HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-25, Page 6411444.4•441444.1 • entOottugpamuncs kettIDAY. FEBRUARY ea. 1898 lif*tory of Seh.00l No. 0, wawauosh. *School No. 9, as it is commonly called, is situated on the lath con- cession, aim and Oho eighth miles from the Morris anti • Wewanosit gravel road. it present it is a frame atructure, painted recl, attractive without and comfortable and com- modious within. It is surrounded by a haltacre play ground recently levelled and seeded down and sur- rounded by a neat patent wire fence, '7.'be scholars number about thirty, ranged all the way from the in- tricacies and delusions of GA T, B -A -T, HA T, to the mathematicians who can solve ÷1 and the geographers who can ciescribe the climate of Peru or the physi features of Van Dienutn's la.nd. The school was founded in '59, t years after California Klondike a eight years before the welding the provinces into the Dominion Canada,. The first shoo l house a a to building, with rotigh, unco tenable desks and benches, t teatther's desk being placed in t centre of the room. The teache residence (teachers could marry -those days) also a log building, w just on the corner. Those were t good old days. School fights we just as certain as school prayers, an with some teachers a great deal mo so, Fighting was part of the bey education and, indeed, many we very proacient. for more could "p up a guod scrap" than could wor the rule of three. There were boys in those day we are led to believe, who had greater dread for soap than la baeteria germs, and whose hair neve felt the penetrating and persuadin Influence of a comb, but the hal was then more dense, even, than th -scholars. Hair witting was a gum operation; a bowl was placed on th head of the one about to be tortured and those locks that were indiscreet enough to 'peep beneath it were in discriminately clipped off. The first teacher was one jetties Patterson, followed by Mr. Walker and then by Paddy Breen. Poor Paddy, like many other Paddies, was never known to have a bottle full et whiskey. He was a disabled soldier, altboegh his wound was not such to wound his erudition. He was a zealous teacher, eo zealous sti that he found it necessary to take something stimulating daring school Ones; he took a "drap" after each class, so yoa .may rest assured that his time table contained. many classes. Sometimes, however, when classes were few the bottle at tour o'clock contained a eurplus such as the most staunch Conservative could not dispute. On these rare occasions Paddy remained in the school house diplomatically designing to dispose of it. When he would emerge from Its threshold the "poison" would have peeeteated to the very heel of his cork leg, for it played him sotne queer tries, especially when he tried to balance himself on the plank crossing the ditch et the lower end of the school ground. It was while performing this perilous feat that a peculiar accident once befell hint. We will relate it as told ta us by leobert Cummings, brother of J, 13. Cummings, of Wingham, who was one of the participants. "When school was out we got a eta.w and sawed the plank almost through from the bottom side. To look at it, it appeared, as innocent as a professional liar. We hid in the bashes waitieg for Paddy to appear; when he did cotne he Was in that particular state of bliss that required Win to place his legs very far apart as he walked, the eork leg being rnore playful than usual. On he came, paused but a moment at the end of the plank to catch his balance, and then started itero85. Two steps - creek went the plank, down fell the dorninee flat on his back int" the (Well unable to riso. It was spring time and the water was high ; being big matt he claimed the water and it soon begin to tlow over hint reentetted :a what we bad done we rna tff hhn, OniajaV(tfillg to uriko it a pta•ar ; tilftngh WO had happened ra%. In.d01 WM. OM anti be females; their terms ranging fr one week to three years, none toot.