HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-03-04, Page 4Rubber Gods We have a large stock of Rubber Goods, Water Bottles, Syringes, Tub- ings, Feeder Fittings, &c,, which we are selling cheap at COLIN A. CAMPBELL'S DIRTG sTc71;iE. nem South of Post mash Campbell's Headache Wafer tures headache. TO ADV.ER'VISERS, notice of changes must be left at this once not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening, Casual advertise. talents accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. fLimo • ( 4 " c coral Ball, Dungannon, on 1+'riday evening last. Mr. Beck was assisted `'' c) by Messrs. Holmes and Heaton of of Goderich, while Mr. Garrow was FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1898. represented by Messrs. Cameron and Proudfeot. Meeting closed with cheer for Garrow and Beek. On Thursday evening of last week a crowd of young people assembled at the house of Mr. Chas. Thorn in GL1irNANSTAN. .Ail. Thos, Small has returned from Mount Forest. He thanks there is no place like the Glen. Mr. Robt, Harkness spent a few day last week with his brother-in- law, James Wallace, of Jamestown. Mr. Thos. Small left on Thurday to take part in a 1llaeahee Concert at Wiliiamson's Corners, Culross. 'I'he W. 1?, 11i. S. held their mon- thly meeting on Thursday at Mr. John Scott's, WROX.ETER, We understand that Air. Thomas Rae hasmoved his grocery business into the store lately occupied by Messrs. Rutherford & Munroe, Miss Lottie Orr has returned from her visit to friends in Wingham. Messrs. Wilkinson Bros., of Harris ton, have, we understand, purchased the Stewart farm west of here. Mr, James Stafford, of Howlett has taken up his residence in this place. Bicycle agents are very numerous here, WEST W11WANOSII, Mr. Beek, the Conservative c date held a meeting in the Agneui- andi- EDITORIAL NOTES. WINGiAN done well on Tuesday. EAST Hthh?oN still falls into the procession Eric good. Government, order to spend the evening. Social games and dancing were indulged Addington RIGS were numerous on Tuesday in, and everybody spent an enjoy- g Al oma,E from early morning till late at night. able time. Refreshments were Br o , 'N ly plentifully supplied and all returned Brant, S .., NoRTFI PERTH has done the proper ; to their homes well pleased with the Brockville idling in electing Mr, Brown as their success of the gathErine, Bruce, N representative. �' Bruce, 8 .At Londeboro on Wednesday, Bruce, C THELiberal party have lost a :2nd inst., Mr. Fred. Moss was united Cardwell "' ;21 good plan in the defeat of M. y, in marriage to Miss Ida Riley, of Carlsson McLean; of South Huron, He was Londeboro5 Dutferzn Dundas corning to the front nicely and I Rev. Mill and of the Nile, Deco- Durham, E......., corrin have made one nof our best pied the pulpits of the Auburn sir Durham, W.. public men. Quit on Sunday owing to the illness Elgin, E of Rev. Mr, Couzens Elgin, tv.... Essex, THE... k I IJ41 �..liIIAM TIMES, MARCH4, 1 x./981. 'l1eet1Gx1 Figures. The following are the majorities in the following ridings at the elec- tion on Tuesday, as near as c:an be obtained wns'r mato:i, G Goderioh.......,.,., Clinton •,'9 filytli , ........ 16 Wingharn .. . Asltdeld ... , • , • "6l Colborne... .... . . . ... W. Wawanosh . arrow, E. Wawanoslz ... G1 Goderioli Township T4uilett• ' •44 101 Majority for Beck -2. :'oirrit P1:ATII, Brown Stratford...... 07 Listowel „.. 6 Mornington......... Milverton......., Elam Ellice North Eastbope, ... Wallace, :348 135 451 302 Majority for Brown --149. Beck. 17 12 86 3 125 193 .k'CA.It1?;E`T IMPORTS. 1Vingliarn, Mardi 3, 1898, Oorreoted by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. b`lourpar 100 lbs,. .,,..... 1 60 to 2 50 Pall Wheat , 0 85 to 0 86 Spring Wheat • . ' . 