HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-04, Page 10_8(
l ii-Elev 1N 111A.]i TIMEb, FEBRUARY 4, 1898. .
It H. I oII DDD.
until after stock -taking, Feb. 1.
Reductions made regardless
of cost, More money -saving
than you have seen in this
shop for some time.
Dress Goods, Silks, Mantle
Cloths, Ready-made Mantles,
Ready-made Clothing, Fur
Coats, Capes, Caps and Ruffs,
Carpets, Lace Curtains, Boots
and Shoes.
Just opened this week, New
Dress Goods, Prints, Shirt-
ings, Cottonades, Tweeds,
Shoes and Slippers, Gloves
and Hosiery.
All to be sold at Bargain
Prices until Feb. 1. Every
day bargain day at
H. fficii4D001
CEO-B.1.a T7 ()TES.
Mr. Buchannan, evangelist, of Toronto,
conducted services in Be]i's hall, ou Friday
and Sunday evenings last.
• The regular monthly social of the Young
People's Guild, of St. Paul's church, will
be held on Monday evening next.
Rev. Jolty Ross, B. A., of Brussels, will
preach in the Presbyterian church on Sun-
day next. Rev. Mr. Perrie will preach in
Melville church, Breescla.
.Rev. D. Parris. preached anniversary
:.•sermons in Knox church, Harriston, on
••Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Malcolrn,llarriston,
.took Mr. Perrie's p'..'- hare.
Mr. Hugh U. G irnonr and 11 ife, of
:Hoose jaw, N. W. T., are visiting. his
brother Thomas.
Mr. John, Ligan, of Iliilsgreen,
who was visiting his uncle Mr. Thos.:
Gilmour, returned horse last Friday. i
It is reported that Mr. Barry Wells'
is going to erreet a grain warehouse
This place has been opened up as
a telegraph station.
Miss Polly Duff of this place had a
capital letter in the Canadian Folk -
Lore page of last Satur'day's 0 lobe,
We will publish the sauce in our next ,
The financial statement of the
In our town which would add greatly Presbyterian church here has been
to its industry. printed and sante will be distributed.
Mr. John Me1iwen, of the first line on Sunday next.
of Norris, visited his friends, of this
place, on Sunday last.
Miss Maud Tucker, of Wingham,
was visiting her sister Mrs.Wnm.
Robinson fur a few days this week.
Rev, Mr. Forrest, of Walton, Oeeup•
pied the pulpit for Rev. ',Sir. West last
Sunday. Mr. \Vest is taking his
place at Walton.
• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harkness were
visiting friends in Brussels this week.
Miss Jane Small is visiting her
sister Mrs. Hugh McDonald of
Dir. Jas. Elliot:;, of Toronto, form-
erly of 12 eon. East `'Vawanosh, is
visiting at J G. Fi'fe's this week.
The following gives the standing
of S. S. No. 8 for the month of Jana-
Total, 400.
V James Knox, 293..
IV sr., Arletta Earrend, 280; Geo.
Garniss, 218 1 David Irvine, 173,
Vi jr., Lorne Knox, 3.48 ; Willie
Thornton 34.4 ; Gordon Elnbury,323;
Robert Farrend, 314.
III sr., Alice Paul, 358; Ettie
Agar, 347 ; Pearl Embnry, 318 , W.
Jermyn, 290 ; Venna Knox, 271 ;
Ruby Knox, 255 ; Chas. Garniss,
232 , Martha Ingram, 216.
III jr , Eva M. Soucb, 313 ; John
Garniss, 244 ; Xarifa, Fraser, 240.
II sr., Fred Pngh, 310 ; Dora Mc-
Allister, 22p ; Milton Jermyn, 228 ;
Alex Rutledge.
II jr., Emma Jermyn. 325 ; Annie
Gamins, 323 ; Olive Fitzsimmons,
322 ; May Thornton 173 ; Geo. Rut-
Pt. II, hazel Embury 350 ; Chas.
Agar, 214.
Sr. I, Harvie Knox, Willie Forbes,
Wm, H. Jacklin, Tommy Jermyn.
