HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-04, Page 5E "WING RAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 4, E898. D Stook Feeeanl;. DORS your FOOD DO you GOOD? Mr. Gibson, one of the Government; If you have dyspepsia your food can- deutation of speakers,. at a recent not do all the good it should. B. 13, 13, p p cures dyspepsia and regulates the stone - Farmers' Institute meeting discussed itch so that every grain of nutriment is stook feeding, He first pointed out `extracted from the food. Solid facts that a farmer who desired to make count. Mies Mary Rose, 13elliveau, Church Point, N. S., says : ""Burdock money out of his stock must feed Blood Bittere made n complete cure in. them properl , , Two-tifths of the my ease, titer I had suffered for two food given was necessary to keep up years from dyspepsia. I believe it can - the animal heat, and if no more than t not fail to cure " that were fed it could not be ex. peetecl that any profit would bei London to Lake derived. This was particularly the - case in respeet to young or growing An Ottawa dispatch says: "Mr, animals With proper feeding' M. (:a. Cameron,. solicitor for apple majority is reached much r arlier in cants. ;fives notice that application the life of an animal and the profit is will be made to Parliament for an proportionatley larger. The ole. act to incorporate a company to con - merits necessary to keep up are street tt railway by steam or elec- muscle, fat and heat. The fodders , tricity, or other motive, power be- that produce these are corn for fat' tween London and a point in or near and heat, and peas for muscle. .A' the Village of Lucan, and from knowledge of what fodders to feed„Lucan to a. point in or near Cut- in order to obtain certain results was walla, in the Township of Stephen, important. Whatever the condition in the County of Baron, to a point required, whether muscle or fat, the in or near Grand Bend, on Lake feed should be such as will give the ,Huron ; also with power to construct hest results, In the case of hogs, too and operate telegraph and telephone much fat was not required, and lines, to take and use water for gen- hence it was that clover should be erating power, and to transmit and fed in connection with corn in order dispose of the power derived there- to get the lean streaks. The farmer from; to build, acquire and operate also had to consider the best means orm and other vessels, and all of enriching his soil and the most necessary wharves and docks. successful feeders were those wi made the best return to the land, t excrement being rich and• valuab in accordance with the quality the feed supplied the stock. The is no general plan for managing farm that will apply to all localiti but there are principles which if ,W,IfV`I The Life of Mrs. McMas- ter of Toronto, is Saved. A Case That Pro ell Too Difficult for the Physicians Yields to the •t oi'drous Virtues of Paine's Celery Colnpeti.iU.' A Signal Victory For The King Of Medicines. Pains Banished, Eyesight Quito Re- stored, and a New Life Begun Welts & Richardson Co., Gentlemen.—Ten years ago I was at- tacker.' with neuralgia, and though treat ed by six doctors, the diseasegrew ws,se and nesrly drove me insane. I wt - for ono entrmer an out -door patient at the hospital bore, but only got tem entry re- lief. I was sleeplessfor nights, t y digestion was bad, and I would feel a . sin in my stomach every time I ate an 'thing. Day after day T d suffered the ost intense agony, and I often w^ d r 1 didn't go crazy. 