HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-03-18, Page 8Mir II. McI ress Fabrics All the latest novelties in Black and White ranee Suitings, Basket Granite Cords and Brocades. A perfectly new assortment of plain Shot and Cheek, Black White Cheek, Blue and White Check, Red and Black Cheek. A. range of over 100 different de- signs ;n the latest color combination. in St itir:gs, Uotee pun Ilroadcloth, Figueed Arinnree, Silk and Wool B,•�roeede s, and si'ecial lines of plain, Cloth Suitings. Will lie pleased to send samples on request. SPECIAL IN CLOTHING Clothing that gives satisfaction in every particular is what we offer you, end teen the price is Iower than you expect, New Spring Suitings made te, order at speeial price this month, as we will have all we can do next month in Ordered Clothing. We are adding to our Tweed Stock almost every day. Men's Tweed. Suits made to order this month in Brown heather mixtures and Fawn lines, with good Farmer's Satin, No. 1 Lining, regular $1G.00, March price $12.50. BARGAIN SATURDAY On sale Saturday morning : 20 pieces heavy Shaker Fialanel, rep' 7e fair 5C b• • 15 ends Dress Goods, reg. 50c, 60c, and 75c, for 30c. 20 ends Silk, fancy, reg. 60a and f 75e for 50e. 20 pieces Factory and Whitt Cotton. reg. 7e for 5e. t) Ipi:-- ea Heavy Scotch Tweed„ Special at 75e, for 50e, • 1 G d•�;z. Crompton Corsets, best quality. reg. $1.00 for 75c. G dee. Ladies' Kid Glaves,j reg. $1.20 f,). ".41.00. t; doz. Ladies' Iletvv Riebed Caseles:re Besse, reg. o0e fur 35c, 200 new pieces Embroidery, reg. 10e, 32c, 15e, ter 9e. 20 ends Lace, reg. Se and 10e,1 ,for 5e. 10 Bays' 2 piece Suits, reg. *3.50 -Tor X2.25. 50 pairs Ladies' Fine Shoes, ',Special, $,.41,50 for rel 15, ,Shop early at .$1111, WINGII..(M TIM. 6, MARCIl 1s, 1898, attending a meeting of the Exeeutiv committee, Mr Barry hunt, representing Uwatkl ifi Sons, of Toronto, was rn town 0 Thursday last, Mr Arthur Knox was in Clinton en Monday last, recording his ballot on th Doherty by-law. Peter r 1 Ars oe t r Witson, of this city, is visit ing at Mr John Netterfeld's, Winghern -- Loudon Free Press, :kir Geo MoKaohie, Passenger Agent o the Northern Pacifto Railway, was in town few days this week. Mr George Fretwell returned home on Thursday last, from a visit with friends and relatives at Piattsville. Mr Thomas, of Glasgow, Scotland, a furniture dealer, was the gnest of Mr, Oliver Gilchrist during the week. Mr Ed Bailey, of L3luevale, was in town. IIs et tet present laid off from his teaching duties at Ilaysviile, owing to illness. Miss Minnie ;Fessant, of Wiugham, is visiting Miss May Harrison and her uncle, Mr Watson Button, at the Central. - e elkerton Telescope, „,� A1iss Lottie Mitchell, of town, has go to to Plettsville, where she has accepted a situation as milliner in R J Neal & Co.'s millinery department. Miss Sadie Donovan left on Tuesday for an extended visit to Winghant, where she will be the guest of her sister, Mrs Dalton, of that place.•-Seeforth Sun. Mr John Bennett, of Loudon, is taking Mr Jas Langley's place on the London freight, while he is laid off on account of his recent accident. Reeve Wilfred, of Blyth, was in town on Monday. He was on his way to Palm- erston, where he will attend the Grand Orange Lodge meeting. Mrs C 11 Willits and Miss"Lola are visiting friends in Winghans this week.. Mr Geo Flood, of Wingbam, formerly of Hewlett, was in town this week. -Clifford Express. DOAK` ei� wifeo Mr. i R. S. on Maroh ];sth, �, SALE the of lt, S. McGee ; a son n (Nj)11 born. a a ` ',lcros:r.1e In Morris, an March 0th, the wife of Mr. Wm Thueli, a son ` Ts:nu mm -In ,Kinloss, on March 8th, the wife of .4r. Deter J. Terrdt; a daugh- e ter. MAAR=D. Denrearo-GIsnEN--At the residence - of the bride's parents, Lower 'Wingbam on March 10th, by Itev. Dr. Pascoe, Mr. Levi Ir, Darling, of Norfolk County, Manitoba, to M.issarah M. Green of f Lower Wingham. `HonasoN--GRAY-At the reeidenoe of the bride's parents, in Tornberry, on March 0th, by Rau, IL E, Mason, of Wingbam, Mr. John Hodgson, of Walk- erton, to Miss Maggie, daughter of Mr. \ m Grave, Ahazsxaovo--Leisineeer--At the rest. dance of the bride's parents, East Wa- wanosb, on March 15th, by Rev. T. E, Iligloy. of Blyth, John Armstrong, of Weet wawanoeb, to Elizabeth