HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-18, Page 88
M. John (Sillies, of 'rainwater, was i
111114 \U UNlxtIAMB l,�lL
E1 BRUA .itY 18, t8 J8.
task to get a man to fttcu our popu- !night. nay he was at this time pant
a lar member, Air. Truax. It seems twelve t -earn trf age, 'having grown
town Tuesday, to be an established fact to the Bunds wiry fast, was large er ouglt for one
ID[)�1 al r Mr Robbins left on Monday for of the people of this town that he six yearn his senior Pt'e doctor
'^w'• � his home ata St M will be elected whir a lame maxima tui , said trtedichr(. arunld not i n tit Mtn .Tenant Qibsou, of Blyth, is t.
guest of illrs.F, H. Tierney.
'Miss S Ainey, of Blyth, is vieiti
with aIis.s Dallas than week.
Mr Loa Ireland is visiting with his. o
Meads and relatives in town.
:Miss Andersou, of 13tyth, is the guest
of the Misses Tucker this week.
You are admiring our .beautiful
display cif Dress (lootls -for the new
goods are here and on our counters,
But you aro not only ready to take
our word for it that we have Wing -
ham trade in Dress Spinets, but you
know it. ]'cin have been testing us
from year to year, and found each.
year exeellii,g the last. This is the
best. Speeilil in !Balk and Colored
Drees Goods in Panes, and Plaits
New Silks in Colored and Black,
Rich Satin Brocades, Shot and Scroll
Designs, Beautiful -New Prints and
Musllns just opened.
Tailoring Dept.
will t;ulipse anv stook we ever had
to show in Ordered. Clothing and
Ready-mades. •
Fine Shoes..
Buyers will find. unlimited Bar-
gains in our Shoe Department. We
advise Due and all to call and we
will give perfect goods at prices
that will please and guarantee to
save money in cash purchase.
Saturday Bargain Day.
60 pairs Ladies' Kid Gloves, reg.
$1.00 for 50e. G doz. Gents' Collars•
reg. 20c, Saturday 12ac. 50 Gents
- assorted Ties, reg. 25e and 85e, Sat-
urday 12.,e. 20 pieces Shaker Flan
nel, reg. 7e, Saturday 5c. 10 doz.
Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Hose, reg.
50c, Saturday 35e. 50 pairs Ladies'
Slippers, reg. $1.35, for $1.05. Six
- pieces Dress Goods, reg. 60e for 35c
10 doz. Corset3, reg'. $1.00 and
$1.25 for 75e. half doz. Stift Hats,
Black and Brown, reg. $2 00, Satur-
day 95e. Shop early.
M. iii DOO.
"Ten nights in a t3ar-room" will be the
subject of the magic lantern service, in the
S. A. barracks, this Thursday and Friday
evenings. Admission by silver collection.
The Empire Concert Co. will give an
evening's entertainment in the Methodist
church on Monday next, under the auspices WHITECHURCH
of the Epworth League. The company is We were very sorry to learn that
reported to be one of the best ou the road. the Rev, A. McNabb, who is pastor
The anniversary services in connection of the Wbiteahureh and Langside
.with the Wingham Presbyterian church Presbyterian congrega ions has re-
-here held oa Bentley and Monday last. signed and is to leave us in the near
'"`The Rev. J. .G. Stewart, of Loudon, future. Mr. McNabb bas been a
;preached very eloquent sermons to large faithful and fearless expounder of
congregations on flnnday morning and
evening, and liberal 'collections were taken
in aid of the eburs!: d;bt. On Monday
eve,ttinst: a v.xry iiileoessitil tea -meeting was
...id. Tea was served in the lecture room
of the church from (3 to 8 o'clock. The
eatables were tine and the tea was served
in a very creditable manner. Many were
heard to say that it was the best they had
ever attended, and it was not saying any
thing out of the way, as the Presbyterians
never do anything in a half sort of a way.
