HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-03-18, Page 6• sentative Elders of 1'..aeter, Brand T )i i assabot is .)`s 3111:.0. £LT.•
.11IE NV I N(A 1 IAM TIMES, IA ,(-SII. 18,189s,
...,+,...a..: �„r ...• t.. - . ,-u,,., ,,.. ,m, ._s.,--�.�.-,.um ,.....5 .,-<..,...ti,,.., ,..».,, .,,moaner .> •,vis,......,.... > .. w <r
- ,.. ... _.. _ ..,....rte
;3A...131.1 ,1.'211 f.iI1La:T•r-O.115.1. Aro 3L �)li .. a ..,...� 4 1 l' i ��1 SS.
� M, h N'
00' am i11. L 1it'i'tl 1-;t"rhl,7t1dV1lle, 'I'lt2Ltne3 Itcsarl 'rhe' kine; :al:Ls , as .I\ Lost :LIId sot,
Guelph, was nominated as Moderator Il.t e 1 t,.,nt
nt the next General Assembly. I)1'. '1 he tTailnr rote' o'er wide! ;
the tomes utast f. -4.d them all.
IF R., Reattia 1'1(11$ i10111inated i±)r the .
-• tJ Haiti ti0C1t'1'it'il. 1)1. Torrance, r•f 'iItl 14)1;41.11:•1.vl:Lr' if;;f t i !}
' n-Iflie iv milt f pli.le
k`YID:.t. bIA11CII 1h.1�8S.
r m � � .. chair of Old Testament Literature. 1u :1711
I' College, Toronto Attention .-' L l..l«,�, was called to the death of since i:41t Tit
The Council met in the 'Town ; Ineetinl; of Presbytery of Mr. John Bs
Iiiall, 'I'eeawvater, 1I: i •h 7th, 1$J , ; Burton repro entntive elder of Lee- Th
ZL pee motion et' :w(ij snt•llment of hast , burn, and a suitable minute was; T`t
:meeting. i, embers all irts''t•Ilt. le a(Io Ited, :Ll'+I Illat'e'Cl neon th;'_ :scorch.
1 � l a..,,.. ,i•
Reeve in the ('hair. Thr minutes ('f I Sir Muir, ut ><l .,.e>iold, (Attained Ti
`last meeting; wt'1•e retia. I?iitt' if al 'uce foe three months:, ()r
• t 1 1 I r to vis=it Se.Irjand tithing the 1,11,‘;'
T ,r• Knox. T11
L.rjte': think, th•t 1.0) ; , ,:: fI47
e erafta:u'n f• stbiou wo :dre'us things;
1.d ,et+•t• heals, the lawyer pleads.,
e 'Buri: inview premotte heads ,
t tiGs or tirtt a hate'or he f1e11,
o farmer he must fetal the lu u)1,
IC mere ]i,1nt. tie ml'.y bt.y dr Kell,
10 i, d t h+ 1. 210 Mita , tltty wen;
;.' rt.•`1: IIs. V tl,i1 tl./'oah�;
Theo may toil through T lc'a-t)%t wo;)s,
; e IT or king, wind: e btf.Lll,
-' , . 71'r. j J, t„n:-1. fr . t
A Mi)VC(1
.liL'aa ,•,.•
,: ., ... .. .. ;1v..,:.zy� ,,,u..•.bll> .1.. .. . .... •,
' 1 t'd to dt t do T1.c f trade is one of worth ;
r.� c T+a eC )t' i Oraft'
'meeting be aielt•I:+I(•tl, by striking t,j
tout all the word; after eGeet in tin. a • It
tenth in the minute hook : and that i hi
Me Clerk notify the Kinloss Conucil
of the amendment and that the 1
intor'1, was appointed •t. '' :mina
> >• "tell Session 1i,'s cornier with sky Au,d (;:Lath,
oderater of lil'uc,t,l And partner with sunandrain.5 absence. And no elan loses by hes train,
>allintites as amended he adopted.
--10ntario Government Looking. Af-
Scott--Reid---That Roht. Fraser,
,I.'athrna:ter on road beat No. 17, be
'paid the sum of 81.40, beteg for C.
