HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-03-11, Page 11N6 AM IMES. VOL. X.XVII.---NO. 1350. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, :MARCH 11, 1.898. a . d 5v a' A ! f sf r f •tr., R k.. WE SELL' CHEAP. BO S@ NTS To -day we open a consign- '.ment of • Slater's en's IBoots These boots are conceded by all to be the Acme of Per- fection in Footwear. They .will be a revelation to the peo- ple of Wingham, who have no • doubt heard about them, but as yet have not been afforded ,an opportunity to buy them. In anticipation of the .,great demand for these boots we have marked down the price of all other boots we have in stock. If you need any- thing in the line of footwear, it will pay you to call upon us as we have made the prices low enough to satisfy anyone. HOMUTH & oovvLrsl tea.- ICiat,rryic Spring Term Begins b rsl 4th, limo of the year to enter our school. The CE TRAUOUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, - ONT. Keo gni.zed throughout the Do- nninion as the leading commercial 'school in Ontario, Write for special circulars. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Marriage Licenses .issued by PRAM{ PATERSON, NO 23, Via - cm la ia-coria street,Wiugham, Ont. No witnesses required. CHEAP HEADING 1 Dur Clubbing List. In order to Imo our subscribers the trouble et making two or mere romittanees wo have made speciall arrangements with the publishers by whish we are enabled to offer the following publications in connection with the WINGI1AM TIMES at special "low rates from now until January Lit, 1800, Special etubbingrates with all newspapers and magazines 'quoted upon applteation, C,'a.h must accompany all orders t-» Times and Weekly Globe, - . $1 4025 Times and Western Advertiser, Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star and Picture • 175 Times and Vermin' Advocate, 1 Times and farming, weekly, - - 175 Times and Ladies' Journal, . 135 Times and Montreal Weekly Witness, . 1 be '.times and Pawners' Son, 1 25 Times and Daily Globo 4 23 Times and Daily World • n 00 Times cid :'enutry Gentleman▪ , 2 70 IT. Z'. I;ILI,IOTT, WINGIIAM. CO _ i„ a) ;111 re o s�' e'm Y 1 • L td • F ee .4 d � a Ps; —I" o td U t7 'a m o'.4.714. as r� Es o F-$ 0 - co Pas (If 0 oo0,". ztc a °a d .-E' ., •� fop o r� G oat o;0 NEW ADYERTISEMEIgT8. Campbell's Drug Store—See our Window, McKinnon & Co.—Publicity. Central Bns iness College—Sprine Term, J. R, Munshaw—Groat Fire Sale. Halsey Park—Columbia BFoyelee. Ireland & B utton—Specials. T. A. Mills—S ectal Bargains. John Kerr—Dinner Sets, A. E. Johns—Specials. y�yyy 0'0 imrimearomo T. „LOCAL NEWS. PASSED His EXAMINATION—John Wilson, V. S., received word this week that he had passed his Class "A" examination, which he wrote for in Toronto in February of 180 7. Ix Nave QUARTERS—The City Restaurant was removed from the Macdonald block to the new stand, opposite the Bank of Hamilton, on Saturday last. The new premises have beau fitted up in nice shape and make a first-class stand for a restaurant. PRESENTED wITHI A LAMP -in Mon- day evening last, at the meeting of Fern Lodge, No. 19, L. T. B. A., Mrs. R, C. Sperling was the recipient o"•+ a beautiful bronze lamp and an address by the members of the lodge prior to her dep arture for Manitoha.tl,/ THEY ARE Boer—Messrs. Wm. Kendal! & Co., of the Wingham foundry, have been very busy for some time past. They are building a large number of land rollers, some of which are being shipped out of town. This firm is handling all kinds of machine repairs at the lowest prices. F eemeLL—A. meeting will bo held in Dr. A. J. Irwin's office, on Tuesday, March 15tIr, at 8 pan., to organize a football team for season TS. All lovers of the game, who would like to sec a winning team in the field this year, such as we had in the past, be on hand at the. above date and time. Homer Meson ---Tho hockey match played at the rink on Monday evening last, between the Blyth and Wingham clubs, resulted in a victory for the homo team by a score of 7 to 1. Tho ice was in very bad shape on account of the soft weather and good hockey could not be played. Our team was rather late in going into business thus year, but have made a good showing thus far. PUNTS roe Meenaone--Mr. (3. Morning. star, of the Wingham Steam Pump Works shipped 25 of his celebrated pumps to Mani- toba on Friday last. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Morningstar's reputation or making a good pump goes : as far as Manitoba. He expects another large order from the prairie province in a short time. Mr. Morningstar is also agent for the Air Giant Windmill and has recently placed one on the barn of Mr. Win. Cruiokshanks of Turnberry. Farmers and others look- ing for anything in his line should give bin a call. STATION MASTER BEaiovr•.tV'14ir. John Nicoll, who has been station master at the G. T. R. here for a number of years, re- ceived word last week that he was to be removedp Brantford for a couple of months.iilWe do not know whether nt is the intention of the company to locate Mr. Nicoll in Brantford permanently or not, and the eitizons and business men generally would be very sorry to learn that such would be the case, as Mr. Nicoll is very highly respected by all in town and vicinity. All will agree with us when we say that he was, without a doubt, the right man in the right place and while we are pleased to hear of his edvaucemont, we hope ho inay not leave Wingham for good. Mr, Gordon, of fart Elgin, will bo in charge at the G. T. It. daring his absence. Dr. J. R. Macdonald is now per- manently at home and can be con - Suited by his patrons. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE r. ALLEN SICIS AT NORWIC1n, l f q r townspeople were sorry to learn that Mrs. Jas. Me olvie was taken i11 at Nor- wich this week, where she had been at- tending the funeral of her brother-in- lawMr. McKelvie left on Wednesday morning for Norwich to bo at her iied- eide. —SMALL J igi; )n Monday afternoon, ( SMALL LOCALS. a small spirit lamp which Mr. J. R. Muushaw was using exploded, the result of which was that the paper and cotton batting in the window took fire. The goods display in the window were slightly damaged:` Home IiAw � A o of the Western EARLY oslvt — During the week ' Ontario lrcrrernc+n was he:lii at London last a petition has been in circulation among week. Race nreets were arranged as the business men, asking that their follows: Guelph. ,Tune 1, 2. 3: Stratford, places of business be closed at 7 o'clock •Tune 7, 5,'0,10 ; Port Huron, June 14, 15, during the summer months, This ar- 10,17; London, June 21,22,23;1,'rantford, na emei ng it works well in other towns, ,Pune nth, July 1, 2; St. Thomas, July and we ices no reason why the business 5, 0, 7. Dates for. Wingham, Aylmer•, men of Wiugham cannot hold together hamburg,. Orangeville and Petrolea will be in this lino. arranged later. W>':sranN TA:mean—In the Competition for the Western Ontario Curling Tankard, played at St. Marys on Thursday of last week, Detroit and St. Marys ware in the finals, St. Marys beating Detroit by seven shots The St. Marys Club are now the owners of the tankard. It was announced that the Wingham club were to compete, but for some reason or other they did not go to St. Mary. BASEBALL.—At the meeting of the baseball club on Wednesday evening last Mr. Alf. 3, Sebastian was appointed manager of the club for the coming sea - ton. Arrangements were also made for the purchase of suits and other articles. The indications are that Wiugham will have a good ball team this Season, and we trust our citizens will give them all the encouragement they deserve. A FINs ENTERTAINMENT—Miss Annie Louise White, in her latest New York success, "Flirts and Matrons," will appear in the town hall, on Wednesday evening next, under the auspices el the local lodge of the A. O. U. W. She gives a mono- logue in six scenes, with six changes of costume, including the