof. Cline eang in his usual masterly Satu.rday $1.25. way, a most appropriate solo. Miss Splendid priee in Veilings, Kid \ Matheson then opened the review by Gloves, Laces, Embroidery, Hosiery taking up the three first lessons, after Parasols, Spring Capes, Carpets and 1 which Miss Winnie McDonald sang in charming voice. "One Sweetly Solemn Lace Curtains. I Thought." Miss Murray took up the Shop early at next three lessons, Then IVIr, Alfred G ' . Of the bride's r.arents, et Zetlan00 d. March 29th, by the Rev. D Perrie, Mr. Thos. H. Dodds. of Wingham, to Miss Charlotte daughter ot Mr. D. S. McDonald.! AeXSON—MUNDIII.—At the) Manse Bruseels, on V1Ted nesday, March 2.3rd, by Rev. Joh n Ross, Mr. Arthur Jackson ad Mies Amy Mundin, both or Morris.'/ doe nd on vvhich ta e, ; 40 bbl. n hard water, on own plot ot Wing - T. C GRAHAM, Grocery .tore, Chisholm Block. Gordan We offer the largest and most complete stock of fine, new Stylish Dress Goods. See them before you buy, or you may regret it. In general Dry Goods, every corner is just crammed with the newest and best lines obtainable. Immense Range of Ready-made SEED WHEAT FOR SALE. The undersigned has a quantity or good c:ean, Lost Nation Spring Seed Wheat for sale. Also a few bushels of Clover Seed. ALEX. KELLY, Wingham P. 0. From the REST MAKERS in Canada. Well made, well trimmed, and splendid fitters, and at prices that may well astonish the buyer. Take one line as a sample of our price. A nice line of Men's Serge Suits, all sizes from 36 to 44. well made, looks well and will wear well, at $2.95, good enough for the average politician to go to Parliament in. Handsome Spring Overcoats, tailor-made, cannot be ex- celled in style, workmanship and finish, for about half the price of an ordered coat. STORES FOR SALE The finest and best assortment of Boots. and Shoes, and at lower prices than ever offered. Our Teas were never stronger or more fragrant, and our prices, as usual, are the lowest. Alexander Dawson, deceased. oilers for We buy for cash in the best markets, get The administratrix of the estats of sale the I PrOMPt diSCOU.11t, and give the advantage to Two Stores in Wmgham now oceumed by Messrs. N, A. Far- qnharsou and W. H. Wallace, Oilers for the same should bo addressed to J. A. MORTON, Wingham, Solicitor for the Estate DIED. A akEr,r.—In Culross. on Thursday, March 17th 1898, Jane Wharton, helot ed wire of Peter Arkell, aged 50 years and 11 months. BLAIR—At Fenwick, on March 22nd, Margaret Murdoch, widow or Robert Blair, formerly oE Parry Sound and Goderich, nged77 years.; Mother ot Mr. G. F. Blair, Brussels. H WriC %Bows albratth gave in splendid form, "In Thy Love.' The next three lesoone were reviewed by Miss Farquharson, We shall he earl ti ive enntributions to this Mise Robinson took the three closing column from any of onr remirs. If Vell 31WP ViRi• then Miss Alba Chisholir in a clear sweet voice gave "The Better Land." EBRSONALS. yourself.and drop in lessons, Ea.ch teacher did her part well te , 114, or send US a 110t t. tl; that effect. 1 giving clear evidence o c tors 00 parrs:se unto.: a, 1 Mr. It -.1)t. Jeffrey left town this week for an intimate knowledge ot the central • II Iliay has returned home ficiin .thoug,hts or each lesson, and presenting ti them in a clear attractive manner. Mies illiegs,Montet K e layed the accompaniment £careful study R. J. DOBI keeps in stock all the leadi lines in HARD E Stoves, Paints, Oi Glass, Rope, and Binder Twi sgason. Just arrived, a consignment of ready mixed paints, Also ageint for Drayton Tile, sizes on hand, 244, 3,1 and 6 in*. Prices right. Give him a trial. his trip to Manitoba,V 1 Mc enzi p Mies McDonald, Miss McDonald Mi. arry Mr. Thos. Bell was in Toronto on for i played the accompaniment for Mr. Gal - business this week. Mr. Wm. Martin has returned home 1 braith, and MissKertie Ross accompani- i ed Miss Chisholm. from British Coi amble,. 