HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-18, Page 3THE WING HAM T1ME$, FEBRUARY 18, 189S.
Of Sickness Gail the Shadow of
Graver Things I`
Froin Thousands of Homes
in Canada. I of these sources of wealth,
1, To appl;vthe puhlie revenues
solely foe the maintenance of the
service of the state ; for lightening
the burdens of the taxpayer; and
for the development of the latent
resources of the province,
2. To apply the products of the
forest and ]nines of the province
from year to year in such a way as
will best minister to the immediate
wants of the whole people without
imperilling the interests of the
lumberman or the miner. or without
irparing the future productiveness
Mr. W. T. Offen, brakeman nn tate Grand •
r3^runk Railway, residing at 211 Logan av'-
slue, Toronto, Canada, says: "My expe+rtenee
'with the PIunyon treatment for dyspepsia
ague been most satisfactory. I was in a
terrible cnnditlon when 1 ennsnited Mon -
:von; I was so bud in :fart with dyspt'p-
ala and headache that T, never expected to
set better. 'Tiro pains in my stead noarl,v
strove nu, wild, and I was compelled to walk
tile floor for limns. 1 had dyspepsia so
badly and my stomach was swollen so
frightfully after eating heartily taut I suf-
fered the greatest agony. I had used all
msedielnes la the effort to get relief, but I
%.rept getting worse, Slnco I began using
?Liunron's Dyspepsia Cure I have Ower
felt In better health. I can eat almost
Xnnyilthtg and feel no bud after results. I
totm now In splendid 'health and attribute it
all to Munyon's )notmcnt. and nn daily
recommending Itheso wonderful remedies."
Idtioyon+a nhetyymatte Cure seldom fails to re
Metre in (17,0 toolhree hours and cures lo a torr:,
days. Price 23e,
.%unycn'a Dyspepsia Cure poettiv,.!;• ;arae air
kerma of indigestion and stomach tronblya,l
Vries 15c. )
Idanyon'a Cord. Cure prevents pneurnontn gag:
breaks up a sold in u few hours. Tripe 2t..
ivinnyol'a Cough Cure stops coue:its, night
!sweats, allays soreness and speedily heals the
Ynrgs. Price 23c.
Ilunyon's Kidney Cure - speedily cares pubis.
.."n the hack, loins or grouts, and ail forma At'
ittidrey disease. Price 210:
eicnyon'n Nerve Cure stops nervousness entr
%Mitthe up the system. Price. 21e.
DIi van's Headache Cure stops Vendetta till
1$hrce minutes. Price 25c. •
idnnyrn'n Pile Ointment gtaeitively sures at,
1'' ruins of plies. ,Price 21e. .
Munyon's Bland Cure etudieates all impurities'
$nthe henod. Prlee 21e.
t.nyoa'e Female Remedies are a been to all
T.tr: omen, eft.,e
Dlnayon's Catarrh Remedies never fun,
Cntarrlt Cure -price: ale.-erndlenea the dtnener
Brom the system, and tete Catarrh Tablets -pace
W e-ehter,se cod heal the parrs,
itienyen a Asthma iternrcners relieve to three'
xi: a ;•'a and ciao petwartintly, Prtte
Pit^senses ••,lteltt:or, e. great toric '.n! re•
xt• r -;••e? ::eat. ntt,mgth t'+ weal") pee,. ',
A nuc n•n.t,n
Can for each dtaeaae„ s:.eli tire/:•.
;g•t.,s, mostly 1.•; cents n vial.
Perso0El letters to Prof, Diunya0. 11 Albert
,trent- Taranto, Ont„ nnwored with free pent•
sal advice-or'any disease.
3. To promote agriculture by
disseminating information with re-
spect to husba►;dry in all its branches
so as tit ?nerease tho fertility of the
soil, the pie•flts of the farm, dairy
and orchard, and the comfort and
happiness of the rural population in
all parts of the country.
4. 'Po maintain in their integrity,
and efficiency all the :schools aided
by the government; to provide for
the thorough training- of teachel;s of
every rank and grade ; to increase
the facilities for self-improvement by
meant of public librarie-, and to
insist that even' child domiciled in
the province shall receive such a
liberal and comerehensive education
as shall prepare hire, tot' the dis-
charging intelligently the duties of
citizenship as neeoures a. broad mind-
ed progressive Canadian.
