HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-18, Page 7WrAirriferr- A PRISON BREAK. 1 1 and bullion thefts before they were In the early days of its existence the brought to justice. One of his porde, by "Veneta state prison was so constructed 1 the way, distinguished himself on this tato to be a very sociable little institu- ' occasion by fighting bravely in defense tion. Twarden's upartmente, the of law .and authority and sassed hip .wards' •teas and the convicts' calls pardon thereby, He was: killed pot logg after while attempting to rob a MOO and dining room were all under one : of eastern,. Nevada, But to return to Toot and the whale constituted a long i Ssesame. WevWboadventures veer cru to twoElf story steno building, which in it- . effecting lies escape and wbexe he found trelf formed the front wall of the stone refuge until his wound wap healed we quarry and •workyard. This circum- :have no means of knowing. Bow or ataxico, together with the comparatively arbor° he passed the greater part of the small number of prisoners, many of thorn personal acquaintances of the OIvo ve s we knave years which eloped.before his re* .pxonly front rumor, and arisen guardians, tended to induce a eapIn this instance for once the dame siert of family fueling qnd made prison speaks uniformly to the credit of her Wee one ot a noted gang or rout wio had eoantaitted *tauy highway robberies Sit Ila remarked, e, as have m dasked a very sociable , subject. • affair. As may be readily imagined, At the end of live years Sessions was discipline wee not go rigid as it has found in Oregon, leading a respeoteble been known tobe in Other institutions life, in fairly; prosperous circumstances, of the hind, and "breaks"were Ire- . and recently married, it was said, to a ,quest and often successful. The favor- young lady of good. family. He was ate method was to escape through the brought bank to Carson and reincaroer- *op of the cellroom, oreep along be- ated. He took it very hard, as was to tween the ceiling and the roof until be expected, and said some bitter things over the apartments of the warden and aboutits being useless for a man to try break through into these, This aceom- to lite a docent life. When the oircnm• ;fished, no barrier lay between the con- stances became known, the demand for 'icts find liberty save the guards, a1- his•pardon was universal, People gen- ways few in number. erlly expressed the opinion that those a It is with the most famous and stye -wt o bad been the cause of returning pessful of these breaks that we are now him to prison were overofoions in their .concerned. One Sunday evening in Sep- +zeal, for justice and had lunch better timber, when the twilight shadows out leave well enough alone. In due time Bide were deepened to darkness inside the pardoning board met. Sessions' the gloomy (tearoom where the prison- friends felt confident of his release; but, ars were congregated, the captain of to make assurance doubly sure, his the guard went in to lock them in their young wife had`followed him froth Oro. 'teell.s for the. night, As soon as he wai ggon, and, establishing herself at a hotel fairly within the iron door one of the in Carson the week before the crisis, prisoners struck him over the head besieged the powers that bo with ap- rvith a bottle, and almost at the same peals for mercy. She was a pretty, trim nstant another dealt him a blow with little body, modest in appearance, and a slungsbot. He fell to the floor, and always plainly though handsomely and half a dozen of the wretches rushed on i ]him to complete the work of death, 1 when one of ,the conspirators, a small but powerful man, seized him and threw him into the nearest cell and elitteted upon, theta such >w broadside of speakers are expected to teach agri• select, forcible and original epithet; es surpassed sit the eNorte be that line to which west of tier auditory had ever had the good fortane to listen. Tbo silence of breathless amazement reigned among her listeners during this scene end until the clerk and tiro proprietor,. by physical efforts and threats of rt policeman, had, not without difficulty, culture, nothing else," Delegates are urgently requested not to discuss