HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-01, Page 66 THE WINUI AM TIMES, APRIL 1, 1898, SA,131111.TI1 SERVICES. C'� tug gill `' met' i C s i ld Cl;I�BIYSS. A MODEL DAIRY. 4 t tl Wednesday, 11ia1't it :)th, lilt. j AN INTERESTING ',KI'rt'1I OD ANNAN- u , tall Yuill of Culross, and. Miss DALE FARM, TIL SoNlitt1111-�-1IIB Li11Lan 11Jay Campbell, daughter of RE(`one 01 every etve cowl,. r 1tIDAY, APRIL 1, Ialae. � t Robert of esw..ter, 1 hiCampbell T1lsoubmir cori•csporidem a St. Thomas Journal, 110WICK. 4 were united ill marriage.Ttle set e- , Qpe of the institutions in which many took place in Culross at Wel every citizen ot Tf)soiiburg takes <> The township council met in the future home of the young people and i , ti every citi a pride and which is a township ball, tlorrie, on March, 16 - was performed by Rev. Jas. Malcolm. ' favorite resort for visitors from all pursuant to adjournment, }The bride was dressed in pale blue i Darts of the country, is Mr. 1'1, D, Members all pi•esellt, the Reeve in cashmere, trimmed with lace and ; 'i'ilson's Annandale Model 1'artn, the chair. opted. s of last meeting ribon. Mies teed as ter of bridesmaid, Here one finds. every department of bead any adopted. glean, who c farming carried on on the most Moved by DOI and Finley that , was dressed in cream cashmere scientific principles, and soil which is 60 be paid to Jas. Perkins, treasur- • trimmed with silk and lace. Mr. be° no means naturally fertile is l �;r tor the money advaneed to �.�l::a.' melts, of Morris, was Mr. lulls>i transformed into vcritablo gardens After the The beautiful residence, the massiF �'aclfkal<i., assessor, and that tile. Dal-- gl•ut.mslll'lit, Guests to the numb. loftywater tower and tbe dice of his salary b paid to James of about 75 were present, barn, the Perkins when the assessment roll is wedding dinner had been partaken ne)t, piggery at naso attract the eyes teompleted, and handed over to the of, the young people spentand the well laid out fields at,d tbe ,a lerl, . ing in dousing and cities, ed thein' 1 beautiful ed by Spence and Gregg, t"at selves very ulueil avenues of maple: are • things of beauty and a perpetual joy. Matthew Sharpie receive $S as char- • Onl' rida� of last week the people of s Perhaps of the most interesti)>g fey.- Carried. Teeswater and surrounding country features is the dairy, with its splendid -Wm. Dane waited on the council were surprised and snoetted to learn stable build-wanting a pr'ivele'ete on Mill street to of the sudden and unexpected death 1 which is well fitted up with herd of well selected cows in a ey- build a break water. of Mrs. Peter Ari�eil, of Cuirass. She ,thing that can conduce to animal Moved by Finley and Doig that had for some time been a sufferer ; comfort The methods of cooling the matter be left over till next from asthma, but it was tbe bursting and bottling the mill: which is sold meeting of the council Carried. of a blood vessel on the evening of in the town ; the separating of the Moved by Gregg and Spence that Thursday that caused her death. i cream and the conducting of the fey law, No, 2be read the third The end cause so Soon that she was , fresh skim milk to the cti cting; series and ;come and passed.