° e-tr— foee Irelend in 1885. After etIelt teacher taught on an average iee•a• -'i-.ling et e teem d the of one and. one-half. In examining eel elan:inaqan, although when the 'old school register we find the st.• 401001 ;n110 could names ot men who began their r r (epee Muth of career as teacher in tt little LI; school hyi.r, was dee to 31 MEN. Vil'As U A It Y 25, Nio, rallautinn„ wi•Q I 841313AIRld. SERVICES. and are to dee prominent Canadee let us mention a few of these. Matthew Ilntchison, who tau during '02 and '63, is to -day one the most prominent lawyers aloutreal. A few years ago- he w it. ine vela 1,710110118010, so he supplemeneet seem ey a slmrt call ge in tln, wet neee itenore the earliest scheter suede Ms epee:trance. The he semis e o. tine ere men and. w he omen, bin nese. still eau see the of fieether vieiee al lee vont tails as as he Ws:tepee 1 r remelt window, e.. eas eeeetee fri fht, heaeh of 011.'eeles ; enrory may prove of 7 soul,. 0 1V11() are n aecpiaintea ef w ahom ha We may 80111010 dee. write eats,: v before the hist eeeatee tee, ten- us and the alai are uhlivlon. M l'HODIST-Aev. Dr. Pascoe, pas tor. Services at 11 a at and 7 PRNS f3YTERIAN-Rev. D. Perri,, pa Itor. Services at, 11 a in and 7 p in. EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's -Rev. Wm. Lowe, rector. Services at 11 a in mid 7 p us; le e•ire, Lim!' t of her teaela SA.PTIST -Rev, Jas. Hamilton, pas, et Yee-I:eerie envie tor. Services at 11 a m and 7 ght .1- whor, whome name we of inri-frtin rrolli mentioning, of wit, -t p ienbirk a mortals (Ils- a !alum- Charielog's even. offered a judgeship, but • refused He is a .brother to Dr. John Hutel son and brother -in law to Jud Archibald, both of Montreal. John 'Houston, teacher for t years '66 and '07, now occupies t enviable position of principal Clinton Collegiate Inesitute, aeh placed bis school amongst the for most of the province. Herbert Bnrgess, teacher for -7 Is now mathematical master of Owe Sound Collegiate Imitate. Thomas Reid, who taught for ti cal years , '79 and SO, is now pram - pal of Owen Sound Model School. The annual meetings of the sectio nd have in these degenerate da is a of sparse attendance, but there were of two occasions when such was no 'as the case. For the year 1870 ther tea were two aspirants for the termitez. he biech-jamee Newcombe and Janie he Patterson. The annual meeting wa r's then held in January 'instead o in December, and the newly elected as. board had the power to nulify th he sets of the retiring board. Patter- son was hired for the succeeding d 'year and realizing that possession re was nine points of the law he taught S ' through the Christmas holidays in re order that no usurper might wrench trt e wont him his sceptre of power, The meeting, we are told was a "hot" one. The Newcombe faction nom- inated the late Wm. Elliott as trustee a and the Patterson faction Robert urrie, sell. Thos. Fowley and r Thos. Brandon hitched their teams g to sleighs and spent the day in draw- l. !ne delinquent voters to the polis. Mr. Newcontbe had a lunch pre- pared and treated friend and foe, e and this no doubt caused his success for his champion. Mr. Elliott was elected by a majority of three votes. The second ()mass -ion for excite- ment was when the Ross Bible, was voted on. The ratepayers were out almost to man. The vote was taken .aud as many counted for il. as against