HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-04, Page 22 1 UJ WINWIA.M. TIMES, FEBRUARY 4 1898. • FREE! SEXUAL HEALTH *Ad how to *Mere It, Fila fiats Plainly Stated, A very interesting little boolstor men only, which Mast be read to be appreciated. Through its honest ce, thousands have been restored to perfect elan- d, For P. shot time mailed free, in plain enve. lope, securely sealed, Address the Author; Q. H. BOSERTZ, P. P. OQX 74, Dernerr, 18 Yelsteta2UW.bt eletess, ea:ea...ea Mr. is leinsite, lemersvate. Oa le tee.e.4 the reout,ir i „ ea tow., for 18 'tense. r Koiettee ats s e ry enceeesfal meetings of the cured Id' kitittey and WOWS tA0'4k*. • • by three telsee as Deane I Were 1 eron Farmers' Institute were atoll tiros liv:4 or to tvocs in 1)iingenttort on Thursday and '1".""""t "'""'"'r ' '"•u Blytti On Friday .Jan. 20th and TbeUJ :'1 cur;;‘..ry awcy with thin 0, m!.itati. 1tochli recommend them for elf is .,inoy or 0jader troubles." lc Vit ,:s gratifying to I he OflieinIS 70 (Ind ptesent et Danganuon a good. ,Saneas iiieem, son of .E. T. Gibson, rep: et4elitatimi 4.,r the leading fanners of Welleertoo, lo.it a his of the neighborhood, although the thumb ;et forefinger the (.3 thee day tees was vesv unpieeSaut., uwthg to, tl,L1lll. theang the Cm istnies the doe apour te tee vette The holidays his brotner Charlie met wick si,t,aker,4 a it eeeet.esee were peeseete, an almost httuila,r aceideut in a mill. except Air. A. mei), mete, ef (ode - at Teesweter. rice. ST fillati4 FARMERS Hotip. MEETINGS. AT DUN GAN- rov .81.1VP13., INITEREssrexUr ADI ift ItY MR. iMV3ON, OF BT. kTHARINER ; Z must, OF GUELPH; Peen,. 110LMESVILLE ; HAI - emu eimeeet, AND MR, MY:1.,ALF, 111:41 -T -R, And giving the trees. a healthy,. vig, tarots look, he Mr, Guthrie's song, "T(law :Boy," wee well received.. Mr. Robert Currie, of Wingliarn, a gentleman well .known as one of the early pioneers of Wawanesla gave some of his early experiences, also a few valuable hints on .stock growing,. and a Bomber °father subjects, Mr. Currie's three score years, and. five lightly upon him, being. by nas ture possessed of a very laege and strung physique and a Mind well sterol and retentive, Mr. Currie has travelled a good deal in hes. time, aed advised the young men * to stay where they rnand work away." Master Eddie Bowers' song, "Quer Folks in cbe Shows," was rendered in fine style and was loudly eecesred, which was responded to byreeiitiog "General Brown." Master Media possesses elocutionary gifts far beyond :the ordinary, Mr. Zavitz'was elle last speaker ; some cuss walled in and held yel:wpj what would. ye dor "I'd just go en figgerin wvh ono hand .nd an pop him over with th other" ee ; • "That's, bienese,, Pete, an I like yeri Methods. Now, one more question. Hain't Char some' solid bizness man to this town whce would be. willin to gin ye a bang ute letter 0' recoma neendashan ?" ,Thar are, BEM an be's Texas Jack, the real. eetate man. Jack Meows- me like a beek—we.spent three y'ars In jail tegethera-an gin me the highest referent:08,in the lamd. Anything move ye'd like1 to asitda" "Na,. that's all, Pete; and ye kin bey tbejb. Excuse -nue turaxin 50 many questions, but LIA banker can't be to keertul "Alien: be hires a! cashier,. ye know."—A, a Lewis in New York Sunday Wend& • MrA = Th niettlii:g was opened by Mr, . iTi • Baihe. L he preeideid, ineroducing 'hie subject, was "The Agricultural Mr. Z•evitz, the experimeetense ern College and Farm,'" Mr Zavitz Leas ' names of the varteus Itiads of grains,. farm. He rapidly ontilined the work THE MOST PREVALENT TROUBLE OF gri.4,17 th nvitz -bed 'time ehaiit,, wise tee, been 13 years in connection with elle • arranged withtheir relative values, and results, He claimed the Work THE. VENTIIItt. sueli let weight of meaaured bushel, very peactital. Over 2000 ex sea IT ATTACKS PEOPLE or BOTH. SEXES AND ALD,.AGES-A COMPLETE J311EAR- DOWN FOLLWS UNLESS PROMPTIA- SIJIIES FOR RELIEF ARkh.',PAKEN. , also number of bushels per acre, etc, widen enabled. the speeker to place before his audience in a clear and c,omprehensive manner a great deal fveluable information, and judging from the number of questions asked a very deep interest wasareused by the speaker. Mr. Zaviez a rapid, dents and other.fartners over Onto.