HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-01, Page 1VOL.. XXVII. -NO.:154,
I� AIAM rl'I
We would invite the ladies to call
and see our beautiful display of Mil-
iinery whether you buy or not. We
'shall be pleased to see you, and we
.are sure you will be pleased to see
the many stylish and elegant hats
we have on exhibition.
Our MISS DOYLE has just re–
turned. from Toronto, bringing with
her the latest models of Paris, Lon,
tion and New York. They are
Creations of great beauty, Ladies,
eome and see thein—you cannot fail
to appreciate them.
The Ladies evidently appreciate
a chance td.buy
at less than half price, as the 1200
yards we put on sale last Saturday
are half gone already. But there
are still some choice bargains left for
the late comers. This is positively
the cheapest line of first-class goods
ever sold in Wingham. So don't
Miss the opportunity of getting a
Dress at such a redieulously low
price. Just think, silk and wool
goods at
Spring Term Begins April 4th,
time of the year to enter our school.
Recognized throughout the Do
• minion 'as the leading colnmoroia
School in Ontario.
Write for special circulars.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Marriage Licenses
Q►, Tssueti by PRANK PATEaSON, NO 23, Vic-
totia stroet,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
Our Clubbing List.
s, Grneey--Spec ls,
A. J, Nioholl-S tial,
1t, J, Dobie -11 dwaro,
Geo, Carr- Spr ne Suits.
Jas, S. Earl -T a Success.
Miss AloPherso -Thanks
Webster & Co New Salk
AI. B. Nolnde -Now Gear/.
N, A, Farquhi neon-5peci'ls,
T. C. Graham For Sale Cheap.
J. A. Morton Executor's Mottos,
Blank -Gawk A anf•g, Co. -Special.
John Kerr -0 antes,Jonions, etc.
McKinnon & o.-Aitllinery Opening,
Ilmnnth & Bo 'los—Easter br5113nory,
Dr. F, K. Iia1 floisoh -Business Card,
Parmeara-2 packs es "Royal Hygienic"
solarising buokwhe floor for 25 cents.
N. A. Farquharson. 2 t
ROUND MD Wont, Misses Vincent and
Cummins, missiona les of the W. C. T. Ll,,
Australia will beihe M:et a 1st
t h d Church,
Wingham, on the e ening of April the 7th
and 8th. Everyon invited to go and hear
New Barmen Sao fir. W i. Pout, who
has been a residers of'onr town for the
past three years, h opened a new barber
shop in the store ately vacated. by: Mr.
Thos. Walker, op osite the Presbyte
church -Ie solid s a share of th • •nblic
HOT X Burs- Gave y
Nicholls, Centr I Bake
market, for Hot X Ii
Counr-a To WINai au ---Aro you ruptured ?
Those having the isfortnne to be ruptured
should read the a. vertisement in another
column of J. Y. E. an, Hernia Specialist,
of Toronto. who 'oposes visiting; Wing -
ham, Qneen's Hot: , on Wednesday, Aptil
Pith, The evideao: furnishedege to his skill
is of a very high c erecter.
BUILDING OPEnA IONS -The fine weather
of the past couple f weeks has made a stir
in the building 1 e. Messrs. Button &
Fessant have the 'oundation laid for the
addition to their aatory; Messrs. T. Bell,
& Son are having the material placed on
the ground for t addition to their fac-
tory ; Mr. Thos. • nderson will commence
operations for th erection of his brick
residence near e school, next week
Things are genera i y on the moye in town
this spring, and a ditions and repairs will
soon be the order . the day.
