HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-18, Page 4r../- , ,z .
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TIN ES, FE 1�1T 18, ltsy-,
. __.,....,..�------�''.,.�:�,.,•.,.�R'_"`-.,.."-`"_._.-.m.._._.�-----•--- � MARKET REPORTS.
Trill Conservative candidate in TUE PREMIER AT c,I,�NTON l#1a41f�az.
i West Huron, Mr. Jos. Bee.., --
1 yet held a pnblte meeting. It is not
I time for a change here.
I Mu. OARRo#v has been having it
all his own way in West Huron, No
opposition at any of his mceing$.
We have a large stool: ; ONLY a little over a week of peli-
ofRubber Goods, Water `
Tub -
excitement. Tuesday next is
Bottles, Syringes, Illumination day.
ings, Feeder Fittings, &c., t
IIAvE the Conservatives a candi-
which we are selling
date in West Huron ? If so, the el-
cheap at ectors are entitled to bear his side of
1 the question.
'rho total a
lot Winghain, February 17th, 1898.
A ROUSING RI C1 I'7IAIv +,pit A 1'sti. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
GATHERING OF LIBERALS. Flour per 100 lbs.. ... .,... 1 50 to 2 35
I?nll Wheat 0 88 to 0 88
r S rin r W Beat 0 88 to 0 88
Clinton, ;fab. 15. -=The Reformers O�cs,.i' .., „..., • • , • 0 $t1 ko. 0 30
of West Huron.have fallen into line Darla 0 25 to 0 80
Barley... "" ". .. 0 54 to 0 255
with the swing o€ victory and are peas 0 07 to 0 08
confident that on the oyening of Turkey, drawn 0 04 to 0 05
March 1st they will rejoice with a stew, 0 40 to 0 05
Dnaks, per pair (ii)
14 kU 0 1%)
great rejoicing at the large Micirity . T3utcer,. •-
which they^ will have rolled ,,up for j Eggs per dozen .. • .. •••. • : 0 15 1 00 to 11 25
their candidate and in support of the i Wood peer cord .. • • • • • • 1 00 to 1 55
Hardy Government and Reform prin- I Pot toes, npTbuehel, 0 3o t4 0 35
Tallow ,per 1b 0 3 to 0 3
eiples. In the last contest for the , Apples, et. lb 0 3 to 0 4
I'1 ovineial Legislature under diffi Dried 1 , p 19 to 21
culties and in the face of some defer Drestsed hogs 5 0o to 0 00
tions to the Patron ranks, the (reform _,__.•__F, ._ _,,.. _._. __--
COLIN A. CAMPBELL'S t1 otlnt •ixpeuded by theerssucceeded inreturningblr.(x`arrow
DRUGSTORE.. Ontario Government for colonization
by a good majority. They have
Peers South of Post oisce. roads and bridges in the whole Pro- enterall the d uepon n tenpresent
l ese t e of est at ooh
I vinee from 1872 to 1897, inclusive,
t amnbell's Headache Wafer , wits ��,'•3,567,39G 99, and in 1397. in cause and a winning candidate.
nn) 986 91 The announcement that Mr. Hardy
addition to milling roads, Via:.,
cures headache.
a - \r, R. TrremrtoN, the Independent
d forS th Bruce has with.
would be present at Clinton to at•1-
dress the electors on the questions
"-' c ndi ate ou t upon which they are now asked to
drew on account of business engage -1 pronounce aroused the greatest
0 of Brant telC3t Antons Reformers and Censer
in -
:Notice of changes must be ]eft at tljl .,meats, and Robert Long, vatives alike The Clinton Brass
otilce not later than Saturday •avascilominated in his stead. Mi'• Band were at the station to 'welcome
noon. The copy for changes { Lona took a few days to consider the Premier upon his arrival. The
must be left not later than '.rues- viiether he would stand or not. meeting was held in the Town Hall,
day evening Casual advertise- Liberals have `92candidates a spacious building, which was pact,
meats accepted' up to' noon Tnn •t era s
Thursday of each `veal:: , , . f j in the field while the Conservatives ed 'o the don audience vlwa ch from
hive 89, out of total of 94. It is the first was demonstrative itl its
likely there will only be one riding enthusiasm, The hall was hand-
where Speaker Eranturel will go In as ''1837—God Save O Queen- , -
without opposition.
THE Saturday Globe of
inst, under the heading of
the Day," speaks thus of th
.ill cllll l 11110 in -.tire province ,where here will be somely decorated with British flags
no election. That will be in Prescott and banners bearing such sentiments
FRIDAY, FEB1'ITARY 18, 1898.
