HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-03-18, Page 1`VOL. XXV II. -;-NO. 1351. BOOTS I Man To -clay we open a ccinsign- -mem of te s en9s oots These boots are conceded by all to be the. Acme of 1)r- fection in Footwear. Tilley will be a revelation to the pAD- doubt heard about them, but as yet have not been afforded ,an opportunity to buy them. ' In anticipation of the areat demand for these boots we have marked down the price of all other boots we have in stock. If you need any- thing in the line of footwear, it will pay you to call upon us os we have made the prices low enough to satisfy anyone. METH & BOWLES. Spring Term Begins April time of the year to enter our school. 'The CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Beognized throughout the Do- minion. as the leading commercial Write for speoial circulars, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 1Vratriage Licenses Issued by Frcattic F.krsttsoll, No 23, Vic - cot ia etreet,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses CHEAP REA INC ! Our Clubbing List tn order to time our subseribers the trouble of 'snaking two or more retuittences wo have made special arrangements with the publishers lay whielt we are enabled to offer the following publications in ,conneetion with the WINORAM TIMBS at special low rates front now until January 14,1899, Special clubbing rates with ell newspapers and magazines quoted upon applicatiori. Ca.,/x must accompany all Times and Weekly Globe, Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star Times and Farmers' Advocate, • 1 00 ',Eines and Fartning, weekly, . 1 75 Times and Ladies' Journal, . 1 35 Tittles arid Montreal Weekly Witness, 1 80 Times And Daily Cflobe . 4 25 Times and Pails, World . . 3 00 Times and Com:try Gentleman, o se tee ea, ia 7,5 07 4-4U3 ,1:1,11tr 00 cm" WINGTIAMI ONTARIO, FRIDAY, 1WARCII 18i 1898. law aliVERTISEiliENTS. I. 8. Earl—Retiring from business, D, Gordon—Clothing. LOCAL. NEWS.. Wanted—good butter and eggs. Highest prices paid. T. C. Graham's grocery store, Chiseolm OnANGE GRAND LOD n ---The Provincial Orange Grand Loclg , of Ontario, is in session at Palmersto this week. Mr. H. G. Lee, Master of ingluem Lodge, and Past County Master ev. W. Lowe, are in attendance from her Tweigive Yeens AG Twenty years ago; the weather in Mar.. was about the soAne as at present. In ril the trees bloomed and vegetation was ery much advanced. Later in the season severe frosts were ex- perienced, and the fruit crop was almost Shaw, of the Klon. lt livery, lost a horse by death this weel The horse had been ill during tho week ith a complication of troubles. Thia will a heavy loss to Mr. Shaw, as it was the best horse of one of his matched teams. MUST BE Menne —The Exeter Ad- vance znust have bee dreaming last week, when they said the. no less than four women and one man ad been admitted to the House of Refuge eim Wingbam. We will allow that one an was sent from here, but the women were not from this tow n. SALAUIES—rhe Audi or- General'e report, just iesued, gives th following as the salaries of the Custon s Collectors in this county :--A. Farrow oderieh, $1000 ; T, e30G ; T. Whitely Clinton, 0600; F. Ingham, $000. Our ITS Lno—On forth veldt his horse near Walton, the bora one of his hind lege to render it impossib proceed on his way w was taken back to B under the care of a vet Vednesday of last ne started for Sea- med cutter. When in some way out ench a manner as for Cline to th him. The horse ussels and is now rinary surgeon, Court Maitland, C. 0. ., on _Many even- ing last, several matte for the good of the Court were bronght up for diseuision. A committee vats ap feinted to see if arrangements could no be made for the iog was held on Tues ay evening of this week, when a team wa punted. The team will tneet foe practice Teesday evening next, and every me bee of the Court is invited to he peesent. la may suit soot preteed to give away Gold watches o Parlor Suttee Free, but the fact remains that tho purchasers pay for the giyeawa