Wanted ---good b tter and eggs. Highest
prices paid. T. Graham's grocery
store, Chisleolm hl ok,
Di order to sato our subscribers the trouble of
malting two oe more remittances we have made
-special arrangements with the publishers by which
wo aro emhiedto offer the following ppublications in
connection with the tVINGI1Md TIMES at special
low rues from now until Jannary let, IS00, Special
clubbing rags with all newspapers and magazines
quoted upon appiication, CAA must accompany all
orders :•--
Tittles and Weekly Globe, - si 25
Times and western Advertiser, • 140
Times and Family herald end Weekly Star
and Picture - - 1 75
'.Cines and Fannon' Advocate, • 10o
Tines and Farming, weekly, - 170
Times and Ladies' Journal, - 185
Times and Montreal Weekly Witness, - 1000
Times and harmers' Sun, 125
Times and Daily Globe • 4 25
Times and Emily World . . 2 00
Times and Country Gentleman, . 2 70
Addres-,, -
a. ii. T. 1.r7rtCi' ",i',
er at A. J.
opposite the
W,aNTen -Gold Age t 'ar every County. SHALT.. LOCAI..S..
The Blaok-Hawk enufo turfing Cu.,
London, Ont.
-CampbelI's Headache \Vetere gnaran-
Has PASSAwns est week we noted teed to aura lteadualre,
the serious illness rf Mr. Jas. lealton'e -April 1st --All oats • , v,
father in Ashfield. He bas since passed Good and app s ors. per peck and
away and the rem • ins were inter ed in upwards at N. A. azquh+>rsou'a,
the Kingsbridge ch ch cemetery ...Atwood is n. likely to have a footbatl
Views or rue Fr, 30 --several excellent club this season.
views of the river, am and 0. P. R. rail- .,.-,March bas
way bridge, daring he spring freshet, were spectable marine
taken by Mr. )I. .desert, and are now on Something nice ' aby 'Carriages at S,
view in Mr. Ales. tela' store window. Graee's,.
A few more keg of No. 1 Herrings going -agery. 7.', A, it
cheap at N. A, Fa qulearson's. of seed thia week,
FIB'TY Lune mcs--i\Zr• 0. Morning-
star, of the Steam Pump Works, this week
received a car lea of lumber for making
tanks, He bee n order from ::.essrs,
Armour & MoAlltter for fifty large egg
Foornanx-A m eting of the football
club will he held 1 Dr. A. J, Irwin's office
on Monday even ng, April 4th, at 8
o'olook. A full a tendeneo is requested, Arthur J. Irwin, D. D. S„ of Wingbam,
as business of ins ortauce will be brought visits Blyth every Wednesday.
before the reeeti -The TIirEs is headquarters for private
Oven Tne Bron •E-Tbe repairs on the post cards and wedding stationery,
0. P. R. bridge • ore so far advanced that
the late train la: Friday was able to
oroes for the firs time since the high
water. It will no be very long before the
bridge will be in a good a shape as it ever
overt on
11 a very re -
QUEEN'S BIaTua Y TN WnNenaill -Great
interest is now bei g taken in the arrange-
ments for
rrange.mentsfor the 24t of May celebration to
be held in Wingh ,.. A citizena meeting
was held urthe en noir chamber= on Thurs-
day evening of la t week, when the first
steps were taken tho matter. Officers
were appointed as allows : Secretary, A.
G. Bastedo; Tree, urer, Rabt. MoIndoo;
Corntnittee-Thos 13d11, chairman, J. A.
Morton, Win, Fes- : nt, Jas. A. Cline and
A, II. Musgrove. t was decided to have
two baseball m rhes, a football and
lacrosse match a d other sports, and a
monster trade pr contort at 1 o'clock, to
end with a grand .neert in the town hall
at night, Arran • ements are also being
made to Moore a rst•class band for the
day. Reserve th , 24th of May for Wing -
ham and .you • ill have a good time.
Further particul s will be given later.
A BIG CUT i;\ PltldSS--t'4Zen'S beets and
shoos half soled at frau 40 to 50 'cents a
pair; women's at from 30 to 40 cents a
pair. What enables me to work cheap is,
I have no rent to pay, no debts to pay, and
bay my stook for cash. The longest
established shop in town. A few doors
west of Senate' hotel, Victoria S t eet,
Taros, Annan er.
received a car load
-Walkertor, 0 nton and Mildmay will
celebrate the 24t1 of May.
