HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-04, Page 6sl
We have a large stock
of Rubber Goods, Water
Bottles, Syringe;
yri gest Tuub-
1.RJLi lr Y 11'!l �it k� i l yl IALi.1S. FEBRUARY 4, 1b96r
~- - -`-•II ?ave. btook #3larffiets•
a1T,g?,p.TiET REPORTS.
T � ' � Toronto, Ont., Feb.k'b1,-Export wp�lsasn, January 24th. 1808.
Attention having been called to • cattle -Good steers were selling for Corr®clad by T', Deana, Produce h. Dealer•
the fact that sonic of the figures re- 4e to 41 c per lb --the latter figure vloar;Tlu'r 100 lbs 0 85 to 0 H01
8pxing eat 0 85 to 0 86
biting to the provincial finances in for to 3 very best.
exporter and bulls =sag
0 ,.R to 0 28
the Liberal Campaign °tiara ur about 3 ? e to 3 gc per Ib ,some selling
Rarle• ,......... . ..:: ...... . . 0 25 to 0 '1.0
Deasy 0 54 to 0 55
Turkey, drawn 0 07 to 0 08'
Or ese, " 0 04 to 0 05'
Ducks, per pair 0 40 to 0 t#0'
,ulnen,..,,. .••••• •• •. .,,. 0 14 to 0 15l
Eggs per dozen 0 14 to 0 14
Wood per cord.... .... ,1 00 to 1 25
Bay .per ton, 5 00 to 550.
1'atatoet ,per bushel, 0 30 to 0 05
'tallow, per lb 0 3 to 0 4 8 to 0 11 `
f ,the sold fur 3}c to 34c per lb. Feeding
v0ol apples, per lb
19 to 21•
�vaS bulls bold for 2c to �;ke• ;pressed bogs 5 00 to 6 00
Spee and lttuibs-Sheep <tre sell-
,I ' t e do 11
nut agree, it may be well to explain i as low us 3c,
the appltrellt eisereptule_ . It must Butchers cattle -1 r ces ruled from.
be remembered •that the speech of $x2.75 to 63.50 per cwt„ very few
extra choice ones touching 3 le pet•
the Treasurer., Hon .R. Harcourt, lb. Common to medium ruled ,from
was active' ed on the 14 >it December, 24c to 3e per lb,
ill iC Feeder er Fittings, &c., Stockers and feeders -Selling from
which we are selling andn.contained a statement of the I
cheap at fiances for only ten months, while 3 to 83,35 per cwt. ":ceding steers
the ;tigures ill the Recurd o
�QL�� A. CAMPBELL'S I'rityet:ai Government, which p
issued at a latt#r datc`ai e fol' the `inw at oC to osc
., 31 per lb. Lambs .air
whole year, with one exception. R firmer at $4,75 to 85 per ,ewe,, or .
ill be found on page l to $5 each
Doors South of Post Office. 3 of the Calves -Prices
Headache Wafer
cures headache. •
That exception 1w latices rule from ? to
170 of the Record, item
Liabilities of the Province, Quebec's' i "all eh cows and springers -Price
f elections on account$20 t on per heat.
3 litiTAvtslt-In Culross, on Jan. 21st,1
like wife of Mr. D. McTavish ; a daughter.
8 r.,Grl,onatsr,-In W inghlla,, on Jantaary
.31st, the wife of Mr. 5. Gilchrist ; a son
of s :Su riff--•MODONALD-At the resi-
ContL o CU i ruled firm at u • dance of the br;dR's parents, in Oulrosa,
Conitnt)n Seliool Lund, f r 18J7 not
J. 19ch, iVIr John A,Sharpnto Miss'
•ei0Hogs-Choicede. \\3 are wanted. Barbara McDonald, both of Culross:
being included, the figures not lav- selections of bacon DIED.
egg .corns in when the Record was , g G.�nsNcx- in Culross, on Jan.. 21st,
selling tor 5c to 5,i,•c per lb. w•ei li-
isStted. The Surplus i5 there stated off the cars. Thick, fat and light iBarbara Yl. Greenan, beloved wfe of
GO ,he $f;,jateG3.8G. In a leaflet hogs, Wing 4sc er 1b,; vows u'c John H. Greene°, aged 59 years.
issued at k later date on Ontario's I to g c ; ing zc ; stores, 41e per lb.
elndedeand makess as clifferenceitof� East Buffalo, N Y., Feb, 1. -.Cat- James Allison, the murderer of Mrs.
rle-The demand was good fcr best Orr, of Galt, was hanged at Berlin
surplus,rthree thousand dollars in 8971`gt°des and the market was strong ithis,.(Friday) morning
which at the end of 181!7 I �' �• --'
l 05 121 345.24. In ioten fc nes higher , Canadians quot-
atnuinted to u. , i ed Feede•s, .good qual-
stating the surplus,. therefore, it will ; its $?,4 to $4.25 ; feeders, common
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday
noon. The copy for changes
mail be left not lat
thahdn Tues-
es -
day evening.
ments accepted up' to noon ,
Thursday of each week. t,
pe 0 01 tivp,an0 1,11105
ki'1t DAY, FEBRUARY 4,1898.
be well to use the ,figures on the last
page of the leaflet instead of those
on page 1.70 of the Record.