IP. R. statute labor of last year ; and
;that the Clerk notify all Patbmasters
on their road lists this year not to do
;Ston -resident statute labor, but to
return it undone. The Clerk will
then charge them with the amount
and levy it along with their taxes,
:and put the amount on the road list
Text year. --Carried.
Johnston—Seott—That as Dani(1
Markle is sick and in destitute cir-
cumstances with a family of small
children. That this Council have a
cheque issued in favor of Thomas
Standish, for the alncunt of 810, to
be carefully used in their behalf.—
Reid—Jarvis—That the scale for
levying statute be the same for
1898; its that used for 1897.—Car-
Scott—Jarvis—That the Clerk
bare the Bylaw prepared, as now
drafted for the appointment of Path-
Itllasters, to be passed at next 'sitting
of Council.—Carried.
Jarvis—Reid—That the Reeve and
Deputy -Reeve be and are hereby
:appointed a Committee to inspect the
Assessment Roll before returned to
rise Clerk, and report at next meet-
ing of council. We would also re-
commend that each voter see that
bis name is on the roll or appeal in
time tor Court of Revision, as direct
ed by- statute.—Carried.
Finance Report—Root. Fraser,
1'athmaster Div. 17, C. P. R., statute
labor, :71.40 ; Thos. Standish, aid for
31arisell family, $10.
Jarvis --Johnston---Trhat the fin shipmentsby cold ld storage of fresh
ante report as read be adopted and fruits have not been a great success
heques issued in payment of the Yet experience is teaching our people
some lessons. This year preparations
ter Now Markets for It.
:inti if teen rise or if amen full,
The farmer he must feed thorn all.
The farmer dares his niind to speak
IIe has no giftto place to c(' -It,
To no mon Hying n1:Ld ha bow,
For he who walks behind the plow,
Is his own man, whnte'er befall,
Beggar or king, he feeds them all.
Toronto, March 12,—Mr. 0, 0.1 The Aged Senators.
James, deputy minister of agricul- 1
les in the
•• Mt 1112.1)1)1:,'1'- Rev. Loc. 'Pascoe, pan
t()i• i. il1'yi,tt'N at 11 a 211 and 7 ji Iti,
1'lyi'.S}3} J'1,11IAN 14, V. U. I.'errie
pa ems Seethes ;tt 11 a m and 7 p tn. Y
16121 C'C)PAL, ;pit. t'ain't. --arty. Wm.
• Lowe, r•tctur. SerViee:' ttt- 11 a Ilt and 7
1�:1IIIS`P -hov, Jas. Hamilton, pan- ;
tor. Services at 11 )a 111 and 7 p m +
CON(.ili.1+1GA'I'ION:1I.--lit+v. II. B. 1
:4lason, pastor. Service's at 11 a al and.
t)iiitlti'1'1:\:ti WORKNI11.i --- '+ilGvet3
Outrun and I,thlkjri l!:;nitmatl(1,dl'Cll:('H p��y�pyfir{{�* �;"13"�in ai{��t.+„ ��,° �"�i+� I 1mil• t:
nttool HIrto. WHY. Y WETMORE &. U tint e1yr• I Gme. 1: t mo.
• 't:1T1��:.TIOIw1 ARM`1'--Adjutant r $thy; qR,@��, w uneiiriitiai211 Wut) (-I it o r;:, u,: l :;i ao
(+t,n1111e11(1. t:'er:•i2.1 at 11 a. U E, @"ct+'1 ijOCil dolt 'tt)uu "0 i 12 CA , ligo0
m. type ip quarter '• '.20 otl i:l co 1 7 r£0 1 ,l Mel
lu, :3 l) al nt;ti S p in,
RU Li `iqv
—Di i NUIo1,1:;1rI411.
--AT Tur:---
f so jt is our advantage to I
call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug' ' .
Store, `�ri11t,•ilalll, They
are the agents for the
celebrated \+V t:ttFior c
;beallncril)tictmg)r toe, cu per• w'o:Lr, Itt advance
r tl - 7Tt'
; Sabbath School is held at 2.30 p m,
.Defare . After. "17006.'S l'i16B;�`130a1i10, 3'
The Great English Remedy. i
druggistsin Canada. Onlyb reli-
able medicine d. Sax
pacicagca guaranteed to cure all 5,
forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, F,xeessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, $5. One will please, V •
tatx will cure.
