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The Wingham Times, 1898-04-01, Page 2
2 '1 RE W IN . 'ILA 1 T1MIia6, AP.ELL 1, t }8. ... .. ,. \ ..iR TyuJ 7ijr.R ai. M1•U,➢4 *i.1ws w MSI ,An.�4 1 it �. ..1 .. Bordered `," Tow;•.,..�<< Mr. e ma 1:''XI'Fretr�Illit SAL U1`IIOTT 1 Canada's Railways. • Disordered g. T tvlit, has con• idne y s � m erhaps they're the source of your i11 health and you don't know it, Here's how you can tell :-- If you have Back Ache or Lame Back. If you have Puffiness under the Eyes or Swelling of the Feet. If your Urine .contains Sediment of any kind or is High Colored and Scanty. If you have Coated Tongue and Nasty Taste in the Mouth. If you have Dizsy Spells, Headaches, Bad Dreams,---• Feel; Drowsy, Weak and Nervous. Then you have Kidney Complaint. The sooner you start taking fxs a1' Africa, Australia Gr 1119 stet; United.; earnings pings amour e BOWS 'S KIDNEY PILLS .�t'ltE h tl t been .a int.lnue .'t r„ ,. d 3 the more quickly will your health return. eat fttl 1 conducted C'bperltllentb, working expenses aggregate t . They've cured thou- sands of cases of kid- ney trouble during the, past year. If you are a sufferer they can cure you. Book that tells all about Doan''s Kidney Pills sent free to any address. and the Mammoth ; passengers were killed. The Doan Kidney PILI 71;1,46: fMe9at.tc Dent. and the Salzer's , The Government sof Canada ha,a Torontop p,nt, v tt leties of corn, `expended on railways prior to an i . T,. 1 The annual report of fialwa5 s and, ducted a machine :angle ill MAY for massy \ yarn, feed at hi, Boggle ifs et)^-0PriZA I 1 I KVE.RIMENTi IN AGRI Canals Of Canada i,i. replete with t that pietas Moutia CL`iATURE. I interest. The number of railways 1 in aetual operation,. b 'Beware of a;nen w!tn ;,miles when lee's angry, la's tt,tltceron`'. And beware also t.1 tii," nl;tu wuo lu:,ka? glum cvhtn lie's glad, hr's probably a llutnuri't, �0 4 41 _ I i • t'. n . ineludin * two: - t alt q arEis of 1000 varieties of fatrtn ;Government roads, is 141. ,auluc of crops have bc'eu tested in the i�xperi• these, however, being leased, the n,eutel Department t•f the Ontario t total number of controlling cool-' Agricultural College, Guelph, within `paniea is eighty one. The number tate past, twelve years, and six of guiles of eonpleted railway last hundi ed of theta have been grown I year was 16,686 an increase of 300 for a* 1,-8St live- years in succession.;miles, besides 2,218 miles of sidings. `tieerlt all the Canedlltn sorts and ! There are 16,500 miles of railway in , several hundred new varieties ilii ' operation. The paid up capital is ported by the l,xpbrhnental Depart -i $x,121,858, 232, an increase et over 1 ment fr<,lrt (liMee n't parts of kaui ops, l twenty two trillions. The gross: Asit a a i, t amounted to e52,353,226,! d. in those i a n increase of ti 1,807,707, an'1 the 1 ' c • 5, i Iea i Sono. t f the new varieties have done ,1ri8 605, leaving the net earnings I ; tt eept.ienally' well and have already 1<17,184,011. Tt,ere were 16,171,3138 , !been distributed over Ontario,' passengers carried in the course of • through the medium of the Expert- the year and the freight traffics meat:il Union, with very gratifying' amounted to 25,300,811 tons, an in- resuee The Siberian Oats, eland !crease of over one million tons. The i alias,! Barge+. liaison bearded . accident returns show that seven 1 s;,riitg wheat, a, t.'