Some apprehension has also arisen
from the fact that the 'Sgnres of rev
en•ue and expenditure on page 168 of
the Record are less in amount than 1 Oars of fresh arrivals, and 15 1oa•
those appended to Hon. Mr. liar -
that held over from yesterday's trade
court's speech, lest the assertion fair demand for light grades and
pigs ; some sold at fully 2?,e strong
good mediums and heavy grades
were in good demand, and also sold
higher ; good to choice Yorkers,
64.02; mixedpackers', grades84.05
weights, $4.07 to $4.10-;- heavy hogs,
i4.05 ; roughs, 83.30 to 83.60 ; stags,
$3 to $3.15 ; pigs, 63.25 to 83 85.
Sheep and lambs -Fresh receipt only
two cars , but all of the twelve. leads
held over ; light enquiry ; no very
choice lots being on sale ; choice 'to
extra, $5 40 at $5. GO ; culls to com-
mon, $4.75 to 85.25 ; yearlings. fair
mixed to choice %ethers, $4.50 to
$5,25; yearlings, fair mixed to choice
wethers, 64.50 to $5.25; native sheep
choice to selected wethers, µ4,65 t
64.90 ; good to choice mixe she
to good, $3.60 to $3.90 ; stoeker,llght
weights and prime seleeted yearlings
$3 75 to $4.05 ; common grades,
stockers and, feeders, to $.50 y
stock heiters, light mullion to good,
1;;1.10 0) $3.30. Uogn-ltecepts, 16
Coal Oil
Public Schoch!
High School
Books and
Toys, &c.
should be made that:the -figures were
"cooked."' A eadtefnl reading of the
figures will show that there is no rea-
E1ectors, vote for Hoa.. A.• S. son for such an assertion. The tablas
in the Record is for "ordinary,
Hardy and tHac. best Govern-
is "controllable" revenue andex-
ptcemt>t Canada bias ever t$BA®vv>la enditure "under ,the :stl.ppl,.y bill,"
by inpjortif g the unc$er-men- I and does not der the supp! one lle•
tiirpnseti•anael all Liberal ea'>Leia-' bentures (municipal and tile), Rail-
way Aid Certificates, Annuities, or
expenditure on capital account for
the new Parliurnent Buildings and
the Brockville Asylum. which are
provided for by statute, are.uncon-
trollabie, and do not come andel-the
Supply Bill asali.
IT has
J. 1. GARL OW.
EAST Hullos,
�i1& .11UUSLOP.
Sou ff HURON.
.3E.5i11el414.1A .
The writs have been issued for the
'provincial +elections, on Tuesday,
March 1st,. T.he returning officers
for Huron, Brame. and Perth counties
are as follows';
Huron, E -R.. G. Reynolds, Gode-
Hato., S ---F• Kibler, Zurich.
Huron, W --A, L. Gibson, Goderich.
Bruce, N-Joseph.Chamber, Allen
Bruce, S --I+". S.G''Connor, Walker.
Bruce C -J. B. Campbell, Pinker-
Perth N -John Hassle, Stratford.
Perth S -P. Weiihan St. Atary's•
s been well :stud ,that it .is I d t ' `, "XEO• UT OR'� , ,S.ALE
time tor a ehange dor -the x+4.55 to 84•00; common to fair, $4,8,5";••
to $4. 25 ; culls to common sheep, 03 .'���U �� ��,�� PRRTY.
Dominion Parliament met on
tc� X3.75 ; .
day last tor the !transaction LUCKNOW. , Pursuant to the powers i me rested as
The Walkerton hockey team came L':to utnr of the estate of On Dale, late of
mess. the Town of winghnm, ht th L`otnt1 of Ilnrotg,
u,Y LIBERAL ill Huron County over here last Friday night and play- ; Aidoo,tre dhy a,1 si�ins,01 .r foneat, bytlt uLlx
ed an interesting game with our team. ; Acclutio Hotel,yPeter in Mt we of wingham, in the
Ex -
be true CO the ealnse and Lueknow Won by 20 to 0. iCouutyof Huron, .a
f oderich hockey team won from l Wednesday, the 2nd day of
A. D. 1898,
of bus
Mn. GARRO�V, the Liberal candi-
date for West Huron, will told meet
Inge as follows next week:
Clinton ---Tuesday.
