HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-04, Page 8It ,.Lit- \\i I Liv to i 1 A Ai 11. ; i, F E.B R U ALLY 4, i l frl,
District Meeting.
when it beeanle Snore Serious, the
14114,C C (ti 1 tiro tames Alfas matter was placed in the hands of 1 T
L Drs. Smith and Sweetapplo the
he District meeting of
'Tempters . f TeI r-
officers un
d f
S1t.I3t3t.T.A. ,ailmw'ti3t:liS.
` y ,i` i; r. l %t t ascoe, pits
st, an, i, .
Lowe, reetoe. t'i a 1'. i' z Cat il' F: In end 1
Are You ,_ -.T -
the Huron lvx lilt>1 1 RUPTURED
' COtlnty Royal o Temper.
for her, ttl 11 . to
der the Lyre• 1'1,,1+:S,F,1 1 i.I i l i' 'ill " l 111, e r
was Heid in the Temperance
pa ,tor. ,tat 1 1,f so it is your lltivailtltg(:' to
' EPi lt'ulp 1. t l Rev. In cal! on Gordon & vans Drug
4 13x8 1 that the entire
Diseases I104n] rl1011 U Kers i ante
...__... .._ , .. ve o car c t `
ntior of the Spread
c) rs(.isc Hall G d i 1, oia'l'hursday, Jun. 27
ien,IDAY, FEBRUARY Act, who directed - ha about 5th delegates halal; present,
Store, Wingleam. They -rinrt s OFFICE,JOS PHINe 'IR>tT
arethe agents for the WINGHAM, ON:1'ARIO.
.Celebrated Wetmore sal:moipttonprice,per year, in avauce
Truss. ADVERT1siNo aianki o
In tt ngp t
-IS. rUaL►srIEn
--)eT TIIn--
t ..,.-.:... .v,=. -- should bekilled 'Ind t
T R'P ' d d t loess seven hogs ward•
drove slaou t 't " There are 401 Ro• yal Tempters in; li.gY1'i i` It. t 1 Hamilton, pl:s-
diseased hogs cremated. That was
one an i - ;villa llodericll Kipper k cater So
- •) and Z' T GA.RMAN-, TU l M:1ER GIVES AN found to have escaped infection n cold
this District, wail'councils at Holmes i tar, tier, u•, ; „t t, n1:a:,t •i p u1
.. Chiseihuri?t, Bayfield, 'Verna,
ACCOUNT OF HIS STEWARDSHIP. their carcasses were sen U
storage, and afterwards sold to a
The following is the speech given wholesale porkman- A plan niuied
'by Mr. Gerruw at the Liberal Newton and his assistant named
torganizttt; n meeting in (xodelich' Dunn, who bad been engaged to kill
IIensaii, Crediton, \ Tinghanr, Blyth,
Qtl'Nt?dtl4tr :'t,P)t1AI, at 11 trial at l
Mason, 1.'Ust:•1•.
°tiltIST1 iN V a 1til! 1 ~ MiKses
Seafort.h end Centralia. 'I he reports I Ontaatn Ilk Il Lock in c.,.rrtttprllcl, illrr't Oa
of the various .committees were read at 3 Il et clef u p Ili.
and other routine business tr.>1nsacted i u'Anti':-i'ltlrtttili3' Atlik1et`t 111 3
and wife in vette, I i.
The action o: the Templar on slue' to, 3 tl Ir, sulk K p re.
In each et the :reeve t, eareed churches
S1l bleat h Seleed lc; held. , t r 30 vet,
as given uy the Signal of last week: the pegs, are the author Ides or Plebiscite.question was commended
tx`arrow, on ;,pmfng forward saying that every one of the 24.0 and the members urged to support
warmly greeted. He said ne pigs was diseased: Newton, it was
was :;,r for et as far as .possible, l e was advised
_.F fc i ,
utas glad to have afforded 111111 slaovir,, had wantedtoget
and Ito have thea paper placed on file in
,at'uthei opportunity -of meeting the two days work in pig sticking, tilt the 141eehaper Institutes. Tee
eieetors of lxoder•icn. In a day or having been retused that amount, following officerstere'eierted•: Die
two the House would probably be took this way of getting even vlth
';solved and the day foe a new the Government by loading up Mr.