it. • The chairman, Robe - Carrie, cast the deciding vote and it • was thrown out n A Clergyman's Thumping Heart. t Cured Anse' Year:: 'nedious but e Fruitlee.s Trestment -..Tlieee are $ the lineele tit' Rev . L. W. Showers s: of.Elderton, Pa. s f "My ease nas :i4bron Us. Had uneasi- ness about the Heart, al palpitation since I W.401 a boy. As soon its 1 saw Dr, o Agnew'n Clare tor the neart advertised I procured it. I am sow using my firth bottle and experience grant improve- ment. Pile ehokunr abnormal beating anti warm feeling and u thumping have entirely iisappeared, remedy will save your life if you are a victim of heart disease " Sold at Chisholea's Drug Store, rad skotte nof, foil to iltw•ull tie" Da. 1,1I1•111 11.14v, pt•att,e htl 1,. 4. • The school heti altogether twenty.. teachers, eight or thorn were' In the matter of salaries some .ange fluctuations occur.. Tho highest salary was that .paid to Thos. Reid, for the year 1880, $430, and the lowest was that paid to George Maker, fo- 1804, $180. That Mr. Flukey was a rare .scholar need not be dnubted, read the following: ommewamanommearimm. Mr. Scott e1o.70 Mr. Hobert Sadler $6 00 the above is orders to' the several parties George Fluker to be paid out of nay salary .../1•11111101M His Wife -Won, _see A Georgia man, who was un- popular in his community, insured his life for $2,000. He took the policy home to bis wife and said : 411aria, here's a life insuravce document for $9,000. 'Thank you, dear, said his wife. 'How are you feeling to -day ?' Not well, he rep led, and I don't think I am long for this world, and I want to say to you that when I die it is my wish. that you devote $1000 of the money to defraying my funeral expenses.' 'Mercy on nee,' exclaimed the wife, 'why do yeti want such an expensive ftwerel 2' I'll explain, I'm perfectly satis- fied that no one will attend my Putman and I want to hire people to go at so much a head. I'm going out to -day and see what arrange- ments I can make for attce,dants or that forthcoming melancholy owe- sion. If they Wont come gratis, why -111 just hire 'ern an glee 'ern order on you for the moneys.' 'He went forth and at nightfall returned etch a• dejected. look. • 'Marie,' he said, 'its no use. You can have the whole $2,000. Just go to my fancied yoursete-Atianta Constitation. 'FOUGHT CATARRH POR FIFTY Other teachers who have taught 'YEARS. in tins school and who are stilt well known are the late James New- Mighty Year. of Acre When Victory combo, late township treasurer of • 0 i - Came - Dr /lane s Caw'tarrhs I Morris : Arch McDonald of Goderieli • Powder the One Remedy, James Cummings, of .Wingham ; Geo, Lewis, of Shamokin, Pa., says John Groves, of Wingham ; Joseph el was troubled with ostrrrli for fifr.y Armstrong, of the 10th concession Years. T an eighty years old. I used a and Hannah Weir, now Mrs. Wm. :treat titaby catarrh rert.edies, but Dr. Linklater, jun. Aenew's Newlin! Powier was the one medicine that gave immediate relief and Perhaps the most remarkable cured me of the disease." At Ottawa, record in the history of the school D. M. Northrop, a promi UHL t member or the Civil Serv'ce used this medicine and '—'-"""•••=r---f--"----''''"--.4=1.--------- "'". tolleof its benefits in the case of catarrh False Representations. and cold in the head. It relievee in ten minutes. Sold at Chisholm's Drug AU Ontario Lady Compela a, Mei.