Jr. 1, Vonnie Rutledge, Willie
Fitzsimmons, Huldah Rutledge, Stan-
ley Rutledge.
Mr. John Proctor, of this township,
has been seriously ill for some time
past. A. consultation was held over
hint on Wednesday last. At last re-
ports he was resting somewhat easier.
The regular mouthy •horse fair
was held on Thursday.
Fourth Division Court will be held
here on Tuesday next.
Mr. Joseph Muir, has been install-
ed as janitor of the Public School.
Deputy Postmaster Ross received
a postcard the other day from a
young lady on which there were 731
May. G. J. Abey, of Brussels, preached There is talk of a carpet and rug
manufactory being brought to Brus-
Rev. R. J. Treleaven, of Brantford
occupied the pulpit of the, Methodist
church on Sunday last. Monday
evening he delivered a lecture on
"Say so."
in the barracks on Sunday last, prior to Rev. W. Lowe, preached mission -
leaving for their new charge in Sinice,John's
They will ba succeeded by Captain i �uyradsey last rmons 11rR v Vii 1b Church oa
like service for lir. Lowe at Wing -
The anniversary sarvices of the wing. ham.
ham Presbyterian church will bo held on I At the annual meeting of the Mel -
Sunday, February 13th. Revr. Stewart, ville congregation, held recently the
of London South, will preach &7both mein- l
ing and evening. .A. grand tea•meeting will !following Board of Managers was
be held the following Monday evening. Full t elected :- or 3 years, James Turn -
particulars will be given in our next issue. bI'nll, D. C. Ross, Walter Innes and
.A. meeting of the Local Union of Y. P.' James Fox ; for 2 years, Malcolm
S. was held in the Baptist church, en Black, James Speir, Arch Ilislop and
Tuesday evening lest. After devotional i DOitaid Crerar ; for 1 year, Jas
exercises, Rsv. Jas. Hamilton acted as ; Strachan, G F. 13lair, Thos. David
chairmau, in the absence of the President, ; on and Alex Stewart. J. G. ,Skene
and briefly stated the object of the meeting, + Treasurer. The Missionary Assoeia-
after which Mr, Jas. Earl gave a practical I tion is composed of Thomas Strach-
and eloquent address on the aims and ; an, Alex, Stewart,(Queen street) Mrs.
advantages of a Local Union. This ad- Barnhill, Mrs. J. R. Smith, Mrs. A.
dross was followed by a few remarks, along Strachan, Mrs Barbara Straehatv and
the same line, by the chairman, who also i Mrs. John Scott. Alex. Strachan,
presented a few thoughts on the "Supremo + Secretary -Treasurer. It was deeid-
Motive in Christian Work." The following i• ed to devote $200 of the balapee on
officers were elected £+)r the ensuing year : , hand to the reduction of the mortgage
President, Dr. Towler; Vice -Pres., N. A.
Far nhareon; Sea•'1'reas., Jas. Earl;ton the manse, and it was also itgreed
Executive, Cotnlnitte-tiro above officers, ; to set plans on foot to raise :500 by
Mies Jennie Long, Airs. Graham, Messrs, 1 the first of August. To apply on the
Alex. Ritchie and John ikelr. Tire Exeeu- same indebtedness. The mortgage
tive will meet at the call of the President, ; is 151,172. D. Stewast was elected
and monthly niectiega held during the Congregational Secretary, and J. II.
Cameron, ameron, and W. J. Stewart, Audi.
'the annual missionary sermons in St.
Paul's church, ou :iaboa.th last. Rev. W.
Lowe conducted a Ilk., service for Mr.
Abey in St, John's c.iarch, Brussels.
Adjataut Myles a ld wife, who have
been in uharge of the Salvation Army
here for some time, hid farewell meetings
On Wednesday, Jan. 10th, Miss
Barbara McDonald, daughter of Mr. •
Ales. McDonald, of Culross, became
the wife of Mr. John A. Sharpe also
of Culross, The ceremony took place
at the home of the bride's parents and
was performed) by Rev, Jas. lia.lcolm.
