HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-18, Page 1ffE VOL.WEN GRAM- XXVII;.---NO. 1348. WE SELL CHEAP. BOOTS 9 OUT To -day we open a consign- ment of These boots are concerted by all to be the Acme of Per- fection , in Footwear. They will be a revelation to the peo- 1)1e of Wingham, who have no doubt heard about them, but as yet have not been afforded an opportunity to buy thein. In anticipation of the great demand fort, these boots we have marked . down the price of all other boots we have in stock. If you need any- thing in the line of footwear, it will pay you to call upon us as we have made the prices low enough to satisfy aliyone. H�MITfl & BOVLESI EDUCATION for every young roan told young woman is a good practical beett.ese education. The CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE . STRATPORD, - ONT. offers ttnecekilea1 advantages to all who desire a thorough business traib- trttining ; individual Instruction. 'itudants can enter at any time. Circulars tree. ELLIOTT, Principal. marriage Licensee Issued by PRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic- t;ot to etreet,Winghana, Ont. No witnesses reciutred. CHEAP READING ! Our Clubbing List. In order to Anae 'ens snhaeribera the trouble of waking two or more remittances we have made special arrangements with the publishers by which we are enabled to offer the following publications In connection with tho wlNaliAM TIMES at special low rates from now until January Ist,1800, Spoetal clubbing rates with all newspapers and megavhaes quoted upon application, Cali utast accompany all orators: -- Times and Weekly Globe, . • 61125 Tfrnes and Western ;Advertiser, • 140' Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star and Picture . 175 Tins s and Fanners' Advocate, 100 Times and Farthing, weekly, • 176 Tines and Ladles' Journal. 1.:1;, Times and Montreal weekly Witness, 1 00 Time. and Farmers' Sunt. 1 25 Tlms and fatty Globe . 4 23 Tum n•i naily World ^ 00 1 , •.•:•••ti.trvttcnticinan, ;,•,0 �r.13. !yIlt(ill.4tl. WINGUAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY RUARY 181 J898, 1 A; YEAR IN ADVANCE 0 114 LT -1 ce4 CO C4 aCJ C 4 444 • O cls 19 o�+mo it 0 A" ;+r st 73 01 b Tit • y ,t C6 en ct ,o 1114., ,r ,- - w .g 4.. "4 y' ff o CO m � GNI Jo Saa a0o� N 0 NEW A'DVERTISI::IiENTS. M. H SicIndoo--•Areca Goods Custom 't' r\ lulls -New Gonda McKinnon t; Co -Wo advertiseniers W II Campbell -Property for sale It Vanstone-Mortgage sale of Restaurant, stock and Fixtures Ireland Button -Specials Duffield & Son -Special G T Donaldson-Specil &ARROW SUP)P081'EAS. The supporters 'of M . Garrote in tow have been holding m tings every night this week, in their club rooms, over Gordon & Co.'s drug store? The rooms will be open this ( riday) evening and every evening next eek. • All of Mr. Garrotes supporters' it town and vicinity aro requested to be pr sent. LOCAL NEWS. • Wanted -good butter and eggs. Highest prices paid. V, 0, Graham's grocery ,store, Chisloelne block. Tnie 11rovnixins- end was received in town this week from ho party of Weng- hamites that recently eft for the Klondike. They have reached Edmonton and Will remain'there for n e uple of weeks, before proceeding on their 1arney. Tne CintIS 1 --- S ap I t N number of the Scotch - nide of town we • t to Teeswater on Thursday evening last week, to attend the Soti of Sootlat concert in that place. They report that 11 ey were present at the best colleen of the.eason. Wxni•, Tager GE In -President Currie and Secretary ito ertson, of the 1'urnberry Agricultural Soo'.ty, have made applica- tion to the G. T R. for the' privilego of refining an esu sloe over their lino to the Experiments Farm, at Guelph. No deiinito answer h s been received from the company yet. SnnaieN otr Ct-x x:.ce-- On page siz of 'this lame will be foun a aerrnon on curling, delivered by Bev. A. 13. ivdeldrum, of 5t. Paul, as appeared n the St. Paul Pioneer, of January 17th, : nd for which we are indebted to Mr. J 13. Elliott, of Altoona, Wis., a former a•=11 -known tVingbatnite. It is worthy of a p rusal. Femmes' INBTIT TE -From the Godorich Signal we learn hat a meeting of the Met Huron Fart ers' Institute will be held in' Wingham on Saturday, March 5th.' Major James Sheppard, of Queens. town, and .Joseph Gould, of Uxbridge, along with local speakers, will deliver addresses at this m=:oing. VaTEIt>: nits -A. the