W-PaoodlCompany, SYinny dsdor; oat.. 7,
tore, recently received an inquiry There are two vacant
from a large firm in London, Eng., Dominion Senate at the present time
for the names and addresses of such ono for Ontario and one for Prince
firms as can furnish evaporated fruit I Edward Island. A table has been
for the English market. The United I1 compiled showing the ages of the
States at present supplies the bulk of ; gentlemen who comprise the Senate.
the English trade, but it is stated 1 The House is composed of 85
that the motherland is desirous of I members — 21 from Ontario, 24
purchasing from Canada, if she can Quebec, 10 each from Nova Scotia,
supply the goods. and New Brunswiek, 4 from Prince .
Mr. James is anxious to push the Edward Island, 4 from Manitoba, 3
matter as far as possible. He states from the Northwest Territory and
that if Canadians do not cultivate 6 from British Columbia. The fol
the English market, the Canadian lowing statement of their ages will
peaeh-grower will in a few years' be found interesting • 1 of 94 years
time find himself swamped by over-' 1 of 87, 1 of 89, 1 of 83. 2 of 82, 1
production. of 79, 3 of 78, 2 of 77i 2 of 76, 5 of
"Last season," said Mr. James, 75, 3 of 74, 4 of 73, 1 of 70, 5 of 69,
yesterday, "the peach crop of the 1 of 64, 3 of 63, 3 of 61, 4 of 60, 6 of
Essex Peninsula was very light, yet -59, 3 of 58, 2 of 57, 2 of 55, 1 of 54,
the Niagara Peninsula, with an or- 1 of 53, 1 of 52, 2 of 51, 1 of 50, 1 of1
dinary output, produced so 'much 49, 1 of 46, 1 of 45, 1 of 44, and 2 of,
that the fruit stood at a very low 8. The oldest senator is Hon Mr.
figure. Considering the thousands Mr. Wark. of Nova Scotia, 94 years, II
of new orchards planted of lateyears, and the youngest lately appointed is(
a plentiful season would m.a:n, as Hon. Mr. Dandurand, of Quebec 1
some of the growers have put it, that Province, S8 years.
the fruit would have to be fed to the •
Sold in Wingham by Cohn a Campbell '
moIllent without Ont:,
It will hover rust atul is COIIKe-
gnently durable.
A person wearing a WTetlncro does
not find it a bother.
We will guarantee to hold in
position any reducible rupture.
This truss cannot possibly' 1110ve
after adjustment,
Some of our townspeople can
testify to its merits.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money
hogs unless -- foreign outlet is found. It is economy to profit by the experi-
In the past dna an sive sen 'cured b Hood's Sorsa drilla. why not
11 ' s C d• h b lace of others. Thousands have been
Mr. Stephen 'Wescott, Freeport,
N.S., found (Burdock Blood Bitters)
a wonderful blood purifier and gives
his experience as follows: "I was
very much run down in health and
employed mit' local physician who
attended me three months, finally
my leg broke out in running sores
with fearful burning. I had thir-
teen running sores at one time,
from my knee to the top of my foot.
All the medicine I took did me no
good, so I threw it aside and tried
B. B.B.; when one-half the bottle war
gone, I noticed a change for the
better, and by the time 1 had finished
two bottles my leg was perfectly
healed and my health greatly inr
slow to take advantage of commer- you, y proved."
Bial opportunities. As present. Eng-
land is prepared to rive Canada the Even With Her Cross -Examiner. " »-
p "Now," said the lawyer who was ,
mains to be seen whether we shall „ the C,, I'. R. is to erect between -
1Lvail ourselves of theaeopport-anLties, conducting the cross-examination,'
iliontreal and Vancouver is being
''So tar the experiments in foreign will you please state Yew and when matiufactur'ed at Lachine. It will
yon first met this man. cost $250,000.
reference above all others. It re- r „ The copper telegraph line which
ANK of IT.
Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, . $ '125,000
President—JOHN STUART.
Vice-President—•A. G. RAnsAT.
Legal and other cane a arcaltiseinent. 4+' p, -r lino
for first h,aelttr+n,emld St per lice for evil suhnerinent
in•orticnl. ,io:+suttit by aou113112 l beak.