• 1, e, d
• cS t
tdoubtless. . udu
election announced, The pre a St. John. Dunn,
Government was deserving of the another little grievance, and ]tint -his
hearty support Of every Liberal: aid and assistance, such as it was, to
For a quarter of a century it had Newton. As. :against these -two 1c7'it ;art, Cilistillaul'st ; guard, S.
been eontrofed wisely and well by would-be specalists, Dr. Smith., the Stanlal:e,.jr., .Scatlotn ;•depixty guard,
%bet eminent loan, Sir Oliver Mowat, head of the Veterinary Association of bliss iliaggie :lieilurohy, Kippen ;
8dt,re. Vie. -Wood's - Phosphodiae,
The Great Englislh Ronedy.
Sold and recommended by all .
-druggists in Canada. Only reii-
trict councillor, john lire, Exeter ; medicine discovered. Stu
vice, Mrs. L A. Campbell, Goderieh; " :° ^ pcickages guaranteed died to care all
i Sexual 1V1 r. — s, all effects
01 ab
remit o ea (ea-
r• Il salve use
chap„ Rev, Mr.. Henderson, Delimit , t.or.ozeese, Mental wory, Eaee -
50C'y, 1). Jacques, :Exeter ; treas., E. a3,prica, Dae eokaRe $1, eiz, $ti. One tuidi pisussr
A. Wanless, barna ; herald, George • ogtnmre. pramphlots irae.to any address. •
?Sho wood Couspany, Windsor, Ont.
Sold Lu 11. ;5‘ Ingham by Colina :t4,l;pbell,
Amoco, Opium or stem eantB Mailed on receipt
;and when he had stepped up to a Ontario, and Dr. Sweetapple, the
more exalted position his mantle had Dominion Assistant Inspector, gave a
fallen upo•a a man who had received. strsigbt denial. The later, in par -
training under hint for many years. ocular had examined every one
Boll. A. 5. Hardy had not the great of the 97 hogs, save five, and he
experience of his predecessor, but he declared that there were no infected
was a younger, and ill many trays, carcasses sent to the cold storage.
a more progressive man, and was Then, there was the tact that Mr.
without doubt one of the ablest Harris, who had purchased the 97
speakers in Ontario This province hogs, had given the highest market
was in the unique position of being price for •them, which he certainly
the only province that had no debt ; . would not have done had there been
Fnowhere else in the world could such , the slightest taint of disease. It was
a case be shown. There was not a also proven that in eases of ebolera,
country, a province, county or a only 50 per cent. of the animals
municipality that had nota debt, but . were attacked, and that of those
Ontario occupied that proud position, attacked, fully Su per cent. recovered.
thanks to good Liberal government And this is practically all there is
for over twenty rears. True, on • to the great piggery scandal, whish
the stump and in Tory newspapers, ' took up the attention of the Public
it was contended that the province Accounts Committee during the
had no surplus, but on the floor of .entire session. In conclusion, Mr.
Parliament that contention was not Garrow said that he wanted every
anade. The Mail and Empire when effort to be pat forth this time, so
the House was in session, tirade the that Goderieh would satisfactorily
statement that Ontario owed $8,000,- demonstrate that it had confidence
000, and he had himself declared in the present Government, It was
immediately after, that The Mail's every man's fight, just as much as
statement was an unqualified false- . it was his fight, and he felt sure that a dealer who recommends some other
]Food and The Mail had never nt- if every other man did his share, he make of dye, pause before y -u buy from I street he made a snatch at his purse,
tempted to defend itself from the himself would have the satisfaction rim. Such a dealer is working for big and Wes caught in the act. Boiling
aspersion. He saw that the Mail of knowing, on election night, that profits ; be bas no regard for your, sue. -over wii•h righteous indignation, the
'now claimed that there w2S a deficit West Huron bad once more endorsed Dass and comfort. criminal seized the auia,i.eur thief
alt 85,000.000—it had tumbled dow•i sound and economical government by the collar, and,. denouncing him
$3,000.000, since he had given it the in Ontario. Some there were who roundly as a ruffian of the deepest
.Ile on the floor of the douse—and it thought he was a proud man, but he dye, led him off to the nearest
still bore false witness. An effort was not proud in the sense of being station. When the place was reach -
pad been made to work out the stuck up or a snob. He was proud p p ed the tables were promptly* turned.
