HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-01-28, Page 7111.4 WINGHAM TINES, JANUARY 28, iSt18.
1.41 flali Magistrates are no re-
spe of persons. A few day e ago
Men •elonging to the royal house.
• hold led an unneuezled dog across
Windsor bridge and a complaint
baying been laid the magistrate
ordered the Queen to pay a, tine of
four shillings. The Queen paid the
,1 Y' + - ". ,'.' i. t TA !',. ..' : i , :. 1•,,, .0
IiiiP 14 1.14 1, .:., i.g. 'd •'4; ' nAL ''4,1;...:...4'oj Lill hil
PO i&.3 ouresii. .by freeze
I ,:itelo Pills.
Bent Huron. Farmers' beettllte,
On Tuesday afternoon. Otlest week,
the above Institute held a very sue-
cesfill meeting in the flown ball
Gerrie, The president, M. Thomas
• Straehan, oce.upled the eh.air. Mr.
W 11. Fraser, of Bluevale, gave a.
thoroughly prepared address on the
growing of clover, showing the many
advantages to the litrinee to greev
more clover; the ebenileal food it re-
quires, and the merits end demerita
of the various varieties.
Mr, J. Hiochley .followed with
"Why every farmer should keep
bees," in which be showed, not only
that bees are a source of profit that.
the farmer shoald pot neglect, but
also showed how to manage them SO
as to have them profitable by having
the right kind of hives, wintering
them properly and tending thein care-
ev lawn; now.
Ohl woe to ye! sons of the Greek;
Of the hems Leonidas led,
% ion glory no longer your battle fields
Nor strides on the face of your dead.
You hailed with delight the red meteor of
Tbilt Rashes its gleam on the sky—
You have heard the shout of the foetnan
And your cannons sent back 04 reply.
Now the plia.utora of fear in the storm will
Be has. shattered your sceptre, and blasted
• your power.
Delusiott has hired you tO War,
Perchance that mistake is your last;
Disgrace toad toiled Gut o'er your land his
dull jar,
And laughed at your downfall so vast
No longer you nutigle with natione of earth,
To allot to a nation her idiom;
Your glory is mumbled, mud faded your
ee!.:e.• e.. Aesi your destiny is suu
1:‘":k from eompare •
They else i'elievo Distress from Dyspepsia,
Indigestioa lel Too Hearty Dieing. A per-
fect reiree!e• Dizziness, 'Nausea, Ttrowsi-
nffS, 13.i.1 :see. in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
in :tile, TORPID LIVER. .They
Regelaie D,s-vdis. Purely Vegetable.
&Mali tz'T „ Smia81 Dose.,
id of the day.
feet Carter's
Car teer,,
• •
'Peking the lend everywhere.
We are working day and
night t supply the demand.
Our eorrespondence shows
that hundreds upon hundreds
poor sutferers are being
reAored to health and happi-
ness daily.
The next,address was on "Tuber-
culosis, ' by Jas. Armstrong, V. Se
in which was set forth. the infectious
nature of the disease being commicat-
ed from man to annelids and . rout
animals to man, either by inhaling
tee germs or taking them. into ttilr
stomach with fOod. and in other ways,
How to discover the disease in cattle
by the tubereutine test. How to get
rid of it and keep clear of it was also
pointed nut.
elle Thompson,.of St. Catharines,.
in "Swine breeding and feeeding,",,'
showed that he was skilled in produe.
ing pigs that suit the market at the
least .possible were. so- as to. make it
profitable to grow hogs. He strongly
urged . farmers. to grow Mere and
treat better Ellie %IMO maligned ani-
Mr. 0. A. Zavitz,, .of the. Ontario
Agricultural College, Qaelph, discass•
ed 'Potatoes and Roots" giving some
valuable information .regarding the
different qualities . and varieties of a
large number of 'experiments within
this department at the college farm.
The evening session was. -very
l a reel v 4s,ded. .Add roses were.
given hg -Mr. IL Thomp,sen, on "Care
of small fruits and,;.,-frult trees," and
It,. O. A Zevitze4old of the . good
work being done by the Ontario
Agricultural College. These were
interspersed with. remittal selections;
vocal. and instrumental, by local tal-
010, which were well received by the
endience. Mr. Thos. Gibson *M.,P*P.,
was present and gave, a shore address..