- Stme . chant to Pay for Damages, A tatty writing from an Ontario town says: "A month ago I visited one of our town stores and asked for three packages ot the Diamond Dye Navy Blue for dyeing all wool goods. The merchant informed me tbat be wait otit o Navy Blue in the Diainond Dyes, and talked meinto buying a dye of another makent the same time guaranteeing them todo as good work ns I coif Id get from the .A.11 exchange telte the following':- - A. ledy died and while the pall bearers were coaveying her to her last reeting place by some mishap they stumbled and dropped the eorpse. Th.e concussion brought the corpse back to life and elle lived six or seven years and died again. On, le' d. . :Icy friend was with me t a way they passed over the same at the time aod heard the whole convor- ,1 11111 ffild when th0 Pali be3rer8 sati^n. I took the strange dyes home, reached tbe Identical epot where the used then: tocorditig to directions,and stumble, was made at the .re 'et t 811(1 was sadly disappointed with the results. The color was anything but Navy : in iiervi0e, the grief •Mrickett bueband ' truth. my materials were spoil:xi. i al litt‘pp:'311 in, In Sa°",of thI'Pl• "s('P' 1 : ti (,ft ,eo my goods to the roorchar,r rfinattis of ins , , filf1) til Die Wire a pa ADO telfi iiin his de s wore frmida, Ile ' isaid, "litt:ady boys, steady." I offered to give re more or : 0:1 lie ;::.1 dyw, or to, niovoy ilk it, I Wolof kiih i offer:4, mill Ow' 11G oat Prl lila faW pro•.! `2,1:10t1..T0.1i1VITI CIO' Lam eteeleare he thenee: a feet to g,IV 1',,e yip.,:..,,,l,. T. eyelets!, ,vi: Cm .1,1„,onto4 Ont. tho mot:=riaki Nloil.!ti. Ti4is Mert.:mit ilmr sin.- '1 linv.e. 1%4sif 1lagera's W 'di 0u .t uunizi 1:ir.'4% the ei011m4 tal Vt.'11 i Vyl;,,w 1)11 tor my. , lo ;14; (.,, .„.1,,ii- eel 100 any mete eyes. 1 shall ea where 1. Iiiiii brH0f4-11111, Vol tetVII•i 0 With ei•eut '• ean get the Diattiolid Dyes at any tomo I po„eegs, y t1.4,11, for„ for .ore„ throat, i they are watLed. I have had my last lessen with poor dyes," and CU nay there is tiothing,' to- MOM it SS ft eure cure, CONORECIATIONALe-Rev, E. Mason, pastor, Services at 11 a m and 7p m. CHRISTIAN WORKERS - Misses Outram and Lock in command, Services. at 3 p ni and p m, SA laira.T1 ON ARMY -A die tan t Mile& mid wife in committee Cervices nt 11 a. - ID. 3 P and 8 p m, In smell ot the above named churches Sabbath School is held at 2.30 p rn, Before, A Wood's rhospluaine, The great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Nfx paakagee guaranteed to cure an forma a Sexual Weakness. all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt az vita cure. of ?rpm, one Tiaokairi $11 SIX, One ...14 please. The lartircl leCoinglt;), Windsor,0 Bsi Sold in SVinghain by Coin) ,1 campbeil, ugg st. al.....z.V.I.*11,1•11.1.M•11.11111.10,1••••1•1•••••••MWINIMMIMMIMMIMMINIMINO Dr i aci loo fl out. Can't help but come to the surface in the form of Ulcers, Sores, Boils, Pimples and Rashes of one kind and another. Especially is this so in the • SPRING. At this time of the year the Blood needs purifying, the Sys- tem needs cleansing. Nothing will do it with such perfect success SA B. B. B. Jessie Johnston Rockwood, Ont., writes : "I had boils very bad and a friend ad- vised Me to try -Burdock Blood Bitters, so I got a bottle. The effect was won- derful -the boils began to disappear, and before the bottle was done I was totally cured. As an effectual and rapid cure . for Impure Blood B. j. cannot be equalled." A bey being aelsed to describe a kitten sit id : A kitten •is remarkable for rushing like mad at nothing whatever and stopping before n, gets there," It mast htLve been the same boy who thus defined scanda1 : "It is when nobody ain't sane nothing, and somebody goes Ha d' tells." • la ea ifirdZW %Tag:. hs fat. . cignaturs A wozhan is unhappy all Summer because she -can't hu v every pretty shirt water, she sees. Some folks enjoy nothing so much as going around adking suspiciously about their