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LIFE MEMBERS -- The Huron South District. life members who attended the
recent 75th anniversary were Mrs. J.E. IVIacLean, Seaforth; Mrs. Harry Strang,
Hurondale; and Mrs. Arthur Rundle, Hurobdale. Absent from the picutre were
Mrs. Wilfred Mack, Ceediton and Mrs. Thom4s'Myers, Zurich. (Expositor Photo)
Afghanistan visit highlights
Mary Chessell
Members and guests of V arca
U.C.W. were treated to a _very
interesting and informatiye talk
on Afghanistan at their meeting
on Thursday evening. „
Gordon Erb and his wife Mabel
jetted halfway around the world
to visit their daughter C.arol, who
is a secretary at the hospital in
Kabul. Because Carol is in her
third three-year-.term there, and
has friends among the local
people, they were able to
converse • with some of the
Gordon showed pictures of the
city, which had some very modern
and beautiful areas, with flowers
blooming profusely. In other
areas there were open drainage
ditches which contained sewage.
The countryside was mountainous
aridbarren, except in areas where
they had irrigated. Their primi-
tive methods of farming produced
good crops. - . •
,An excellent road through the
mountains to Pakistan' was built
by the Russians, who may
eventually arrange for a seaport
on the Indian Ocean. Afghanistan
has a totalitarian government,
and has good control over the
economy. There is little crime; as
the penalty is public execution.
Water from the shallow wells in
Kabul is badly polluted from
septie tanks in close proximity to
them.' Good Water from a deep
well 'can be • purchased in eight&
• gallon quantifies. The hospital
staff includes people from various
countries. Most of the Native
people are' Muslim. with a lot of
respect for practising Christians
and Jews.
If you have the opportunity to
hear Mr. Erb, you will learn much
More about the area they visited
than can be touched on here.'
Margaret , Hayter led the
worship service, using a service
written by Nellie McClung, who
campaigned in Western Canada
for women's voting rights. Other
members on the committee were
Mona Stephenson,' Barbara
Consitt and Sharon Chuter.,
The president reminded those
present of the Dessert Euchre and
bake sale coming up on
Wednesday, April 19 at 1:00 p.m.
On the evening, of the same day,
Goshen..U.C.W. has invited. the
group to attend theitmeeting to
hear. Mrs. Visscher_ speak on
_personal, health.. The Presbyterial.
spring executive meeting is in
Milverton on Tuesday, April 18,
at 7:00 p,m. Members are invited
to the Spring Thank-offering
meeting la-Ontario Street Church
in Clinton on SundaY, April 30 at
8:00 p.m. Mrs'. Anson
Moorehouse is the speaker, and
will show pictures.,
The annual plant 'sale will be-
held in May, with anyone --
interested in buying plants
invited. A bale will be packed in
May, so please set aside good
clothing you can no longer use.
Ross and Dawn Elliottand baby
Matthew were home from New
Liskeard for a few days last week.
A couple of incidents spoiled their
trip. At Barrie a wheel came off
their truck, and at the S,eaforth
railway, crossing, a wheel came
off the horse trailer. They left for
home on Friday.
New resident s
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor
Welcome new residents at the
Queensway Nursing Home Mrs.
Rhoda Frayne, Exeter, and Mrs.
Levina Heffron, Blyth. Recent
visitors were with Louise Mitc-
hell, Jean Munn, Hazel Snell,
Verna Coates. Vera Pinkham,
Brenda Barb, Leslie Mitchell and
Denny and Doris. Denroach, Ot-
tawa. Fred are Lois Taylor. Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan 'Taylor visited
Adeline Taylor. Joan Betteride.
and Violet Bishop visited Mrs.
Irene. Kalbtleisch.. Ruth and
Susan Durand .visited Mrs. Ellen:
Kendrick. Zetta and Bill Mac-
--"LearT.-Flamilton. and CFester Dun
visited Vera Larninie. Howard
and Mary Johns visited Mabel
!Johns. Bob, Helen and Tracey
Parser's visited .Mrs. Almeeda
ParSons. Adeline Walsh, BI yh
and Bill Blake, Brussels visited
Levina Heffron. Mr.'and Mrs.
Cecil Smith visited several 're-
sidents. The Chiselhurst Ladies'
visited with residents and gave
them treats during the month of
The • W: .S. of 'Carmel
Presbyterian Church met on
Mondayolevening with the Pres-
ident Mrs. 'Harvey Hyde presid-
ing and opened the meeting with
a•poem "Signs of Spring". Mrs.
Edith Bell was incharge of the
Devotional using as the Theme
"joy and the Cross". Mrs. P.
Campbell read the Scripture.The
members, will entertain the,resid-
ents of the Queentway Nursing
Herne during the month of April.
Invitationt .were received from
Seaforth. and Kippen Church
Mrs. Clarence Vollarid presid-
ed for the Ladies' Aid meeting
following when the business was
Iran ratted' aft et 'which a ir ang e m -
et* were made for the Banquet
April 19th in honor of the
President of the. Rebekah As-
sembly of Ontario to which the
ladies are catering.