TV Uhl
They are absolutely rure and
ea it ef at . 0-u aran teed to
cure Rheumatism, Sciatice,
Neurolgia, Lumbago and all
forme of Kidney and Liver
SO1(1 Wingham, only by Gordon ei Co
caveats and Trade.lvearkI obtained. and all parent
'business conducted for MODEM% FEES. My
office is in theimmediate vicinity of the PatentOffice,
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Seed model, sketch orphotograpli of invention, wit%
detc4tion siva statement as to advantages claimed.
.mi -Na charge is made for an opinion as to
25wentabith,g, and riy fee for prosecuting the
319iiqaiktn toitZ not bes called for emelt ilto
'Wel& I allowed. "INvearons' Guital" con-
taining full information scat free. AU (10111MUnl.
cations Considered as etrietly Conlidentlal.
In abb3orance Lau eons winh t
e auu e
While the blush of your shame, will mantle
their cheek.
literary Notes. .Tete San Jose Seale.
The Val" a -strikin "43 an • With the threatened destruction h3r!
article or store; ie understood by " 'the terrible San Joee Seale of the:
American periodical so well as The 1 pleasant prospect of Ontario fruit—
apples. peachee, plans, peers, and •
grapes—gaining a market in the!
British blew and other European ;
countries, and even rivallinz the val.
W Oche cheese product of the pro -1
vino, die prompt aed vigoroue nuftfl.!
sures to tight this ineect invader
taken by Hon, John Melen, Minis-
ter ot Agriculture, tire other eviden-
ces, if that Were needed. of the wis
duns whieh merlon. the selection hv
Ladies' Home Journal, einem a New
York corresponden . It has made
its titles famous by their bailouts rani
queness. Its "Side -Talks With
Girlie" "Heart to Heart Tallee" and
"Unknown Wives of Well-known
Meu" have been ridiculed and para.
phrased from one end et' the et:111111'y
to the other. But it has all been
griat'for the Philadelphia periodiettl.
Just new the title of "The Inner Ex•
periences of a Cabinet Members Wife" sir one" etewat when premier of
is attracting attention. J Lille Ma- the province to which he is now nor
grader's new loveetoey is given the majesty's representolee, ,if a praete,
title of "A lieaven-Kissieg Hill"—
hut cal farmer as head of the depart -
taken from ShalteePeare, really, ment having to de with tee greatest
who but the Journal would have irdnstre in the cutultry,
thought of it?, Marion Orawfoed's new
Under authore e conferred by the
stet y is called "'Pile Dead Smile.-- Legislature the Minister of Agrit•el•
a title good enough to sell any story,
tare already hos in-pectors at work
"The ilit 11 I Never Married" is tack- in tho nurseries ond orchards of the
ed to a new series. "The Man Under distriels where tiu, ..eale has got a
Thirty -eve," made the reputations of
Ambition has pointed the way— ' Lillian Bell in this magaziee. "My
Delirium of conquest led on— Literary Passion," under which Mr.
The spirit f meroy went sobbing away, Howells wrote in the Journal, served
Her pleading had sunk to a groan.
But the cloud of adversity swept, at once to attract attentien, Julien
As the spoiler in fury oaane on ; Hawthorne :end* a strong story to
Where Rauoour and Perfidy awaked from the magazine, but with a poor title
Your renown was forever o'erthrown.
Oblivion can never erase from your mind,
The freedom, the worth you are leaving
How great was the boast of your power!
How swift was the speed of your flight;
Poor dastards in war, can a death dealing
Hurlsiwaneerinto blackness of night ?
And sad o'er the wreck of your pitiless
The spirits of your father deplore, •
And 1-lelen will lament in the cleat of her
For the zeal that upholds you no more.
Oh 1 where is Ole fame she has lbft to ydur
charge ?
Has it tiluercgie?with the sway of the Dorian
start an, 1 it is being 1l0 leaghly
stamped out.
How serieus a 11,t -ter dialing with
this dangerous inisero,wople-al pcst. it
way be reatereesal when it is learn
ed that eot only ;ill kinds of fruit
trees, shrubs and imshes are subject
It is immediately rechristened :There
to Owned. it, Ow but an
are no Moises in Ireland." X et eacb. l hard w, „ ai 'l"„it, ill -in an
t, forest as
title aduVed by this clever inagnZme I well may be rnith-d.
IA seale,
capieon .for it. "A Minister . of 111011.7. slates „f Ow etegnbasing republic
fits theeitory and is really the bests
The 08111 111,ms 1,!ss sufTe.kred in the
World' started that story on 163sac.; l whore the ,;eate l, ra':ang giis but
cess, "r. Beecher as I Knew Hem la inottwe or who this pmvince will
was an inimitable title for Mrs Bete ; esenpa by ,he 1;„eernteent'e admit,
GentleMan Whe is Going to Die is 1
‘:,rile I able action.
eher's memoirs of her husband. .
