HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-18, Page 5a
11 I 11: NA Ft 11 N. NI 1TM Es, FEBRUARY 18, U394,
taffa.„.K.Mrat..E..)6.11Mts6j6-eizakaM,MmilE,IFI411;:" ; '4
kin this week!
Thos. Bennett, ehipped a ear- t
iticKuanon & Co.
TA, load of horses to Manitoba, last teek,
Mr. Chester i.:tleleittelilin has re-
turned from Toronto Business Col -
pi lege.
There is hardly a week but some store claims to offer Bottle
" phenomenal brains"- values that look (in the papers) beyond
reason and precedc!nt ; but go there, and alt you will get for your
trouble le (tippotrnent. It may pay to fool the people—it paid
Barnum—it may pay others—and perhaps some people enjoy being
fooled. but this business has been built ou the platform of HONEST
j GOODS, HONEST PRICES and honest advertising, gala we'll etiok
to it. At present our FEBRUARY CLEARING SALE is in full swing.
5 Interesting Items
For this sale we havo secured a
1,—Special line of assets, nioely trimmed, worth 95c, being sold at
i 2.—Black figured double fold Dress Goods, No. 1 patterns, worth 25o
to 30c, for len. •
3.-37 inch white Cotton, worth 7o, for 4c.
1.--ri Vests, alt pure wool, worth 60c, for 40c.
edn'IT'Shirts and Drawers, really worth 40c, sale price 20c.
Possibly none of the above items are goods you require. It is
Idifficult to quote every article we would desire, but by attending this
,-, sale you will find many thfcgs you may pick up and save money on
every one.
Mr. Samuel J., Greer, it farmer 0
. tOorr, but ielte ofP
'ortan(), was
pi . now _,." ,
1p married on Ttleetia). ieb. 1St to
Miss Laura MeMertin. of I ovulate
a We join in wishing Mr. lild Mi's,
Greer every happinese.
Ss Mr andSliss ilarron. of Millhank,
rit tvoelrielovoisiting friends hi this neigh-
,- li
Itt Mr. J. Leeeh of Brandon, Mime to
was Visiting here,
tei A couple of weeks agl), Jaeeb. and . •
g=41. Jos. Beswitherials split and piled 23
111 eords °rumple wood in 19 !tours, on :
the farm of Richard Ea rng0 ,
eon. Thee dnv before they split and - It
1,71 piled 91.1. eords in 7 hours. ln . bah I 'I
itdthese instances they felled their own
timber. Theee gentleinee were un 1#
[0:1 aware of ony time being kept, and
1. were nottrving to make a record,
:t I
Beat that if yon eon ! ' If Jee is suchl
a hustler at wood eutting, what may ,
L expect of him in the barbering : 0
• 0
innon & CO. N
Our laundry plant has arrived
and we aro vowed to turn out
first.class work in all lines or
Laundry Work on the Shortest
For the convenience of customers,
a, DROP BOX will be placed at the
door to receive work when laundry
is closed.
with your next order.
Opp. Union Factory.
We have moved ou
1..0 our
w building •
where e will
Supp all our o
and any new ones
T3 , Pork, Sausab
a other Meats, at
p e ssible price.
Please give us a call.
We ha'e been favored with a
lengthy history of Sehool Section
No. 9, but lack of space prevents us
It will
appear next week.
from giving it in 'this issue.
The conneel met in the council room
February 10th 1898, pursuant to
adjournment. Members all present.
Minutes of hist A -meting read and
passed. Communication from John
Ross Robertson, Toronto re,. bospital
for sick children, soliciting. a grant
ef motley on behalf of said institution,
received and filed.
The auditors report and treasurers
abstract for 1897 received and read.
same from Toronto, *3.80 ; do., ser
Moved by Mr. Stott, seconeed by
Me. Sutherland, that the same as now 1 vices as Towtehip treasnrer for 1897,
extunined and read ne ndopted, and 5'70 ; pestege stedoncry, tele -
that the ,Itntors be paid e7 well for grains n 11(1 e,e. 18e7, teeent ; A. E.