scheme of provincial indebtedness by of his goodname and an honorable 'Tice euiprlt having • been searched,
-charging up the railway annuities, record, end he was proud of' the fact the note which he had written in the
3Fut the speaker explainacl that that that he had represented Huron O i b only cafe was found on him, and a
- way of doing business• was neither :during two Legislatures, -and on moment after witt•d the police were
fair nor honest book-keeping, and -election night he would be very the school population throwing themselves on the individu-
would rot be recognized in any proud to again represent the riding, 693 CFodcllcb, 10 ; S f h, 758, al wno had lodged the complaint
financial institution in the world. ae be certainly would do, if his against him —New York Sun.
Another thing about which much friends did their duty, as he felt
;ado had been made in the cou'atry sure they would. d 94 `- .e.ee `ee,ge•`: 't-e-o...s;"e,
sentinel, Mr. Rutledge, Holni,esville ;
rep. to'Grand Council to be -held in
Si. Thomas on Feb 15, .T. E. Tom,
Goderieh. The next District Meet-
ing will be at Hensall in Juue. •
Diamond. Dyes Are The
Only Safe and Pure
.dye -stuffs.
Our legislacots have enacte. stringent
laws for the prevention of fo'.d ndultra-
tion, and. an a result our peo e have been
benetitted,.and all classes . our popula-
tion get value for their m , ney. .
It would be a boon'to ' he women of
Canada If tee aduluera on act applied to
package Dyes .f. r • me dyeing*. • Dye-
stuffs are used i to •s of thousands of
homes, and too t : uently valuable goods
and materials are spoiled by, use of adul-
terated dyes that should be prohibited
by law.
The Diamond Dyes for long years have
given the most complete satisfaction.
They are•fihe only reliable pure and fest
dye, now before -the public --the only
paekage•Uyee that can stand tile most
ornoisl therein' tests. .
Diamaud Dyes are sold by all up-to-
clte druggists and dealers. If you meet
A Clever Arrest.
The.French detentive police made
anovel and clever capture the other'
day. One of them had shadowed a
crimiva.l to a restaurant. He was
well aware that he had to deal with
a desperate character, who had a
knife and -a revolver about him, and
who could use them with effect if any
attempt was made- to take him Irate
custody. Seating himself at a neigh-
boring table the detective meditated
a while, and then, calling fel writing
materials, he indited the following
note: . "As I cannot single-handed
capture this individual, against whom
I have a warrant, I am going to
steel his purse in order that bo may
conduct me to the station. I beg the
Chief tt., help me as soon as he has
read ttiis, and so prevent him fro'ui
doing any nlisohief." Pk•teing the
missive in his • pocket, the detective
rose and left the cafe at the same
time as the man of whom he bad
been in search took lila departnre,
and when -they rt ere together in the
1. • Because it is dangerous to be a
moment wlt:lant one.
2. It will never rust and is conse-
quently durable.
3. A person wearing a Wetulcre does
not find it a bother. i
4. We will guarantee to hold in
position any reducible rupture.
5. This truss cannot possibly move
after adjustment,
6. Some of Mir townspeople can
testify to its merits.
7. Satisfaction'guihranteed or money
`School. Statistics.
