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The Wingham Times, 1898-02-18, Page 6
I_ R- NVINGUAM TIME , FEBRUARY 18, J;N. A WIPE'S LAST HOPE. that he htRs or does. -- RLI#G GOOD FOR THE SOUL. ltChristianity," said he, "teaches Husband Sm•itten• with that Direst of *r, A.. B M,f LDRUWS TRIB- that manhood is not dependent upon Sufferings -Rheumatism --• South �. g _ outside of itself, and that American Rheumatic Cure Gives UTE TO THE OLD saurus unless�ag man realizes this that no Relief in 10 hours. GAME. outward circumstances can malts "elm covr,l.a xrt s PI4iVVED IT, HE them more of a man thanohe tives at in writes C.yS4y husband was conflneQue., to SNS, FOR THE GOOD CF ,TIIEIR'I butrt, in principle, in motive, bin bed for twa months with (lento Ensu SOULS AND THE ULORI' OF GOD, AND diameter, In these days of ours the elation, pails and fever. Doctorsr+ould • ITS TRADITIONS 'HAVE l; BEEN rim- one thing idolized above all others is give flim so little relief, I had about (lust 8EaYt'CP \1 I "EsCiAIF. ICE' sueceo•+ Tosuccessful be ,E ^ v ,} We Strain thopq tit hi; roeOVery, '• was induce to P e. TION Iti I ENEFICIAL-MANLN every Nerve ; all else is subordinate and te>; hourstlafter coni tnent'ingatsCuee GeL�t I� NEEDED,ToU -I(E to this -truth honor, prineiple,health, all pain had s t1rr,Ir.Io\ 4. cl1 ft him He took in ail LIMON VIE ONE ESSENTIA1. SERMON religion, all must give way to success. three bottles, and ie now well and strong Fon OURI.Eus. God has only been teaching us in the and free from every pain, Sold at Chis hard times through which we have holm's Drug Store. Rev.. A. B Meldrum, of the Central been passing of the folly of this Economy of Gardening, l.3 1l Presbyterian church, on Cedar street, idolotry. We have wanted T©f be _. ut only an enthusiastic curler great and strong, but we ha --.- i If farmers will estimate the cost of tailnaelf, tit u•oughly devoted to the gotten God. We have scanted to be the things they purchaso which they gisoN but he makes it a practice to rich and powerful, and mighty, but can produce, the suns sill be a corn- and entire teeing, it into his pulpit once a year. we have not wanted to be pure, partitively large one for an sits have the ' m I e that we r a f the 1 d G d fe•irin It may be urged. ed SABI--ATH SERVICES, AI"t,f 'eal9 ,,_sem Mc.`PHOOIST'—I.reV. Dr, Pascoe, paw for. Services at 11 a In and t p nl. pa itor. Services at 11 a at ands p to. EPISCOPAL, St. Pauli; Rev. Wee Lowe, rector. Bermes I►t 11 ,t to airs 7 • p m, • BAPTIST Rev. Jas. 1l;'u•unon, pax tor. Services ;At 11 11 m itrati i p ul CON(. REIGATIONA A' fe..y. ki. 1'• , A'iason, pastor. :3ervioee at li .a In arils i 7 p m. PRESBYriERIAN_, Rev. 1). Perris, CHRISTIAN and Look in. ca un tr,i,-Servirt'a' Out a at 3 1 1 and B p 1 rt SALVeTION ARMY -AdjutantMiles r: n. and wife in c'1.t11n1arltl .tui t rt t.N At 11 En, 3pttt and 8pni, In each or the ',Potts tui}il';rt chul'ehrn tu•1 il; held at.: 3: p m. Sabbath St h so it i- your .st.ivatltagt: to clot oil r ,ttjon & Co.'s Drug Start:, \1V Ingham. 'Whey are toy agents for the celt••i Crated `V cctxiore Truss. t" ti1gi , Yii 111 i' —1s PUbLISHED EVERY FRIDAY IIORNIN 3 --AT THE— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE $TRET WING HAIL ONTARIO.. Subscription price, $1 per year, in advance. WHY . ,, E 11 ETMOBE IS THE I kL FOR YOU a 1. lircati t' it 15 dlangeruus to be a sum mut wit tout one 2 it will never rust and is ;inr'ntic durable, cense- Bere. After. I tt wh'al'ing a Wetmore does �ooc�'s �1�onp�iodi�®, t, The Great English Ramat!. Sold and recommended by all " 1, druggists in Canada, only reli- ct Mx .'ere S disco able medicine Ye tel clay was the occasion 0 truthful an o • b• year. r paaxaggrs grcarartfecd to aura all g lStJb anniversary, and the subject been living by