HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-04, Page 9A^ ES, FEBRUARY 4, 1 7Vt8.
(E. M. Van Deventer)f
Author of "A Woman's Crime,' "John, Arthur's Ward/' °The lost
Witness, "A Slender Clue," °Dangerous Ground,
° Against Odds? gtc., Etc,
l r / r 1i ��+ �? ��•+
* t r*moi 2 !#\ t o
em. I am slightly known to Mr. Lttnioti;e usnal.
lthconnection with the Wardour Mrs. Lamotte, with head proudly
rough my that seem wells of a'nt-
ioase and could approach him without poised, and eyes p
2areating suspicion. I was to accept any
tcommissions ho .night wish me to execute.
"I presented myself to Jasper Lamotte;
be had a piece of work for ale. He told
me that he had good reasons for 'wishing
the woman Nance Burrill out of the
town; he wished her no harm, but she
Was in his way. If I would get her away,
on some pretext, ho would pay ane we11
.A.oting under instructions, I approached
the woman, making her acquaintance
easily through her little boy, She is very
ignorant and very foolish. I displayed a
little money, offered her a profitable situ-
ation in Now York, paid her a month's
Wages in advance and took her and her
,ohild to the city, where I hired a small
furnished cottage, and installed her as
housekeeper. Not being informed that
her evidence was wanted on this occasion
she is the o still."
When J,'rcy Belknap began his story,
• Jasper 1..aiuottc had drawn nearer to the
prosecuting attoreey, and, before the
story was done, a slip of papa-' had tneele
its way into the hands or tho latter gen-
tleman, taaring Horse words: -
"For (iaa'8 sake don't cross-examine
that wit:wee."
C•C131 • ,jet eptly, in response to O'Mtara's
mince. s•ily polit • query. •• Will the at -
ter:. y . • e the pr:, seention he plea eft to
cre , e . :aiuc thie ;,itllt':;s`t"--:lr. let:nii
only eva•.',•I•r.d over at his ant., •oni-t, and
shook leis head seta :'.'Sy.
"Title, I true.`," 1; ;,ins Mr. O'Meara,
before ,'so Lest win'-' s is fairly mated',
"sl:tli 'i: only t' plat S ..... al) so:1c.' of ti ea.+
two i,;i :aa(nt^.1v it,_: 45'$. lt• wo211d 8(111
that the eltecnce of one at least was more
bleport,nt than her presence. i'ir. La-
motte, 2.. least, should be grateful. I -Ie
desire:: Nance tit...ri11's a'e1eence; she i!(
not :eget end as no sammolts teas laked
for this women -either by the prosecu-
tion ort 'fell:ed, no one este accuee nie of
bampeeing the pro^;res of the law, and
of this tameable court."
Mr. l:.•nd bounds np, fire in .lie cye.
"It i,ny not 1'c rnl.h]e nor iienif:t .t,"
11e hc.;:::, hotly, "but I demand L. mo-
ment a ileraring. This whole ,tial has been
irregular, from first to last.
'"The gentleman brings forward on freely pronounce him perfectly wane -as
honorahk witnese tram over the nene1 .t creel as any here. in this court room. If
witness who r; covers
out too aveuseo in an, one is here
to is court
lay state-
ofoew character; is vs him with tL blare! ment, I shall desire Professor Barrington
t{tri; ; this is .cry goon, and uses
ther.trical. Let ass ^^.alt that the accused and Doctor Gaylor to examine the wit -
is `Sir Clifford Bt etherelifi , Does that nods'," alter the fact that John Durriil went There is profound silence for emonsent,
straight to his door, straight to the door then O'Meara says, quietly:-
"Will Detective Bathurst take the
of hive sworn enemy, and was never again stands„ ••'-
seen alive. He seeks to implicate Frank The gentleman who has become known
Jasper Lal
Lamotte, and to impotent the integrity of to many in W Air Wedron, of the.
honorable gentleman, I
against whom • there was never yet a
• ;breath of enspicion. It will hot alter the
•facts in the dose. Clifford Heath's enemy
was found dt'ad close by Clifford Heath's
door! He has blackened the character of
the dead; he has trek hard at the hon-
orable living. . He has flooded the court
with the testimony of mysterious strang-
ers; he has suppressed known witnesses,;
he has worked. his will with us. But he
has net disproved one itenl.of evidence;
he has not changed one f..:rt or phase. of
the c.,se. Lot us :;halt all he has proven,
what have we left? The unalterable facts,
that the prieonea has repeatedly threat-
ened his victim; that the murdered nlan
set out to visit the prisoner, at night,
through the darkness, and was foun
1• the following morning before tht'
ter's unhappiness.