5. To provide generally for all
citizens who suffer from mental
abberation or the loss of any sense
or faculty, and to minister t(; the
Mrs Allen Has Rid Her-
self of Nervousness
and IN euralgia.
`After Using Seven Bottles of the
Compound I am Well and Strong'
Paine's Celery Compound Gives
Health And Good Looks to
Sick Women of Every age
Well & Riobardson Co.,
Dear airs, --It gives me great pleasure
to testify to the fact. that Paine's Celery
Compound has caused a remarkable
change in my condition. 13'or ten years
I baro suffered., from nervousness and
i neuralgia, and .have used medicines of
'all kinds without finding relief.
Your Pains's Celery Compound was
recommended to mP, and aftbr using sev-
eral nerd") it I find myself well and strc.ng
and can rest and sleep with ease and
oomfortp' I believe it to be' the best
medicine in the world, and I always re-
cumnrt•i)nd it with pleasure.
V y Yours Truly.
/• M128. A. ALLEN, Ramsay,Ont.
, .4 ,
Messrs, T. Milburn 4: Co. Toronto. Ont.
Doer Sirs- 1 hare used Uagyards's
Yellow Oil for my children when they
had bronchitis, and a:Wnys with grant
success. I use it also, for sore throat,
and can say thorn is nothing to equal it
an n sure cure,
Huntsville, Ont.
wants of all I.ersons compelled by Y
ini-fortune sickness or poverty to '
+ - pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and O p O
seek 1110 shelter of any hospital. � NINETEEN COM\TANDMEN•US 1yIIICI1 imitations are dangerous. griee,No. 1,$1per
box; No 2,10 degrees stron er,$3 per box. No.
"His mother's hie sweet heart -the sweet'
est, the best 1"
So say the white roses he brings to ni
breast ;
The roses that bloom when life's aura me-•
departs ;
But his love is the sweetest rose oyer
my .ueart !
'I he lova t e la crown") me
A neoklace around me.
That closer to God and to Heaven bath
"His mother's kis sweetheart !"Through
all the stul years.
1-Jis love is the rainbow that shine
through my tears.
Aly light in God's darkness, when with
my dim eyes
I see not the stars in the storm of His
When I bow'neat•h the rod
And no rose decks the sod.
His love lights tGo pathway that :eads
tue to God !
• h tl hat
Guelph, Nov. 23rd, 1897.
Tho Sloan Medicine Co., ianhilton,
Dear Sirs, -For years I was troubled with periodical sick headaches,
being affected usually every Sunday, and used all the remedies that were
advertised as cures, and was treated by almost every doctor in Guelph bat.
without any relief. One doctor told me it was caused by a weak stomach;
another said it was hereditary and Incurable. I was induced by a neighbor'
to try Sloan's Indian Tonic, and am happy to say I did so. A few doses
gave immediate relief, and one bottle and a -half made a complete cure.
This was three years ago and the headaches have never returned. I was
also troubled with asthma and nothing helped Inc like your Sloan's Indian
Tonic. I can heartily recommend it to all, and will be glad to give any
partieulars to any one afflicted as I was.
For sale by all dealers, or address the Company at Hamilton, Limited.
$1.00 per bottle ; 0 for etiii.00,
o Oma. e'.'t>> quire
^His mother's his sweetheart," Shine
bright for his f
lean sweet
O Lumps on life's bigbrvay 1 and rosesPrinte
To the lips or my darling ! and Gold
grant hie sun
And his stars, to any dutifut, beautiful
For his love- •.lt hath crowned nue -
A necklace around me,
And closer to God and to Heaven bath
bound me !-Prank L Stanton in
February, Ladies' Home Journal.
