HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-02-04, Page 1PasTrrrirri
VOL. XXVII.---NO. 1346.
T e
Is now with us, and as it is the
fashion to make resolutions at
this season, we have resolved
to get rid of all our winter
goods, .and in order to do this
•as quickly as possible, we are
going to make such reductions
in prices as will make the good
people of this locality look as-
tonished. We have still a
good assortment of Ladies'
and in these we will positively
Make a
Cut of from 25
to 50 Per Cent..
. Our. Furs in all lines will
uffer the same fate.
The balance of aur stock of
.Boots and Shoes will go re-
gardless of cost.
Our stock of Tweeds and
is unequalled in the County,
. and for balance of season will
be sold very close to cost.
We have some very Nobby
411- Overcoatings, which we will
make up in the best styles at
prices you cannot resist. All
cloths bought by the yard we
will cut free of cost.
We are selling most of our
ready-made clothing at cost,
and we have still a few of
those Ulsters, the price of
which has caused so much talk,
and we let them go at lower
prices than ever.
Come and get some of these
-bona fide bargains at
AillIV••••••=1111•11q1,111.111, ,••••,•1•1.,
for every young man and young woman
is a good practical business education.
offers unexcelled advantages to
all who desire a thorough business train -
raining; indielduannstruction.
Students can enter at any time.
Circulars free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PATERSoN, No 23, Vic-
tor ia street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
Our Clubbing List.
In order to save our subscribers the trouble of
making two or more remittances wo have made
l3peclal arrangements with the publishers by which
we are enabled to offer the following publications in
connection with the WINGHA.A.1 TIMES at special
low rates from now until January let,1800, Special
elubbin,,,, rates with all newspapers and magazines
quoted Upon application. Ca h must accompany all
orders :-
Times end weekly Globe, • €.4
Times and Western Advertiser, - 11
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star
and Picture •
1. 7055
Times and Farmers' Advocate, - 1 00
' Times and Farming, weekly, - 175
Times and Ladles' Journal, • 155
Tines and Montreal Weekly Witness, 1 60
Time. and Farman' Sun, - - 1 25
Times and Daily Globe 4 25
Times and Daily World • - 3 00
d Country Gentleman, • • 2 70
1111.11•1•61... -
Jas. S. Earl-Stock-takIng.
MeEinnon & Co. -Reliable Goods,
Ireland & i3utton-Guessing Contest.
James Tiinmins-Lost.
J. T. Garrow-West Huron Election.
P. Varistone-Auction Sales of Town, Village
and Farm Properties,
.A. meeting of the Liberals of Wingham
will be hold in the TIRES office this
(Friday) evoning, at 7,30 o'clock. A full
attendance of all Liberals is desired, as
matters in connection with the coming
general elections will be brought up for
discussion, and also to make arrangements
for the political meeting in the Town
Hall, on Monday evening next.
Wanted -good butter. 'and eggs. Highest
prices paid. T. C. Graham's grocery
store, Chiseolm block.
LARGE Beets—Dr. J. S. Jerome has a
bantam hen that lays a large egg every
other day. We were shown one that
measured 61 x 8 iinthes. He has several
more about as large. Dr. says he thinks
he will go into the chieken business on a
large scale.
COMING TO Tow Ir. A. K. McAllister,
of Grey township, has rented the residence
of Mr. W. F. Brockenshire, on Victoria
street, and will remove to town in a few
weeks. Mr. McAllister has entered into
partnership with Mr. Wm. Armour, in
his produce business.,
Cow AND STORtlY-TiliS week's storm has
easily been the worst of the season, the wind,
snow and frost combined, making things
uncomfortable, as they hi&d not done for
many a day. The trains were a little late,
and business was very much interfered
with in consequence of the storm,
Messer -Miters Boss, the
well-known bookseller ancV agent of the
Dominion Express and C. . R. Telegraph
Co.. has secured the a e .y for Wingham
and vicinity of the ebrated Massey.
Harris line of high g ado bicycles. The
high reputation the assetlIarris Co.
have attained during half a century, as
manufacturers; of high close machinery,
should be etifficient guarantee to intending
purchasers of bieycles, that they are getting
a ;Aridly high grade, as the Maesey-Harris
Co. build one grade only and that the hest,
and at a moderate price.