Twelve acres of choice Ian in the
Wingham Town PI t for s• e. There
are 0u the premiee gond and and soft
water ; a good h so an barn and a
good nearing or • lard. 'Ploughing has
all been done a d the property is in
first-clam-clamshapf~. 'For terms and par-
ticulars, apply to
W. 1 . CAMPBELL, Prop.,
Wingham P 0,
1897" and "Canada the First of Her
the 12th Colonies_" Several ,hundred ladies
"hien of were present and occupied seats upon
the floor and on the platform,
PO011kl_Cil jai titZ t Icandidate in West Huron : ii.J.
Y s
� ,T Garrow, Q. who has represent -
ed WestoHuron since 1890 will un -
Electors, vote; for Iron. A. S. ldoubtedly b,e again the representa-
iardy and thea1i' best Govern-Ilment Canada Was ever known °tive of that riding when the polls
Close on the night of March l;t. He
ant Stack and P' ures
Linder and virtue of mortgage r de by Wm,
A. Jt.lnts to ttr- vendor. whieh wilt b. produced at
the time of sale, lid under which el Ault has been
made, there will l offered for sale by ,ublio auction,
by Peter Macdonald liloek, i at ti he Town of on he ingham,ea in the
Tuesday, Feb 22nd A. D. 18
at 2 o'clock in the afte Coen, I the stoop o con•
fectionerv, groceries, can ed . 'ods, fruit, t^ u oeos,
pipes, cigars, &c., and all , xt res, (iucln
sodafountain) now upon a promise- teretof ore
Macdonald Block.A. John in the T w sa rest ot wing tarn, t in the
This is a first class stn d at offers an excellent
opportunity for anyoi wishi to go into the
restaurant business.
The property wil a sold en o c, and the stock
list can be inspect at the office of the Vendor's
Tawas c,r Sit —Ten per cent. o the purchase
money to be aid to the Vendor's 5• 'eltor. on tho
day of sale nd the balance within ten days there.
after. P..session 'will bo given on pay ant of the
porches. money. Arrangements cot b. made to I
seenr lease of the premises on boot -able •rtua.
1't. her particulars may be had from : auc-
tion -es or the 0 det•signett.
aced at ti iugh.tnt, this Liith day of Feb , 150
11. VANSTOS \•endorls Stoiicittr,
evincing the most enthusiastic inter-
est in the proceedings. The chair
was occupied l.y Mayor Robert
Holmes, of the Clinton New Era, and
the Hon. Mr. Hardy's speech was
the most convincing agargument
delivered on a politicalplatform
'by supportin1,tl><e Bial r-nnen-
tiioned and all Liberal eandi- was born at Chippewa in tS 1"e county meeting Premier
rixeter l on Tud a musing
esday esd tY even-
J. T. G.i%BROW. of Waterloo and Huron counties,
of Welland, on March 11, t o• He
ins in the interests of bit.. M. Y.
WEST HGRO , ' vas educated in the Public Schools McLean, the Liberal candidate.
MI. Y. 31eLL+AN.
and at the Goderich High School: He IN THE HLPONS.
was called to the bar in 1868 and
appointed Q. C. in 1S85. Like soli --
1 many members of the Legislature, he The Globe, of Tuesday, sizes up
I has had experience in municipal life' situation in the Hurons as follows:
t s
The best news comes in from Iluron
County. There is not the least doubt
as to the result in the East or West
ridings. In the West the Conser-
vative candidate has not yet got to
work, while many Conservatives have
pledged their support L. Mr. Garrbw.
The Liberal candidate is a man of
narked individuality and of excep-
tional independence of character, and
EDITORIAL NOTES; - ` i having been reeve of lmpderie
VOTE for tvlessrs. Uarroty, Hislop seven years and warden of Huron
Afor one term. air: Garrow is one of
and McI.ean. is a vote for good Gov- ; the best informed law -givers in the
.ernment. 1 Assembly, with a decidedly nonpar-
Tial: election excitement in West, I tisan strain in his character. He has
I been recognized by his fellow mem-
Huron is not waxing very \%�al • bers as of Cabinet rank in his know
Kr. Beck, has not as yet, expressed ledge of Legislation, skill in debate
Lis views on a public platform. 1 and study of the business of the Pro -
IN \orth Bruce, Mr. D. 'tin augh- • vince. _
Lots 16 and 17 in the B Concession of
the Township of Howiolt, (the ()rocket
Willits farm), will be leased to a good
tenant for a term of years at a reason- yl
able rent. Apply to C. H. Willits, Wrox-
eter. or to the undersigned.