Fresh oysters served in any style at
James Moltoivie's Star Restaurant.
-A German b
towns throughou
--Mr.'Wm, CI
of %heat to Gael
rid is again sernading the
the country.
gg shipped two car load
In title week.
C. 0. F, MEETI •e-Theeegular meeting
of Court Maitlan , 0. 0, I?„ was held on
Friday evening la- , when there was a good
attendance of t members. Two can-
didates wore initi ted by the new team and
every member of the team took his part
well, conaiderin u the short time they have
been organized There will Iikely be a
large attenrianc at the next meeting, as
there is to be • oma new heeiness brought
up for discessi.u.
CHICKEN Tilr,ves-We understand that
our town has been visited by ebicken
thieves daring t e past week. On Tuesday
evening g of th t week, some person or
persons visited i r. Jos, Gray's henhouse
and took therefro . one of his most valu-
able roosters, be des a "Mather of eggs.
which were in t • pen.' This ie a levy
piece bf business aanyota to do and
should the guilty o, =s be caught an example
should be made o`f them.
past week a. nu
been_ shootin
the river.'
some person shot
passed through or
J. A. Flack's resid
breakipg :the gla
curtain to pieces at
wall of the house
stns practice and
Habit of shooting s
are in great danger
if that kind of thin
Ie Rem -During the
ber of sportsmen have
e freely on the banks of
hursday evening last,
rifle. off and the bullet
of the windows of Mr.
noe at Lower Wingham, 1 est in the Goderic
, tearing the window
lodged in the opposite
This is a very danger'
artier who are in the
ould be careful as they
of hurting some one
is continued.
-Township oocil minutes and other
matters aro crowdd out of this issue.
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
Apply to H. Davis, Wingham. 3m.
-The regular onthly meeting of the
town eounoil wi 1 be held on Monday
--After July tat, the Government
Savings Banks n ill allow only 2} per cent.
interest on depo its.
Yea can get 3 lbs. nhoice California
Prunes or 2 Ib choice' Apricots for 25
cents, at N. A. 'arguharsan's. 2 t
-Tnzxs and 'Veekly Globe $1.25 per
year. Trees, eekly Globe and Weekly
Sun•$1.50 per ar.
Dr. J. R. Mh.edonald is now per-
manently at home and can be eon -
suited by his patrons.
-The sanitarinspector will soon be on
his rounds. Ea e your yards cleaned and
be pared for isvisit.
p o
As we are very busy and behind with
our work, we will leave the kicking acid
chewing with our opposition. Ireland &
'Batton, Furniture dealers.
-Mr. T. Hall,
week moved h'
family to town,
of the Advance, has this
household effects and
ram Tara.ars^
-For first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Oo.
Remember the piece, in Queen's block.
-Mx. A. M. Tod, late of the News -
Record, Clinton, s purchased an inter.
Our stock of Di ner Sets and Tea Sets
is complete with retty designs and good
qualities, and we on't be undersold,
N.A. Farqubarso 2t
-Mr. H. M. S arson, Inspector for the
Bank of Hamilt ' , and P. herr, assistant,
paid an official v it to the bank here last
day afternoon las
directors of the
society, was held a
member of the Bo
which leas hardly
history of the sonde
est which is bein
The various coin
ppointed, the pri
urther arrangein
exoureion to the
gtnil other busing
oatlook for a go
never looked b
society may ha
Erin PAIR -Ori Sator-
a meeting of the
arnberry Agricultural
Fling's betel. Every
d was present, a thing
been known in the
We are going ahead with our second
guessing contest just the same and every
one has the tame chance of getting the
Gold Watch or the Parlor Suite; a chance
with every dollar's worth you buy. Ireland
& Button, Furniture dealers, Wingham.
