HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-01, Page 3L\1 Offl3llfflg all 1 1 Ti.. E i 'iN (RAMNM 'FJ ES, APRII, 1, 1898. Saeredtess of rove Betrothal. I ! 1 t (O;tilai' ALCOIIAI, 'w1IP(.".103 MQILE I,tvls6 a 'i'lIR'Y Ii1{t)iS:1.N k:N(iAGT:A1t»�`!,'S. iV� In the April Ladies' home Journal Edward W. Bole writes on "The Ammer of .a Girl's Life," discussing The Sloan !the allegation made against the 1 edieine Co„ IIamilton, Guelph, Nov 3rd, 1897. e. American girl that she thinks lightlS Dear Sirs, .-- i her betrothal, i'or years I was troubled with y every Sunday, and used nd was treated by almo e doctor told nye it tary and incur and am 1 ne bot d.yes of the impol tante c f l being affected use "The betrothal," Mr, Bole asserts, advertised as cures, "should bo just as sacred as the without any relief, marriage. It is the gravest of t e another said, it was hers 9s Celery C()two S After Dactors nd Hospitals Fail Man's limbs erg Lfteiess and Uzetess and He Cnuld Not Stand two steps which bind two people to try Sloan's Indian Toni, together', because it is the initiative. gave immediate relief, and Only the most extraordinary circum- This was three years ago and stances justify a brealtiul,rof the also troubled with asthma and betrothal, Only one other agency Tonic. I can heartily recd in life--alcohol—is responsible far particulars to any one affil' CiiticalAmord broken hearts and wreet�ed; of r woes Prostration old Ext. e mives than l,roken ngagements. d�u����Most Case�! �, . is highly necessarythat our girls should hat e a perfectly clear idea of ; { Ess—� a� � � Bnnenaould sightN lateen. if it is a betrothal in the sight of God. A hasty impulse, the tem por- -- ary swaying cf a tumultuous, youth -1 �O ����of Paine's Celery 'fill passion, the confusion of admit••- IVIr . Deschamps S�, c; "After the0 0 Six esanon for affection, the mistaking of Compound am a CuPOd Man." (respect for love : these are not safe' .grounds for betrothals. s It is Ito the credit of a girl, in the eyes of ,3,HE A�!SPRING EDI��IE MAKES�'ErJP�,E-''£�'�'. Imen, that she has been engaged two or three times. Girls should '•eulem- JIy limbs were numb and useless, and ber that. Too often they think that 0 ii t erwi a , pe: hap, o alone. 1 was under the care o1 several not care. But men dos that is, the riodical sick headaches, 11 the remedies that were every doct0'in Guelph but. as caused by a weak stomach ; le. I was induced by a neighbor ppy to say I did so. ,A few doses o and a -half made a complete care. e eadaehes have never returned. I was thing helped me like your Sloan's Indian it to all, and will be glad to give any as. en ed as I W, C. KEOGH. For sale by 611" dealers, w or addrese the Compan at Hamilton, Limited. y $1,00 per buttle ; 6 for 1$5.00, At the present time there are many thousands ot men and women in Cana - :da who aro sutfering ranch the same as did b1r. T. Deschamps, of 248 Atwater Ave., Point St. Charles, Montreal. Such sufferers may now rest assured that the same medicine that made NIr. Des- -Champsa well man will bestow the same gift --good health—to others. Mr. Deschamps' marvelous cure by the ✓ se of Paine's Celery Compound, after failures by doctors and hospitals is al• riel ward, Montreal, for the cured man has norm- ceased to sing the, praises of the remedy that restored him to health, : Mr. Deschamps writes a follows "Having been a great sufferer for four years from nervouzrnt•ss and weakness, and having been completely cured by Paine's Celery Compound after failures with all other means, I desire to make the following statement : "I became so bad from nervousness and nervous prostration that .t was un- ✓ eady known to tunny hundredsin_t.Gub- able to sleep or assist myself in anyway. happy marriage. It has darkened 1 p� g1't a are in a position to turn out for a lung time 1 was not able to stand men feel otherwise, 1 • l doctors in Ottawa city, but then treat - 1 en wort!] marrying. A man looks meat• diel not better my eonclitiont"s4t-n girl as he dues ter eoming•to Monti£laat•I waw n.