HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-25, Page 3M: NYON'S
Is Only What Ought to
Be Expected From
Upright in Everything—Arways Kcep-
Inl;• Faith with t1lo People, olid
.Above A11, Curing Them of their Ills
—Why 'Wouldn't; Success Follow?
Airs. 1Vm. Shaw, 1:i•Montagne place, To,xvato, Ontario, (lunula, says : ' 1 ha v[.
great Coulldenc'e 1u 1luuyon's Remedies,
having used them with wonderful success
both for myself, husband and child. 1 was
subject to severe attacks of headache each
week, and sickness of the stomach acrotn,
puuled the same. bine,. usiug Manynn's
]lenduche Cure I have not been troubled
with an attack-: In the case or my little
boy the results have been truly remarkable.
Through teething' the little follow sett.; cum-
1)1etely run do Wil, had lost his appetite
and was restless and irritable all the time.
'We gave him the Blood and Debility Cures,
and in a short time the change for the bet-
ter was marvellous. lie is no'ss enjoying
spiendld health. i use nothing but Mnu-
vons Remedies new and have great faith
In thein."
/eiuuyon's Rheumatic Cure ee;docl fabs fo re:,
Sieve in Otte to three hours and cures in a few,
stays. Price 1,5c.
ilunycn'e Dyspepsia Cure, poatt,v,)y cures all
Worms of indigestion anti stomach troubles.,
Vrico 2Ge. )
5unyon'o Coul Cure prevents pneurmonra anti.'
breaks up to cold in a few hours. Price 230..
tlunyoa's Cough Cure stops coughs, night
/Sweats, allays soreness and speedily heals the
Inns. Price 25c.
Iduttynit's Kidney Cure -speedily cures plus,
la the back, loins or groins, and aIJ forms At
&ldney disetistt, Price 25e
hiunyon'n Nerve Cure stops tervollane$p and
!,wilds up the system. Price 211c.
alt, •l,t's Headache CutC.etopu 5tladaebe tai
bree minutes. Price 25c.
?,htayoa's Pile Ointment positively cures el
itotats of piles. ,Price 25e.
hinnyon's Blood Cure erad:catos all Impurities'
+n! ihn stem. Price 2Gc.
tIunyvn's Female itemedies ore a boon• to ell
hlenyon'o Catarrh Remedies never fail. The
Catarrh Cure --,rice .^.5c. -eradicates the Giscarc
from the system, and the Catarrh Tab:as-price
5O. --cleanse and healthe parts,
lafuryon's Asthma "Remedies relieve in three'
vninntes and cure permanently. Price $t.
tlenyon s ti itnlisisr,, a treat tonic led r;.
st.n:a• t vital, strength ,.o ;velelr puerto.' `st.
A set, urate cure rrr each slices; e., ,.t ,Ql arc, .
1Lt;te, mostly rs cents n vtrf.
Personal. letters to Prot'.hfunyon. 11 Albert
erect, Toronto. Ont., answered c'1tb tree eiet-a.
cal aa:vice tor any disease.
Didn't Wn,nr a Fifth.
The young lua+:, with the swell
suit and gold headed cane was try-
ing to flirt with the girl opposite,
when the old man on the left nudged
him with his elbow and hoarsely
`Young man pause and reflect!'
'Are you speaking. to me sir !'
demanded the young man.
'Yes, right to you, hut I've got
such a hard cold that 1 cannot ' say
much. Let Ole repeat that you
should pause and !'effect.'
''What for ?'
'You are trying to flirt " with chat
young gal, sir !'
'And is it any of your business?'
'It is, sir Excuse my hoarseness.
I kicked the bed clothes off' tee other
alight and e.ot cold. I Leant to sty to
you, sir, that it is 111y i)usinees, sir!
Suppose that you succeed in attraetiu'
that gal's attention ?'
'Welt*, what ofit?'
'She might be flattered and flirt
back, though I don t think she's very
flirtatious. It alight lead to a case
of love, and love to marriage.'
'You'd better attend to your own
business, sir !' replied the young
• man.
'That's what I'm doin' sir !' Seuse
me while I blow my nose. Yes, sir,
I'm attendin' right to my business.'
'Then let twine alone!'
'Placa you let thine alone!' I'm
that gal's father!'
`0111 You are l'
'Yes, :1 ant, 1 & don't want no
more foolin' around ! I'\ e got four
sons in-law jest about your shape,
and am supportin' the hull gangof
em, and before you saddle ate with
a .fifth you'd better pause and reflect.
It might be the: last straw, and I'd
turfs the hull crowd out to dig fur
redder tinder the snow banks!'