4111..... 0
Fret:Ines Cue n Friday evening last,
Master Charley Bell, son of Mr. Thomas
Bell, was at Mr. Thos. Dodd's butcher
shop, where a. sausage machine was in
motion. Charien, in some way, got his
fingers in be cogs, and had them badly
ORR/CIA/A HANDBOOR-We have received
from the Department of the Iuterior
pamphlet • entitled Official Handbook of
Information Relating to the Dominion of
Canada. It is very creditably gotten -up
and contains a vast amount of information
for intending settlers.
TUE NEM SROR ST014 tr. J. G. Kergus,
the new boot and shoe man, has arrived in
town and is busy this week unpacking a-
new and up-to-date stook of boots and
shoos in Mr. George Good's old stand
Look for his announcement in our ad-
vertising oolumns next week.
ACTYLENE GAS -Paisley Advocate : The
acetylene gas which is now being used by a
numberof business men of Hepworth is
costing them much higher than was ex-
pected, or was represented to thorn before
it was put in, each light averaging them
20 cents per week, which is double what
was calculated.
PEAS COUNTED -AS will be seen by
Messrs Ireland & Button's advertisement
in another column, the peas in the jar
have been counted end a number have
come neer the mark. The final guessing
will take place at their store on Saturday
morning. This firm'haye met with great
success in this venture and intend giving
the public another opportunity at some-
thing of the flame nature.
annual meeting of the Comity L. O. of
North Huron, was held in the Orange hall
here, on Tuesday last. Theseesites_aegeect
Tho following officers were elected
for 1808: County Master, John Wilfotel,
Blyth ; Deputy Master, W. J. Greer,
Gerrie; Chaplain, Rev. Wm. Lowe, Wing -
ham; Rec. See., Thos. Nash, Gorrie ; Fin
Seo., W R Mooney, Brussels . Treasurer,
Wm. Bryans, Beigrave ; Director of
Ceremonies, T 3 McLean, Wingham;
Lecturers, Robert McCrea, pelgrave ;
Matthew Maius, LondesboroM
Ilmiox MEnscer, Associenox-Tho quar-
terly meeting of the Huron County Medical
Association was held at the House of
Refuge, Clinton, Wednesday, the 26th ult.,
Dr. Stanbury, vice-president, in the chair.
Present -Drs. Shanron, limiter and
Taylor. Goderich; Bethume, Barrows and
MeGinnis, Seaforth; McKenzie, Monkton;
Agnew, Londesboro ; Kennedy, Wingham ;
Armstrong, Brucefield ; Deacon, Stratford;
Gunn, Turnbull and Shaw, Clinton. Thts
being the annual meeting the election of
-Every paper in Huron County, with
the exceptiou of the Totes, Clinton New
Era and Huron Expositor have "patent
bowels," or in other words have part of
their paper printed awayefrona home.
Fresh oysters served in any style at
Jetties Meltelvies Star 1teetaurant.
To PARLICUENT.—Dr. Macdonald, M.
P., left on Monday last for Ottawa, to
attend to his parliamentary duties. His
practice here will be looked after by his
son, Dr. J. R. • Macdonald during IA
-NEw A.onerozes.-The C. P,R, have
been appointing agents in the different
towns in Ontario where their road does
not touch. Ageots have been apz
in this vicinity at Lucenow, Kineardine,
Clinton, Brussels and Walken()
tent of the K. O. T. M. were on Thurs-
day evoning of last week presented with
a beautifully decorated broom for having
initiated the largest number of members
in thesprder in Ontario during tbo past
yeartir A number of the High Officers
were present at the meetiug, and a plea-
sant time was spent by , e •brethren.
OR Tli KLONDITCE. Ori .Vhursday of
this week, Dr. Sloan, of Blyth, 41nd 'Mr.
Wm. Gray, of tow; left for Toronto.'
where they will buy pit of the party's ,
outfit for the Klondike, They will be
joined by Messrs. Angus McGregor and
J. W. Snell, of town, and Mr. Abraham
Alexander, of Listowel, on Thursday of
next week. This party will be joined by
a party ot 3$ from Detroit, and will take
a tourist car from Toronto through to
Edmonton, and will leave that place for
the Klondike about' the first of March.
