HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-04, Page 4lie FREE! lE XUAL HEALTH d how to secure it. Plein feats Plainly Stilted. '.tRvery Interesting little book for mettonty,which Post be read to ba appreciated. Through its hontet .deice„ thousands have been restored to perfect pian. Igpod. icor a short time mailed free, in plain enve- !pe.securely sealed. Address the Author: fw. t1, BQBgRTz, p, p. 1.40X1.111 PETnotr, M1ett, Yir'1.V yttii• Li (lata\ie), ft 1e reii•tt a: :}t' E, •art . r Sea tow: r I!5 eetiree. Mr Kuitsitly t,.tys a -1 is regi or kioitoy ttntt 11ludd t lieattnea::: b ' three tt r :!t Dante:, Kidney 1':: et. i of ten tree . t, ' +;, are of $' : t•t ti,•1t in tile. lltl alt ++tl iu r, t or ua:eU i'r t4 ••, e , i'e.n. `r e ani:; elniely del agnea with this enemy Me et teee•:e.t1t. I !,t ha. rt'e'ttuiltt'ud theta tor 1'11 it.unty or h14tIdel• U'ulaitiPs:' J.tUltts eiiaten, sen er it. T. Gil)5etl1, Of Walkerton, hast a portion of his thumb and forefinger the other day in a mill. Duriug the. Cin i+tttuts holidays his brotner Oberlin met with au almost tetanal. aeeident in zt mill at Teeswaaier. TIME alts r riLLS HE ST I3c$ii FARMERS HOLDaItIITINCe A,.T DUN GAN- „'tO N A1tfD ::WITH., IX rie:I(r•;sxrNG 1I)1112I +SES IHY MR. i"1•,:lit'ao;1, OF T. CATHARINES ; Halt Z 1y IT!., 111: GIIELI'kl ; lltli« EL - 1? 11D, c1F 11ULJIESVILL1 ;hilt. IIAT— DEN , l,F roue ALBERT, ANL) MR. ettere.tLF, OF 11I,YPii. Vert snecessfail meetings of the Mat !Lawn 1 i#t'111e1's' Institute were helot hi 1)'Ingalnnon on Thursday and in l:1\71t1 011 Friday Jan. '20th and 21er. It wee gratifying to the officials to Mid plet;tut. '0. Dungannon ft`good rep: estrntattt,n Uf the leading ferment t:f tee, nrlgllt,ol'hut,d, although the ileal r't"als va'r'y elttpit.'aaeallt, owing to alae: doe npunr ref alae Path), The \ .I. N % i l TIMES,, and giving the trees it healthy, vig- orous look, Mr. Uuthrie's song, "Tile Cow 'Roy," was well received. :air. Robert Currin, of Wingbaln, gentleman well known as one of the early pioneers of Waw* nosh, gave some of his early experiences, also a few valuable hints on stoek growing, and a number of other subjects. Mr. Currie's three score years and five wear lightly upon him, being by na- ture possessed of a very lave and strong physique and a mind well stored and retentive. Dir. Currie has travelled a good deal in oris time, and advised the young inen ' 3o stay where they are and work away." Master Eddie Bowers' song, "Quer Folks in the Shows;" was rendered in tine style.' end was loudly mewed, ed, which was responded. to by netting t to ata:ere all ndver'tiself were present.,. "General Brown," Master Eddie t wept ler. A. mein .Mian, of Leede- possesses elcaltlltionary giftsfar beyond del!. tthe ordinary- Tho rdinar -Tho sleeting was opened hy Mr. Bailie, the preside:t r, inerodueing' Mr. Zevite, theexperimentalist. Atte Mr. Zavitz was Halle last speaker ; 'his subject was "The Agrictutu.r tl College and Farm."' Mr Zavitz sats ' L"tvitz lied lairno chafes with the been 13 yettes in contention with the Warner, of the vair1ons• hinds of grains,, farm. Tie rapidly ont,tined the wok THE MOST PREVALENT TROUVIE, OF arrat;ged with theirrelative values, and results, He elastic(' the work THE oNTUit" :. ,welt as weight of measured bushel„ very praetfieal. Over 2000 ex sea also lumber of bushels per acre, eta.,, dents and ather.farlrlers over Ontario widen enabled. the speaker to place- expertulentemg with grains makes the before his audience in a clear and results most reliable. coniprehensi' a manner a great deal of valuable information, and judging from the number of questions asked a very deep interest was-arcured by EBRUARY 4 1898, some cuss walked in and held ye .ap"t what would ye dor. "I'd just go on figgerin ORO hand an pop hila over with cher • other." "Tint's biz` essi Pete, an I like yer't methods. Now, eta,:3 MOM queetion Ilaain't thar some solid bizness man in this town whcx woul(1 be willtn to gin ye a bang up letter o' recom- metldaSlltln ?" ',.Thar are, Bix1`,, an lee's Texas' Jack, the real eabate MAX. Jet knows me like a beok---we, spent three y'ars in jail together--an he'll gin Ina the highest rereienees,.in the 3avnti. Anything more yae'd like to ask F'" "Noe that's all, Pete; and ye kin bet the. jab. Excuse me ta,r•axin so many questions, but at batnit(ry can't be toil• keertui vs hen- he [res a cashier, ye know."