HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-25, Page 81�M. H sone. McBcTOLY--In Fast Wawanash, on Mr.. Samuel` THE WIN(i!I,AM TIMES, FE.t3RTJARY 25, 1898, MORTGAGE SAL t _;STT til 1 4EMMVS' .,�' • - ! r- "1 M°IPDOO. „ the „1st Inst„ the wife (f D Burney, Jr„ of a bon, it" 0ertsTAnus In W.ingham, on the 1.8th TI STORE _41 ELOQUENT OF SPRING It's fol.' ^lf the vigor of the New t• inst., tae wife of Frank C7onstable, o a .0 • ODD.' Varquharsofl 'i"LQCkIltuGE-In Lower Wluehum, oil �'. the 19th mete, the wife of ,ltilr, i.oUert j wants to see you. 1-� a daughter.' �� MARRIED. �L ockrtdge, of IDole--2ATlirax-At the residence of rj [I th pride's father, on Feb. 9th, by the t<l, I hese Patrick, both o o Dow .you. want c1_-__. oflNSTa;.r•-.,TLwAtzz- n kit church, Bluevule,: ou Feb. loth, by t Jurnee John j Rev David Rogers, Wm. . stone of Morris, to Maggie, eldest dangly i� to of Mr. Thomas ,Stewart: Y'' :fl The os I Bluer ale au Feb. 2'20 , b1� qualiric� �:f Dry Unot s, ... r inst.. . Groceries, Boos and Shoes, at a mod ; residence of the bride's rather, Ohne. j George Wraith, of 1vuP;,rh:un, to I crate p• �tro° is so well cone as o i � It f Uulrus9 ,� neces:n to Wingllam shoppers. A M i l 1 relict of the �l . Spring; Dress Stuffs. e ,o N' D 1 • to Jaeet 6r f It se Patrick, both of liowtek• '+ 17 rJ 1 eke higho- SetDinnerrr L' �hr f' all t Season More than ever on the elect I WY,J Ew1TT-AND RSONP.� At ithertMa Mr. �� to meet •ur expectations. le p -» West, lite. David Jewett, t, Mary, tv. si'hilitn'e this store are an inspu- to .of Samuea Anderson, of '1'urntsrry. ij 8tlr'11. i'iutt the relatlll,a, of reliable 'VRpaTEI•-'1'URNIsu- .In (�dila'c'rbL, on the �,j i Clothing,' 03 d by lees Mr Burwnsh, tat the t 1 t be 'i'1hrner, U g Gj ti P..EAtte:N•--In Wingham, on Februery u� Eliza urger, u j DIED. ;f1 TOILET SET . . . TEA SET tr 20th, Mary nn ode ane , 1 the late Matthew Peaien, aged 73 yeate, �.1 The largest stock in the county to choose from, and [;, 2 menthe and '?4 clays.V' %1 roantt'l' filled full, shelves fall, BRUSSELS. i lavishly e never had Pee f d h still coming �\'e never d Menlo- L.:: values that cannot be beaten° ar ext', s 1 v. Mr. Allen has reeetva a un ; 1 aver ,� the " THE CHINA HOUSE " WINCRAM. Serge, r --t r 1 •-� r.� , ,..._ = � � .. ��.�r �r'J".L�..� i? � 'a.J, special line of strong' fir•-,�-,r-,r-,.,=1' d V e for30 candidates have been planned t ,rt , animous invitation from le d. so make t)tlyel'S, This week we S ger dist elmrch, to remain in Brussels r i' offer a spe for another year. and Coo ring Serges in Black, Brown, -----•--•- _-._ -.- V w in , The Odd fellows' lodge in this town • - _- Gres, Fawn ae Navy. . �' is on the upward move. Twelve new e OPENING tended to sell them week we give f G initiated dur- them to you this c ling the past two weeks. SPECIALS! illi. George W. Cline, with a ehor- beMrs, announce to the Ladies of and Miss Wing Alexander mDiatrat, deceased, offers for SATURDAY S� us x of the estate of of over 100 voices, gave the can ham and vicinity that they have opened sale the < "� Esther," in the town dressmaking apartment in Dr. iniac- 50 pieces English _Print, very • I; t' store where Re aural Stock and Fi ares Unite A. Johns the time o made, thee.. by Peter Pct Macdooaid U Tuesday, at o'claels in t lectionary, groc pipes, cigar's, &i0., soda fountain) no occupied by W. A. Macdonald Block in This is a first eta opportunity for at • o rostalu'ant busines The property ill be s. list can be inspe ted at t Solicitor. roliso 0r S LF:. -Ten per Ent• of the purchase money to 1) aid to the Veit • •r's Solicitor, on the day of sale and the balance with ton days thee. after. 