Dated this 7th day of Feb., A. D. 1898. l
R. VANSTONE, Wingham,1:
Solicitor for estate of Crochet Willits,
ton, the Patron candidate has retired Compare The Cost. West Huron feels proud of the lead -
and the realest will be bting place he has taken in the Legis'
'tween bit.. , overn lattlre. In East Huron the Liberals
C. M. Bowman, Liberal and Mr. D.M.1 The argument that the
uore than
Jenny n, Conservative. `ment makes people pay have a splendid candidate- in Mr.
Toronto Star : The Conservatives
the text books are worth is effective- Hyslop, and on all hands bis election
ly exploded by a coulpaiison made ( is conceded. The South has been
lead 21 members in the last Ontario between New York. state and Ontario. l claimed by the Conservatives, but
Legislature. Fifty are necessary to • The comparison follows, showing the i Mr. McLear, owing to, tbe position of
run a Government. The gaining of price paid in each caseYJRti, Q�7AR10 i infe luence
he has
character Lisla-
�6 seats is unheard of in Ontario. j
Readers..... 82 37 51 t15� 1 a citizen, fiuds w wonderful ei,thusi-
Algebraand Euclid..SO ... 25 1 astn among his old friends, and many
Nonni oss for the Local Legis-; 7u 1 to his support.
Nature. will be held on Tuesday next Geography 11- t new friends rallying
Grammar 1 01 o I That he will be re-elected by a good
2.t 1 o'clock. In West Huron at History.... ...... ... 1 00 SO
1 05 30 majority seems now to be beyond
Tem -
7Ptusuant to the • powers in me rested aC
1 Ese�utnr of the ,'etate of Eliza Dale, Into of
the Town of tt'iugham. in the Coubty of Huron,
widow, deceased, I will offer for sale by Public
Auction, by Peter Deana, Aucti Leer, at the Ex-
eh.nge Hotel, in the Tow•u of N'[ngham, ht the
County of Duren, on
Wednesday, the 2nd clay of
March, A. D., 1898,
at i o'clock in the afternoon, the following vain. I
able property. that is to say :— j
1.ot No. 12 on the east side of Alice streat, and
north side of Albert street. in Jane Sadler's survey,
in the said Town of tt'inghatrt. 00 this property is
situated a good 1S storey frame dw'ellini, °'_'x'22,
with stone ([,tinnatien and either, and a frame ad•
ditiolllti x ..1, all in good repair. The p:operty is 1
wall situated and is a desirable residence.
TF,Ltiti t F z.\Ll:•-Tenpct cent of the purchase 1
money on the day of the sole and the balance in
thirty days)th„reafter Arrangements can be trade,
however to'ieave a portion of itho purchase money
no lnortnagb at rc sonable interest. Further par•
Menhirs attl conditions of sale will be ovule known
on the day Of tjit . sale, or may be had from thc
Auciioneer or from thc undtre.igned.
dated thi' 31st day of January A. D„ 1803.
R, VANST(NE, tIagham, WM. Altl1i CELE,
Solibttor and Es:mato••. Executor.
oderieh ;East Huron. at Brussels ; Drawing, :Physiology anti
Huron, at liensall.
W 1I Garrow has Cvrtan:.... l Government. There is no light for Parol and Vil�ape ProerfieS.
iliten holding very successful meet-
1 �rithtnetic.... I Mr. Whitney in the West,
n the estate
IN est Huron Mr. , r e , • . . 1 U8
I question, and the 1st of March wi AUCTION SALE
225 5 I find the Hurons still solid for good' -ot t.ALUAnt,r:
Tea, Coffee or Cocoa. If so, o e wett loo
tell you that we are offering
in the above lines of goods. Try our
India Ceylon and Japan Teas. We
guarantee satisfaction.
We wish our many customers
and friends a Happy and Pros-
perous New Year.
During 1898 we will endeavor
to meet all the requirements of
our increasing trade, and will
offer the best possible inducement
to our customers. .