society girl, the bride, the Vassar girl, the wife, the mother, and the grandmother. Mise White is highly spoken of as an entertainer, and should be greeted with a full house. The price of admission is 25 cents and 15 cents. Plan of hall and seats on sale at Gordon tve Co.'s drug store., PROMOTION EXA11MINATIONS—The fol- lowing is the result of the regnlar weekly examinations held in the first department of the Public School, during the months of January and February. The subjects of examination were : literat ure, history, composition, arith- metic, algebra, geometry, physics and geography. Seuior class maximum, 950— N. Beckett, 800 ; 0. Welsh, 679 ; K. Macdonald, 623 ; J. Cummings, 596 ; J. McKinlay, 569; T. Robinson, 543; H. An- sioy, 408 ; H. Miller, 463 ; A. Stewart, 445 ; M. Ross, 432 ; J. Reading, 385: M. Forbes, 286 ; E. McGuire, 230 ; S. Gor- don, 230. Junior clans maximum, 950.—G. Ansley, 863 ; Geo. Gray, 701 ; 0. Moore, 789 ; P. Fisher, 722 ; J. Stew- art, 704 ; M. Welsh, 607 ; R. Foster, 557 ,• H. Enefer, 460 ; G. Jinhnston, 450 ; E. Graney, 454 ; M. Mass. 443 : V. Hiscoc,ts 442, R. Wilson, 416 ; :Ml . Patterson, 378 ; W Gillespie, 376 ; 0. Jenkins, 358 ; IL Carr, 361 ; N. Blackwell, 353 ; Roy Gor- don, 327, J. McKinley, 321 ; E. Patter - 306 ; A. Roderus, 269 ; E. Sutton, 250 ;. M. I4loGilhray, 223 ; M, Begley, 191, J. Hodgson, 128 ; E. Kerr 127 ; A. Smith, 86. A number of the above were absent from several of the examinations, If in the Furniture or Undertaking business, any one ever tries to induce you to buy by saying that he knows all about my business and prices, you Can prove the statement to be false by coming to Gracey's store, where we will conyince you and will also make it to your interest to buy where you will see goods at prices that aro the lowest. WEDDING BitLr.s--The following front last week's Teeswater News speaks for itself :•-- "The home of Mr. Chas. Turner, of Cul- ross, was the scene of a very happy event on Wednesday evening, Feb. 23rd, when his youngest daughter Eliza, was united in marriage to Mr. Geo. Wraith, of 'Wingham. At six o'clock the bride attired in a pretty gown of bronze and blue effect, trimmed with lace and ribbon, entered the room, leaning on the arm of Mr. A. E. Thomp- son, the groomsman. Mies Nellie Turner acted the part of bridesmaid. Rev. N. S. Burwash performed the ceremony, after which the usual congratulations were ex- tended to the young couple. The guests, numbering about forty, then sat down to a bountifully spread table where all enjoyed them'seives to the fullest extent. The presents were both numerous and useful. The evening was spent pleasantly in inusio and games. Among the guests present wero noticed Mr. and Me. Dr. Gillies, Teeswater ; Dir, and Mrs. W. Scott, Lang - side ; Mr andMrs. D.I3eckfn • Mr. and Mrs. II. Thompson; Mr. and Mrs. A. Haynes : Mr. and Mrs. C. Hetherington, Westford ; Mr. J. Me ,1annis. Wingham. The happy couple followeby the best wishes of the communi leave for their Immo in Wingham ne • , "week." Bananas, n City Resta . . HOCKEY MATCH—There will be a warm hockey match at the Wingham rink, on Monday evening next. The Harriston aria Wingham teams will play a friendly game. All lovers of this sport should be on hand and see this match, as it will probably be the last of the season. The admission is only 10 cents. Be sure and be present and give the boys a bumper house. FARMERS INSTITUTE MEETING—As an- nounced in last issue a meeting of the West Huron Partnere' Instituto will be held in the Town hall here on Monday, March 21st afternoon and evening. At the afternoon meeting Major James Sheppard will speak on "Forty Years Experience in Growing Corn." Joseph E. Gould on "Value of En- silage ; " James Snell, on, "Gare and Management of a Flock . " Major Gould will speak on "Three Historical Days at Niagara," at the evening meeting. All are welcome, and come prepared to take part in discussing the above subjeots.Meet. ings