Bradwin Standard office, Myth, bat
their ter vices—Carried. •
By-lasir No, 1, 1898, ratifying- the
appointment (made at last meeting)
of toe uship officials for the current
year. By-law No. 2, appointing the
council roe commissioners. ,3y• -law
No. 3, authorizing the collector to
e pleased to
1 customers
with choice
le lowest
consequently there are many bargains turning up in remnants of
and nannelettes, that are interesting to our Lady Customers as
We show also this week a beautiful Majolica Jug containing i lb. of best English Bak-
ing Powder which costs you only 25c. Choice California Evaporated Peaches onl) x4
lb. Selected Evapbrated Apricots, a delicacy, only 15c lb. Si*cial japan Tea sell-
ing at 5 lbs. for $i.00. 4c buys a cake of Comfort Laundry Sop. 2oc buys either
3 lbs. oi Cream Soda Biscuits or select Raisins or New Currants.
Tilsonburg Kiln Dried Rolled Oats, m los, for 25c.
Values arc especially right during stock -taking.
$6 ,
4elsevetekeisettWalestreseeesseases-tetseeesetstisetessstesseseez.eassiseasiseeeessesseseiesses, astelis
eseseetrisessesesseleesesseeesseeseassereseseee .
T. Currie,services as auditor 1897, for Leadbnry, Constance, Ethel and and the prices were good, The cows
$7 ; Municipal World, St. Thomas, Bluevale, have been cancelled owing eold brought from 830 to 848 each.
Audit Stamp and Pad and an Aeses• to election dates interfering. Mr W. J. Duff has been appsint-
sors Guide, 81.50 ; Corporation of The following are the officers re- ed issuer of marriage licenses.
Blyth, hare of hall rent for two years cently elected by the Young Pete Eev. W. J. West returned from
for Division Court purpose, 815 ; P. pie s Chapter of St. John's Guild:— Toronto last week.
Porterfield, services as Division Reg. Hon. Pres., Rev. G. J. Abey ; Pres., The annual meeting of he Blue-
istrar for 1897, $14.80; F. Anderson, Miss May Kelly: Vice Pres., 0. S. vale Presbyterian church was held
cash book and exprer:,s charges on &gees; Sec., Miss Walt; Ree. -Sec., on Friday evening Of btlir Week hut •
ikliss Tuck ; Treas.. Miss Hannah as the evening was wet the .atteeds
Hewitt ; Organist, 'Yliss Eastman ; anee was.small. The reports of ;the
ASSitit. Organist, Niles Olive Van-, different schemes of the OM eh were
stone ; Look -out Committee—Misses ' read and the Sundity School and Chris
Fanny Rogers. Ethel Campbell, The
Endeavor choirs se itg very nicely.
ance of' printing contract ant postage, Jane Kelly, Ida Zilliax, Mary Friend- The congregation did well financial -
1897, up to date, $8 10 ; John H. Me 1 ship, Messrs. George Manning and ly &trim; the past year raving rats -
Clinton, balance of ealery and post- ,John Keihey. ed nearly $1,500 and efter posing
age as collector 1897, 815.50 ; Wm. A pretty wedding,r took place at 4 'all expenses have a Inflame on hend
o'clock Wednesday afternoon, 9th i cif sixty one dollars. Ater the busi-
inst., at the residence of Thomas
Stewart,. Elizabeth street, Steatford,
M cztar v. A
Having opened up a shoe store
next door north of Chisholm's Block,
ai3ow ready for repairing, which •
will be done at casMprices.
Order your
charge and collect 3 per cent extra
on all taxes remaining unpaid after Mr. Sutherland, thet the council now
15th• Dee. next. By-law No. 4, adjourn till Thursday 24th Mareh
orderince that the tax levied and next. Patinnasfers, Pound keepers,
and Fence viewers, for the ensuing
season to be appointed same day.—
Carried. . •
Holiban jr., fencing tei sideline 09
and ,40. cons. 5 and 9, 81.
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by
collected from doge and bitches for
the present year, be placed in the
general funds of the township, were
setrally read and passed.
The anneal certificate from the
Registrar Generel, Toronto, received,
certifying that the clerk in 1897 had
regist. red 47 births, 8 marriages and
1.9 deaths, and direeting that be be
paid for same in conformity with the
amended Registration Act of 189G.