1 took eudlos' t.edunnes given me by med"'oal men, u gutting worse, 1 became utterly disha. enact One clay my dolive arm came. A. lady who had sutleted just as I had told me tbatPaine's Celery Compound had cured ber. i used the Compound asa last re- sort, and it simply made a new Welt:an or me. The pain vanished ; my eyeeight, ITuron. which wan impaired, returned, and I felt closely followed as possible will gi myself growing well, and I never felt happier in my lire. I am now well and strong, and all my health an happiness are duo to Paine's Celery Compound. I 'will always gratefully remember the me• dieine that cured me. and will speak a good word for it. Mas. Taos. Mollis ee 45 Cumberland St., Toronto. the best results, lir. Gibson touch on many interesting points alt ale the line embraced in his subjec pointing out the hest foods to fe in order l.o tecure a certain resul In reply to a question :Ir. Gibso said a well•balanced ration for fatte hg. cattle consisting of one part, os sii oty, three of t wits„e anti any ” ,,..a la :, i.,-v....e. clriw7. • tine Ly'...'.j '; iosseseie lament • a.la,m e n ts. Sunday is usually the best day in the week for business with liverymen and for the benefit of those engaged in this business we quote the follow- ing peculiar, yet scriptural ad'vet- tisement that appeared recently in the Lindsey Peet : . TO THE PUBLIC: "Owing to a change in my re- Iigious convictions I have decided to close my livery barn on Sabbath day for secular business. The public will find my accommodation barn open on that day as nsnnl ; all space free to those attending church. Be- lieving tint the Sabbath clay was made fur msn, I have decided to adopt the above regulations ; farther• more it is a life that I wish, not x living. I can't stop the tete ptrtions gathering around me any more than I can the birds flying over my head, bat I can stop them from building in my hair. ' Love the Lord with all thy strength, • thy neighbor as thyself,” is a motto l have adopted. W. A. JEWETT. I y 'e y 8. a. DEATH'S HANDS PIiNIONE d .1 the home were watched for three years, and the Army records showed that 75 per cent. were saved. They had 500 criminals being taught to reform and to lead useful lives, and ho sometime threatened his rich friends that if they did not support these homes more liberally he would 1urn•these criminals loose on them. (Laughter). They had ttit;o 11 larm colonies, making a grand total of 415. Instit tk els. The result was the re- lief of an immense amount of misery and the estab ishment of a lighting force whose business it was to con- vert as many as possible. He be- lieved that the secret of salvation success was the spirit of the living God, their own hard work and their appropriate methods. Catarrh of Ton Yeas Standing Cared by Dr. Chase., I suffered from catarrh for ten years and was treatr.d by some of tbe best physicians in Canada. I was recommended by Mr. 0. Thompson, druggist, Tilsouhurg, to try Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure, and can state pont- tively it oared my catarrh and Cetarral Sore Throat. Yours respectfully. J. P. Philips, J. P. ANNA A. Iiowsx, Witness Eden, Out. Jacob Heppler, acting sub -collector of customs at Listowel, is dead. Mr. Heppler was an old resident of Lis- c A towel, p pi died about his St; eo ge Printe. Stationery. , Ilawkins, who was displaced a few months ago. 1 Guelph, Nov, 23rd, 1897. The Sloa><'i Medicine Co., Hamilton, Dear Sirs,--)fc'r years I was troubled with periodical sink headaches, being affected usually every Sunday, and used all the remedies that were advertised as cures, and was treated by almost every doctor In Guelph but without any relief. One doctor told nie it was caused by a weak stomach; another said it was hereditary and incurable. I was induced by a neighbor to try Sloan's Indian Tonic, and am happy to say I did so. A few doses gave immediate relief, and one bottle and a -half made a complete cure. This was three years ago and the headaches have never returned. I was also troubled with asthma and nothing helped me like your Sloan's Indian Tonle. I can heartily recommend it to all, and will be glad to give any particulars to any one afflicted as I was. W. C. KEOGH, For sale by all dealers, or address the Company at Hamilton, Limited. $1.00 per battle ; 6 for $5.00. Do You Require trta fee ;mils rtw o:iY+..