• paint upon an oft -engaged g e in the Western FIositit l,iliut aster t,Wee upon a peach with much of the bloom ��� � months' treatment !'left thew no Pieter. {rubbed r ff. Besides, men generally 1 thank Heaven that I was advised to I cor,clucle that there i' something use Paint's Celery Compound. This a ch a girl. The right' d work fromthetime I used the first I kind- of a e n 1 will betroth o1 'equ re tati.nery? C 1 T! I Wrong with suet: g h` great medioino commenced to do its hherself goo e+ ' bottle, and now, after having used six I but once..c\n unhappy betrothal can • bottles, 1 am a cured men.'. I be jest as keen a sorrow as an un- +ffi___ - • Too Late I Why He Went Blad. THE OBS'ERVAI'T MA.EASTER the life of more, than one woni.An. upper Lunatic (in dreary monotone)—I THE DISCREANCt L�7 Cn4I1'U`CING THE man' mytea lean- r . rtl 1. Fput it in m pocket tenni•UNTIL`' '-':••�� I ; • ra fnv£n f used r. h not y p ; �» :t:: ]lea, ,3 ,—I' s pleased very to say that 1 enutuler thew superior o; A young fain upon whose head , DATE WAS NOT Rk2�'4TED I Yorkville biro Station, lip the: first faint signs of adole3cene cannot put it on o� er 1 t T ]t l T� -�:'; Toronto, , ata£ 3 , '9 bad begun to manifest themselves, I t> Chase's' ac's had become deeply enamored of a maiden several year: his senior. Ills home, and hers as well, was in an ambitious' college town in the middle west, among whose municipal regulations—but let us not anticipate. Ile bad been under the influence of the tender passion for a period certainly not less than four weeks, ,and could wait no longer to know his fate. One eventful evening, after -walking up and down the sidewalk in front of her home until nearly 9 ,o'clock, he went up the doorsteps, rang the bell, and was admitted. The young lady received him in the parlor, and without 'loss of time he declared himself in the most int• passioned manner. There was a brief silence. Then the deep tones of a distant bell were heard. ltt:n him *Harry,' she said, p� g gently on the head, 'there goes the curfew. Come earlier next time. Good night' BRIG•E•I`P'S DISEASE BEATEN. Mrs. John Hook, o. Edward Street Bt. Thomas, Out., writes :—Doan's Kid- afey ient Bright'ssD Disease. cured ti He had terrible y son ot tback- aches and night sweats, and always felt tired and worn. His nerves were un - Re commis sleep enced taking iingad nd Doan srte Kidney Pills and is now completely cured." Cooking, Fruit ;or Children. Complaint is made at the cattle wear 1t on my feet. It will not . tntl Pllld Co't. i D v a•u on the shelf, and there is no loop ted "The obserV .nee4t.f.';Vit dates t Ott 'cahrch £ as tl,ev hal • hang• it up by. It cannot be a lamp shade, a horseeloth or a cheat pro- tector, It does not look like a bag �t is not a smoking cap. It cannot be a cover for a hairs ; • it is not Arr•rr-r1 Visitor (in aslyum)—This is indeed a sad case. Keeper—Yes, sir one of the sadd est that ever came under my obser- vation. This young man was but 0 little while ago possessed of an un- usually brilliant intellect and a mind of truly remarkable depth and grasp. He delved deep in science and solved abtruse problems in astronomy with ease. Psyehology was to him little more than recreation and meta- physics a mere pastime. But a young lady gave him a birthday present of her own making, and in trying to determine the name and use of it he was reduced to his present pitiable Ieondition,—Pearson's Weekly. hack to about tleie $teat'.