Blyth --Thursday.
IFIol mesvi 11e -Saturday.
Bach meeting will commence at 8
o'clock p. nl. The opposition candi-
date or any of his friends are invited
and will b3 given an opportunity to
Speak:. Seats reserved for ladies.
gan iza
this i
by re•
w, 11�1D4W.1Jwuu
• Kincardine on k'riday evening by a at S o'clocl: in the afternoon, the
following vain.
1xe1RROW's speech at the or -score of 5 to 0, able property, thatis.toasy.:-
k'1're broke out ill the photograpel Lot No, 12 on the east side of Alice street, and
t1011 meeting in Ooderiteh last Tiorot No,• Ashen. eaat,da Jana ltec street,
will be found on page sia of studs° of W. FI. Cash on Saturday st'ttlatsdaitoodul starey�frame cl1118 rgo28x2as
morning, but was extinguished before with °tune foundation aha cellar, end a frnmo ad•
ssue. Our leaders would profit much damage had been done, The sitgro, tax 21, all 111 good ropah. Tho property is
°ding the same.\v,.B t;ttunted and is a desirable residence.
fir( is supposed to have originated mo t.tV sn the day of tunpale uttnd tthe1ebalanee to
rINATION day taco weeks from from a stovepipe in the dark room.
thirty dnas thareaftor a dale and a al made,
ext • Election day three A couple of gentlemen from Cleve- I no • t 1 •ave a 1 91)011 of silo purchase mosey
1 ale or ma be had from the
ciat fight is thus one of the short }actor y \
record. wol'ks• they succeed ,, , � Executor.
Solicitor and Executor.. Tna; South Bruce Liberals met in i we understand it is their intention to
e the works and menu -
la t, and reat Formosa on Thursday greatly facture other e' oohs besides furniture. AUCTION SALE
Tru and re -nominated DI r. R. E.t Tiley first, arnival of the season I --01 vAi.vArix-
standa of Walkerton, as their was held in the rink on Tuesday Farm Viiiage �j'Operties1
standard bearer. Mr. W. Thom-
Independentwho electcrs, will oppose
1111•. Truax.
TETE Liberals are conducting no
°alar o t
mortuago at ra•soahle interest. Further pay
u rig conditions of snAe'n•Ili be rondo irnowt
Tuesday [1
land, Ohio, were in the village recent. t maiuodal g the s Y
we: its from Tuesday. The pro\ In- Central i�'u •ntture '
�3�. ly looking
at the 1 Anetionaer or from the undersi;;ned, •
, Vit11 a view of buyit'g the i dared this 31st tiny of lannuny, A. D„ I858.
on All will rejoice If f din getting it ' [t VANSt0,ItE, Winghntn, WM. AI1BUCI{LF.,
Joint meetings for the discussion
Ot the political Issues of the day in
in connection with the coming On -
Tun Montreal Witness, which
Uric; Provincial Elections will be held so extensively quoted a short.
the ,east riding of Huron, as fol -
ago by the Ontario Tory press,
lows : people who had confidence in
Friday, Feb. 4 --Scots' School Oliver Mowat will doubtless Sup
holt , Turnberry ; Saturday
Feb, the lea virtually ere
6 -Jamestown ; Monday Eeb. 7-W- l government
School house, t tolesw,rth ,1 Tuesday,
rob. 8.--Newbridf e, School House ;
Wednesday, Feb. 0 ---Lekelet, Tem -
nee Bali ; Thursday, Feb. 10-•-
_ eterTown Iia!! ; Friday, Feb.
._) lttevale Foresters' Hall, Sat-
, Feb. 12 •.•-• Go3man$' School ()liver Mowat to give kir. Ila
Both Candidates fair trial. So far there has be
meetings and each change and no deterioration,
another 1l aa we can see in the Liberal
tet,dance and a large number of
spectators present•
.&n old and highly respected resi-
dent of this place Dr. Garnier, died
Pursuant to the powers in me nested on As-
/ of the estate and effects 01 Daniel
McKenzie, I will offer for sale by hublie Auction, b
John Farquharson, Auctioneer, at the
Vendome Hotel,
sectarian or sectional campaign. at his residence here, on Tuesday in the Village of Teeswater, in the County : rnee,
Theyare not seeking "the Methodist morning last. Thursday, the 3rd d of
g I Temple of Fame, the celebrated March, A. D., 18:8,
vote," "the Catholic vote,""the Irish 1entertainment was given in tsetse valuable
vote," or "the Scotch vote." T
appeal to the Ontario electorate
Canadians, and on their record.
