HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-04, Page 7f J "6,t oods When we sell goods we guarantee them to be reliable. It simply would not pay us to lauseless merchandise be distributed frotn this store. People soon find out the difference between it genuine and an inferior article, and when once we sell a person goods we want them to know they aro getting good value, to be satisfied with their purchase. in every respect, and to re- turn itnd buy again. Jr it should happen that you are not satis- fled with anything you buy here, bring it back and your money will be refunded. EARLY SPRING GOODS, New Prints. fast colors, in pink, blue and red designs, very pretty, 80. New Prints, beautiful patterns, Light or dark coloring9, Large or small patterns, 10o. New Prints, stylish dress effects, some elegant patterns and perfectly fast colors, 12%o. A new style of Print is shown in stripes for wrappers -it is 30 in. wide (4 inches wider than ordinary) and usually sold at 15o, but we are running it this season at12ao. German blue Print, fast colors and good value. SRIRTINGS. We are mdVing a specialty this season of American Shirting, an extra heavy weight. but we will be able to sell it the stone as the lighter make -it comes in stripes, and checks, and price, 121e. COTTONADES. Full assortment, prices range 10e, 14c, 17o. 203 and 23c a yard. You will find our prices the lowest, not for one day in the week only, but every day in the year. J'1'c•� • �i inn n o. THE YVi1.M(X1'lA '111MF ,FEBRUARY 4, 1.898. COUvTX COUNCIL MEETS. p.. Vgi►�Qd O�"0 IP htINU'TES' OF JANUARY SESSION. t� lci. Ig this P ' + C$ � The Cuuttt;v Connell of llurun met h�;. �._. ;•,� e r: ]� in the council chamber at 3 p. m �+ Tuescl'iy week. All the members were Frj present. P rt The clerk asked that a warden be la elected. Fl I The following names were suit �l:, of 1•j,wiak ; Dr, ' 1 milted, B. S. CooDRESS COLDS, TWEEDS, CLAK ,MARTINS . RI Rollins, of Exeter , find George Mc Ft4� � Ewen of t]ansall. Mr Cook, with the r ieonsent of his mover and stieonder and lannelettes, that are interestilln to our Lady Customers as r withdrew. and nn a ballot being tak r3and Dr. Ruffles 7, secured 9 votes t,. ,> r. A._,, ..__ -...,.. declared elected i THEY ARE COY SAVERS consequently there are many bargains turning up in remnants of 5 w CHA:`:, \THE NEW STEADRY Our laundry plant has arrived and we are prepared to turn out first class work in all lines of Laundry Work on the Shortest Notice. For the convenience bf customers, • a DROP BOX will be placed at the door to receive work when laundry is closed. - GIVE US A TIAL with your next order. T,DL.0NG Opp. Union Factory. STAND We have moved our and subscribed to the oath of offiee before Judge Masson. The newly elected warden thank- ed the council for the honor that had been dome him. It had conte to him in the way of a surprise, but never- theless he felt grateful to the coun- cil for having elected him to the position, and would endeavor to con, seientiously discharge tie duties of office. The following striking committees was elected : .Messrs. Cook, Holt, Miller, Torrance, and McLean. Gouneil then adjourned until Wed nesctay at 10 a. m. Communications were read from the county of. Litnark, respecting a.wmendinents in High- School act, of 1896, and from the county of Bruce, asking. co-operation in petition- ing the Legislature to tlmmend the County Councils act of 1896, Sent to Special Committee, A communication from the prison- ers aid society was sent to Executive Com. Statements showing balances to credit of county, in Banks of Com- merce and Molsan's were sent to Finance'Com . . Report of road commissioner. read and.sent to Road and Bridge Com- mittee. Repute of I. 1'. 