—Carried. dead long. before a doctor could bei calf ens; the operations of churning The poundkeepers and fencevieiv- procured- Mrs. Arkclt was the and packing of butter are all worthy cels for '98 were appointed. Accounts second daughter . ef Rcrbt. and Eliza' of study. The butter has gained a high reputation and many of the Gassed. ,Toss s esso s, ,obt. Jamey Wharton. who was born in the' most prominent institutions of the advanced to assessor ; Robt. Jamie• Township of Enunosa, and was ; from son, $100, material on bridge ;Thos. married and removed to Culross; country receive their supply Nash, $15, balance of salary, print- Township in 18666. Besides her bus- ! this dairy. Visitors to the farm bag for 1597 ; Matthew Sharpie, S bend Sts sons and a daughter mourn unanimously pronounce the herd of .as charity ; A. Mitcham, $1, repair- her lass. She was an estimable ! fifty-five sleek and handsome cows as ing culvert ; 0. Rogers, $1 repairing woman and will be missed outside of ane of the best in the province. It bridge; It. }toss, collector for west her own family circle where her; represents years of careful breeding Division, $62.50, salary and postage ; unleoked for death has caused the. and selection. A large number of E. McGrath, 1.?5, lodging for two deepest sorrow. The funeral took the cows are of the Ilolstien variety :tramps ; Thos. Bennett, e4,. balance place on Sunday. the impressive ! in full on Day drain, 1896 ; E. L. services being held in the Teeswater with a g;aod fmixtlire of Shorthornblood, Both Mr. Tillson and :Dickenson, 1, legal advice. Ep•i et pal ell,.l ch. The remains . his manager, Mr. John D. Mac - Moved by Doig and Finley, that were followed to their last resting lean, believe that every animal tthe council do now adjourn to meet place by a large number c•f the should pay its way, and a careful again in the Albion Hotel in Ford- friends and neigllbers of'the deceased_ ` record is kept, with the result that wish on the third Wednesday in April. LIZZIE W' T3.E% Clerk. lkl> '11101)IS'I --- hays I)r. Pnreoe, pas r tor. 5 (triit QV In0 am tulles I ry •' ' at 11 a m tinct 7 p m. -its euta •;111.0• 1 . �� tie ' "l;1tI:l,.t-- lee+v. D. le t e to calf on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, \Vingham. They are the agents for the celebrated W eunore Truss. WHY THE WETMORE IS THE . 11 a. HSI:" FOR YOU . p •:tot Services at 11 a Ill and i p M. Lowe, rector. Services at 11 a m and I p iiAl'TIST•--Heys Jas. Hamilton, pas-! tor. Service's at 11 a in t+nd 7 p Ct 'N.WI tE(A.T1ONAIa--Revs Ii. I'a. Mason, pastor. Services itt 11 n in and I 7 p m. C1-IIIISTIAN WORKERS -. Misses 1 Outram and Loch in V ,rnuland, Services at 3 p nt and 8 p tn. tiALiv.TION ARMY_Adjutantht:iles . and wife in command. Services at rn "pus and 8pm, pa ]E' EPISCOPAL, pit. Paul's -Rev. Wm -1 If so it I� youl .1c11rliltan In each or the ahove named churches SabbathbLSabbathSchool is held at ,? .3 ,0 A in.• Eefore. After. WOW'S Shos1 oai71e, The Great Engtish Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reit. able medicine discovered. Six 1 „1 ..,•� ..packag'es guaranteed to cure all s of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse eess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To. o, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt ce, one package $1, six, $5. One will please, ill c 'e -Pamphlets free to any address. form or ex bate of pri six/a Indians of Bruee County. all that do not reach a prescribed :standard are ruthlessly weeded out. Frcm the aalnuel report of the De The following is a record of the herd LL'CTNO'tT. partment of Indian affairs fur 1397, ' of fifty-five cows for the past lesson De- we glean the f )lowing ini'orrn ni 11 - which should be of interest to dairy - A large number from this section ;ezmeereing the Indians DI Bruce Hien and will furnish a means of tom have left for she west. cranny. As the Inose of our readers parison between different herds. The The partnership heretofore exist- aTe aware. there are two bands c:f , average time milked by the herd ting between William Cameron and Cb ppawa Incl :ns en reserves In vas