annual meeting of the Huron Ve erinary lYledical As- sooiiation held here on Wednesday of last week, the following officere were elected for the ensuing y,ar: Preaidennt, 0. ,F. 141cGiregor, Conde e ; Vico president, J. Hamilton, Goder'. h : Secretary, John Wilson, Wiagha ; Treasurer, J. B. $iaekall; Clinton. A. SAD Mauer or- sad gloom was thrown over the t.wn ca Saturday last, when it became k own that Miss Minnie M. Drew had pa -ed away to the great beyond an Pride evening, in her 22nd year. Deceased h d bsen ailing for some. time past, but no ling of a serious nature was thought of an ti a few days before her death,. Miss Dre was the tb' d daughter of Mr. Wrn, Drew of towirVid was held in very high est em by all whom she became aoquainte, with, and she will be much missed. T re funeral. on Monday, to the Wingham ee etery, was very largely attended by th t fr ends and relatives. The community wit sympathize with the bereaved family z their sore Winton. OUNCES HANDS -Kr 11. Chester, who has been publisher of he Clifford Express for the past few ye rs, has sold out to Mr. Jas. R. Aitehis. , of Seafc rtb, who took possession Bast • eek. RillINAwAY tl Fling's delivery lively on the fr minutes. It rad f to the oid r tui! damage.;) Thursday afternoon, arse ntacte things nt street for a few •om the butcher shop without' doin; any -AT AN Ux.0 Ars On•Sunday morning last an old and higl ly respeoted resident of Listowel passed t the great beyond, in the person of Eliza raver, relict of the late Henry Arnold aimer, in her 85th year. Deceased lad was mother of Mrs. D. M. alordori, of th . town, who will have the sympathy of on townspeople in her affliction. Mr. and i rs. Gordon and Miss Etta Gordon attented the funeral et .Listowel this week. Tree ROAMS' GAM An interesting curl. ing match was playe. at the rink here, on Tuesday afternoon le 1, bet rcen a rink of old and young men. The 'old men proved too much for the y ung fellows, as will be eau by the score: OLn Men Yoxne Mee: W. Barrauct, V. Vannorman, :W 'Taylor. Geo. Sadler, T. Gingery, W.l'anstone, 10. Patterson, skip 21 Dr, J.R..Mac. donaid, skip -12 Pamencn RAitor init'n 'he Liberals of Wingham here :nrprisea on Tuesday evening, when the learned that Premier Hardy would arri a hero on the 8 o'clock Wain that eyenin. A number went to the station and met , on and he was, esoUrted to the -Brunswi k hotel. All who were aware that lie w's in town called at the betel ane had -a shake. of his .Band and a short nonVersat on. Iie was on his way from Exete sere he bad spoke in the afternoon left on Wednesday's 0. 11. noon train for Mt. Forest, where he would speak inhe evening. • ^e"Tho Tortes three paps's in at home. No d scribers wish i Wingham Ady Tioxas is still stand. Many o scribers" have renew their et some have alb always a end o eav gooditpapera be treated le te leave your ord marks that it is one of the uron county all printed ubt its long enffering sub - .would let out the job."- oe. We may say that the oing business at tlto old cur "long seffering sub.. 'ailed during: the week to Jiseriptiarle for 1808, and paid for 1899. We have ed to give g I our readers as possible. If you want to • honest, upright manner, tt for all work at the Tllms A.uot'rolts' 41St o wy--The auditors' eh- etract of the ree.ipts and expenditure, of the Township o 'Turnberry, appears on page seven of is issue. Turnberry is a welt managed' ownahlp, Mn. 13Fcit I; `T'OR'N --Mr. Joe Beck, the Conservative •andidato in West Huron, has been in feeling the p Arany of the wilt favor ea the oampaig met his frien laid the affei electors, in a won many p Aa Ora) residents of Friday last, had died a Mundell, G carpenter b vicinity for of months paralytic st low for a 1 year of hi terred in Saturday I Gxtnsutr» evening of Company �ttttspices o 5nd were g Tho campa of Prof. 11 of some ex bat, the musician an with her Gordon, so and her pier all. Tho h gratulated o as it was th audience had for some rim wu during the past week, lee of his supporters stere. Waters are wondering if be with a piddle meeting during; Ur. (Xarrow was here and s, held a public meeting and s of the country before the fair and honest manner, and sane] friends, SIDENT any of the old is vicinity wore grieved, on o hear that Thos M Dunn the residence of Mr Wm annan, Mr Dunn was a trade and lived in this number of years A. number go he was seized