Front the report of the Minister of
Education for .1, 897 we learn that the
school p o ulation of Huron, exclusive
of towns -was :1G 378 this is not
equalled by any single county in the
Province. • ut ofthis number
12,739 attended school. In Clinton
boor o ulation is returnedas
; -1025ea ort ;
and Wingham as 69:1. The number
of rural teachers in•Euron was 216
of which 122 were males an
females, In number of teachers em-
ployed there are six counties that
emoly more than Huron. The
highest rural salary paid in Huron --
is $700 ; the average' for .males, 8374
and for females, 8270. In- Welland
and York as high as $800 is paid.
The total receipts for' school purposes
in Huron were $1,2.5,271, and the to-
tal expenditure, $100.624 ; this in-
cludes salaries, sehool buildings, rent
'etc. There are 6 separate schools in
Huron, with a total attendanrce of
401, one-fifth of these being at Gode+
rich. Clinton, Seaforth and Gode-
rieh having Collegiate Institutes.
Indigestion and Dyspepsia Had Made
Her Prisoner—Two Years of Dis-
tress Turned to a Joy Song I3e-
best published. The other, and the marked 'evidence of a theological 1 cause South Am.erieen Nervine
& CO.
Hest, 5$716,000
Capital, 1+1,250,000.
Preoident—JoIN STUART.
Vice•Presielont—A. -11, aiaant.
Join PRoOTOVoono. ROAM,
WE (Toro i dei, 1', A. T.
Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
Savings Banlx—Flours, Pito-3;,5aturd aye, 10
Deposits of 51 and upwards received and tweet
Special Deposits aleo received at Curren•
rates of ir..srest.
Drafts on Great Britain and tho United Stato
bought and sold
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. ,
on the stump, but which was care-
fully avoided in parliament was the SURPRISED THE GAOLER.
claim that an extortionate price was
being paid for schoolbooks' and that His Wife's Rheumatism had Bathed
a great monopoly had been created. The Doctors for Years -Half a
The facts were, that provision had i Bottle of South American Rhcu-
been made by the Minister of Edu- i matte Oure Relieved and Four
cation that every five years an in- ? Cured Her.
-vestiaation was had 'is to whether -!G
n , M. LAVanluvovernor County
prices had fallen -in the prod tied= Gaol, Napanee, Ont., enw.
rites : "Jiy wito
-of books of all kinds, and if it was was agreat sufferer' from rheumatism.
found that in other branches of She was treated by best medl'.al men,
wools making prices had dropped a
and usad many remedies, but relief was
only te,nporary. Iteatiin;; of
toanmensurate reductio:l was made. made by South American 12:112%1
The report of -the last commission, Cure, we procured a bottle and tried it.
comprised Judge Morgan, a Tory, Half the bottle brought great relief and
and Messrs. Bain, (Public Librarian four bottlee completely cured her: Ise
' affects ata truly wonderful. --Sold at
Toronto), and Blackett Robinson, (a Chisholm's Drug Store.
periodical publisher and practical',
printer), was to hand, and proved' One Un Dr. Talmage.
conclusively that Ontario's school; ----
books were amongst the cheapest and' As a boy Talmage did not show
great issue of the last session was form of mind. It is related that on
the piggery. It had been before the one occasion he attended church with
Public. Accounts Committee during his parents and manifested such a
• the entire session, and had monnpo- restlessness and and inattention that
!zed all the titne to the exclusion of they had grave doubts of his having
really important matters. What received any benefit from the pon-
were the facts? Bach one of the dcrous and learned discourse of the
Government in'stitut•ions in Toronto good old fashioned parson. The
formerly had a small piggery, and preacher spoke on the words, 'An
by a city or(lin•tnee ,they were forced angel carne down from heaven and
to abandon them, and .as they hada took a live coal from the altar.'
btrg3 amount of refuse food, etc.,' Reaching home the parents question-
wFl1ic11 h(td entered largely into the ed their son.
sustenance of the pigs, they' de• i 'Did you bear the sermon?'
ttermincd to start a piggery on the! `Yes.
dlutnber, which would be fed largely! 'Did you understand it ?
from the Government institutions ? 'Oh, yes.'
The piggery was built—not at a 'Can you repeat the text ?'