'Tse fan. i .
aiiclle ono 3c o',
xtgaatt'a4�4-/9.097:44.‘• era°9p t,
'of• pfAn 0i
asy to Take
asy to Operate
.r1,re features peculiar to Hood's !'ills. Small in
etre, tasteless, ei:ielent, thorough. As one calm
amid: '• Veit never know yn't
save tl',:tna pill till It Is all
aver." ::,c.K'. I. Treed Co.,r Rilf;
:i'rat'rletors, I.osvell, Mims.
'Cut only pills to take uvula XXnod'« :.etrsamtrihl:s
A Pusineasllko 111arriar,e.
The day coach was well-filled
with lama! passengers, and among
then] was a woman abouu 40 years
of age, who said to the conductor as
he took her ticket :
'I'm livin' just outside of I3ig
I've got 100 acres of land and a
. good cabin up Char.'
'I see.' •
'My old man got drowned in I3'ar
River last y'ar and I'm all alone.'
'I'm -powerfully busy when I'm
home, but as it will be three hours
helbre I get there you might jest do
me a favor.'
'I will ma'am I understand what
you want. I think the right sort of
man is at the front end of the car,
and I'll speak to him.'
Five minutes later he came back,
followed by a man about 40 years old,
who looked like a farmer, and,
pausing beside the woman, he said :
'This is the man I , was spealcirlg
'Stranger, what might bo yo'r
name?' asked the woman, as she
moved along to make room.
'Harkens, ma'am,' be replied.
'And mine is Stebbins. Have
yo'r ever been jlned?'
'Yes, but 1 lost her two y':irs ago.
She was bit by a snake.'
'And my old man was drowned.
Would you jiITO again ?
'Mebbe. Would you?'
'I kinder think I would. What's
yo'r age?'
'Forty two. What's yo'rs?'
'Dist 41 yesterday. Are you a
hard workin', good tempered man ?'
'That's what they calls enc. Reckon
yQu kin run a house?'
'Fox' shore. Aint that old reptile
up thar a preacher ?'
'Looks to be. Shall we be jined?'
‘ft' yo' say KO.'
The ",,Id re ptae" turned out ro fat
a p!•eacuel', and Nit ith the train
running at 30 miles an hcur and
the passengers standing up in their
seats to witness the ceremony, the
twain were duly .and lawfully made
one; and every man kissed the happy
Mr. Jas. Hagan, the svell•itnown ex- NER1iaUS PROSTRATIONM =NTM.. U;:P ' S.
alderman of Kemptville.Ont., says :"For '
sone° years I have been greatly trouble:] •SION, AND EXGI3!l V,T .6 SE -Hi: -
with pain across my back. Urinary
troubled unused Ole much loss of sleep. IlinS ARE �iaitl3tiEj,
and I suffered from a tired wornout feel-
ing. Dean's Kidney Pills gave me relief
in a short titne. The pain in my back
has clisitppeared„and I fee'! that I would
bo doing wrong not to recommend them
to others suffering as I did. They are
the best medicine I ever used,
THE WIN f,iiAM TIMES, FEBR UA l Y 25, t898. 3
Total receipts for the year
ending Dec, 31,'07 -14,139,81,7 08
Total 6xpenditure 3,707,075 i 7u
:Balance on the year's
transactions 372,171118
Moreover, if Mr. Wtitney would
examine the public accounts from
1873 down he would find that there
was ay snliplus of revenue over ex•
pendir•ure during nineteen years and
a deficit during six years of that
period, and by a .sunple calculation,
which any schooibov.conld make, he
could ascertain that the total (,f the
surplus is $11,227,570, and the total
deficits $1.,030.442, leaving a halutice
of surplus ov r deficits of 5,1117,128,
I make this statement, notwithstand-
ing that Col. Matheson has publicly
declared the statement that he had
a surplus was a lie, and that Mr.
Whitney. at Brussels, on Friday last,
went still further, and said it was t
deliberate lie, May I assure lit'.
Whitney that the ttse of such strong
language is not necessary fur the
support of a goose Cause, and, so far
asknow, )v'
I len, � the )1r lncial auditor i
R ll Ul 13
not open to the ehaa'go of stating a
lie deliberately or uncle- excitement,
as it is to be feared some critics cif the
government do. --Hon, W. Ross at
Lives of Misery and Af-
Paine's Celery Compound Proves
a Wondrous Flossing.
Miss Parr Says :
"After the First Dose I Felt
New Hope And New Life
A young loan in a town • not far
distant, recently rdvcrtised for a.
wife in an American matrimonial
paper and his sister answered it. Tho
%ottrag fellow declares that advertis-
ing does not pay, and the old folks
think it is pretty hard_tere have two
fools in the one family.
For Over Fifty Years.