The bride was handsomely attired
and was accompanied to the altar by
her sister Miss Elizabeth. Mr. Jas,
Allison of, Culross, performed the
duties of the groomsman: A large
number of guests were present on the
happy occasion. The presents given
to the bride were very handsome in
appearance and almost unliluited in
Miss Boyd, of M. Forest, is visiting
at Mr. D. Ireland's.
The following is from the Thames -
ford correspondent of the London
News : It is with the deepest re-
gret that we report ' the death on
Tuesday morning of Mrs, James Mc-
Kay, whose illness we have from
time to time mentioned in these col-
umns. Deceased lady was 46 years
of age, and besides her husband,
leaves behind to mourn her loss,
three daughters :-Mrs. Chas. Dallas
of Preston ; Mrs. James Clubb of
Thamesford, Mrs. Thomas 'Atmore
of Wroxeter, and one son, Thomas,
C. P. R. operator at Wingham. Mr.
McKay. who bas carried on a cooper-
age business here for about seven
years, moved his family here from
Bright, and since her appearance
among us, Mrs. .McKay has been
closely identified with the work of
the Methodist church of which she
was a constant attendant. Mi'. Mc-
Kay and his sorrowing family have
the sympathy of the entire commun-
The stormy weather of this week
has interfered with business a great
d 1.
tt is our sad duty. this week to
chrome a the death of the oldest resi-
dent ofin the person • of
Mrs, Kate Martin, relict of the late
John Martin, who died here about
five years ago. She was ot'e of the
old pioneers of the township of Turn -
berry, and had re hed the advanced
age of 89 years.iiSince the death
of her late husband, she had resided
at the home of tier daughter, Mrs. R.
Sanburn, where she departed this
life on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 22
after a painful illness of several days.
Mr. R. J.Ra.e has commenced learn-
ing the blacksmithing businecs with
Mr. John Davidson.
Mr. Wm. Weldon of Corrie has
gone to Manitoba. He spent a few
days here with old friends, before
his departure.
The concert under the auspices of
the Public School will be held on
Friday evening, the llth inst.
It is reported that we are to have
a new blacksmith in town.
Master Will Young is learning the
milling business with Mr R. Black.
The Doherty organ factory, which
has been the boast of Clinton citizen§ What He Has Done For
for twenty years, was reduced to
ashes on Tuesclav morning. The
entire plant occupied halt' a block, dean Peoale
and is a total loss, not even the lam- •
her having been saved. The origin
of the flee is a mystery, except that READ WHAT THEY SAY
it originated in the hot blast fan
which was used to heat the buildings.
The night watchman on duty smelt Rheumatism, Catarrh, Dyspepsia
Other Ailments re
by the Use of His
• Wonderful' Little
Well -Known Cana -
faro, and soon located it in the steel
box which contained the. fan. He at
once st piped the working of the fan
and started the pumps. By the tithe,
he returned to the fan with the hose f
the beat and lire were so intense that
he was driven back and almost subs-- i
Gated. A general alarin was then
sounded, but owing to the veru deep
snow, it was with difficulty that the
steam engine arrived at the tanks
near the factory. The temperature
was considerably below zero, and a
Mr. N. J, lliinor, bicycle maker with E.
C. Stearns & Co., bicycle wor.., and re-
siding at 100 Borden street; ' oront% .On-
tarlo, Ctnada,. says "I su red intense
pain for nearly three years out dyspepsia
and constlpatlon, acconipa ed by a long
train of distressing sync, oms. t had no
appetite, n sour st me , was melancholy
and nervous. I cot d of sleep and there
veryhigh wind blowing,it was with {vas also consider e emaciation. One
„ month ago I dee 1 d to try :llunyon's
difliiculty that the firemen could do Itemedles and aft r using two bottles of
the dyspepsia cure I was completely cured
and am to -day in the enjoyment of excel-
The factory was a. very large one Jent health and spirits. I am able 'to eat
S y h scything, I consider my cure most won-
tlnd yet not large enough to meet the derfll ,and cannot endorse Itiunyou too
demands of the trade, and Mr. Duller• A$an3oa's r.leumatte caro selaor� ta: a fe rG,
ty was snaking arrengerpents to build °reeve to one to three bout's and cures lit a taw,
Guys, Price 25e.
another large addition this year. rdnnyoa's Dyspepsia Cure pt• irl.•.'y turas all
' The building,'stock and machinesy•rma Siteof . ludlgeatton and stout;ccsr troubles,!