on their record they have a rig
expect the support of every love
clean, honest, economical governor
'at 0 o'clock ht the alt •rnson, the
hey the town hall, oti<".'. ursday and Fri- I prnpurt#es, that is ;tot
.n say :
"s day evening' of tttis'week. Yorcul V0.1• -The oast half lot No. 19, in rho
And r' t 2n5 Co11ee'slon of the Town dp o4 Mimes, In the
Mr. Sas. McMillan, of this village, ! n�ayj,',)f) ot'or'ie,t. Sri s f fly siseettnnranded o"no hall
t t0 is the wonder of the present age. A� ffr.e „riles (rout the o , nt \yitghant, and four and
r of few months ago he left for Chicago to ' nun half inilas fru, w Villa a of Teeswatcr, on a
tint• good travel Mad utile is nun of the best farms in rho
e hi of Cuhosy There are on rho t
remises a
Th ns
el'. w
cancer. xa p
1'eeelVe treatment for a � frame hnuso •:4 x 84y with kitchen l0 x 24 nn¢
was doctrls in Toronto were unable to g,,.andshed attached ; there isa good atone cellar
time give hills much hope. Mr, McMillan, llnalttuatticu,l ;'t..ee tr Yn340'x 63 w#thtst000
however went to Chicago,. where he!'"" ; st„bB„gf nndornoath, root hmiro t,nd drivin, 811911
Sa it attached. and a frame hay shed co x L About 4
remained fol two months but tract with aures of the I,nd is timbered vItlr good hardwood
""` Miry little encouragement leaving basi, an the wellth wateredfirst class state of culti•
Port there he WCIlt 10 St. Paul, Where he Parent No. 2 --Lots Number 7 and 8, fronting cit
un.beth ntrect, south of rho niter, in the village
sled, \v -,s under the treatment of a speeia- of Tetswater, in the County of Bruce, containing
because it is still pursuing his list for three months and left there I are situat d o'good acretul0s crus ire ire0ottrur lore
etlntiOfS policy and earlyilial; along much improved. Three weeks ago I Irl Witt steam collar 4u11 size of hnusc, and a frauu
1 l.lt�cdten 14 s S0, with hard ams 401t t%tor con, co.0
r for tape. Also a „•coil garden and orchard, Tho
011 the sante economical lines the he returned to Lueknow minus a :
Administration he established, and it portion of his lower jaw bone and his 1. Tc rs� er mita vorsdt,strobh"� heon 'J Village of
adds: "There will be an inclination speech somewhat impaired ; in other I r1.It\t3 em4ALi .--'gnu ter Wont, of tlic purchase
on the part of all who supported Sir respects, he says he never felt better., mortes nu ti,o ter• 11 thu an c and th,+ balance witWo
thirty days thereafter, t ortgrer parti ci la'rs and
rdy tc Jim 1103 nobly LOU,l;e for his life and
Ril ihrtm villl,aohallmit pptirat#,titutpittttl Aiie
en no 1 his friends will welcome the flews or', tlonccr, to I: t„ ngckinamr, Seq., Barrister, Wing 1
8b far !his rec pvcry. Ile will return to-CIi- l 11 [).. M,110 tiiui'tat ler tgni 1. torr, t. D.,1€03. i
policy' cago to have the excavation in bis face tt, t.'►N.ilho's. ,1'4intsham, Solicitor Wr 1sivice. 1
Mi. MOO:N•lil:, Wingham, Assignee.
s,,;itll) I. K-
art r epePte era Flied
7,ltO p. m. of Administration."
We wish oul<imany customers,
and friends a Happy and Pros-
perous New Year.
During 1898 we will endeavor.
to meet all the requirements of
our increasing trade, and will.
offer the best possible inducement
to our customers.
$50.00 reward for a watch we:
can't fix.
11 t, 2SSV-- ea.trt6i-i!LMIjt ui•?b; -S at t. �sta4 u`, 1t sL111 TE6j,,A, e.J.ruE
W. BARRAND'S new stock must be converted
into cash by 1st JAN., and in order to do this, those
beautiful Scotch Tweeds leave been reduced from
$15.00 and $18.00 to $1040, $11.00 and $12.00,
which have never been sold at these prices in Wing -
ham before.
It will pay you to see these goods before you
purchase your winter suit.
Next doer to
Brunswick Ketol.
Shaw Block, wingham.