.tt1i'a :!thew D: They also relieve. Distress from Dyspepsia, North DA hot�a which arra. now becoming' so popular „since Confederation some 11.2,914,- ,Ogee Years to Walk Through Ted➢ae :!ora and Teo Hearty Nausea, rA per. London. w remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, � Tongue Bep in ,;mental Department anddby r: see Canadian udPacitie'UUR ilway. z London. Pin Tad te; lein the , TORPID LIVER. Thy being thul•oll;;hly tested were lis- I Other railway subtedies amounted to Is. The largest eity of the world is Pain390,889 snaking i L gin I2egulatetheBowets. Purely Vegetable. tribute; in small quantities, afurthersumuf�lG, � onrlon lying tal•aticnt .of counties 4.280,000. slma8i Dose. The present system of co-operative , a total expenditure of $130,836,405. having a p p �r1� 161 PHI. Bemire. inns Iopalati ns es rilnental work in anrlcutture' In addition there has been an ex- equaling the cambium's pnpalatlons Small tf,1o� �t gC©a woe tartrd in 1880 with 60 plots, pendittire of 69,,522,382 for •vorl.ing of Paris, SL11)Sti1U�1Qn which were situated on twelve dif- . expenses. Of this all but t13,8S1, and Rome. 'Ph; walk through al the fraud of the day. fetent farms in Ontario. Since that A00 was expended „during the last the streets, c tynevem avenues, lanes and alleys date, however, the work has in- ,thirty years. The [revenue ads during 1owane one twice,. Weald require a (L W. elpr: ritl7r.k n IF lit (1l�::IL t `• W�Y� u Posit! e'ly cured by taego Little Pills. ,dtmestppmptlelIItasetnal tell mitallllminmnm, ,ki�keefable reparationforAs- theSto) ells andBoweels of SEE THAT THE FAG—SMILE SIGNATUT E —OF • PronlotesDigesiionACheerful- neos andRest.Contains neither Olsiurn',Morplline nor Mineral. NOT ya,, ofOZdIL'S1R At$mpkin Sea - 41x•Senna • Rad+cAeSala .dniss Scat , -1pAemunt bY f z,,onaleSodm $,�(vm Sced - gyatopviv, Flaw: Aperfect Remedy for constipa- tion onstipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrla, Worma,Convulsions,l:everi5h mess andLOSS OF SLEEP. lac Simile Signature of 'NEW YOHif }I s'siltreets se, See you fret Carter's, (creased from year 11497 1lotsear awhichttz sameperodltalmaountsto$61,196e ten -mile walk every day for nine ci in a row v 1 1897 there were + veers. The streets, place , 3• ;, r~ were situated on 2,835 forme. • 80 . Ask for Carter, Interested persons in Ontario who' The Canadian Pkeifie railway has would reaeh round the world, and ,,n wish to join in the work, may select now under traffic in, .Canada, 6,014 leave a remnant that would stretch Insist t...d demand any one of the experiments for 1808 miles of railway, including leaser! fawn Lennon to can I+'ranciseo.— Cartetr'.; �,itt1 Liver Pi11s.All 1 d '11ore. f • the director at olaee of lines Its gross earnings were $41.- April Ladies' dome Journal. "THOUGHT HEAD:AD WOULD BURST." A Fredericton Lady's Terrible Suffering. 31]iea. Gno. DOIIaiTY tells the following remarkable story of relief from suffering and restoration to health, which should the choice made All material will 242,638 and the expenses for work IS ON THE WRAPPER OF VERY BOTTLE u • e OF " 800 ak LIFE'S RED STREAM. When the blood is pure and rich, I hea:'ash and vitality are carr,&; to all parts of the body. When it is impure GO T'O• or watery the seeds of disease germinate 1'o clear the liloocb current the- standard blood remedy,, Burdock BloodBitters. he furnished entirely free of charge ing expenses were bile: , , m to each applicant, but he wilt be ing the net earnings 18,665.838, an expected t) conduct the test accord- ! increase of 317,860 over the pee - 1 ing to the instrut tions sent with the vic»ls year. These fuses are taken seeds, and to report the results of Ms. from the sworn statements of the test as soon as possible after harvest, company furnished to the depart - arse FOR:mut, of P1PER1"aGE1 T ' Te gross earnings of all the 1 • Testing nitrateaof soda, , mix, ! government roads for the past fiscal phosphate, manure of potash, mix, '•) eat, amounted to $3,060,0741.35, and Lure, and with dcarn. i eonlpt red with those ell the li 'cceed- :�.. Testing nitrate of soda, super-•• phosphate, muriate of potash, mete; ling year, show a decrease of $80,- ture and no manure wh mangels. ' 604.14- The glass working expenses 3 Growing three Leguminous;! amounted to $,3,177,21'6!)