a all tne same. For proof of this call at ', Gracey's and see what you can buy go ds at on straight eash bade and then en pare with guessing prices. . AN OLD LeNentee. of Mrs, lints POI ham, tot noticing h went over and fou oil the floor cold Was eent to Cot death, but he did to hold an inguee un town on Mond one of the fam It B. ELLIOTT, terred in the Win WINGITAIlf. day afternoon. ger- it Goa Oa Wed. e of the neighhoret y, of Lower Wing. r around her home, the old lady laying in death. Word nee Towhee of her ot deem it necessary Deceased teas seen y lastVBy her death tier figurer, of this he remaite were Itt- Diwrit's Domes fhe grim reaper Ore eo TUN Wese eeeday was a field Masts, Beattie B death again visited 0 r town this week, day for the G, T. B. raffia for the West. bus impaired.. claiming as its victim 1-lattie Gertrude, Six cars of settlers ffeete left thab day, —Spriug millinery o tbe two.year-old doe liter of Mr. and and in all thirty-six tickets were sold for the order of theday. Mee. jas. McGuire, r. and Mrs, lIfe- verious points in Ma Quire have the ey tie tthy of the coin- with a list of the pa ;nullity in their Eddie ion, Wm. Geinreill and We made our prices, right when we i ',3„08,* and daughter. etarted beeinese, and if the prines we see:- Aollod ; Mo. and Mr ticketed on the street and in the family, namely, leles windows are all cut prices, then our prices Jas.e.jos, A., Oliver, dre a snap. Ieelend te Batton, Furniture and mime Bour, DIRECTORS rdEETI the Directors of tt, cultural Society will hotel, on Satnrclay, the directors are ur be present, as impo be brought up for di 'cession. and J. Armetroug, to ExcentseOrt TO, arrange men te have the Turnberry ancl cultural Societies f union excursion to t Guelph, over the cursive will be run to Pilot Mouod; Turn berry Agri- Witham) Young, to Kit March 20th. All Robert Dodie, to Belt antler requested to Robert Theme and fa Writ inntters will Ella and Lizzie, to Bel etobe. We give bore. angers names : Mr. two sons, Wm. mai Hee Mary J., to Pilot is. Andrew, George, egg and William, le, Moab, and Lena, eley Walters and alley ; Robert Rae, leeleeses Alice, riff and W. Cala- orge Sensor' and the running' Of a I Stonewall, The etaei .n was a place of 0 model ?aril), at I great activity, there b a large number een completed by East Ilurou Agri - well, to Grafton ; Vaustone, to Gar a June 20th, and pante, bidding their fi ends farewell. The mejority of those have gone me this. Reeve von mer. eter.rlay they all vsper is the wish of [element agents of e town are .receiving their many Mende. large coneignment ot machinery and implements of all kinds—movvers, bay rakes, seed drills, faders, and in fact SMALL •OCAL.S. every kind of the lat st and best olass of farmers' maehiner —Campbell's.3eteadaohe Wafers paean. The Wingham teed to cure headaelie. stations look like i plernent warehouse's — these days. We had, Vele filet real good. March wind on Sancla We invite anyone and inspect onr good you buy and see if S. on when he !Is Bar la or young) to call Arthur J. Irwin D, D. S., of Wingbana, end prices before visits Blyth every'Wednesclay. acey min be relied ins, —Camp anted° Foe:mate At a me ting held on Tees- Mull" niaa"ng an day evening, the 'Win ham footbsel team —The Teems is was organized for 189 , with the following POSt cards and wed (Aims : Hon. Pres., J.A. Morton ; Pres., --leressrs. Creic •sbanks, Page in Wynn "Ele 0. Bell ; Vice. 'es., George Sills; sbipped a carload of hags on Mondey last. Treasurer and Maria , A, 3, Irwin ; Sec., Bananas, oranges and ail fruits of the Mao. Messer ; Cap ain, C. 0. Stewart ; season at the City Restaurant. Managing Commit e—Ge ge Sills, W. _.41),„3-. joyDt, st. Helens, shipped Allenby, C. 0. St are The prospects oix oars of ashes f m the T.. R. utomou for 1898 are very bri ht. tbis week. Monday evening next. ieadquarters for private ing stationery. INSTITUTE MEET= R—Our readers would Fresh oysters served in any stede do well to rernenibe the meetings of the James Molielvie's Star Restaurant. Weat Huron Farme s' Institute, to be held dg , . T. B. A., will hold a in the Town hall Monday afternoon social iu their lo ge room thie (Friday) and evening next, There will be some mein iraerest to all will e talc:en up for die- I gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. oussion, All are co jelly invited mad will Remember the place, in Queen'e block. have the privilege of taking part in the _71\./r. 3. R. disonssions. We uld like to see te large .!