political questions or polities in any form before or after the nu Wings., It is not even necess- ary or desirable for a delegate to make known his or her political al- legiance, It is very desirable to ieduoed Mrs. sessions to remount the stake the Institute system of value stairs and seek the seclusion of her own alike to all classes without any regard apartment. Then a stranger in the cur- to initis, ner behind the stove burst into a loud The attention of Secretaries is call guffaw. to Clause 50 of the Act and Rules, which reads, "The Secretary shall, when passible, retain the wanuseril-t of all papers read at meetings of the Institute by local talent, in order that he may, when required, furnish the Superintendent with the saute. I+;ach "That lets out Sessions," said he, "What at, shame she couldn't have hold out a day longer!" "Who is she?" demanded Sessions' lawyer, turning upcn bin. "011, she's a frii:nd of Jack's," re- sponded the other nonchalantly. "A good hearted litde thing, too, always willing to stand in for any of the boys, Institute is required to forward at but she's a terror when she gets on a least two suet' paperseach year, which spree. The lawyer gave utterance to one substantial, satisfying oath and left the room. So Sessions was not pardoned. --New York News. •.n,. .�--.Raca:mnc1Vs .07 may bo published as the Superin- tendent decides. Sireretaries or es- sayists are not required to re -write papers beta>re sending them to the Superintendent ; forward then as read at local meeting," Secretaries who have not vet complied with this regulation are respectfully requested to do so at their earliest convenience. NOTICE. --At the urgent request of Institute workers in all parts of the Province, it Ira's been decided to can - Farmers' Iustn,utes. eel all meetings which were to base • been held after the 19th of February. Po Institute Officers and Delegates Therefore delegates are requested to sent to address meetings. .cease wont and return to their homes GENTLEMEN, -The general elec- at the close of the meetings to be held tions which have been recently an- Saturday, February 19th, 1898. In nouneed will doubtless interfere with districts where meetings, which are the work of the Farmers' Institutes, now advertised, are cancelled, and the local oflicetrs wish to hold said meetings after'the 2nd of March, it the Secretary will inform me at once when and where his Institute desires to hold meetings, I will do ail in my power to supply speakers and other- wise meet the wishes of local officers. Very truly, F. W. Ho» soN. becomingly' attired. + I beg to call year attention to the tole She was overwhelmed with grief and leucin clauses fatithfully carried out anxiety for her husband, but" clung to g him with awifely devotion that elicited ; whenever meetings are held in your the sympathy* and admiration of all who ' district. All Political discussion and closed the door upon him, thus saving witnessed it. Many of the ladies inter- all reference to political topes either bis life. All this was the work of ten ested themselves in her, and she repaid directly or indirectly, should be studi• ously avoided at all Institute meet- ings. The Farmers' Institutes are non- political in the strictest sense of the word. Please see Clause 25 of the • \ct and Rules, which reads as fol- lows : "No subjeeashall be presented seconds and was accomplished in utter thera with tearful gratitude, but tt was silence without alarming any one on to the five members of the pardoning the outside. It was the work of ouly a board that she addressed herself most F few moments more to climb to the top earnestly, .FIer coaxing, almost caress - of the upper tier of cells and cut through ing, manner, the childish innocence of the wall separating them from the other her upturned, pleading eyes, the Inman- ' part of the building. soious clasp of her white hands over the t The first intimation thatany of the coat sleeve as she entreated -all, all et an Institute meeting or discussion i guardians had of their escape waswhen were irresistible. True, Sessions' case allowed, of a political or sectarian the lath and plaster ceiling was broken was a bad one. Partioipaut in a crime nature ; nor shall any speaker be taco first theal- through with a crash and 80 reckless that merited 20 years in p I"wed in his lecture, essay,speech, nen dropped into the room occupied by his offense aggravated by breaking out or t the Indies of the warden's family. Every of his place of confinement, an accessory or in any diseussion, to advertise one of them was armed with a slungsbot if not •a principal in the death of two wares or schemes in which he has a and a few with knives of their Own of those who opposed his escape --those direct or indirect pecurai try interest, arc anufacture. The warden rushed to the were grim facts against him, but his The delegates and officers of the In- .eoeno, pistol in hand, but was instantly good conduct during five years of free- stitute shall see that the exercises are lolled to the floor with his scalp laid dem and his young wife's eloquence not subordinated to any low or frivo' Syrup, and take no other kind open in two places The convicts then seemed arguments potent enough to turn lour entertainments, or to the aggran- trushed on him, seized bis pistol and the scale to mercy. It was on the latter rlizement of any individual, party, or • Commenced shooting at him as he lay, that his attorney principally relied and *wounding him in the thigh. He would had but little doubt. of the effect when deet." The Atwood Presbyterian con - doubtless have been killed but for the he should introduce Mrs. Sessions in The attention ot Delegates is called gregation, by a majority of 69, voted heroism of a young man' •uamed Dead- person to plead hei husbaud's cause be- to Clause 7 oe the Rules Governing to introduce the new Book of Praise Delegates. "Long spe cites, or those :•.,!rotated to advertise the property C(JLROBS. Coma met in the Town hail, Teeswater, Feb. 7th, 1898, Mem- bers all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Seat -Jarvis -That as the Patti. master has certified that John J. Moore has performed his statute labor, that be be refunded the sun. of .three dollars, as it was charged him in his taxes, -Carried, For Over Fifty Tears. Liv OLD AND WELL -slums Rnnsi x - Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fur over fifty' years by mil- lions of mothers fc.r their children while teething, with perFeet suersss. It soothes the child, softens the gurus, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in ,every part of the world. Twenty -live ,rents a bottle. Its value is incalu.abie. Be sure and•ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing .1 'Q Wou'lda% Fact and Friction prints •attar.- the heading of taet, we may ;leonine,- what eonwhat purports to be the applil •: of at man who wanted *e he an orinlif chaplain during the acdministras M of President Lincoln. Attached to it are at number or indorsements which are not cell interesting in themselves. bat a'0 (lisclo•ing the characters of the two men whose influence largely molded Scott -Jarvis -That as appllea• the policy of the government in troves tions have been made to this Council turbulent times, The indotsementet to open tbo boundary between Kin read as follows : loss and Culross, from the eleventh Dear Stanton -Appoint this mars to the twelfth concession of Culross, that the Clerk notify the Kinloss Council that we are willing to have ttie same opened up if they have the part opened also on the south con• cession, that was requested of them and that we will pass a By-law at first meeting after they pass one to that effect, and this Council is willing to do their share of gravelling if opened, or we are willing to have the whole boundary opened. -Car- ried. Scott-DteKay--That Messrs. Reid and Johnston be a committee to inspect and finally audit the Treas- urer s books and accounts for the year 1897. -Carried. Scott -Jervis -That the applica- chaplain in the army,- -A Lincoln. Dear Mr. Lincoln -Ile is not as preacher. -E. M. Stanton. The fallowing indtarseinertts arse dated a few months later, but come just below : Dear Stanton --Ire is now. -A.. Lincoln, Dear Me. Lincoln ----But there is , no vacancy. -E vl, Stanton. Dear Stanton -Appoint him ehap-- lain at large. -A. Lincoln. Dear Mr. Lincoln -There is nes warrant of law for that. -E. fill. Stanton. Dear Stanton -Appoint hits any now. -A Lincoln. Dear lir. Lincoln -I will mit -Et M. Stanton, tions for the paid officers be nowThe appointment was not made,. opened and dealt with. --Carried. 