•671, a de - crepe for green fodder-. ,grease of $77,173.03. The net loss 4. Growingthree mixtures or en the operations of the year was $117,205.23 • grain for green fodder.. 1 5. Testing four varieties of Yes, Very Easy millet. 6. Testing four• varieties of ' Exerieneed Person Can Dye grasses. �savnossfuly With. D1anaond i 7. Testing four varieties of Dyes.. • clovers. Them re no mysteries: about the use k rz . = 8. Testing three varieties of, �d lyanciling of Diaries' Dyes. The clear away all doubts as to the efficacyfromoi! buckwheat. 1 directions given on each; package- are so Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills from the t) Testin g ti3ree varieties Of concise and simple that the dyeing of a nit of Gastoria is put up in ono -size bottles only, 'It is not sold in bulk, Don't allovr anyone ,o sell you anything else on tho Idea or promise that it is pose," good" you.sat d 11-5 T 0 -ii every 9. The fao- dmilo EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER.stanch= 1,4 of ,r v,..,,. r "1•i dtao,{na'r '7's. t icii ,14. 1` •r.- @ t'u..^t`.>3'l�F$a`.sTl,l �• iS OM • �'"ti��w16r overt' wraPPc aod'grow• ,.JeIDSter �3" of a:11ympuritiee, to make it scab unci I ' health-giving'.,hars is n tbina* to equal minds of the most skeptical: "For several years I have been a con- stant sufferer from nervous headache, and the pain was so intense that sometimes I was almost crazy. I really thought that my head would burst. 1 consulted a num- ber of physicians, and took many remedies, but without effect. I noticed Milburn'a Heart and Nerve Pills advertised, and as they seemed to.suit my case, I got a box and began their use. Before taking them I was very weak and debilitated, and would some- times wake out of my sleep with a dis- tressed, smothering feeling, and I was fre- quently seized with agonizing pains in thea , ,. �•..•r -- .-.,,� -_ region of the heart, and often could scarcely I mangels and one variety of sugar. end 11}yes you get, the worlds best llamp, with a system of revolving muster up courage to keep up the struggle beets. dyes. condition Mil- Valatable book of 'directions and nolo,-:colored lights, Ilereatfter all freight for life. In this wretched card sent free to any address by Wellss''.tiains wilt carry an extra light on burn's Heart and Nerve Pills came toit the 16 Testing twv varieties of Swed rescue, and to -day I state, with gratitude, 1 f the that I am vigorous and strong, and all this improvement is due to yeas wonderful remedy. spring wheat and one variety of : dress. re sses is evade easy andutmpleasant t. or s work. Spring rye. i We a,e aware of the Net that some 10. Testing foar varieties of ; }alias are badly disappotreted after a barley.. !trial of dyeing work. The reason is ob- 11. Testing five varieties of oats. '; mous ; they unfortunately have used 1e Testing four varieties of peas.' some rnaks of worth less•dyes foisted on there boy Home unscrupwl There is an item going the rounds of the press at present so tine effect that if you turn the new Canadine postage stamp upside down the Queen's head which forms tbie design on the face of the:, stamp, becomes i cue. dealer. 