„„ofog horse, 8, attendance at bot of these meetings. e"" plate oornpetitio pays highest 'prices, cash —me., H. 0. and butter. Gleeat snaps Le ae,a, intends seasonable spring goods. .e nteed or money refunded Interests of the D. M. Gordon or trade, for eggs in beautiful and Satisfaction gem always. Lecnosse bet, ing of thee() int a, lacrosse club Friday evening Lacrosse club coming season, A Campbell; Ca Mc andreve ; Com McLean, and A and tattle are unequalled. club made a goo —Oetazio's firs spring songsters—the we hope they wi receive the encourage. beautiful crows ake the woods resound ment they desert , and at the end of the with their mei° y The robins are not season they ma, be champions of this numerous aroun here yet. district, As we are usy and behind with CU= SAVING Wonx—Canadian child our work, we w 1 leatm the kicking and saving work is ovement instituted at chewing with our opposition. Ireland et Batton, Furniture dealers. Brighton, Onte i 3895, by Rev. C. W. Watch. Its objee and needy ehildre by oicepting of tl the same, or th properly constitut placing of them in for adoption or seev of Canadian familie for adoption or othe diau children as are friends, The SeC0/1 just been issued, compliehed in 1895 guardianships was and other societies 7, other resoerces, Of tho above 34 adoption and 4 und In 1897, from 1st to were received by tra 10 from eocieties, 13 department, and 4 ehildren. The mewl and dependent entir of Canadian oltildeei is at present urgently do the work, and thankfully received b or, Brighton, Ont, wartz has entered his ringbok, for the Queen's 1, of elle firm of T. Bell oing on the road in the Dr. 3. R. maecionaid. is now per- A.t the meet- nianently a,t home and eau be con- ested in the formation of stilted by his 'patrons. t the Dinsley house, on —A burning ch last, the Maple Leaf ,Tobb's residence g as re•organized foe the on Sunday morel He the following officers : eeit—Mr. A. C. St Gordon ; Vice•Prese C of Brantford, for tale, W Clark ; Seco tend 'eating for t Klondike in a short ittee, Thos. Bell, Jelin Chishohn's Condition Powders for borsea showing last Year and thdee and son Harry, erly of this town in - is the helping of orphan in any part of Canada, brought to the —Mrs, Hugh legal guardianship of last, week, a er taking of them from with beautiful guardians, for the hristian homes, either cc, and the supplying who desire children lee, with suoh Canoe need. of homes and annual report lute owing the work ao. 0.7. In 18U5-0 the from children's Aid 8, frorn institutions, , making a total of 48. were placed out for agreement for wages. me 30th, 20 children dee of guardianship, from the friends of ia a voluntary ono y upon the free will ople for the helpmg The management in need of fonds to ntributione will be uolenow Sentinel office b Fipple limb covered ossotns in full flower. Si A YEAR IN ADVANCE are Ineviug their cningswill soon be —City drummers h ve been very num- erous in town during t e Week. . Private funds to loan .at low* rate0. Borealis was veltnestfed on Monday night. Riterne, to let in the .