We are in a position to turn out
Cook's Cotton Boot Compound I
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies, Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
our dru gist for Cooks Cotton Root Com- I
pause of i'Qfuge or other charitable! ` `IP KEPT, MAY INSURE ONE HUN- 1 tor 2, mailed on receipt of price and two ti -cent
LUStltntlen.I stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
(> enforce without fear, favor
I1nsio YEARS Mr
"2,10S. Iand 2sotdanorecommended byau
responsible Druggists in Canada.
or afi;•etian the laws resta•ctiug the
• Trifles �awy.er a well-known Ko, 1 and No. t,r ado by Collo A. Cratpbell,
liquor tr:tllic, and t•' iini.ws4t tram
has been confiding to an audience
such restrict ions on the -sale of in-
toxicating liquors as will prumote beep the following 19 command-
• flow He Defined hope public morality and will protect ments, • 1 • � � and
time to time,as may be practicable
• I.nrut;gist.
physician of »irmingha.nl, England,
' in that town the secret of longevity,
s, and Sir James sees no reason
society from c t un zc nuc .] why you should not live to be 100 :
'Hope," paid she poetically," is
that feeling in the human breast of
which it has been said that it
r springs"---
"A w, I can erive von a 1)eiter
")definition than that," said he.
"Row would you (feline hope, n,
dear ?" she asked - she clninged
leer head from ons sit ,older to the
"llapo," said he,. "i; the feeling
that slips 0111 of you tike water out
of a hitcher when you are On the
Tun down the street for the trolley
tear arid von get half a. block front
the corner." -Detroit Free Press.
kindled vices +
1. Eight hour sleep.
7. To recognize Canadian citizen -
2. Sleep on your right side.
ship as embracing all nationalities your bedroom window
open all night.
4. Have a uiat at your bedroom
5. Do not have your
against the wall.
6. N'�!o 'cold tub in tic morning,
but a Iitttl at the temperature of
the body.
7. Exercise before breakfast.
8. Eat little meat and see that it
is well cooked.
9. (For adults) Drink no milk.
10. Eat plenty of fat to feed the
cells which destroy disease germs.
11. Avoid intoxicants, which
destroy those cells,
12. Daily exercise in the open air.
13. Allow no net animals in your
living rooms. They are apt to
carry about disease germs.
14. Live is the country if you
15. Watch the three D's ---drink-
_ - .--
water, damp and drains.
16. IIave change of occupation. •
11. Take frequent and short
18. Limit your ambition.
19. Keep your tewper.
and creeds, end so to .administer
every law placed upon the, statute
book by the authority of parliament
that the rights of every subject of
her Majesty may be guau•cted against
innovation and restriction from any
source or by any influence whatso-
S. To maintain the rights of the
Province of Ontario, as guaranteed
ny the British North America Act
and to exercise all the powers con-
ferred by the, constitution to pre -
le of
serve inviolate to the peep
Ontario, the tvorkingman, as well
as the capitalist, the legitimate
profits of' their enterprise and in-
dustry. -
' 9.• To tester and strengthen our
The manager of the American tat, relations with the empire to which
tan factory advertised in hist week's ,we belong, and to adopt on all
questions such a resolute, honorable
and progressive policy as will guar-
antee to the Province of Ontario at
all tunes that influence in shaping
the future of the Dominion of
Canada to which it is entitled, by
virtue of its area, wealth and popu-
'Teleseupe for a limber of girls to
learn the rattan business. We • utt•
derstand that he wanted not more
than 20 or at the outside 25 Long
before the hour appointed had arriv
zd, the place was fairly besieged with
girls. In all, over 200 called that
:afternoon, and they still keep cam.
ing.-Walkerton Telescope.
If Yon Wish To Be Well
CONTINUED SUCCESS. Yon "rhudt fortify your system hgainet
Continued succesrx•nteans sterling trier -
attacks of disease. Your blood must
a it. Norway Pias S'Zru ban stainer bo kept pure, your stomach and diges
p jtiveorgans in older, your appetite good,
3uerit-tonna its crtntlnuod Suesons. It I lloocl's Sarsaparilla is the medicine to
cures Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, build you up, purify and enrich your
1loltrseness, sore throat and all throat,blood and give you strength. It creates
and lung troubles. I tin appetite and gives digestive power.
Ilcxlci'S Pilin arse the favorite family and complete cure.