They expect to reach the en of their
journey about the 1st of May. We wish
them every success in their venture, and
nay they return home with bags of gold. ,
HURON POULTRY Snow -The Huron Cour'.
ty Poultry Show was held last week in the
town hall, Goderich, and was a grand
success in 'every particular. There were
over 600 birds on exhibition, and con-
that it is only open to the county,
Mils must be regarded as a very large entry.
The quality of the fowls was of a high
class Mr. Jarvis, the expert fudge, said
that he was very much pleased with what
he saw, as it was far superior to what he
expected. The entry of Plymouth Rocks
was very largo and competition was very •
keen, especially in the whites; Light
Brahmas, a small entry, the winners being
good birds; Dark Brahmas, small entry, .
and being ordinary; Buff Cochins, fine;
Partridge, only two pairs shown, fair;
Langshans, fair ; Dockinge, a fine lot ;
Black Minorcas, a good show ; Leghorn, a
hot class, the winner proving extra fine ;
Polands, Hamburgs, Houdans, a choice lot;
Games, this was one of the finest dis-
plays of this old breed ever held in Ontario,
the competition •being very keen ; the
winner, B. B. Red Cock, being a gem and,
fit to show in any company, Bantams, a
fair lot; Pigeons, a very fine show. Other
pets, consisting of rabbits, Guinea pies+,
a faire show. Me, W, A.. Ross had iris
Jubilee incubator where you saw the Intl°
fellows coming into potiltry.dom without a
mother. There was also a very good
showing of ducks, geese and turkeys. A
meeting was held on Wednesday, the 26th
ult., when it was decided to hold the next 1
show at Clinton. The County Council !
gave a grant of 025 towards the next show. I
Too much praise cannot be bestowed upon
the Goderich officers and fanciers for the
way the show was conducted, doing their
uttermost to make everything pleasant for
the visiting friends. W. Carter, of Hullett,
won the largest number of prizes. The
Wingliain exhibitors were Messrs. NV.
Taylor, Jas. Henderson and Jos. Gray,
and each succeeded in taking their share
of prizes. Mr. Taylor done exceedingly
well, besides taking a number of prizes,'
made sales for a number of eggs and also
-Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to mire headache
-Below zero. F nuary.
-Division Court ill be held in tnwn on
Thursday next.
Houghto4 has started a music,
class in Brussels.
Ohisholm's Condition Powders for horses
and cattle are uuequalled.
-Regular meetin , of town council will be
held on MondayAv eing next.
-It is the gener 1 opinion that the bear
ow on Tuesday.
m, of Dungannon, has
o farm at Zetland.
my weather this week
n the grain business,
did not see his she
-Mr. Chas. Th
rented the Thome
-The cold, sto
has made it quiet
Dr. J. R. Macdonald is now per-
manently at home ane can be eon -
suited by his patrons.
- rue ruonc
its regnlar meetit
-Our merchan
lately with a larg
- Go and hear
discussed at the
chool Board will hold
g on Tuesday evening.
s have been pestered
number of travellers.
;he questions of the day
own Hall, on Monday
-For first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, in Queen's block.
-Court • g • m, I. O. F.,beld a very
snocessful oyster upper on Friday even-
ing last.
-Take your f ends to the political
meeting in the • own Hall, on Monday
evening next.
-Sit down an write news items for
your district if t y do not appear regular
in the Tomes.
--Tines and \ eekly Globe $L25 per
year, Trues, We kly Globe and Weekly
Sun 01,50 per yet r.
Private funds to loan at lowest rates
Apply to H. Davis, Wingham. 3m. •
-The Clinton ewseRecord has been
enlarged, one oolulnn to the page, and is
much improved.
-Make it a poi t to be present at the
Liberal meeting 14 the Treres office this
(Friday) evening.
-Court Mettle d C. O. P. metr hers
are holding theirl annual basket social
in temperauce h 1 as we go to press.
We are handling any quantity of butter.
eggs and dried apples -cash or trade. Also
all inds of poultry. G. E. King.
Dr. Gariner, 4fEucknow, died at his
home on Tuesday His many. friends in
town were much rieved to hear of the
sad affair. ,
-The. Mitchell dvocate in quoting the
salaries of our tow officials, names the
Clerk's salary at 100. The Clerk re-
ceives $300 per az m.