Qaiie appeopeiate 11, this wri-
the eaption for a forthemning story •
nection is the:following
.extrael from
by Clara MorT
ris. alk about clever: in interview, with Mr. Albert Rav,
nes$ in titles, what magazine IS 5,80111 ”
proprietof the Prospect" Hill fruit
a postmaster in the art as is rile
I farm, near St. Catharines,. Out , In
Ladies' Houle Journal? And a tu3ws. i the Buffalo Express, of Jan. 8th
!art of title -making. is. But nothing I —
paper man knows how difficult this,t,,ta
1 M ,,, mil itic.o. .04r) opp3e(34 to the
The fierce Turks have rushed to the field, • '
I is se valuable in attracting the eye.
; GoVern Meta. of 0:iiiirio,"° Sitid Mr.
Ldko locusts for number they °cane,
Though wounded 'and bleeding their arms ' Of the public.
1 i Ray, "but I intiq say that iii Mr. Dry -
they will wield, ,
And March to the beat of the drum. Iden the preseet aaministration ha;
1 The February issue of the Deline I t most competent man. mien ,he
' Tho Assassin of Turkey frowns dark 001 115
throne, ator is called . Mid winter NI b . I
He loesoned the bloodhound of death; and again thoroughly justifies its re ' '
I asked me to ei,int. to Toronto to took
t over Itis hill, I ;eel tii )se with me, ex -
He gloats on the field where the e tilt ure is 1, putation as a woman's authority in..
: pected to find t ha t we WCiti necessary
Sewn, Fashions and Lititire. The latest
And urimson is his eye, and his breath. i that bill. • But
The blood crusted sword is the God he will ' winter sty!es ar ma fan atelv illustrat- i 10 t41t' PerreetA" a
raise, . ed an acetu ate y
e°("1 1 m • I( - i drafted and was snout Med to us for
I And the 'cry of your orphans, his anthem of minent among the literary features „
i praise. ' ' I W f d tl . e
were. not 'rim bill had heen
Cannot in your army bo found
A. soldier born true to our cause
is Emma Churchman Hewiit's articleour pp , .. . e
fully covered and instead of teaching
on Honsettold. Expenees. "Sceal, • . .
the. Minister how t . preserve the
Life in English Provincial Cities," by i .
. • . . 1 fruit, ., e found ourselves listening to
Oet180 lorence It en wick pleas -
wild rebound ------------is of certain interesting!.
Don't go op suffering from nervous I And the ava'anche shoat of applause ? eeviroreens. Dr..Grace. Peckham - .
un poste Ifl to fi n d a more cei pe
1 DON'T GO QS, Who world lead midst the thunders of wars Mr. Deyden's plane. It would be
hobbles that ciake strong a e , . ,Minister of Agricultai•e jr the Pro-
ws" weak, I You slunk as a thief from the valley of ee • •
• Ill ae contributes a. p t ,
impotent, and unable to do the right Death • N ince, We were delighted with him."
thing at the right tithe, all because the
'stew is tobacco poisoned. We urge
you to test Mdburree Heart and Nerve
Pills, they will make the blood pure and
riuh, tingling with life MA energy, 'and
the inan woo feels ok'l they make young
end happy 11114411)
Will stand wear and tear for
e ears, :No better proof can
be given of their durability
than is shown by the fact
that some of these pumps put
iti well§ 25 years ago" are
still working.
.A. base leader's commands you obeyed, 1 on le (annum b o ,... "it is tale (lover muen t's intention,"
Derisioe has dubbed you the "Frailest of ,"Chilclren aild their Ways" Mis. • p - .
continued etr. tay,1 'to destroy, or
Barth," I Alice Meynell continueP her series of
And ...Hope scorned for to lend you her Child -Studies, directing attention to eall'ie to be destroyed, every fruit
aid. . e tree that is known to be infected
Conquered sons of the Greek; once chivel. the danger of overtaxing their
- , .. • . New 0, with.ie an oec Scale.
ti S. J s. It is be -
Now bending to Turkey the suppliant knee. leans," a timely tope:, is vividly des
roue and free,8I'dIflS. "1311
Fame recounts the triumphs of yore,
Teaehinz; Days For 1893. When Miltiardes martialecl in tight, cribed by Frances Courtney 13avlor.