Mr. George Moir who hat been
receiving treatment in South
Huron Hospital Exeter for several
weeks returned to his home this
Miss Dorothy Farquhar of
London Was a week-end visitor
with her. mother Mrs. Emma
The Hensall Ladies''Auxiliary
met Tuesday evening, with the
President Mrs. Beatrice IJyl
presided and vveleoitted the Zone
Commander Ted Coombs to the
meeting. He spoke to the
any on their activites. The meni-
bets are having a "penny sale"
with the draw being made June
The attendance prize was' won
by Mrs. Beatric Uyl. The mystery
prize was won by Mrs. Mona
Campbell and the guessing cpn-
test was won by-Mrs. William
Smale. The zone commander was
presented with a gift by Mrs.
Oarence FolloWing a Penny
Sale refreshments were served.
lAfter-ilitOrnitig of.
quilting and a light lunch the
U.C.W. of Chiselhurst met in the
• afternoon April 4th: When presid-,
emit Mrs. Jack Brintnell opened
the Meeting with an Eatter
message. The Theme' Song and
Piayci very repeated—by--,4he
members and Mrs. Clarence
Coleman gave an enlightening
Worship service about the "A
wakening ' Earth at ' Easter
Time." The roll call was answer-
ed by fourteen members wearing
a daffodil in honour of Cancer
month. Members were reminded
of an Executive meeting for the
Huron Perth Presbyterian in
Wfilverton United Church, April
Members are to bring in good
used clothing to next meeting. A
slip and bloomer sale will be held
at the May meeting. The group
will help with the Auction Sale on
June 3rd in Hensall. A donation
was made to the. Bunny Bundle.
Mrs. Rosa. Harris gave..several
poems. Mrs.. .Harold Parsons told
the ladies' about Winston
Brown s experience when he
immigrated to Canada from the
Carribean taken from the Study
book. Also about a couple who
travelled in the opposite direct-
ion. .
The President reviewed the
May Meeting and closed with
prayer. Mrs. Harold .Parker and
Mrs. Ken =Parker were hostesses
An evening of fellowship arid
for unit two of the Hensall U.C.W.
Games, contests and a "Fashion
Show" was held and enjoyed by
all 25 women present. After-
wards, the business session was
held. Plans for the (beef Bar-B-Q
were finalized, and a carload of
members accepted 'the invitation
to Goshen U.C.W. on April 19.
Articles for the auction sale on
June 3 are required _
The postponed Senior Citizen
pot-luck supper will be held on
Tuesday, April 18 at the Three
--^bnks Club .Room.
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Pictures of Trinidad were
shown by Mrs. Ross Hargreaveg
of Thames Road at the spring
general meeting of Hensall Unit-
ed Church Women. Triniidad was
named by Columbus when, he first
sighted the island and saw the
three _mountain peaks which
distinguish the landscape.,
This is' a tropical country arid
vivid colours are Portrayed in the
flora and birds of th e region,
There are Over 300 'varieties of
edible bananas and they are used
for many purposes as well as
eating.-- Coffee the beautiful
blossoms have fruited the tree,
dies down and sends up new
shoots from the ground. Many
rec ipes contain bananas and
coconuts whieb_,are Also, prolific.
Furniture-maflefrom-th c locally-
grown mahog any tree and
houses are mostly built on stilts to
allow free circulatiop of air
'underneath. Trinidad is, of a
course, also famous for steel
bands of drums made front the oil
. For entertainment, Betty Beer
and four numbers "Blue eyes",
-"Crying the rain", "Sing- me
"batik"--home" and "Why me,
Lord?" accompaning herself on
the gui tar,,and Mrs. Sadie Hoy
and Hilda Payne gave a dialogue,
"The Lord's prayer."
The devotion, was led by Mrs.
Helen Scane and focussed on
hope and faith. Spring and Easter
each signify hope and faith is -the
awareness of Jesus Christ as the
living Lord the message of the
nice le
Correspon dent
Mrs. Hugh Berry '
A large crowd attended
Brucefield United Church on.
Sunday. 'morning . with. -manyz.
visitors who attended the "Laying
of Hands" when five young
people joined the United Church.
Mary , Jane Scott, Joyce
Broadfoot, David Townsend,
Ronald Taylor, Brian Falconer.
They were welcomed into the
church by profession by member
of the Session • and Rev.
