HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-25, Page 44. Rubber GOOdS We have a large stock ' of Rubber Goods, Water Bottles, Syringes, Tub - lugs, Feeder Fittings, &c., which we are selling cheap at C.OLLN A. CAMPBELL'S DRUG. STORE. Doors South of Post Mies. Campbell's Headache Wafer cures headache. [HE °'W I (a liAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 25, 1696, ELECTION FIGURES. The following are the majorities in the following ridings at the gener- al elections in 1894 : NEST imam Garrow. Connolly, 73 ..., 106 .2 Goderioh Clinton Myth Wingh,t,m Ashfield 10 Colborne W. \Vawanosh 7 E. \Vawanosh 07 Goderich Township, . • , .. lfullett 19 282 Majority for Garrow-74. TO ADVERVISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changer • mast be left riot later than Tues. day evening. Casual advertise inents accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. C ill 111.g Viii 11110, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1898. Poolo'z Candid 43 • 19 1• 44 208 EAST IIcRON. • Gibson. Milne. Brussels 53 Grey........ 139 Morris 54 Hullett . - 158 MolUllop • .. • .. 155 Wroxeter 38 Turnberry 23 Howiok...... , . • .... • ... - Elect i •s, vote for on. A. S. ffliard3- a d the b st Govern- ment Can a ha : ever known �►3 sanhporth e under -men- tioned and a iberal caulk sates : EST HC a T. GA.RR W. EAST HURON, tRCR. 1HIyH' OI SOUTH HURON. M. Y. McLEAa. EDITORIAL NOTES. G altnow is the man for East Huron. VOTE for the man who is not af- raid to express his views on the pub- lic platform. MR. BECK is working the still .hunt Vote for Mr. Garrow and have good ia..11est government. Gaano\V, Hislop and McLean are die •rren for Huron County. Out of 91 constituencies in this Province, the Liberals have 90 can- didates in the field. LET every man turn out on Tues- i,111,y next, and vote fur West Huron's popular candidate, Mr. .T. T. Gar - row. Two straight supporters of the Liberal party has been returned by acclamation, Mr. Evanturel, of Pres- cott, and Mr. Truax, of South Bruce. '15'9 practical farmer possessing superior , WEST WAWANOSII. administrative ability, ---has been able, Mr. Geo. Begley, of Dungannon, to wisely and economically assist :has seethed the contract for the those who are engaged in tne various crus tion of a new manse which the branches ar farming, so its record as Presbyterians, of Dungannon, are to labor legislation is regarded by ;going to build the coming summer. competent authorities as tne most ' Mr, Garrow, the Liberal •candidate advanced, and progressive of any self -governed country in the world.1 of West Huron, held some very suo-- That well-known Conservative, i ceos{ul meetings throughout the town - Mr. E. 1?. Clark, M. P., and for years i ship last week, one of the most yrotninont of the l Mr. Jefferson, the storekeeper at Opposition h lembers in the Provincial Donnybrook is retiring from business Legislature, speaking on this subject and is selling off his stock by auction. at Dundurn Park, Hamilton last Rev. J. E. -J. Millyard, of the Nile Labor day, said : I circuit, preached in Clinton last Sun - "Ir. looking up the history of the I day in place of his father, who is Province for 25 years, the people ; sick, on the strides thathas might i©ll grat'le themselves i been made•, M. Charles Thom has started moving his grain and implements to Ic was less than ?5 years since Parlia- his new farm at Zetland. The family went declared labor organizations to i will not :Hove for a 'short time., be legal. Before 1872 it was an illegal thing i '-'---"'1"'----`!