' %['forico ,
was valued at 5100,000, and there ; AYunyon'e Ceid Cure prevents gneuraonia ens:
hies) a up a tioid la a few boom. rites 2�e,
were nearly 1,000 organs on the way 1 bianyon'n Cot:5h Cure steps coughs, night
s{ceats, arrays soreness end
spcedlly Beals tba
to completion, While in the yard there 1 In fel. on ll Kidney Cure-speedny 00:08 gains
were nearly a million feet of valuable ; In thn back, loins or gross, and all forms „cf.
lumber. Against all this there is but' I`t flienvaniiatrervarCuier'stopt ttervonsneao sate.
a small insurance, frpitl thirty to hulas up the system. trice '25^•
at,;:.y: .'a Headache C' re stops bba0aehe la'
forty thousand dollars, hence Mr. Itlroe minutes, Price 25e.
ilianyoa's rile Ointment positively cures at
Doherty s loss will be very heavy. Corms of piles. ,Price 25e. .
About ' 150 risen were employed, M,,a ell's nieod Cnre eradicates all impurities
&,+ the bleed. files 25e.
ancl for them to, be turned out the rdeTyra', i wale remedies ere a bocn to all
great^. n.
coldest day in the winter is to say t110 , Mtuu'On'a Catarrh Remedies never fail. The.
catarrh Cure—price 2iic.—aradicntes the dtneea
least not pleasant. farm the eystem. stud tbo e:atnr h Tablet'a-price-
MT, Doherty's residence, whichvGc.--cleunse and Ileal th•a parts..
tdisyea's Asthma Remetlioa relieve in three'
was untor'tunate enough to be situat inl:n:tes and cure permanently. ;.'rice 11.
Vitalizer, • a great tonic and re•
ed right behind the factory, was also swearer vital strength to weak people. $1.
l," A separate cure for each disease., At all drug.
totally destroyed. His family aro gists mostly ..a cents a vial.
Porsonel.lettera to Prof. 3:bayou. 11. Albert
therefore without a home. sir -^t. Toronto. Ont., anNAM free 134e41,Much sympathy is expressed for we geese for any dtscasc-
all concerned, and the town council,
is prepared to give Mr. Doher-
ty almost anything he asks, for he
has long been recognized as the back •
bone of the town and our most phill-
anthropic citizen.
Charlotte Vandewater jumped
from a ladder and was seriously in-
jured in escaping from a blazing
house a Kingston_
The St. Jean Baptiste Church on
Rachel street, Montreal, was destroy-
ed b t' fire, and the Presbytery adjoin
ing was also badly damaged. .Che
loss -will be 5175,000 or $200,000.
Mr. Charles M. days, General Man-
ager of the G, T. R., denies the re•
port that the Grand Trunk is interest
ing itself in Premier Greenwav's
scheme for building a line from Win-
nipeg to Lake Superior.
Another ease of smallpox has deve-
loped at Montreal.
Hamilton City Council has decided
to abolish the statute labor tax.
The annual meeting elf the Grand '
Ontario Or.tugo Lodge West, which , A little adopted daughter of Mr. C.
wag called to meet at Palmerston on eV. Barrows of London was given
march 1, has been I'ostpt'ned till strychnine in mistake for medicine
March 15. with fatal results.
Lost in the trap i =ion by mail be-
tween Wingham r Ayr, a note dated
Jan. 3rd, 1898, two hundred and
forty-eight doll' signed Seymour
Thornton, in favor of Jas. 'Timmins.
Take notice that the• validness of this
note is cancelled for all time.