Isabella, second daughter of Richard Leishman DMA, Mt -Guinn -In Wiugham, on March loth, Hattie Gertrude, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McGuire, aged '2 years and 5 Jaye. CROWE-in Culross, on March. .15th,, 1 Mary Crowe, relict of the late Chiis-, topher Crowe, aged 70 yerlls. ALexsemert-1n Teesweter, 9n March 4th, David Alexander, aged 86 years, %Bonn -In Morrie, on Tuesday Maroh 8th, Thos. Moore Boyd, aged :r8 •years, 9 months; and 24 days. ic` Sooxx-In Seafortb, an Maki 9th. Robert Scott, (Mayor of Seafortb),, : aged 41 years and 6 mantises SNYDEta-In Howlett,. ou Friday morn - mg, March 4th, Melinda, daughter of the late Amos Snyder, aged 15 years and 5 months. J Messrs Dave Diusley and Harry Parker eft on Tuesday morning for Vancouver, 1 33. 0., where they will reside. We wish hese two young men every success in the fir West. Miss Forbes and Miss Fleming, of Win'ehan), are visiting at Thos. Maxwell's, ,Sohn street -Geo Heist, of Wingham, vas in town a day or two last week.- lrusssis Post. a i� as .a *NNWsSs est-... x . _ . PELSOJ ALS. We abet: be clad to have contributions to this column hold any of our readers. If you hay.' visi- tors or rurposs going (telly s oureeies is drop in toll us, or send us a note to tb.it effect. Mr Irwin, of Clinton, was in town this week. Mr Arch Gillies, of Teeswater, was in town Wednesday. - errs S Gracey visited her parents in Blyth this week, Ernest Pumeroy, of London, is visiting Mr. P. McDonald. Mr Wra Barrand returned home from Toronto on Friday last. Mrs Dr Kennedy was visiting her parents in Strcthrcy last week. Mise llIcllardy, of Tee swater, was visit- ing in town this week. Mr John Elder is visiting with old friends iu town this week. Miss Wilson, of Brussels, is visiting her brother, 11 Wilson, itt town. Mien AtlyeHtIl, of Walitertoir. is visiting with friends its ttiwn this week. Mies S Graham, of Lueknow, is the guest of Mies Mattie Campbell. Miss Mattis Campbell repent a few days in London during the past week. 11Iirs C Marchand, of Culross, has been visiting fie: -da in town this week. Mr :lohn Kerr was in London last week, attending the funeral of his mother. Messrs John Johnston and. Geo Swarts of Goderieh, were in' town this week. Miss Day, of Wingliam. has been smit- ing Mrs 0 ,l Wallis. -Clinton New Era. Mr II 0 Bell is away this week on a business trill to -Chatham and other points. Mr John Drummond, of Walkerton, visited with his old friends in town this week. Miss Wa:;ks, of Brussels, was the guest of fee <se : vie. reed , l:110 r'nriee the re, ;1Ir ': ;.. t,,,: tested, of Woodstock, ex* visiting Irt.r parents, Mr and Mrs T Abraham. Ito Wm tine is in London this week, CHUi,.t;I; 'BUTES. The Plymouth Brethren .of town have changed their place of 'sleeting from Ball's 1 bull to Mehenzie'e hall. The high water on Sunday last played such mischief at the the electric light power house, that we were unable to have any lights that evenine,, and in eonseneence no service was helm in the Methodist or Baptist ehnrcees. St Paul's church secured lamps and held service. Are you going to 1£londyke ? If not,' you. are Invited to take a trip with Maier Southall in the"Army Chariott," tames the continent, on Thursday next, March 24th Stirring tales of early battles in New Branseaick and Nova Scotia, Thrill- ing conversions in Montana, Washington, and items of interest of British Columbia. Through tickets, with stop over privileges,. inay be obtained from the S. A. officers or any soldier of the local corps, 5 cents. Don'f forget the date, March 24th, in 6. A. barracks. A veru pleasant surprise awaited the Wingbam Presbyterian Sabbath School last Sunday. For some years past the large Bible on the desk has been in a very delapitated state. Last Sabbath, or some time previous, a most agreeable change had taken place, for the old, badly worn book, had been removed and a, hand- sorne new Bible put in its place, with the following inscription bn the front page, viz "Presented to the Wingbam Presby- terian Sabbath School, by an humble worker and faithful friend " He who notices the fall of a sparrow declares. Matthew 25-40. "In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my l;rethren, yo hays done 11 unto me." CLINTON. • Mr. Eobt ilolmes, oftheNew