After the inner man !tact been duly satis-
fied an adjournment was made to the
auditorium. The evening's entertainment
was opened by singing a hymn, and prayer
laevale. The
W. r of by the Rev. J. West,
choir then favored the gathering with a
beautiful anthem. Itev. D. Perris, as
chairman, then made a few remarks on
the advisability of holding tea•tneetings, and
seemed to be quite in favor of them, whoa
they were conducted as this one had been,
after which Mr. George W. Cline sang a
solo that was much enjoyed. Rev. J. G.
Stewart was then introduced and gave a
fine lecture on "Curious Chinese Customs."
The speaker described "Jahn" in a very
pleasing manner, from boyhood to old age,
showing the customs of the Chinaman
. very nicely, to the delight of all present.
ltlr, Stewart aroused quite an interest in
the Chinaman by his address, and many
will be pleased to hear of bis coming to
town again. M the close of the address
a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to
the speaker; which was moved by Mr. las.
A. Clitte and seconded by itov. Jamas
Hamilton. The meeting was brnught to a
.,e e.,
he 1"e are glad to be :abmid as report ,d al1 thst euu.ld be dem must Wale
that Mrs, Thomas Campbell a�•ho bass by ilursiatr. We naturally felt great
ng been very seriously ill is progressing I,' dist'ouraged ar the praspeet, not
favorably under the skillful treat- knowing what course to ptarsue in
ld ment of Dr, Jamieson. the future At this juncture gate of the
1V1;OXli'1'I'1R. druggists of Nttpan' a who had pre.
vioaely ennipounded many prescrip-
The monthly .. horse fair, held en thins,-reeontniendecl a trial of Dr.
Thursday last, was a great success Williams' Pink. Pills. It was their
there being about fourteen or fifteen the first of June when wo purchased
buyers present and the number of three boxes rand commenced the
tan horses changed hands trost of treatment,. When he had finished
. which._ were for the Manitoba market. the sei•.otel box, his appetite, previous•
I am very glad to see those fairs con• ly fickle and unsteady. had wonder•
tinuiug and progressing tipsier the dei'fully improved. 13e (continued
able management of our esteemed taleirig the pills until seven boxes
had beer'• used. Ilio strength return-
ed with renewed vigor and all. signs
of museniar rheumatism had vanish-
ed, and he steadily regained a strong
Mr. John Purcell, of Listowel, is visiti
with relatives and Mende an town.
Mr. Wenzel, of Listowel, visited with 1
brattier, Mr. V. Wenzel, this week.
i'iiiss. Mary Ross, of 131uuvala, visited her
stater, ars. F. Patterson, this week.
Miss- Nellie Duthie. of 4'ViegUani, spent
Sunday in town. -Listowel Bawler.
townsman R. F. White of the Com -
Mr. D. McLaughlin, of Brussels, was mer'eial Hotel, I am sure that the
'visiting Wiughnm friends tine week. fanners of the surrounding country
'.lisp; M Scott, of Wiugham, visited should feel grateful towards .Mr.
Mends in town this tveett._Teeswater White as he is the only one left of a henl•by color, and was able to do
News. number who started the fair about a '
her -
miss Lottie Orr,of 11'roxeter, was visit- considerable light work in the Iittr--
year ago and I am also sure that it vest field, such as riding the mower,
lug her sister, Airs. J. S l3ordo11, thrs would be of a great advantage to the reaper or horserake. He ,has since
week. merchants of our town to advertise
James McLaachlin, of aFinghatn, has attendedsc,hrol • regularly and
been visiting friends in town. ---Brussels's- reduced rates and great bargains for though a year has elapsed be has had
that day which I believe is held the, no .8, al ptoms." Mrs. Smith spoken
Miss Annie Beek,'of IIarriston, has been
the guest of Mrs. V. Wenzel and other
sends in town this week.
Miss Norma Dinsley bas returned home
from -an extended visit ith friends in
Ingersoll and other points.
Misses Irwin and Greet), of Wingham,
wens the guests of Mrs. Alex. Orr ou
uesday.-Fordwich Record.
idr W Lockridge left oa Wednesday
morning for Vancouver, B C., where he
bas secured a good situation:$
Mr W if Alexander and wife, of
Newdale, New Jersey, wore the guests of 1f07tEtCrUartette took part,iri tl:e
?Jr at,d Mrs R Davis this week. qis warned. rhe genuine Pink Pills
tar' b ii retarned to her homy in , rol;ramme. can be had only in boxes the wrap-
ded Mr. N. White, of 1larriston has
do. opened busi ess in the corner black -
ted smith shop. Pills for. Pale People." Refuse all
om The political questions of.the day others.