13. Testing three varieties of ' A child that can reads can dye any or- .and Dyes, beads. ' !feels seLocessfully with+ O;iam Y 1.1, Testing five- varieties of These world famed dyes.are put up by experienced chemists„ which accounts the Carrots. r• for the tiniformity in: (finality, strenFtth iia new system Of signal lamps, whets yon buY Jia- anprovement in, which is a tall -end • ELTON'S UMPS Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. No better proof can FOR• YOUR be given of their durability than is shown by the fact 3 a t that some of these pumps put i in wells 25 years ago are still working. the•head of a typical' Arab or Orien- tal' Chief. It requireaa more violent streteh of the imagination than we hoes& been able to muster, to that this,ont, The other peculiaeit3,. nine times out of ten, when you are afiiitieg it to a letter, you will have it upside down, will be accepted any- where at its face value, S1Y1Th HEADACHE SUBSIDES.1 "1 have been troubled with sick head- ache for over a year. Lately I have used Laxa-Liver Pills and Lind they help , me more than any other medicine I have ever taken, They do not gripe, and leave no ill effects." MARY ELLEN HICKS. 31SoKh gay, Ont. v e eo t Satisfaction and perfect ft guaranteed. • Queen's Block, - Winglrlat'n. IRON 'and FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. Sxoe—DiagonaliSt. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, Wineham, 0nt:, The Canadian Pacific and Grand 1 Trunk trains are being fitted with TP E PH ��EN?.. rE. ash and two varieties of fall turnips. es Riehardsou Co., Montreal, P.Q. 17. Testing six varieties of corn., Material for either- No. 1 or No. `:�; experiment will be sent by express.' An acetylene gas generator eat- •ploded during a theatrical performs while on the, main track., and green when standen�g on sidings. By this means the engine, driver in the rear traits can tell the position Of the train in front or hint, and whether on a siding or not. ;the rear of the trains. It will be placed on the, top of'the cupola, o caboose, and the light will be red and for each of the others by mails anee at. the Guelph City flail last rhosupey n ma, et- 1 f materiel being limited those who apply first will be sures week. A lot of scenery and stage o d •' ':d outtlt be well for each applicant to make a At the civil Assizes in Toronto f getting,, the estrt It may properties were destroyed. second choice for fear the first could' Friday damages of $1,000 here i nut be granted. awarded E);bert 13. Fleury,, of REM ES 1 Particular varieties need not 'lie Stouffville, la his action against, Geo. 1 mentioned as all the hinds to be M. Ca,mplil for alienating the T ai ties iti.'vi <;�ierywhel•e. ! di,tributed are those width have affections of his wife. 1 t • r day and • done exceptionally well upon the: 1, n CAA., , t !t,+ttri.i scours : par talent. .,(.. ..°•t1'.+ e.. i `la 11?infir(tl" 1 C. A. i:l,',IL%, I)irl'St''1-, "ate ere being ; Gee;ph. t', a°:a vb'•/rt:i , , a, •w. _•. .it' ,r } 1 • 1.10 demand. € trial plots in the Experimeettel I)C r a `• fe rte-1Cn [�� Q+"� .=oy.e• �e"�L4 u'•i..�r'rd�cr•cv( 'Gi i�,^�iY, 10.•..,,�, bit Lc i'-:1 e.lit; tees ,istly. A,;ricultural College, Mar. 21, tete I affE .71.3 (qP 1teal V Thf _, ere absolutelv tore, and 1 • , COUGHS "L.. <D COLDS to 1... T t� Very valuable 2 etutdy in all C , s„ , t t!illtl:Ill 1n, ,'.tto3Ca,; affections of the :yet., te,alit, Lairbago end all; forms of Kidney and Laver l THROAT or ttlesa LUNGS troubles. U'Ef1 PILLS c 2 A QUICK CURE FOR Merchants of Western Ontario 3• ,have complained to Ottawa of the a great increase of smuggling from Detroit. Chas. Lightfoot, of ,-tratford, had part ('f one band blown away while tlho:,titig muskrats. SPURIOUS I' MUTATION'S DAVIS &'tAwRkNCn CO•, Limited 1311itV�Ltt1F: OF Prop's. of Perry Davis' rain -Miler Sadie, Winghaln, telly by Gorden &t! Co. 1 Eteeeseeteeeete SPfIltita• t1OUSE1 fiiPI TG. While people aro particular attont i having; their hourta cl:ot:ned of tho win- ter's accumulationof flirt, they're eot, always so particular about thoir system.; It needsel:musing too, and there's noth-i Eng will do it so thornu, }'Iy and elrn°otu.; ally as Burdock Blood