HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-03-11, Page 2t, 2 VIM a W1r N U...AM TIMES, MARCH 11, i888. A. woman eau always tell yo=u the eheapeet Out to ,;et a thing at and and the Most expen:iiv way to get along without XL 1 A woman's opinions on polities are 'just about as pronounced and re- liable as her opinions on the women -her husband knows that she doesta't. i Y LE Fo,;utiveiy cured by these ,tittle ,`7 Little rills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion. and Tco hearty Eating. .,\ per. fect remedy fa- Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Ilad. Tate in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain is tit? :;ids, TORPID LIVER. They Regule.t)tha Bowels. Purely Vegetable. a�1Aii`'.•.,atlIkYA• Small Dosed. Small Prise. Substitution filo fraud of the clay iSee yen get Carter's, for Carter's, insist and demand C a, i.lt i'r I -ever Pills. NURSE'S STORY. Tolls how she was cured of Heart and Nerve Troubles. The onerous duties th^ t fall to the lot of a nurse, the worry, cr. loss of sip, irregularity of metals s +n tel en the nervous system and undermine s. health. Mrs. H. L. Menzies, a professimal tarase living at the Corner of Welii;gnen oma King Streets, Brantford, Ont., ata -..:.a her - case as follows : "For the past three years I have =erect from weakness, shortness of breath and palpitation of the heart. ; The least excitement would make my heart flutter, and at nigh:; I even found it difficult to sleep. After I grit Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills I experienced great relief, find on continuing their ase the improve- ment has been marked until now all the old symptoms are gone and I ani completely cured." Milbuurn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure Anaere ia, Nervous;ictus, We thne;s, Sleep- lessness, Palpitation, Throbbing, Faint SeelIc, Dizziness o: any co 'u io:, arising from Impoverished Bioud, Disordered Nerves or Weak Heart. Lasa -Liver PillseleanCoat:.c. Tongue. PHREN01 N REMEDIES Taking, the lead everywhere. Vee are working day and re ht t > supply the demand. Our eorrespondence shows that hundreds. upon .hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happi- ness daily. TRY DUR_ RHEUMATID SPECIFIC DR KIDNEY ASD ilY5.13 PILLS They are absolutely rtire and healthful. Guaranteed to cure Rheum Wren, elei:ttica, Ii.. Ht Ii)rV6'.11tl U d „ 'ilii,.., Sold in tvids;l en.. t ::e by f.'e =„ tai It C o tIC)l�i'71 Ll"IT IT £ORail. Tt your stutnaob* liver and bowels are worttial; prul,eily you .ill have nu head- ache. Burdock i3Juud Bitters will keep you right, so there is no need to lea your head ache. There is lots of proof that tbie is so : "l had severe headache for over S years and wss not free from it for a single Clay, I''tuelly T used 13"rdook 131ood J3itters, with the result tbat it has completely °urea nee." Airs. Ail'leek, CROP ROTATIO1 . TOO IWOH TIMOTHY—A FOUR YEAR'S ROTATION --LIMING LAIN, "While visiting an old and fertile agricultural section of our country I was struck by the importance at teethed by everyone to stablemanure a prime requisite in the five years' rotation that included corn, , oats, wheat,, clover and timothy. The red land, broken for corn, roust have its dressing of manure. The manure is spread in the fall, if the .upply be sufficient, and the sod. is then broken and left exposed to winter frosts. The undressed sod is .broken and top dressed during the winter. In any event there must be an application of stable fertilizer. Such practice calls fur the feeding of all the corn, oats and bay upon. the farm, and the income, must be got from Iive stock and wheat. Such farm methods are exceptionally safe, so far as maintenance of fertility is concerned." In