eleven months and twenty-two Peter Smith, as iinplemee t agents in Renee, $:De. on v,i:t3t Is knr'gvn as the days. Tho aggregate weight of this village, bas been dissolved and Sa,goer. ;Dill? a ;1._er tilthe _>av+ash milk given by the herd was 563,307 the business will in :Ware be carried or e : )p ° ,-'r% 11F's'- a..'n -e'-' T'urn=e'r ills representing 22,980 lbs of butter. on by fir. Smith. there .'ire =`.) and cell tie ?.atter 373 i The best cow bas beaten her 1 ewrd Mr. Andrew Jinrdorh ci:i.ed dra &iaver:;I> t?i:t pay. By de- of last year and gave in ten mouths Galt Toronto Islet -- c --s—d •l4 d twentyd 17,731 lbs of milk S1 Dru 1. Because it is dangerous to be a moment without one. ' 2. It will haver rust and is conse- quently durable. 3. A person wearing t '4 etmcre does not find it a bother. • 4. We will guarantee to hold in position any redueible rupture. 5. This truss cannot possibly move after adjustment,. 6. Some of our townspeople can "' , testify to its merits. The Wood. Company, Windsor Ont. •EVE1tY 1'ItIDAY MORNING --Aar TIIE- TIMES OFFICE JOSEPHINE Erre •t' WIN Cr ONTARIO, Subooription rale e, $i per year, in advance ADVERTIbiNti HATES - Space 1 1 yr. 1 ii mo. i 3 mo. l mo, So d in 1Vinghaul by Colina Campbell, 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money ggist. refunded. _ m GORDON8z 00. SpringP m a m 1. i�lICtO0fa The clogged -up machinery of the system requires cleaning out after the wear and tear of the winter's work. Nothing will do this so thoroughly and perfectly as the old reliable urdock rig; od m M��� of HAMILTON WIN.GHAM. One vnluirnl boo 00 340 00 52it 00 $8 00 Half " 40 00 20 12 00 • 6 00 Quarter "' 20 00 12 00 7 00 3 00 Ono Weil 5 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 Legal and ntl.e1 CAM I (milrtisement. 8c per line for that inset tion,and 30 per line ()reach subsequent threaten. Measured by nonparai scale. f.oaal notices 1Oc. per line for 11rst insertion, and 5.e. per lino for each snbsequent lnser•ticr. • Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations and hu mei. UIiances Wanted, not exceeding 8 line , ,i puleil 1 for first month and 50c, for each eubsegoe, t month, (louses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 line. 51 for Stat month, Eta!, per subsequent month Larger advertisements in proportion, These tonne will bo strictly adhered to Special rater, for larger advertisements, or for longer periods. JAdvertieemente and local notices without special) directions, will be inserted till forbid and charge' accordingly. Tra,,situry advortisemente must be paid in nclvanca Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by Wodnenday noon, 10 order to appear that weak Ft, B. ELLIOTT, PuomBinee ANL UBAt1HElt Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, $725,000 President—Joux P.T0ART. Viee•President-A. 0. ' RAMSAY. JOHN PROCTOR ti EO. ROAOI1, Wit GIBSON, P, A. T. WOOD. A. B. LED (Toronto). Cashier -J. TURNBULL. 1 Savings'Bank-Hours, to to s; Saturdays, 10 Deposits of $1 and upwards received and tercet allowed. Special 7yeposits also received at current ! rates of ir..arast. Drafts 0u creat Britain and the United Statue bought and sold It cures Constipation, Sick Head- i W. OORBOULD, AGENT aches, Feeling of Tiredness, and all E L.DICKINSON, Solicitor. the evidences of Sluggish Liver and Impure Blood, which are so preva- lent in the spring. It makes rich, red blood and gives buoyancy and strength to the entire system. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted I�. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SVLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest interest. No commla ion charq:o. Mortgages, tow and farm property bought and sold OFFICE --Beaver Block WInGliAM _ — AT REASONABLE RATES --• Money advanced on mortgages at 6 pet contwith privilege of paying at the end of any year. Note The coinage of One cent pieces mei accounts coilooted. netted the Government a profit 011 Roar. IizoINDoo. $6,911 last year. Altogether One 1 Deavor Block Winecham, Ontrit;llcis in a t Ana oron .W5 n.,; ;;_n ;.s they a million of these handy coins were _ xll days minted in England for the were •, :week. ?i:ets :=1 �• I.1 mala A_:�tl='-Dries, ex- ; of the stand.I l d v 110 of butter fat, g 0ILAND TRUNK -RA.L' WAY. 'lits Robe hlatherson, of the Brucecell ,_„_,:e win gat ea,a3tvn as an `making 7Gfi lbs. butter for the season. , Government. We'paid ° 1,710 for Peninsula, visited under the parental 4.7..€ -.e'] -2. -:-In.. The Methodists number { makinDividing fifty coves into five groups the metal, $1,000 for manufacturing;!_ — 0EPAl1T A1IBIVE roof last week. 5.., :J. id 1:aymarl Catholics 276. The 1 they are classed as follows : Group 1 and the freight brought the total I Toronto and East 03 53007). mm. 310052.+ppm. m Mr. Allan McLeod has put in tetell s;.;st of the Government of Can -averaged 13,722 lbs. milk, 31. fat, cost up to w$. $.1.0,0003,109 for 0,000 worth three new drivers in his livery barn. adi.a f.r the Cape Croker Reserve is making 560 lbs. of butter ; group 2 Miss Ethel Webb, the famous $.1'3,373.57. al,d the Saugeen Be- averaged 11,887` lbs. milk making elocutionist and Mr. W. Graham serve, $19,383.23. As it might be 482 lbs. of butter ; group 3 averaged iudgson will appear in the :own of interest to cur readers to know; 10,809 lbs. milk making 441 lbs. of ball on the evening of . April 7th, bow this money is spent, we will i butter ; group 4 averaged 9,453 lbs. under the auspices of the Epworth quote a few items. For his bi- : bilk making 386 lbs, butter ; group League. annual inspection of the three school `. 5 averaged 7,587 lbs. milk malting districts on each reserve, Inspector : 310 lbs. butter. The. 50 cows thus Geo. nning got J 147.`30 ; Messrs, ! gave 534,580 lbs. of milk, and '.:1,• Geo. Elliott and John Erwin, Do' : 790 lbs. hurter. The average for minion land. valuators, $150 ; the ' the 50 was 10,691 lbs. of milk and six school teachers average $300 4136 lbs. of butter each, The 5 pool'- each ; and the two medical students . est cows averaged 5,743 lbs. of milk get e500 and e350 respectively. The ' Cape Crocker Chief receives $200, 23,1 lbs. of butter and the average of entire herd of 55 was 10,242 lbs. of the Secretary $250, and each with -mill; and 418 lbs. of bluer. This is chlor „'3O. On the Saugeen reserve a record in which Mr. 'ter. n takes there are two chiefs getting S150 a just pride and with all the great each. The councillors get the same trilling and other industries that he as on the other reserve. The chief tledrill his sons are indus ri on, he expense is in the pensions allowed takes his ole relit when •sapet'in- the Indians. The :gnaws that have tendines' its olet snails. The farm is the most euphonious names are ' a fine g its (t lesson to the whole Nancy Poshequawedong and Julia neighborhood and the calves are in 1lashe eakersn„ . Besides the above ` great demand by those who are de - jaw -breakers one dusky maiden 8.11'0118 of improving their stock. bears the name of Hannah Nie 1- dtmus, but we are u out her relationship to the rich young Pharisee ruler. of copper coins. These were dis- tt ibuted as foll;)ws : 500,000 at Toronto, 300,000 at Montreal, 100,- 000 at Halifax, and 100,000 at St. John. liable to find I For Over Fifty Years. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDY- - ' AMEDY-- • Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has • been used for over fifty years by mil- - mothers ft.r their uhtidreu whsle teothtnsr. wtth perfeetsuccess, It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic. and ie the best 1lonledy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to , the taste. Sohl by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five dents is bottle. Its value is lncalu,.ble. Be sure 1 and risky for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing To Cure RHEUM 2/7ZSIVE Z `Y'n� Bristol's SARSAPARILLA IT IS . PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER WILL BM Ask foar Drug ;nt or t cokr Cor it SA:RSAP Iih1LAe CITES TIE WORLD ��0 D Rheumatism Banish- ed Like Magic. Palmerston mixed 8 53 •t in 3 05 p m London and South 6 53 a m 11 10 a m aBCpin 800pm Ii incarcliue 11' 10 a to (i 50 a m 3 30p m 3 30pm 1025pm 830a 1 WINDHA�I, J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c., ifIngham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. 800101100 TO BANE OF IIASIILTON. HONEY TO LOAM. Office -Meyer Blonk. wingham. ltd G, CAMERON, BARRISTER, soneaTOlt, coevesANOER, &A Office -Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streetsl opposite Colborne Hotel: GODEa10H, ONTARIO. • DENTISTRY. -J. S.;J EROM 8, L. D. S.,wrxoni. . teeth asfehuap as hey can ba made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed perie>tly sato. OFFICE: In the Beaver" Block, oppollto the Brunswick House. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. s„ D. S., Doctor of Dental Sutgcry of the r'onnsyh.in Dental College OFFICE---MACDONALD CLOCK. Noi'i-V 111 visit Blyth every Wedn••aday. JOHN RITCHIE GENERAL INSURANCE AGtNT i�-i�q-Irs ' Tho Beautiful Life of MIs C It`d 1 1� %Villard " by her sacrctavy and °NUN Tho !sc. ' 1 �. DEANS, J a., �'INaann 111111; ,/^ _ ''"' is cu litA erary executor, Anna A, Gordon ; introduction a' -Cs o�K4s4 every !by Lauy Henry Somerset ; ]ells to everybody, Great "4441.- ,�,� wrapper;, snap. Prospectus fifty cents. Boles on time. i BradloyGarretson Company, Limited, Toronto. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR salt COUNTY OF HURON. Mr. Ben Switzer has sold bis farm Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge on con. 10, Goderich township for ,Moderato. $4,1300. Mr. Switzer intends remov- lug to Clinton to reside. A Marv©tIc .4s Statbrnent--- Ro- Syrup, and take no other kind WIITGH M Why isn't a man a thief when hesTEIN pll� o Ks hooks hi:s wil'e's dress. Elijah Brown, a darkey, 112 years old, died at Woodstock on Monday. A Tr .nesse town has been named "Poetry." It is supposed the citizens 011050 that name because it didn't rhyme with anything. ilei from One Dose. ; AII. 11. W. Sherman, proprietor of tits Tart of Idly Apparel.. Sherman house, Itorrisbnrg, Ont. Is known by thousands of (:anadktns, tense the fol. ; "Seo here," exelaimed the custom towing statement from Mr.Stiermrin win house Ofllefal as he held up a half "I been cured of rheumatism Of ten be read with great Interest and pleasure. dozen black bottles, "1 thought ;you years'v xtanding in three days. One bottle Said this trunk containeil nothing but of SOrTIt AMERICAN 1tlt'AN itlint tA'rlrl wenringC apptiyet '?" The eftec tssroffltt a first dose remarkable f 14out1,� nerl- '�rphar'S what 15aid,'" answered' can lthnumatic nCure were truly wonderful. I the team,. have only taken one any sign of the rem- Well, what do yon. Call these i'" ! Uand noir smhaven't ttnr sign of ?hermit- • I� tisni in stir sget1'in. It Mil Ion, 1000,' gond l then aii Hui doctoring I tvrt ala in my asked the official. arc.^ -.