$50.00 reward for a watch we
can't fix.
liteen -
ins in different parts of the riding. Lowest cost .... SO 06 8 9. l_ . - . -- c a a c •,� tf ta a, r �"--) a ,
��"'�•�� llYaltant t0 the powers ill inc vested as AS- .�-1`.4� `,:.4 ,�4., �,.L4.1-_ i"'.��' L-� L^ ���"f=L- ^L L—.LL—L L�•�4:I l=?,
{'1�, t e and effects of Daniel
but 1Ir. Beck has been on the still Distributing The Money.
BORN. McKenzie, I wilt otter E t to
in the Village of Teesw stet•, in the County of Druce,
- or side by Public Auction,
aunt. Vote for the man who CX- I f I John Farquharson, Auctioneer, u c
presses his views on public platforms. T pp d C
Thursday, the 3rd day or
Conservative principle that it is no : squandered by the Liberals. Let us I March, A. D., 1898,
q , DAciDsalv---ELLIOT7.'-In 4+ Ingham, on
wonder the Opposition try to make in vestigete that squandering Cry• file 15th last., at the residence of tt,e► atho•clockintheaft •rnoon,the foilowint valuable
bride, Patrick Street, by the Rev. Wm. t proptitics.thatia,o say: +
rut that the Ontario surplus does not Ilerc are the total amounts expended 1arcelNo.1--The east half o. lot xo.,l, itt the
late tbn Elliott, to Mr. widowk David- .1, County . nccfce:1 ttuntt.11 Township
wet4 nn0 ittllnlf
x' -it But we orates interest of near. by the Reform government while in ; Lowe, mrs. Ellen Elliott, oft e
lv a hllarter of a million dollar- on it office : on O Feb.th at 1 ucresv, usore or IC?s. This farlu is sitasted about i
� Public w'ks veL 11U11C11t1;7,'S, ly S9,000.000 D , '1 frau tho'row•tt of wingham, and four and ali
x,11 the same. Dlstributionsurplus to
by 0]
The 0 oaittinn are wont to dwell oL\s� In Culross,
' D 1 f4 of W. Colvin ; a song. (t
A Surplus is so flatly opposed toi--- vin ; a : IE n.
I on Feb, 411, the Vendome Rotel,
ti the .john Sanfield i\Se oat. sur- lv•
! plus and to cry that it has been
Jt)1NT meetings for the discussion iGrantsto Railways.•dncation..
.EI tf the political questions of the day :Agriculture and arts
near�i#iOFFz\T—FOw\---nU,riteuuesmnn1C1`�500,0)tg resid nttdalo Farm,,' Ho'a'iclt, the famN r, I yetoo l crag i rcath tom laoncthd l of thage e beat farnta'in tl e G,50(a,(/0U resldent;e of the bride, by Itev. t.•1 -r14.83;5,18G Toau hip at Culross. There rrcon t15 t.remisesa I
1,' dwich Miss Lizzie, f MOIL hnu• - t :ri, ++ith kitchrn 7l. 4 and
• 15,430,07G Mr. Peter tiTOtfat, of a weal furnace. ,
Stabling underneath root hon ,e and drhvingShed
attached and :t frame hay shed i.4 c :1U. About 1
acre•+ of the 1 tad is timbered with good hardwood
bush and the b:hutee it in first class state of cuiti-
ration, and is Well watered.
Pared No 2 -tots Number 7 and 8, fronting; on
Fliab eth street, South cf the River, ib tits Village
of Tceswater, in the County of Love, co:.tailting
two•lilths of an acre, more or k<>. On th.sr lots
are situattsi'. gond two storey it t ue rt ltt v '0':
:'•h, witl• envie et li;tr ion lz of h m .. : 1 t i Mtn t•
lit Cl,tit N. 1 teat 1l aril tui soft water convenient
ctanneetion with the Ontario Pro- i ospitals and charities
irincial elections, will be held in I°:est aAdministration of justice.... 3,0:)1,094
]'eb.:Colonization roads....; . ° 808,097
Ylnr�n as follows : ;1lenclay,'1st 13luevale, 1••oresters' hall; Tues. or a total of 111,749,0-14 Deduct
the nlueh boasted John Saniield Me -,day, :.';.)nd, : omination, I;rdssels ;Donald surrius frolu this amount
4rtdnenda.r, 2:lyd, Libel, rrownship and it leaves a balance of 1~59,79-4,-
; also Ifullett Separ:x.te, School ; 01.1, and this the Government bas
'Thursday, 2lth. Fordwieli anci ecpended i1i the manner indicated
y•'.lc.c)iteleatluru ; 1'i'iEi:'t,y, • JI.II, (Yorilc above ;roti bas still a sarplus of elver
"I'ttwnship hall ; tiaturdtty, .brit, S5;(r`t�a,O0l) to the good If building
iCI 71itie• , id111ililtli ,
� • il. a pK "F U -,bItc,.t tliu ,•t dt"<1tII1 . p. � blorri> � .Y t.6. ` Roti- c11rd1 aafals- --- ealn ltiUll, 1' iCil tato hilt
d Alton ll be•1 fl u g l1• •i, titutio s t•ir tide tare of
riau ~<� T1 Int present,t�eaait i t i under
yh)ms, etc
Eobsoe, Of Ur , rat -
d,4fl,tiJ daughter Of Sit. 'Andrew Br vu, to woodshed attached: there is goad stone cellar
2,7(iBtcJ`d3 > Morrtsbankl outlet. the whole itnDcr, and 1I:e douse is heated by
\ frame Advo dU GO with stone
DRUMMOND-'n fiowick, on Feb. Gth,
Jobn Drummond, Sr, aged 83 years, 1.