this connection a writer in the Farm and Fireside says:— In this rotation timothy is sown with the wheat in the fall, and clover is sown in the spring. The first crop of bay is usually chiefly clover, although it is a mixed hay, but the hay crop the second year is practical- ly all timothy. As none cP the hay is intended for market it seems to ale that the timothy is too prominent among the crops of these farms. The feeding of stock is not always profitable, and the conversion of all farm products, wheat excepted, into manure is practised only for sake of soil fertility, a legis price often being realized in feeding than could be secured in direct sales. Timothy is not one of our best feeds, and it is surd on land. The nu -tfon then is W.;;y LC.t, reduce the amount of this grass, and while thus reducing the seta/ steeply of manure also eau e a deesetteee In .,..e need ei it "irestai Tiieetlay hay is a profitahie market enp, this five years' rotad-m ce even a maga: ere that fnrnistles lin re craps e.`f buy' is defensible if mems of : taintainmg fertility are pYi-3101s 7 lout I write of men who sell no hay. In such vases a four years' matter! seems better. The year of timothy is dropped out, and a heavy - closer sod is rotted in the soil once every fourkvears. The sear of tim',thy exhausts much of the strength added by the preceding clover, a d the supply sof manure must then be large. Tee lour \'Cara' rotation twinge in the corn '-','tiler a longi series of years, and th.tt plent furnishes two, sr three fold. the anronnt got from timothy. It alto furnishes note Is:neat—a cash 8rtiele. It inaiutaint fertility more effectual- ly because it gives a better sod to the soil and does it at shorter inter- vals than in the longer reta.tivn. In such a rotation of crops lime is 9 applied eE.;veorten years, and the rule seems to be to use ahaut 6O bushels to the acre every five years, or about double that amount every ten years. Good farmers say that the lime is effective no platter when applied or to what crops. This is doubtless true, but it is highly probable that the most economical i application may be made in the spring on an inverted sod. This is true only because a light application under these circumstances may bp as effective as heavier applications at other times. It can be mixed with the soil at once, and has a store of organic matter to work upon. Lithe tends to si•zk, and hence the object to plowing it under. It Costs money just as fertilizer dons, and the smaller the application in secur- ing a certain effect tie: more econotn- leal itis. • MENTHOL G 'Cite guarantee that Plasters will ieve pain quicker T ban arty other P up only in 25 sacs and $1,00 y r oils. The latter a ows you to cut the 'Fluter any site. r w ._>ve .r family 11 y V, x:tu5! •nor an e;ueri'- gettcy. DAMS & LAWRENCE CO., L:M T o, MONTREAL Beware of imitations Choke Dishes With Eggs. X',gg Outlets ---Witte a sharp knife cut cold boiled eggs into rather thick slices. Dip each slice into raw beat- enegg, roll in bread eruntbs that have been seasoned with pepper and salt, and fry in butter, turning each slice the instant it has browned. Serve from a hot dish. Egg Salad.—Boit half a dozen eggs 15 mihutes. When cold re. Move the shell$, 4nd chop fine with the stalks and tender leaves of a root of celery and a handful of parsleyy,. Pour over the mixture a sauce made by rubbing together a dessertspoon- ful of mustard, a heaping teaspoon• fol of salt, two teaspoonfuls of gran- ulated sugar, beaten with five tea- spoonfuls of olive oil or melted but- ter. Omelet with Apples.