• time there was . iltte4t among. tile`;it tdfn:Fjtzd Western churehe§as'-to4yc'httb dick the festival show d be obse.ryedi It was finally ord 'l. ed t iia "�C ,uncia. rf'if Nice in. j1. . i i. e0 , -, i. the g \qu�5'tlTatt st a i bsi ved `„tthaniel Patrick Henry Schofield thkcug ,ocup..1.4;ist° n. i o etllgd 1 Berry !' calk d the police court clerk We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and we ca the sialic da)• •,'1214 in stentorian tones, and a hearty;lint and supply them as cheap as the cheapest. that Easter slioulel'b'itrept upon the laugh was heard from the lawyers. p Sunday. th:s �� : c41i,e,ffut•tg�izth{t4 tey bailiffs and generiil hangers on of 'the fiis:tl`; sJettiili`i:3loitl?,::t]ui:ilio around the room. £o " • i any pill I have e'•e • used, ffiention I perfectly cured me of this trouble. '(•nos, J . WALLACE, Fireman. • 1 Instructed the Judge. BILL HEADS, LETTE_B HEADS', NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, ETC. At a lows, pri: e EN"V'EstoEEs f than ever before A TORONTO TOBACCONIST. Mr. Bretz, 104 Church Street Tor- onto, the popular tobacconist, says he was troubled with weak and intermitt- ent action ot the heart, was sleepless nervous and losing flesh Three boxes of Milburn's Lieait and Nerve Pills coin- pletely cured high. Finish the Hoys Properly. general cone1iision, r! a$ ;arrived at as I A very black negro of about 40! S �� S to the cye1i✓• b 1iieh the festival' i� 33ILLe._ Y�• stei+ped to the bar with the remark was to ho.-.ieg.>li , ;incl ;,sortie l'Yes, sag. Bat's my . ognoman title.' , 'Well, Nat, what hil.ve have you I Printed on the shortest notice and the price in keeping got to say about this charge of—of— I with the times. what's the name of that thing any- • !tow Mr. !Bailiff?' ' Now, craps, your tenor. and we will use you right. ' Now, look here! I have sent and • ch arches adopted•enelartilesathdeseme another. This diversity •-pt;:. •.usage was put an end 'fiti.. d:tid 't�tletlidman rule inakina 1 astef; alae •1'1ra'ts-cunday after 'tile f oizrteeritli ' clay of the cal- ender rbdbii 'wire esiabli's'bed"iii` i; - land %xr ':5'G`lY :' a'ifi't:ttini't * teefl'ttx1les a discrepa:ncy,.,•in •- t#ie} :•kee:pi9g of Eater �v;r o c tttseti�,li} thea ttl1 cities of the: 3,e, josh" C{t,lzrcll declit tf4•;*ao adopt the reformation• sof the'Or'ego.r- 110 'CFit urlli'r`'in fi`$ i ` firfte'`iF ff r encc was setfltd. iin 1752 by the adoption'•nf•-itis'' rule 'which' makes .Easter f1 iv: always -the t1 t'st Santh»? after the frill moon' ael>.fch' n,p.pma,rs', n or ne.Xte fter the 2°tst olty of ifarch. If the. fell • •mcon ; h l.ppieMS-u 2icltt ; a Sunday, .Easter i.� •tlie,' tiiid'L,y:itfte!.•• —April i.a'dies' IlonfO' 7'tii rilal.••' "Baked apples may be used where yards that a large share of the pigs they agree with children, and a raw that are offering are too fat. They scraped apple may be given," writes weigh enough, but they have not 'Mrs. S. T. Rorer on "Proper Cooking been well grown, being ever -fat for the Nursery," in the Apl' from heavy feeding and lack of Lades' Home Journal. "Bananas sufficient exercise.. should always be cooked unless they , • The high price of pork 1aet fall :are very ripe and the skins quite' and the abundance of feed no doubt black. To bake a banana nicely led a great many tanners to put up you should have a porcelain or gran- 1 a lot of pigs to feed for the spring ite baking dish. Strip the skins market. Many of these pigs haveovi• from the bananas, place them in a I dently been forced along with strong -dish, sprinkle over a tablespoonful rich feed with the object of getting of sugar ; add four or five table-1them up to -the proper weight for spoonfuls of water, and bake in a marketing while prices were good. quick oven for twenty minutes, bast -The mistake was made of fatten. - ing once or twice Serve warm.I ing rather than growing; them, : e., Blackberry jam,'if properly made, is I it' the bacon market, arketa as the e nil feet quite an important nursery food." .. honor.' enough of you fellows down on th1s charge, but I confess I know noth- ing about the game, if such it might be called. I've listened • to the pig.; -- • eon English of Chinamen in telling I cif their fantam arrangement, anti now you, Nat, there, tell the wha;' this game of eraps•is like?' 