means of booms, and cost of a garden is too wee, whL11 iotwsofsexual 1Venknoss, ill offsets of abasia , • • hint to a diseoure of ex- have thought our inflated bubbles one is busy with corn and other or ooess, um Monor 8 imulanExce S ed on receipt Leered na crjmenal vigor and vitality. It was were solid bulk, when they were but staple crops, bat there are hundreds; eice,one eas,tgefSi,els,s6, o�elapleftss, ; senate' especially to" men. He bubbles that a needle might of aeras of corn and wheat produced stztautc�. �woo�tco n y� ,i°naso cit�t. 1 d the no fit f V') all lr3titfed to the merits of curling as a puncture, God loose upon whish do not give a pr^ u . , •,:., boll, y ' acre, while an acro devoted to a Sold in dt•inglTaln by Colina ..;.,p boll, wholesome recreation, and he endue there no character there no Druggist. :argued for a pure and wholesome enduring strength there• Ile au h gy,l•den will give ten times as inticlt. I ` product of the 1 iiglon. - "Recreation, pure and simple," , place that knew them knows thein garden being at home, there are no I said ne, "is something which every no more. •Are we focls? Are we transportation expenses, and at the I sedan owes to himself. Amusement insane ? Can not we see? God is present day,,with horse hoes, wheel- duet is wise, clean and healthful is a driving us back to first principles• hoes, and other labor-saving im- alteaus of grace:. It helps us to bear :There is nothing enduring but plements, the cultivation of a garden tele burdens of life. It breaks in on character, manhood. We have for - has been reduced to the minimum cost, Wit; prosaic humdrum of daily gotten it, forgotten everything 111 but little' hand -hoeing being neeess- a tYutine. It gives a blessed relief to our mad rush for succes. It is far ,try The farmer who is careful to idle weed feeni cares and vexations more important that our city should give his animals pasture and green • aI every da, . It gives heart and be a righteous city than that it food, because by such methods he hope and Cheer. it helps to pre- should be a great city. It is far promotes their e( mfort and thrift, wive the healthy tone and temper. more important that business should should do the same for himself and ft prevents premature age and gives be pure than that it be prosperous. family. He should make a beginning tip age itself a buoyancy and alacrity [�'4'e are indebted to I11r. J• B• at some time, and hist make it a ttilat it makes it winsome and' beauti- l Elliott, of Altoona, Wis., for the point to have in addition to apples, flit in spite of the weight 'of years. above, which was ,clipped from the pears, plums, peaches and cherries, . "The national games in some Se Paul Pioneer, of Jan. 17th.--En.i the small fruits, sack as raspberries, degree at least reflect the national them and they ♦sere gone an The market for the ,ctiaraeter•istics. Curling has for .centuries been the leading game of ,'Scotland. Our God-fearing, grim - visaged covenanting fathers played it for the good of their souls and the, igtory of God. They found that it strengthened their bodies for the Metter fighting of the Engli:'h and for1 better j istrawb0rries, currants and goose- KIDNEY CLOUDS. 1 berries. Establish an asparagus bed, and plant for an early supple onions, Bladder Troubles- Acute Kidney I peas,lettuce, radish, kale cabbi:ge, Disorders - Diabetes - Bright's; cauliflower, beets, parsnips, salsify, Disease Dispelled by South Amari- ; and even early potatoes, later putting can Kidney Care -Relief in Six i in more peas and also Lima beans, Hours. tomatoes, string beans, late cabbage, Kidney Symptoms are legion. Have squash, melons, etc . cleared tiled' heads the I you dull aching pain, or stiffness e heads ex - ' that since dizziness, sluggish circulation, irregular I alderman oflKemptville•tOnt., says :"For n! swellings, hot dry skin, in th 'study of the Bible and catechism. i loins tenderness in the kidney region, I AN TX ALDEIt>aliAN SPEAKS. 