—Peel and slice eight tart apples, stew in a very little water until soft, then mix with them a teacupful of sugar, a table- spoonful of butter, scant teaspoonful of salt, and flavor with cinnamon. When cold, add four well beaten eggs and bake slowly twenty min - rtes. Eat waren. Omelet with Oranges.—Beat three eggs, yelk;s and whites separately, then mix lightly together ; season with juice and rind of one orange. Put into a hot buttered frying pan, strew over sugar, cook a few min- utes and glaze with a hot shovel. Omeletiouffie.—In a deep bowl beat the yolks of three eggs with three tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar, and flavor with lemon ex- tract. IVhip the whites of six eggs to a very stiff froth, turn them over the beaten yolks and sugar and mix lightly. Poul into a bright tin basin sprinkle with sugar, and bake until well risen and of a rich, golden brown. Egg and Ilam Chowder.—With a teacupful of finely chopped cold boiled herr mix five well beaten eggs and half a teacupful of sweet cream Put the mixture into a buttered saucepan, :and stir constantly lentil the eggs are cooked. Serve on a platter garnished with parsley, Itching, Ruining Skin Cured for Thirty -Five Dr. ...Agnew's Ointm day and cures Tetter Head. Eezem:a, Be Blotches. and all er e t ah' Old People's Troubles. 1.111392513,1111 Hard for the old folks to move about — constant backaches to bother them in the daytime— urinary weakness to disturb their rest at night. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Strengthen the Kidneys and help to make the declining years comfortable.. Mr. W. G. Mugford, Chestnut Street, Charlottetown, P. E. I„ writes : For the past two years I have had muck trouble with disease of the kidneys and non -retention of urine, was dropsical and suffered a great deal with pain in my back. 1 hove been greatly benefited by the use of Doan's Kidney wills." 1 It always seems pethetie to a tattier to hear his little children say the angels tnust be like mamma. Love is so pretty that the women are never satisfied till they can get one of its wings to dust things with. :.4h.f..>1' 'CX LX4 . Tho foo• gang is on algaotura . G„ every of may; Yuman, When you see a girl eating an orange with a funny shaped spoon, you can aYenerally bo sure that if she was alone she would stick her thumb through the rind and suck it. Courtesy is the deference which every gentleman considers he owes to every woman except his wife. Don't worry clubs would be some use if they kept women from spillirg salt on the tablecloth. PREACHERS a.ld PEOPLE of ORE Mfr D. A Host of Witnesses Tell o the Wonderful Cure Effected •v Dr. eases A;new's Catarrhal Pow 'ei~s eiits. eves in ove Right Rev. Bish heu m,aeaid Rev W. H. With Itch. Ulcers, go Frazer, D. J) one of the skim. praises. It cu It is soothing and . meting and acts bite , George Graves nizersoii, writes :: "My 1 magic to the cure of all baby hetnor.3.yc„ little daughter.. aged thirteen years. suf- Sold at Chisholnfs Drue S > Sw-etman.,D. D. ; w, D.: Rev. Man- an• others eoc.ad its ng and old. Mrs. Brought. in Pa's Prayers. . Powder, and alter using two bottles. tuy Once upon a time, sickness camel child was completely cured," ID i,s• a I: pieasant,s,,.fe add speedy remedv,.foc Clat- to the home of a poorly paid pastor i:arrh, 1att Faver, Colds, Headache,, Sure of a country church. It was winter'"Throat, Tonsilitie and Deafness. Sold and the pastor was in financial straits. fereu from catarrh of the very worst kind. No ph rsieian or remedy send, •until we used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal A number of his flock decided to meet as his home and offer prayers for the speedy recovery of the sick ones, and fir material blessings on the pastor's family. While one Of the deacons was offering a fervent prayer for blessings upon the pas- tor's household there was a loud knock