HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-03-11, Page 4n.rirmurnal - 0 THE WINUIIAM TIMES, MARCII 11, 1898, MARKET REPO tap,, SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY eoxsenveetves-42. Addington, Reid Cardwell, Little Carleton, Kidd Dufferin, Barr* Dandas, Whitney Durham. E, Dallis Durham W, Reid Elgin E, Brower i'routenac, Gal,agher" Gliengary, McDonald* Grent•ille, Joynt" ' Grey 0, Lucas* Urey S, Jamieson* tirey N, Boyd" lIamilton E. Caracallen'" Hamilton W, 1:Q1g:thou& Hastings \V, Alorrison* Hastings N, Allan* Heron S, Eilber* Lanark S, Matheson Leeds, Beatty ' Lincoln, Jessop* the latest styles and shapes from up. '1Nre have the Duplex Pipe a in three sizes, 25e, 35e and 50e E, DRUGGIST. Campbell's HeadacheWafers cure headaches. TO ADVERVISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening, Casual advertise, ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. #1e.abliu0ani mc FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1898. ANN. THE ELECTIONS. There has not been much change in the standing of the political parties in the recent elections since our last Issue. The standing of the parties mow is : Liberals, 50 ; Conservatives, 42 and Patrons 1. In' West Huron, egistrar Gibson, returning officer las declared J. T. Garro w, elected 'with a majority of 8. The results of three polling divisions were not counted, the deputy returning officers failing to sign poll books. A recount has been demanded by air. Beck, and will, we understand, before take place thejndge on Bathe. day, and the three divisions will in all probability be counted and Mr :Beck will be given the Seat. A recount bas taken pace in West 'Elgin and tbe result has been to reduce tne Liberals majerity of 11 to a tie with the Ceneervative num- ber. This ease will be appealed to .Toronto. The election in Ivussell will not take Ottet3 until the 18th. The following is a list of the mem:- burs, with their =Irides. The e• denotes new merabers Algona E, Farwell Alto W, Conmee Brant N,'Eurt Brant S, Hardy Brockville, (=rahrtm"' Bruce S, Truax Bruce N, Bowina,n* Bruce c, -Ntaleolm" Elgin W, Macnish Ete.ex N, McKee Essex S, Auld Haidimand, Holmes" Halton, Barber" Hastings E, Russell" Huron E, Hyslop* Huron W, (arrow Kent E, Ferguson Kent V, Pardo Kingston, Harty Lambton E, Pettvpiece', Lambton W, Pardee* Lanark N, Caldwell" Lennox, Aylsworth* Loudon, Leys" Middlesex N, Taylor Middlesex W, Ross Monck, Ifarcourk tritkikOkttonridgelalAe N ipissing, Loughri Norfolk S, Charlton Norfolk N, Carpnter Northumberland E. 1 )onglas'4' Northumberland Clerks'. Ottawa t 1 e Luinsderis Oxford S, McKay Oxford N, Pattalle Parry Sound, Beatty Peel, Smith Perth, N, Brown' Teterboro' E, Blezard Peterlinro` 14 Stratton Pett, Estantarel Renfrew S, Catapbell Welland, ;err= Wellington $, Metrics Wellington F., Craig, Wentworth S, plekenson 'York E, Riebardeon York N, DaVie Iterk W, IfniE 1-1* Micld esex , od gens* Ontario N, Hoyle* Ontario S, Calder* Ottawa (1), Powell* Perth S, Monteith* Prince Edward, Dempsey* Renfrew N, White" Simeoe W, Duff* Simcoe E, Miscampbell Sim= 0, Thompson* Stormont, McLaughlin* Toronto F. Fyne" Toronto W, Crawford Toronto S, Foy* Toronto N; Muter Victoria E, Carnegie Victoria, W, Fox* Waterloo S, Kribs* Watorloo N, Lackner* Wentworth N, Wardell* PATROX-1. West Wellington, Tucker Bills and overtures. WINGIIAPT. 310 Mr, Miller was appointed to sup Wingham, Mtweb 10, 1898. 5nn port the Presbytery's applica.tion in corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. — behalf of Rev. O. Sinclair betore the . Flour por 100 lbs.. ...... 1 50 to 2 40 56, ASS011ibly- . Ian Wiloat ... ... 0 83 to 0 85i 3 ),.. The site chosen by Knox church SeShel Wheat 0 8to 0 so 1`..0 200 Belgrave, fur a new church was. ac- ..301 0 25 to 0 20 P•arley 0 50 to 0 57 i 119 opted. Peas 1, Messrs. Miller, MeLeere and Mur— Turkey, arawn 0 07 to 0 08 sit ese, " eel, ray were appointed ft committee on 0 04 to 0 051 0 40 to 0 00 Church Temporalities, to report at 466 . next meeting. 1,088911 - In the. evening the Presbytery,met 520 in aeltelle church. A large congre Butter .. .. . . , 0 14 to 0 151 nooks, per pair Eggper dwell 0 12 to 0 12 Wood per cora.