1 but the papers were shied in tee vette Jarvis -Reid -That this Council I department, where thee remain ate grant the sum of ten dollars to Miss 1 evidence of Lincoln's 'friendship .and Markle, elle being in indigent sir I Stanton's obstinate nerve. euinstances.`-- Carried. Seott-McKay-That the several: SUte EKING STOPPED. . paid officers for the year 1898 be as; The sufferings caused. oy cuuetipatioo. follows : Treasurer, Peter Clarke; cannot be numbered. ail or thew' trou- Clerk, Chas. Button ; Assessor, Henry i blas sun ue perma.,eotly ,:,ared a,e Lnsei- bi:eLe'vers •Collector Alfred Caslick.- Livor Pills. One Laxa Liver Pill every a night for thirty daps, cures coust,patiaui Carried. ;and b;lliaasnese. Reid -Scott -That as Christina McDougald is in need of aid, that a 1 i Wanamaker Turned Brickst grant of ten dollars be made for her i benefit and paid to Alex. McKenzie,, The early days of .John Wat:a- he to expend it as he sees will be ; maker were not easy by any means, mast ben:etiolat.•--Carried. l When only a lad of 5 ' ears he made Scott -Jarvis -That a bylaw be I briek:t, or, rather assisted in making drawn up runairmirg the appoint- i them, t'or bis. business \\ as to tut re anent of the several paid officers, and them in the sun until they were • nd third time ' evenly baked. For this laiboa he read a first second a e � e . passed signed and sealed in open 1 received 2 (rents a dao and eornetitnes council -Carried. i cleared 10 cents a week, but it must: Johnston -Jarvis- That as the ; be rcnicmberett' that there were auditors have completed their work ! many rainy days when the 'tire o and male some practical suggestions youthful `• workmen ' brad to be laid that their suggestions be acted on in ; off John's first real a lee to t+,rru e the future.-Ca.rr.ied. 1, was in the days when, a, °Hire but'., Report ofspecial eommittee,re audit he saved money enonah to Start iii of Treasurer's books and accounts be business. for himself. lie win Iced':ct`.t► - adupted, •and as the books ,,re now assistant rn the chive unfit ,• had finally audited, that cheepee be issued climbed up to ='G a at ea. a. it ski's for the payment of the auditors.- seeing that he could ger 'u 'lee- e. he Carried. bought a little elurk'',f" c laeep to. 0- Jr the speaker, are contrary to the Duchess. of Teck in Richmond Reid-Johnston-Tliat the print- tufts and t tate in't•i to -. m e tea tiles governing' Institutes. Party been abandonel in difference t.: ti o ,ing committee get the usual number -Pittsburg Dispatch. of auditor's reports printed for 'dis- he each speaker when . me work. The chairman of each Patrick McCann, a farmer resid it they can awake arrangement far immediately upon the adjournment of • h,legation and the officers of epee a ing a few wiles south of Lind -:ay, all printing for the year 1898. -Car , the board. A few moments sifter the i aadtitute are expected to see that was sandbagged and robbed of 830 tied. a, bellboy was sntaiz;or:i d, who seen ap- nothing of this hind occurs. Institute on one of the hart: streets. Finance Report -Acct. J.J. Moore, like grin'his countenance and or --- man, in for life, who was acting as'fore the assembled board. • waiter in the family's dining room. Hp no fateful Monday arrived, and the caught up a chair, and, standing ever board, met. Sessions' case was not the presttate body of the warden, fought )reached the first day, but came first on like a tiger until lie, too, fell disabled. the list for the next. Mrs. Sessions, Meauwhite the main body of the psis• who had seemed, as was very natural, oners rushed down stairs wind seized the in a state of ucrvcns a pectaney all sky, • went back to the hotel ands to bor relbm -armory and were, to all intents and •purposes, inserters of the prison. It be- -big benda:y teal at a time when the con- victs we 0 a•i pposed to be ler k cl in their •cells, but few of the gu.'i's were on duty or c-vc:r t bout the p.c.::ies. These few stc, a to :heir poses and fought like heroes till r ey fell, disabled with 'wouur.s. '� i.e way to freedom was now open for t10 c. • desperate well es ever es- - cave caped from bondage. Sotue of them • aeie sc vt:rely wounded, but their coin- • ' fades carried them along, and the band ‘..