0 85 to 0 80 Oats,. ....... ...... 0 30 to 0 30 Barley - 0 25 to 0 26 Peas. ...................... 0 54 to 0 55 Turkey, drawn 0 07 to 0 08 Geese, '4 0 04 to 0 05 Ducks, per pair 0 40 to 0 60 Butter,,,.. . 0 14 to 0 15 Eggs per dozen............ 0 15 to 0 15 Wood per cord....., .. 1 00 to 1 25 Hay per ton . , , . , , . , 5 00 to 5 50 Potatoes, per bushel, , , , . 0 30 to 0 36 Tallow ,pez• Ib . , .. 0 3 to 0 8 Dried Apples, per lb 0 8 to 0 4 Wool 19 to `91 Dressed hoar 5 00 to 6 00 I---•---- - . WANTED --.......•r.,. Maywrod 1 Vain ors' sons at; industrious persons of fair ,.du- oAtion to wno a $6R a month would be en hmnee• • • • . j ment, I „Dula also engage a few Ladies at their 41 82 41 Mrs. Kelly, a venerable lady of 85 years, mother of Rev. Father Kelly, , parish priest of Walkerton, died at her son's residence' on Thilrs- day. The Toronto Industrial I+`air will be held this year from the 29th of August to the 10tH of Sept., being the same two weeks as last year. . ratiaDLEP•G;lISIETSON CO., LnIITin,, Toronto, Own !tonna, LINSCOTT, Toronto. AGENTS Ito Klondike Gold melds" tike a whirlwind, Ex. perienced cam neer% rooting the richest h'rr•est of their Iireet; now beginners tloh.g wonders. Nearly everybody subscribes. unc Iauni: follow on a yarn, at 512 a month is snaking $75. A lady typewrither at $3 a week is clearing ell. A mechanic who had earned $1.00 a dar is clearing 5 a day. We want more agents. Cnuyassini; outfit 250, worth $1. MIADLEY•GAAitETSON CO., LIMITED, Toronto. AGENTS "Woman" is the title of our groat new loo c - Dis•,usses ail phaees of the subrlecn. Contains •;7'5t Life and work of Miss Willard, the nest wonderful woman of the eentu'ry. Over a hundred beautiful portraits of the greatest ,women known, with biographical sketches. Snap for can%assera. THE 1JNSCOTT COMPANY, ToaoiTo. AGENTS "Glimpses of the Unseen," fascinating book, Sweeps the entire Hold of borderland subjects. Everybody orders, Idarvelious illustrations. ;pros. pectus fres to onnvasser. THE S CCESSF L C CIC TE& CO\r,TITtlENO],-� LTBEB;4L8,�-__.µ• � .T.-_ _'.� _.. CONSERVATIVE. OTHER. WE have been unable to obtain ! Mr. Ted Jones has rented the farm Essex, 8 %Iie figures for East and South Huron of Mr. McLean of the 6th concession Frontenae Taut we understand that Air. lI,siri for the coming year.. Glengarry A , . Grenville was elected in East Huron by a ma- I Grey, 0 jority of' over 500, and that Mr. Eil- CULkCS6. Grey. N her received over 150 majority in 'n Heldrman&,.... the South riding. , The following notice which refers Halton to the marriage of a daughter of Mr, Hamilton, E THE situation in West Huron is !Donald McLean, of Culrtss is taken Hastings W to be very much . regretted. lir, from one of the papers published at Hastings, E. Gamow has taken a very prominent Sault Ste, Marie: ---"A pretty weld- Hastings, N dace in the Legislature and was one, mg was solemnized at the home of Huron, S ,Mr. and Mrs. John .. Of the most pains -taking members 'street, Tuesday evening, Feb. 8th, at Kon Division ent ,k1 in the House. A recount will likely, 8 o'cick, when Thomas Howell and Kent, W be in order, as Mr., Beck only has a : Miss Ella McLean, both of this elty, Kingston .... Majority of two, were married by the Rev. A. W, Larnbton, 1 WE -,. 