--.--7 And Marathon'e field was clotted with gore, Those who have followed the fortunes
High .schools and collegiate insti- Wen the Persians sought safety in flight. of Olive Raynor, by Martin ()tele, e ill
tuttet and paleie and separate SehOOle At Salem us the water is foamy and deep, find If new thrill in his latest,. adven.
There fore fathers have fought on the
in the cities, to-wns and incorporated tuie-a diamond ,robbery. In "The
WeVe ;
villages have e following unttiber The 1 orm tossed billows have rocked them Care of Belongings" are many sug-
teaching days in 18i)8. to eleep, gestions which will 'Neve of material
Metes of opening and closing: Nor refused to the victors a grave. valet: tO IlOusekeepers, Bliie-Print
Open 3rd January, close 7th April ;
reopen 18111 April, close 30th June ;
re -open 1st September, close 22nd
In January there, are 21 teachingsieve,
sieve, February 40, March '93, April
15, May 21, Sane 22 --Total 122. In
September 21, October 21, November
22, December 16--Tetal 80,
Rural public and separate schools
have the following' number of teach-
ing days in 1898:
Dates of opening and closing--
Open 3rd January. close 7th April ;
reopen 18th April, close 30th June ;
re open 15th August, elose 2211d
In January there are 21 teaching
days, February 20, March 23, April
15. May 21, June 22 --Total 122. In
August 13, Septenap6r 21, October
21 November 22, December 16—
Supplied to Order. ,
Repairing promptly attended to.
But you—in death's slumber ;., lb° dark
vault of the tomb—
Photography is continued by Sharlot
Will laugh yon to scorn, will mock you in M. Hall. "Dona Maria" is a faseinat.
gloom. . ing character study of the South vvest
Go hide in the shadoev of night ! • by Eva i. der BrodheadThe
Go search for a place tef repose ; "Baehelor Maids' Luncheon" is a
Where the jeere of the world will not seek graphic description of the details of
your etreat, a gathering which many readers will
Nor the scoff of your merciless foes.
Your Beacon of valourextinguished will hasten to duplieate. An agreeable
he, e - observance of the popular anniversary
Your honor will be trod in the dust ; '' is outlined in "A Valentine Party,"
Can the arm of a Poltroon that trembles' to In etre. Witherspoon's "Tea -Table,"
Ever chempion the (Anse of the just ee many thnely subjects are interesting- The deposits in the Postoffice
To search the wide world to its far utmost i ly discussed. Mrs. Oadwalader Jones' Savings Banks for December were
\ bound, department, "Social Observances'," $886,000, and the withdrawls
Such a thing of deceit can nowhere be
found. Flower Garden" by Mr. Vick, $676,000.
lieved that the pest was brought
in to Canada f -em United States
nurseries, and it has necotne so fatal
to the, fruit trees that exti eine
rueasure,s are neeest,ary. Thenbill
provides for cempensation to an
amount which will enable the grower
to replace the CMOs without expense
to himeelf, and the penalty for
neglecting to destroy infected trees
is such to induce every owner of an
orchard to see that the law is carried
out When the infected trees are
destroyed we can then start over
again Under a new ,»w providitg
for the rigid inspection of all im-
ported nursery stuck and the ex.
elusion of trees affected by the
$0141114141.144-44.0 .
ea d
THe .40
GI Great Offr
dee OP -42
The Londorc
Free Press.
The ere° Press, desiring to really
inerenso Its subscriptiou 1it. wake), the
following great offer to the farniere and
]stockmen of Canada. whereby eat)-
scribers to Weekly Free Press will get
• One Year's Paper Free.
The Free Press bee made arrange.
menta with the Veterinary -elm e
Publiehing Defoe a number of oepies of
te their book, '"rhe Votorinary {=,
•31 the price of which is $2.00; This hew:
2 treats fully and
it plain )anglillgo
Anatomy, Diseases and Treatment
Domeatie Animals and Poultry. 111.0
11 containing a full deseript fon of Medicine
▪ and Receipts, so that every farmer can
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The Weekly Free Press ani Paras
... and Homo for elm yrox (price Siege air
▪ ropy of the Veterinary. Science fl.riee
(512r1).4;30741thNevrileicobitpt tmootzTleitill atridoitEra4:
Do not miss this elianee.
afford to continue thisofter indeimilely.
., Our object in making it now it. • in:ctire
an immediate response Wh•eh a less
74 lib- ral offer might foil to attrart. E
e... member. by gentling 52.1.0 toe tho book.