-ittactiOnalti —A brilliant disilay of the Alegre, 1100MS, lIQ'W Occupied. by John —M. Patterson, le jewe/435e:hee opened We are going ahead with our second- guessing contest just the sante and every orie has the same chance of getting the Gold Watch or the Parlor Suite; Et chance with every dollar's worth you buy. Ireland ce. Button, Furniture dealers,- Winglitort. Mr, Robb, Knox, Lucknow, formerly of this town, ie reov"g higejewelry busi- ness to Gerrie Olio eke" —ee, party.eof fon young men from Luoknow passed thr ugh town on Mon. day afternoon last, n their way to the Mr. R. C. Sparlin and family, together lilondtkee tsith their effects, le t on Wednesday fon —Mr. Levi Lott w s in London recently their new home in tralphiu, Man. On Sturdy's fine lot of lees. aud purchased a fine lack team of horses. Monday evening a n tuber a hie friends They will add great to Messrs, Lott ez wgealtlhteorehdima.t hre,,viDitt44„04esiey heugsve asea Mr. Jas. ,Angus mad the preseota io of —t'areonal : Mr. March, if you. will called to the chair, forgiven. • only koep this ii rhe past will be Thos. J., MaLean to ea. an address, ancl en he called on Mr. a, beautiful gold cli n and oherin The Preeh oysters at the City Restaurant, address read as folios e : and served in any style, opposite the Bank of Hamilton. Mo. R. C. SPAIMING, —Yesterday was t. Patrieites day and Deer. Sie.,—We, a small portion of. your the shatnrocle was en in abundance on friends and admirers desire to express our our streets. regret at your clecisi 1 to leave us, but we —Sure sign of s ring—A. man was trust your determine. 'en will result in the eeen on our streets with a straw hat on worldly welfare of yo rself and family. his bead, !eat Wean sday. Shice you have bee among es you have If there is any more pictures in the by your beakless emir e won the esteem of couutry that we have not framed, or have your fellow citizens, evidenced by their not got, io the shop to fratne, bring them Choice of you, electing an to civic boners. iti and have them framed at the saMe old cultivating in ydur ele .tion to the office of eriees, at Ireland es Button's. Reeve • and tee mann in wleicha on filled. the offices gave such 0 trsfaction and con— iaet: Monday night diet not take phi-ee, weather. , Yes l I am still ii Wingleam and matte yoer similar recognit on in your new home, well thank you. S Gracey. 'and as evidence Of 91 • to wept the eciecen hall net ssclurecl ii" ice for the afning - Oh behelf of all, season. Should e not have another belief, up, ib wil be necessary for Mr; De Gray ta import We; tO4 high at tee the running of the ele any ef our reader3 ti free from lee so early are nt the uresent vai inns ether ileeded hundrede of °tie cite all were unanimotis is a good servant, leu Monday morning th gone down and tile obliged to /eave theit return, Some say tl flood in the upper p oseinied by the stoppa re. do not know AS piece cam be prepai as we had on Sunda not have such again f Tbe floods did co London, Galt, Brant ening, as the water 1 it le in the memory of 1006 as seen lio ting dowel the riven were an n the soatzon, as they ime. The liver anti 'aces va,le vi*ittri by is on Sunday, and swing that water a poor master. 013 water bad all about families that were r of the town was in the drain, bnt 0 that or not. ItIo. for such a freshet norning, and we may rabl damage in orci and other points.,_ A. GOOD CITIZE LEAVES TQWX. supply. In this enlightened age a man need not appeal to the sympathy of the public, by telling of his long years in baseness. What Gm people want is men in business yvho Mr. Sperling mad will give them goods at Es living profit and ing his friends foe one profit to all. 'You will find men of that kinu at Irlea.nd & Button's Furniture and Undertaking store, Winghs-m, opposite Mecdondeld block. —la another colu n of this issue we publish a letter in uneotion with the nosh, We would b pleased -to have any This part of tile pr ceeeings having been of our readers fur sh us with articles finished, the party sab down to a well of a like character laden table, fornish d in Ur. Dinsley's Don't bite st prices you sea tioketed 00 best style, and we in y say that all present the Street, just because you think they are done ample justice this part of the cheap, entil you get prices from Leland en Button. They kneck them all ont anc you programme. Mr. D eeley knows how ta have a chance for the Gold Watch or the pet up a first-olass s Ipper and 216 one et Parlor Suite, with each dollar's worth you Monday evening sho s his ability in thiet buy. Ireland & Buttpn, Furniture dealers. line, as he had onlk few /melee =ogee in BIGGEST FLO D XV' YEARS. 