"By told 1'y they came
They lay hint t;<•llrly du;s.n, t t1(1 Jasper anee neer;no to the.
est bc'' one very near. jetfoil and plate, (a staressionof plovt,
leer. Belknap was occupied in giving 1115 .nUlvlu. , ?1( nc
;ntered the tree innocent 01 1 1, 1(0211(1 prefer a charge ; ]'Ol"P and I
has 111111 we -entered. ; 11801- stir a face; day Lasnutt 114>; Upon stela it r t• pity:dean); t ;,uut,,' to .r 14,,..,..F, 1:1 20111)1 '.;
testimony, q slew the mkeay in my . Sl
room, (conning to have recovered, sad a{�.cinst 1'1:1), told l t)r.,- scene c 1 da it deepened, her eyes growing bol' there 1.1
ealmost composed, loci;( tt om f�t, ...aa ld ot'i vied to 14; c li but 1 nd.
by Y I
looking pwould not vindicate ..n. Clifford, t late and wild, and fall of nnuwtc'rable Bnt 'dank beckons his fa:tiur to come
and is onto more, for a moment, t 1 h. I ca ".rowingraclose, and when the others heals l'r:;w•n but sited tlrft (,sent ye -
matting , r - ( horror send fear, her fa growing letter
Startled out of ell semblanceissea of then
would wanted,
10 affairs ti i .>,itiS(, 'l' ) and redder, Ler bathes so back, this le mind; the ftlthc•r hears, from
he starts up from his Seat, then anuli( Sihat I tvtntc(1. ��us proof C t•(1 thou ctat;e, and thil:r_rr, t ,;alc'cl to nue, the sent; lips: -
des erste hunted look in lute. , o 11:elted tmld'e,tnl weal: anti tremulous, all aiip"There
back weakly, p I teas asstu'1(1 Francis La- all maddened. me afresh. I resolved. that There ,i8 another --r1 t;1 in my po(s'•;et
bis oyes, his hands clenched ane. workin{; Of ago ehet
motto, thing r guilty or innocent, ]:new j ill some woos I would free her. But bows -I nlcant it for L+'van-you-had better
more of that murder than he chose to !' „Day after day I i rc,odect upon it. %fur- -en,
words from the lips of o rlyin{,
They ea tell. 1. rill became mom 1;e tial, more besotted,
Y either Side by his "One cls while in conversation with More contemptible, Beery day. afy sister's son. They etre his lase i:. o .• Looter
La -
metre, snpportecl • on Y,
heck end.
mother end the sol di:ant Air. SVedron, of Miss Wardour, I chanced to mention the strength was 'most cone, her reason Benoit
7rt111ntatz1hi s finished lclh (n' er of
York bar. name of Evan Lamotte, adding score- was tottering. - folly,and sin, end shame, tee , .. he
the; Newthat young „ <,•.cultivate Burrill. I natter-
trail- t limentary to 3 t T began to.1.1 Ida, a Cow::r:I.
They para so close that the sonlady'sthe of Jasper I g;c.ntieman. Miss Wardour took fire at.; rod him; I caroused with hint, I bad Runk had lived, sclfi,•,..;c. -
in„ s. a ' ,.-red me that Evan Lamotte
so lots mvsclf that he could feel at ease
s l•(nro er; It •wnuu Scrtr^181I; ..]Un0 rurxu e
til -
•'•. Ldl2
Here t1:t5 t disap-
ha i been I111u1•(1(>recl.
pointanent. I Iuul fully intended that •
Burrill should do same honest work ill
the State penitentiary, and was almost
t d-
•tE n
a arrests. I
make F.O3I11 (isle
e '+1 I
, ri (( t
[. k
r 1
1 I
i •collt-
ecl tha+sn(luest, and was again rl
i. The • cr.emies of Sir Clifford had
absandnn(•d their first infamous F(htuio ',
for his ruin, and latei memo -Main fasten -
big' this miserable crines • upon .tint.
.attitII 1I g there in the fire scute of all the
net re in the t)•a{rcdy, and listening to ;
tiie'Wital: sses heforo the coroner, I decided
whet eeurre to pursue. 1 would nonce
{my other operations a secondary affair,
and devote myself to the task of finding :
John Burrill'( murderer, 1 presented nty-
Self to Mr. O'Meara, and made In
my identity; 110 decided to act together,
and at once set to work.