with a oke and bad been lying very g tine Ile was in the GStb age. The remains were in - the Wingham cemetery on st. ottnor Co. -,0n Thursday ast .week, the Gilbert -Gordon gave a concert • under the the Wingham Hockey Club eeted with a very good house. y was under the management ll,.of Toronto, and is composed Ilent performers. Miss Gil• ornet soloist, is a spleudid the hearers were delighted oduotiona. Mrs. D. Louis etren las a very fine voice s were much appreciated by ckey bays are to be con- i the success of their conceit; best one that a Wingbape. had the privilege hi attending A Tericrniue Amelia Poem noon to a Inn rooms. The dress was 'for largely to th came expectin that the most to a woman s went away dis ceate subjects Iran ie . I s were ap so serene and be so illuminated b chastened by th office. .. • said "neither do Da. You:Sex;'• ',avant -On Monday man •tvha thou avould be abashe tender plea,for story of Chri Lien Character•," in tee appeal to all the bnrcii here, ander the to protect "youi W. C. T. U. Dr. Yoentans even from'llersel f Engl'and. woman, Vicar- there wes.0gthi World's W. C. m. U„ and in words, or vol ded houses in all the large speech by a ivdi s wherever she bas spoken. Here, that one to the lecture- is 'only 1& e)'iticise it; if afternoon of the stone day address, beside will deliver an . address to and well reason church, All the ladies are would say of tli 'ted. A. collection will be ion Mit..- ovrk-Mrs. Dr. s lectured yesterday after - louse, in the Y. M. C. A. nnouncemer,t that, the ed; men only no doubt added attendance If any one he would hear anything stidions taste would object tug to a lot ofmen, he ppointed. The fiery delis that the announcement` reachedand •dis s . a au sed in utiful a spirit, they were the light of charity, eo very spirit of Tian who condemn thee," that any ht to find evil in them and confounded. The he unhappy. the strong is manly its her hearers little sister,' if need be, was most touching; yet g hysterical or falsetto e, or .manner. A public an is so unusual a thing bardfy kuows how to a man made the same saying it was eloquent d, and very effective, we speaker, "that he spoke evening, Fehr ary 28th, Dr. 3oemans, ,of Winnipeg, w 11 deliver a lecture on "The Presbyterian auspices of the is'a Church president of th has drawn oro cities and tow The adinissio cents. In. th Dr. 'Taman ladies, in the cordially in taken. Saito Oen week says it Mr. M. H. FI the oldest of 1678 We ware shown some this week by Dr. Towler, o this town, which are a great deal ceder the the ot,es in the possession of ;lir Flarr on, The oldest document shown us by iir. Towler, is a probate dopy of a will made by Lawrence Flesher, dated the 4th day of ebruar+,1634. The paper, on which this '11 was written, is a heavy parchment wh cls does not seem to be much the tvara• of *eat by the weight of years, and the t rating is of ancient style, but can be read . fter a little studying Tho next oldest reli is 'a copy o$ a book, en- titled "A collet; 'on of Farewell Sermoria preached by late Landon Ministers," whielt was printed in 66$. ,rho book contains 450 pages 4 x 7 i cbes, giving the pictures of the mniintets • ho pti ached the oernions,, bound in a thick eatheroaver. The paper need in the book .: similar to coarse, heavy wrapping paper, • etch has turned some- what yellow with .go, but the print is in good shape and c n be read. The nest oldest Was a copy a will glade by John Flasher in the yeti 1792. This 'document %vhiah was written on hep.vy parchment paper and signed by iiir. Flosher, contained the old fashioned e' 1, which is about thea sire of it person's h nit. The writing can be made ont and is as plainas the day it was put there. Th• 1)r. prizes these; old relics a great deal, .I.d well, the may, as they are something a orth keeping. 