2.ocal notices 1Unr pt11inr: for first Insertion, and.
per line for eacl, subsequent .nsertter..
tz t
Advertieemeur>oCLost,htll:nd,.:traycdt:aiLvn loge•
and Business Chances wanted, out excetn("II F line
uunpareb, $1 for first month, aid 50c. for nob
subscr;utnt mouth.
sd:n•' 8 Tine.
Icuses and Ferule for Sale, l:ot exert
F1 for first month, 00,,. per subsequent month'
Larger advettts+.metas in proportion.
These tutus will be btrie•tly adhered to
Special rates for larger ;Wst•rtiscmcrt:, Or for
longer periods.
Advettiseuzente and local nota^es without spooiflo-
directions, will be inserted till forbid and charge'
accordingly. Transact,). advertisements must be.
paid in advance
Obanges for contract advertisements must -be be
the office by Wednesday noon, In 'order to appeal
that week
17. 0, ELLIOTT,
• Wow, A. B. LRE (Toronto).
Caehior—J. TURNBULL.
Savings Bank—Hours, to to 3• Saturdays, 10
Deposits of $1 and upwards received and tercet
Special Deposits also recoivod at Durrant
rates of i1 .3rest.
Drai'ts ou groat Britain and the United Stator
boI3Jiht and sold
E T..-D1CKINSON, Solicitor.
Money to Loan on Notes.
Notes Discounted
Money advanced on Mortgages at 51, pot oentwith
privilege of paying at the end of any year. Note
and accounts collected.
Beaver Block Wtnaham, Ont
Reid—Scott—That this council are being made to place Canadian filets here. We don't ear(: what you
do now adjourn to meet again on fresh tomatoes on the English market, T
'Ih d lr of Aped or at the call -if and the projector of the idea looks t think, a. d we haven't any time to
"I think," said the lady with the '
sharp nose," that it was " The Union bridge Company of
"Never mind what yon think," Detroit line filed tlrtlelcs of associ-
interrupted the lawyer. "We want tition with the Secreta.•ry' of State.
The company is capitalized at $2,
000 and its purpose is to build a
581110ad bridge 'across the Detroit
Rigel' for'use by all connecting rail
roads in the United States .a.n(1
t .. t.
are the
Canada. r- .t
1.:2)1,(1 'T!'ut1k and `ti tt t•t,ll Railway
1 3,''+;70 of the
the Reeve.—Carried. for success. The beginners may
CHAS. BUTTON, Clerk. lose a little money, slant success may
be looked for 'hereafter. It is most
Heating )f :Huron II^SNyL:;. inpCltalt, however,
growers e (. ) t) should he
-_---__ t,:otrel 'f the lr ;•iuc�e ul
The Presbyter; t ,'IlU ttl diet, i11 alive to the nest 1st w• 2,f cultivatil".r
Willi; . t: e'1s (lintel, oil Tuesday, a Pori •ell inat'kt • ti+r their fruit ss
waste in listening to what you
think. Now, please tell us when
and where it \'t as that you first sa \w
this lean.
Toe witness made i;() reply.
"Your ht side," 5-21id tae lawyer,
irtrning• to the c'.iirt.. "I think I am
the h T• r, itt i LT ir' t'lew' wvlll',1Lclt7l;l)lV'.1,\' ('12!l;led 1(, an an:..\'er 111 till. (}ueF,tine
"t• t
ti:•. ..,.e41 ..l..i a(lui act, till I l.olvs Treaty hampered in the 7I il.aC Utlt.
a ,•' it•' '' .v firK riab- 2t)i]1N ur.0 .. ... !`'The \yltl)C
mlit':t, . 1: 1:'111 I,... r ,, the riiie•stion, S;i'1 the court in itn-
41:i.i ' , •CLII:.r People's' their lit I2.1 U I1l,l'^._ )t't-R^.iVC toped.
ts'r(:5 t t f it u :1(ihaw"iJP. The She BOtrayB'; C� i e.'l 1 "Can't," " s'tt'1 the lath.
.es..u1:: records :1 Pira 1I Pend atld �vG h' not?"