M1rs. 1Vin0low's Soothing Syrup hae
been used for over fifty years by mil-
lions or mothers fcr their children while
teethtn„, with perfect success. It soothes
the child, softens the gums. allays all
pain. curets wind colic, and is the best
en)edy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to
the taste. Sold by druggists in every
part of the world. Twenty -live cents a
mottle. its value is incaalu.able. Be sure
rind ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup, and take uo ogler ]rind
air. Whitney's financial policy is
most evasive and inconclusive. He
berates the govei'ntuctt alleged ex-
travagance, and assures his hearers
that it' lie is returned to power his
first duty will be to bring about an
equilibrium betw'ecn the revenue entre and
exl,enditnro.. Nothing, it seems to
Ole, proves more eottelusively Mr,
Whitney's unfitness for the position
to which he aspires than his unfaait•-
miss in dealing with thea finances of the
prt,vinee. hether he has become
confused by Mr. oli s muddling
o the public iteconnts,or whether he
has resolved dtlil,c'ratt'!y to itaisrepro-
lent the fuere of the ease, it is hard
to 511 y.
For utttana1', e\•c Ore told b, lir.
Whitney that 0111' expenditure ex-
'!t..(Ted,: loft' rt','riit.,. He 11:1 oul', n'
2, 7
r a )f, •
till,. to :,,I11 tttL'Ur (
eccoul t, of t ; l i , where c rt. hat a'(, 1
find, over the sigeature (t c, 11.
Sproule, provincial rtnilitol, (lie
lowing statement
Whether the head wear,. t-,1.0 u'
crown ht adne.he's will (o
Blood Bitters rnrcs all f,u•�:,v
tache. Itis 0 curatives i ,. 'i:•1e 'r r.a::,
"I enliered with trri'U , o:• i I
eaoho.t, but I'• II 13, cure
tin !shed the, fourth boort,'•
trldt:,. W. MA+. lir.jN,lls preit.t Iti+'e'r .11.
liar roenns in N,''i' o\
hig fortunes t'; their l) 4'tli':v, fur i•'
law no person eanl •+ t a la r'•' f >, `
(h301,3 tit ow. s, kit t, t.,n t iEt'
sly b•.4! ,i::; • ` (.� . 'I t %f`Jj_i3 '~!
Toe sulfert. !, ... , , l.r,i i•
eanuot tit+ blit'. .., •i K1 trot,
tiles can ate, t't'rnt +. ,, , . L•::it
Liver POW. Osie t,iu:.,
night fur Utu't;,. r• :, a(''1',aLtu
:old billiouenetTA.
(iota go R. 1Itirn111•,t. the, -
resider' of 1'')1'4)1!1,;.
1• ,i
AiNri $') 114'!”
on u'I Alb.,,t,
ti l,. & UV., I iiP1lhlT11, ,a..t...
:`i'or Ti Ss les:. wet; 53,171 ;a_ .,
The run- fp.
sins]° f
stirrs✓ a del �7�4.._
aft •�r-i) •s-;;
Guelph, Nov. 230, 1807..
The Sloan Medicine Co., IIatniiton.
Dear Sirs,—I''c'r years I was troubled with periodical sick headaches,
being affected usually every Sunday, and used all the remedies that were
advertised as cures, and was treated by almost every doctor in Guelph but
without any relief. One doctor told me it was caused by a weak stomach;
another said it was hereditary and incurable. I was induced by a neighbor
to try Sloan's Indian Tonic, and -am happy to say I did so. A few doses
gave immediate relief, and one bottle and a•half made a complete euro,
This was three years ago and the headaches have never returned. I was
also troubled with asthma and nothing helped Inc like your Sloan's Indian
Tonic. I can heartily recommend it to all, and will be glad to give any
particulars to any one afflicted as I was.
W. C. KEO(''IL
For sale by all dealers, or address the Company at IIamilton, Limited.
$1.00 per bottle ; 6 for tsi5.00.
You L uire
ted. Stationery?
We are in a position to turn out
At a lowe. ' e than ever before
1\T77 -E3 I0ID
Ec'enta.'I'etter. Salt Rheum, Scald,
Head, Barbers' Itch, Ringworm and
other ski') diseases, and eruptions cause
it. Dr. Agnew's' Ointnent cures it. One' /� '�•� �-1
application wi't allay irritation. 35 cents.
1 Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are smallest,
cheapest, best. 20 cents, Sold at Chis '
holm's Drug Stole.
The Manitoba Presbyterians in-
tend sending two (((4 )4' ,11 saiotL`ll'ies
to the g•,.itl fields ]lite 's tte
s'ati4)n;'[1 at VS '5ngel mita r,:e
a.t Te,lila I Ike].