'Stalker. The bridesmaid was Miss Lanark, N THE RESULT, t Anna McLean, sister of' the bride, LLennonanark, S 'Y The people spoke through the ballot and the groom was supported b Leeds. , ....... ,�, y Charles Moles. Mr. Howell has been Lineetn.. a ... box on Tuesday and the Hardy Gov- a resident of the Soo for the ernment has been sustained bya small seven years and is a highly respee ed London majority, In the election of 1894, young man. The bride has lived Middlesex, E • O Liberals were elected. The nuns- here for two years and is an aceom-- lber has been reduced to 49. In pushed young lady. After the Inar- 1894 only 27 Conservatives were riage ceremony the guests all sat elected ; this time 44 members will pawn to a bounteous and, e- aconstitute thea pared by Airs. Bone. Mr. Mrs. opposition, In the Howell received many handsome pre- election 011 Tuesday only one inde.. Bents. After spending a few plea - pendent and one patron were • sant boars the young couple depart- ed for their neat home on Arlington elected against 17 In the election of street." 1804. The Conservative party has bean strengthened more at the ex -1, .litre ',Stools irfarkets. pense of the Independents than ' East Buffalo, N. Y. March 2- -Cat- the Liberals. The independents tle--Receipts, 8 cars ; market was .have been practically tut out of ex. strong ;or good medium steers and iistc;nee and it still now be as it butchers' stock. Iic'gs._Receipts, 20 should be, between the two rent ears ' market about steady up to pre - political g noon, when a stronger feeling' pre• Ilm ` i patties of this country.'nailed. Good to choice Yorkers .Anions the defeated on the Liberal 5120 to 64.25 ; prime selected light aide are Lieut, Col. Gibson, late Com Yorker's, S4.`.0 to 84.20; mixed pack. tlssioner of Crown Lands ; Hon, ere grades, medium weights and ,Sohn Dryden, Minister of Agricni. hogs, $4.20 to $$4,25 ; roughs, 0.60 Sao *tiro; M J. M. Y. McLean, of of West t to $3.$3 80 ;stags, $2 75 to : 3.10 ; pigs �luron; Dr, Mciiay, of Victoria; eelpts,t25 cars Sheep anmad et w lambs -Re. Mr. Middleton, Hamilton, and others. from the start, and buyers ands sell 1 be Conservative party last some of ers were their leaders, among them being Mr. views, with the result hat the laart in tter t. John, of West York ; T•ieut. Col. obliged to coneede to a full decline of Iiern:;, of Balton • Dr.of a nickle on lamb, and stroiri;er for' Norte Ontario , Tilos. lhagwood, alt but prifne handy sheep ; native of `thrill Perth and some others. The lambs choice to extra, 5.75 to 85.85 vaajorit!es in several of the eonstit. calls to conirnon,5 to $5.40 ; year - 'weirs were very small and recounts lings, Common to choice S- /• r will be in order which may better $5.75 ; native sheep, choke; to select the 8 er wether, ,,1.75 to $1.i3O etre g.w a list of the suceesef I �arxl to C H Warturan *1 Reid ,, *C F Farewell i)r Deli *James Commee. . 0 W Chadwick *D Burt .1 H Fisher ` *A S Hardy Geo Elliott *Geo P Graham 7 Culbert *(S M Bowman D M Jermyn. *IL E Truax. *A Malcolm ' ` ` Wm Wright *A E Little G Buckham *G N, Kidd *Dr John Barr.... . P Whitney. '. *W A Fallis " ' * 4v H Reid W33 Lawson 9 Grandy Dr Mitchell D Maolntyro *D *W P McKee *J A Auld ....,.. D 0 McRae Angus Buobannan J Boland.. J D Horgan J Cleland *I W Holmes * 7obn ft Barber.. , . J `T Middleton T $2 Gibson ):I G Bleecker *8 Russell. B 0 Lott *A Hyslop M Y McLean J T Garrow *R : erguson , , *T L Pardo *Wm Harty .. *x J Pettypieee *F P' Pardee *�'V 'C Caldwell �l M Clark W 7 webster *13 Ayleaworth .lames Doran *Col F B Leys Dr McWilliams,.., Middlesex, N +*W H Taylor...... Middteeex, W 1*Geo W Ross It Harcourt..., "Dr Bridgeland .. *I Loulhrin *W A. Charlton,.,, *E G Carpenter.,, *J H Douglas *5 Cla'-lr„ T W Chapple J Dryden ,... Geo O'Keefe .. *Alex Latngclen *A Pattuilo *Dr McKay • Mona Muskoka .... ,. , Nipissing .,,. illorfotk, 8 Norfolk. N.........., Noi thumberland, E, Northumberland, W Ontario, N Ontario, S Ottawa ...... ..... "' Oxford, N .... , , , Oxford, 5,,,, Parry Sound peellli, N * r Smith Perth, S *J Brown rip Peterborough, E.... * C ezaMod 14 731ezard.. .. Ty^'erborough, W...., *711 Stratton J W Garvin *0 W Brower F G M,Dimmid G A Wintermute W P Klllackey *J s .Gallagher *0 It M'QDonaid *It L Joynt *J B Lucas *Dr D