— .... 1 00 to 1 25 W 1 s Hay per ton, 5 00 to 5 50 Potatow,, per bushel, . , 0 30 to 0 351 gation was present. The numerical , Tallow ,per lb 0 3 to o 3: end financial status of the Preaby- ' Dried Apples, per lb 0 0 to () 4 teriol W. P. M. S., was given from W°"1 19 to 21, ror.'a O1:u • the annual report of the Society bv D:!:•Ised it 5 U 6 ou Rev. Abe Ross. 137 880 21'8 201 252 151) 797 458 380 95 431 96 2 5 357 153 435 75 57 177 1,610 730 405 24 438 72 109 65 370 229 PRESBYTERY OF MAITLAND. - .------,... Mr. Whaley moved, Mr. Malcolm total contributions for the past year, ,,,1657, In addition, 1720 pounds of seconded the reception or the report which was agreed to and gave act- clothing, valued at $700 was sent to dresses anent thereto. Rev. Mr. McArthur for the use of Rev. D. McGillivray, returned the Indians on Beulah Reserve. missionary from Liman, China, de • The following oil:leers were elected for the current year :— President, livered a short address on mission MrM s. urray, Kincardine ; Vice - The Moderator conveyed to Mr. work there. Presidents, Mrs. Ross, Brussels; Mrs. McGillivray the thanks of the meet- Malcom, Teeswater ; Mrs. MacLen- ing for his excellent addresses. Next nate Lucknow ; Mrs. Miller, Ash - meeting at Wingham, May 17th, at field. Secretary, Airs. MacNabb, Lueknow ; Treasurer, Mrs. Mather, 10, a. m. The meeting was clOsed by Rev. Kincardine; Secretary of Supplies Miss Anna Stewart, Wingham ;Leaf. D, McGillivray, with prayer and the benediction. let Secretary, Miss Anderson , Wrox, The following resolution on Pro.- eter. hibition was adoptedEvening — Reading of Society's -by the Presby annual report by Rev. John Ross, The Presbytery of Maitland met as Brussels, March 1st, 1898, Rev.W. T. Hall, Moderator. in the chair. A resolution on prohibition was adopt- ed, and the clerk instructed to send a copy of it to each member of the Presbytery. It was agreed to ask grants for supplemented congregations as fol- lows :—Walton, $100; North Kinloss Riversdale and Enniskillen, $150, and Pine River, $150. A committee was appointed to re- view the regulations regardingthe order ot business consisting of Messrs J. McNabb, McKay, McLennan and Anderson. Circular from Toronto Presbytery intimates that they will ask leave of the Assembly to receive • Rev. Mat- thew White, M. A., of the Free Church of Seutland, and Rev. A. G. McGillivray, 13. A., of the Presbyter- ian ohuree in the United States as ministers of the Presbyterian church . in Canada. Rev. Mr, D. 13. McRae and Mr. H. 224 D. Henderson were appeinted mem- 250 bera of Synod's Committee on bilis 102 and overturea. 530 It was agreed ti convev the 188 thanks of the Presby ten to the man- accl. aging officials of the Methodist church 265 for their courtesy in affording use of 216 basement for this meeting. tie The Sibbath School and Church 95 Life and Work reports were receiv- 677 ed and adopted. 102 "Rev. J. S. Alli, pastor of the 123 Methodist Church here was invited 128 to sit as corresponding member. 498 The following ministers were ap- 8 pointed commissioners to the General 555 Assetubly • Messrs. Murray, Perrie, 283 Whaley, Miller, Ross, and elder, Mr, 290 40 500 161 33 301 92 151 328 41 . OssteseseassescrsseentestaeseMSestises :38 tery of Maitland, March 1st 1898, B. A. Brussels. Rev. S. Al. Whaley and a copy of it ordered to be sent to each minister in the Presbytery. In view of the approaehing plebi- scite and the present agitation eon- cerning it, the Presbytery of Mait- land now resolves :- 1 That our ministers commend to their congregations the serious • con- sideration and practice of tho fo/low- ing declaration of the General As- sembly : (a. Those of 1887 and 1889. That the general traffic in in- toxicating liquors is contrary to the word of God and to the spirit of the Cbristian religion, That our people should guard against any complicity with it in any form whatsoever.That total prohibition is right in principle. That it is the duty of the state to pass a prohibitory law and that this result is to be sought by all right means. (b.) That of 1897. That our people are hereby ex- horted to use their utmost tneans in every lawful way to carry the plebi- scite in favor of prohibition by an overwhelming majority. 