111ce a scholar ter d a gentleman." As the matter • of the MACS -The Advance of last benediction, if it as shown some old relics- by aero!. --Lindsay rnson, of East Wattannsb, Salo Register, 'blob was it hook printed in • address; it would be a were published word for at. Wednesday, Feb uary 23rd --There will be sold by public a otion, withbut reserve, v a the cin ble farm tock as,ct implements of George Cassels, on south half lots 23 and 24, con. 1, Morris. Sale at 1 o'clock. J. Currie, Auctionee>f. Fridtay, Febrtiary 251h -There will bo sold by public auction, without reserve, the valuable farm stock, implements, and household furniture of John Gemmitl, on lot 1, con. 6, Turnberry. Sale at 12 o'clock 'Jos. Cowan, Auctioneer. Wednesday, March 2nd -There will be cold by.publie auction, the valuable town • property of the estate of the late tilize ,Dale, al the Bxchangs hotel, 1'Vinghans. P. beans, Auctioneer. Thursday, Mareh :hal-There will be *sold by public auction, the valuable farm and viflfgii property of the estate of Daniel McKenzie, at the Vendome Notal, Tees - Water. J'olin Farquharson, Auctioneer. Ask Your 5)ootor, He will tell you that Scott's Emulsion cures pov6rty of the blood and debility of thele nerves. He will say that itis the best remedy intho world for delicate children, •-•A bofn to the to Winglrafn. T. Campbell's drug et 23rd. If vont sig Mall and sec hi listed. Ho is coining . Smith will be at 0 A tre on Wednesday, Feb. t ie elicetcd, don't fail 134441334.331443.4333440.313440. SMALL LOCALS. IDhittbohn's Condition Powders for horses and cattle are uuegnalied. -75 cents till the eta of this year, --A Guelph man oasts of having snow -Campbelt'e Headache Wafers amen- 1 ball flowers ip,his , rden. teed te,cure headache. -One or two Vinghamites will bee -'.'he oten :lir risk is in ft awing t ietereatedrt,box in rectal wedcr IgsI3elnextinorweek. again. !!! e, Tuesday r somite 114;1,41 bot ese ting, etre* a n nether of y ug people of •is;roc. It Gown. livery is new ot,:?ri fes In guessing off • or the gold watch, :oil „at Leland d: But ':, on Saturday last„ -The Tneaps is beaelqurtera fr,r private' +i r. JamesMcC ' n was the lucky roan.post cards and tvaxidint; attiunery, " -Confederate 65 and 810 bills are its -Ash \Vednesd :yie hrlx a i..r:;d,t,,, circulation taro ghoul the protium Look aoxt, which is the fast day .If L• 114., out for tllens, Privatefands tq loan at liw,et ,'sxt's. --Tpirts and Weakly Globe $1.25 per Apply to IF. Davis, ti.'it,gbaq., 5d'v'; .'Sun 1I6;per yearly Globe and Weekly -Conductor SVarn .ley, -of the I� . II, ;� �" B , is again on duty, after his illness.* S- t. Valentine's day lust ilianilay.. The custom of sending va entin©s is dein;; out. -Court Huron, 1 O. F., holdte its regular meeting en f'nesdaay ,Iveuing next. Arthur .L Irwin, D. I). h , of Win;hain, visits Blyth every Wednesday: The lest call, 0 settled. Jas. I)uftl --Tbe KIondit4e business. a e ti ---Mi'. A. Burkholde shipped 3000 bush- els of teats this wee to Messrs. rihtlddin ah Co., Montreal -A new story will begun inn our Issue of the 25th. You oan g t the Tutus tie the end of 1898 for 75 cot s. -Grain has been •otniug to Wingbatih in large quantities t is' week. Our buyers pay the highest price •—Mark Clark, of ,peter, is the latest addition to the Hoe of'Iteiuge intniites, making the total the in.n80.- Fresh oysters served lo any styire at James McKelvie's Star 'restaurant. -Mrs, D. 'Louis Gor on, who appeared here with the Gilbert- ordon Company, has withdrawn from ti a Company. -The wood rile h been In constant use during the cold nap. There isnot very much wood being ffered 00 the mall et. --Tell your friends that our new story will oommepee neat week and that :they, can ' have tits Term unit . the end ,.o 'this year for 75 cents. 3,, We are handling any quantity of butter, eggs and dried apples --dash or trade. Also all kinds of poultry. G. B. Ring. -It looks as though there would be very little betting in this s tion on the result of the election. As ti e time draws tear, the fever. nuty rise in this direction, -The Brussels pa ers speak in glowing terms of the way m hioh the Wingham Dramatic Club preset ted the play "Eemer- alga" in that town re esti ': ROOMS, n(iVP oeeupiod by John Ritehie, to let in the Maedonaid block. --Conductor Fitzg •a1d and the ofher trainmen who were sa pended, on account of the accident near ancardiue recently, bays' been put on do again. Gorrie Vid tte says their is a report that two men ere frozen to death between Wiughane at d Lucknow recently. This is the first w have heard of the rumor. Fifty five acres in Elm and 100 acres in Waavaeosh for e o r rent Good buildings and well ' n roved. Apply to G. Y. Donatdson, Pal rstou, Ont., cc to A T. Smith, Winghatn, Vet. 31 - The Canadian 1' resters, of White- church, are hoiclin an oyster supper and concert tits (l.'' day) evening. Sev- eral ti'inghamites v ill no doubt attend tbo