-The Wingham Dramatic Club will
present "Esmerald " at Brussels this
(Friday) evoning, nder the • ,f
of the Public Libra 'y.
Rooms, now occupied by John
Ritchie, to lot in the Macdonald
--Winnipeg had a 17230,000 fire on Wed-
nesday morning. an4 as a consequence
Messrs. T. Bell & S n received a tele-
gram in the evening' or a large quautity
sf furniture to bo eh pped at once.
officers took place, when Dr. Sta.nhury, of a pen et his celebrated White Leghorns
Bayfield, was chosen President; Dr. Me- to Mr. P. Witten, of Ingersoll. The new
Kenzie, Monkton, Vice -President ; Dr. officers of the County Association are
: -
Hunter, Goderich, Sec.-Treas. An effort D. A. Forrester, Hon. Pres. ; W. Carter,
was made to have the Association include Hallett, Pres.; John Ward, Seaforth, let
the county of Perth, and make a conjoined Vioe-Pres. ; 4., C. Lyons, Lucknow, 2nd
association of medical men of the two Vice -Pres.: Direotors-Goderich-W. An-
countiee, but the majority of the present stay, W. Warttook,' W. McLean. Olin -
members were in favor of leaving it as ton -T. A. Walker, C. C. Rance, J. 13.
purely a County ,A.ssticiattoti, at least until Rumball. Hullett-W. Wallace, W.
a further representation la preseet from Carter, G. W. Irwin, T. IticMiehael. Sea -
Perth county, to discuss the matter. Dr. forth -A. Johnston, J. Charters, Dr. Scott -
Taylor, of Goderich, read an interesting , Wrinteter-John Barnard. Wingham-
mid instructive paper 00 eTtleers of the ! Means. Taylor, Henderson and Gray.
stomach," which was discussed freely by , Secretary, Geo. Swallow, Clinton. Tho
the members, and Dr. Shannon gave one ! next show will be open to the world,
on "Catarrh of the stomach." Both papers !
wore full of practical 'points and were 1 Ask Your Doctor,
much enjeyed. Dr. &needy, Wingham, ; Ito will tell yon that Scott's Emulsion
gave an mount of and exhibited a specie 1 cures poverty of the blood and debility of
men of contraction of the stomach. Other the nerves. Ite will Pay that it is the best
cases were shown to the: members. , remedy in the world for delicate children.
Salo Register.
Thursday, Februari 10111. Therezill be
sold by public aucitiocij without rest...he, on
the above date, the Alosible farm stook
and implements of Jnjlnee B. Gray, on lots
37 and 38, con. 1, tencitery, Turnberry,
Salo at 12.30 o'clock. 1 j Currie, Auctioneer.
Monday, Feb. 14tI --There,. will bo sold
by public anotion, without reserve, the
valueble farm stock, itifplemente, house -
bola furniture, etc., of Henry Thomson, on
lots Z. and 22. con. B., Turnberry. Sale
at 12.30 o'clook. D. Purvis, Auctioneer.
Wednesday, February 23rci-There will
be sold by public auction, withont reserve,
the valuable farm stock and implements of
George Caseels; on south half lots 23 and
24, con. 1, Morris. Sale at 1 o'clock. J.
Currie, Atictioneer.
Wednesday, March 2nd -There will be
sold by public aection, the valuable town
property of the estate of the late Eliza
Dale, at the Exchange hotel, Wingham.
P. Deans, Auctioneer.
Thoreday, March ard-There will be
sold by public auction, the valuable farm
and village property of the estate of Daniel
McKenzie, at the Vendome hotel, Tees.
water. John Farquharson, Auctiobeer.
"Ivr MOMS" A ortexe SUCCRS0-,^NRAISLY 'ruJ
The "At Home" given by Winghami
Lodge, No. 280, 0, R, O., on Prulay even-
ing hist, wasiu the opinion of many the
event of the season. About 300.in vitationos
were sent out and nearly all the invited
guests were present. It was held in the
Opera house (one of the prettiest in Ontario)
and no batter place could:have been choseza
for a gathering of this Wed. Great credit
is due Mr. Morton and the other members
of the committee for the very complete and
efficient arrangement made for the 44000M-
modation of their guests, and which ire
themselves went far to make it what it
was -a complete Enemas. The opera.
house was very beautifully decorated with
bunting. and on each sidewall the emblem
of the Order was very tastily displayed.