-,Inntem o ii'•p'u a body, two abreast, and sisal t care.. 1,ver the of te. brush covered t tills into tee thickening desk. They took with them two henry rifles, four double barre d shotguns, five six shoot- ers and ue.:•y 8,000 cartridges.' That They were tcnmberecl with irons afford- .. ed the only hope of their recapture, but these they evidently got rid of during ' the night. One squad of sik appeared that evening at a solitary blacksmith ' ,shop a few Stiles distant and compelled 1 the smith to remove their irons, but the remainuer did not apply fer aid. The alarm of the community may be better imagined than described. There A �I O -' For Infants ant:? Chil ren. geared in the office with something very �. refund for statute labor, 83.00 ; W. The fan - S c$y oo i a; i ro a on — refaud, repairing culvert on boundary cit it * (mire dered: ;, f�' �, .•� _a' �; � �' • e_•' of '1'urnberry, :5.50, Culross share; of �. "Claret pouch for roost 14. Mrs. res- cions wants . c..in'. ;..r, to Luise up en '' f _� t3, {'•x = An hour later one of the eye 1:,..+F hit ing ladies called and was told th.et Sessions was lying t. +t,u with a lac ,B- ache auci begged to i:' ex nnsed. At 6 o'clock Mrs. i csssiot•a cane:down to din- ner and seemed to lee very mach un- strung. Her faeewas teethed, as if with weeping, and when add,ces�eed she seemed inclined to be bysterioal. Her husband's attorney, who had a few moments' conversation with Ler at the foot of the stairs beide., sue \Neat up to her room again, 'looked seniewha grave and perplexed as ho pair t a on to the office. .At about 10 o'oio:?k, Oro, the office was full of hampers ei'tieg around the stove, enchaaneiir; yarns ant, reminiscences, mostly relating to crim- inals, and suggc• ted by the evtuts of the day, the call bell rang vioiantly. were mustering and arming in baste, the The- bellboy being absent for the ten militia was called out, and the telegraph nient, it was not ansN, eted. Alxur et int- I . 24 29 wires clicked the night long, sending mediately. the sumne,.,,t was rete 'a•rl Bills 947 35 the warning to all parts of tbo country., with increased viokucer. bulli occas 0 12. Messengers and aids-de-camp rode to • :noro and an apparition amuse cat in the Miscellaneous 47 Gl and fro, and by night an organized posse doorway which at ones arrtst••a• the at - Country was scoured, and the result was -.i .i.', in the most ret•kless of tea :. * solitary captive, who 'was wounded in, mat/quiet ts•ady of'gait, thick of (pad:h, who, the leg. Plenty of people saw the foga bearding to the doer easing w.th one fives, but they kept together, wore h••.:,:1 and gesticulating with the other, known to be well armed and were not rowed re d out a torrent of al: i.i a laud pro - to be molested with impunity: Most of t'..Laiy upon the itevc•ted bemer of the them, however;, were recaptured during c ie r'., the bellbo,. , the pro,trit•tor, the the next few months, as Cold and bun- ai hitect who planned and the c'ian- $0061 97 ger or in some instances wounds forced treater who built the c-t:,blishcicut, 'them to seek for succor. Some few made tie ar female aces -tsar, anti, in fact, their escape for good and all, and still r ccr body nearly or remotely eonnect- Othors ware hunted down after the lapse , Bi 'iris the concern. cfseveralyears. ri ,iii;;eoincevbe.texhan�tr•dher vole•. It is with ono of the latter that eve . ixe this ditec nen, Olt' p.,.. a d e liave to do. Jack Sessions was bis : ai air tat for' new ha: ter. Iter' roving *name, aged 20, linter 20 years for high- vc 1; iw took mate of the aar:sernbied tR2072 1G 'Way robbery. °' Ho was supposed to be -testi, annong whom were many of the in the regular Sabbath service. The proposed memorial to the late a lytics in any form shall be avoided wishes of the family. 1; h out on Insti• ti•ibution to the ratepayers, and :ee or , 0 eceil is and Expenditure —0r THE— TO V19 NSHIP OF TURNBERRY FOR THE YEAR 1897. 1897. RECEIPTS. To Bi>.lance from last audit 41500 52 Taxes . 