HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-01-28, Page 6algom L FAIDAY, JANUARY t.'8.1637. The independene Farmer. I ILE kV 1.1\ 1101 TIMES jANITAltir 28, ibUti, ONTARIO HOSPITALS. oHOWICK. oSeeRtiA.T13. $R,RV/CES, Q Are You a.DIsTE.A.I., DEPORT or VIE -GoNseip li rne- The ,00aneil tiled for the Muni- I M THODIST-- Rev. Dr, rescue, pas It ENT INRPEoTott. e,tty f tise Towtiship f llowick tor. Services at 11 a in and 7 p tn. PR,NSBYTBRIAN-Isev, Perrie, RUPT'URED ?I mkt D. met et Gerrie, on Jr lUth, ,tor„ Services at 11 a co and 7 p no If • • • ruirruirt e tc Irt his ennual report, IV Mei wee at 1 l' 4.414., Townahip hall, Puml- 14.IVISCUPAL, St. Paul's -Rev, Wm. so it is your g ) EVERY FRIDAY 'MORNING published Ft•iday.Dr, T. F. Chaim- nut to entente. They took the twee- i Lime, motor. Serviees at Litt el awl 7. call on Gordon & Co. s Drug berleirt reports that all+ the hospitals sary oaeleof office qualilleat•ioe P t•O• • . . tna. hey BAP ril si -Rev. .Is. lIaLnitton, pas•• Store, V! ingoa TliNflE$ OFF,cOS "R -E4,74-; pH Nt Q 01 mg Puamenuo D' NAL-1Sev a. B.1 are the agents for the of the Pi ovince. are cluing good ..% (I as tollesee. vie: S. W. , i!eleeson, tw, ,4,4„ie„ ut ti 1,, ii, 4nd ,, p in Mason, pastor. Services, lit, 1.1 a m. and celebrated Wetmore, WO Outran,„andandp io. Looltio caninatl, Services.; Truss. Outtisrrialci RIll.ERS - Misses 0 ''S'AT,N,...'.VIONARMY-.AtljutatitlYfiles WHY THE WETMORE IS THE 3.1, , 8 and wife in command, Services at 11 a, I him (el egg, and Luang, of them there shas been leave.; t. Lbb ° an improvement in their sanitary Reeve; 'Wm. 2.nd. Deputy - w, T. BECKElt. condition and convenienees, and in Reeve; .Andrew Vulg. and James A farmer drove t p tJ a alio° store, providing special build it gs ifor -specie-1 Spcnee, Councillors. The Reeve itt,ts diseases du ing the year. The In took the (emir. The minutes of last tied his team, and sterved .within. 'Good morning, Mr. Rapp,' Spector in his report, etts:;-"Titere ,-meetWg were read and. adopted. s. i still a dieposition to multiply hos- - Moved by Spence mid Gregg that 'lb, good. morning,. Mr, leandsi .e, pitals in seine localltiee w'ael.e• one the Council go Into a comma ee ' • Ft , f..)1 ' ii tt rls This should be ab in th.e:cuaite-Oarried sessesseelessia• ecesseesseezesessese'eseiseSesqve 12. It will Lever rust an- is conse• - --- 1 reomeot witaout ou .d • lee moruieg,-anythitig I eao do hospitel would be quite !eualelent to , the •wliule, with Couneillor Doig in s„ bb„th saw' 4„.beie ;1;,2,30 p pl. Me FOR YOU 110.'3 L.) oi nod 8 p In etch of the crows earned churches' 1. Because it is titingerous to be a . . 01 . whitely prevented by legielation tti lees committee rose and leported . . we can make a deal. Yoa see more stringent, chi:treater. The total' progrees tie follows: That the ti,no. vet I want a pair et. shoes number of hospitals now receiving clerk's salary be $175, .and $95 provincial aid •is 43 an of which re- "alleweci JUL pteetage txud stationery ; times are pretty dull, and I aint sold • •Well, yes I think you -can, that is • anent y u teORRIE, • 3, A .person wearing a Wethscre does • A society called Parish Workers not find. it a bother. has been oi•gerrized in St. Stephen's 4. We will guarantee to hold in 4 I, a ;a y, Lai on , — 5. This truss cannot possibly move position any reducible rapture. ceive their rosortioa of the Govern that the a. se•ao s • be 6.1 o • Church The field their first meet.' for the boys, and as you. know what; Mot nntpwirfich tins car amount the tree-u*-er''b- I • I a; "Y;8- • • -• • r S' und tylevenin ettesti fer tny wife, rind a couple of D r• Wirt Of butter we make, I pu.t in a jar e • Cugli0 000, The total number of taker s. salary, . 