at the door. When the door was -opened, a stout farmer boy was seen, wrapped up comfortably. "Wheat do you want, boy ?" ask- ed one of the elders. ` .7 P, "I've bl i to ht Pa's prayers,,. re plied the bay, "Brought Pa's prayers!: What do you mean. ?" "Yep, brought pa's prayers, and they're out in the waggon. ,fest help me an' we'll get 'ern in." investigation showed the fact that "pa's player's' consisted of potat:les, flour, bacon, cornmeal, turnips, ap- ples, warm clothing, and a lot of jellies for the sick ones. The prayer meeting adjonrned in short older. .7UST IN .TIME. Heart Disease Had Ilim at Death's Door --Dr. Agnew's C •e for the Heart Worked ..lmos; a Miracle. C. A.. Clmpbei , iuntiron, Minn. writes ; "I said ju t ty tho point ofdeath front most acute - , rt disease, and with hardly a hope th, any remedy could reach n:y case 1 procured a bottle of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. 1 believe this great remedy got to me just in time The first dose gave me great relief inside of thirty minutes, and before I had tak- en a bottle 1 was up from what I thought was my death bed. I was cu"recl and I consider my euro almost miraculous. 'lord al, Chishuhn's Drug Store. If' a women really !lei more rem t, than lar heehaw!. see neva: tete !Simi !:;;:Jilt' i,he tali ifts `;o. 'no faei i 10 inner ,ci a. rd NI r r?f✓ S�/Jw- �✓.• ra' 9 at Chisho,m's Drug Store, Marriage is a. ring of beauty and in cloy forever. There are two ways to tell whether a girl is in love with you, ask her or don't ask her. Could Do No Work. "Large sores broke out on my biddy, bead and limbs, )ted also on my Bands s.► that 1 could not do any work.. oud toyh ai ir came oat. l'rT trouble -was ,s ;tailed eczema. I began takinz• Hood's Sarsaparilla. When I had taken several bottles the sores and ii,ehing di appeared .and 1 was on red." Mrs. J. G. i£twwn. Brantford, Ont. HOOD'S PILLS are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Dare all laver Ills. After a long and serious siege form diphtheria Berlin has been ct ehired free of the dreaded disease. w..'aFw,w•r..nm+rF+,Kga tw.wPaPr.4x.•.w�+w+..,wM„+*p,+.�e,w+,uus.w._ .: r te�, vtis h'• �..i 1 •L s:..ic4tr r.., •`"•or . >q. �":•r�t3.+•4.a� Il ises ell 1 i ioics i, rursc ou sit I<sars us;., ^ kk fictthlePrcparatkonforAs simile inv tilei''oodandRegula- tInn the Stomachs andBowels of y Promotes Di estion,Cheerful•- ness anciRest,Contains neither OXum,Morphine nor Mineral. Aar Rule; 0 TIC. !'OIrI71nv 7s(121LP17496= BunPhis Adele .SIA:uYw)It•7 + rPecse Seal Aresermict - itti+ez )✓erica Suer• . eezerrrcrzrias:: } Aperf ctlaemcdy for Constipa- tion , Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions,I:everish- reess and LOSS Or SLEEP. Tec Simile Signature of 'NEW I? IL 13 f AT THE FAC --SIMILE SIGNATURE ---OF— OF EVERY BOTTLE OF f r Castoria is put up in on-site bottles only. Itr •0 is not ao11 in bulk. Don't allow anyone ao sell 's' yen anything else on tho oleo or sonixe that it N .• y P is "just as good" and'1will answer o-ery par- .ifif pose,' 8tr Eeo that you get 0 -A -2 -T -O.13 -I -A. '• Tho foo- ,o„�, XAOT COPY O" WRAPPER. }�i =siwilo r%% _ ,/ ,•^1/c,; io oa . stas+rr%a.:C, t� ar v¢2 !�'wi' oCctyt .vwZr.R.,�rr„• 'fgyro h.i?" fjy. `.'i�,N'uR1.1, F '.: a"{1`�i•',i•71:1.Z' t.:44- Xx3; t• rep' Ci' wrapper. GO FOR YOUR ELTO N'S ter'si USPS ]'alI Suit. O•R— vercoat Satisfaction .and perfect fit guaranteed. Queen's Block, - Wingham. n e•;zru.aw std ler, �:�.✓ �`3 �xa3 E i l'. adiilg StiLCcie.is d ei America 20 YEARS IN DETB013, ' tC i 250,0030RR. F•cuf „ E�a As ss Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. No better proof eau be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago. are still working. IRON and FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, WIngham. Out, Nothing eau be mere demoralizing to young or middle-aged' men than, the N•. j res - rr@y'NA ' e 0 of these losses." ., 110y[E ,.A .6. II nervousness, afeeling .