y and shows the inter- -Mr. Jos. G y has a Silver -Laced
taken in our show. Hamburg hen th t has broken the record
itieea for 1808 were for laying large ggs. He has one in his
o list partly arranged, possession that ensures 82. x 7 inches.
made fox the union T, H. ors, agent for the Massey-
odel Farm on June 2011i, Harris irnpleme te, received a oar load of
s was transacted. The those celebrate farm implements this
d show the coming fall ! week.
ghter and we hope the
e abundant stem s. If there is any more pictures in the
country that we have not framed, or have
:econd•ho•nd' not got in the shop to frame, brag them
am ? I in and have them framed at the same old
fake (a bottler prices, at Ireland & Button's.,
s to guess at) as -The annual spring consignment of
goods? Toronto depart ntal store catalogues
ay buy out another 1>avo arrived in own. The hest loco to of Mrs. Green, wh,
1 one we bought was p stylish fiats. Amo
put them is in th fire and patronize the toque, with a narro
town where we ea 'n our bread and butter,
roses, high loop at
We made our prices right when UV of green thee, cru
started business, and if the prices we see forming rosettes
ticketed on the street and in the
windows are all cut prices, then our prices noted in particular
are a snap. Ireland & Button, (furniture cluster of high blt
dollen. an elegant lace se'
"7,Iiss Vincent, tl crown, brought u
er from Victoria, h those wings, and
and she tulle it evit at one ride of rim.
WeaDen who runs the old
Furniture Stare in Win
Woman who runs a lotto
of peas, corn an s be
an enducement • s
Wo.rriit bow soap v
Cornyn's, in June, 1895.
WoNeen who has the cheapest. largest and
best assorted stook of Furniture? First
time you are id' Winghem, just call at
the Furniture Stores and see if S.
Graoey's is not th • beat. 4t
Wsnnilro Tii':nr, Wedding bells were
ringing merrily at residence of Mr. and
Mrs. D. S. MoDon i d, Zetland, on Tues-
day evening of this week, it being the
marriage of their atighter, Miss Mar-
lette E., to Mr. 11 os, Il. Dodds, of town.
The nuptial knot ' as tied at 6 o'clock by
the Rev, D. Penn +, of Wingham,eiu.411e
teadi,a.teereettu er re
riende-ettite. •tett ra reeepertien
bride Whapleo rely attired ittatt' rase
of white organdi 'r-trit uraed- nvith smilax
The number of -ela'aauti£1d1eteatncl mealy
pre g o\red Ye esteem in WhIfeleat44
IV Ir, en. -Mrs. Dodds have take
up their resider': en Josephine streee
join with their 1 oat of friends in wishing
them a happy az d prosperous future,
For nice wool ca • and folded carpet
paper call at S. : cey's.
ore shipped a ea ad We do not, hold ours file rar•ponsible for opinions
of cattle to Termite to Mondiy. expressed by the write .f any comuiunieatlons,
Seeds! Seeds 1 Gard ds in any'
quantity, by the ounce, net or parcel,
at Chisholm's Drag Ste
-lttessra, Page t2 i ynn shipped a nixed To 1110 i;dttor of ,ho- Tt xs,
car of cattle and hog to Louamr on Man. Son, -I daze say may be right thea the
day. State should prov' e every child with it
Rooms, now occupied by John good free Publre Se Joel education, melt as
Ritchie, to let in the Macdonald would be underato d by a Pubiio School.
taco1 , education a few y : re ago, including tber
-We understand ti t Mr. John Cornyn, three B's, reading
late of the Advanc ' has purchasedand if a iltIlo Eng!