15 ; • d e few dozen ot nieee ” • Auditors, t.i,8 dance was very.goou. omcers cleet after adjustment, pumas treated in bitspitele during eaCh ; collector tbr East Division, e50 ed were as followe : RecA"' Rev' •"• 6. Some of our townspeople e,an imager periods. Advertisetuents and local notices with WINGI1A31, ONTARIO, subscription price, Weer $efr,111110Va e ADVERTISINO anus One Column SIR) 00 1 2040111000, I $820": • CI Space 1 1 yr, 1 12 00 5 0 004 7 es 1 8 Half - .4 40 00 20 quarto ., 20 00 . 12 00 tine II ch 6 00 ' 2 00 I 1 T Legal and her emir.* advettisenient Se per 1 for 0.1)00011,onil 80 per line fOreseh tibocciu ae•ertinn. Si e..sui ed by nonpareil scalp. Loeal notices 100. per line for drat 0 sortie!) .... per line for each subsequent inscrtiel . Advertisements of Lost, Found, Stray ed, Situ tal Business Chaneos Wanted, not exceeding onpareil, $1 for first mouth, and 600.1 ubsequent month, • • Houses and Farms for Sale, not oxceedin tl. for dist month, 600. per eubsequen Larger advertisements peoportion. Theo terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advortisemen 11, 0110e 00: d„. Cons line each, 8 line. month fresh eggs. I thought I could turn *cm for souse shoes.' I'm sorry Mr. Landside, for I like your batter, hat, we've got a abed supply on heed now ; and as tor the eggs, 1. bought some this imerning. What are you asking fur • your butter ?' 'Mr. Hayseed had some in yeetere day and he told me he got. 18 cents.' •Whew Hayseed. must have - (nand som body tat. Why I can buy a carload for 14 cents; thet's ithe market ; hut you re and old customer Ar. Landslide and -you imake good butter. Seeing you'll trade out, I won't mind giving you a cant over the market.' 'Can't you. split tne differ.nce and snake it 16 ?' 'Couldn't possibly.; times are dull 'With me, too.' 'Will you. take the eggs, too?' 'That's aecording to what you 'want for them; they're away down, you. know.' 'Hayseed got It .cents for his.' 'Hug 1 Must have solcl bis eggs -where he did his butter..Twelve ants is the market. You can bring 'em in at Ghat if you. want +Mo.' A few minutes later, the shoe deal begins. 'How much ts this. pair, Mr. Ripp- ekin ?' 'Those are solid ealf, handsewed, and a bargain at, 82.7.5.' 'Can't you let 'cm go at 82 50? •I couldn't •think of it ; then bere's just what you want :for the boys -e caslv $2.25 a pair-jast the*thing.' think jou might to throw off the extra quarter,' • 9, that's. ruck bottom, Mr. Land - side. Those are the right sizes, too Shall I put 'ern up for you.?' 'I suppose so. Nov, how do we ,stand 'Let me see ; pounds of butter trl 15 cents is $5.10; nine dozen eggs trt 12 cents is $1.08 ;, total $6.18, Twice $2 is $4,50, and 62.75 Makes $7.25 ; $6.18 from $7.25 • leaves $1.07 coining to me. 0, give lose a dollar, that's near enough,' deftly transferring the dollar to his till. 'How's crops this year, Mr. •tiandsitle?' 'Only middling, and that With Jew prices and an,overstoclaiiLmark• .et one can hardly 'get along.' 'Lla, ha! Too bad for you ,fellows. X. sometime wish I were a farmer ; its the most independent life sane•can -`Yes,. seems to me I've heard ,some such talk before. come there, you set your price On my produce and I am obliged to take it. I buy goons Or you and you set your ,ouktn price on them. If don't .like year rice on let your goods alone. Yv4 •we'.