= experiteenthog with grains makes the results most reliable. The work of the deputation eves very much the same as Blyth. The locall tnen were all presents, the Temperance which, is: a spacious building, Winn filled to evete V41 t" 61v aesee Ell clear, and forcible speaker. It would flowlng. ,7?,tpr 1:1 be utterly impossible few us to give Mr, Eramic Metcalf*, of B151,1), was Poseitteeely curedl. these anything like a full report of Mr, the first speaker. He outlined his Little Pi11. Zavitz's address at either Dungannon mode of gardening, having been re- Theysaso ream; Deems frem. Dysrepsia, or Blyth—the best way is to be pre- tuarkahly successful with tomatoes., Indtestion and Tco Reart7 Eating,. A. per sent and get the living word.. also onisns, cabbage, small fruits, fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi. Mr, Robert Thompson, of St. Cath- etc. He recommended close pruning nese, Bad ToYteinthe Mouth, Coated Tongue arines, was the next ,: speaker; his in order to •secure qualityand sound - Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They subject being "Swine breeding and !Dees of fruit. He bad been -succesful Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Feeding." He was not.billed for this in growing far more than his house- • &Mall Mills Small D0800 at Dungannon, but was taken by re. I hold wanty and had marketed a Small Pelee. quest. • He had experience with considerable quantity , all from one Yorks, Polands, Chesters and Berks; acre cultivated. We believe inten- his choice was the Berk, especially ;sive farming on a smell plot *mold for a sow. They were kind mothers, surprise a good many. good milkers, and not near so trouble. ! Mr. F. 0. Eiford, of Holrnesvfile, some as the Yorke, .The Polands! was the other local man ;his subject and Duroes were too fat and not suit was ."Tetteerhe as a Fodder Plant." able for the Paekers. He bad no Mr. Elford gave a history' of this experience with the cross from Tam- plant from the tine of Columbas, worth and Berks. :Air. Thompson claims Mexico as its native plaee. He beleived this would lie just about an considers it an exclusive plant and ideal cross for the packers. His maxi- thrives best when sown alone. It ner of feeding was largely on 'liege: flourishes on good dry land, and tables and roots, with a very light thickens and grows more vigorousas ration of corn, barley end oatmeal of it grows older in years, which makes equal parts, his object being not to it an excellent permenent grass. 'He gain the greatest maximun weight recommended curing for hay as soon at a certain age, but to produce pork as the first blossom appears, and - if as cheaply as possible. He contendproperly cured is vastly superior to ed he could at even 3e per Te. profit- d the best thnothy, Mr. Elford made ably raise hogs. Mrs Thompson is a a very able plea tor lucerne, which ready speeker, and possesses rhe was larbely endorsed by Mr. Zavitz. happy faculty of saying just what Mr Elford's first appearance on the he wants to. This speech excited a Institute platform was a decided great deal of discussion and question- success. Substitution tao fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask. for Carter's, Insist and demand C::• T..;.ver pins. Blood Bittars has the meet natural action on the stomach, liver, bowels and blood of any medicine known, hence its effects are prompt and lasting. It csires, without fail, all such diseases as Dyspepsia, Constipation, Bilievitpw, Bad From the Now,market Era. • Probably the most prevalent tretub. le on this continent today is. nereetis prostratioa. How .frequently we hear this term and yet how few: ap- pear to realize its fully deadly port. Nervous prostratiodis to, be fond among people of Mb walks. in life, and among childreneas, evelB as adults. 