neighbor', ••••••••••wormemiame,,,,,,m• HAVE You BACKACHE? If you have, you don't need to stiffer with it another clay. Get Dr. Chate's Roney Pins and they will give you relief. as ronmtly and effectually as they did xit. D. 0. SIMMONS, of Maybee; Ont. He says his kidneys and book were so bad he was unable to work or siesp. His urine had a brick.dust deposit, and he has to get up 3 or 4 titres in the night to pass water. Hellas only taken half a box of Dr. Chase's Itidney•Livor Pills, tho back pain has gone, he sleeps well, and feels well enough to do any kind of work. One Pill a pose. Price, 25 Cents a Box. All tlent•ta,nr 14dieneftaa, Cates A eta, Totuattr, 1Mr% ofd-' via '' A.., .. .,, :HUIS , Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to Supply the public with Wood and Iron Force and Lift rumps, IllrItSf4 and Iran 'Cy 1 i nd es, G alvaniz- ed Iron '111i i " " . i» Are Yoe MO till ((Ail RUPTURED ?I Pti45140M0 (1 so it is your ,tiivantage tof EVERY FRIDAY 111ORNINO. Call on Gordon & C,o.'s Drug 1 -AT TUE- Store, Winghatn. They TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPeliele STF1ET are the agents for the WIN GUAM, ONTARIO, celebrated Wetmore • Trust -3. gubsnirtptionprIoo.$1 per year, in advoince ADVERTISING! RATES WHY ThE tiiiTiVitsiii.410 THE • N.4t . • 1 It.nio oTo". njis• I (tE FOli YOU : 43177-'0167- ;.4o inta. eat:re-re-ea 00 Half • 411 00 r 12 00 0 OD • Quarter • au OU 12 00 3 1, Because it le clangeruus to be a . One !ear. on 00 , 1 UO p0 18010001 wit lout one. It will rieviv rust an conse- quently darable. 8. A person wearing a Wetmere does net find it a bother. 4. We will. guarantee to hold in position any reducible rupture. 5. This truss cannot nossibly move after /I dj ustane n t, 6 Some of our townspeople eau testify ••.o its merits, 7. Satisfaction gun ranteed or money • refunded. GORDON & CO Leval 41.41 other unmet aditttlatilient. Se per line- - for .1144i Inuertniti.anci Is pe 111+e for 0110 lulbsequeld in erti I. Me Billed ) nonpareil kamle. 4,04 a/ notices 10e, ptrft,e lei bad insertion, and, L.. per 111I13tor each ettbaeti tient orstrtiet, Ad vet 4144 mem s 441J.0(45, Found, St ayed, Kittle mono arlinteand,th, netweid5 xcee0,or en 51 for 1t4,,4 4,8..t,1lo•he. Ii SJ8(it "tnnaililk .iia for halt), 001 exceeding Itne, ta tot diet month, Me. subsequent month 4.4'19110"6:11311,111;14t,siNbi7"111r t:1:18i4,3t:10.%C..}.,:.1.).7dit°tAt/fl:tr;1:de. ntiOork tb. or 11JIMI 110tletti WithOatspeinna neoordingi3.oitoo aclvertinem directions, will NJ inserted till forbid aanntdo , ntinawrt boe that Yr val. pain in Otiv.moo. ow °thee We(1tieedtkt 44005), in order tr. appew . Clumps tor eoldweetathertlsemento must ht ELLIOTT Poorittarna AND COLLINS* • BANK ut HAMILTON W I N II A IVI\. ; Capital, 81,250,000. 43t, it1725,000 Preeiclota-Joitx drumrr. Vloe-Pro(4ident-A','U: Itmteal. • • =MOTORS 41114 ettOOTOR, ago. a0Aoft.. 1', A. T, Wool.), A. S. L1511 (Torohto), Cashrer-J. TURNBULL, Savings 33an31---llours, into 3; Saturdays, 10 Deposits of a and upwards.received and tercet allowed. SpetditI, beposits else receive;) at cumuli rates of Jr aest. Drafts on Orcat Britain and the Milted State bought end .,old W. CORSOITLD, Atom B. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. Money cc' /loan Nott* • Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at te pal vent:lilt privilege of,ipaying at the end of any year. Not. 814(1 accoupts collected. Beaver Bleck Winghtur., Ont 4 . GRAND TRUNK RAILWV. 