Wednesday to Friday last week-Gorrie were discussed in the town hall here
Vidette. on Thursday evening of last week
Rev. J L and Mrs. Kerr arrived home' by Messrs. Hislop and. Mooney. It
last Saturday from a visit to liensall and was a well attended meeting.
Wingluani..Gus McLauchlan, of Wingham, Miss Minnie Smith spent last week
was in town this week. -Brussels Post.
sir le
creek, 1
feet ; gc-or
fall wheat
second Thursday of each month.' to about the matter readily canonry -
Hope the monthly horse fair will still . ed in all that had been said relative
continue to proal er. 1 to her' son's ease, and was very de -
11 SPECTATOR • cided in her views regarding the
Mr. W. I1. Kerr has gone to Nord-. health giving properties contained in
wick, where he will open a bakery`tDr. William's Pik Pink Pills.
usiness. De. Williianis' Pink Pills are a
Miss Maggie Miller is taking a blood builder and a nerve restorer.
course in a commercial •college at 1 They supply the. blood with its life
Toronto. and health giving properties, thus
A successful school concert was driving disease, frau the systtm
held on Friday evening last. The There are numerous pink colored
A1 orchestra, Prof. Ellis and the I itnitat:ons, against whish the public
Farm for Sale Uheap.
h half lot 33, con. ll,
nosh, containing 00is' acres
; is well drained, well fen.
d state of cultivation ;
od bush ; never-failin
ever failing well ; ho
barn. 2 acres ore
40 rods Emu.
rt ast
se 18x31
rd, tt agree
school, half
mile from • resbyterian •r Methodist
church, G mile from the town of Wing-
haan, 5 wiles - •m th village or Pal -
grave. Am giviu up farming for which
(oan give satisfaot• v reasons.
For terms of sale •ly to
S. YOUUILL, ,y� Estate Agent,
Ingham, Ont.
ass Camp e
Listowel on Saturday, after an extort
visit with her sister, 6lrs. A. G. Baste
Miss Sarah Perdne, of 'tvingharn, yisi
the,Misses Earngey, of the Oth con., fr
per around which bears tiie full
trade mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink
Mrs. St. ,Yellin. is visiting. her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Robinson, this
week. -
Master James Leishman, of Ethel,
returned home on Wednesday, from
a visit to friends in Ma rnocb.
Miss Alice and Mr. Ad. Hoover,
returned home from a visit to friends
fn Newbridge last week.
Mr. Charles Campbell is slowly re-
covering from a severe attack of In
Mrs. Robinson is spending a few
days in Whitechurch with her
mother, who is very ill.
with friends in. Grey township,
Mr. Wallace Leckie has secured a
good situatitar in Barrie.
Heafth Lost And round,
Prom the Napansre Beaver.
it is truly pitiable to see boys just
eginning to realize the possibili'
life stricken down wish
e escape from which is
taught to be little sl > rt.o
taring -of stMll a cas
ailed on Mr. J J Smith, living.
ear Frederic! - .Arg Station, in
ennox Co., and interviewed haat
egarding the sure of his son- who
as in had health and regained it by
he use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Ir. Smith is one of the oideet tesi-
eats in the Iosstllty, of direct- U. E.
Loyalist decent, and baa resided rill
is life on the farm on which he lives.
He is consequentiy tyelb .known
broughout the district. In• reply to
he scribe's query he gave the de -
ails of the ease; "My son,, ..ranley,
was taken sick& about the first of Feb -
a miracle.
e reporter
the truth, and what will be our lose r
will be somebody else's gain. w
And may the blessing; of our t
Heavenly Father continue- to,fall on
him and his estimable wife, is the d
sincere prayer of a host of people
here. h
Mr. Elliot, of Galt, uncle. of Mr..