'They kept i; a clean, manly game, h li own es Idea the and backache, visual disorders Mild it is indeed grafi It has been introduced on this side I heart, meat in the urine. Any of these .in- .. of the Atlantic its traditions have dieate kidney disorders. Seed sowing been held sacred. It has not been 1 for. a. fatal harvest. South American ' degraded and abused as tnany an Kidney Cure is the one proved, tested, 'IL f • kidney eotro yenrs I have been greatly troubled with pain across my back. Urinary troubles caused me much loss of sleep. and 1 suffered from a tired wornout feel- ing. Doan's Kidney Pills gave me relief eel a or in a short time. The pain in my bac east tiiae has beenent and enjoyable ane a seven ali if onrms pat tel stages. It 1 east time by the intcoduc- has worked miracles. Soli'at Cbieholm's has disappeared and I feel that I would than of the gambling element, It Drug Store. I be doing wrong not to }ecomalond them 1 to others suffering as I did. They are fop been kept clean from the poliut- the best medicine I ever used. ung touch of the professional sport. Firm Resolution. its local and national associations Sh® IIad Forgotten. • tumor God's day and God's house, "Dave" Saddler was a brave Con - and its most ardent champions and federate soldier who was in the She was a •ailor•made girl, and all omoters are God fearing Hien, and hospital at Richmond, and who, in JIE count it an honor and. a privilege spite of his sufferings, always took lit) have been elected chaplain of an a cheerful view of the situation. One organization. whose purpose is the I day, when he was recovering, a reomotiult and encouragement of a Merin of recreation, vigorous, whole- • Mlle for the body and mind, and eabuse associations and traditions are Olds far above all reproach. TES ADTIIRTISING RA Spans _ I Vl r• -IO iso. 'I S n:o. 1 mor One Column it00 00 S40 00 $20 00 I fa 00 Half '• 40 00 Ye 12 00 600 Quarter " 20 00 12 CO 7 00 S 40 Ulie Inch 5 00 3 00 2 00 3 1 04 Legal and other ensues advertisement. So per live for firs; Insert emend Sc per line foroachsubsequent• in: cttin n, Me.,sured by uonparai scale, t.oral notices IOc. per lige for first insertion, ant sa. per line for each subsequent : inertict% ,Advertleentents of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situation, t pi r., 't 't bother. and Bueiuuse Chariots first moWanted, not exceeding f S ns nanparcii, $1 for Srat ibouth, and 60c. for eRci 'WV guarantee to hold in ""Hauseatnndkir aforSale,not exceeding in 5 line. ll.. ,it i •u any reducible rupture. ,t1 for ilist month, 60e. per subeequent month Till:, I,tll cannot nassibly move Larger advertiviolvets,in p•opol•tiau. 'rbese tux,le will tylet}y ndhcrcd to } Special rates for larger advertisements, or for ' •t� ' 11d li �tmell , rift I J nods 1 rror to ni :•4.inio of our townspeople can �dyoitlsem me and local notice;s withoutspeoifle u. li•H nlel`its. dirdcttone, will le inserted till forbid and charge te.itir\ accordingly., Transitory advertisements must be ''�a.tisflit•tlr)n guaranteed or money paid ingudvtorecontraotadvertisementr must be in rofllntlr rl. the office by Wednesday noon, rn order to appear that week il. B. ELLIOTT, PROPRIETOR AND ORL161IX ORD'.: I & 00. BAN t cif HAMILTON jy • VANSTOIIE, • A11 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,• Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest and tows* d�t 1 j� A M . lntarost.aNo commission nd farm propert)itbottight arged. and sola Capititi,`11,150,oeo. Rest, 1725,000 OFFICE --Beaver Block WINoUArt President—•Join drumei. Vice-President—A. V. Ramat. JOAN PaOCTea. Om. ROAM, wit GtaaoN. P. A. T. W00D, A. B. LRE. (Toronto). ;ashler—J. TURNBULL. - •"r� Saviriges Bank—Pours, into S; Saturdays, 10 „../.