1' .session will be given , ,a5mcnt of rho purchase money. Arrangements ca be made to secure 1 case of the premises on fat ora c terns. Flu ler particulars may be had fro he atic• Hone ,r m• the u dcrsigned. D. ted at Wingliam, this lath day of Feb., 150 11, PANSTONE, Winghann, 'Vendor's Solioitor. and ha virtue of a mortgage m do by Win. o the vendor, Which will be produced at sa13, and under which do ault 11 is been will bo offerc11 for sale by 101)110 auction, le, auctioneer, on th >r raises, in the els, In the'rown of 'Ingham, on Feb. 22n•, A• D. 1898 0 afternoon .all the stock of eon. nos, 0013110 50043, fruit, tobat'ces, nd all 'tunas, (including a hood apo the premises heretofore J 00 as a restaurant 111 the rows of winRbnm, and and offers an r.xreilent wishing to go luno the STORES FOR SALE t'tta, peen s a res Two Stores in Wingham hall on Thursday evening, donald's Block, over e9 Earl's the , where patron- now to have fancy, fit 10e. Alex McLauehlin has been appoint tape of thosewill be please g plain or tansy Sew uharson a d til Hied by MlVallace, essrs Otters for A. Far - 20 pieces Heavy Shaker I+ angel i ed as successor to John . Wright as. ing.Also tailoring. Dresses, Mantles the same should be addressed to at 5e, general utility man for the torpor - and Children's Clothing will receive our 5 pieces 72 inch Sheeting, extra ttion of Brussel•. most strict atteution. A call respect-, heavy, 18c. � Among the sojourners in Brussels fully bs licited. rA J. A. 50 pairs Crompton Corsets, regular this week is the old and well known MORTON, Wingham, Solicitor for the Estate. s1 00 y.1,25, for 75e. ;Phrenologist, Herr Mark Mendelson. 15 doz. Ladies' Heavy C:ashmere'Ue is a clever (Id gentleman, who BULL FOR SALE. Hose: ribbed, reg. 50e, Saturday, 35c. has made a study of his profession The undersigned has for sale cheap 10 doz. Gents' Linen Collars, reg. and in his readings and charts conies fa thoroughbred Durham bull, three years old. Pedigree can be seen and 20c, for 121e. close to the mark, further information obtAined by ap- 4 pieces pule English T,lb'e Linen, i -�_ ____.—_�_-__ ___- plying to ALL, °BELLY. on the .at. For full par t,cu lare apple reg. (306 for 45e. 1 10 pairs Lace Curtains, reg. 41,50, i (1 en bloc, anti the stock otllce of the Vendor's Nouse and Lot For Sale. The undersigned offers his house and lot on Alice street for sale. The house is a nine room frame one, with kitchen, and there is a number of good fruit trees PROPERTYSLE FOR SALE. F .H. KE FA,. EY, TONSORIAL ' xl T. Apposite Queen's Rotel, Wingnam. Fpr an easy Shave and a First-Clast' Hair Cut, give him a trial, Razors Honed, FARM TO GENT. Lots 10 and 17 in the B Concession of the Townnh(p of Howicti, (the Crocket Willits farm), will be leased to a good tenant for a term of veins at a reason- able rent. Apply to C° 13. Willits, Wrox- eter. or to the undersigned. Dated this 7th day of Feb., A. D. 1898. R. VANSTONE, \lflintlam, Solicitor for estate of Crocket W' its, deceased. ( JAS. WILSON, Wingham. for $1.20.I '.Twelve acres of choice land in the, G doz. Kid Gloves, reg. (1.00 for Wingbam _'own Plot for sale. '_'here 75e. ; are on the premises good bard and soft water ; a good house and barn and a Shop I+�aJly. i good nearing orebardPloughing has all been done and the property is in M.H.11'11000 i tirst•class . For terms and par - all oculars, applyshapeto 1 W. 13. CAMPBELL, Prop., �1'INGIIAlI. Wingbam P. O. 1,17R,OYETER. W. Farrow, V. S., has rented a farm in Mortis township. Mr. J Gibson has purchased the ` old Pavillion and has moved it on to his farm. t1i30t11E. Neil, and E. Hazelwood, and Me -rs. W. M. li. Simile, M. D„ and (sero. ger Spotton debated in Gor- rie on Tuesday evening, on the sub- ject : 11esolved that intemperance causes in 'e'er misery that, war-„ Two rinks of our Curling Club took parr in the contest for the Slee- man 'rtiphy and Guelph Tankard ;tt Ulleiph on Friday last. AUCTION SALE —03' VALUABLE - Far and Village Proper les. ursuan to the powerme vcste es As - JL signee of the estate ,:111sti etferts •f Daniel Mclicnzie, will offer for sale by Public , onion, by John Narquh r000, Auetioneer,•atthe endome I'iote1, in the Village o Tecswater, in the Cot Pty of Bruce, on Thursda the 3rd - ay of Marc , A. D., 1 at 2 o'00011111 the of ruoon, the properties. that is to y : Parcel No.1-The ea 1 half of 2nd eoucc'sf0n of the ownshi. County of ilruce, contai inti Hf aicvceesmsile(1f10om tlhee nT.own is f, 1 one half mile from the v I „nod travel road 11.30 is on Township of entrees Thar frame house 24 x 34, wi .1 . woodshed attached ; th re ,BELO RAVE. 1 