"I knew that Francis Lamotte was Sir
Clifford's . eerct. enemy, and, naturally, 1
1.e en to sandy hint, mai to • watch him.
yris breath comes in short gasps, his
<atl. 1
0 fatigue th IX
sellt(ndc5 are
by his effort to speak is evident. But he
goes on to the end, and this is what 11e
• Ster's
,+ nI
'C flat
learned Y
bion I l
a ul Lzt l:
d ,
had been ruined, I was a madman;
not know for a time why she had thus
thrown herself away, but I determined
that I would know, and I set myself to
ray upon my own family.
"If the detective had not told you this
truth I should withhold it now, for we
all havo a sufficient burden of shame
upon us.
"T watched and I listened and I learned
why Sybil had been sacrificed.
"At first 1 thou;rht I would openly as -
+ him t
compel Fault Borrill, would p
told would ,make his life as uncomfort-
able as possible; I was 0 madman.
"Constance Windom told me it was
not the way to help Sybil; that such a
course would only cause her added sor-
• a
00(1 PIM Can 80 Imagined newt man new to you 4211, and It 'IVilL unmain
deseriiled. •
a11. I know 'bliss Wardour will wish yore:
i 1110
• .the end of her
(1 a lul cease
The t to hear
farceend. li
The tragic is tot an ,Y
Is given to the jury. Without quitting and the fate of hermittle{ra,"rfeutl T
their places, they return their verdict, Of ('oitrst' Yotl ttru pe' fight,
Clifford Heath is not guilty; is honorably 111r. Bathurst," said Constance. "Disler
acquitted. Heath cuts more of 0 flame than he
d 11 hate
and. y
Exhausted by his recent effort, Evan knows in this business,
I.alnott0 ix Cerrictl from the Court roan(, staid out in the cold long enough. tie
closely attended by hie mother; 18 e::lrie,i on, air. Bathure expose really found the in all
to the cell where lately Clifford lici,tlt iniquity. I;ult havey
has dwelt a prisoner, while the latter is eeneersv"
escorted in triumph, to O'11ear..'s, l•y all "Listen," said the detective, and while;
Ilia rejoiein(', friends, they all Axed upon him their .gravest
As the procession of conquerors ]Roves attention. he began.
away from the entrance,. ,. an officer ap-
preaches Jasper Lamotte. -
but you must consider yourself n>y Pri- ' "For several years past," began 11]"r.
"thecity and many of the
Bathurst, (1 ,
Jasper ',tomato bows coldly, and sin' wealthier suburban towns have been
nils the men that he will follow him• undergoing a systematic ovez'Imtttlingt
The officer turns to Frank, but before Through the network of big thefts, and
hecto open his lips:. the uliser:.lilc young
little thefts, petit larecnies an(1'1 tnk rob -
urtn Ste ,x b•tck snakes one quick glove- boric(, there has run one clever -cult burg -
little I t 'd°ttinns~
` Mr. Lann)tt", 3 tltt very sorry, sir,
up anti y Y row. 'When I grow calm I saw
th tt
notte• .lookin like a lost and You lune heard his testimony to -any, ant a til (lo silent; there is a flash, a lotto report, and Iarlous specialty -•a FtylE a
Evan Lal . ft you know how easy it wend(. have been Lonny was right. I promiscdl her almost disembodied spit and Still John I lilt would .111L to 111y poor ais- Frank Lamotte fails forward, to La noticeably aiu)iler in case after case;
Frank Lamotte, cc during the time for' him, first to• follownothing that cart ]lt in the arum of a lrv-steadtge dike in `design and execultion, and ale
., i > 't to cast suspicion upon •
me slowly forward -Evan Ler
Lamotte, but she never vouchsafes 1 once. bh( assured with ale. But drunk or sober I never
non and Evan's.: g not what people eau+*ht to make him; :
glance to husband or , 4 wtc.