Bitters. Alex, Miller, Ardneh, Ont., says have taken 13, 13. B. every spring for some :years and as a blood purifier it is un- equalled.” :^.ere,^. Without e&��r[rt Yt/Lm I�r �5, ii111M1SSib . T�l> Loattig Specialists of Alliatc& 2i YEARS IN DET001 : 250,000 CURED. VIE CURE, EMISSIONS Nothing can bo more demoralizing goung or middle-aged men thsu•thepre ante • of those nightly losses,"They produce weaknoss nervousness;, a feeling of disgustand a whole train o£ svmptorn s. They unit a man for business married life and social happiness.No matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual messes. our New Method Treatment will positively owe you. NO CURE—NO PAY Ilecader, you need help. Early abuse or later excesses may have weakened yen. .Exposure may have diseased you -'Yon aro not safe Will Cure 701.1i. You rt] n no risk cured. Our � Method 25®,0®0• CURED Young 1i1 to -You, are pato, feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. You become forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and pimples, sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. WE CURE LRICOCEL LANA -LIVER if NILS •t. ,- . c ska1C=23,T a*rrnaa Bring tfeaalth, then Beauty follows. They clear the muchty coinpfeizioe, clsstgo away Sick Headaches and Bilious Spells, care Dyspepsia and reuhoveall poiseacus matter from the System. Mrs. Addie '1`herrlalt, er6 Brussels Street, Mt, John, MR, rays:"Lams. Liver Pills cured me of Constipation, Indigestion and IBilious headaches. Tlhev have corrected the irregularities of Liver and Stomach, and restored nay entire system to healthy tiaturel action." Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODER&Ili FEE13 bry office is in the immadiatc vicinity of the Patent Office. and my faciliticsdor securing patents are unsurpassed. Send model, sketch or photograph of invention,}viA description and statement as toadvabtages clattne& .t -No charge is made for an opinion as Co patentabflilq/,, and my fee for prosecuting the application *viii' not be called for wait the patent v allbaooai, "Iuvetc•rons' Guinn.,"' cow taming full information scat free. All Coinmuet* cations Considered as titricily eontidcutiaL. FRAM IN H. HOUGH: 924a IP',oats W d9'S$ANGIr©N.1[b. CL 50 YEAUS'' EXPEL EENC13 No natter stow roriono your case may bo, or how loos you may have land i t, esu NEW AIETIL011 TREATMENT will curd it. Tito 'wormy veins" return to their normal condition and hence tlio sexual organs receive proror no:,ti=i:- des; meat. The organs become vitalized, d, all unnatural drains or losses 0-' o and manly powers return No te+r to a:2, benefst. r ut a 1•s.•inane ,t eu e r mad, NO 1;W3. NO PAY. NO OPI RA- 'J:IoN N1 t EMAA1 Y NO DETEN- TION FROM Bt1S1NE G. tun trc t and cure ii P[i1t,l�S, t.711LT, T11I.:s10N,, 711,lpoTlNol', .'E fll]'i'iiltr VARlt'OCELI, i3I:All- lv LY, I•t) `iL •, BLADDER .t 1) i• 1I:1 i"t]i etlitl0li:S 3M CO N F. (JIIA1t0L no 1110➢)I It A7'1•]• if lis Lbin to +•all• Woi"l for lti'tloly" L'LAIUi for 110:I}' IAF t48 SHELBY STREET, DEI IO1T, MOH. TtiADE^a rilanaS lye lotus COPY rtica a Anyone sendi:ig a sketch and cl, a<ritt:'n map gtttnkly neoerhiin our ophaion free t•ritether an invention 10 probably pttentah,A a mrtunicon floor; !trio ttyennadentini. nand hook onl'atenta sent free. 1i It t agency for nec•t t i . •patents. Patents t tt c n through Alunn & t o. receive epee( 1 aiofi^<, triatout charge, lathe 4 pa� co'Cittfitgill‘ Pf4Utiedti�i10 A itandstm-:e:y illustrated wceltb 1 antes, air, inflation of nay neientiae 3ournal '1 0r,nt3, $3 e. ear; four months, $1. Nord byh.ilpncwa:esr.leri3- l�lBBgSi G„'i37� 2Ott3roaidtvsl, b1 ,Q York Branch (Mice. G,2!i 1' ELWas+ta :,t, .I.'•l..C. IT `' AI Amurosnn.b:.„c rnO'*•mr:->...nc•.-.o,-..•... r. 9\ i A1)VER A•! A.<•+,•-,' IN TILE TIMES.