------ - .� ` to be a member of such organizations, I MARKET REPORTS. but no man need not now apologize I WINOIIAat, for standing on the platform on be- I Wingbam, February 24th. 1898. half of organized labor. The objects 11 Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. of organization were peaceful and t Flour Wheperat 100 lbs 1 50 to 2 50 F progressive and he was bound to give Spring Wheat 0 90 to 0 01 full credit to the Attorney General, 1 090 tto 091 oats, 0 31 to 0 39 Hon. A. S. Hardy, and Hon. J. M. Barley 0 25 to 0 26 054 to 055 007 to 008 '0 04 to 0 05 0 40 to 0 60 612 159 Majority for Gibson -435. - sorTu UUBO . McLean. Weismiller Exeter Stephen Hay Stanley •••• trudrrieli Township.... ... • Bayfield Usborne Tuckersmith Seaforth ,. 290 116 98 58 s 3 112 49 06 400 394 Majority for McLean -12. NORTH BERTH. McPherson Magwood Stratford...... ...... 57 Listowel • .. • 22 lfornington...... • .. .. . 39 Milverton 9 Elmo 127 I icie .. . • ....... . • • . 0 North Easthope... , ... 264 Wallace 17'2 206 404 Majority for Magwood-108. Salaries Gibson, for the of erts they had made I fur Turkey, drawn during many years on its behalf. I Giese, •' They have always been willing to Ducks, per pair accede to any reasonable demand of' Butter,...... • • • • .. • .. • , • 0 14 to 0 15 organized labor. As the combined' Eggs per dozen 0 15 to 0 5 I Wood per cord.... 1 00 to 1 25' effort of organized labor there had, Hay per ton, • • 5 00 to 5 50 been placed upon the Statute books a 1 Potatoes, per bushel, .... 0 30 to 0 35 body of legislation that is a credit to Tallow ,per lb 0 3 to 0 3 Dried Apples, per lb 0 3 to 0 4 those who have enacted it and to Wool 19 to 21 those who have demanded it." , Dressed hoes 5 00 to 6 00 CANDIDATES IN THE FIiELD The following is a complete list of candidates in the field for election to the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday next: -- CONSTITUENCY. LIBERALS. OW; SEBVAT1VE. • Addington Algoma, E of Public Servants, Algoma, W Brant, N Much ado is being made by the ' Brant, S Opposition about the alleged over Brockville N payment of' the public servants of the BracBrcee, S Province. A comparison between Brace, C Ontario and other countries shows Cardwell .......... how unfair is such criticism. Carleton Cabinet Ministers : Victoria, STO, I Dufferin 000; Sth. Australia, $15,.000 ; West Durham, E.... • Australia, 55,000 ; Massachusetts, Durham, W. • 55,000 ;. Ontario, $4,000. Deputy E1`41nnu' ISv El Ministers : Victoria., $4,500 ; Sth. Essgiex, N Australia 88,000 ; West Australia, Essex, S 83,000 ; Massachusetts, $2,500 ; On- Frontenac Glenga .tario, 52,300 to $2,800. Sergeant- Grenvilrlery at-Artns : Victoria, $3,000 ; Massa. Grey, 0 ehusetts 53,500 ; Ontario, $6C0. Grey, S Librarian : Victoria, 83,000 ; Massa- GreyN Haldimand .: ehusetts, 83,000 ; Ontario, 81800. Halton Queen's Printer : Victoria, 83,500 ; Hamilton, E South Australia, 82,800 ; West Aus•• Hamilton, W tralia, 82,000; Ontario, 51,100. Hastitn,tt Clerk of the House ; Victoria, 56,000; Hastings, N South Australia, 55,000 ; Ontario. E urn , S.... $8,000. Attorney -General : West Huron, \\' Australia, $2,500; Massachusetts, Kent, 