will beheld at Holmesville'on Marsh 18th and Auburn on the 19th. A VERY SAD DEATH bis week it is our sad duty to record one of the most sorrowful deaths that has occurred in our town for a long tirue. Marion M:„ wife of Mr. John Nicoll, agent at the G. T. R., had been suffering for some time with diabetes. On Tuesday morning, h1r. Nicoll, who had been removed to Brantford for a short time, left here for that place, leaving his wire in fairly good health acid spirits. That evening Mrs. Nicoll was taken suddenly worse. All that medical skill, kind neighbors and friends could do for her was clone, but she passed peacefully away on Wednes- day Morning, s ortly before Mr. Nicoll arrived homer. Patterson and Miss Patterson, of Port Elgin, father and only sister of the deceased, not arriving till the afternoon train. Deceasod, along with her husband and family, have re- sided in town for a number of years, and were highly respected by all. The sad affair has cast a deep shadow over the entire community. Two little children, a girl and boy, are left to mourn the loss of a kind rind loving mother. The rela- tives and friends of the deceased will have the heartfelt sympathy of all in this their sad bereavement. The funeral took place from the family residence, John street, yesterday morning, at 8,30 o'clock, to the G. T. R. station, being attending by a Iarge number of sympa- thizing friends. The remains wero taken to Port Elgin, from where the funeral will proceed to -day, at 2 p.m., from her father's residence to the port Elgin cemetery. Don't bite et prices you see t the street, just because you thy Cheap, until you get p 'nes Button. They knocl thin all out and you have a chance for t Gold Watch or the Parlor Suite, with eaoh dollar's worth you buy. Ireland & Button, Furniture dealers. rtketed on t they are m Ireland & Sale Tuesday, March sold, without reser stock of Chas. S cession 6, Turnbe sharp, J. Currie, , C1arR register. 15th—There will be e, the valuable farm burn, on lot 8, Con- ry. Sale at 1 o'clock notioneer. 111 ()TES. The "Drunkard' attended last T1 Barracks, and we evening, Ensign his subject, "10 What became of invited. "The D ing will be giv 17111, at 8 p. m. unpacked and c the audience. Home" was fairly well reday, in the Army t of well. On Sunday rchard will take for 1 on the Spree" and he Landlord." All are vil's implement" Inset. on Thursday, Match when a trunk will be ntents exhibited before on't miss it. We have no gambling or lottery divice to induce purchases. (No bottle of peas to guess at. No Chance game). We have always tried to conduct err business on' a higher basic. But for 30 days we will sell Furniture cheaper than everoliered by any retail Furniture dealer in Wiugham. S. Gracoy. is Your Daughter in Jehool ' There are thousands of sickly wheel (l girls dragging their way through seh oil s and lemons at the who might bo enjoying the full vigor of their youth by taking Scott's Emulsion. —Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. —Thereby neat is St, Petri 's day. A call ut our now sit d e solicited. A. I'1. Johns. —I-nroz Ire t •r I i cs a tt rue at Clinton on t t n t y Y T't'esrltty. Yes 1 I am still in Wingham and quite well thank you. 1. Graeae,. —Bicycle talk is all the go now, 1•his f is a good sign of setup,,. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. Apply to IL Davie, Wingham. 