under the whole house, rttl r a wood furnace. A fr 1314 ba. Mr. 11. Harrison, shipped three stalillog attaehed0,1(1'1fratne hay 141)1' 'CM S. of cordwood. to London last acres of tl:e 1 ud is mbered w' bush and the 1,d-ttle is in first vt'eblc, ration, and is well aiered. Parcel No. 2 -Los '`lumber i an Prof. Cline, of W inghadl7, is organ -11 lizabeth street, .' eitlr of the Rive iZlllwr n lilglnn school here. We wish . of o fiftlSofia an ere, more or leof ti s. hull t uC0e o. are situated a g 2ii, Witt. etouc \le:-srs. Walter Allison, Dan, and kitchen 1.4 x l for ase. Also James Robertson arrived home last , proierty;� e' wrek I t om 0 pleasure driving trip to If T liiti i� i' friends in Acton, (salt and other 1 mm,ey mt t thirty day. points. Mr. Wm. Clegg ot Wingham ship- ped two cars of grain last week. S, Mowing vahiabir of No. 10; in the of Cclross, in the --seven and one half •m is sitlsated about in,ham, and four and e of Teeswatar, on a the best farms in the are on thexretniaes a kitchen 10 a 24 and 's a bed stone cellar e house is heated by n 40 x (/n with stoke 0 and dril tug shed cn x 30. About 4 .h good hardwood lues state a culti• 8, fronting on in the Village e, containing On three lots ottage; 20 x nil a frau ou.'snfent Pard, Tho illa.te of od two storey frame liar fedi size of house. , with hard and soft water a good garden and ore Arany situated in the said 1 a 0 013' desirable residence. SALE. -Ten per cent. of p c day of the sale and the balance thereafter, Further particular's condition.' will he mute known on the day o sale, or av be had on application to the noncar, o E L. i,iekinson, Esq., Barrister, ham, or to the undersigned. Date. this 31st lay of January, A. D„ 1598. 11.. 1' 'ST._NE, Wingham, Solicitor for Aeeirrote. JNO. McKENZIE, Wingham, Assignee reliaso ithin and he l Mr and Mrs. Leech who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oaten, left for their home in Manitoba last week. Mr. Ilarry Johnston, the A. 0. U. 1'V delegate went to Toronto last meek to attend the convention of that raety. ili i. :Vfis, Hannah Agnew left last week et Philadelphia, where she enters' upon her duties as a trained nurse.' Large quantities of maple logs are being taken in at the mill here. Mr. siert Stanley. of Dungannon, has secured a situation with Messrs. Watson & Geddes in their sawmill. Mrs. C. Dallas, of Winghan1, wail the )tuest of Mrs. G. 11. David, Sat-- urd ty. The 1;",anloi! e Concert (In . nod,. r ,r., •, •-i••t.s (r; the A. i). L. was 'rely (titt:rtoining. Mr. U. 11.1::.'.id, is attending the C. t) F. conv('ntlon in l'eterboro this week. VAL ECUTOR'S SAL —01'— BLE TOWN • PROP `''TY Wingll am Here we once 'y or re NOT1O All accounts due me once, or will be put i collection. DAVI use be paid at ether hands for IT PAYS TO ARE YOU AWARE OF TSE FACT THAT TIIE CANADA ROSINESS COLLEGE, CHATHAM, 0114T. is doing more for its pupils than any other Business College in the Dominion. 43 pupils were placed in two ,,menthe. Students from all quarters are flocking tc this worelly Business School. .Besides a large attendance from Chat- ham, there are already this year, 93 pupils registered from outside points - 00 of them from points nearer to other Busin+•ss Colleges than to Chatham. . We presume these people investigated the merits of the different schools, and decided that nothing but the hest would satisfy thorn, hence they are here. - Write for catalogue of either depart- ment and a list of -the 43 pupils placed in two months. D.Mclachlan & Co,,Chatham,Ont. WINGHAM McDONALD,lS A Zetland � termtermFor Sale Cheap. North half lot 23, con. 11, East .Wa- wanosh. containing 9912, acres more or less ; is well drained, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation ;18 acres hard wood bush ; never•failing spring' creek, 1 never -failing wet ; house 18 x 24 feet ; good barn, 2 acres orchard, 4' acres fall wheat ; 40 rods from school, half tnile from Presbyterian or Methodist Church, 6 miles from the town of Wingham, 5 mile from the village ot Bolgrave. Am giving up farming for which I can give satisfactory reasons: For terms of sale apply to S. YOUI:IILL, Real