HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-04-13, Page 23Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Walden 50th anniversary By Wilma 01w Mr. and Mrs. .Clarene'e .1: Walden of 83 Milin Street North celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary': Sunday afternoon with a reception at Nortibsidc ,Gnited Church in Seaforth at tended by a luiSt iliends and relatives. Friday night their sort Victor. and his wife field a family dinner at their home in 'Goderich • for 25 guest. The COO t)ie was married in a quiet ceremony at the home (Ill' bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. -" George E.' YOuligblut.' of Autumn by Rev Thomas W. Goridivill. "I'hc bridal couple len on, a short; honeymorift„' train , to London where they visited .with relatitcs., Following the honey- moon 'the couple retortied to the 'aria in the Loildesboro-Kinhurn `area where they lived for the next fifteen years. They. found tittles •.: difficult because the"low prices in the mark ,,iing'.of Livestock. In 1942 they; sold their farm and moved Sea forth NOICI*C_ they owned and operated livestock .continued working iii the plant for this he r—over 014sdic,..s with „'r .1" YCztlici:;)"TV,;.11112.1 14);()ik your own Oil you,. pally. now Texaco Canada I 1 d unlit frit11.2;"'in 1971: Mr. Walden "ha ,, been an elder at Northside Church for (wet 25 years and.sang the'elioir there for about the same tone. retirilt! in January,,,Mrs.. Walden IC a life member 1)-1 the'-United Chnrch Women. Interested in gardeiihrg. they are members of the Scatorth llorticultural, ScoietS. .M r.• • Walden is a inernher-at-large of - the SealOrth lions (TM) but, no. longer takes an active part in chili ,vork. The couple is active the. la \Nil bowling 'chili., Mr...and -Mrs, Waltied tirC the parents of. a • Victor; of -Goderich • and a diughtty... rjorie _Mrs, John Fraser, of Conestoga..Thev have t\i-,,O grand- children. 1045 'Mr. Walden sold .his You, mill „,„chi„c o, (0 (he Se,ifiirth Farmers '('o-Operative and ' he '' have feed mill. home • That homeyou dream about is now within your veach—all yoUrs to enjoy -while its investment value keeps growing over the years. Get it with the help of a Victoria and Grey mortgage=built to fit your need and your . purse. Do it today at Victoria and Grey. TRUST COMPANY SINCf:. 1589; VG R14 and GREY opt Morn in a c popular THE H RON EXPOSITOR, AiJRII, 13, 1970 — 2C Family Mary Merrier 482-7143 Court Constantino L1842 held a family dance on Friday evening April 7th in the hull with the. 'youth committee in cluirge. Marie, Flynn. Harold Black, Gary Black and Earl Flynn provided 'the Music fur ,daneing. Prize'sweregiven to Ann and Doug McClure' for winning the elimination dance lirid Marion Hunt and Denise Hullc,v vi ere lucky, spot dance winners, Bob dance, (;lea' called off for the scluarc Lunch was served and a social time was spent. • • Personals Mr. Mt'. and '.:Mrs. Ron Brady of Egniondvilie were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Preszeator, Christine. Lisa. Christopher and Greg. Mr. anil Mrs, Leo Sanders, Jennifer and Jeffery. of R,R:#4. Brustelg visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Marris Bos, Steven'. Shartm. Kenny: Michael. 'Andy 'and Kathy. Mr. and Mrs. 'Paul Southgate, Jennifer and Sean spent. the weekend with her sister Mr. and `airs. Steve Sprottie. Jeremy and Kyle of Kitchener, they attended the batismal .sertiicc on Sunday for ,Kyle. Mr. and.iMrs. "Carl Moller. Sandy, Julie, Michael and Shelfcy and Mrs, George McElwain visited on Sunday with Mr. Peter "Deichert of Zurich. - Mr, and Mrs. *rave Preszcator, Christine, Lisa. Christopher and Greg visited on Sundaypiternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Preszeator of Sanford. Miss Vicky Ctiunter spent the weekend' i;i•ithi her grandparents Mr. andMrs. Bun McConnell and Cheryl of Strathroy. • . Sc',, 1974 DODGE MONACO 4 door sedan in gold with a black vinyl roof, 360 V8 automatic, Power Steering Power Brakes, rear defroster. Air Conditioning Ile. ittiNM181 Weekly Special t 119 g 6P with License 4, CHRYSLER Plymouth DadgeTrucks f~ ,S afo.rth 527-1670 P.ff • • • • fie~ Regular Price, $3095. ;, ou're Ahead, CB 400 T II The Honda CB-400T11 is nothing short of a sleekly - -designed-technical wonder.. A revolutionary big-bore, four-stroke engine that lets the CB-400T11 shim • its heels to man) bigger bikes. Top it off with lightweight precision handling at a low price and you've got your- self some bike. Look at these exclusive features! Handsome Corn- star T-IV1 wheels; twin seam- less chromed mufflers with Power Chamber TM; totally electonie Tri-Pulser TM capacitor discharge ignit- ion; single overhead cam; Pentroof TM three valve head and combustion chamber; electric start and a front disc brake. New cantilevered two-stage rear . shocks direct impact forces forward to the centre of gravity for incredible handling. Get on the hike• that is already mating history and find out what it can do for you. The CB-400T11. • The Bike With New .Technology For High Performance • - GET READY FOR SUNNY DRIVING, WITH THIS SPRING TUNE-UP- Here's Whit II Do 4 We Check/T 0 pre-ignition system 0 positive, rankcase analysis - ventilati• valve . 0 compression 0 ensils5ion trol hoses (all cylinders) and filters 0 air Cleaner element 0 all belts 0 spark plug wires 0 all ceiblin9 system hoses 0 coil wire ' 0 battery'(hYdrOmetePTest) 0 rotor 0 dynamic cylinder balance.. 