•"sr'"' } ;. Un osit9 Of 111 and upwtyrtis received nod tern 'You need it to bear the daily burdens of aRspouial Deposits also received at earn life. • If your ba.ok's weak-Doan's Kidney rates of it .rear• Pills will strengthen it. If it p •ins and bought to l !, eat Britain and the United State, aches -Loan's Kidney Pills will cure i No W. (;OliBOITLD, AQENs od experiment in taking Doan's Kidney Pills. They cured hundreds of weak, aching backs E L 1)lt)ai;VSON, Solicitor. • lon,r, before other kidney pills were dreamed i Money to { .oan on Natio:, 9t •ort; i nt Dor owed, ens 'And now, having expressed my admiration of this manly recreation, wi�l.l to direct your attention to a suede religion. We are in the house c t God not to pay compliments shut to get good, and I trust that we all, while appreciating the value of 'tveee, wholesome amusement, • ap• predate stili more highly the value of religion that lifts up manhood to se' higher level and ennobles ands "Why," exclaimed she, "both ins allnetifies the whole nature,"I feet have been. shot- off: "—Youth's • • The inspiration for that- ktpd of Companion. 1 OT. Mn. J.tnas Row, Belloville, Ont., suffered for nine years wi h terrible pain in tho back, rheumatic pains, and pains in the bladder. He spent 9500 doctoring. but got •little relief. Doan's Kidney Pills have completely cured hirn, banished tho back pains, and' all the other pains and aches. The Guelph Herald says that John Flaherty, cellar Tulin in Holiday's brewery lost his watch on W ednes- day. It fell out of, his pocket into a hopper which carries the malt into a tab with water at its highest bailing point, The watch was secured trom the grains and taken to the Jeweller. The case of the watch is Waterproof and it is running all right now. A notice displayed in a Brisbane the other passengers in the cable car shop window throws some light• on were men. The conductor had come the mixed character .of the unemploy in to collect a fare, when the t; , ed in it, Irl >ueenrtand. It runs thus : clutched the left arm of her coat and "Wanted, some men for a township visiting minister approached his cot gave sort of half scream. and tendered him a pair of home- "What is it miss ?" asked the eon- ft'atfhajdwr Good wae made socks. ° doctor. d7 un journalists,. "Accept these," said be. I only "Oh," said the girl `•I have lost 1 of English noblemen or larrikins wish the dear woman who knit them my Harvard pin. What shall 1 need apply. --Westminster Gazette. could present them to you In per- do?" son." ' - Flere the showed signs of .fainting. "Thank you, very much," said. The conductor stooped and examined David gravely, "but I have decided the floor. Every man in the car did that 1 never shall wear another pair the same. The girl stood up and f8 welts while I live." shook her skirt. Then all the grat- accustomed to horses, who are not O The preacher protested, but to no purpose; and finally he sought out the boy's sister to tall her now fuol- ishiv the invalid had behaved. • rGiigiotl ' Mr. Meldrumfound in J phesians iv,, 13. Re: totox FOR TIII; MEX, TOO. Blacks That Are Blacks. 'He depreciated forcibly the pre• valeta t idea in :some quartei`i3 th'.t tteligian is only for the wolves and tate meek and lowly of the earth. 