6227 60 County/grant (Boundary line) 103 43 Schools (Leg. grant) 203 00 License i spay Interest 1897. EXPENDITURE. By Roads and Bridges 5 486 94 Co. Treas., Co. rate for 18961389 20 Taxes refunded, &o 5 23 Drains 108 25 Salaries 590 00 Printing, Postage, Stationery 54 25 Selecting Jurors 12 00 Charity 23 50 Debentures Bills payable Interest Board of Health Election Expenses Commission and allowances.. 58 58 Legislative school grant ,... 293 00 School lovy 3'200 G0 Miscellaneous 65 01 Balance on hand 1628 07 50061 07 100 00 850 00 31 75 31 00 44 50 �7. ASSETS. '1'o Cash on hand $1028 00 28 07 'uncollected taxes . Road. grader 235 00 Madly wn unded when he made his es- b:401 fraternity and a Couple of mein. cape, unci as time went on and lie was not t is of the hoard. Advancing into the heard t t' many believed that his lifeless t.: re, she opened her batteries, auci body',, e. ';.ing in some clump of wil-:a:f eting out Sessions' attorney and the lows w•ltore he had Crawled to die. fife t:•to honored rtiembers of the board 1807. LIABILITIES. By Drain. debentures 5 200 00 (,ottnty rate 1067 04 Note (for road grader) 235 00 52102 04 Wo hereby certixy that the above is a warred Abstract of the Eeoeipts and Ex- penditere, rind Assets and Liabilities of the Township of Turnberry for the yeti ending Dec. 31st, 1897. DOUGLAS PItASLR,) A. MecEWEN, J Auditors. Municipal World, assessment toll., and stationery, 86.00; Robt. Watson, • • deputy returning officer, sub -div. in No. 2, $8 00 ; Thos. McIntyre, do. in No. 7, $8.00 ; Mrs. D. Markle, aid, $10.00 ; Chas. Button, registration fees, $21.60;. John McRae,. as auditor for 1897, 58.00; Robt. Watson, do., 88.00; J. & H. Field, padlock for ballot. box, 20c; Christina McDougal, per A. McKenzie. aid, 510.00; Lach- lan McKay, deputy returning officer, sub div. No. 5, $8.00; Chas. Batton, balance salary as clerk to Feb. 10, 1898, 820.00 ; Jas. Thompson, deputy returning officer, sub div.. No. 1, $8.00; Win. Kelly, do., No., 6, 88 00; 13. E. Little,. Dep. Returning officer, sub. div, • No. 4, $8 00; J. 13. Grotz, do. r tb. div. No. 3 88 , R. Marshall, collector for 1897, $50 ; Chas. Bttton, work in eonnee ion with the county 'plebiscite, 55 ; Peter Clarke, salary as Treasurer for 1897, being pay- ment to the 10th, of i+ebruaiy, 1898. 8100 ; Peter Clarke, Brown Bros. for Treasurer's cash book and expenses on same, $3.75. Jarvis -Reid -That this Council do nowt adjourn to meet Again in the Town hall, Teeswater, on Monday, March 17th, at 10 o'eloek a.m.- Carried. Cit.tS. 1317TTol, Tp, Clerk. The financial statement for the month of January shows the total revenue for the month as 83,513,000 an increase of half amillion dollars over the same month last year while the expenditure for the month has decreased by a quarter of a millions, •. Vat ?P071. ete.G 1i It .-.e', fits• \et it 1c, u. n 'olen t pui,1b+11dr. status 1 ,arNd;,e,. aged 69. • ilr. R. K. Hope. ;rr 'ti-ilced his' coma s itin as Itegi:uaar of S\`o t. worth County, Mr. and Mrs, Me-iitievaty, ••1 Toronto, aged ret.<leat.i.elp 78 and 601 years, are now tt;j ,feu g over the• birth of their 22nd cnll't ra-delightere who arrived Oa MondaN t.f' hist week. BA SKIN Freed from ail Eruptions, Made Pure and White by' DH. CHNSE'S OINTMENT. Mothers take a pride in having thein Infants' skin of that delicate pink ant. white -soft as velvet. When torturing anti disfiguring eruptions seize upon the little, body, they want a remedy that will not disappoint nor fail. Time and again De.. Chase's Ointment has proven itself a. specific for all skin diseases to which, babies aro peculiarly subject, MRS. CHAS. K. MOSS,of Berlin, Ont. had a little baby 6 months old, with iteliing sores on her body. Dr. Chase's Ointment cured her when everything else failed. Another mother who holds Dr. Chase'* Ointment in high esteem is MRS. JAS. EE0WN, Molesworth, Ont. Her baby boy was covered all over the face, sides and hips with Eczema. The first so pl : antic of the Ointment stop; g, 3 boxes effected e. complete cure. These are but samples of the hundreas of mothers who are delighted with Drs, Charo's Ointment, 'erice, ao treats a Box. Sold by all dealers, onEdmonton, Oa, Bates & Co,,, 1