& r vover, pat., e. The Presbyterian Church of Ches.! We ley are having a new 2.4,500 Sstb- bath school ert.cled. Cook's Cotton Moot Compound. i Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, Siker box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No. 1 or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two 8-eent stamps 'l'l,-' ('o..lc Company Windsor, Ont. -Nos. and 2 no,dannrecommend dby 11 G responsible Druggists in Canada. No, 1 and No. Z to onto by tlu:i•i .t. Crupbell, Druer:tst. Kidney Deaths Grow Fewer as tb World Awakes to the Glad Fac The t;jouth American Kidney Cut' Neper Fails. For Over Fifty Years. iirr OLD AND wNLL-'1'a15D RasiisDv— Mrs. Winslow's Soothing. Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil- lions of mothers far their children while teethtn,, with perfect success. it soothes the child, softens tba gums, allays all pain. cures wind colic, and is the best Ienteciy for • diarrhoea. Is pleauant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part or the world. Twenty -dee cants a bottle. Its value is ineelu,.ble. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrulh and take no other kind n l7 'rho unsuspected presentee tbe insid ious (diameter, and the alarming sudden- nese of collapse and death from kidney diseases or so many men and women in I appalreutly good health has haflisci the! most eminent physicians of the day. and 1 not until South American Kidney Cure was iutroduued. to suffering humanity I could it be truthfully said that tt::dteel' seieuue had conquered this dreadful da- t vouror or the human race. A. thousand testimonials tell o: its efficiency as a 1 never -tailing kidney speoiliu. Suld at Chiaholm's Drug Store. A Pawtucket, (R. L) roan was re- cently.locked up in the pollee station at his own request, -"to save him from his wife." 'as Jae MHO elfeature et �t%n-�, £a ea '.�iti tYd/"eeee famous song writer and s They were met on arrival hy siege ether Sharpe, Staff Capt. Rawlings,; Ensigh Ycrex, Ensign Bird. Adjt. and Mrs. Wiseman, and Adjt. and ,Mt -e. Cooins of the illI"lttreeti carps; Adjt. and Mrs. Blackburn, of Corn wall ; Ensign Parker, of Quebec, and -Major and Mrs. McMillan of New- foundland, who attended a hearty Salvation Army welcome to their illustrious chieftain. after the usual FROM PERSONAL EXPERENCE. Many have tried for years to discover a remedy suitable to their own case for the Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache, Kidney and Liver Complaints arising from Poor Digestion, Weak Stomach, and Disordered Liver. •° To these we say : ,Try thenew medicine— are in a position to turn out DILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, ST.aTEMENTS, ETC. At a lower price than EJI FV BLi0PTS v..* i}': We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and we cart print and supply them as cheap at! the cheapest. ever before +1, r SAZIB BILLS Printed on the shortest notice and the price in keeping with the times. MEE Read what people say. Here it is. Giye us a call when you are in need of anything in the •Msas S. LawsoN, Moncton, N. B. says: x nd we will use you right. '"volley" had been red, the party They cured mo of constipation and sick AHint to Vledlotal Mon. Doctors who are in the habit of entered cabs and were driven to the • using long words ' when visiting residence of I3rigadier Sharpe, 246 patients may take a hint thin the Chatham street, where an affecting following story. interview took place between the An old woman whose husband was General and his daughter, Miss Eva not very well sent for the doctor. The doctor came and saw the old Mau The relative size of the earth as compared with the sun is apparently that of a grain of sand to an orange. Rev. Father Zettler, has been appointed parish priest at Fo mosa. of ii patort Causes felly half the sickness In the world. It retains the digested food too long in the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indi- Booth, Commissioner for Canada. Having run over the articles of the Arley creed, Gen. Booth said that When he was departing he said to no objection could be taken to its the old woman : orthodoxy, and the Army had not, "I will send him some medicine, like some preachers train the pulpit, which must be• taken in a recumbent thrown doubt on the accuracy and inspiration of three fourths of the Bible. having sketched the progress of the Army over the world since its establishment 32 years ago, General Booth g the somal figures to show its advance since he had last visited Canada, three years ago. 