3m. —Messrs Bureau!' & nlcDortald (;hipped a carload of hogs on Tuesday, Chisholm's Condition Powders for horses and cattle are unequalled. —Large quantities of hay have been delivered in town during the week. Fresh oysters served in any style at James McKelvie's Star Restaurant. —The Tures is headquarters for private post cards and wedding statery. See our new stop. Confectionery at the City Restau . —Court Maitland, C O F, holds its regular meeting this (Friday) evening. Arthur J. Irwin, D. D. S., of Wingham, visite Blyth every Wednesday. —A large , number of our citizens are taking advantage of the Cheep fareon the railroads. Our parlors are lar.:r a more Com- reodions than formerl A. E. Johns. —There are now 85 inmates at the House of Refuge in Clinton. Five were admitted last week.. —Mr Seamen Laird, formerly of Kin. eardine, has gone into the hotel business at the Soo. ' We are bandling any quantity of butter, eggs and dried apples ---cash or trade. Also all kinds of poultry. G. 1. Icing. —The Easter bonnet will soon a . ar on the horison and the men will • •gin to look gloomy. Aa we are very busy an .ehind with our work, we will le. e re kicking and chewing yseth our op -. Ion. Ireland & Button, Farnr'cure dealers. —The members of the I. O. 0. F. held a social in their lodge room on Thursday evening of last .week, ROMs, slow oeeupled by Joint Ritchie, to let in the Macdonald bloek. —The Seaforth Sun appeared last week in a new dress of type. The paper looks ' well in its new dress, ! Wanted—good butteretnd eggs. Highest prices paid. T. (3, Graham's grocery store, Chis:olm block. —Jos. Golley, V. S., has invested in a new pair of crank horse clippers, and can ' now clip horses while you wait. • We invite anyone (old or young) to call and inspect our goods and prices before you buy and see if S. Grac;ty can be relied on wben ite says Bargains. —Mr. Findlay, late of the 1iIildmay Gpzette,• has gone on the road as an organizer for the Ceuadian Foresters. —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, in Queen's block. —Last Saturday's Globe contained a photo-engravure and sketch of the of the tate Dr. J. Pt Garnier, of Lu .now. If there is any more pi res in the country that we have not amed, or have not got in the shop o me, bring them in and have them ed at the same old prices, at Ireland & Button's. —The driving belt at the abair factory broke on Monday afternoon last and the workmen were given a few days to rest. —"Miss White completely captivated the audience"—Recorder, Bradford, Pa Town Hall, Winghatn, Wednesday en- ing, March 16th. We have no old out of date a out of style stuff, that wo have bough rom some opposition, to offer yi for ss than cost. Our stock is all new cle and a -to-date and as for prices -4 ell jiist calf and see for yourselves cr ask your neigbors. They will tell you Ireland & Button. —A picture of the Drayton quartette was produced in last Saturday's Globe. We noticed the smiling face of Mr. Jos, Mason, formerly of this town, in the groups, ---The uniform promotion cxaminatione will be held in the public schools of Huron county on Thursday and Friday, Marcie 24th and 25th. —A meeting will be held in the Dinsle' home this (Friday) evening, for the puree pone of re argut,izing the Jae,robee club for the Coming fieaeal,. hie ere body interested attend. D. M. Gordon pays highest prices, cads or trade, for et'g z and butter. Great snapet in beautiful and seasonable spring goods no faction guaranteed or money refunded? alwe ys. •--The East Huron Farmers Institute, will hold a meeting in the F orresters' hall Dlu ovale, on Monday next, The Haines of the c+pe.tkers and their subjects were boutnced in last issue. Wo made our prices right lea we started business, and 'f• the nes we see: ticketed on theme and in the windows are all cut r' s, then our prices are a snap. Irelan & Button, Furniture, dealers. —The fine weather during the past week has put an end to our sleighing. Wheels have been in use in towel for several days. This is early for spring iia our northern country. It may suit some to pretend to giver away Gold watches or Parlor Suites Free,. but the fact remains that the purchasers: pay for the giveaways all the same. For proof of this call at S. Gracey's ana see what you can buy goods at on straight cash basis and then compare with guessing prices. • —The members of the I. O. F. and their friends, held a very successful box social in the Temperance hall on Friday evening last. A. program of songs, speeches, rec: ations, etc., was rendered and a pl-::ant evening spent, We are going ahead with • ur second guessing contest just the ea ..e and every one has the seme/bhauy: of getting the Gold Watch or tl '�fccP��,rt `l6r Suite; a chance with every dollar Orth you buy. Ireland. & Button, Furniture dealers, Wingham. i —We learn that the M. E., the Grand. First Principal of the Granas Chapter of , the R. A. Masons, of Canada, Mr. i Walsh, of Ingersoll, in his lint of ape pointments, has appointed Mr. R. ;Vanstone, of this. town, Grano Par- ' solvent. ur-'solvent. 