+tinct i)f :?35,00) but at a sum less ? 'Of course. -
#ban 8i 000; which included the' 'Let us hear you.'residence of the caretaker. There Young Talmage triumphantly
were 240 pigs there, and the than in quoted: •Au Ingun came down
olaarge was an exceptionally capable from Now haven and pulled a live
wan. In the summer of 189G sotnl colt from the ntiltttr.'
the pip sickened and died, and That state hest removed all cloaxbts
Ie manager of the piggery at once as to whether he paid attention to
rawrivary advice. Afterwards, the sermon.
Cared Iter Sufferings.
Maria Edge, Post Mistress of Edge Hill,
says: "Por noarly two years 1 suffered
agonies from acute indigestiou and dtyrpep•
ata. I could eat practically nothing with•
out its producing the severest pain. 'Cho
doctors could do so little for mo I about
gave tip hope of recovery. I was induced
as a last resort to give South American
N(rvine atrial Two bottles wonderfully
helped me. Three bottles completely cur•
ed me, and for six mouths I enjoyed per-
fect health." Sold at Chisholm's Drag
in Os
Space I 1 yr. I 0 010. 13 n.o. , mo
Ono COiUmll 1;00 CU X140 00 1j%( t.,. , fi'S 00
Halt ,. 40 00 "n 1:: Ob. O 00
quarte ' ::0 00 1'4 00 i tin ' 3
00 3 00 . :. f o 1
ur.c• inch 6.
I a_
Legal and other casual ad,Cktiselucut S. pet line -
for first iusuttion,and 3e pea line foreacirsubsequent
in,ertit•n.}10.suted by nonpareil scale.
,.ocal notices 100. per like tor asst n-sextton, unci
6... per line for each subsequent :nseriicl .
AdvertiB( meats 011.01111, Found, Strayed, biituattope
and Bu61ne6s (lhancos wanted, not oaeeedula 1 line
i aonpareii, ;y1 for first month, and OW. for each:
subsequent month,-
I Houses and I''arms for Sale, not exceeding 8 lana.
pl Cor :ret month, iSe. per subsequent month,
Larger advertisinril s in ,per
'Chose terms will be strictly adhered to
Special rates • for larger advertisements, of for
longer l n sur periods.
IAdvertisements and local notices without speeiflo:
directions, will ho insertedti11 forbid and oharge'
accordingly. Transitory advortisemonts must be•
paid in advance
Changes for contract advertisements must be in.
the otlice by Wednesday noon, ,n order to appear
that week
There are in India 200,000 widows
aged between 9 and 14 years, and
80,000 less than 9 years old.
London has 1.380 miles of street,
Paris, 600 and Nee/ York 675.
Nine Detroit banks have reduced
the rate of interest allowed on saving
deposits to 3 per cent.
Mr, John Bell, chief counsel for
the Grand Trunk, gives notice that
an application will be made to Parli•
anletlt this session for an act to incor-
porate the Windsor try Detroit Union
Bridge Company for the purpose of
eonstrneting a bi'idga over the De-
troit River,. "
Money tial Loan on Notr!N•
Notes Discounted :
Money advanced on Mortgages at 6i pet centwith
privilege of paying at the end of any year. Not.
and accounts collected.
iL 03F'r. IttIeltS ZlOO.
Boaver Block winaham, Ont
ppI ,.. ,
Nothing equal to it for clearing
the head and cleansing the air
passages. Gives instant relief for
cold in the liciad. Curds incipient
;, Catarrh in a low days; Chronic
Catarrh in ono to three months.
A specific for Ilay Fever.
Me. JAS. 8T'1 i et, CLAOtrAN, OhT.,
writes: ' I had been a sufferer from
Catarrh for 10 years. I spent lots of
monay and tried several doctors, aiso
ltt Specialist
AtI wadotdbvtload-
vertisementy and testimonials I road
to try Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. I
used 3 boxes, and a complete cure
was effected."