'Well, judge, it's just like dis: You see you take de bones' -- 'The what?' 'W'y, de bones.' 'The dice,' suggested the police officer making the complaint. 'Oh, I see,' answered his honor. 'It's played with the dice, eh?' 'Hold on there, shouted the judge before the enthusiastic Nathaniel 'could be beaded in his enthusiastic dissertation. 'I'm still in the dark Giye us a call when you are in need of anything in the CATCI'I' . bOLD:' It's an easy tilling .to.tio,•but it:d ji t as easy to get cured it you take Norway. Pine Syrup. Costs only 25 cents at all drug stores, Professional, Etiquette about that game, but from what I' have heard you get seven months,' An eminent physician had a valu- ' Thankee, Judge, said Nat, as he able cow which became s:ek and I was led grinning from the bar of seemed likely to die. IIo asked an Ijust!ce.__wastingten Post. Irish servant who lived with them . _ if he knew anybody who followed __— -- cow doctoring. The doctor's groom said, "There's ,Jemmy Lafferty who can cute any cow in the world., Well then, replied the doctor, go for Lafferty. The cow doctor, no- t cordingly came and treated the cow for four or five days, and on the due on r. .ei ' , for which they li food ' wanted more 1 pronounced her cured. The dot.. , I roots, nioro exercise and grealy what do 1 h Utile longer • (lisp +r tt shook, Well, .ir; I Owe Inc ! replied .'onnny, drnwine , time he waited I) I vis and Much hi Little Is especially trite of ;[rood's ('ills, for no meth. 1• 1eepare a eltivcl• pa telt 1(ir elle pita Moo ever contained so great curative power in so t+o small speed. T1icy aro a whole lnedtcine tne snfficielltt r run and also y make 1 cheap pork. ---Farming;. 1 Catarrh Cured For 25 cents. 1 eutfered from Catarrh for yeare, (incl have found Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure ' i s 'the best that I have used, anti gladly I recommend 11 10 sufferers. More growing Otic is , less meal 1 grealy delighted, put hii hand to 01 course that l0000S it t ' time, bat it means also more profit owe you ? himself up with dignity. Nothing, sir. We doctors river take any , money of one moths ; Aly first impulse, said the daetor, NI bile telling the story, was to throw his fee after him, bat on the second thought the whole affair seemed so Hoo +chest. always ready, al - trays efficient, always sat- isfaetoryl prevent a cold or fever, caro all liver ills, s r • sick ' 1 ours truly, he only 11113 to take with Itolod's Barsapl£xilla: 30. 4 i .CRIt s•. S•roN F., Arenbam Centre. ridiculous that I bowed hint my acknowledgements with tis much grltaity as I could assume., _ALT . A• I to ; b��' RELIEVED IN I M DAY AKIN maim. RetLIRVRD BY ON* AP. 1 PLICATION OF DR. AGNEW'S OINTMENT, 35 GENTS. it iti nm marvellousellous mire for all snob dia• Misting and disfiguring dlaeaaea as he. ! roma. salt Breath, Totter. harbors' Itob. Scald head. Veers, tn:otohes. It Cures alt eruptions of the a:.1n and makes it soft and white. --27 ' Sold at Chisholit'n Drug, Store. Printing line THE. TIMES, Wingham, ONE GIVES RELIEF. Spend a to lar for Mediehrk until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. •rya sort it put up cheaply' to great, the anteereel present demand Va. n low prti lla If you don't find this sort of Ri At the Druggist's ans Tabules •i lei },.: S1 Spruce St. New York, and they tvilletitS to THIS RIPANS 'belsr : ••t) b� AA • � n lis ;; irate St., c T_ , 3 ioe3 itt'c tit Y: cartons will be mailed for 49 cents, � y i;t ,cod. me that Ripens Tabules are the very mee. ..