'Then they worked in 40 r a.tious, now in 45. Then they had 3,266 societies, now 5,873, Then 11,000 officers, now about 13,000, an increase of 1,111. Then they had 35.000 unpaid officers, nom they have 44,000. At the pre position." After he had gone the old woman sat down, greatly puzzled. • "A recumbent position --a recum- bent position'." she kept repeating. "I haven't got one." At last she thought, "I will •go and see if Nurse Town has got one to lend ole." Accordingly she went and Said to the old nurse: "Have you got e, recumbent pt"si- tion you can lend me to take some medicine in ?" sent time the Arley is holding The nurse, who was equally as 000 meetings per week, attended by •ignorant as the old woman, replied : 5,500,000 people. They now have "I had one, but, to tell you the 21 papers published in eighteen fan- truth, I have lost it." guages, with a circulation of 51 notileon eopies per year, Seven years A Betaken. F,xnerienoe, ago he turned his attention to social "I tried a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of work, the uplifting of the poor and Linseed and Turpentine for a troublesome the outcasts of society. Seven years affection of this Throat," writes Manager a ,o he turned his attention to :social work, the uplifting of the poor and the outcasts of society. Now the artily has 415 inotitntians eondneted ,, by 1,403 officers (me half of whom PER YEAR, have been rescued themselves. They have Dui food depots, at 27 of which stAless4ata, Thomas Dowaon of the Standard Bank Dow of 14 Melbourne Avenue, 'reroute. " It proved effective. I regard the remedy es simple, cheap and s'xceetiingiy good. It has hitherto been i'ty habit to consult e, phyatotan in troubles of this nature. Here- after, I intend to be my own family doctor. headache " Mn. H. JAaar•.s, St. Nicholas Hotel, Hamil- ton, Ont.. says: "They are a pleasant, sure and quick cure for constipation, dyspepsia and sink headache." Miss M. E. Maas, South I3ay, Ont.: "Laxa-Liver Pills aro excellent for nick headache, causing no pain or griping. Mils. JO=N Tolu.tNs0N, Hamilton, Ont.: " They aro aperfect cure for even the severest headache." in/ eeklY Globe ,i they give 100,0i mc;i1e pin wet k.. '1110 total railway neige of the '1 It 1 tteenthi)uh:t11(1 v. rl;GCllesl tl'ea LCabnttlt;t accompany all O'tlt?l'8. tVOrld i4 r430,857, Of tills I':ll!'OhCI tures were sheltered nightly, abd be Adtlt'esa el Gail at tgestion, bad taste, coated �,.. ® has 152,417, and the United States was informed that in :iltrlrtreal alone tongue, stet: headache, In- r!!!"t` 133,7 t U. .. •v ,00') wrrtt whcltect:rl last year, e� �f "7 *omen, etc. need's rills , They , . ! s �. kL1i � � . erri *areconsti anon and all its1 hey bad 69 .ashler for tinsel tvotllen, .:., constipation xesults.o;tsllyuudtl:orougtlly, 2Se..AitdruUftists. If yon feel wettrt, dual and disenuras;Cd which rtxrcivc'td 5,0./0 easel yetu'. ll°repared by C. I. hood dt Co., Loweil. Masa yon will ilial abottle of Moose's Sarsap- Fallen girl, after pas ins; through A NO HAM. lbs only rills to tal% with flood's sersapprtu . grille will do you wonderful good, • Printing land T�-AE 'Wiiigham. `�t.t✓'aitJ4 ONE GiVES RELIEF'. 1 da rte for Llcine until you have tried. You can buy them in the paper 5 -cert cartons Ten Tabules for Ave Cep:.:, t.s. •2 AJC This sort (3 lint Up .61104:17 to 1;.utity the ntave oat tomeo'1t Gemara :•:.• a I: ro p;1cM., If you don't find this sort cf At ' • , • rive t tints to Tut: P, LV •v"t L 5N!.' ,� , t 1 •,:;s::..:i:., NV.' York, mid tate i t Y ; ..._s , unr •aiit he mailed for •,1i t n '--"�• 1 t,..1 tii0t te ;..:4 �'.,e. ,��•, . ,• . ,„r O. zc Or • i n to