•re an Independent lot, we • frirmers.'" the past year wes le1,617, as eons coileeete• for 'West Diviston, rs50; and B. Fat ney ; esee., A. L. Gummier ; testify te its merits. directions, will he inserted till Maid. an John Harding.; TJshere, Wash, R. Cunningham and Win. Ardell Or- ganist, Miss A. Perkins. The fiftleanniversery of the Metho- dist Charon, Gorrie, will be held (D. furd, will preach un Sabbath. at 10.30' BANK LA HAPAILT014 V.) on Tan 30th and elst, 1898: The Rev. Wm McDonagle of Strat- and 7 o'clock. Special collections will he taken up on behalf of the Trust Feed. A grand tea meeting will be held on Monday, the 31st. Tea will be served' from 5 to p. An excellent program may he ex-. peeted. Addresses uy the. resident ministers and the Rev, Dr. Pascoe, of Winghana and the Rev, William McDonagh. The choir of the church will render fh.st class selections of music.nets.Admission 25 ets.; children The annual meeting.of the Howlek bought and sold Agricultural Society was held here W. CORI3OULD, AensT pared with 19,517 the year previous. that by law be ch•a, We ap Vice -Pres„ Xas. Elliott ; SecaTreas, 7. Satisfttction guaranteed or money accordingly. Transitory ativertisenien 711 lit addition to .this member of patients ageorthmee therewith. 'rhe appoint. paid in adVance Changes for centract advertisement thousands of eat door patients have meat of officers is as follavvs, viz : the office by Wednesday neon, in or that *oak ," been treated" by the warious hospitals •Liezie'Walker, Clerk ; Jas Perkins. during the year. The number of Treasurer ; Gel. Padtield, _Assessor; deaths for the same ,period was 1,100 R. Russei caretaker Township Hall refunded. GO:RDON & 00. as compared. with 4042 the previous year. The total clays' stay of patients in hospitals in hoepitals during' the Year Was. 523247 ess: compared w itli Peter Hepinstall and Adam Grahatn, Auditors ; A. M. Spenee, M. D., Medical Health Officer ; and Arthur Spetton menthe, of the Board of 496,662 the previous year. The Health for three years ; the collectors total receipts from ,all sources other to be.left over until the September than the tioyerinnent grant, for the meeting. The Council resumed business with the Reeve in the „Moved by Finley and Gregg that the report: of the ecteamittee be ado.pted.-Carried. Moved by Doig and Spenee that 13y -law No. 1, for the year 1898, be read the third time and. passed. - Carried. Moved by Doig -and sfinley that tenders. be received by ehe Reeve or Clerk. up to Feb. 16th. ri;t 10 o'clock for all printing and:advertising respired by this muicipslity for one year. -Carried: Past year were $36452,3, cotnpared with $311,727 the ,previems year, being. an increase tof over $60,000. This indicates that (the people of the Province are ably .tsupporting these institutions in theietcharitable work." The average stay•of patients in the hospitals was 27 .daye, as compared with 28 days in 180,6, and the Cern- pat•ative cost per day per patient has been 80.30 cents, compared with 71.90 cents in 1801i. -Tho,peeeentage of the Govern-ment grant to: thetotal maintenanee was -1,19A9 per cent. At the Toronto General . Hospital.2,976 cases were treated daring the year, and 137 births took place in thellses- pied. There were 180 deaifiS and 260 patients avene under treatment at the close of the year, ..2,116 of the cases were from the city of*Toronto, 144 from the .eutinty Ycrk, 698 from the other counties. in the Pro vince, and 16 !from the United States. Of the total 'number. 