Era, • was in Ottawa Last week attending the Ineeting of the Canadian Press Association. Mr. Holmes was elected president of the association. The vote on the bylaw to grant a loan of .25,000 to 'Messrs. Doherty & Co. for a term of twenty years was taken here Monday and resulted in a sweeping majority for the by-law. The available vote is slightly over 000, and of this number 457 voted in favor of the by-law and only 10 against it. Mr. Doherty assured the; mayor and those eitizetIS who visited tail office after the result was made known that the work of re -erection wee!.; fel• -'le. eler, aelei i:ir t,i.t:e:. The Grand Trunk is moving its auditor's and paymaster's offices from Detroit to Montreal. A NL3Ell ANME, THF. MEANS OF RESTORING A LITTLE GIRL TO HEALTH. SHE WAS GRADUALLY FADING AWAY AND FIER PARENTS DOUBTED ITER RECOVERY TO HEALTH, Froth the Examiner, Charlottetown. Perhaps the most remarlable cure that has ever been recorded is that of little Minnie Woodside, daughter ef Mr. and blrs. Jas. Woodside, of Baltic. P. E.1. Mr. end Mee.. Wood- side ere sneirilxers of the Priscetown Presbyterian church, and are well and favorably known in thesettte- nlen•t where they reside, Mr. -Wood- side floes an extensive business in oysters. A sievespaltei correspondent hearing cif the remarkable reeovnry of this little gird", called on Mr. Wood• side and astrtained the exacre fasts• of the ease. The following is.sub- stantially else result of the inetreiew:. —"Moat a year ago last June P• first notieed irhat• my little -daughter. was- not as•brigiit as usual and that she eolapDaineed at times of painss•in her head; and chest. Up to thatttime• she had regularly attended shoot and was remarkably clever ibr a child. of her age. She did nothing exeept attend.sebool and although I never supposed it would do her mach anjury, allowed her to study too sedulously. Thinking that she was only a little run down I kept her from school for a few weeks anti ex- pected that she would be all right again. - By the end of that triose -1 was badly disappointed in nest ex- pectations, however, as she rapidly grew weaker and lost flesh eery day. I was alarmed about her eon- dition Na hen she er.enplained ot a soreness in her lungs and began to, cough. I was just prepatring- to take her to a doctor when -a neighbor call, ed to see her and advised us to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She assur- ed me that Pink Pills had restored her own daughter to health - after several doctors bad failed to do her any good. I therefore resolved to give them a trial and pnl'ehased a couple of boxes that very day. I began giving ray little daughter those pills being very careful to fol- low the directions, At the end of a month I noticed a decided improve- ment in her-licalth and thus encour- aged I continued using the pills three months more. leer health was quite restored by that tine and she was able to attend school again. T re- gard my daughter's cure as almost marvellous slid accord all the credit to Dr. William& Pink Pills, I+or little girls and boys of delieate consti:tutiotls no better remedy could possibly be prescribed. What was done for my little girl eould certainly be done for other cliildlen. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills euro by going to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving di -.,ease from the system. Avoid imitations by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapping bearing the fall trade mark, Dr. Williams' Pink rills for Pale People. The administretri-t of the estate of Alexander Daweoa, deceased, ofIers ter j sale the Two Stores in Wtngham now ooeupied by Messrs. W, A, Par- qubarsou and W. 11, Wallace, Offers for the same should be addressed to J. A. MORTON, Wingham, Solicitor for the Estate House and Lot For Sale. The Undersigned offers his house and lot on Alice street for sale: The house )e a nine room frame one, with kitchen, and there is a number of good fruit trees on trio .ot, For full particulars apply to .TAS. W II,SON, Wine cam. PROPERTY FOR SUE. Twelve acres of choice land in the Wingliam Town Plot for sale. There are on the premietis good hard and soft water ; a good house and barn and a good }.drtring orchard. Ploughing has nil beet, done and the property is in firstesla oowlet. 