5., 1..ubb, fur East He run, wa6 presented, and sent to Committee, Registrar Gibson's annual return was read and sent to Finance Com- mittee. The Gaoler's report was read and sent to Property Committee. Moved •by Hislop and • McLean (Tuckcrsmith), that P. Holt and W, Lane ue auditors of criminal jnstiees aecoun te.- Oa cried. F. Jordan, Goderich, Dr. 11IcInnis, Referred to road and bridge commit Seaforth, and Henry Plumstead, I • tee • Clinton, were elected to their re- filo rook moved, seconded by Mr, speetive Collegiate Institute boards. • Miller, that the county ascertain Messrs. Baird, of Stanley, and A. ft•°tit the Provineiel auditor, e pro - J. Moore, of Goderich ; were appoint- bible cost of an audit of the county's led In"febris of the County of I account's for three years- by said �xatninet a' Provincial auditor, and . lay before 1 F°Iluwing are the stain+;itis+` com- mittees for the year 181)8. Executive Committee.- ��olt,,•°o•••• GOIZIZIE. ey, Hislop, Cox, Cook. byfit•. Snell, that a railing be put ' • Special Committee, -Holt, Mooney aeach end f Benuriller bridge. -it Arrangements have been made1 tot), Stanley Elliott, Chissy Rintoul. Hislop, Cox, Cook. I Carried. ' for the holding of a horse fair here Finance Cenimitttee,-Itoilins, :ilii- BL'LD ORE ler, Torrance, Stewart, J. B. Me - Hislop, hall moved, seconded by ' Mr.1 on Saturday, `February 5th. +, Hislop, chat necessary repairs bel The fifth annioertiary of the Meth. Leans made to Port Albert bridge under I ndist church was held on Sunday It has been decided by the Bel- 1?ducatiun Committee. - Rollins I ' the supervision of county engineer. `last. Rev. Wm. 11Ici)onagh, ut b�in1d , facture buttemore Cheese r heButter flu"n4ymdur-� ford preached bot t mornint~ Lean. a111uved d d by evening. A grand tea meeting wast We; the coming season, instead - Of 1 C 'tt e held on Monday evening. The choir; cheese. The u,iichiu, i N will be Refuge, the card of ad- rendered several tirst•class selc�utions moved - from 1lildo,av , a supply of Patterson, 1l�iys, R. IIel.eatt McInnes the house of I e „ , Snell. mission must be countersigned by and addresses ,fere delivered by , ice secured and ell la -vet -Noy pre - one County Councillor of the distriet1 Rev. Dr. Pascoe, of Z%*Ingham, and! iterations made 1,t•fore 1;10 :•eason whole. Council, j ovens. Cream wagons will run in addition to the signature of the Rev. Wu,. McDonagh: I Iluwun hS'itr J. rl', Cuinmittee,- \lllkcr, I'or• 1 Reeve from the inunicipality from The annual meeting of the How- through Culross, C e F i irk. ranee; J. B. tMeletan, Iliac' ick Reuse of Refuge ,� , ! which the proposed inmate comes. ick Mutual Fire Insurance Company :.nd 1 urnberry, Bellies I. tetory is ail es- son Stewart :1leJu►ies. I Referred to execut'ivvoll Rolittee. lins, seconded washeld large numbere on eray lest, policy Th held. I if llent patronizedlchy for the eaw i,�uedi „ far - $300 :Moved by Dt . ,givegeneral. " The usual motion of it grant of I b AIt Snell M Cousins of i1[n,tict1 'niers would hese! to W;300 to the �lgricultura► Saciuties house of Refuge committee take ttt�fat.tton. �+ wits sent to Executive Coni. Tile eorncil thou adjourned until 3 p. in. eat itarkel i t oar )lc't5' i)uildillr;.. OPP. PRESBYTERIA�i CHURCH where we will be pleased. to supply all our olcl. customers and any new ones with choice Beef, Pork. Sausage, Bologne 1 and other Meats, at the lowest possible price. Please give us a call. .L . E V 4YT A .&9- a - •.LL . NEVVSHUE �JDRE,io.- Having opened tip a shoe store 1 next door north of Chishnlm's Block, I am now ready for repelling, which will be done at cash prices. G JOHN BILL. :MIX.. —AN D—rr��e.s�S�, EV —FROM THE - HOLSTEIN DAIRY. 