'This s conceDtiU r Vas all wrong and trot tri r to the facts of Christian etij1es nor of Christian history. ileligion was necessary to the de-' 'reloptnent of that strength, force, leue'rr„' and true manliness which so many mets were disposed to- think ttivas impossible when associated with 'religion. The fact was that of the tt vo. nett needed religion more than Women needed it. Christianity gave iltpinet:t correct ( UCCCtl ol of man. lines!, It taught that moral worth soOmtltt1ted true manliness, that there 'spas such a thing as being simply a true i.Who is wan ' that x't' is a tt ul. man 'tt' tru e aft the dignity of his nature, tttconvictions, "i tU his best hie i U}.t ings were lifted up and the space beneath WAS carefully examined. But there was no sign of the cherish- ed. emblem. When everybody was be inning to feel exhausted the girl suddenly exclaimed : "Oh, thank you ever so much. It i 11 ri ht I remember now that I gave it back last n g The other passengers buried them- selves behind their papersr and the conductor went out ort the back platform, almost broke the bell strap, and then ran; up five tares in mis- takes -New York Evening Sun. Three Favorites of 'Phe Diamond Dyes. The Diamond Dye Blacks are ecieuti- tie suceeesOe that etre everywhere eppre• elated hy. the ladies, k for Wool Fast false ' mond D e I'a t Diamond Y doe for n 11 other wool a 4a Y stands ahead fulness, rfchnea,, and depth of color. All -wool goods when they have become' rusty and Boiled oan be Teetered to a' deep jet black, egnnl to the best French blac&e. and fitted for long years of weir. Diamond Dye Fast Black fol Cotten and Mired Goods is the only black in the world for dyeing cotton and alt wired fabrics. It gives a permanent and never fediag Color. Diamond Dye Past Black for Silk and Feathers is a triumph of the chemical est,' and has surprised the world, Alt dI stile goods nn•i feathers that are faded. . lovely •' dyed e it n ' do can be 5 olio Y sdaucts spott - jet black with this special clye, making alct times h .k equal to n0•, goods, in r best The • are the r dli lnc;l,e ' tan .Ch e f) tan the world. Ask for them and refuse alt imitations end poor makes. the newly - ht" wen 1 ICE, , Mr. Geo. :1 '10 toiltrl'ls his passions and ap ite. win. 'fs gttfderi hr mason, who' elected warden of 11 Peon county, tie a t•oble mastery of himself tee banqueted t y hie Weeds at >e I lbu i &frJa lines upon Gott, clam r ommofrclal hotel, Ilonall, .'I." ues- 1tiLnytling day treat., A LIVING DEATH. Shattered Nerves --Appetite Gone - Digestion Deranged• -•--Discouraged to Death--Santh American Nervine is slope and Health in all Such Cases Mr. C. ,1. Curtis. of Sandwich, `Vest, Ont., testifies : "I had a very severe at - teak of LA Grippe, which loft me very weak ; no appetite, and my bervoue sys- tem and general constitution very uiiueh shattered. I purchased five bottles of �,when I �, nuth American Nervine, and w had taken but throe bottles I was ns woll as ever I was. I attribute my recovery e 1ite-•- t regainedstrength and appetite-- p 1 entirely t0 tltis groat remedy. I cannot recommend it too highly." Sold at Obis - holes. Drug ` � Store. J. I. Scoughttll has been reap- poointt d town cierk of Kincardine. SOOTHES THE THROAT. QUIETS THE COUGH' ALLAYS IHELAMMA-. TIOHi Of THE LUKOS AHD BRONOHIAI. TUBES. DR CHASES 11 y. r 11't RIAASONABLE 1451i1 TES mel e3 %Ovauord on Mortgages at 61 psi nentwi,h privilege of paying at the end of any year. Not, tend accounts collected. BOWL',MOINDOO. 3eavet'Block wins/mm..ant GIIA.ND TRUNK RAILWAY. DEPART ARRIVEToronto and Bast • 6 50' a. m. 8 05 p. m 3 301'1 to 10 25 p in Palmerston mixed 8 55 +1, in 3 05 p rn Londonand Bondiri 53 a 01 11 10 a m. 68epm 800pm Kincardine 11 10 it in 0 50 a m 3 30 p in3 30 p et 10''I>pm 830am J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, wtilgham. lint, E. L. Ulo1CINsoe, BARRISTER, ETC. soLICITOR TO HANK OY HAMILTON. HONEY TO LOAN. Office—Meier Block. %%1,i ham. mi. . 0. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. CONVEYANCER, d:0* Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets' opposite Colborne llotel. ONTARIO.Dl.NTISTltr.—J.S:JEROME, L. D. S.,wINanAY. 