newspaper. at some p 'nt in Iilanitobaili " it would about fill
-Mr. H. Dal, th' •week disposed of.ar said, •'IVitltout E
handsome driving horse to Mr, Win. can expect to rise
Thompson, of Lopd n. It was shipped to agriculture." But
Landon on Tatman,grarnniar now apps
-The furniture eatery .men in town arts. 'Glia general
complain that th y are unable to get Public Sobools ar
enough of the de red kind of lumber to fortune, chiefly fro
keep them going, undertake to teach,
Don't bite at prices you see ticketed on too many things, s
the street, just because you think they are them can be tough
cheap, until you get priced from Ireland d; the teachers, I b
Button. They knock them all out and you school laws et pres
have a chance for the Gold Watch or tha and oonfnsing as
Parlor Suite, with each dollar's worth you and water course
buy. Ireland & Button, Furniture dealers, school system is s
ERRING 1l'CII LIN c --Y OPENINGS, much 80, that 1
general murmurin
Millinery departure is were the centre value for all we p
of attraction this w<ek, and the large duty of the Stat
crowds that visited the<e places were happy Schools a means
in the fact that 1898 s to be a "milliner's the professions or
eeaspn;' many professional
More ornaments w 1I be seen this spring far more than the
than for many seas • •s book. Doubtless of them as we hay
this is due to the u: of so much soft to the country. W
material. Flouters ':.•e very conspicuous, Public Schools to
especially the small Inds, such as fore,et- simple, plain and p
me•uote, violets and ores. The ribbons will be of use in of
are greatly in fever n plaids, moirs and becomes a man o
gauses. The impala colors aro coque dei and nothing mor
roohe, or burnt ora ge, turquoise blue, : bitious people wan
heliotrope, creams an tuscans. A shredded i branches, let them
wheat pattern, in si k, is used with good i if they are willing
effect in making cro:vns. As to shapes, If stead of increasing
the crowns may be ' trifle larger, while' Public Schools they
brims are scarcely as broad as last season.. Some stylish, peculi
Pretty leghorn bats re seen. a smattering of ail
The different store never presented a f and all the elegies s
mare attractive appes once inside and out,the Public Schools,
than they; have this we. The decorations gond to such "a. lit,
are grand, and were ery much admired ` dangerous thing" o
by everybody. frig. No one has
1io1rurn DowLes• generous public to
This millinery de i•: rtment is under the offspring picturesk
supervision of lIliss as oyle, and words fail old story of tryiu
to express our cone•,. tion of the rare and nothing. Much as
artistio designs in l' dies bead gear, which at present, encumbe
were displayed an he tables. A very of subjects, very
handsome hat we lotioed was a large necessary nor use
black sherred ahiffohat called "Shep- poses, it is well k
herdess," trimmed front with three olass of cranks
Prince of Wales tips and black flowing Ontario, who appes
osprey falling over a own. fastened at the torturing their poor
bottom with steal b ogle, turned up at specify some new su
right side with titre= large and shaded already over loaded
purple going-over res: s. AIeo a' bonnet place some who w
made of grey straw !raids, fancy crown ten" proposed .the
of sequine, trimmed left side with two should teach dancing
fans of cream lace nd flowing white thinking of Lord
ospreys. Lace is . ought across the time he was conside
front to right side, ith purple violets what constituted a p
and rosettes of burnt •range velyet. man, and lie is on re
ernes ILscr CUSON. 'one cannot sit well,
This millinery de;artment is in the well except he or sl
hands of Mies Mc$eney, who described , However the daneitig
several handsome ba s. One is a small Now it is meeic,
black bonnet, with a tucked tulle crown learn that a petitio
in green, trimmed in. purple lilacs, purple to the Board of So
plasse ribbon, sequin wings, net rosettes that music shall be
and ties. Another, large white leghorn School. The pets
hat, with the Sheph.rd's droop, trimmed hired a ball and en
with huge masses o oowalips, large bow teach there. But ag
across the back of butter color ribbon,
and brilliant ornam uts.
?dna, atuEN.