41 a We show also this week a beautiful Majolica Jug containing i lb. of best English Bak- ing Powder which costs you only 25c. Choice California Evaporated Peaches only I212 c 0 lb. Selected Evaporated, A pr:cots, a delicacy, only i 5c lb, Special Japan Tea sell - w ing at 5 lbs. for $i.00. 4c buys a cake of Comfort Laundry Soap. 2oc buys either 3 lbs. of Cream Soda Biscuits or select Raisins or New Curt ants. Tilsonburg Kiln Dried Rolled Oats, to los, for 25c. Values arc especially right during stocktaking. McINTYRE'S OLD STAND. MACDONALD BLOCK. W 1NC HAM. iii 4 VS, e� anile t"b �h �sh� ®Q +� ` L atetelele 3 P. M. Council resumed according to ad journment, A number of reports were read and sent to various committees..., A motion to grant a suin of $10g for flowers around court house, was sent to Execntive Coin. After ee.veral motions were made and sent to „committee, the council adjourned anvil 10 n.m, Thursday. • •rMOhs it.\V. - so that municipal councils shall be elected for a terra of two years, said election to take place at same time and place as elections for county councillors. Referred to executive committee. After By-laws for appointing auditors and other purposes had heed passed, the council adjourned to meet again the first Tuesday in June. • lir. 3 G. lloiri,vti, to uship.elerk,. ,.. of McKillop was elected auditor. Mr. D. [Jrquhaib, of Hensall, was nomi- nated by the Warden as second audi tor, Mr. Patterson moved, seconded by Mr. Stewart; that the county engin eer examine Dyer's - bridge on the boundary line netween Hallett and Wawanosh, and have tenders placed before the council at its next sitting, BELGRAVE. myn, of Morris, spent Sunday with. their sister, Mr. Wm. Anderson. Mr, Nathaniel Johnston, of West- field called on the 12th concession onc1 Monday. We are pleased to note that Mrs., Robert Currie is recovering from her recent illness. Mr. W. N. Gray paid a farewell visit to friends on the 12th conces- sion before leaving for the gold fi s. 1r. W. J. Curriekw s nursing a Mr. John Mitchell of Wingharn, sore arm last week. shThe following is the report of S. 5,1 . he oldcountry 2 cars last w ek. rollers to . No. East Wawanosh, for the' old uweek, month of'January. The names are I On `Thursday evening of last week I arranged in order of merit aseertain- a 1r. Fd. ofN young fos and drove oversen. ed by s, system of daily markings, Mr. joyable N me in and trippingn,� most en. I deductions being made for bad cop-' time in the ltght+,duct, lateness etc. fantastic till the wee sma ours o I VI, Jennie Rintoul, Florence morn. d 1 Sheill, Maggie` McDougall Mable 1Vlr. Abraham Ketchabaw ban sold I Sheill, out his interest of farm stork to Mr, III sr., George Coultes, Rin- • • John Scrandett, proprietor of the! foul Frank iAfre lis. Ritz, Alberta McDougall, Rin- Queen's t tends Hotel. iso, I�etn abawthe in -I Emerald Anaerson, Roy Mason, Les - tends devoting his time in the cheese lie Deacon. making line. III jr., Willie Elliott, Roy Deacon, iVl4 a s Clegg of lWast week. ship Alfred Hodgson, Frank Shoebottom. Fed Messrs. Dan grain Jweek. II sr., Bella I1•IeDougall, Ethel and Jaynes Roberton , and Watt. Allison are visiting friends Hili jr,, David Johnston, Raymond' Elliott:, Alex Rintoul, Herbert Sheill,s Willie Hicks, Roy Anderson. ; I Howard Sheill, Willie Shoebot -1 the council at the June session: -Car- lin Guelph, Acton and other points. tied. t Mr. R. MeLean moved, seconde•i ` , 51 1 1ltiller, Torrance, Stuart. J. 13. ivic- Pold and Bridge ottttrii •.,t ,- Carried byDr. Rollins, seconded Mr. Snell, that to admit inmates to As we are preparing to take stock we will offer for the next days special value in Fur Goods consistin,' of Ladies' Fur Coats, Fur Capes and Ruffs. Also a large anti. well assorted stock of Men's Fur Coats, Fur Capes and Fur Gauntlets. RUB B `�;R GOODS 30 In Rubber Goods we lead. Ladies' Rubbers s froRubbers 50 to Rubber Boots Fanny Rubbers, special 50e. In Lum Live will not be undersold, ROOTS AND SHOES Our Boots and Shoes are now which cannot be beaten. . DRESS GOODS complete in every line and quality, y M , that the Warden an > steps to have I3rindly, an inmate of the House, admitted to the asylum of idiots or to the county gaol. -Car - ers present. t r. s' s ii Township, occueied the chair. 