1 which to prepare th same. Supper Over. the remainder of th eyening was spent in 0Yieitations, etc., all _very much that kir. ify were leaving us, y success in his new be had lived in Win they had been very He said he never bac straight forward lot than he had met an this place. :good w1693 nsis yott Wee, Oneoot Jas. ANGUS. a short rep/y, thank.: tr kind gift. He seed am for ten years and I omit years to him. met a more friendly, f people in his lefee ing his residence ire 'IThe freshet this s 'WU the highest speech making. son experienced in year The rain and storth present regretting of Sunday mornin caused the wetter to Sperling and his raise at a great ra e, and by ten o'clock and wished him the main street, ft n the town hall to the home. skating rink, wa Dodds and other demi by the water We are handling any quantity of butter, and places of bust eggs pale dried epples.—cash or trade. Also , kooct of the old w all kinds of poultry, G. le. King. freight elieds, the —We congrat late Bro. Holmes, of the it has been in mem Clinton New Ter president of the ation, ab their covered with water- As stated above,' Mr. Sperling has been, on, D. Rush, Thomas ti resident of our town for the past ten hat time has filled the eight consecutive term& the alert for the totviiYa as circles Mr. Sparlieg iissed, 114 having item suffered quite a good „years, and during 'unning in their 4ellarti Reeve's chair for ess. In the neighbor- and Vas always o Ilen mill Etna G. T. R. vvelfare. In busi vater was higher tban will be greatly years. The iesidents engaged in the p •oduce busineSs. and in ationa he has been found straight forward in all the society oitele, Mr. .ently missed in the Leech being a Pest Master or Was alwayis en active sure every eitizeit shiug Mr, Sperling end success and happiness itt the Wpb. , en hie aneemtment es en this section had o be rescued from their all his business r Canadian Press Associ• homes on rafts, and a great dear of to be honeet and meeting at Ottawa last detnage was done their household effects. his dealings. In The worsedamat, done by the flood was Sperling will be tbe 0, P. R. ridge. Hero the large Orange lodge, le pieces of ioa eau against the bridge with the lodge, and such fora. th large number of piles Wernher. ar under tho IOW have been washed away, join with us in t ii,nd the top- of le bridge hat been knocked his family every conic 10 or 12 eet out of place." ft -tri -1.14 their new home i err er shepo, and in the , train is obliged t atop At the mill dam, °Oaten on Seturdeage /slit aud Wo have no old oub of date and out of style stuff, that we have bought from some oppesition, to offer you for less then cost, Our stock is all new, clean and lip -to -date and as for prices —Nyell, just call and see for yourselves cr ask yonr neigbors. They will tell you Ireland & Button. —Mr. John Mo week or so last sum the bnilding of th home in Ingersoll 57th year. If in the Far business, any one to buy by sayiug my business and statement to be f store, 'where we elm make it to y yon See goo liar, who was here a. flax mill, died at hist tim ehe 0. Friday laston hie at the Hue. 4 Were Vet Inis turo or Undertaking 1 Sunday mo does, you can prove thol very badly Rood ill conyince yon and Will - intereet to buy Where 1 the writer groit at prices that are the I on this og.,t064sion, We have no g mbling or lottery dirk* to induce purch es. (No bottle et pesos to guess at. No anee game). We have always tried to uct our busineas et, higher basis. Bo f w 30 days we will eelli brooking leo from Furmture cheaper larm ever offered by ie a race track were ut no damage Was Is "Your Daughter in behool lam we have teen There are thousands Of eiekly tiolantit nee than je waa girls dragging their way through solved who might be enjoying the full ''rtgor in their youth by taking SOott's Einttleitfirtk ttirti The town t