�at disgust and awioletrain ofsymptoms. They tanfit a man fer business married life and social happiness. N'o matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, natural weakness or• sexual exoesses. our hew• Method Treatment will positiyoly euro Fon. lt" istrg DR WOOD'S THE MOST PROMPT, Pleasant and Perfect Cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whoop- ing Cough, Quinsy, Paint in tho Choelt and all Throat, fronciiin.1 and Luna. Di3ri w ^ . The healing a anti-cniisempt1 o virtue of the ZSOrvirtbsr1..Piine aro ce mbined this niedieino with Wild Chltere r and other pectoral and : a1- sJatnee to hake a true epecilie for all forge., of disease origillabiig frunicole:. Price .r fir [i M.Y p.141130e. . r O CURE—NO PAY s 'Reeder, you need help. Early abuse or ,'' later excesses may have weakened y_ou. Exposure mayhave diseased You. Yen aro not safe til cared. Our Now Method will euro you. You run no risk. 2500.00 CURE® Young Mian—you are pale, feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. xcitable. You beegme forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotobes and pimples. sunken eyes. wrinkled face, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. Z CUR REOC LE No matter how serious your case may be, or how long you ma have had it,nur NEW METHOD TNvEATMENT will sura it. Tho "wormy veins" return to their normal condition and hence the sexual organs receive proper nourish- ment. Tho organs become vitalized, all unnatural drains or losses cease and manly powers return. No temporary benefit, but a )ermanent euro assured. NO CURE, NO PAY. NO OPERA- TION NECESSARY. NO DETEN- TION PROM BUSINESS. CURES GUARANTEED Wo trent and euro SYPIITLTS, rn i'ET, EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, ayi R1CT1T1iF, VARICOOaLI'1. SEMI- 4 NAT, LOSSES, BLADDER .AND 1{ID . , 1 e1 '� 1 diseases. s CO( e r CDN, r,lArYtaP U PRIM. 1' 1 OORRfi 11 Erie C1IIAitG1fli !'1Uitt IiA r! if tic! hh t0 oa11. write tea r (;ifI F t. f0*d Llshil1 t far I30rii,o 7' rr.1. sit1it rmaiJ/ N f ! Aa,..2,6f411 L. f411 4'47 14r SIIF L S d'RE`.>`q s .n..1, feEsk nl a P5%mW. A , ,e, •-.......,p-....".1-311.A "' 1sa. Caveats and Trade-Merht obtained, and all patent business conducted far MODER•&Ta DEEB, My office is in thdimmediate vicinity of the Patent Office, and my facilitic,iorsecuring patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch orphotograph of inver tion wits description and statement as to advantages claimed. r'..5^A'o Margo is made Or RPL o znf t� i on apt* .ateratab Z fv and an s , v tee t , for prosecuting the application ec dtZ ^.xoti So called pr zctatiZ the patent t ansowaci:. "XNVtsnioas' Gutns„" con- taining fait information sent free. All COMMIT& cations Considered as Strictly Confidential. FRANKUN H. OUGK' 92 rr` ('iYrmeti» WA EGT5j. 1. C. SPA 4 nos YEARS' Tr.atDCn�sodive t Maty COPYRIGHTS &C.. Anyone sending a sketch and description mar quickly ascertain our opinionn, free whether as invention is probably patentabie. Communiea, tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent fres. Oldest agPency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn la Co. reeetvtt spacial neticce,irtthout charge, lit the AM $tt i f�gtifyQ.7rp�� file o1Q cati,qs A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest Cir• culation of any sCientitte journal. Torres, 8S d year : four months, 51. Sold by all i,owsdealers. MUNN &C C®,3clBroadway,New York Branch Office. 625 F Bt.. Washington. D.0. • IT PAYS TO ADWElr-gt`.'.•.f, .17,\T1s l t; IMES,.