Chatham has abolished the ward elathartic, easy to take, easy to operate.:H. G. FOrtD,
system, and will hereafter sleet a Foreman, Cowan Ave. Fire Hall.
mayor and ten ttidermen by general
An Irishman was once asked by
Mr, henry Cargill hassohl his trot- a tricnd to go. to a concert with
ting mare, Josephine. to an Ottawa ! llinl. Pnt consented. They had
elan, We understand that Mr Car � not proceed far on the; way before
gill has decided to go oat of tttst 11'at asked how much the seats were,
horses. ; His friend said the front scats were
At a lower • e than ever before
13 S
We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and we can
print and supply them as cheap as the cheapest.
• Mr. Stephen Wescott, Freeport,
N.S., found (Burdock Blood Bitters) ���-�
a wonderful blood purifier and gives
his experience as fellows: "I I was
very much run down in health and
employed our local physician who
attended the three months, finally
my leg broke out in running sores
with fearful burning. I had thir-
teen running sores at one time,
from my knee to the top of my foot.
All the medicine I took did me no
good, so I threw it aside and tried
B.B.B. ; when one-half the bottle was
gone., I noticed a change for the
better, and by the time I had finished
two bottles my leg was perfectly
healed and my health greatly im-
Dr. Chase's Cures Catarrh After
Operations Fail.
Toronto, March 161b,1897.
My bby, aged fourteen. has been a suf-
ferer from Catarrh,and lately we submit-
ted bite to no opet ation it the General
Hospital. Since then we have resorted
to Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure, and ono
box of this medicine has made a prompt
Much 11 Little
Is especially true of hood's Pals, form medl-
nine ever containeed so great e'urntive posvCr In
am small space. They are a whole medicine
•chest, al,; ivi ready, al-
-ways efficient ate. nys sat•
'lsfaetor;•; prevent a cold
tr fever, etre .1 Iver ii'•(,
•sie't head:tette, J uulditr, con..ti fnic.en, etc. twe.
"The only fills to talo with lfoad'a sae<ul)arfia
one shilling each, and the back seats
were sixpence each, and programs
!one penny each. "Ali right" said
Pat, "I'11 sit on the programs."
A Mother's Story--1lor Little Girl
Cured of Crotlp.
Mr. John Muir, of Exeter woollen
mills, has purchased from Mr. John
Sweitzer the machinery of the Credi•
ton woollen mills, and intends placing
the entire plant in the company's
rail's at Exeter.
An unknown young man committ-
ed suicide at Jordan by taking car•
boli") stela. lie had. on his person en-
velopes containing+ an address in Tor
onto,and it is supposed he carne from
that city.
Raving trued your medicine. my faith
Is very 11611) in its powers cit*iitIriolt r\Whether
headaches lthe
la. cap
.ro a
and e t.rou the
Nlr hill' € [flood Bitters ewes all forms of head
been subje+Gt to th") tn•oup for a loaf,
time. 1 hurt I found,Cwe'taal'aiu <zrdto tire it and Tutt •, ;mho. oltert+ct uIt ritlattterr for rich
violetlt 1)aea;l-
pi inti;, I3r, <'1t1 1 ached, but 13. 11 1l. cured me before
pentinr, evh,uh 1 e:nntnl speak foo highly tiotehr±nt tho fourth berth+:"
i', 01 lin , ' tre00ssliver Ian
20 ;1Jt,t;duuaJcl St, Barrie, Ont, ;1�lna. �4.:i1.+t::t.t.t,C,y1
Cash must accompany all orders.
Address or call at
PILIa8 a
Printed on the shortest notice and the price in keeping
with the times.
Giye us a call when you are in need of anything in the Printing Title
and we will use you right.
THE TIMES, Winghatn,
on't Spend a Dollar
until you have tried
You can buy them in the paper 5 -'cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cents.
MU port la pet up cheaply to crattfr the antv+rsal present demand for a low prttira.
If you don't find this sort of
Rjpans Tabules
At the Druggist'S'
hive C.crlts
cSt., New York, and they will 1, •c :t• , t '' :+d
t.::'t( ill ',c 'mailed for .41 vents,
e ; clet Ril,ats Tabules ase the very . t. ,oetk.