1,59.2 were males and 1,384 females ; .16 eases of typhoid fever and 2' of diphtheria were treated. A heather of im- provements in the buildings have been made and additions made to the medical and surgical appliances; The receipts, inclusive of•the Govern ment grant of $1.9,538.61, were 8754 309.81,- and the expenditure's$69,• 524.85. Grace Elia Alton, HartIa,ud,,N. B. Cured of /..ezerna. I do hereby certify that 14 daugbter, Grace Bile, was cuoed of Bczernirof sever- al years standing by four boxes of Dr Chase's Ointment. W. E. THISTLE ANDREW tormg. Witness, Hartland,N. B. ..Catarrh is a Disease Wbiett requires constitutional remedy. It esinnot be cured by local applications.Hoods Serseparinais wonderfally snecossful in cuingcatforli becauses it eradicates from theblood the scrofulous taints whish catts it. Sufferers with catarrh find a cure in ilnod's Sarsaparilla, even after Other reme. dies utterly fail. Hood's Ville are prOmpt, efficient, al. way easy to take, easy to operate, Different Reasons. Tn a little New Hampshire there lives an old lady Wile has :inch a sweet spirit, of kindliness toward all the world that sbe is una.bleao comprehend the make lack of that spirit in some other people. Net long ago one of her grand- daughters, a gay young city was paying her a visit. and one day, told her of a ragged and intoxieatedi man whoa) she had seen on the. street just betore leaving home. "I can't bear to pass man like' that," she said, vehemently, at. the end of her story. "I know just how 'tis, dear," said the old lady, laying one of her soft, wrinkled minds. on the girl's head. • It does seem as if yon'd got to stop and speak with the poor ereattlres Piet a minute, don't it? I never can bear to pass 'em by without a word; it don't seem human !" The gay little granddaughter was quite disturbed by this misrepre- sentation of her words, but she did not uteleceive her grandmother as to her meaning. For some reason she felt asharted. ACCOUNTS PASSED. Robe Deachman, $L0, D. R 0. fees ond booth, Division 4 ; Patrick fileating,, $11, • D. R. tO. fees and booth, Division 1; Cleo.rge Henry, $1R; D. R. 0. fees and booth, Division 2 ; Geo. W Walker, $10, D. R. 0. fees and booth, Division 3; Wm. McKercher, $11, D, R. O. fees and bnoth, Division 5; Jas. Foster, -,910, D. R. 0 fees and booth, Division 6 ; Lizzie ' Walker, $25, balance on salary for 1897 ; John Porterfield, 51.80 for gravel ; David Wilsoo, 75 cents, balance on repairatehbridge. ' Moved by Spence and Uregg that 'this council do now adjourn to meet agein tin the Albion Hotel, Fordwieh, on the third Wednesday la :-Febru- ary.-,Carried. LIzzrE WALICII.W. Clerk Mr. II. Armstrong, of Melees, gave one of his COWS .a pound of polverized saltpetre the other day, thinking. it was salts he was ad- eulnistering. It appears that he Asked for salts ttt tha store, but the fsidy who waited Mr him, gave him chsa wrong arfide. The dose was totarluietered about 12 O'eloek he the day qtad. $ (Moot the eow was defect. ;Richmond Fire Hall, Toronto, 26th Feb , 1897. Dear Sirs.-Constipu tion for Fears has been toy ehief Ailment ; is seemed tto oftener in•aptte of all I could do. Rewever some time.ago I was told to use Dr .,Cbase's Kidney•Ideter Pills, which I have done with the result of what appears now, to be a perfect cure. Truly yours, J llamas • A Streak of Economy. WINGHAM: 5725,000 Capital, 1)1,250,000. President -4011N aTIJAPIr. yiee•treelilent—A. 11AMSAV. Matt:1'01LS Ram P13001011. Ono. Roam WA Gimes, , A. T. WoOD, A. 13. Lim (Torent0). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. i. Deposits of 51. and upwards received and tercet allowed Bank.....npers,loto 5; Saturdays, 10 rotes of it __ Special Deposits also received at current Drafts on Creat Dritain and the United State, inst., at which there was good E. L. WO EIN SON, Solicitor. on Wednesday afternoon, the 19011 atter-lan:se and considerable interest taken. The society is in lirst-class shape at present, owning a hall and grounds in Wordwich, and having- a cltdni fur -all future years, .free from charge, en the Victoria Park and Hall in ehis village for exhibition purposes. • Ninety . seven members were returned to the Crovernrnent, and the treasurer's books show a balance -of $97 in hand - and no liabilltiees The officers -for the year 1898 are 415 f•0110.WS : Pres., John II. Jo-hnston ;Wice. Pres., Robt Heeding; SecaTretts., Peter Hepinstall •' Audi- tors, John Donaghy and Angus McCurdy ; Directors, Wm. Evans, John Stewart, Samuel Johnston, Jahles Bell, Edward Cousins, Jas. Perkins, Alex. Robinson, sr., Thos, Inglis andelTames Spence; Assistant Directors, John Holland, Alex. GibSon, B. S. Cook, John Brown and John G. Lambkin. The next fall show will be held hi Fordwich, and the serui•aonual meeting is fixed for A 0 Alt 1‘71. Q Sell -" livianurs Ono 4-3 Fordwich, on the last. -Saturday in te. 1,X Ili IN rumps " like whirl wind. Prospectus 25 cents, worth SI. Big nay. Capitalmg_elAit etce:sary,,nwrsun ()own. Limited, TeRoNT0 ,,)What sort .of a job is- the Illeyth Standard meeting up • its readees. Surely it is 13•Ot, SCriOUS, The follow- ing from its report of the last coattail meeting :- Councillor Steen moved, seconded by Councillor lificElroy, that James, Davis be appousted to perform the tollowing duties for 1898, and that a by law be prepared confirming the 8)81110 and further describing said duties: -(1) That ise be village con- stable. (2) That he enforce all by lawbeing violated under his own 110tlek. (3) That he ring the 60r- poratim bell five times each day, except on Sundays, at the tollowing hours ,0 and 7 a. m., 12 noon. and 1 and 6 p. m (4) That he perforin the duties of nightwatehman from 8 p. In to 4 a.. M. (5) that he be. trtlant officer. (6) That he take oper care of the engine room by keeping a sufficient fire at all tittles when re euired. and to keep the floor well swept ; also to keep o stiffielent fire in the hose room to dry the hose when reettired, (7) net he keep the snow and ica well cleaned away from the front of' the engine and hoze rooms, also from the sidt walk in front of said rooms. (8) That for the proper carrying oat of the above specified duties he rceeive -it yearly LiPE DESTROYING CROUP CURED. GnaTs: I have used Ilagyard's Yellow Oil in my family for croup, ant braes ohitis deems the eat 12 years, tied nev- er found it to fail. It tares every time, have recommended it to my neigh- bors end they keep it on. bawl, I would not be withoat it for any price. Yon ra truly, Wary of $100, payable in equal Mos. IMNRY WAEDEllr Vileihrop,Ont. monthly instalments.—Carried. IVIoney to Loan on Naes. N otes Discounted AT RE ASONABLO, RATES Money adverted On UortichgeS at 5i pet cent with privilege of paying at theend of any year. Nott and accounts collected. • B4OBT. DIOIND00. BeaVet. Block Wingham, Ont ' G c1.1.4 D TRUNK HAIL WA.): . Toronto and Bast Palmerston mixed London and South Kincardine II. B. ELLIO , PitorainTo atm usidsmAt t specifier charge' s must be must be In er to appear VANSTONE', BARRISTER, Eto„ I Private and Company funds to '.o8l1 at lowest interest. No commission ohan(e�f. Mortgagee, town and Farm property bouojit and Sold OFFICE—Beaver Block Wino it aianitT s,. m. 2 40 l. m 3 .30.p m 10 25 p m -8 55't m " '2 40 p 6. 53.a 111 11 10 a m 3 '30-p m 8 00 p m 11 ILO a 113 6 50 a m 2 55p in 1330p03 10 26.p m 30 a, m Vir .A1\1-11' H Industrious Men of Character. THE LINSCOTT COMPANY, Tot -tom. weeklies, . . J. A. MO TON, BARRIS ER, Stc., Ont. E. L. DICKINS01, BA.10ISTER, ETC. SOLIOITOIL TO ;11ANN or, namn.ToN. 3)030307 •Olficc-merelLOAN. r 111001).WInghani. .1u G./CAMERON, ,. 