:A you get the Weekly Free Pres4 awl t=
Z, lr.trre and Home ONE YEAR FREE.
.Ag Ms wanted everywhere. Address
all communications to the
Le:scion, Ont.
Tf.nrasct twiTlYT Walla
"Fancy Stitches and Fmbroideries,"
by Emma klagwood, Knitting, Lace-
, THE AWFUL STING!' Making, etc., add to the attractive -
The Unbearable Itching Irritations ness of the issue.
Order from the local agent for the
caused by troublesome Skin Diseases— Butteriek Patterns, or address The
Eczema,. Seal ea , ieum, g
d 11 d S' it ILI Tet- Delineator Publishin CO Limited
Total 03. tor, are allayed by ono application of Dr. 33 Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ont.
Allowance is made in the above Agnew's Ointment. Blind and Bleed- ,.. .
etatement for all holidays, except any
ins Piles cured in from one tu six nights ounseription price of The Delineator.
cure quickly und effeotively. Here's a
, Xt S Et magical reliever and ' a power to $1.00 per year. Single copies 15e
public fast or Thanksgiving day, oi. .
local municipal holiday.
. .
sentence from a recent testutiony :
thought my flesh was on tire, but Dr. Ag .
new's Ointment cooled, helped and heal- Ink Spots.
" 3.1 cents. Sold at Chisholm's '
A feiend is be who smiles when
:others frown, and stops to give his
Without a Peer—W orks Miracles. od me.
Drug Stero.
Agnewle Cure for the Ileart is
1 without a peer. This great remedy re. hand when one is down.
atanta the most aggravated id be more than.
lieves n
and distressing farms of heart dis-
ease. It is the surest Ind quickest act-
ing formula for heart trauule known to
medical science, atui thousands of tonea
has the hand of the atirn destroyer been
stayed by its use ff there is Palette-
Sit0P—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's lion, Shortness of Breath, Pain in _Left
3 41VerY• Side, Smothering Sensations, don't delay
or yoh may be omitted in the long list of
those who have gone over to thegroat
majority, because the best remedy in the
world to-dev WW1 ISOt, promptly used.soid
i'Vingham, Ont. Chisholni's Dreg Stove.
1 Beauty WOO
doopie the average female complexion Facts are the sharpest weapons
could be figured in the deal, with them armed, one passes through
the war of words unharmed.
When an actress wears her din. -
mends while bathing, it is simply The cock that loudest Crows at
habit, She's Rated to having them in rise of sun, in battle often is the first
-ker 1.• (11
to run.
No man never offended his own See that today the waiting task is
consefenee but first or last it was re- done ; von may not live to see to-
venged upon him for it,—South, morrow's Stin.
Anyone sending a sketch and description mar
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica-
tions strictly confidential. handbook on Patents
sons free. Oldest agency for seeming patents.
Patents taken through Munn & co. receive
special notice, without chargo, Inthe.
SCientifiC BintriCall
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir-
culation of any scientific lnurmil. Terms, $3 a
year; four months, $1. Sold Wall newadealers.
MUNN & Co 3 6 1 Broadway, Now Ifigk
Branch Office, 625 V K., Washington,
183 898 1 xty.11iallth Yost
ic 3 e st of
4' 14t 41111
er, 1'p V i1i the Times.
TER1V15 CID FOR 1898:
81115 10 M11111,10 At I. '1 141. 10 1 LA Ls,
1,m t it, I e t
Six IhtLLA OS.
Srtcist 1 at 2. 1 :se ty hi( I. %via bc MOH by
01111) 111 114)7) ..t/t tf. 1111(11 rtiPit 0 itiipct ( lab
NI 11 )1 11 11 t 7 it 1.4 11 is ;star to Ns
Subs:cub( ir 31.0e.
reteind a Pecneura ter I vere keeder.
It will be seta that tht tiff(ret cc 1l4t7747. p the
cost ('(77ILI' 0)1, 1.114). 1).0 11171 f othec
i agritulttnal otalitt ry 1.1 atdretti, by
making. up LI 10 ell club. to
Less Than a Cent 0. Week t
Is Sure
To Cure
Send for Spechnen Copies
Which ui 1 1-e n tiit41 rtt v14113 1) -Pelt
omens difference incost 51744115 ml %CM. your hut.*
ing the best NN hat trcount str•tild y on incise t0
such a differen e in lo) .441 n (Wit7 !cid
4.5 ress
Price 25 Cents.