The Masons evidently believe in the motto,
"What is worth doing is worth doing
The guests; of whore quite a number were
from a distance, began to arrive at eight
o'clock. Shortly thereafter the first part of
the program began,
The Wingharn, Orchestra club. under the
leadership of Mr. Morton, performed the
following pieces: Two step, "Elks Re-
union," Prendiville ; Waltz, "Sousa," Car-
lon; Wing (lance, "Uncle Ephraim's,*
Coffin; Two step, "Trilby," Wieganci ;
Waltz, "Sweet Little Katie Clare," Lange ;
Waltz, "Nobody Knows Like Mother,"
Prendiville. Then there were vocal solos
by Miss Winogene Macdonald, Miss Dolly,
Johnson and W. T. Sullivan, a reading by
Mies L. McKenzie and short addresses by
Revs. Wm, Lowe and Jas. Hamilton.
After this part of the programme had
been exhausted, a delightful lunch was
served in the concert hall, in a portien
which a number of small cosy tllies had
been set, and in the appeintmen ePt'd this
section of the entertainment the'
of the Order di -played their
When the inner man had been Ina:et' iteeke-
all repalred to the spacious Con Seithie
ber, where dancing was indulged en, The
floor was perfect, the music exceedingly
good, and just enoegh people to ensue
refort without overcrowding. There
weie very few who did not dance a good.
deal, the wall flower being an almost un-
known quautity. The costumes worn by
the ladies were very handsome, but lack of
space will not allow us to describe them.
in detail. But we will Kaye to make
special mention of the dance orchestra.
This organization has only been going twee
weeks, and the very able manner in which
it acquitted itself on its first appearance,
is owing to the efforts of "the director,"
who spared no trouble to tnake it as near
perfection as possible, and we are safe in
saying that the harpers will get the cold
shoulder from this out. About 3 30 a.m.
the party broke up and all dispersed to -
their various homen well pleased with the
evening's entertainment, ninny the ladies
being heard to express the wish for just
such a lovely time once a week.
Rev. T. L. McCutchent, of St. Thomas,
general agent for McDermott en Logan
publishing house, London, was hi town
last week. Mr. McCuteheon formerly
taught school in Kinloss, near Whitechurch
and also quoit a few days with old friends
in that vicinity.
We shall be glad to have ootittiteitionte to this
column from any of our readers. If you have visi-
tors or rurposu goint away yourseltand drop in.
tell us, or send us a note to that diect.
Chief Vannormen was in Goderich oza
Mrs. W. Bele was the guest of Clinton
friends this week.
Miss Winnie O'Neil, of Clinton, is visite
ing with friends in town.
Miss L. Jamieson, of Blyth, vieitece
friends in town this week.
Mr. John Farquharson, of Teeswater
was in town on Wednesday.
Mrs, Sutherland, of Blyth, is the guest
of her daughten Mrs. A, II. Carr.
Mrs. Alex. Kay and son Hugh, of Kin-
cerdine, are guests at Mr. NVm. Robertson's.
Mr. George Thomson, of Goderich, yeaz
ceiling on old Wingham friends last week.
Mr. and 'Mts. Ward spent part of last
week with Wingham friends. -Mildmay
Mr. Jos. E. MoDenagh, of Toronto, is
visiting . his parents and other tticieds,)ex
town this 'week. - 4'
Mr. Walker, of Walker Woe.' ai'veitere
Ingersoll, is spending a few holidaystrItie
friends in this vicipity.
Mise Hattie Roderus, of Wingham, was
the guest of Miss Susan Ardell, ou Sutler -
day and Snnilay.-Gorrie Vidette.
Mr, and Mrs. James Dalton have eta
rived in town and taken up their nee&
nee in rooms in the Sliaw block.
Miss Dailey and Mims McCaw* Ott
Wingbain, were visiting Mrs. Wm. (ION
eron last week-Ili:se Vera Eneohtet,
Wingliam, was visiting at her 1;.0
parent during the past week. -