1 Mrs McFee and Mrs Boegel left this week I NINETY DEATFIS. to visit in Ashland, Wis. iBear Silent Witness to the Ravages Mr. H. Chisholm is visiting 10 Toronto ' 1 of Kidney Disea and Hamilton this week. Miss Stowe, of Goderich, was visiting An alarming fact—but with friends in town during the week, that in post mortern exa t death from all cause th Mr. II. Ir. Chapman, of Ripley, visited with his brother, 11Ir. W. J. Chapman, last 1 cpernesten°tf. sts ease inent is berme out Mrs :las Louttit and Miss Annie are on son by most emit) s medical men. A 1 a visit to friends and relatives in Battle ' i warning to humanity that the percent- 1 age or those not cursed with kidney Queen's Block. -week. Creek. t taint is very small. South American Kid- I of Myth, a, couple of days , toren preventive -heals and pernifinently kidney disease is y/years of compari- 11 Webster 8z 00•9 sty iacredible state - every time. House and Lot For Sale. The undersigned offers his house and lot on Alice street for sale. The house is a nine room frame one, with kitchen, and there is a number of good fruit trees on the lot. For full particulars apply to JAS. WILSON, Wmgham. R. J. DOME WHITECHURCH. 7 or a uit < that will fit comfortably, look well, wear well, and. keep in good shape, you had. better go to Webster's FARM TO REHT. Lots 16 and 17 in the B Concession of the Township of Howick, (the Crocket Willits farm), will be leased to a good tenant for a term of years at a reason- able rent. Apply to C. H. Willits, Wrox- eter, or to the undersigeed. Dated this 7th day or Feb., A. D.1898. R. VANSTONE, Wingbam, Solicitor for estate or Crocket deceased. New Spring Goods and Samples of all the latest designs in Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges and Overcoatings to choose atirics show from. Orders tilled promptly at nations as to very low -prices. t in over 90 per 1 Mies Sparling was the guert of Mrs. NV. : toren Cure relieves in szx hours—is 00-1 Icures. Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. this ivi-!k. and. All Cralbraith v.,licelA to Bms:iels ou fl expressed hs• opposition to1 Saturday lat. railway monoply in British Columbia, Nti.,1 M..bel Kent and Miss Bender:ton land it is thought his influence may Aleu.s. rquimags„ Chas. Barber 1 Air. Minister of Reilways, left on Wednesday for Chicago, where they will visit with friends. Miss Maud Helps left on Tuesday morn- ing for Donycr, Col., where shewill spend fetv months visiting with her father. tcssrs Pobert Arbuckle, and Win. Gilmore, of Chiao, are visiting with rel e.tivci r;!il frietitli in mai oround ttle"4 "I th • leo go" -01-11-T1 carry the Kettle Valley Railwa.v charter in the Railway Committee. A. writ has been issued in the county court by Ann Davidson, florist, Montreal, widow of the late W. R. Davidson, We are paying the highest market againgt all the .iprices for good sound saw logs of ti.1.,0 II, the price of the wreath or.1 c,,,bn1101 ben clerk dered by them to be placed on the every coffin of the late Sir John Thcmpson description. Wingbe,ne at the lirititsvi lqetel for 11a last year ) as a token of their affection and es - and a hair, tett eti Weatleeday fta• Harris - teem, and for which they have never km, where he setlUlA SittlAti011 AA iI paid. clerk in the Royal betel of that place. WINGHAM the benefits of our customers D. M. GORDON. P. S.Highest prices paid for Eggs, Butter, &c. RR HOE STORE. GES I am still getting in new goods, and will soon have my large stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks and Valises 1/4,, competed which I have bought of the best manufacturers, and of the best material, as I have been in business for 25 years and am a practical boot and shoe maker and know just what I am selling you, and mean to sell you good goods at the right prices. All rips sewed free of charge in all goods bought from me. Repairing and custom work neatly done. VOL git We and se linery shall are su the mi we ba Our turcec her tb don Creatic COMO to api Th cha at 16s yard; are are s the h the c ever Miss Dres prier good • 6 Having opened. up a shoe store next door north of Chisholm's Block, I am now ready for repairing, which will be clone at cash prices. JOHN HILL. (G0OD'S OLD STAND). INGHAM SS9 LAUNDRY MILL LOGS IICS! J. Gr. IC...A., aisver-]Es. STEP& MoLEA.11 lk SON. WINC{IIAM. Opp. Union Factory. Our laundry plant has arrived and we are prepaeed to turn out first•class work in all lines of Laundry Work on the Shortest For the convenience of customers, a DROP 110X will be placed at the door to receive work when laundry is closed. CAVE US A TRIAL . with your next order. T. D. LONG IC Spr Th ISI SO. re Piano, Organs, Violins, Autoharps Accordeon, Mandolins Mouth Organs at all prices up to 62.50. Al' kinds of tiimmings for Musical Instruments. MUSIC BOOKS AND SHEET IVIUSIC. We can supply you with anything you want. Sewing Machines and Sewing Machine Supplies. FAMERS—Don't forget that 1 still handle all kinds of Farm Im- plements notwithstanding that reports are circulated to the contrary. Meyer Block, 01 T. H. ROSS opposite P. 0, •