1 w; , ss we 311 }.prase answer
t t 1.11 2. -('` 1)v the cr''1'li •I+it 'Mi 0l
[` 1 1attested,I t ww m to n
rort)i•t`, vivre ......11111 lt14 2111( The (� t t' -. > "The ('onrt 'don't care to bear
It was agreed t,) apply for the Mlle .5.t,or' will be called Mrs.
flowing ;;rants from the ng• Iiau biey, but she is known in al£nosti
anentation fund:---i+'or Bayfield and every con)munity by other names.
Bethany.5200; for Grand Bend and She is inclined to do all she can to
Corbett, $250 ; and for Leeburn and snake other people believe she -is
Union church, Ooderich township, somebody and that she is fitted for
$200. The following were apponar:
ed as commissioners to the 'n
general Assembly :—Messrs. Al'c
McLean, J. A. ?i'Ielonald, J. A'•
Hamilton, Jatncsllamil ton and Wats.
Graham, ministers, and the repro -
:swot,, r+sscmesacsac t-
sae , r" , .
l.r t•,v�qq•'�,acqq4 9 `_erdf~iitH `•.
sr e4
J .
!t a
table and abai
intik placed
ar.��xj.C•- •:•ry T before i1s, Haughty.
a higher sphere than the one she is
forced by adverse circumstances to
live in.
A short time ago Mrs. Haughty
called on a neighbor and accepted
an invitation to stay to supper.
Mush and milk was the principal
suppt r dish, and Mrs. Haughty de-
clat'('d with sundry ejaculations
that she had never eaten the delight
fat wan pound. Theateatnilig platter
, „
( tic, of the
of 1u1t�11 was set I.hic
reti.-.)p. •ap ; ^ t`9 4� 13 tit "Just help yourself, Air:,. Itauah-
tC, remarked rl,. hostess,
t). ,t('S•
•• 's;a "Real1,, I do not know how to
rtl «; A ,tT .h � begin," said Mrs. haughty as As
'��%e r r� p -eked up her spoon.
The (treateA of alt Liwl'r, firs. Haughty made a move, and
9 leaned over to her mother and
it whispered :
"She t,.
Stomach and Blood i 'die sees h one of the children en Lt the table
A SPtCitli0 Port
Rheumatism, Goat andShe said she never ate I11ns12
E inrosl.. Complaint:). in
tnilk, but she dipped her spoon
in the milk before she :lipped It in
They 'f,1C'::!ils,. and Purity the the mush." t , Inc w ) , t gave 1111' i.
That lit .,t, omen
kla):).l• Ift.u; lity away, for every lover of
mush and milk I.;iovw•w that if Um
.All O ti ,"' " • ,-it
1 i �l'. - l;, � spot+n iy lint dipped into the milk
GetI;Si'a.i j)('l 1 '1'S. the mush will. not utidi to it.
w}tat I think, does it,?"
"Then there is no use questioning
Ind any further. I ata not a lawyer,
I can't talk without thinking."'
So rhey' called the next witness.—
Cleveland Leader.
Thos. Bell, the alleged highway-
elan, charged with "holding up"
several persons, has been sent for
trial by the Strattord police tllagis-
•1 ty er"
- 2
u-: 1 ju .
, S
� > �•�.lili� •
AeqNIppE,ftlf+Jlt�� ua? a(fl"s,ts.,6faratir�t•.k CURE
A U NIV i Silt L,IRE118 3 I I
Relief 111 six houra! 'What a glad :nee-
e+aga to the painracked, bet-ridtllcn, des- 1
p:Liri,y (ruin)::: froze :h.'112n212 ,alt's cruel
gr(Lp--and this 13 a fact, borne out by I
volurnes of evidence, for this greatest of
pa 221e'er l a:rura.
Rheumatism Imatism is curable--•Oonth 31merl-
('an Rheumatism Cure is on absolute
sp(•e:flc, slid radically cured trio m031 'tt
tiLtlbborn ,ta822 113 £120111 oat 10 three days.
"1 :411irCPCa intan12,.lrr from ritoumattstn ii
and srl:L i, • . Tr.t:d rte.ny remedies anti
loony 2'hy'r •'1m.a Wrboltt any 1,1413.;
benellt. A few lee's of -'nntlt Anteri.
tall 111102112,1,11 iv('11 1.%ot (h:tftiny helpO t
tar two 1.01 + tido.+1 tart•.' -1 1'r: Pitt,
merttotvii - out.