Estate Agent, Wlogham, Ont. As a further inducement to pay cash for your. furniture and picture frames, we are going to ' give watch. ora everyone buyingti from us the chance of getting a. oldparlor ite free. We are going to do it precisely the same way as the last. That is we give a guess for every dollar's worth you buy. The only difference there will be in the jar is, it. will be filled with peas, corn and beams. It is'the sante jar, only filled different. Some•ask how we can -afford this. It is. done in this way : Our expenses are tow, we sell for small profits, get the cash, and yon don't have to pay your neighbor's bad debts. The last contest was won by Mr. Jas. McGavin, who got the watch, and is much pleased with it, and he says it is just as good as we recommended it to be. puisuant to the powers in m, vested as bxeeuto of the estate of Elfz. Dale, late of the Town of ,,wham, in the Col ity of Huron, widow, decease I will offer for sale by Public Auction, by Pete Deans, Aucti oer, at the Ex. ah'nge Hotel, in 10 Towir of Wingham, in the Comity of 0,1x61,, 0 Wednesday, . nd clay of March, A. 1! , 1898, at 2 o'clock in the aftorm, the following vain. able property. that is to s Lot No, 13 on the ca side f Alice street, and north side of 31lnort etr et. In J: a Sadler's survey, in the said Town of ing1 0111. 01 this property is situated a good 14 ' orey frame d Bing, 22x 28. with stone founder ,n and cellar, ' i a frame ad Cation 1G x 21 all t1 good repair, }The roporty is well 'itn,ted ay.is a desirable res ieuce. TERMS 011 KALI: - Teener cent the archase arm, •t n„ tf r'"'4 tl ,. • .1.• d 01,,. ha ncC to 110.11. r I. 4f., r ,rr.upy:, uu,r, 0111 1)C lade, ions et e1 C -030 a portion of !the purchase n - nev nn mode. ,re at re•sonable interest. Pother sr• tienlar4' ti conditions of sato will be rondo bno on tic av of the sale, or may be had from ti Anes' urcrorfrom the m oltrsigned. 1 , ted this 31st (1115 of January A..b„Is (18. 14 VANSTONE, winglatn, WM. AiiBCCKLI;, Solicitor and lsecuto-, f xceutor. e IRELAND & BUTT Opposite Macdonald Block. Are You Lasing YE- Uar?1 if so bear in mind that 1131101i. Dof Toronto will be in WINGflAI1I, Brunswick House, Wednesday, Mar. 9 with all styles of his famous Hair, Coverings, Ladies' Wigs, Bangs, Switches, Wavey Fronts, ante. OpcAE.N WCNos NAP EE S, Gents' •Wigs, Toupees, &c. These goods are so true to nature that the closest observer cannot de- tect falseness, The beauty adding qualities and the protection offered the head have appealed to the sound sense and good judgment of over 55,000 people who are wearing the Professor's productions. Properly arranged hair, whether natural or artificial, produces a refined and youthful best expression on the face, and a visit to Prof.I Dorenwend will secure theadvice en the subject. Remember, at Brunswick House, on Wednesday, March 0. Also at Brussels, at Queen's Hotel, on Tuesday, March. S. LOGS 1 LOGS 1 We are paying the highest market prices for good sound saw logs • o€ every description, MCLEAN & SON. iWINCIHAM. 1 f J. Ge KARGES • I am still getting in new goods, and will soon have my large stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks arld Valises V. completed which I have bought of the best manufacturers, and of the.best material, as I have been in business for 25 years and am a practical boot and shoe maker and know just what I am selling you, and mean to sell you good goods at the right prices. All rips sewed free of charge in all goods bought from. me. Repairing and custom work neatly done.. u..dk:ni.'r a. (GOOD'S OLD STAND). M SIC STOR •„ Pianos, Organs, Violins, Autoharps Accor deofs, Mandolins Mouth Organs at all prices up to 42.50. All kinds of trimming* for Musical Instruments MUSIC BOOKS AND SHEET MUSIO. We can supply you with anything you want. Sewing Machines and Sewing Machine Supplies. FARMERS—Don't Forget that I still bindle all kinds of Farm Inv plelnents notwithstanding that reports are cirk Slated to the contrary. Meyer Block. T. H. R)SS P. S. -'-Pianos tuned and repaired by Opposite P. 0. competent roan, Mr. lttirlife. 4 b fe Vir PI 1 ( a al b h- t it a: lc fc •a t