1 • mum= `RIVE Toronto and East 6 50 a. In. 3 15 p. m :4 3 30p m 10 5 p nr Palmerston mixed 8 55 a in 3 05 p m London and South 0 53 a in 11 10 a m 3 3C p rn 8 00 p m 11 10 a tn 0 60 a m 3 80 p m 3 80 p m 10 26 p m 8 30 in Kincardine VA5STIM. 11, BARRISTER, souorrott, Etc.. Private wal Company funds to loan g. lou ent uterest. No ootonlieston charged. MOrtgagas, Went and farm properbought and sold OFNICE-11earer Block WINOlta.f4 J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, .fze., 11 Jug halm Ont. E• L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BalOr OP riAIILLTOIL WHIM' T111^ Loam. °Mae -Meyer Blank. Winehern. a DARIUSTEll, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCE% he Office -Corner Da:101ton and St. Andrew streets. opposite Colborne Hotel, Conismon, ONTAnto. DENTISTRY. -J, S.".1.1010b1 If, L 0. 8., wrianiatt.. Ismunufaarur ilrstmlass sets ch •• 4: teeth un cheap as they cau be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted' absolutely without pain, by his na process, guaranteed perfe‘tly safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Bleck, oppos Brunswick House. ARTILL'It 'form, D. D. R., D. b., Doctor of I -Andel Surgery of the „Penusyli Dental College .40 OF010C-MASOONALD !BLOCK. • 1101.5-41 visitillyth every 1V:oda...Way. AGENTS JUIN ItITC.8111 "Tho imst life of Her Majesty 1 have seen " writes Lord Lorne about "Queen Victoria," Agents make file dollars daily, ORNERAL INSURANCE AGENT BRADLEY -GARRETS -ON COM °ANY, Wineuma, • (Limited) T1,11 014TO. Olin* , . . . . ...___-_,.....-*............ AGENTS "• Klondike Gold Melds," a large, ehe p, valuable book, se Ring like a whirlwind. Reautifni prospectus tWelt4.flvcme. • BRADLIST.NRIIMS. .1r COM PAN r, Limited, TCRONTO. WINGHAM STEAM PUMP WORKS et e. " . • + • Water Troughs, Sinks,. Years ,,,,asuis„ rind everything in con- nection with water supplies, 20.. DEANS, .18,, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOlv -.RE COUNTY - OE 11 CRON. Moderate. sales attended in any part. of the Co, (Margret JOHN CURRIB, TVitien.ttr, Oar., LIORNSIM AUCTIONEE). Sales of tram :Rock and Farts Inipleinentt spaeltilkY. All orders loft at the Tunis alike promptly 410•LE 0(1 40, Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS., Camp Caledonia, No 40; Nee* 1 S . 0 -tho Mgt rind third :Monday ia er cry inonthi in the Odd Moms 'lab. Visiting' brethren weicem, Murra.v. Chief. p Stey art ilea...Stu AGENTS VitANTED Mout': jr/a//401/,, Wife and Mother." A book which try woman will buy isolates! ready, Speciitic pettier by Ludy Abercltem Inn troductioby Mist, Prahces EL Willard, An eneyeloptiediaon Rho summon tpreetimr. Portraits of a hundred tinted %tenpin and: numerous other ildietMtions. A sn fot Dithe m em or (satinet.- ('8111514454'5, Prewar, , • Tun LINSCOTT COMPANY, Totorro. AGENTS ..onmptios 04 4418 Unseen." Fascinating. berolt. Sweeps the outlay field of IA:Wiled:01d slide. Eittioovoriftra. marvellous iliw.tratione. PoPtue, SI. BRADLEY.OAltliETSON CO., Limilain, Toronto. 1, few total hien for rani araitno on ,1earlp salaries. THE LrNSCOTT COMPANY', TO RONTo, THECOOKS BESTFRIEND ‘ArtG4S1' F.-1mm IN GP NAbli Cal vanivi.a :410(1 Wina)nilii; for pow r ' nini Iniiiiilina mai'''. 1,e4'it wyli f: it 1142, II PI stei7Ilify.e, n 7,..!ot,:,iripg, iir.ri i4...tly rig nlet1 to. , .1',.trffre v 11 ill',' hp itiforilsatitin t:r 0-r...4,,ring11. t.„:111 :I-. riiii W .444.4 Isti.LJ 1.014 It rle ,von. JOB PERMNOf iNiry,iipi.sa Eras, Pamphlet.% Posters, nit & 041010,44, O., Am., t(41)0)44.0(1 in the best 6 the art, at moderate pilaw, and on iihmi 484s11•I(. ••. •-• 1, 15. 51 morf. All amt. eiteratteed er no 45410. 0. MORNINGSTA.R Box 1.10 Wingham, Ont. T 01'14 wisioare 6.910:Bh1DINO. W( are frp.ntd f,t annerime that any Reek! et Ilagazinei ltft pith us for Wilding 41,111 hal% 0ft3 86(84,4(31,. l'tioes for arndincin may little .41111v xi% tri 041 mimic -4444n 8 the Trims OlOnti