1, $3,500 ; Ontario, 52,400. Inspector Kent, w of Asylums : Victoria 55,000 • On. Kingston .. tario, 82,000. Inspector of Jails : Lambto, E L,e,rnbtonn, \V Victoria, 53,750 ; Ontario, 82,500. Lanark, N Ministers' Secretaries : Victoria, 82,• Lanark, S C00 ; Sth. Australia, $1,500 to 53 000; Leeds Ontario, $1,000 to 51,600. Lincoln. In Ontario one official is Inspector Ix the county of Mussell no rom- ination took place owing to the trains tieing cancelled, by which the re- turning officer had to reach Duncan- ville where the nc.mination had to take place. OWI.: of the latest campaign fabri• cations is that there is no audit of Provincial accounts. There is not only an audit but an investigation by Conservative members into every ilein chosen by them before the Pub- The following statement gives the lie Accounts Committee. Perhaps number of bilis introduced during *is charge is part of the promised the recent Legislature by the Mem- alle bers of the Ontario Government and Y` by the leading members of the Op- position respectively : AST Ill R()N NOMINATIONS..Byte/am; Lennox Of Insurance, Registrar of Friendly London Societies, Registrar of- Loan Com parries and Referee under the Suc- cession Duties at a salary of 8,3,000. In England four officials are em- ployed for these, the total salaries being 831,500. In 1�''ew York the Inspector of In- surance receives 810,000 and the Assistant 57,000 If the figures of any of the States of the Union or of other countries be taken it will be found that the On- tario Civil Service is the poorest paid in the world. \\ fIO DOER ME WORK ? The nomination of candidates to Near 111 •Minis era members of Opposition. 1 2 4 18:17, .. 1 189 X17 .... 0 Totals 214 b r represent East Buren in the Local 1805.... • • ...... 4`.r'. tegislature, took place on Tuesday,, 18f16 56 in. Brussels, when the following were .ominated : Arch. Hyslop, proposed by W, II. Kerr, seconded by 'phos, Gibson, ex.,- Ontario's Labor taws. M.1'. P. henry Mooney, 'proposed by Ben (perry, se.eondod by Mr. Bow - mall After file nilmination a publit mteting WAS held in the town hall, Freckled over 71•x' Mr. Kelley, of Brus:teli, when tl,e candidlttea with stir Rovers and*srcralders address- eeetors. a.. As in agriculture the Liberal Gov- erment of Ontario has recognized the greatest industry of this country and, .-.hv the establishment of the Depart- ment of Agriculture with a respon- sible Minister at its bead in the person of Ilon. John 1)rvden, t thorough, ' H Wartman C F Farewell lames Commee D Burt A. 5 Hardy Geo P Grabam C M Bowman 1t E Truax V. Malcolm Wm Wright G Buoltham W B Lawson i Grandy Dr MVlitehell D i4laclntyre 0 W Brower D Macnish F G b1cDiarmid .V F McKeo G A Wintermrite. ... J A. Auld \V P Killackey J S Gallagher 1) 0 McRae 1) R McDonald Angus Buchannan.. 1t L Joynt I Boland.. J B Lucas J D Morgan Dr D Jamieson 'J Cleland G M Boyd .1 Reid 1)r Fell C W Chadwick I H Fisher Geo Elliott.. J Culbert. •. - D M Jermyn OTHER. rl E Little 'G N Kidd Dr John Barr J P Whitney VY: A Paths . 