—A, B. Lewis in New Ye4'k Sunday World,. HTTERE tett Etat the spedkc:l . lir', Zavitzis a. rapid, T t e- y 'n clear, and forcible Speaker. It would flowing° tf el ai be utterly impossible fur us to give Mr. Eral•»k Metcalf, of Blyth, was The worst of the deputation was very much the same :ts Blyth. The local men were all preser ,, the Temperance hell*, which. is. a spacious building, was filled to eve'e- itertittvey cured by'1¢l aa.•lc /. anything ilke a full report of Mr. the first speaker. lie outlined his Little Pills. Zavitz's address at either Dungannon mode of gardening, having been re - They also relieve Distrtn$frem Dyspepsia, or I3Iyth—the best way is to be pre- tmarkably suceeesfub with tomatoes, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. 4\ per. sent and get the living word. 1 also onions, cabbage, small fruits, feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi. Mr, Robert Thompson, of St. Cath• i etc. lie recommentled close prnniI g tress, Bead a a"tein the Mouth, Coated Tongue arines, was the next speaker ;his ; in order to secure quality and sounds Wain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They subject bean` 'Swine Breeding and i ness of fruit. He had been succesful Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Feeding." He was not billed for this; in growing far more than his house•-: Sma PM. Small Dewe hold walls and had marketed a ` at Dungannon, but was taken by re. Y Small Price.quest H. h experfeuce with; considerable quantity , all from one it acted We believe lnten Substitution frsucl of the day. ' Sec you get Carter's, Asa;_ for Carter's, Insist and demand 0:: Tett Blood Bitters has the melt natural action on the stomach, liver, bowels and blood of any medicine known, Bence its effects are prompt aeci lasting. It cures, without fail, all such diseases as 3 ysper•sin, Coristi rt7 .Bost, Billet Ines:, Bad • Yorks, Polands, Cheeters and Berks ; acre •e ctil ti • his choice was the Berk, especially; sive farming on a small plot wo>a,ld for a sow. They were kited mothers, t surprise a good many. good milkers, and not near so troubleel Mr. F. C. Eiford, of Ilolmesviile, some as the Yorks The Polands' Was the other local man : his subject and Duroes were too fat and not suit ` was "Lucerne as a Fodder Plaut." able for the packers. He bad no Mr. Elford gave a history • of this experience with the cross from `.Fatal- plant from the time of Columbus. He worth and erks. Mr. Thompson claims Mexico as its native place. He beleivecl this would be just about an considers it an exclusive plant and ,all ' thrives best when sot en alone. It t ideal cross for the packers. Itis man ner of feeding was largely on vege• flourishes on good dry land, and popntar,atnong her circle oraectuain- tables and roots, with a very light thickens and grows more vigorous as 1 tames, and they all rejoice at her re- "_..e ration of corn, barley end oatmeal of it grows older in years, which makes' storation to health. To a reporter equal parts, his object being not to it an excellent permanent grass. He who called upon her she gave the.. ^' ` gain the greatest maximun weight recommended caring for hay as soon following particaalars concerning her at a certain age, but to produce pork as the first blossa,lr, appears, and if illness and euro. "You know" said as cheaply as possible. He contend- properly cured is vastly superior to the young lady, how ill I was last Satisfaction and perfect ,fit ed he could at even 3e per 3b. profit-- the best timothy. Mr. Elford made winter when nay friendsfeared that guaranteed. 