Joseph Stalker, paid him a visit last t
week and reports business good in t
that town.
Mr E. Phillips, our popular black•
smith, returned hontt on Friday from
a two weeks' visit to friends in
The Whitechui has
•ch school
'board h
purchased a physical aparatus for
the use of the school, thus making
our school equal to any of the High
Schools. Oar school is one of the
three in tbe county drawing the
High School grant, which speaks
well for the popular teacher, Mr.
Joseph Stalker, who has worked the
school up to this high standard.
Mr. Dan. Macintosh, who has been
visiting friends here bas returned to
his hent in North Dakota.
Mrs. Batley, sister of Mrs. James
McOlenaghan, a former resident of
this place, is visiting friends in this
vlieinity at present.
Mr. Peter Imlay is moving into
town this• Week. Mr. William Coul-
rer is proving onto the "arm which
Mr.1ntla' hes vacated.
is wtr;i+t't'.',Yei,t, tail."• nctason is
arr „ , .,,,e Lyle a and ; t::.r,.tt+, u.„ tlau oyster supper to he held in the
ort, # ..tr ". 'I.:� pt"aeeedi <,> the tea- 1,oresters' hall on Friday evening,
• i ting atuonnted itt tho neighborhood of 1 !'ores 8. l:cery'artdy Is coming eve and
attar and the 1'retibyteriet;e are receiving! eS lectin ft good titDc
bbe enngrate atinas of all. A social was 7 g
The olitical pot not very
hotel nn Tae.4 itty evettin +, when tea was 1 p p boilingrv�arl from 'l to t3 o'clock.
1 high here. It seems to be. a hard
ructt y 1895. i3e became very deat
and bad a dulls constant pain in his
head. He grew very weeks such a
condition being more properly des-
cribed by the term, -general muscu-
lar weakness„' IIe was. troubled
with a severe: pain in the back, and
Stock Markets.
Toronto Feb. 15. -Export cattle
3e to -ale per lb. Shipping bulls,
were selling at 3? -c to" 3 Fc
Butcher's cattle -The general run
of good; cattle brought 3�e to ale,
and rnediunis, 3?e ; common cattle
are diftbult to sell they are at 2tc
to 3c.
Stockers and feeders $,2.80 to
$3.35 per cwt.
Sheep and lambs -Prices are firm
at $3 to $3.65 per cwt, for expoet
and butchers. Lambs for• export
and fcr the local trade are. firm at
$4.85 to $5.15' per cwt. Backe
fetcb 2c to 30.
Mich cotes and springers -Prices•
'*sere $25 es nea ply $50 each
Hogs -Prices f1ra'n at 5c for the,
veiry best :fingers ; thick fat;
Ii at 4-10 .; sows, 3e -to 31e, and stags
.e to al -e.
East buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 15. -
Cattle -Feeders, gond quality, $4.20
to H.40 ; common to good, $3.75 to
$4.110; stockers ligitt weights and
prime selected yearling, $3.85 to
4115 ; -common grade stockers and
feeders, $3.25 to 88.75 ; stock `heifers
!right,, common to good, $3.10 to
Hn;'s- gond to, ehoiee Yorkers,
54.25. to $4.27 ; prime selected 'light
Yorkers, 54.25 ; urtixed packers'
grades. $4.25 ; medium weights,
54.25t to $4.27 ; heavy hogs, 54.25 to,
54.26.; heavy hogs 54.25 to 54.27 ;:
roughs, $3.50 to $3,70 ; stags, 53 to y
$3.25, ; pigs, $3.15 to $4.05.
Sheep and Iambs -Native lambs,
choice to extra, $5,80 to 55 90 ; fair
to good, 55.50 to 55.75 ; culls to com-
mons $5 to $5 40 ; yearlings, common
to otroice, 54,90 to 55 20. Native
sheep., choice to selected wethere, '
51.80 tar 'ca ; gciodr to choice mixed
sheep, 54.65 to $4.80 ; common so
54 to 54.60 ; call,=.lo cont) on sheep
had no appetbte, continuing to 3; row $.3,25 to 3.90.
steadily weaker and finality lest all
ambition, .file had little Fiaote color
in pian that a+ bit. of satiate paper.