"rhehe t3 to 9ta sal gree 1 rt. 1,011 1:,fi. a,)"3
lower: r. ,... :+.1 (.11i:I120110'1
CEASE L wryf
Private and Company funds to loah 'at lowest
interest. No eommisston charged. Mortgages, tort'
and farm property bought and sold
OFFICE—Beaver Block wosess (
Toronto and East 6 50 a. m. 3 05 p. m
3 30p in 10 i'.:+p m
Palmer:iton mixed .8 55 a m 3 05 p m
London and South (i 63 a in 11 10 It
3 3Cp m 8 00 p rn
Kincardine 11 10 11 to 0 50 a m
330pni 330pm
1025 p )i 30 am
rswhirlwind. rx-
ell ••Klnt.dir,c Gold Fitldc like a erience0 rant 4erl, rest 1n rl, the bl t h..rve. of
their lit +nt;nen ba,inuees(1 rye outtl A+a lr y,ta,rtrst.
B �RRISTER, )ic.,
Wtugham, Ont.
> --
Otiice—slayer Block. Wingbam.
Ofloc—Corner Iiamilton and St. Andrew etreetsJ
opposite Colborne hotel.
..:,L..-:t;.'e- 1s manufactur first class sets
`;......,1:1--1 . 1-- teeth as cheap as they can be ma
, in the Dominion, Teeth extract
absolutely ivithout pain, by bus n3
process, guaranteed perfectly safe.
OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, oppoo
-Brunswick Rouse.
ARTIIVR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., D, 5.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennoyltan•
Dental College
kNOr13-11 ill visit Blyth every \Veduwday.
..,, ONTA0
rcervb.,cy stthscilhea. <arn y.'as: to lx,w on:
at2•1 (2 Month i+nlal:h:92‘7,1'..Al,e.t.t 12tt,r, her
nt, ails .4... k• is rlei.r2•:I1`•ll. .t 1•: re 2123.34 vLc1 find
earned 4£.+50 a Oity 3N t 0.222:1/22.2 5 a d L. h t. 12' 42t t'b DEANS, Js., ri lsct,:.It:,
11101e a1.22:012, 0.1(1, .n4 nntnt
BILAULI:Y (;i.lv>.l.f..t):`,1 Ccs., LT)+lr-.u,,
®LI.; TINN11. ,I: .
(r My danOter Nisei nffl:etna With
an obstinate .cr)uOi w".ink ra'+i sle,1 t':"
curative etteits of 1Ll'-T:i,r, n.11 'the a.'1
y'trtised co L ,lt rcrt.':li•'w and h .yitt1
iliacJL an or:ler for 3 .l+)J.. of (y , 11••0'.1
1, 114e'' -d 0411:1, '1'ttt•, t' 121))i I l\v py W('tt t' i't Drug (417: Id ve. ei lit•,I
111101 .r, I 11PL3 Irl i11•'(1 ti t••y'`•L'.
b A. few (Inv,: „Lye ,' l:(I e.•r1
5 t t,
re r' b< i
1:1 141 mean1Yt.lt
Ito: t0 take awl lr ' l 1 "
d... :01.1
.tUn, Oat. '
1 b-
7r.to^l, 6
A!asn.air:... . •v,. 233..14e,,
ForTw''aty-Se'v'en Tears
+,rT 2 '• ,, Ill ( : 1 t>1�
.: t
� � t:'� ):^.�
a(9lil3'12.�omt' °ppP
4AtIttaw'It' �Y]edL� pjai?6
LICANSLI, AT5CTIOI I .Ul. .aft•, t:0UNT'
Uf4, iligijILL
Having pnrehase(1 the entire h'u-ir.rt.n
Prom Air. Daniel Shotvots, 11,1.1 no v
1 with
t v the nr ]tc it
prepared to supply i public
Wood and />''(cl:l, ile'aaTrrt+ 822311
f'ta .,
1honCylinde1'a, Qa"aa1t'nllifim-
C(L Iron 'RIIi2I . Cistern:4,
Water rIi'i'ols 'lits, Sint1<e,
Baths, ripe Fitting, Weil
Digging and everything in con-
nection with water supplies.
Steel Windmills for
Galvanized S power
and pumping water.
'Deep well pumps a speciality.
Ttepniring promptly attended to.