eyes are set straight before him, fixed on ! that in spite of his weaknesses, he had ; once forgot a resolve I had. taken. Mat-
yvacancy-unseeing , many noble anti lovable qualities. t h0 1 tors were going from lord to worse. Pe "I never be.cro in all 711y career,
sr.c'orbs c f Piro set in a how he came to her when the
E : cefate, told inc must be Sybil's life or his. T resolved brought to justice 2L erinitnt.l tvhonl 7
p) theyaro seated near the first (heti; of his sister's flight was. upon that it should 110t bo 111y sister who was both pitied nnre:$c•rvecily,' :.'2'i juetilieci
Presently, s(ntly, fully. 'Viewing all thieve , aeon hie mend -
gathered about the prisoner, told i him; she described, vividly, his passion, 1 sacrificed.
then 1t'r, Wedron confers with Mr. ,his sorrow, his Inco fer his sister. 330 ` "When I found that no more tine point, Evan Lame -ate is les: I) ulclt!rcr
spoke of her as the. only being on earth '•, could be toasted, I raid my plans. I than a trtrtyr."
O'Meara. yfei�:l'ed filmes and kept 1117 room for sev- It is the day eft" the trial with r
AS they talk, the little lawyer's fade t whom he truly loved, the only one whostrange .,n ending. 'Plat,; :'re Feared in
in(01)t14 grave, even to FtLd21 , and +' hall ben untaryingly kind to 11118 hHe oral days,
hi. ! cursed the destroyers of his eist( 5 p I3ttrrill came daily to see lin+. 1 toll, O'Aleau:a's library; C`,'•'`a'rn(f'.it Clifford, Alis
Wardour T. • him that 111ad conte 1'010 new ls-
fun in ml ton , ears. O'Meara, ,
piness, and implored Miss Ward head, and we planned that I should feign brother, the Hetnee:1, C,.e .." 1•lteit1itr-
to abandon that unfortunate sister. He to be worse than usual. Burrill knew cliffe, Illy V t,ndyek. 0':e. -^(:.,a, and lir.
said that he believed she would return, that our people had made efforts to stop Bathurst. - Air. Bathurst, who now ap-
and he implored her to visit his parents, • our nocturnal expeditions, and he agreed pears what he is; a benosuu,e rerticna,^21,
behalf of the fugitive, that the thing should be kept about thirty years of e;;e, clever. wiry aci-
and intercede in with .
"Miss Wardoir gave hint the required secret. On the last night helot the house ons, eminently agreeable. Mr. iT". (,real,
promise, and then said that if the read early, saying that ho would spend a like Brooks, hos served out his day, and
reason for this strange elopement nmst couple, of hours at 'Old Forty's,' and then been set have assembled at the z?r fettle.'(
remain a secret, she wished they could meet me at a place appointed. ! t and. while fully espocting a rove -
when he riven to •.ddress fila Court, s
tong, is subdued, his manner that of one
performing a p01112111 task.
"May it please the Court,"he says,
5102117, "the witnesses for whom I waited
have Colne. As one of them is just recov-
ering from (L serious illness, Mr. Bathurst
late thoughtit best that a reliable phy-
sician should certify to his perfect ability
to testify at this time. Let Doctor Benoit
be scorn."
possible, At nine o'clock I stole ant, and no 1- qn( s
is done, and in the same grave and bit upon some explanation that woolen „
ed planner Doctor Benoit bears Wit- spare the fugitive as ranch as pos ' one at Mapleton discovered lay absence; d 110t all n of ]<I)I(>rt,(m they
party. a `Elene,
Hess, as follows:- and satisfy the gossips.. Instantly he 1 did not intend thatthey.should.. I wait "Poor Evan," apprehensive
"I have been in attendance at Maple- sprang up, declaringreason
that he wonlcl fern- etl. at the place appointed for our meeting
ton for 1on]e. weeks past. Evan Lamotte ish a reason, a reason tha2t no one 110011 until I grew inipaatient, The time canto pity him most ei tee ly; 1 8111111 oto and
has been one of any patients. He has question,. (111(1 that would spare his $5111^' for 111711 to appear; he, did 1102 C03110. I 808 `i`)yi ill go ::1`..,+ see ]]1]11,p1 corrects i•1:
been very i11, and delirious- almost con- "A fete days hater, the story was flying
sinew where I ear;should find him, and set
less than a week since 11e about W-, that to save her brother Evanout for fere I Rods.'I was determined Cli'ffard, and see ssnile8, and does not
entirel. ec is 1gdispute the co11'eeti0n.
entirely recovered his reasoning faculties• frons the consequences of ,some evil deed, to let that night end Sybil'( troubles, "Before I begin uzl other story," says
To -day, at the request of Mr. Wedron, I . Sybil Lamotte had sacrificed herself.