'belong young people, it is often the remit of our high presenre! system of education.. Among those of more mature years, iD may boodue to the eves of business,. or to ewer - work or to worries in the home; But wbatetter the cause tho- inevitable re- sult is a breaking down both moutal. ly and physically unless prompamea• Sick Headache, Boils, Pimples, Tumors, Scrofula., Mislay Complaint, Jaundice, Coated TOtlgt1Z, Lc' of Appetite and General Debility. The fact that it is guar- anteed to cure if use.:1 according to directions warrant; any suite= it giving a fair trial to Burdock Mead /9 11 /ViV0,./e THE. RENOL1NE RtiVi ED ES enree are taken to stop, the rasetages of the disease and restore the shatter- :":"` ed nerve forces to their norroa;h eons ; dition. One such sufferer who has regained health gives her expert. FOB. mice for the benefit e7f those less for - =late. Miss Edith Draper who re- il sides -with her pareens at Idathaven, Out., is a young lady who is very popalateainong her circle of acquain- tances, and they all rejoice at her re- Uti,_.....ese'> storation to health: To a reporter who called upon her she gave the following particulars concerning her illness and cure. "You. know" said the .young lady, how was last winter when my friends feared that I was- going into a -decline. ' In • the early part cd' the winter both father, leesesetellet a a es as. eesteeffee, Whaliall""2421•22Wag""5111111 , e • THAT THE aeseaseleasete—eeseees, A.VegelablePreparatienfor As- , stadia tingtheyout andltegula ',- ling the S tomachs andBowels of se 415INCEMITIM Promotes.Digestion,efteerkl- gees andReeteonteirtslieitker Optutti,Merphin.e itorMinerat NOT NATICOr.M. runedn Sea" ill.r.8enna Scat-, Sord .Ptg.oaraint Oubtvut.e041.,v, 1:1;nn Seed - clailied Jizyge • latterrreetz•ninr?: Aperfccellemedy for Coastipee filen, ,our Stottach,Diarrivea„ Wortns ,ConvulSions,Feverisha nes s and LOSS4OF SLEEP. Tar Signature SIGNATURE srasseell NEW "SS -ORI. IS ON' THE WRA OF EVERY BOTTLE0F1 a 7 qb;41:1 1 411••••1.13.,•11•GS,S.,...."110=•./.1=r•I• Castoria is put up in ontmiro bottles only. It I s- not sole in bulk. Don't talour anyone co sell yon anything else on the visa .= promise. that it is "just as gamin and answer ovary -pur- pose." este See that you get.04.414.041.1.4. Tho'fAtl.• BiTan,3 gig:Mare of It on wraorply 4O2-1"' ' 3:1•1*t.`-'5;q,e ;',41OTOrs'at."S's1,1^4'1,totfiV,Ztrial-Vilibi,„ GO ing, and the hog raisers of the vicini- . The meetings were closed by sing- ty of Dungannon would mostly assur- ing "God Save the Queen. edly be benefitted. We cannot • —.. enumerate half of the good things 'SEEKING FOR A CASHIER. said by Mr. Thome son. At the evening session a splendid PRAIRIE PETE A ND HIS STRONG 0L4 IM protsram was placed in air. Bailie s FOR THE GOLD CREEK JOB a few well chosen remarks by the ' When 13111 Watson, ex -stagecoach 1 aboat the houee, but the nerves did '`, v, INECUREEMISSIONS . --- presidemt,. when Mr. :Holladay with robber, ex -gambler, and ex-seloon I Dot seem to regain their strength . Nothing cm be mro demoralizing to his violin, and mss Augustine pre-- I keeper, opened up a bank at Gold l My limbs would twitch fiS thOUgh I N "101::ViriVe.d19.1-fgeg et stshott.V I re Ke; ster .TOUR and mother were attacked with la grippe, had. to look after them as well as attend to the household work. The strain was more than I could stand. and did result was that I fell ill. The doctor who was called in said my trouble was. nervous pro- stration and that it would take eon- eiderable time for ine 'to recover. tee Under his care I was after a short sT, While able te leave mv room and. go ue 1•, 0. • ercoat atiefaction an & perfect fit guaranteed. en's - Wirtglieetn. ii-qtt? • ELTOWS UMPS