Price, complete with blower, Zero.
sold br a!1 denlor., or Rdr„an,on, Bata, & Co.,
T..rmno,. bac,
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
interest. No commission charged. Mortgagee, town,
and farm property bought and sole
OFFICE -Roarer Block WINOUAo
Toronto and East 6 50 a. ne. 3.05 p. ryI
-3 30 p nl id 25 p m
Palmerston mixed 8 55 w m 2 40 p m
London and South 6 53 a m 11 10 a in
Kincardine 11 10 a In is 60 a re
3 30 p In 3 30 p m
1025pm 830am
W mcham. Ont,
Ofice—dlever B1onk. wingham.
Otlicu—Corner Iiamllton and St. Andrew streets)
opposite, Colborne Hotel.
Goonaucn, ONTARIO,.
)ENTIlTRY. J. S.;JEROME, L. D. 8.,Wotan/dd.
is,nanutaclur first-class acts o•
h teeth as cheap as they can be made.
f y} Tose .u!I in the Uomiuion. Teeth extracted'
•' absolutely without pale, by his new
process, guaranteed perfe.thy safe.
OFFICE : In the Beaver T3loolc, oppoa
Brunswick House.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of tho Pennsylv.Ant
Dental College
Noi's—Ofill visit Blyth every Wedn••.dry-.
" The hest life of Her Majesty I have seen," a rites •
Lord Lorne about "(30110 Victoria." Agents make
fhe dollars daily. •
(Lintiled) T(IRfNTO.
ForTv ity-seven Years
1.1IEIGIL$V t3 -".LZ Ift OPt4ADA
" Klondike Gold Fields," a large, the p, valuable
hook, sillily, like a whirlwind. Bedutifnl prospectus
twenty-five Cents. Books 011 tune.
Ul` 11P 1 tijIGL
a, w r"44.40--04
v MY! se w A o,Cr Ttlnr .f e_I`11LL I S
Having purchased the entire basilicas
from Mr. Daniel Showers, I sin now
prepared to supply the public with
Wood and Iron' Forte and
s Lift rumps, Brass and
iron Cylinders, Galvaniz-
alva niz-etl Kron Tubing. Cisterns,
Water Troughs, Slinks,
naths,ripe Fitting, Well
Digging and everything in con -
neaten with water supplies.
Galvanized Steel Windmills for power
and pumping water.
Deep well pumps a speciality.'
Repairing promptly attended to.
Parties writing for information or
ordoring by mail should always stato
depth of well.
All work guaranteed or no sale.
Box 140 Wingiaam, Ont.
DEANS, JR., ttiNG, ut,
Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge.
Sales of Farm Stock and Farm lmpiemente-
All orders Intl at tho Toms office promptly atter&
.ad to. Terris reasonable.
f'Srt Camp Caledonia, No. 49meet.
b„ U. b. the first and third lioneloy in
ev,,ry month, in ..he Odd Fellows MIL Visitinri
brethren waken, J. Murray, Chief. D Stew(
art 11,'n.•See
" Woman : Maiden, wife and Mother." A book
which every woman will buyisalnlost ready, Special
preface by Lady Aberdeen, Introduction by ntlsel
enu.ces 1r., Willard, An encyclopaedia on the woman
question. Portraits of a hundred nctod roman and•
numerous other IhustratioLa. A snap for Dither
men or women eaovessers. Prospectus, 51.00,
"Glimpses of tho Unseen." Fascinating book.
Sweeps the entire field of borderland subjects,
Everybody orders. Marvellous illustrations. Pros.
v,etll8 51.
VV . \ J.. 3D
A few good men for canvassing on yearly salaries,
N,Ci Books,
,ecdoibgMeadsMolders, al., Pamphlets,
styli) of the art, et moderato prices, and on short
notice. Apply er address
13. B. ELLIOT9'.
T Milt Office, Wiorham.
We are pk• used to amIOnnee that any ilooke of
Mega:does left with ns for 8lneintr, will have one
prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any ityla
will be given on atp'testiou o the Totem 1)Aloe
ass. I am sli
hrough my c
cease and cot
`+Ereating susp
"1 present(
lie had a pies
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