1 ably raise hogs. Mr:Thompson is a a very able plea tor lucerne, which I was going into a decline. In the ready speaker, and possesses the was larbely endorsed by Mr. Zavitz• earlypart of the winter both father , r• - - VTingham. Mr Leltord's first appearance on the Qtle n s I_3io 1 , happy faculty of sayirg just whatPp and washer were attacked with la _-4 __ . he wants to. This speech excited a Institute platform was a decided grippe, and I had to look after them great deal of discussion and question- success. ing, and the hog raisers of the vieini- The meetings were closed by sing- ty of Dungannon would mostly mar- ing "God Save the Queen. edly be benefitted, We cannot enumerate half of the good things SEEIING roil A. CAwHIER. said by Mr.Thorrson. IT ATTACKS PEOPLE OF BOTH. SEXES AND ALLL•AGES-A COMPLETEJJ u.tli- DOWN FOLLWS UNLESS PROM•PT'5ftEA- SURES FOR RELIEF ARId%..OAKE1„ • From the Newmarket Era. Probably the most prevalent trib- le on this eontinent today is• nese:eus prostration. How frequently we hear this term and yet how few: apt: pear to realize its fully deadly i n•' port. Nervous prostrationis to' be toned among people of alt: walks in life, and among children -as 'well as adults. •.An ong young people, it is often the result of our high pressure systema of education. Among those of more mature years, its may b(t tie to the eaves of business,. or to over- work or to worries in the home: But wl'atever the cause the inevitable re- suit is a breaking down both mental- ly and physically unless prompt,tnea-' sures are taken to stool: the rastages of the disease and reellore the shatter- ed nerve forces to their normal: eun- dition. One such sufferer who has regained health gives her expert- F ence for the benefit of those less for. tunato. Miss Edith Draper who re- sides with her parents at Belhaven, Ont., is a young lady who is very • uuununn,xeeeeegttntneaaetelq,en,,,,-+1111 WllUgaa our 11 , fit etablePrcparatiolztae s 1;! eitmilatiilg aterroCcldttdllc.; uhf 1 ' ling the Stomachs ansae ala o. yw PromatesDig,estion,CheeTrul- nessandRest.Contains neither Opmnin,lvlorphane tor Mineral. 11CW¢` NvIARC °TIG. rant/' ;a - r71x.9'rr na .Ruts, Suit!— •Aire see,. r FAp, rrr izt - 81 C, kens e- J1 i rrrifi^d.04mr • igiqvrcerk Flaw: Aperfectl3emediy forConstipa- tion, Sour Stouiach,Diershoea, Worms ,Corcvu/sions,reverisi - e15s and Los' S•Or SLEEP.. Tae Simile Signature cr ii NEW YORK. T THE FAC --SIMILE SI;Q ATURE aS ON, THE WRLa. ER Or EVERY BOTTLE 013 LXACT COPY O7WRAPPER. Castor's is put up In one.alio bottles only, It le not sold In balk. Don't allow anyone o sell you anything else on the slett.or. promise that it is "just as good" and "'will, answer ovary par - peso." iii' See that you get .Q-&f3r O.R.LA. drab xho•faa+ signature of every Nampa. Its, x'014 ikt f JOT a Oirl.'%:T.'J}+t•..110x:i ri:'Ifeitema`,YiF1"Wttl!VeS,`t.,tretkWetkk :t'-44 0 TO star OB YOUR vercoat Sick He ads he, Boils, Pimples, Tumors, Scrofula, Kielney Complaint, jaundice, Coated Tongue, Leos of..pietite and General Debii ty, 'I : fact that it is guar- anteed to cure if used according to directions warrant; any suffers; in giving a fair trial to Burdock Mood 1 [ t P yREN NE REMEDi ES TRY At the evening session a splendid • PRAIRIE PETE AND His STRONG CL'nI program was placed in iir. Bailie s . FOR THE GOLD CREEK 3013 hands. The meeting was opened by --_ a flew . • Jt chosen remarks by the • When Bill Watson, ex -stagecoach as well • as attend to the household e work, The strain was more than I t4 could stand. and thti result was that 1 I fell ill. The doctor who was called in said my trouble was, nervous pro- itt stration and that it would take con- eiderable time for me 'to recover,tet_ -tinder his care I was after a short tc While able to leave my room and go Vit, about the house, but the nerves did t ., Td"t aY ' Kai Tate Leading Spoi}iallsts of Amain iln 2a YEARS- UU DETROIT,. 