Parties writing for information or
ordering by mall should always. •.tato
depth of well.
2 All work ',.P,uar£tnteo (1 or 110 .a,th'.'rxi
. y� O ,, j'I9: '& i ...
liox 140 Winghlifl, Ont.
the 1(t1(IN,
9 I s ttendrd in an,; pit et the Co. °barge•
JOHN Ci 1L1t11:, \iiINoXO.I t, Oa T.,
Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implenlen
Ail orders left at the TIMES office promptly alton&
ed to. Terms reasonable.
S. U. S
Camp Caledonia, No. 49 meet
the first and third Monday in.
every month, In „11e Odd Fellows Bali. Visiting
brethren wolccan' J. Murray, Chief. I) Stew
art Rcn.•Soe
rltl'mel's' 80118 or i1+(lustl'iot.i1 perF011s Of fair edn.
'cation to whops *SO a mouth would he an include.
stent. I eoutd also engage a feu Ladies at their
awn hcn•4•4.
T. II. I.INS'.oTT, Toronto.
" Womati" is the title of ow. .,real 1,,'book',
Di* -11,+y':: +alt 1+113$i4cf tic- a 1,(1. t.. t+1,1.,i1.,+•"rhe
tin t f 2(144 1w '1.
Lit., awl , n ti"tic,
r.•.t t ,
t letful
worn.. of t t rruffll) 41,,•4' ': 1,14,.14..1 I tautifu6
athai', (f (ht •i' t1.t wr, to 1•.c tl With
1, 1 ti
tela•:•., .: ! Et,. u� a
1 [izn -,e ,
TI21: LiNrtivIT(1(J1tP.", Y,
'•(:lin:p"en of the 'Cuoet u,• t.seiuntin l hoot:.
Iloet•;,4 t1.e toter' 110.1e1 h+rderlattl s3IlijeChd
1:unyh, Ply
01dt14. 11 1.111, us illnstralir.l:4, k_'rOS.
pectus tr(t to (•'2 218 r3.
Bi(+11)i.PVd1w18'511,05 CO., L13111'141 Toronto,
'rNeLUDIS(i Rooks, 1'amphlstF, Po''rtrs, n 11
ii Ileaki, Circulars, &e., &'., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on eh0r0
notice Apply or 22.1,1(12.3
IT, 1/. 1:L11(+"C'r,
T ossa, ndh•e, Winehanl
I(' •i.tr;,..,.•-,.d to t11utal c^:: t1r31 any Il0111q Or
°t.t ein.'.1t•11 can m•r Leen (12 1( •, ±till leave our
promptIttter:tion. s'isa'l1.2r Bind 11.gin nay sI 1O
w111 be Own 011 apullraHoa a the Toms Vallee
11 This cora
'what ho had
slather disco
swercd taitwl,
9 "I haven'
)Ing after a as
1 "I'll come
I, But at the
silo should in
The girl
!'without sign
I =client (01'.
"You tion'
hind very el
"Some pe(
it too oloarl
1 of his motl1o:
"011, peel
trying to gut
He thougl
nervous ring
! 'undercurrent
Quaid say an;
"Of oourst
About coming
"Do you r
sne from my
' "I don't r
is), Jaffray,
same slight
,even if then
.I shouldn't
mover." Th
phasis, but
• tone, "Nor
I "Do I un(
Beryl, 1: th
than to belt
on earth to
not do • five
hope I'm )
,yet." Mrs.
The inter
.greatly. It
1 when the
1 Tight round
"I was
'WAS sure
.any pledge
of his prom
c • o: And ii
worse for
said, with
tbo first pl:
apf his going
f "Urgent
Lina in the
• "Oovcril
"town to a s
,pe Witt, «
.and manna
be your cos
:turned Sir
ttho eliali,1;
"Do yea
0 one he
'o secret a
;ping bold
the ice, "(
Her t'wc
I mess, and
1.8'e sat f(
f nary pane
�'tVoice Was
12 "Diane
"For w
• n o 7
1 alt's only z;
tloo hangs With t h
lBel,the bat
m� .
° "Isn't
11EMske( Sit
;Sat alone,
dvval ,in
"J:1ti, G
• �41wered LI
txbor.f' 1:. •.
:Matt r,
, .ry,