This millinery de ertment is in charge
-Mr. Wm. Case
Mi7Si0 I
'S38I1 80HOQI,,.
icing" and "ritmette,"
h grammar was added,
ie bill, for Cobett leas;
glish' grammar no one
beyond mere Pada or
I believe English
rs to be among the lost
feeling is that our
in a certain sense a,
n the fact that they
ar rather try to teach,
much so, that none of;
well. I do not blame,
me the system. Our
st are as complicated
e laws about ditches
The expense of our
mething enormous, so
o not wonder at the,
that we are not getting
. It is no part of the
to make the Public
try and fit people far •
be arts, We have too
and artists in Ontario,
equirement, and such
are of very little use
at the public want the
teach is something
tetical, something that;
r life, when the child
a woman, "only that
I£ high toned m-
onumental and classic -
aye them by all means,
pay for o them. Y lie. xn-.
the subjects in the
should be diminished,
characters want that,
he arts and sciences
mild be toncbed an he
forgetting that in re-
f learning may be:.a
at any 'rate mislead -
a right to expect a
pay for teaching his
anehes, It is tlreold,
to get something for
to Public Schools arc-
ed with a multitude
any of them neither
ail for practical par -
own that there is a,
scattered througbonli
to lie awake at night
rains, devising bow to
Nets to load on to the t
ublic Scheel. In one
•e called the "upper
the Pubife School
Perhaps they were
besterfield. At one
ed an authority ois
rfect lady or gentle -
Ord as Having said
walk well or stand:
can dance well."
fad did not prevail.
ear in this town it
has been presented
sol Trustees, asking
aught in the Public
loners might have
ogr-d seine .person to
in it is the old habit*
nethiug for nothing.
sisal advocates are
s an instrument, itt
refer the grand piano,
ne bit hoggish and
o specify their favor-
1tindly and politely
card the privilege a
modesty will bo ap-
could bring myselftos
hoot hoard would be
tit the extraordinary
ecully beg to suggest;
v to select the w
illitf, -
A Reameteren,
who has been'boun1
demon drink, and hi
fetters. She is ea
since -rein her efforts
and humanity," --'2
eery. In Wins hare
Tem nerance Mt io .
1 ss n
s a thrilling history,
all the pathos of one
by the fetters of the The millinery at
s at last broken these 1 places of attractio
'nest, eloquent, and I Messrs. M. If. ref
to fight for God, Inane • and in fact all the
le Cumberland Meta { decorated their pi
on April 7th and 8th. I or loss for the
In this enlightened age a moo need not and fall milliner
appeal to the sympathy of the pdblio, by 1 that the people
telling of his long years in business. What interest and eve
the people want is men in business who 1 0001051011 more 0
will give them goods at a living profit and previous one, It
one profit to ail. 'yen will find men of
that hind at Irleand & Button's Furniture' line to write np
and Undertaking store, Wingham, opposite are obliged to gi
Macdondald block, 0 short article.
showed us some very
g them a very pretty
ritn formed of salmon
cont of chiffon ribbon
tars of goffered Iace
t one side, One we
was a white hat, with
k wings at side, with
t coiled softly armed
rod woven through
l h
n wu
ds of scarf falling off
res were not the only
on Tuesday evening. We have no old out of date and ont of
ndoo, D. M. Gordon, style stuff, that we have bought froin some
business men in town opposition, to offer yoti for less drat oast.
es Of business more Our stook is all new. elem.', and 11 0o -dote The spring and as fax prices --well, just call and seg
openings are events
cok forward to with
season makes the
a success than the Is 'Your Daughter ill Schaal P
s rather out of our There are thousands of sickly lobo
eh events, hence we girla dragging their way through sous)
our readers only a who might bo enjoying the foil vigtrt.
their youth by taking Scott's >rmalaiam;ti
of wanting to get s
The Wingham m
modest and polite.
is well known they
but they are not
generously declined
its instrument, bo
leave to the Scheel
choosing it. Such
preciated. But if
believe) that the S
silly enough to e
request, I would re
t0 that honorable h
harp to commence
for yourselves or ask your embers. The
will tell you Ireland aft Botton,