A physician was consulted on the
first appearance of the trouble. He
caeefully examined the ease, stating
that the hearing was. affected by
catarrhal deafness, the paints in the
back; originating from mtiseniar rhea -
mistime and the constant tired feel
ing and general weakness was caus-
ed by over growth. These difficulties
together with the after effects of la
grippe left him a physicial wreck.He
had the beneft of careful medical at
tension for four months. The doctor
Lost in th transmission by
tween Wi 'ham and Ayr. a not
Jan. llyd, 1898, for two honcho
forty -sig t dollars, signed Sey
Thornt n, in favor of Jas. Tins
Take otice that the validness of
note i cancelled for all time.
ail be -
The administratrix of tbe estate of
Alexander Dawson, deceased. offers for
sale the
Two Stores in Wingham
now oct'upied by Messrs. N. A. Far-
quharson and W. H. Wallace, Offers for
the same should be addressed to
J. A. MORTON, Wingham,
Solicitor for the Estate.
House and Lot For Sale.
'1'OIV SOIt1AL ARTX$'i'.
Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham.
For an easy Shave and a First -Class'
Hair Cut, give him a trial,
Razors Honed..
The uuclersigned offers his house and
lot on Alice street for sale. The house
,s a nine roam frame one, with kitchen,
and there is a number of good fruit trees
on the lot. For full particulars apply to
JAS. AV I tSON, Wrngham.
Farm for Sale or to Rent
• The undersigned offers his farm for
sale, being south part lots 11 and 12, con.
2, Morris, containing 170 acres, more or
less, for sale or to rent. For full par-
ticulars apply to
Wiugbam P. 0,
idoing more for its pupils than any
other Business College in the Dominion.
43 pupils were placed in two imouths.
Students from all quarter's aro Hocking
to this wor.by Business School.
Besides,a large attendance from Chat-
ham, there are already this year, 93
pupils registered from outside points --
(l0 of them from points nearer to other
BusintssColleges than to Chatham.
We presume these people investigated
tho merits of the different schools, and
decided that nothing but the best would
satisfy them, hence they are bore.
Write for catalogue of dither depart-
ment and a list of the 43 pupils placed in
two months.
o:Niclachlan & Co.,Chatham,Ont.
are paying the highest market
for good sound saw logs of
yf v Ys r.■■ o �./7' s
with a full line of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks,, and Valises.
Cotuee one,. eome all, and inspect my goods. Your will find anything
you desire in these lines. Nobby,. up -to date gocds at the right prices, as
all my stock has been bought for spat cash and will be sold with small:
margins, Mr motto is " small profits and .quick returns."
Come with the crowd to the new shoe store on Saturday, Feb. 12.
Custom work and repairing promptly attended to,
paw maI Q
it P SMITH, stmt
Graduate Now York,
valuable se
had. caref'uily treated him for the ly tested, fr
deafness and suceceded in restoring. i'c kbilt�
his hearing, but in other respects was' arrtlrtKcase: G
no better. HIO ordered that he should stir
he carefally missed which was about i wilt
all that could be done. To make
things more clearely undo' stood I Pebru
C17. ..- MING'
elphia, end Toronto
Col gas.
d avail 'ourself of hie
i'ecs, as . tis is a rare
o have your • es proper.
o of charge. No guess
scientific c ertail y, Diffi.
accurately fit . ALT
never tonal nt t..Ivnt.7tan
Pianos, Organs, Violins, Autoharps
Accordeons, 'Mandolins
Mouth Organs at all prices up to $2.50. All kinds of tiimminga
for Musical Instruments.
We can supply you with anything you want. Sewing Machines and
Sewing Machine Supplies.
E ARMVMHRS-Don't forget that I still handle all kinds of Farm Im-
plements notwithstanding°"°that reports are circulated to tho contrary.
SS Opposite P. G.
at 0.A. Campbell's dr store, Meyer' Block, 3. s
salty, 13. S. -Pianos tuned and repaired by our competent man, Mr. Minife.
par one day only, W
ry 23rd,