41 • : li BARRIii TIC11, SOLICITOR, CONVEVANCER, ago: 0111 —Corner Hamilton and St. A.ndrew streets4 oyes' te Colborne Hotel, Gounmen, • O1iTA11I0. DENTiSTI1Y.-J. S.:JRROMB, L. D. S., WING1L1111 lb aiantasetur first.olosS sets o aeees at teach as chepp as they can be wade 01 the Doti:Limon. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his now process, guaranteed perk!. tly safe. 0881011: In the Beaver Block, oppoe Brunswick House. ARTHUR. J. IRWIN, D. D. U., O. 0., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsyli Dental College OFFIOE--MAODONALD BLOCK. .NO111-44 ill visit Blyth every Wodn•Ad ay.. ItIT01.11E. GENERAL INSURANCE JOUST '• June, at 3 o'clock p. m. romm.k;arsomsanumr.u.n.rArrorgssorammnforoaegortoommesom ARTHUR P. THOME, Ctimown- TOWN, P smys: lame used Dr. Clmsa'a Catarrh Cure, audit:not onlygave relief but mado 11portaaueus,ouro." ;Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure • Navz7.• FAILS TO icTlgO Cold in the Head, flay 'Fever, Rose Cold, Catarrhal Deaftrss, Foul Breath, Loss of Taste and Snell, and Catarrh in 'au its forms. rr Contains Prlcc,25 centS•compieta vrithiiloarar. c°11 Vattl°,6",;,1.1"1ntett $4 Co,, Tznlbato, Ont. For Tvriveity-sevep. Years KIN POWDE THECOOKSIASIFRIEND kdkfltett0V MIA OP.Rit0.A.. WINGHAIVI STEAM PUMP WORKS P2 \ 1.1-111.1. IS 1,1 I AC HaVlOgpurchnsed the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I em no v prepared to supply the public wit Wood and Iron %Noce an I Lift rumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron Tubing. cisterns, water Trougks, sinks, paths, rip6 vitang, Weli Digging and everything in cot- neetion with water euppiies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power an primping water. Deep well pumps a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. '• Parties writing for information or ordering by mail should always state depth of well. All auric guaranteed or no sele. MORNMOSTA.R Box ]431 Vir a313. Ont. 0)3301.11 iv -DEANS, JR., WINOWAId,. LICENSED AUCTIONEER 8013 COUNT! 08' HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge Moderate. JOHN CURRIE, v INGSAlls ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. • BRIO of Perm Stock and Farm Impleme'ete specialty. All orders lo:ft at the TIMMS office promptly ado& ed to, Terra reasonable. • SOCIETY MEETINGS. C Camp Caledonia, No. RI, meet u. 10.—tho first and third Mondsy 13, evcry menth, in .he Odd Fellows Bali. Visiting In ()Oren welcom J. Murray,. Chief. D Stew art Rem.See WANTED -CANVASSERS. "Queen Victor' ; Her life and Reign," has cap. tilted the British Empire. EXtrObillinary testi. menials from) the great men ; send for copy free. Marquis of Lorne SLIpt, "Th0 beSt popular life of the (3031433 I hate seen." Her Alaicsty sends 0. kied letter of appreciation. Selling uy thousands; gives - $40 wholudi‘i cinhusisstie satisfaction. 11::::IsietiesconToioltRo 516 111) ADLEY-GARRETSDE COMDANY, U You Art Energetic and Strong. If yon above foohsh. 1)131 Min SgAlnst CatwaSS. inx for agood book, write and got rny propoeiti0n4 The informatioo will cost nothing. 1 havo put 1111111ln:11s of men in the way 02 5131) ing money t 1 whom are now rich. re,,,•do owl things for yon, if you aro honorable - and will work hard, T, S. LINSCOTT, Toronto, dOEI PRIM g INC, -r1VitUnIXG 13oolcs, Pamphlets, Poston, 1.311 Heads, Circulars, Am., !Cc, executed in the beet style of the art, at moderato prices, and on short notice. Apply 00 4(1312088 IL 11. ELLIOTT. T tOtES MO, W1/1010,111. BOOKBINDING. Wo aro pi' -stied to annolinee that arm Boolef er Magashies loft with its for Dimling, will have out • promptattention, Priers toe Eitalingitt any style win bgiven on soulloetion o the Tom 0113os M