7'eeted hips to various tests, and I . r' When Miss Wardour heard of this she
"Half way between the saloon and Dow oho it detective, yesterday, 11) t =,nil well tell
1 y knew that Evan Lamotte had allowed
tor Heath's I saw him. He passed close Y
himself 20 be defaaned for his sister's I f 11111 avenue was received.
sake. She knew that t110 true reasons for
ler friend's mesalliane0 w
to me, as came
in{: thefts, monstrioU1 enough t:> la
e,.si]y traced, a exec •i i
C88(11ng finesse that in no single. inst in:e)'
hers the property been recovered, ort..
robbers- run to earth, p toot
"These fastidious thieves neve
money in have amounts, only to 31z ' (n
w1' -'n it Was of the purest metal end.
levet elullber80p10 sort; and always a1n-'"tL
fer the brightest, the purest, the coedit,
est diamonds. Diamonds indeed seenlech
the, specialty. ,
"This gang; leas operated. in such 2ts,
gingerly, gentlemanly, mysterious mans
ger, and has raided for diamonds so longe.
anti so successfully, that they have comes
,,, b m' nen aeneene New York detecrive,s.,
[To Ills COST/a:11En
th 10111 i , „ , u
and reeled across the rout. • Hs was not 7'rom the moment when I heard , s tense
rs r.,•. ,]' 3
For Infantr, ani'. Chi real.
The faa-
It is necessary to hope, though
hope should be always deluded', for
hope itself is happiness, and
frustrations;, however frequent, are
yet less dreadful than its extinction. ---
Dr. Johnson.
is caused by wrong action of the heart,
and can only be cured by correcting an&
regulating its working. b,lilburn'sHeart
(and Nerve Pills do this. Here is the
'proof: Mr. John Griffin, St. Lawrence
� "The cured m
Hotel, ?>iontre,al, says : y 1.e�+•
was hidden safe going toward aur len( tc areas, but away I f nervousness throb mg hear
• I k]1e v he ryas 001 lean. But I teas rte _ g
ly beneath a brother's menace. from 1t.
"Miss Wartime told me this, and much "I followed stealthily. I did not snake terminal to have no More 1niss:see::. .o
more, in praise of Evan Lamotte; and my nearness known. I think be was too I kept
tY oovi ci en to t gly myself.
here, for his sake, let lne sac, that in w orale of Doctor
where o stop.
Heath's house, and was nearly opposite upon this bey's ol,auc•t'., for life hal.;; Sir
I flesh at a. Roman table.
)'fora he dis- Clifford's life, liberty; and honor.
honor and safety of her father and eider iVl n saw that roots pale,
We dour s description of Evan
n +
dizziness and constant headache. ',My
heart beats. as steady as a clock pow,"
drunk to know where he ir'0 going or imagine `tl, Benoit k:;a;vin that l Pork was the most highly esteemed,
1 t He reeled past Docto. Si
motto, I had discovered that Sybil La-
motte bad been made to believe, that the
the gate of tho empty tat before I tt t tvucl 01
studying John Burrill and franc]( La -
covered that he had gone too far. ) ahuost flleih me
l 1 'd 11111Lu,.it4 11,s hc„1t
New 'Vora bar, left leis place near Evan brother, depended upon leer sacrifice, c,He turned and while to cant ''
Lamotte anti came quietly forward. Har'- when the truth is, that she was sold. against the f( -rade (Ind seemed to ponder, Hair could I drag his secret (lone hi0)'r
in been duty sworn, Alr. O'Meara connect-
Simply sold -for their convenience, and I crept upon hila, knife in hand; I struck Butt 1i time 111 him to bee lost,
4)2(1, tts best
Air. Bathurst, you have been connect- their gain. him, once, again, a third time. He utter
ed with this case from. the first. Tell ns • `'You have looked upon Jasper La -motto f ed 0110 groan loud enough to have been that his sister believed herself the guilty
cl fss your own as an honorable citizen. O the clay o heard suint. (lietanee array, and then fell
what you havo diecoverc , 1 n ( Y
ray." John Burrill's funeral, I resumed my heavily. I hail struck home. When I was
The detective bowed, took off a pair of old disguise, that of Brooks, an went to sura that he was dead -el seemed to .:now
gold -rimmed eye -glasses, and turned Mapleton; I told Mr. Lemotto that I had just boat to eat -I ran to the gate of the
upon the court a pair of bright, hand- come as a friend o£ his, and of Iinrrall s, Burns' lot and epelted it wide. The body
507110, der.: blue eyes, that proved tient- to warn hint, that if lance Burrill was was twice Illy weight but I dragged it
selves ca :alone of numberless expressions. allowed to remain in W-, she would be inside before my strength gave out.