250;00D CUBED. WE EMISSIONS i eside'nt, ,when Mr. Holladay with robber, ex -gambler. and ex -saloon not seem to regain their strength. ye - Nothing esm bo mrro demoralizing to Iviolin,z t• ue Augustine re-. keeper, opened u. a bans. at Gold My limbs would twitch as though I `ie ane` oof t ecoleni ht)9eloesodn'he' a h13 and miss , p p p p r )>rocincorvt.'flknOss norvonsneas lv,feoling siding at the organ, discoursed de-;. Creek, about 50 men became appli- had St. Vitas' dance, I was subject to ofdeguatandarviteletrninofc6yluptoms. lightful niusie. Mr. James Hayden, 4 cants for post 10115, Mr. Watson headaches, had a very poor appetite 't* They na coo"sal hain1 a Bbusinelso- mane a fanner frons near Port Albert, gave j d l th t 11 would i so weak that I could scarce- ' h th d by ova[ habits act south a splendid paper on the sui eject of "How t:' Retains the Boys on the Farm." This was a maiden effort on the pal t of Mr. Hayden and was a de- cided success. Mr. Hayden's paper was retained by the eeeretary-and if room is available is the county preys will have it repotted. Deere instt'u- announce , however, a C and was S . w 6 er Cuuso + only set: ono applicant at a time and 1y gn about. I had been advised CO k. y' natural Trentmen will jositively ordered them to fall in line and take try Pink Pills and'one day spoke to ya meanie ttu•ne corning in. Prairie Pete hap- the doctor about them, and he said ,• i C R `P , PAY paned to head the crowd,d, and as he he believed they would do me good,•'1toader,youneedhelp; Early abuse or entered the banker's private offl"e I ,got three boxes, and by the time v; later oscosoes may have weakenedou. Exposure "lay have diseased you. yYou the latter came down co business at, I had used them I felt they were are not safe till cured. Our Now Method once and said : • helping me and I got a further.sup ,s' wnleureyou. You run no risk. "Now, fere, thar's only one job ply. By the time I had taken six trental innate followed when Masters `ere that hain't filled—that of boxes I was feeling stronger and Eddie Bawer:; gave a recitation, elT- 'cashier ---and the marl 1 hire tn'a,t: better than I had for yeare.- All the titled "The Parcdy on the Bey Stood 'C'lliil2 the lead everywhere. i on the Burning Deck," which was well received. ;((# arc wr'ri;in'y (ay and I Mr. TRotnpson spoke again, this tight t) 3iif)pl1. the demand. ; tlnl' an "Fruit Growing." and a (;•tt c:r'rt 1on ience Mums great deal of valuate; inforinatiom on that hltttdle:eh; upon llUildrede ,. being }!} strattvl➢erre*, ➢'aspberry, and black-- (tt"u,tll"ia'.reri are + i bia`l'y growing, manuring and plane ri ;tnr.i.1 to health and haplll- ing of all kinds of small fruit was n; et daily. givers. He esllutxwned then` not to praetiee deception in I)acking, as it, always pays to :ell a good article. Ile strongly advised not to sell wood RHEUMtn fi, els t :` i;;` c`VULF9t.r ail 1 ashes, as lie regarded teem as the be capable and honest. D'ye, know mite -fling in nay limbs had disappear- anything about the bankin bud- cd and my nerves seemed as strong nil s?" as ever they had been. I :still took "Waal, I ortcr, "drawled fete,the pills for a little white longer -to with a proud look, "eeein as how make certain that the cure was cam• I've robbed more banks than any , pieta, and since the day I diseon-• raloot in this state." tinued them I have not felt the €, - ra fend yer honest, hain't yc?" slightest return of the trouble. I asked the hanker a little anxiously. i feel that my present excellent lleaIth eveut "Why, Bert T ane. When We is dull to Dr. Williams' fink fills, a `y ester ro» latah*eS, didn't I albs di- ' and I and glad to be able to reeom ya, vide `quare with you?" I "lend them to any one whose nerves tte Isa "Yes, that's 0 tack, fete. Yo : aro in a shattered condition 1l, a#ales acted like an honestman11105(3 Dr.1V'flfarns Pink days. Now, how about counties: t tonic medicine. Iia their use the t ; 4b0,000 C RED .young ran -You aro pale, feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. You become forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and pimples, o sunken eyes, 'wrinkled faro, stn paltg form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your e; istence. WEVARICOCELE No hatter how serious your ease play 1 ho. or how lone you may have had it, our NEW MI,TIiOD TREATMENT