The treasurer reported cash on
hand 1.0th Jan. last, 82056.41; receite
ed since that time $232.52 ; paid out
82067.03, leaving a balance on hand
I at date of 8221.30. .
Robe Buchanan and Isobt. 3.
Hoover eon. 4 made application to
have the half ot Thos. Brown's statate
, label. for lot 30, Con. 3 this coming
season 'performed on sideline 80 and
31, Con. 3, said road represented to
be in bad condition fur erditiary
travel. Aett0I1 In this matter to be
taken ot next meeting of council. .
, .
--/IC Maragorneztanra. pernr111.0•0Wirammlamvainraaw/M•Mrentn*
Ladies, call and inspect. No trouble to show goods,
nes of the m• Ming was settled, the
COM pally spent a 14eirti half hour
when Miss Kate Me.1 ean, of Seta- over saedwiche and c dee.
land, late of New York, was married1 Mr. and Mrs. Free Aleeraoken, of
to Alex. F. Stewtu t, of Langdon, I, Brussels spent Suncley at Mr. John
North Dekota, son of Alex. Stewart, I Gardiner's.
Queen' street, Brussels. Rev, R. F. . Miss, Marion Gregory,- of Wing -
•Cameron, of'North Eaethope, former. ham, visited over Sunday at •Ilir. Jos.
ly of Cranbrook, tied the nuptial Leech's
knot in the presimee of the inimed- I Remember the politleal meeting in
late friends and relatives .of the eon- ' the Forester's hall on Monday evens.
trading parties. Miss Tone Crerar, ine next.
Miss Daisy Moss! of Bervie; is visie Stratford supported the bride, whilst t'Messrs. Alex and Samuel McKee,
ting at Mr. Thos, Jenkins. I Peter • Stewart, also of Langdon, Battle Creek, Michigan, vieited their
Mr. J. S. Maxwell, of Brandon, ;North Dakota, and brother of the mother in ;he villege last week. The
Man:, son ut Mr. R. meeweR, of the! groom, was best !ban. After the: Messrs McKee are railway bridge
Bluevale road, ha e been elected High ierremony a tasty luncheon \VHS ; inspectors and have done well under
Chief Rang: of the Manitoba District i served, The newly wedded pair 'i Uncle Sam.
High Court of the Canadien Order of1 will remain in Stratford for some
Foresters. We have revived a copy al days, alter which they will visit in
the Breeden Daily Sun, giving a full T, Brussels leaving for their future' Sacrament of the Lord's Sapper
account of an oyster supper tendered I home in Langdon in thee or four was dispensed in Knelt enurch last
we are unable to give it this week, Sabbath.
E. Wightman is laid up at present
Mr. Maxwell, but for want of space week6,
Court meeting of the Foresters at with a severe attack of Sciatica.
Mr. Maxwell will attend the High BLUEVALE.
.teterbero next week and will also John Wightman continues very.
spend a shert time with his parents poorly. David Johnston is rapidly'
and other friends in this locality be- sinking, but bis etrong eoesti,ution
fore returning to the , prairie pro- is in his favor and his tinny filene:
vince. hope he may be able ts roily and
An old resident of this township gain his former strength.
..Peter Robinson and bride arc mov-
ing into Kr. Tuft's house this week.
gll. be welcome residents t o
The mock trial held on Wednes-
day evening of last week was very
largely attended, and. was very in-
teresting. The prisoner was Mr
Peter King, who was accused of
The clerk was instructed to again stealing turkeys from Mr. James
I call for tenders from ire printing
passed away oin Wednesday morningllPugh. Council. foe defendant, Mr,
lotoff=holfp'Wpitningtlitnagm arenciduBill.eyathibtorr theth"e 1
in the person o Iti.r, Nathaniel.ohne; A MeEwen. Prosecuting attorney,
of his age. The. funeeal took place' Mr. Jack MeCractien. Mr. Ira Et -
Quer wasforeman of the jury, and
Mr. Robert G, Caseraore was judge.
of the fith comeession, in the 79 yeart , f
The following steSts. were received
I current year.