-:u. 1 "Nightcaps," Was the C4tltn reply. £1Qld at ,Chiel elm's Drag Store. ' —Chicago News. ITCHING PILES. Some time ago I was completely. i•'naps.citatod for bu=inane by Ii f Chase's Ointment boughtox Drug; Store, and on applying it was relieved at once. r have given it to others and e't have been 1 elieved. It baa cured emno that had uWM.'LI4ITloperation. Calade:Ass Ont. CURES CUTS BURNS CHAPS CHAFES SCALDS, STINGS' BITES HIVE DINT ENT' oil r SALT Rtil3tJNi ANO CURES PILES ECZEMA SALT RHEUM SCALD 'HEAD ITCH- ING I havo used DnChate'l Oint- ment Sor Salt lthetnit and E,esoniti and it bas worked a wonderful Burn for ale. I taken delight in reeommrndingitto&IL 1a11ltotsc1 with these akin torments :v I�iYIij•N MoittAxON, Munson, PEA, (.. 2itae,4o.f+,elldaE t) enean,tia'exk Toronitlo., AU TEEL UtViciq itILL r 1L .... lMYl: MIA toyi•os1 THAT '''S 111.1.1 S, having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the public with Wood and Iron }'orce and Lift Pumps, Drags and Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed. Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, Uaths,Pipe .Pitting, 'well Digging and everything in con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power MO pumping water. Deep well pumps a speciality. • Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by marl should always state depth of well. All work guaranteed or no ea1e. 0. MORNDIGSTAR 13't 140 Winghattl, Ont. OEN CURRI] , WINOnAM, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Saes of Farm Stock and Farm Implemeu specialty. All orders left at the Timis office promptly atten. ' ed to. genas reasonable. • SOCIETY MEETINGS. S. O. 0.—camp Caledonia, No. 4i) meat tho first and third Monday in, 000ry rltenth, in .°he Odd Fellows Hal.. Visiting brethren wulccm, J. Murray. Mist. D Stew tlrt Ren.•See ANTED, Farmers' son`s or other Industriontlet porso05 of Pair edunation to :tom $00 - $00 n month would bo an inducement. l eonld also, engage a few ladies at their T. II. LINSCOTT, Toronto. WANTED CHRISTIAN `MEN AND WOMEN: to introduce "Glimpses of the Unseen," tho most marvellous boob since the publication of the Bible Revealed religion demonstrated. Supernatural fact of the Bible no longer in doubt Rev. Dr, Austin is the Editor ; Dr. Badgley, Professor of Philosophy Victoria t,Ihdishy, writes the introduction. The contributors ate scholarly and devout men among whom are Rev, Dr. Thomas Judge Oreo, , Rev, G. W. Henderson, Rev. Wm. Kotiloweil,.1. II Coyne, SI, A,, Chaplain Searles, Rinnirelist Crossley and many others. Contains experiences of Wesley, Mark Twain, Dr. thickly, W. T, Stead, nod a host of similar men. The veil scpal'atina the spirit land is drawn back Se that all may at least have a 'glimpse.' t'ull bound oanvasstng hook, .1 coatis ; Werth tiyice- that, Experience noneee0cary. Books on luno, Big commission, Sells on sight, BRADL1i1.GARItETSnx Co., Tottearu, Oa?, • JOB PRINTING, TNCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Prostate, it 0 .1. Iioads, Circulars, &e., .to., executed in the heat style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address Il, 0. ELLIOTT. T 1154 0010, Winghabl BOOKBINDING. We are pleased to announce that eny Books et mugatinas tett wan us ter Similar, will hive out prsrnptattention, Primes for BindiaginraninIy WI* will be given' on applteetion a the Thee egos . It :18ola gt itt, 1 0 two tButllc Sierr. ""C -and I' '` �nont,' ; "Bn to u8. 8omo'� belle blufiir Snapp' to rev called ' A ,IB you a t1�en able Wort! dor a: "5 11 Rddii ever+ or t court ,r' Lola r i"1 l you l xapl t I'm sots 1 post tion ' ter 1fr0I ! ang Sir :K 800 f `.Phi th nee nal wa inn an be; by IID Ar 1 WI , ea an se It 'te ti t of 11 is I i, .it) ttr a: 11 t II id is .J • I l