Will stand wear and+ tear for ears. No better proof can be given of'their dlarabitity ' than is shoviin! by the fiat that some of:thesepumps put in wells 25' year& ago. are' • still working: IRON and FORCE PUMPS Suppliedto, Order, Repairing promptly' attend -ed to. Seto!P—Diagonal•St; opposite Beattite's Livery. JOHN' PELTOBT,, • vatinghame Ont. te1.73111013..17 Tio Loading Spodalisis of Amain 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 CURED. hands. The meeting was opened by siding at the orgen, discoursed de-1Creek, about 50 men became apnli- bad St. Vitus' dance, I was subject to rroolucewes.kness, ole nervousness, ofeeling • P.Meler na 'Nava ill. t g s,8sYugatrtl lightful music. Mr. James Hayden, cants for post ions, Mr. Watson headaches, had a very poor appetite life and social happiness. non. matter a farmer from neer Port Albert, gave announced, however, that he would and was so weak that I eottld scarce - N whether mused by evil habits in youth, a splendid paper on the snhject of "How to Retaint tile Boys on the Farm." This wee a maiden effort on the part of Mr. Hayden and was a de- cided success. Mr. Hayden's paper was retained by the :secretary and if room is available is the county prees will have it; reported. More instill - only see ono applicant at a time andi ly go about. 1 bad becn advise ci 10 ordered them to fall in line 'and take , try Pink Pills a.nd'one. day spoke to turns coming in. Prairie Pete hap- I the doctor about them„ and he said paned to head the crowd, and as he be believed they would do me good. entered the banker's private office 1 I got threeboxes, and by the time the latter egme down to business at ! them I felt thee- were once and said 1 helping me and. I got a further.sup- "Now Pete thar's only one job , ply. By the time I had taken six mental music followed, when Master yere that hain't filled—that of boxes I was feeling - stronger and. Eddie BOWel'il gave a recitation, en- eashier--and the man I hire must i better than I had for years.. All the titled **The Parody on the Bey Stood • • , on the Burning Deck," which was 'Peking the lead everywhere. We are working day and well received* Mr. Thompson spoke again, this ni,xbt t ) supply the demand. etRIP an "Fruit Growing," and a Oer eorreepondence shows great deal of valuate information on that handrels upon hundreds strawberry, raspberry, and black - 'f poor sufferers are being , reetorea tel health and happi- 1 berry growing, manuring and plane ing of all kinds of small fruit was no4 daily. 1 given. Ile cautioned them not to practice deception in packing, as it TRY CUE RHEIVi1113 q051.11FiG CH ashes, as he regarded them as the I Y _ ty la vm , • be capable and honest. D'ye know twitelting in my limes hadisapp eE anything about the bankin busi- ed and my nerves seemed as strong 116 s?" as ever they had been. I still took "Waal, I orter, "drawled Pete, the pills for a little while longer' to with a proud look, "eeein as. how Make certain that the cure was eom• I've robbed more banks than any. plete, and since the day 1 discon- galoot in this state." drilled them I have not felt the "And yer honest, hain't ye?" slightest return of the trouble. I asked the banker a little anxiously. I feel that my present excellent health "Why, cert T MTh When we, is due to D?. 1Villiams' Pink Pills, ite: uster roe stages, didn't I atlas di- 1 and I tun glad to be . able to recont. vide square with you?" 1 mend them to anv one whose nerves "Yes, thee a fack, Pete. Ye are in a shattered condition allus acted like an honest man those I, Dr. Witherus' Pink Pills are a is deve Now, how about counting 1 tonic medicine, their use the 1:ile al WRVS pasto still a good article. Ile strongly advised not to sell wood hest manure, improving, the quality, natural weakness or sexual excesses, our Now..IVIethed Treatment will positively 1311r0 you. NO CURE—NO PAY Reader, You need help: Early abuse or later excesses may