'The s, e a ' • . -- .•-•,•----- Directors' and Auditor's Reports 'wei e - read and adopted, after thick the meeting proceeded to ekes two Du tt` 1Piee 3etors for a term of three eettre.irtum , �•:yx the reports submitted the following people often wonder why their nor% t es are statistics may be taliren, i\ uanber of co weak; why the get tired so easily; policies in force, 2784 ;Insurance in why they start at every slight but ; h • do not slceg Ladies', call and inspect our special line of Fancy Dress Goods which Brite are offering at a bargain. Special Bargains In OVERCOATS. able. Everyone suffering Renew your r sem. bcltio. for THE; 1 fromcbnsunnption needs this 4 food tonic. 50e. ++ad Shoo, *11 druggists. SCOTT &'s°WNE, Chemists, Terme. ----------,- - .•,,._......»`—,-.°.-•--w--•- vied. - - Robert McLean moved, seconded After coughsand colds by John Cox, that the county pro- perty committee examine the :House I sudden sound, why t ey L the germs of consumption of Refuge once a yettr, same as other torce, $4,085,880 ; Premium note why they have frequent capital In- naturally; < $8,638 ')1 headaches, indigestion and nervous ;i often gain a Emulsion Cod- i county pre corniytittee9streport recuin- I c oe for available, s year, i r' .8�t ; Scott's rmendtng p y 1 • ^ + >3 d of liver Oil with Hypophos- phites will not cure every case; but, if taken in time, it will cure many. Even when the disease is Inns>s the Chu k was enllutwured to ----.-- farther vast \etu', + a a •merit of accounts was 1�°xpeadttat es, $.20G 03 ; rash b:, • s e • . a read and adopted. once stn luted, ab 41,1 78, oar House of Refuge committees report , J noDir�utors lt Mil war 1year 1S98a `liZobt The thaxtptimpure bloo which isanation is simple, It is found cont read and adopted. n; 'trolly feeding the Nerves upon refugee. Special committees report read and Scott, Will. liison.'ch t t, .,.)1. l., t!r% Instead of the elements of strength and: ; adopted. I sluff Chas. ly'ilsotl. :x'C,•7 teas•, �� vigor. In such condition opiate sta.; On motion c,f Dr. Rollins and Mr, q S McKereller, servo compounds sinipiy detdrn and do not, ettte, hoed s tiareaparilla feeds the nerves pure, rich, rad blood; gives natural sleep, perfect digestion, is the true remedy for alt eetveus troubles, V 44 farther advanced, some re- distribute county property, such as' b Cl:ytT, of member cures are effected. hand -cuffs, etc., only on the authority I Mrs, il',\11"�t,Lanier OSElliott were memberer of the County Council. i Mr. and i,:�S'1l+ In the most advanced stages Moved by Robr. McLean, seconded i visiting at 1Ir. James Fife's cif Mor• it prolongs life, and makes by Dr. Rollins, That the new County Iris on Whitley. the days fax more comfort. flag be used for county purposes ' Mr. ;NOM:. Baird of lfort'ittgrcln • only, and not lent to be need for any spent ;Sunday last at lir. Johan: 1+7l. other purpose, -Carried. moved by 1Ir, Torrance, s e�,ndecl `; Mis, llettliti Hutchison Elliott of by 12tbt. McLean, That the Wardenj' 11'i ,t;h•eat. is, ie Vi,,:i'tJ• under the and the Clerk memorialize the Legis- per it el ir,,tl'. latiire to amend the Municipal Act, Mt -.,ern a1 t> ty and Milton .Ter TIMES. $1 per ymar. Sarzaparitia 1'. t•b (Thi' True 1110rd 'u, er. $1 per (t +tr'deu {'+vi.. a l'ltori.�' Co Lowell, 1 a .. °.S.►t r a s..+ ..ar..+W4).1.de}4" tS.t1