month and 28 days.
PAtAima---Iti Listowel, on Feb. 13111,
Eliza Traver, relict of the late Henry
Arnold Palmer, aged 85 years. Deceased
wits mother of i'lrs. 1). M. Gordon, of
y` )ng1 am.
lioi.ilrs-In Ternberry, on Feb. 16th. g
1i:itbat'iHl 11ol1t)efi ' 'pd 7S ;,ears 6 tot n t. e''s, t eDi +lrf) tl SGt'1 1 1,.,.rof
�• ° 1 trG)'C�h•19 tt IlV sltt el
mallttaw Arid 15 days., i Tccow.tt, s t t' v{r d sit -hi: re dt r
Tta:M5 01 S.tU 'fou tp r t a t or 1:, i tt t to
DIED. woo, vrntitdertf.letslit:r!the ial+, ttnm
)a::w-' -In W' in;lh.in, O11 Feb. 11111,1 ta.t",l i t Ai l It ',""I''''1"'":•1'. .Il''',11.".-,,IAfittl t t th�j
Minnie May, third daughter or .)1r.+i1`m. Jit yr or.t' 1 ..,1 a n t:;•1 :t.;.,tt t a_ #�r^
providing institutions c t t 21,1 , 1 t elver, to 1 L. 11,1:;,:-••4, P:•st i:t, ii tt... tt:'.'
� .i meeting �+ )raw, aged }ear_) and rll nth
' 1 ;:1.:. iC to the ne lrb+gilt 11.
♦ ,•: , - ' t-421itol anti 1,o d('a She 1,'><,r alitl unfortunate, is .::1 t<.. Dexr---1n Tarnharr}', On Pet. Pith.: Date 1 t"t_` fi"F '; y t•f Junn.try, A, It ,16:6t,
4' ]Ct`t 1, • Cl)a1'atL * the ,Ct1ti .. -' Money, why .et 115 r ed 67 }'ears 10 :i. 1.a1,r•,:e1., 417 6 1 aft, Snt t t t• f„r .t -;"saga e.
',tutu. lilectinr,s ,. » 1'howna ,m.. Duan, aged ,) ,
•` r n.o]tlls and 1.i clays.
111 r' commence
a at Ilia IC 1 , JNi). lit 1v1::+ZIE, a it'gr,am, .#6•a,to.C,
1 o'clock. a�c uiore sstnanticlnl.s,.
W. BARRAN'I)'S new stock must be converted
into cash by ist JAN., and in order to do this, those
(i beautiful Scotch Tweeds have been reduced from
t$l. .00 and $Ttti'.00 to $10.00, fair r.00 and • $I2.00,
rj which have never been sold at these prices in Wing -
1,11 11;1111 before.
It will pay you to sec tilese goods before you It'
winter suit.'�
purchase (,lith
h +., y�Otlt iii
l,• Wingham.
.'1 li�
Block, v1
�k �� !z
`t .1 116161r t't
kcal . a,•t, not,1.
There is hi
•• phenomenal b
reason and prgg
trouble is dish
Barnum ---it mt;
fooled. but this
to, 15. At proses
I. -Special lin
2. -Black flour
to 30c,
3.-37 inch whi
4. -Ladies' Vet
5. -Men's Shit.
Possibly n
difficult to qac
sale you will f
every one.
Our laundry
and we aro pr
first•class work i
Laundry Work
For the eonve
door to receive
is closed._
with yo!
Opp. T
Having opt
next door nor
I arviow rear
will be done a