1 801100L• 130A -11D . The regular monthly meeting of the ' School Board was held en Torreday evening 11aait. Mombers presenteeftesere. Griffin, j Kerr, Abraham, Moore and Barber. Tho minutes of last :Meting were read. 1 and approved. The Principal's 'report for the month of 1Febreary wit's peas", e1/4wln; that tint nuinbsr of boys on the register wee 227, i girls 195, making a total of 422, with an average attendance of 3,33. Non-residents attending school, S ; fees collected, 13.55. The principal also asked for a fresh supply of monthly reports. The report was re- ceived or, motion of Messrs. Barber and Kerr. Boiler Inspector's report was read, show- ing that the hailer was in good working In this enlightened age a man aped not appeal to the sympathy of the .blit, by telling of his long years in bussMss. What the people want is en in )siisiness who until next meeting for further consider - will give them goods t n.,)•iving profit and ation--Carried. one profit to all. 'an Will ii,Wood 1 id menof Mr. ,las. 2 11 It. 1. o, al oo p It p ' tai sae' u to the v I h kind r that 1 in t Meat �: p� Butt h on s Furniture Hoard that Ids hears had been roughly and 1Tndertakiug store, Winglratn, opposite treated tit the 601:.,.1 and oatniug home Macriondald block. from sante by other srttolctrs. I'rincipat Musgrave explained to the, Beard that he was titingall that he could to keep order see the gelato! and one of Mr.'Wood's- bop ftp es much to blame hiinselentttoblame otlie ,. The board then adjourned, order. Pablie School Inspector Robb's report was read as follows : el beg leave to report that I visited your school on Feleuary 15th, 16th, 17th and lath. The room were all clean and com- fortatble. 'Inc out buildings were also in a, eatisfactory condition. The caretaking :atlas to be well•clone. In all the rooms L found the discipline, order and manage - meet perfectly satisfactory and a very cordial feeling existing between the various: members of the staff, and also between the teachers and pupils. The entire work is being carridd on smoothly and harinonous- aye_ It'would indeed be difficult to find a, better staff of teachers anywhere than the corps you now have." - I ate gentleman, Your obedient servant, D. Roue, I. P. S. Moved by Thomas Abraham, seconded by Chas. Barber, that the Inspector's: report be received and filed—Carried. A tender was received from Messrs. Young & Paulin, offering to supply 50 cards of green wood at $3.10 per cord—No action. The finance committee recommended payment of the following accounts : Iv` Farqubarson, brooms:, $1.50; Brown. Bros., treasurer's cash book, $2.50 ; bfr McDougall, wood, $2>50; It iV Ituuciman, repairs. $2.1i0 ; II 13 Elliott, printing, $1.76. Moved by Wm. Moore, seconded by- Thos. Abraham, that the accounts as react be paid—Carried. Moved by J. J. Homnth, .seconded by Chas. Barber, that the Secretary have the usual number of monthly reports printed for the Principal ---Carried. Moved by II. Kerr, seconded by J. J. Homntb, that the teachers' and officers.' salaries for the past month bo paid---• Carried. Mayor Morton presented a petition to the Board, signed by A, M. Robinson and 85 others, asking that music be taught int the school. Moved by Chas. Barber, eeeohded by' Wm. Moore, that petition be laid over --"Miss White's re•appearanco at any time will bo hailed with delight" --Toronto Globe. Town Hall, Wingham, Wednes- day evening, Marsh 10th.