Mrs. Marion Sholdice,
Huronview attended the 50th
Wedding Anniversary of her son
Mr. Murray Sholdice and Mrs,
Sholdice in London Friday
Mrs. Alvin Smith and Mrs. Neil
McLean, Bluevale spent Monday
with Mrs. Berry.
resurrection. The test of faith is Church last Sunday, taking as his,
action in a time of crisis. "The
Mrs., Grace Drummond, pre- treeVsuierr'ection". Modern interest
sident, chaired the business when religions in general.and especially.
invitations were received to visit -in the Christian religion show that -
with Kippen on April 11 at 8:15 Christ is still a living personality
p.m. and with Goshen on April 19 making great' people out of those
at 8 p.m. Westminster weekend who have htimble beginnings.
will be 'held from May 26-28 and; Christ is a living Christ and,Jesus
the Alma College Conference living, vibrant spirit. '
from' August 20-23. Reports from Mrs. Mary Moffat presided at
the committees were given; an the organ and the Junior Choir
auction will be held on June- 3•,atrsang two numbers, "Come
the church. Courtesy remarks 'together," and "What colour is
were given by Mrs, Nan BrOon, God's skin?" conducted by Mrs-
and Unit four ladies served lunch. Pam •Scotchmer, with Karen
The Easter' 'Thanksgiving McAllister at the piano and Betty
meeting of unit four of Hensall Beer on the guitar.
United Church was held in the Unit one of the U.C.W. will
Fellowship Hall on Thursday, meet,onsThilitt day afternoon April
April 6 when further study of the 13 at 2. p.m.
Caribbean Crescent took place Hensall Sales Barn was active--
with R.N. Geroge and Mrs, last week with. prices remaining
Anderson showing slides -.of the steady. Supply _consisted mainly
to back the Huron County Board allowed ton mthoevecoinu,nthye. said. y,re
of Education in their dispute with "The should be available to
the secondary school teachers,
voted unanimously Monday night
.1'de her • ef,:ffelikeil 'ounci.i artitiiielits liaanifi. only
Council at first . moved to file
THE HURON EXPOSITOR',., 192, 1978 17
mor s nolo' g
a 1 1 . are'nsy'iodneentsbot:ththaet mpurnoicvlipnacel;t:aanrde
n .,
funded dyer/intent," he said.' the resotution' from the Township federal '
of Turnberry as they felt the issue • Knight said supporting county-
. Would be resolved when teachers wide residency would not mean
voted on the tentative, agreement tchiteizyenwsotuoldm,,obvee tofemrciunngicipsaeintiieosr
Paul ..Neilands felt where they did not wantqo go.
council should pass the, esolutfon
Optlitn willog ojitlinsgtthgetvree ifPeethPeriee is 'asupporting the board .even if it
wouldn't have any effect. vacancy," he said. ' - J:
shouldrrun the school system and
' "I - think the • schoot:, board The motion, which. still has to
bwea8a ppparsosveedd unanimously,, atnh iemou sBountyly. level,
not the teachers," he said.
In other - business, council The same resolution backing
the board of education has been passed a bylaw to allow the
village to borrow up to $235..000 passed unanimously by Huron
County_ council- and most area to meet current expenditures
until the 'taxes are collected. councils.7D" -7."
village may not have to borrow
Councillor Paul Neilands said the
Senior 'citizens should be • able any of the money if several grants
to move into any housing complex 'that are expected come in.
vacancies, Hensall ..council Council was informed the
within the county that has
decided Monday night. county apportionment of taxes for
Council expressed this opinion Hensall would be $54,285,
in response to a letter from amounting to ,a little over two per
County' council asking for their cent cif the county budget. Last
position. year Hensall paid $48, 76.
County-wide residency for • The building inspe r's report senior citizens' housing would .: • showed one, building permi t had allow senior citizens to move 'to
_ housl whereever it is available been issued. The permit, for The
II ' reeve arold Knight. At value of $87,846 is for the new fire
present There are municipalities hi/ "., T./ ,„.,,ii
with vacant- senior-citizens ""-'2--.!.`! ''t`2.::!--- - ' • - -Barbados. Earlier in-the-meeting; of hei ers an steers. Fat-cattle;
mrs, Jessie .Ar;mstrong gave an heifers, $52.50-$56.50, top - to
inspirational devotion 'on the $58.75. Steers, $53.50-$56.50, top
empty sepulchre, and Mrs. Isabel •to $57.75. Pigs; weinlings, .
Rogerson rendered a lovely piano $35.00-$45.00; chunks, 346.00-.
solo, "In the sweet bye and bye". $57.00. '
Mrs. Jessie McAllister ' Sixteen members and several
presided over the meeting 'and past members Of the Hensall
opened with',a -poem, -Hope' at Women's Institufe 'attended the
Eastertime". Fifteen members 75th Anniversary celebration of
and. two, visitors were present. Huron South DistriCt of the
Plans for the beef Bar-h-quo were Women's Institute at ' the
.finalized and invitations were Pineridge Chalet.
received to visit with Kippen Mr. Oliver Bedard of Sarnia
U.C.W. on April. 11 and , with- visited with his, sister and her
Goshen U.C.W. on April 19. Unit husband Mr. and Mrs. Sam
.four :will'' be responsible for Oeseh bit Friday.
flowers in• the sanctuary during Mr. and Mrs. Carl'; Payne
f d-
May. The meeting was closed visited with--the former's sister,
With a hymn and lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Berdan •of Rev. Don Eeck conducted the
Service at the Hensall United Union on. Stinday.
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