WelIs &Richardson Co.,
Dear thrs :-For several years I have
had weals nerves, and was gradually
running down, and last March • 1 was •
prostrated, with nervous debility, My
sufferings were excruciating in the ex-
treme ; i really thought thera never was
another who suffered finite as inuchwith
mental depression and weak nerves. This
lasted about three months, and I was
taking doctor's medicine continually,
but was getting worse instead of better,
One day, while feeling quite diecour-
aged and wondering if I was ever to get
out of guy dreadful state, a dear friend
said to me, "I wish your would try
I?uine',t Celery Cotnponnd." As I had
intended to try it I ,acted upon her ad-
vice and started using it the very same
day, and front the first dose I felt
new hope 0ncl nese life corning. I con -
tinned using it, and a1I1 still taking it
once in to while. always asking • God's
blessing on each bottle. I am very inueb
improved and cannot say too much in
favor of the utodicino, and would recons -
mend it to all suffering' from nervous
prostral.ton and mental depression.
Yours faithfully,
L. E. PAR1f, Crystal City, Man.
Paul Madtingcr, of Berlin , who is
visiting in Brantford, is engaged in
an attempt to write •1,000 words on
a post card. Ile has now 1,000 now
oil one-third of the card.
I The Baby ES
Covaroct With Be -
J mous, Alin Cux'ed ]6y Dr,
Airs. .Tonnes 1)rosvn. of J1t,io uv,)rth,
Ont., t,'lls how b*`r h't', ei.rlit. ,unnthl
0,d, wn4 ]'tared of t•,rrtmnl: il'g•,lull.
1l(t1icl'a avhuso 011ikdrt+rt are ntl9'ttu,l enc
avriit+ her regatthu,; Ito' Lttrrat �:or'', 1)r.
Obne0't', 0i1,154100t. Idol. ,•!tild oat's ell rt
rel front birth :old ihr,)r' u,,x«s of '1)1',1
{'it:,t:e''t, Ott ) t t nt lir 1 9elnt, t
't irue: int ir•i• elect-
ed 1lrstt+l ]sang(•, 1,1"•i' i:tn:ln a f tlhe
0. 1 . 11. 1,w t s't'ir(:.
t i
It , t,the
I,':11,1 n !' itl ! iV. tVl it trio sys-
ttna:51,1 r t. "rr, .1ilbiun'a.!%cart
and rve 1't;l.: lR'ffnl at:' 1Ise kraft, tone
the nerves floe] ariug health and vigor to
the entire 50, 11 tin.
Men and Mednsinita are j'1 1 • , !,
viu,t 111:•s' do. The great co es It;
tial sapar illse,,i Ce it n /toed 0ttsl0 OY.•r
t•' e'0
'rho Manitoba Legislature wi11
tweet on March 10. The session svi•:
probably be short.
Cook's Cotton Root Corapoun
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
our druggist for Cook's Cotton !toot Com-
pound. lake no other• as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per
box, No. 2,10 degrees serouger. $s per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two scent
stamps Tito Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
rw-Nos. 1 and 2 sold aim recommended by all
responsible Druggists in Canada.
No, 1 and No, 2 tor sale by Colin t. • I •, pheli,
..E.E..(�'cr e¢ecc ccec«.
.-_--, CHILDREN,
w V
W __� w
kV 1W Don't scold W
111 the little ones if
W NilCly in the lnorrinil ed is t W
W It isn't the child's fault. Weak
V kidneys 11 c. (' d strengthening--- W
\� that's all. You can't afford to
V risk delay. Nc ,feet may entail
va a lifetime of sofa', flus;. V
V Streuglhou 'ac kidneys and V
V Diet -bier, ili1 an trouble
, a. W
\% n,:•. Jatl'n C t „n, d V
�� :+ S), lit i ('5',) .tot]etnk)love, liaatt1at' V
Vi'l, n Ont., 't•.. V
. 'n._ to \j
Af .1 ., •i• l,,. 1•:11t9 .. . 'n) 1. '.1 V'!
\ t , . .t,:o.. \d
Rt e 1 a
+ r 9i
\ re .
d ";:1; r a a )1 ' , \?
We have the best stock4 Envelopes in town, and we ea
print and supply them`'as cheap as the cheapest.
Printed on the shortest notice and the price in keeping
with the times.
Give us acan when you. are in need of anything in the Printing
and we will use you right.
THE TIMES, Wingliam:
.r� S. a y>`
until you have tried
You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cents.
'ills tart le put h7 cltesri7 to gratify the antvsrial rresent dirnooel for o ler' priow,
If you don't find this sort of
:RPiB io1)"'y
s Tabu
Vivo. t e a) x rat• 1
•r LL: ..•l ,,..1 e..
...... stet..]: , T. -..!•01..e.;