Jamieson .. "G M Boyd F R Lader Lieut•Cvi Kerns,, 'B. Carscallen *F A Colguhonn *M 13 Morrison John Stokes *ty J Alien I3 Mooney *II Either. , - *J Beck A 14I Mason Dr W 1'. Hall Dr E H Smythe Dr J A MoLeay .1 S Macdonald W Dynes Joseph Martin J L Haycock D M Meplierson 7 w Davis D McNichol Dr R F Preston *Lient•CoI Matheson *Walter Beatty Dr lrteaeham *Dr L Jessop Adam Beck *TD Hodgins C 0 Hodgins , G 13 Campbell Thos Galbraith G T' Langford (: Lamarche Jt, Buck O Robertson Dr W A Wiliorghby,, John 'a' Mulholland *W H Hoyle • *0 Calder 1 Slattery *013 Powell j.. A Montagne Louis Kaufman.. E N Chambers..., Joseph Lagar *W It Beatty. , , , i W Beynon 1T Magi• +*N Monteith Geo Frame Dr Ford P D �CoCalluln A T Gurd (II. B. Ashplant tO. H. Gould ( Prescott., Prince Edward Renfrew,S Renfrew, N ..... C Russell Simeoe, W Simeoe, E , Sint e. C Stormont .... Toronto, E Toronto, W... Toronto, 5,........, Toronto, N Victoria, .E.... , Victoria, W.. Waterloo, S Waterloo, N Voll and Wellington, I• Wellington, S Weilinl;ton, tv SVentwartb, Wentworth, York, 10 York, W York, *f *A Evanturel IN Sprague ,*R A Campbell .. •1H Barr..., .10 Guibord sw M Harvey 'D Davidson...... iA itlulhern 0 Caldwell . Dr Jamas Spence... 11v 11Rogers..... jbr E If Dewart... .7 Austin 'Dr McKCay.,,..... . 1.1 1 tar Cleffieug t" tV Sit German I I*W 1i Detnpsey •J Caves ••8 .1 Dempsey .. ...,+lohit Bonfield *A T White • .. 3 Robillard *J S Duff '& Currie *AMiseampbell„ ,1 .. *A B Thompson Amos Train *J McLaughlin 'John Bennett *Dr .It A. Pyne 1, *Thos Crawford1 ...•...... , *J J k'ov. ....... , ... . *G 3' ktartet'f.................. *J II Carnegie 1*+7 Craig *J Mutrie..,, 1Hy Ilotkol.. g Scott - .... A I'' Pirie *3 Dickenson .. , . c'1 Richardson.... , *W .7 Hill.... *1, 7 Debs.- ..... •i *8 .l Fox . *W A Kribs. ,, *1I' G Lackher ..... .7 H Pew Dr Coughlin • *x' A. Wardell 1Sanford I•.volts i<l w 'Joyce •il tv Ht .loin, .!Licit Cul iL',iylinl;.,..l,. J. titilhvell Jatnes Park .lames Anderson "G Tucker epla'Rr" r'!''' / ''41tr'Cfr�6r'wYry1 " ei4yp"�q va, araie'�Ivd' DO YouDrink Tea, Coffee or Cocoa. If so, we watt to tell you that we are offering great value in the ,above lines of goods. Try our India Ceylon and Japan Teas, We guarantee satisfaction, • JOHN KERR GROCER, WINGHAM, J 1 Y98 We wish our many customers and friends a Happy and Pros- perous New Year. During 1898 we will endeavor `"to meet all the requirements of our increasing trade, and will offer the best possible inducement to our CUStomers. HALSEY PARK $50.00 reward for a watch we can't fix. Dere we are once more As a further inducement to • pay cash for your furniture and picture frames, we are going to give to everyone buying from us the chance of getting a gold watch or a parlor shite free. We art going to do it precisely the same wayas the last. That is we give a guess for every buy. The only difference there will bdollar's worth r you will be filled. with peas, corn and beans* It is the sari it; only filled different, Some askhow we can afford this. I is done e in this way ; Our expenses are low, we sell for small profits, get the cash, and you don't have to pay your neighbor's bad debts. g '111e last contest was won by Mr. Jas. McGavin, the watch, and is much pleased with it, and he says itlis not as goon as we reconunendcd it to be. just t! aria CliU1L'8 ?1il:ecrl kllr!E;li, >lf.•lf l tf, +1,iJ , , , , r defeated candidates in the different c>onitnori to fair, $.t,40 -; Those wanted tilos have been elected. l'n will be well, ti`el e arc ;r'lrxings. Ito 1. til • culls 4rl Liberals, d t C'RE 1 Patron. The election in i 1�Jt11, to eaftilliCli Slice" °i $3,90.T " Conservative, 1 Independent, p, ., ,,_ r to ' Russell does not take place until 1larcl QDi>pO itr :tlrae4ll rxiitticd Rinek. I• 4