BRUSSELS. their evidence was extremely con -
The lawyers did very well indeed
and so did the witness but soraetimes
filleting. The judge's deeision was
\ .,to the Bluevale cemetery on Time -
end ordered to be paid : Jas. B. Nicol,
Jan ',day afternoon
:services as auditor 189 t , $7 ;
Delicate children •i :What
\ The Grey Branch Agricultural that the prisoner was not giaiity and
Society is trying to make Arraege the good stews was greeted loudly by
sion to the Experimental Fano at 1 friends of the young man. The
ruents for the running of an excur- the hitherto sorrowing', relatives and
Grielph. I prisone
The Public School Board held its I very keenly. The next reeetieg of
r seseemed to feel his disgrace
a SOuice of anxietythey arei SO
The parents wish them
.hearty. and strong, but they
I keep thin and pale. regular meeting Friday evening the literary society will be held ort
Saturday evening of this week and
le , To all these delicate ciii1- last,
It dre. n'' Scott's Emulsion of Postmaster Farrow is ':.116 C. P. R. instead of a debate the evening will
ticket agent tor -this town. I be devoted to a musical and. literary
Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- Theloeul Tent of the K. 0, T. M. ' entertainment. Next week- at the
has a memberehtp of W. 1. g I , cue of thesocieter a mock
1 'phosphites comes with the
Trove the merit of Rood's Sarsaparilla —post*.
tive, perfect, permanent CureS.
Cures of scrofula in severest forms, MO.,
goitre, swelled neck, running, sores, hip,
disease. sores in the eyes.
Cures of SOO:hewn, with its Intense iteldn
atinodnsbudrIttleingto, sielatlr,duhroeabd;Oteseatt,er, OW.
Cures of Boyilsop,erpsilinavitlensa,.00:::::0:0110::::
a°Igoio)d stomach tonic was needed.
Cures of Rheumatism, where patients Were utt.
able to work or walk for weeks.
Cures Of Catarrh by expelling the impurlthio
which cause and sustain the disease.
Cures of Nervousness by properly touloglud!
Mr. J. P. Whitney, leader of thelelection will be held. Conservative
feeding the nerves upon pure blo01
jailit Meer Aeken ; cures of That Tired Feeling by restate
1 best of news. Opposition, addressed two very large 'candidate, Mr.
strength, Send for book of cures by
meetings of the electors bore on Fri-IRetorm candidate, Mr, W. J. Daft ;
1 ) • • •
I ' ' It . brings rich blood,
. i strong bones, healthy nerves, day last. The leader was met at I I rolebttion candidate, Mr. Will Bei -
1 6 Y the station by a large number of Iley ; and Equal Rights candidate,
recession WAS form- I M e. William Fraier. Only two can- 0511,1:: ',its,:
— - .0.0,1611tAte '417\1/11 T I:1 id S. • ' , a 0 A , . gni aa.dibesi . It is pc, . ., .
growth and prosperity to ed. headed by the Brussels% band. I didates can be elected.
The Meetings were very orderly. I Miss Tillie Oliver, of Clintou, ie re. ,
n';'i t! :.`6.7
101•Mor:V.O.M.l•*••••••••••<•••••*••••*•61.***,,,*••10,:t11•00,1..7.:. "r•Arl........••••uornmear.IrElar..•••••,••••,40.11.M.r.I.,••••••,. i them.,
1.11,10, tn,t lilorsc fair will be held i vieitme' at her grandfather's, Air.
1 John Burvss.
75 OEN-TS pays for the TIMESI No mat.te.r how delicate '
the child, it is readily takend on Loire.' .,r(i.
The dates of suppleMentary meet I Mr. James Gray's sale on Times.
. To (t 1. flood & Co., rroprietors, LoA ell, IA , ,i
"..--..S...M. ••:. 1.4 1,.-i. e• I
till the end of the year.
i scorr & aowatt, Chentiws, Toronto., ; Fariners,' /1.1Sti Late that wero. haw:attendance. The bidding. was lively.
5hc. a 1:1 Gs...), all drugglio, .
, tinge in conneetion, with East Huron I dav (if het week, heti a very large Hood,s pins 11.,.,ir,c.kil,,,,t4T).L2m.u.