have weakened you. Exposure may have diseased you. You are not safo till cured. Our New Method will cure you. You run lao risk. MOW Aria Ill rueLthe color and the ame of the -fruit. casb ? Kin ye count party fast 9" 1 blood is renewed, and the nerves e ; "1 kin, When we was turnin out I made strong and -vigorous, and in They are absolutely rure and I LL TR -7 '1) 1 1 bundreds o' counterfeit dollars, didn't : this way disease is driven from the. healre nful. Gen ranteed to , Will you try to got rid of constipation I lister be chain lightning on countin system, As a spring medicine Dr. ti cuRheutentism, Sciatica. i ir vo V-:1 you hem ? The leeway is Another t Bur- 1_, ?" 1 Williams' Pink Pills are unsurpassed, Nettreiglin Istisnistneo awl all i doek Blood Inetere, It puts fth: atom- ", me to think o' it, so you. did.' If feeling languid or "out-oteorts" a t -We prove w at bowels sT ,T:IiiirttInkolt:11:t; "Co , thing I'm partiekler about boor wi x two ll restore you to vigor- forios of aidney and Liver : tight Iiver Ar'ili u tronhles. , i its no equal t.) B, le, is. sot constipation," le this. My cashier must know -nisi ens aetivity. Ask for Dr. Williams' Blewenz 0I' sruntone IMITATIONS Lgti end not be botherin me every .' Pink Pills for Pale People and take snys Mee Thomas Tamblyn. Oshaws,Ont inc ss cured both my husband and -myself I "1"--- - " • . Sold in Wingham, only by Gordon de Co after using only fivo bottles in all." ; minit, Now, if ye Was cashier an ', nothing else. 250,000 CURED Young /dan—You aro pale, feeble) and haggard; nervous, irritable and es. citable. You become forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and. pimPles, sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping form and. downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existenee. WE,CUREVARICOCELE Caveats and Trate-Markg obtained. nnd all patent business conducted for llieDERATi. HES, My. office isin theimmcdisto vicinity of the Patent Office, and my faciiitlesionsecuring patents arennsurpassed Send model, sketchor photograph of itteention, description and statement as to advantages claimed. karNo 'giant° in made for an nreinion as ea patentabilikt, and say fee for prosecuting the application wilt nee t, ealfed fee until the fastens v.pcnowect. 'INVENTORS' GAIIDS.," con- • taining fad information sent free. Ali comma., cations Considered as /Strictly Confidential. FRANKUNH MOUGH zwz wasIZINGTOZI. a. v- No matter how serious your case may e or how long you may have bad it, our Elir METHOD TREATMENT will cure it. Tho "wormy veins" return to their normal condition and. hence the sexual organs receive proper nourish- ment, Tho organs become vitalised, all unnatural drains or losses ceaso and manly powers return. No temporary benefit, but a:permanent curb assured. NO CORE. NO PAY. NO OPERA - TIM NECESSARY. NO DETEN- TION l'ItOM BUSINESS. CURES GUARANIA Niro treat and euro SYPHILIS, (ABET. EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, VARICOOELE, SEMI- NAL LOSSES, BLADDER AND KID- NEY diseases. C 0 ki 1J LTA TI ON FREE. BOONS . FREE.. CHARGES MODERATII. if unable to call,write for a QIIXSTTOZT BIANIC for ROME 21:Torsta14, KENNEDY a KERGai' (143 'INELBY STFIET p‘trekROtT, Wel. 7 'et 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE NIARK3 DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &so. Anyone sending a sketch and description Mat quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communtca. ttons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken tbroluds Munn & Co. sooeive special stories' without ebarge, In the Scientific .Iiiiterican. 14 handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest etr. culatton of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 tr. year t four months, $1.. Sold by all newadealers.. MUNN & Co 261Broadway, New York Branch Oince, 47,417 Bt., Washington. D. C. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES. •