will onre it. Tho "wormy veins" return to their normal Condition and hence the =sued organs receive Ilroper nourisb- xaen& Tho organs become vitalized, all unnatural drains or losses cease and 7tianly Sowers return. No temporary hrneut, tit a:pperinanent one assured. NO CGR13, NO AY. NNO (l'TtltA- ''' ON PROM Iib ,INESS. DLTL+`N- u '. GUARANTEED. eYn trent anti euro SYPHILIS, P GLIM. EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, PILL tl C IOr 'erd the (life of the, folia cash? Dill 'S't' count party fast?" 1 blood at renewed, and die nerves Iltlt"1'iTl T` VARICOCELE, SEMI ,•t k Al best manure, improving the quality, S •. i+AL T.()? Et, Biala/1111 LIND RID. t s lei tl . t u raw. 1e When we was ttirlrirl oat' made strong and vt"0;01,0us, ani(. in 1, °+ Itt14Ll dlscams.,„UI➢Itl l LGI CHARGES 'l'`'e{' are al1 t'ltatd It” i 111'C? ailCl (ls (➢ ('ntlSit('1 fP1tt1(11111 `v didn't this way disease 1:3 tsar p,IOi I 9 'I ales{ r 1lU ill' WILL 'MU Tredi t1 I;utldrts + . driven from the. t: • tete. et unable t0 ed1l. wait" "' ,• " < fe t C,)T1'.1C10N I, ,. nor ti 1te:e1'tlffI. (t;;;1111.titt e. tot 1'ti iii y"o;i trey to get rid o COnstipetioll °I liter be chain lightning on countin svetetn. As a spring 21N'(lieln(. 1 l 5i, ,, 1'irj511;N''. (',nl'4 Iil1e[iin it t?nl, tit;iilt!Ca(a •; i;' •r°• n [a :i lata t;t,td . a't:t' taneot.tly Its Bur- •t Ott {tillli1tin3' J'nik i'i119 PAT llnstirl9;t SS(y(I 1 It putt] the Own- • 'ern . 1.'. `' t"'ir+rliriat, ir?ilillitti'a tote all r t;t i, . tra Platers, entente to think 0' it, ttei you did.' If feeling; languid or sat-of•sorts" a td t, y . ' atf ti, 19 t'! t' and 13CtlCAl:ti in perfect t!t`dnr. ft,rais:5 tar• 11itlt.t' aIld I ti"r e.i' prove what :S(* print "1 blink there . A11.Oi.ttet' thing I'm partial ler about . bo:: or two will restore you to vigor- , igor i trnli1,1"d. t 1A 11e:'tlllaat tJ 1i. 13. 13, for Constipation," i 11 this 114 y C,tJ• •e, 111,a.t t,n0 1u rt • T- W 11 ens activity. Ask for Dr. Wiili11Yl9' • 81- "tt tail III ET: vi rues stye Mrs. `CllomeTanllllyn.03hawa,Cnt bI! et:;3 x1111 not 1)) botllel`itl1110 every : Pink Pills for Idle People and aeric IMARE of t, t "it carol bots: soy husband and mytnif , .,, .4trattin a tngbttm, 011ie by Gordon tt C_'u al',cr esinn only Vivo bottle in all." 111111i1, Now, if 4'13 was ('r'. 111(.1' an nothing else. ;; it$rszt,')e ItIt Yi E gi ? c;43 iiItE SF;SET$ UMPS Will stand wear ensue tear for y ears.. No better proof can be given of'theia• f34urahil'ity than is simian, by the feet that some of'tiiese'pumps• put in wells 25-. years- ago arire:' • still workings IROS and FOiv; R. PUtfi 1`x5• Btlppliedt'o Order. •Repairing promptl'.y attended to. '.S.ttc —Diagonal St. op esite Bcatt€e's Livery. JOHN' PELTON, • Winghame Ont.. Caveats and Trade -Marlys obtained, and all patent business conducted for Hiftr)DERATE FEES. 1ty office is in theimmedhot cidnityofthe Patent Office, and my facilities forsecuringpatents are unsurpassed, Send model, sketch orp:lon raph of in,rentionlwit% description and statement as to advantages daamect. terivo etteette is made for an opinion as to gtatentabiligq and nav, fee for prosecuting the application r`ai`d nod Se called , 'ez&' Trntac the patentt allowed. "2lrvnrroas Guinn," con- Gaining fail information sent fres. Ali (loannunte cations Considered al1!Strictly Confidential. FRAMP.3TV H. HOUGH SW; if' Ss mots WJ.DE1tZENSiTON.11).. 51. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS, &O. Anyone sending asketch and description mag quickly ascertain our opinion free whether nit invention is probably patentable. Comm,tnten none strtcttyconfidential. FiandbookonPotOnta sent tree. eldest molter for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn. Ss Co. a oeivs epecldt notice, withoutcharge, In the Scientific erica . A handsomely illustrated weekly. 'Largest Mr* enlatton of any seieftiflo Journal. Terme„S3 n. year ° four months, 8L 5015 by all newedealera. MUNN en .61ertiadway, New York Branch office. 425.s ., Washington. Xi. 0, IT P r .A, a 7• TM, TO ADVERTISE( IN TIMES • ♦ t'