1V H Reid, Middlesex, E Middlesex, N W H Taylor Middle.ex. W Geo W Ross 11 Harcourt.. Dr Bridgeland T Loughrin J \V Holmes F R LeJor john R Barber Lieut -Cul Kerns, J T Middleton H Carscallen T Al Gibson F A Colquhoun H G Bleecker M 13 Morrison 5 Russell. John Stokes B 0 Lott W J Allen A Hyslop H Mooney M Y McLean H Either 3 T Garrow .1 heck 11 Ferguson.... •... A 111 Mason T L Pardo Dr W R Hall Wm Harty Dr E H Smythe H .1 Pettypiece Dr J A McLeay F F Pardee W 0 Caldwell Dr 11 F Preston J M Clark Lieut -Col Matheson W J Webster.... Walter Beatty 13 Aylesworth Dr Meaeham. James Doran Dr Il Jessop Col F B Leys Adam Beck. - Dr McWilliams.... T D Hodgins C C Hodgins G I3 Campbell 'Phos Galbraith G F Langford O Lamarche W A. Charlton 1 b Buck E 0 Carpenter ..•. 0 Robertson 1 13 Douglas Dr W A Willoughby.. 8 Clark.. John '1 Mulholland.. T W Chapple W II Hoyle .1 Dryden... • C Calder • - Geo O'Keefe l3 Slattery Alex Lumsden 0 B Powell A. Pattullo A Montague Dr McKay 1: N Chambers Joseph Edgar W 11, Beatty .1 Smith J 'W Beynon .7 Brown T Magwood W 0 Moscrip N Monteith 'Geo France Dr For3 3 W Garvin S 1Vlacdouald W Dynes Joseph Martin J LHaycock D 11I McPherson w Davis D McNichol Muskoka .......... Nipissing Morfolk, 8 Norfolk, N Northumberland, E. Northumberland, W Ontario, N Ontario. S Ottawa Ottawa Oxford, N .. . . Oxford, S. Parry Sound Peol Perth, N Perth, S Peterborough, ET 13lezard Peterborough, WJ Ib Stratton .. • • . . Prescott.. A Evautnrel PrinceEddard .N Sprague Renfrew,S i A Campbell Renfrew, N ti Barr.... Russell �O Guibord P D McCallum A T Gurd 14 13. Ashplant C. II. Gculd DO You prink Tea, Coffee or Cocoa. If so, we want to tell you that we are offering great value in the above lines of goods. Try our India Ceylon and Japan Teas. We guarantee satisfaction. . JOHN HERR GROCER, W INGHAM. • liAbettrlyWbAtAbeiteitetAvtilockivitriiiiellillyilltAiviVitA",110%,"4 f Louis Kaufman 'tit. E. Towle Simcoe, W Simcoe, E..... Simcoe. C: Stormont .... Toronto, Toronto, W... Toronto, S Toronto, N Victoria, F Victoria, W .. Waterloo. S I.1 P Phin......,... \\aterloo, N TUT C10111ene \V,dhhnd Wellington, I' Wellington, 8 Wellington, W Wentworth, N Wont worth, 8 York, F York, W • York, N W 11 Dempsey .1 Caven S 3 Dempsey.......„John Bonfield A T White II Robillard J 8 Duff........." ;A Currie ...1W hi Harvey A. Miscampbell „D Davidson A 13 Thompson ;Amos Train .'A.Mulhern..... .•.:3 McLaughlin 'Jobs Bennett 0 Caldwell Dr R A Pyne....,...! .. tDr Jams Spence.... Thos Crawford !W W 11. Rogers 3 3 I'ov ...+ .... • ... . Dr E 11 Dewart.... G F Marten .'3 Austin . J II Carnegie :Dr McKay IS .J Fox W A Kribs II Cr Laokhcr MVV M German 7 II Pew J Craig Dr Coughlin 7 Mutrie. • Iiy Ilortor •., ft Scott...., A I' Pirie IP A \Verden .1 Dickenson `Sanford 1P.va114 T Richardson.. , !.r w 11loyo A' •7 Hill RJ w $t John.. TaineN Park lames Anderson (', Tucker, 1: T Davis Llent•C'rrI Wayling.... R. J. Stillwell 1898 We wish our many customers and friends a Happy aid Pros- perous New Year. During 1898 we will endeavor to meet all the requirements of our increasing trade, and will offer the best possible inducement to our customers. HALSEY PARK $50.00 reward for a watch we can't fix. �4 r.,,,,,,4 -x4.5. 11 4i=,+,_.Gr_4i .l5 it i t"t t�.'.C.4.` i -et, i=4"Ei ir4„SG4 SEES OUR WINDOW \V. • BA RIRAN I)'S new stock must be converted into cash by 1st JAN., and in order to do this, those beautiful Scotch Tweeds nave been ' recicc(1 front I5.00 and $I8.00 to $Io.00, $f Loo and $I2.00, which have never been sold .at these prices in Wing- 00:i before you W. BARRAND ham before, It will pay you to see these goods - purchaseyour winter suit. Next door to Brunswick IIotel. Shaw Block, Win ;,haat,