same. -For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webetor e.4: Ca. Remember the place, in Queen's block. -A few from la' nglem took in the postponed skating tee, at Lneknow, on Wednesday oyening Air. Harley David- son, of Toronto, wo first and the Jones Bras., of \Valkertot second and third. -T. T. P. Smith Ey Specialist, will be in Wingham on Weft day, Feb 23rd, (one day only) at C. A, C ntpbeil's Drug '. re. If you have any clef 't in your eye lit, it will pay you to see on exaininat' • n free, Anyone who i. oing to bo, anything that is kept in te per Po .intro Store, or going to get ary pi tut xrawed, will have the advent to• f nether guessing •4444 r ,1e. & ,Button's, of will be given next week, -Bed-spei.eg v adore are working in the vicinity. Our r aders would do well to give these fellows be told shoulder. There are several men i Wingham who can give you good value in that line. smp wllieh particulars 1thr.•Gcorgc . lien, who has spent the past month in th village, left oil Monday mornnug for Wit •'hath. During his stay there he has ma d . Irlalty friends and his trombone select ons were lliglsly ap- preciated.--i',uck ow Sentinel. Dr. 3..R. Macdonald is now per- manently nt home ana o.ui be con- sulted by his patrons. number vantage of Mr. A oli Friday last, •t •bUa speak. • lvi4r, 1t. F,llio ing the Wingha at thew Grand L this week. f Winglreanites took ad- hitney's visit to Brussels,. ud went ever and heard t, of Ingersoll. is represent I lodge of Inc It. T. of T. lee meeting in sit, :phomate ;WPM xlA.l i • 'CbeAMP44 Lucknowandb\i good ex1t'raitib 1° b nessed by a• lge this little practice t their first' game tl a,complete surjIri Lneknow, if at combination, alt! showed :their oppo or two about this defence is good, L strong player. TI praying probably n the Wingham boys, Uttrvey played th forwards for S,tieleri played well, Witco maa'a. work, and and. McLaucbliu on e strong game, but t combination. If ou the game as It shoul matte all the teams lleferee Berry, o team$ together at $ immediatelyfaced. of the draw (as he match) and the puol the Lucknow goal: play MoLauchlin sic) Tide waa 80011 Q4 that ft gaits took th 'they fully cxpeetcd but soon found outfit at our boys with a r minutes Lucknow se The puck was fat scoring was done score being even. The second half tl pressing the Luck minutes hard play spilt, Merry of the L a bad cut behind tl from the pock. T1. a little while. It minutes to score t made it -1 in e ESEY. 2, zrcxNow 1. natty eight between the gham teams was a vary • haokey, and was 'wit - umber of the lovers of; ether, and this being s season, the result wast to everybody. ytbing, played thebest: ough otrrettees at times, exits they 'knew a thing yle of play. Lucltnow'si arena: at point being sir forward line, whilee re combination them is not as strong. Mr.-• best hockey on the w, while ottr boys alk t point dieing yoe- bishelrn, J. Hodgson„ be forwards alt played ey Jack very ranch in boys would practice bo played they would ustle, Lneknow, called thy, '9 and the pttck waa Hodgson x1•,i;t the best; did all throrgil the was immediately on Iffter 43 minutes hand •ed for Wingham. urs sae to Lucknow brtath out of that. to have an easy time sir mistake and went sit. After playing red. Score --1-1. 1 'main, bur no more till half time, the Lueltnow disputed tieing given they the game acid left t These .w.aaa s side_..,,ew=suet 1Yi tgham-•-9-Il. Wilson, point; Me Alderson, Perrinh Hodgson, forwards. Lucknow- 1 --- Lawrence, point ; Wallace, Corriga McCurvey, forward i,1•ntpires--S. T Sills, 'Wingham. ailed with Wingham. w goal. After els the first blood Was olcnowteam receiving right ear by a blow s delayed the game t•ok Wingham 201 .8 next goal, which ingliatn's favor, but the -goal and on • efused to play out e ice. •iizs?r'e"tt'tgr eflf e Lep etude) fogems, goal; O uebliu, cover point ► eson, Chisholm, J. . Corrigan, goal; avidson, cover point; , Merry, Treleaven, -nob, T.ucitnow, and •G, CU The hoiue of the scene of a le day last. The age of !lis yaun to Mr. S. Straits water. A ntltnber of took in the Sons itt Teeswater, o 121st, and report time. Mrs. iiicKay, months has be father's, Mr. „Nei turned to her he Rev. Mr. Reid gospel meeting h 'files. !sols 011 t t•+'lir. and Mrs. ftiendsin 1178WItl .ROSS r, R. McKenzie WUd► tivity ort Wednes— 'ent was the rni'ri— st dan;hter, Jcssiet 11, formerly of Tees-