2 That Sessions make arrange- ments for the diffusion of temper- ance literature and the holding of weekday msetings in their respee, ; everything teed before the close tive congregations ; and that an ex- er at he to 31,c, but some extra cboiee change of pulpits Le made on some sold at -lc, and some poor below the Sabbath when ministers preaching the Gospel may apply it specially to I inside price quoted. There were the liquor traffic and prohibition,and about 3 cars taken for the abbatteir and some elmice eeifers sold at e3.6e; our duties in regard to them. Lpeigr ici7stt.ockSetts)eiltberre Diatittrialio fese(d)ledrs-a-t Jon Is; M.,i.CNA.cillie-Lrk. Lucknbw, Mar. 5th 'M. te2.00 to $3.30 per CA t, Good feed ing steers seld $3.20 to $3.60 awl MAITLAND PRESBYTERI$2.5 AL feeding. bulls 0 to $3 per cwt. W. F. M. S. Sheep and lambs—Thee market for moved, seconded by Rev. J. Malcolm, the reception of the report, and gave excellent addresses in connection therewith. Rev, D. McGillivray, M. A., B. D., who has spent 10 years in Horan, China gave an excellent address on the Cld and the New. The thanks of the meeting were conveyed to Mr. McGillivray for his excellent address The church choir rendered the meet mg good service. The ladies of the congregation provided dinner and tea for the visitors and members of the Presbytery, tables being set in the basement of the church. They were presided over by Mrs. Richard, Miss Jean 'Forbes and Miss Mary Ross. steetestaWeeeleswssesssaseveseescemWselesessOsseaVee'lte ),Nre have just opened out a handsome lot of Dinner Sets. They are cheap at the prices Nrc are asking for Lheto, and they are goiti. like hot cakes. Hurry up if you want a bargain. JOHN KERR GROCER, WINGHAM. tlItoWl/teWisiWetslWeste•WeeteWleWiseitsenatl eSIVIISASAIssMelieet live Stock Markets. Toronto, Ont,, March 8.—The of. feriugs were lighter at the Toronto cattle market to -day, which caused a firmer feeling in most lines. Re- ceipts, 32 cars. including 22 ears lelt over from last week, 2000 hogs:, BOO sheep and lambs, 25 calves and 30 cows. Export cattle were unchang- ed and slow of sale, at 3 c to Vec for good ; steers and bulls, 31 to 3e. Batchers" cattle were firm- reat litOMPMEt••••••••••••=4••MiltIL•••••,,MVAMR1•••••10 Owing to the fire in my store window, 1 am offering all: the goods slightly damaged by fire, consis 1.g; of Robert Barr. The following charges are to send in their nominations to the Clerk, Walton, North Kinloss Riversdale,• Enniskillen, Knox chureh, Ripley and Bervie, and Molesworth. MreWhaley was appointed mem- ber of the Assemblys' committee on 22d) A Dyspeptic ) 421 134 1,023 800 1,023 1,000 293 160 216 9911 1,450 681 399 188 174 41)3 469 I 371 SOUTH AMERIO THE RAINBOW — • --- Ilmac•Nte41--we.tv can adequately d pry of the stitIort Ititl;ktestion. S is tha gresto$J NcienCA for fl 6tonuleh troftl through the • HERNE IS PROMISE. - -gloomy. No one .er;i:e tilt-, APIA mis- - from I)v,..,1;ep,ii:t and tit .Aineric-an NPrvIne discovery int tuedical -cure of all chronic lee. It acts directly rve,--the seat of all dig- " . o tids testify of cureg made. Relief from the first dose. "I was a great Aufferer from gild nerve troubles, Tried a APorit of remedies. 'No relief. Half a bottio of South American Nervina worked won- ders. Six bottles made a new UJASI 71. Sherman, Aforrishirg, Ont. Dein pv perinterit with. new tind deottotful rascifolass—Take tho trio4 a 1"4 tested. Sold at Chishelnes Deus Store. • --- The fourteenth annual meeting of the i‘laitland Presbyterial W. F. el, S., was held in Melville ehureh Brus- sels, on Tuesday, March lst,, a large attendance being present. A most interesting program was presented as follows : Forenoon, devotional meeting, presided over by Mrs. Barn- hill, Brussels, Afternoon, Mrs. Mur- ray presiding, praise, psalm 100 ; devotional exercises, conducted by indicate a weaker ina.rket. The sheep was barely steady at ne to Wte per lb for both butchers and ex- port. Lambs