"My llama is `:til J. Bathurst," le brought •forward at this than, and glee "Then, for a while, I secnlec, panic
began, "anal 1 ant a detective. I came to damaging evidence against his dead son- stricken. What should I de with that
W- for the first onto 821117 in the sum- in-law. a1 with him body?. 13y and by, I thought of a w(ay to
mer -ill June, I believe. I came on pro- "I remained in the library get help. I waited until midnight, then
fessional business. To lay stll'i)rise, and some fifteen minutes. My errand was a I endo lay way to Mapleton, all bleed
quite by accident, I found Sir Clifford trap, and he fell into it. What followed, stained,and carrying toile knife with Inc.
Heathercliffe here in the character of Mr. Belknap has already told. In the UnseeI entered and. gained Frank's
ea 3 Doctor Heath. Aly business in W- was presence of this court, Jasper Lamotte room. He was re and racing the I
body could 11 1 102 ed to (a S:L£er hidin in no way connected with Sir Clifford, has perjured himself. Let the ofilcers of told him to follow plc. He sate e floor; blood-
plaee, his face covezed by but before I left tho town, which was On the law keep this fact -111 mind. Stained hands and garments; stn; I opened
own 1]neof his :apilig wourdshprison-
n - third after my arrival, I became "Now, to return to say witness. When st17 coat 8.11(1 displayed the knife, and he
evidc'1)02 of i. pr:tctl(1(1 hand; the key o- the day
-, c �• aware that he lead an enemy here. I left I heard Miss 'iVardotr's {flowing vinclica- obeyed me. I told liim what I had done,
er's knife buried with house the ],be ) W- to return in a short time, and I ( tion of Evan Laluottc, I said t0 myself, and that e. I tol help nae conceal the
the 'ri on(+r's office or house .yin{; beside a 1 amen the factory people 05 'here is the right person. Evan Lamotte body. Fora 2210121002 he seemed stunned,
1 $,are( g
the shallow {rave.. Facts tall, gentlemen; AT L is the one who can clear up this mystery.,and then he assisted me with surprising
It was 01(3(1r as day to my eyes. readiness; ho planned everything; in fact,
the prisoner's
'these :are filets."
These words rush froni his lips torrent
Ho has turned to face the jury and so
does not see t1111t O'Meara has kungen'
back to his Scat, with an air of perfect
unconcern, and that be is actually :agitat-
ing the jud(xc) not to Stay this whirlwind;
u mececding 311110h so astounds that.
°facial, that "for full five minutes the tins
of speech flows 011, 1010. 111(0.
On tho audience, it has a startling
effect. Ifo is speaking the truth. Ho is
refteraating facts, and facts are sure of
instant recognition by our Yankee coun-
trymen. - A. thrill runs through tho assembly;
there comes one of those sudden revul-
sions of feeling, common to scenes lilt'
this, Sir Clifford Heathercliffe disappears
from before their dazzled vision; what
they see, in tlio light of stern facts, is
Clifford Heath, the murderer.
"These aro facts," reiterates Mr, Rand,
excitedly. "Who has seen this wonderful
i3athurst,•with his bundle of testimony?
'Who knows the .man? Why is he not here
in court? Where is het"
"Hero 1"
Clear and full the voice rings over the
moment the
for one x
none 12
non transfixing
entire court; then the gavel descends;
order is commanded with double unc-
tion, recent
lapse, air.
tion because of the 1
O'Meara is on his feet; air. Band's lin-
emenlptu. speech is at an end.
"Mere theatricals," snarls air. Band, with me an assistant (for thm plot wai
flinging himself violently down into his thickening fast), who 2259a1neel the char -
seat. actor of a, book peddler. I was absent only
11212 no ant) heeds slim; all eyes aro two days, but, (luring; that time, the
t ':1 upon the 71ew 00110113 entire drama had undergone a transform-
They ,t c
1„'t2'c 111( diner 4)t 2113 donut 3100151 they "}('ankle 1: have flaked you all to gleet
&time gauped close together. "13eforu I had been halt an .lour in
;von takes with v<}4(e', hollow nand tt,al"' the Iaullottea, would he itsrle:,s• _ c Ina byre to -flay that T might tet, it," he
rte..:run, dignified and placid tis. . , ) excitement qt the (30(110nec, yll l{;o went an. "It will contain much.. that is
"iV.�. X lead rtc(ltrcl filo report of lily 1+ salve and fall Of iiccision. ,�"...