11 not sold by the 1st of April, •ill be rented. For terms and partiou rs, apply to . R. CAMPBELL, Prop., Wingbam P. 0. FARM. TO RENT. Lots 10 and 17 in the B Concession of the Township of Howiolr, (the Crnoket Willits filen)), will be leased to a good teanat fora term of years tit a reason- able root. Apply to C. -H. Willits, Wrox- eter, or to the undersigned, Dated thele 7th day of Feb., A. D..1898. R. 4AN tToN.l , Wingbam, Solicitor fox estate of Ct'ocket Willits, deceaseds - farm For Sale Chea Orth half lot „?3, con, 11, r est We - wan containing 991,4' ac' -e more ear less; well drained, well screed and, in a good : to, of cultivatio ; 38 acres head .wood bus never-faS g spring creek, 1 never -fail we:l • muse 18 x 24 feet; good bare, 2 act •: orchard, 4 acres fakl• twheat; 40 z•ods r echooI, half mile from Presbyte an or Methodist Church, &rollers fro the tow . of Wingham,,a miles fro, the village .... olgrave. Ana giving .p falrming tor wh It I can g1ete- a4tis'.tetory reasons. r terms of sale apply to S. I70UFlILL, Real Estate ent, Wimgham, Ont. EW °PEN N • Mrs. t. Halliday and Mise to a ,ounce to the Lndi ;ham and v enity that the a. d:ressinaki apartna dcaald'a Block, . ver they win be pleas age of those w'_ in ing~, Also twring•,• anal Meld • : n'e Clothing most int attention. A Cecil -elicited. eb.2.J, 1898. elk We offer the largest and most complete stock of fine, new Stylish Dress Goods, See them before you buy, or you- may regret it. In general Dry Goods, every corner: isv::.11:lsz. clammed with the newest and best lines obtainable.- . btainable.. Immense Range of Ready-made CLO 1 ;. From the REST MAKERS 'in Canada. Well made, well trimmed and splendid fitters, and at prices that nay well astonish the bower. Take one line as a sample of our price. A nice line of Men's Serge Suits, all sizes from 36 to 44, -well made, looks well and will wear well, at $2.95 good e'nough for the average politician) to go to Parliament. in' Ilaandsonoe Spring Overctats, tabor -made, cannot be:ex- celled its style;, workmanship and finish,. for about half the.price of an mitered coat. Ther finest and best assortmatalt of Boots and Shoes, and at lower prices, gran ever offeredt Our Teas were never strongrgir ofmime fragrant, and our prices, as•usual,, are the lowest. We luay foie cash in the best markets,, get the benefits -of prompt discount, and give the: advantage to Our customers every• time:. M. GOR O.. P. S.- - l-Iigmst prices paid for Eggs;. Butter, &c. la Da* of Wiree save opened t in Dr. Man. ri'a store, whees- to, have the patron - nisi or fancy sew- resses, Mautles 11 receive on:r:' respect- competed which 1 have bought of the- best manufacturers,.and Of the besttrnatetdal, as 1 have been in, business for 25 years and am a ntaeti t boot and shoe, maker and know just what I am selling you, and mean to sell you gaod goods at the night prices.. I am stfJ getting in new goorlkt. and will soon have -my ;large stock;. of Boots, Shoes, Rubber. Trunks and Valises BULL FOR SALE The made a, thoroughbred years old. Pedigree farther information plying to } od• has for e cheap rham ull, three C .e issue easel ued by ap- LE st. HE F. H. KERNE` 'EONSOILLA.L ARTISTS'. Opposite Qlueenla Hotel, Wiughaast. ham., For an easy Shave and a Rost -Clare Hair Out, give- him a trial. Razors Honedi. `§HEIM STEN I1`` iUN HY Our laundry plant has arrived and to are prepaeed to turn out first•class work in sit• lines at' Laundry Work on the Shortest Notice. For the convenience of customers, a DROP BOX will be placed at the door to receive work when laundry' le closed. FIVE SDS A TRIAL. with your next order. J. D. LONG Opp. Union Factory, All ni tis, sewed free of charge iiaat all goods bought. from me. Re airing and custom tRtork neatly done. a— (GO0i�'S OLD STAND). Pia1nos, Organs, Violins, Autoharps Accordeons, Mandolins Mouth Organs at all priees up to $2.50. All kinds of ttirnlning4' for Musical Instruments. AMMO i3ob1 S AND SHEET lvitUSIC. We can supply you with anything you. want, Sewing Machines and Sewing Machine Supplies. FARMERS—Don't forget that I still- handle all kinds of Tarin Ina- plements notwithstanding that reports arc circulated to the contrary. Meyer Block, T. Fi:, ].. i..,A Opposite I'. 0