were firm at 5e to f per lb, and some choice brought 5,1e. Calves—Choice are wanted and poor are difficult to sell. Prices steedy at $2 to $8 each. Mich cows and springers in fair demand and med- ium cows sold at $85 each. The range was about 820 to $46. Hogs —Prices were firm but the prospects Sterling Silver Novelti Rings, Spectacles, Etc.. Mrs. Murray, Mrs. McLennan, and Mrs. Wightman ; praise, 'hymn, 483 ; reading of minutes, addresses of welcome Mrs. (Rev.) Ross, Brussels ; reply, Miss MacPherson, St. Melees ; 84 00 per ewt •stores 55 • sows ,3 to $3.95 ; stags and other rougn poi•t ; Treasurer s report, dedicatory ' mild weather has had a depressing effect on the market. Choice sold at 5c to 5,r, weighed off the cars ; light hogs, ; thick fat, • $1.50 to President's address ; Secretary's re- • hto 2,1c prayer, Mrs. Millar, Ashfield ; praiseogs, 2e , hymn 107 ; report at Leaflet Secre- -------tesseesseessesteresetereest—sesse 1 once ii tary ; reports of Auxilliaries and eiliati,C0OD131,SQ0t.04)taCe AWAY BELO MST These goods are. none the worse on account of thc: fire,. but we want to clear them out at once. Repairing done on short notice. Call and see us if you are looking for bargains. J. R. MUNSHAW WatiCHAM .0.••••04.4Arorrom•ouo....4•••••••••••=*.Macce*134 area•aaraormaaasmetiaaanaaarratio .. vaaannuanamarsamatatmaaacamacoacpteavitzatmaarmanaaiptaanftamanallaaq rl 11 maaas;oeacti...x..9...-ssrrasmmasnwaarar.cr.....,-.1=2.. salt=nranno=toxma.m.a=a-an.—acklaa-a-T-,--sgaza,maccr.....acano.. WE SEI.3.1_ Prices tor l“.lirse cald Gent,' ts arasmonaacca.r.", : .O n 2 • • II Al OLUIVIBIA GRAINLESS $ 1 0. The merits of Columbia Wheels are well known. There is none better. HALSEY PARK, - JEWELER 14 • "COME IN AND SEE I'S." es: 42,4M 11,131". 1L e 4114, Mission Bands ; solo, Miss Lida r Crooks, Brussels; ; reception of dele- - 2,sitee li•oin Sister Societies • Mrs. Heart Spasms Rev. Alber, representing the II:letho- zi ' ,H dist church, esave e&eellent ad- onAGNEWS ,.CE FOR TH EART tires ; St. John's Chureft Society g A WOlgERFUL LIFE. VER. sent greetings several being ;,'sent f, No Or, 11 to t11* 1 Ft:ttl :away til.dsty • ereerew ; etsensse,n, -pisporisihn... wlio5olt,.a.4eke" 4 , 1.• ore !leande ) - s tes'tea Ilan ho,o_Ya.id ity of the, iediteduel members of a t msaital diseovtry made them W.: F. M. Auxitihtry" taken part in tittionablo p.ropc attneut. If you he p twalpita r fluttering, :short- t,v Mr.. Richardson. iln. Ito], •!r 1 ak or irregithir pulse, Deadman, Miss Anderson, Miss Wad- swcIltres fe anyles., pain in dell and Miss Morrisnn ; praise, A tiliiig:IgigezititT tc: hymn 445 • report of Secretary of 'ase. No r of how lOtut sturalttig • ctict;e- Pr a geairtitt,;fo!ocTileti.1-13gielrtrittiat. ' Supplies, Miss Stewart, Wingliam ; question drawer, Airs. Malcolm, and —act, t surely •riet:, safely. Miss Anderson ; prayer, Mrs. Alai- -1 W.13 a0%(14 ntl to 4V1v phytirlant and Meads. ono dom. °Mr. Agrestri colm, itineardine. The following is Cure for the, TIrkrt gay(T110 nopto, and, sit betties tared ray east+ tifto a summary of the report of the So- rtr's st dln SIM 111;r ciety ; r.nmber of auxilliaries, 22 • Cinaranteem reIlet in 30 roluntea• membership of auxilliaries, 421 ; mission band, 10, metnbership 260 ; Sold st Chisholnes Drug Stork, Att' re r • 4.22; ......e—reeer., As a further inducement to pay cash for your furniture and picture fratnee., we are going, to give to f.,.v('r) one buying from us the chance of getting a eesid watch or a parlor unite free. We arc going to do it prey the s;are way as the is we give a guess fer evti)' dollar's wotth vou buy, Th:: only difference there will be in the jar it will io! rifled with pea,,, con :iul 1 wails. It i. the same iar, oniv filled difiitrent. Some ;,41; bow We can allbrd this, it is dom.. tit this w;ty : Our expenses are low, we sell for small profits, get the cash, and you don't have to pay your neighbor's bad debts. 'rho last contest was won by \Ir. ja. flet who got the watch, and is much &used with it, and he says it is just ;ts. good its we recommended it to be, IRELAND & BUTTON Opposite litiviedounid Meek.