0 distributor cap We Supply.and Install O new spark plugs, 0 new points* ' ' O new condenser* 'not required on electronic ignitions We Lubricate/Adjust 0 heat riser valve '0 point-gap O ignition.timing 0 carburetor idle setting Final Ignition System Analysis. Winter driving can be tough on your cars engine. Get yourcar ready for.sunny driving with a Spring Tune-Up from your Gulf dealer. Parts and labour listed above are included in the-price ataare Covered A by your G • dealer's'90 day•or 4,000 mile (0400 km) guarantee, whichever std' DO YOUR PART TO.CONSERVEENERdY. A well tuned car runs more efficiently and gives bettergas mileage than a poorly.tuned car. The better your gas mileage, the more energy you conserve. So, do your part to'help conserve Canada's energy. Make an • appointment and,tune-up today. $3 95* $3815* $43 95* 4-Cyl. 6-Cyl 8-CyL Including' parts and labour. *,For most passenger cars. Offer expires May 20,1978. , • -GORDIS GULF : oOderic:h St.. East Seaforth • P • • j, 7' 77 717,77r1r77777^6777.....777,77."..."",'-" t in N. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Layton, have returned home Trout Florida where they spent the Winter. . Mr. and Mrs, Don Brodie, Mr.• and Mrs. Robert Allan , Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wilson, ,Mr. and Mrs. Cliff HenderSon have . returned hoMe from a Vika t it n in the south. , Mr. and. Nies. Gordon' London. 'Miss ,Kathleen Mrs. V. Berry visited . with 'tf; relatives in Wingham on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T.A „Dutton have a sold their place of business to Mr. whit gets possessioti in May. This is what Ontario is doing th help you Eve years or after every major change in eircuptstances such as inartiage., birth of a child or rotunda] changes. pointed omit that two a situ at voidw tons w h ichge to ill ari:.remarriage or hand written c a will, N e and negh OistitE"ditille.bat.tiogn(;iisitg•ec;(k) Seaforth Public School where• tio, mothers will be t aking a tour of the school and the children Will see a puppet show, Everyone is welcome and should ineetin the library elf' the .sOopl.. Tuesday morning at 9:3h -sharp, Dun Keillor, dire( for of (he Huron Centre for Children and Youth who was to have been the guest speaker at Morning Out Tu cisday was unable to attend as 'planned.. However. One of tho regular ,members of the group kindly agreed to fill in. Mary Helen McLachan, dental gienist. woe a talk and di-playyd a number of posters and leaflets .protuoting Dental Health Week,, , She 1..‘xplai-ned that a lisgitipicir is a graduate of a tivo•yei„r diploma course who work., \sitb and is supervki,d 11\ a dentist. Some of her clinics tire cletinine tind polishing •fecth. x-rays, rand devehipini„; thrill). wising impri ssions. 'Oral 11)•. strip, lion amid Working w till politi c health units, she stressi s the importanci of 'flossing the teeth, and discui..sed the benefits of iii its allo w, forms. Horide is ,olded to the ati supply' in many Toothpastes contain 'd an d it i sorniiiines applied directly on the teeth of childen. Hol (bred ,., ar: 1111. ;416'n to hahits to strength, n 'hill. thi they Morning Out thanks Mary 41-leten for preparing a very interesting present atiOn on such short notice.' rh, group also waterlicd a portion p1Morning Bileak. on CFPL-TV when .1.11, tittle. a London laWyer, explained the importmwe of fkicing a w ill, He said ,that everyone wilo is over 18 years or milled should have a will and that althinigh a form for making a Will can he bought in sonic stationary stores it is .advisable to consult a lass yet Or trust eompam. A will shout'' he updated every CorresPondent Mrs, John Temple,man 345.2346 Mr. Robert McCaughey Vs a Patient in Scalorth . Hospital at time of writing." Mr. and Mrs. John Templcman visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller. .Mr....and Mrs. Ron Miller and , Christena visited Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller. Staffa #I. 2 and 1 4-11 Home Brucefield Over 25%of our children have not been immunized by the time they enter school. That's not only swprising, it's dangerous — because tI-ere has been an incre "e of diphtheria, whooping coy and • measles in recent months: The Ontario Ministry of Health— provides vaccines to immunize children against diphtheria, polio, whooping cough, tetanus, measles, • mumps and rubella (Getman rrie5sles). YourtOntarici-HeatthtfisuranCe Plan (OHIp) pays a fee to the making club members and their leaders sat in on a &Mien meeting at the Hibbert Township hall on ..Monday evening,. South Hibbert.Athletic Associ- ation will hold a registration day on Saturday April 15 for anyone -over 6 yearS old wishing to play baseball at CroMarty Ball Park this summer. Registration'will be at the' Stalla Hall between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. April 15, d egistration day e sure your child is imm.uniz against disease. doctor for administering them. Immuniz4ion can save'lives and is quick and easy. It's up to you to make sure that your children are protcted. Take them to your family physician now, or have them immunized by your loCal health unit. A free pamphlet with a chart showing which diseases your child should be immunized against, arid at what ages, is available now. Write today for rpr copy of the pamphlet "Immunization is Your ' Responsibility" to: Health Resource Centre / Communications Branch Ontario Ministry of Health Hepburn Mock, Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario • M7A 1S2 Dennis Timbrell, Minister of Health William Davis, Premier Provipce of Ontario