Brooks, the drunken mechanic. r• a -
motto employed me twice and twice dis-
charged mo because of my intemperance.
I became quite intimate and friendly
with John Burrill, and Succeede(1 in
gaining his confidence. I was also on
goal terms with Nance Burrill, John
Burrill'( divorced wife, and I learned a
good many things from her.
"Early in the autumn it came to my
knowledge that Sir Clifford's enelniee
had begun to prove, that a plan 'eats on
foot against him. About this time 7 dis-
covered that several peo7alt needled look-
ing a
sent ara
He came, and slid his world well. Ho is
not here, because his testimony is not
"You will understand that I had now
more than one operation on my hands. I
was still engaged upon the case which
first brought me to W-, and I was in-
tent upon frustrating the designs of Sir
Clifford's enemies. Ile, Sir Clifford, was
not aware of my presence in W---, and he
was likewise ignorant of the plot against
"Fairly in November, I found it expedi-
ent to appear in W- in a new charactee.
Brooks had done his work. Accordingly,
I, as Brooks, set out for the city one
morning, leaving my shadowEl
of the $01(1. Jasper Lamotte went to the
city by the salve train, and, singular co -
s back on the its
,. Ind baa
incidence, h0 oa
frac ,
which brought Me. I returned, as Mr.
Wedron, an attorney', and I brought
- "It was necesear4 that 1 shoui(1 s
took the lead from that moment.
ilial, but I very soon learned that he was thounllt he teas working to save his
lying at his home dangerously 111, an
quite out of his senses. There was noth-
ing to do but to wait. I glade the
acquaintance of Doctor Benoit, and from
hint I obtained daily news of his patient.
"At the eleventh hour, when I had be-
gun to despair of his recovery, the doctor
retorted the patient restored to his sen-
ses. I then told hila, Doctor Benoit. that
the 1017 moment Evan Lamotte tvaa 2 b
to listen, and to talk rationally, I nitist
sco him. That the ease was one of
and death.
"This clay, at the very hour when the
trial was called, I set out for Maple -
tons; I saw EWA Lanlotte; I told 11i01
that Clifford Heath ryas on trial for the
murder of John Burrill; and that the
chances were against him.
c`It is not necessary to repeat all that
passed between us, the result is, that
Evan Lamotte comes into this court of
his own free will and accord, and it is
his desire that ho be allowetd to tell his
own story.
"Ho comes stere freely, willingly, csk-
Ing nothing, hoping noticing, and when
. heard
lt9 1
,` 1 L
util ace
this zit
they will join me in pronouncing hint
the noblest Lamotte of them all."
There so unearthly,
)nee 5( weird, ''t
1L 11
in the eyes of Evan T,tttiurtte, a8 he comes
forward (111(1 turns his face slowly upon
the a'<Bence, so that all can see its
ghastly contrast with those burning orb8,
that a startled. hush falls upon them all,
a funeral silence pervades the room.
Th', seem to note. for the first time,
whet a solemn thing; is the oath, veldeh
brother. The detective has told ane the
truth, and abjured Inc to tell all I know.
"Frank left ale at the foot of the stairs
leading to Heath's office. When he came
clown he seemed ankh excited, and 1123
rigid on very fast. We scooped out a grave.
in the cellar, - as best we could in the
bark, Frank working actively. He told
su0 to take my knife and throw it into
the old well -if you loos: you 'x1111 find it
there While I was doing it, he mucor
one; gitilty, at least, in that she haat ill-
stigate(1 the deed, and' next, that Sir
Clifford was now the victim of this crime.
Isis mind at once seemed to grasp the
issue.. '11117 had listened to me intently,
breathlessly almost; he now lifted himself
suddenly from the bed,and said quickly:-
" 'Why, then, it seems nave not see. 01
Syl,il yet. Call my mother! let me : co
her alone,'
"I obeyed him without a questiera,
they were: alone together for 0 long halt
hour, then airs. Lt:matte came to me
with the sante look upon her fare thra
you sow in court.