The administratrix of the estate of
Alexander Dawson, deceased. offers for
sale the
Two Stores in Wingham
now oceupled by Messrs. N, A. Far-
quharson and W. H. Wallace, Offers for
the same should be addressed to
3. A. MORTON, Wingham,
Solicitor for the Estate.
For Over Flftw Vars.
/is Or.0 Mn) wia,r.-Wahl) Maui:,DY-
Mr's. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used fur over fifty years by 15111 -
'tone of mothers kr their children while
teething, with perfect success. It soothes
the child, softens the gunlo,- allays all
pain, euros wind colic, and is the best
ietticdy for diarrhoea. In pleasant to
the taste. Sold by druggists in every
part of the world. 'Twenty -tine ,:ants a
bottle. Its value is incalu..ble.Be sure
'and utak for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup, and take no other kind
House and lot For Scalls,
• The undersigned offers his house and
lot on Alice street for sale. The house
is a nine room frame oue, with kitchen,
and there is a number of good fruit trees
en the lot. For full particulars apply to
JAS. WILSON'', Wingltam.
Farm for Sale or to Rent
The undersigned offers his farts for
sale, being south part lots 11 and 12, eon.
2, Mortis, containing 170 acres, more or Pianos ®Y°�'a Violin A. Ito ,]k'
less, for sale or to rent. For full par- 4. g 9 9
tieulare apply to
Opposite Queen's Hotel, Winghttut.
For an easy Shave and a First -Class,
Hair Out, give him a trial.
Razors Honed.
is doing. more for its pupils than any
other 13usinesb College in the Dominion.
43 pupils were placed in two /months.
Students from all quarters are flocking
to this wor..hy Business Sohool.
Besides a large attendance from Chat-
ham, there are already this year, 93
pupils registered from outside points -
60 of them from points nearer to other
Business Colleges than to Chatham.
We presume these people investigated
the merits of the different schools, and
decided that nothing but the best would
satisfy them, hence they are here.
Write for catalogue of either depart-
ment and a list of the 43 pupils placed in
two months.
D.(Vciachtan & Co. ,Chatham, Out
We are paying the highest rnarket
prices for good sound saw logs of
every description.
e .
at Ireland & Button's Furniture S
re is over.
The peas were counted by N. A. Farquharson, T. E.
Bowles and D. M. Gordon, who c. vouch that the jar con-
iained nothing but peas, and th t ere was no deception in it.
The number of peas in the j r were 2135, and the nearest
guesses were 2125 and 2145, rich were made by Mrs. H. B.
Elliott, J. McGavin, T. Atc 'son and Miss H. Hodson, of
Wawanosh, and Mr. Wm. Lockhart, of Auburn. These parties
will meet at our store on Saturday next, and as we stated at
the beginning of this contest, in case of a tie we will take out
part of the peas and they will guess at the remainder, and the
one entitled thereto will get the prize.
P. S.—For those intending to buy anything that is kept
in a general furniture store in the near future, we have some-
thing just as good in store for them. Call and see us.
J. D. MclWEN, - Accordeons, Mandolins
Wingham P. O.
Mouth Organs at all prices up to 52.50. All kinds of ttilnmings
Farm for "ale Cheap.
for Musical Instrutnents.
North half lot 32, con. 11, East
Wawanash, containing DOM acres more
or less ; is well drained, well fenced and
in a good state of cultivation ; 13 acres We can supply you with anything you want, Sewing Machines and
hard wood bush ; never -failing spring
meek, 1 never -failing well ; house 18 x 21 Sowing Machine Supplies,
feet ; gcod barn, 2 acres orchard, a ac're's
fail wheat; 40 rods from school, half
toile from Presbyterian or Methodist
church, 6 miles from the town of Wing -
ham, til miles from the village of Bel -
grave. Am giving up farming for whioh
T can give satisfactory reasens.
For terms of sale apply to
S. YOUTIIILL, Real Estate Agent,
Wingham, Ont.
FARIVMERS-Don't forget that I still handle all kinds of lt'arm Iia
pletnents notwithstanding that reports are circulated to the contrary.
Meyer Block.
P. S. - Pianos tuned and repaired by our competent lean, Mr. Minife.
Opposite P. O.