3 3 to ,nanufuct- ue nrat•clasa sets 0 ,ii, ;,,,, teeth as cheap as they can be made e in the Uomhdon. Teeth extracted absolutely without pato, by his ne process, guaranteed perfe.tl) sate, OFFICE : In the Bouvet. Block, oppoa Brunswick House.' AGENTS •' The bt at life of nee ecty l ha-ve sono " n rites Lord Lerne about "Queen Victor int" Agents make a:n dollars daily. BLtAULEY•GARBETSON comPANY, I widonAll, • ARTHUR J. IRWIN, U. D. S., 0. 5., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Penneylian. Dental College OFFIOE---MA000NALD BLOOK. Nora -11 ill visit Blyth every Wedi, -day. J CRN RITCHIE OENEltAL INSURANCE AO6NT ONTAE (Limited) T,(RONTO. 1 .— AGENTS •• Klondike Gold Fields," a large, che p, valuable hock, s, Bing like a whirlwind. Beautiful prospectus twottt-live cents. Socks on tittle. BRaBLRY•(iAnasTh.•N- ConrA\Y, Limited, TORONTO. g: Igy,'� `�� /s1 �/�' V1y GRAM STEAM PUMP VYORKS Ma.. CHAS. FAIT i Y, of CloseAre., T,,ronto, and. Manager celebrated Jeasop Steel Works, Manchester, Ent;., moat family ix se I ,+ care for fam V cough AR consider k b , Linseed f7 Chose a 9rrixp o consider Dr. dud Turpentine uri none the e m oat wonderful air- 'tmuerantcwoaaovivable. This medicine cured ere attack of La Gripper promptly. M trite would not consider our child aatYe from croup and coughs lrltrout this preparation 1u the house. seta brall deeie y rNIUni.os. Bates&Co„ • ass DEANS, JR., WINothos, LICENSED AUCTIONEER UroeN. Jill' - COUNTY Salsa attended in any part of the. Co. Charge' Moderate. Having purchased ur0 ed th A entire business ess fromM Showers, ra, Ian i now ' r. Daniel S ' prepared to supply the public with I Wood and Iron 1 oree and Lilt 1'UfllPlMs' Brafis and Iron t;5 binders, GRalsvanir- ('d Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water 'i ougbMSinks. Iliatilis,Fij c Fitting, Well For frotR ity-seven'' ears 1 Aaigl eng and everything in con- 1 nection with water supplies. J OHN CURRIE, lyrnOneai, UNE., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of of Fartn Stock and Farse Implement, • speciaordlty. All ers left at the Tisza office promptly aiMa& ed to. Terms reasonable. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER 'Sg,ST IEII• tialvaniied :heel Windmills for power SOCIETY MEETINGS. CAtnp 'Caledonia . 111, laes1 S. O. S." the Rut and thiNord Monday i>t every- month, in ate Odd Fellows Hal.. Visiting brethren Welton. J. Murray, Chief. D Stew art iter.. -Sea £GENTS WANTED 1) omen :ek woman will tiny to awes; ife and lready, Special wrefa every ppresses by L'dv Aberdern, lntroductinu by lfis0 Praises w}ltnrd, A n ehoyetopaedta on t ho- woman question. Portraits of a Ituadred noted women Ina numerous other ihuatratioos. A snap for either neon or wetfl°n Canvasser'. Prospectus, X1.00. run i.la8C0TT COMPANY, AGENTS NTS "Glimpses of the Unseen.,. Fascinating hoe 1r. Sweeps the entire held et' Imrderlaud aubjects. Everybody orders. Marvellous illustrations. Press prone, tl. nttAD1 EY•GABBErs(N,C3'.. LiutYtn, Toronto. P. pumping wino.. and t n 1 t a 1)eeep•t ell pumps a speciality. I Repairing prom ptly n ttel del to. Parties writing for n or ordering by }nail should always state depth of tell. All work noR • 1 uaranteed or toale. C. IVIORNINGSTAII, 7°`.A.:NTHIL A few food hien for mum:ming on ) (arty salaries) Ti1P iINSCOTT C0MPANTy TORONTO. i Jag , ▪ NCILUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, 1311 • Needs, C(tontnra, dre., Qio„ executed in the soft f•' prices, and on .2 0r tadera � to of the art, at n p , 1 native Apply or address 0.. B. ELLIOTT.. T use Office, e WIR Ha ail K BOOKBINDING. We ere pleated to announce that MN 000k8 02 5iagnaines left with'na for lllnd;n1', will have suis tempt attention. Frites for Binding In any style 130x 140 '4'V IMgttam, Ont wilt be Owl en attsidcatlon 0 the TI317fd t)fr~Oeu is