" 'Evan tells elle that you know every-
thing,' she said, her 10100 trembling in
spite of herself, 'He tells ale that you are
a detective. Then you know that 1118::1'
MO son of whom I may be proud. Even
Laln02t0 has saved his sister's honor.
Saved it doubly. My weak, my ill -u -"el
Evan, has proven the only 1111111 212 t!1 21
man's peide, who bears tho name of L.11
motto, because he could not see his si tLr
and his another contaminated by the
presence of the monster his father and
brother had been so base as to force upon
us; he has taken justice into his own
hands. e has freed his sister; he has
saved her from crime, and now he stands
ready to put himself, in the place of a
wronged and innocent man. I 5111111 go
' with hila into court; I shall not leave
hila again.?
grave. „sob an
the dry
have put the other linifm in g ( hhu broke off with a
When I canto back he had severed the turned away t() prepare for the drive.
face with something white.. I slid n,pt i "How I pitied that proud woman. How
blink about it at the time; note I knots tender she was of her lost boy, and how
that it was Doctor Heaths llandkercllief. 1 he clung to her.
"Doctor Heath is an innocent num. I f "air. O'Meara," turning suddenly
killed John Burrill; I ant litre t) accept 1 tott4rrr1 the lawyer, "we 22111811 get that
the Consequences. I did the deed to save 1 poor fellow out of that cell. Doctor B(
my sister. I do not regret it."emit says that he can live but a short
!! hell, turning toward the place whoa 1 time at best. He must not die there, and
Frank Lamotte sits, cowering
11nd panic , justice. can not deal with a dying loan.
stricken, he stretches out ono spectral "I think it oral bo managed," replied
Rance and says;- the lawyer. "All W- 1111 favor the
"Frank! Frank Lamotte, dlo the only 0chc'ule. Not a xnan 0r w0man will r:liso
thing left you to do; stl)1c1 up and say their voice against that dying boy. Ho
that I havo spoken the truth. Let us end 1 will have plenty of 211013els now."
this at once, Erman". '' Ie shall find thele strong Mende,
- some strange „ , Constance. Mre
age from { exclaimed Const
Like one tno t st
stupor, Frank staggers!"ea his feet. O';rtara, WO will stir up the whole
"It 15 all trt14'' he ga(ol)s. "1112212 hag town.,,
" ' '• e -Then " put in
' li. it tr
It your 11 ,
tho '1 ctv
but) 1
e 11
'lt y
.ilt. 1,
, 1I
'l l ' i
', dead than •'nude
• it d( 19:211 , 1110.
1.10 � ai
• tit now,
< lid
his s
ill 1 Bathurst. .,� ,
'lel. 'e lYttl.
'ally b, B. i
Gentlemen, -I am pleased to recom-
mend your Lala Liver Pills for consti-
pation, dyspepsia and sick headache. E
have used them for those trouules and.
thud them a pleasant, sure and quick:
cure, free from the annoying griping of
other pills I have heretofore used.
Signed, H, JANI.ES,
St.Nicholas Hotel, Ramalton, Ont.
Of the fcreign born population of
the United States the Irish are now
only about 20 per cent„ whereas in
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No matter how ohm:male the cough,
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The only animal that is really
dumb is the giraffe, which is unable
to express itself by any sound what-
To describe the trilunph mf O'Meara;
the mingled pity (2nd :gladness that fills
the heart of Constance; the nejoic 111{;s of
Clifford Heath's friends, ono and all; the
misery and the elenn' that overwhelmed
you ready to bear the end of the mystery
surrounding the 'ardour robbery, and.
the W ardour diantondsi•,
A11 eyes -were turned at once upon the
�-. .r'
Bate ii ,.•% /-.- .-i .ete•
e-1 .
V011 AIM
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there is nothing gives such
quick relief and promotes such
rapid healing as this ‚131011(1021-
u1 nm.
011Oi0.tLIlOent, lttattsr20S . 0221'•,
says he watloulblea with Eczomn
on the hands to bad that ]lacould
not work. Tie bad (teeters trees -
Ind 11110, and tried all the. remedies
dof, but of no
heh t
• , as CO l,avorA
itehiu(; tv
night 2110
110 dould not slAol)• Dr. Cilaso'tt
Ointment being recommended to
him he trios it, and one boa con'
emelt; aural Mtn. bewail He
et ru;Ye CO for thio
11aee,da11!13. frtc]1'Set'tca ia'r,Or
8uril31,uout8 Onc.tdu.,