HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-04-13, Page 9beauty of the-Engish countryside in this elegant Ironstone dinnerware. EaCh piece is decorated underglaze and is dish- washer-safe. A full range of accessory pieces is available in this masterpiece service. Week Feature Piece I Cereal/Soup Bowl ' 2 Bread & Butter Plate 3 ..Cup 4 Saucer 5 Dessert plate - This cycle will be repeated four times Cereal MI gruri.irtu.rurrrirriurnirri.r.777:—•-• .r • Walton UCW has general meeting and Best Wishes. After the . opening of gifts, Cathy , gave a suitable reply thanking every one for her lovely gifts' and the shower prepared for her, Cathy invited all to a tea that her mother is hhving for her on ' and "Take'my life and let it be" a little different about this one, Sunday, April 16th both afternebn was sung accompanied by Mrs. Cathy. This time its your turn to 4, and evening. For she's a jolly Campbell Wey at the piano. Mrs. sit in the place of hOnour and your good good fellow was sung. The Don Fraser, read the scriptu Prayer was- offered ,by- Houston., "We give Thee Thine own" closed the devotio by the 8th and 16th unit mem- course, playing house always and 16th unit. hers. Mission Band involved a wedding. Usuall with The Stewardship and Finance a towel for a veil and a few, arden committee presented a skit, weeds for a bouquet. A small girl "Where are we going?" Taking weld slowly march up the aisle part. were: Mrs. F. Kirkby; Mr's. in'the back yard to her handsome K. McDonald; Mrs.' R. Bennett;' beau. Usually you had to chase. Mrs, D. McDonald and Mrs. C. another girl as you can never Wey, who emphasized that Christ- convi rice little boys that playing ian - Stewardship is being in house is fun. . harmonY with Jesus by making But Cathy, you have now thrown the most efficient and effective away the towel for lace and the use of all our total Time, Talent, weeds 'for flowers and now _the Treasure, 'being `and Creation.. handsonie beau at the end of the Mrs. Don McDonald opened church aisle is not another young business with a poem, "Thanks gir I friend, but 'your chosen you God for little ' things." partner Paul. Before you turn this Minutes were approved as read came into reality, Cathy maybe 7------• - by Mrs.-Herb Traviss. we should give you a few words of U.C.W. cif,the Brussels United advise on how to-chose a-husband , McGavin. The next Meeting-is on • - --Church invited the group ' to and just see how Paul compares. the first Sunday,in May. attend Thankoffering On April . The Recipe for a Perfect Husband Teachers are; Doreen Hack- . 16th . The 'financial report was- Select with care ore large kind "well; Dorothy Sholdice; Margaret given by•Mrs. Ken McDonald. A heart, Bennett ancL,Diaane Godkin. bale will be packed, and articles . One liver red and good, / , of good used clothing are to be -Remove all grouch and throw , Personals left in the church basement no away, ' . ' "-Mr. ' OrdThivrr•-•MaiTrii-Baan — - -icier than-May 20. "' As any body should. returned home from a visit . with The flowers. to be put in the Add twenty grains of common their daughter ' Nellie and church on Sundays in May, 8th •• sense, husband Howard Booker and and 16th unit; June - McKillop And sweetness to your taste,* family • of Spragge. Northern, Unit; July and August - 17th. Fresh air and sunshine never Ontario. • Boundary Urit; September stint, Walton Unit.. • And tears are only waste.' . Regret to hear that Mrs. Orville • Mrs. John Burch reported for Handle with care and tact, McCutcheon is a patient in the the supper committee, menu No matter how 'you toil, Seaforth Community Hospital , prices-for catering were discussed • Your efforts all will be in vain, having undergone surgery.. and brought . up to date. She If you' bring 'to a rapid boil. Miss Linda Lee Reilly spent la-ST required - the, names from each Cathy, on behalf of your week "at thehome of her unit who 'are on the supper friends, relatives and neighbours, grandmother, Mrs. Orvilla , committee who can be contacted . please accept and use these gifts • MeCutcheon. if need arises. , Mr. C. Wey reported on a, W n. ...n I t o h as conference she had attended in ANA hymn and prayer by Mrs. D. . Stratford. Meeting closed with a Th a n f e r 1 n g ko f Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall 887-6677 ' The spring Thankoffering was hel&in the auditorium Duff's United ChurCh on Sunday even- ing with • guests present from Seaforth Northside ' United Church ,and 'Brussels United Church. Mrs. H. Craig gave out the order of, service. 'The President of the U.C.W. Mrs. Campbell, Wey welcome guests, folloWed • by a Sing-song led by Mrs: Lillian' Boidger, guest • from Menktop accompanied by Mrs.. Wilbee at the piano. The Call to Worshipwas-given by Mrs: Graerne Craig assistedby • Mrs. Fred 'U'hler in the lighting of a candle surrounded by the globe of the world •and the 'bible on table. Hymn, "Take my life and "let, it be was.' sung with Mrs. .Wilbee •at the organ. 7 The' scripture from Acts 1: 8 and Mathew -5: 13-16 was read by Mrs. Uhler followed by the meditation, Mrs. ',G. Graig led in prayer. Hymn, "God's noble men and women" was sung. Mrs. Uhler gave .a reading, "Time and Effort.'-' The offering was . re- ceived by Mrs. Alvin McDonald; Mrs. Barb.-Fritz and Mrs. Doreen Hackwell, Mrs. Lillian Boulger. Stewardship was the theme for the general meeting of the United Church meeting held in Duff's Church,- Wednesday evening,, with 22 ladies present. Mrs. Rae Houston gave the Call to Worship on Stewardship' Wmgham and • Mrs. Edna McDonald of Brussels. Joan Bennett read the follow- ing address:-.Cathy - You have attended many Bridal showers right here in this, same church basement, Bpt there's...Something U turn to accept warm wishes from all of us gathered, here. I know you, like all little girls, used to play "house". And of bows from the parcels• .were arranged on a wishing well Also made in blue and white.., Lunch was served by the 8th Sunday morning the Mission Band met in the church basement with Cathy McGavin opening with the Call ' to orship: Jeanne McDonald v,La pianist for the singing of rnn, "Jesus bids us , shine." Mrs. Doreen Hackwell read an article "The Blind Beggar'', the children's story from 'the Ob- server. Donna Hickson read the scripture followed, with prayer by Tma Loothans. Secretary's report. was read by Ron Godkin and Elaine Dennis gave treasurer's report, t hen received' the offering which was dedicated by Cathy 'Community Shower , A Shower_ was held for Cathy McDonald bride-elect on Friday evening in the church, basement which was decorated . with blue and white 'streamers, 'bells and porn poms. Signing names on a cameo lunch cloth at the door were Debbie and Janis Van Vliet.. Mrs. Barb. Fritz chaired the program presented by friends of Cathy's., L'ynne Davies., , Joan Bennett, Joyce Blake and sister, Heather McDonald recalling , Many of the by gone days. Another' amusing part of the program, program, Cathy's and .Paurs courtship was put on in action and song by Mrs. Margery Fraser; MrS,Nancy Smith; Mrs. Leona McDonald; Mrs. Lois Houst on; • Mrs. Jo-Ann McDonald; Mrs. Marie, McGavin and Mrs. Barb. Fritz; Mrs. Marjory Humphries was pianist. Mrs-r-toris--Houston--read--a rtimely poeni, "Mrs. ris'at the telephone" ,as Cathy, has been a telephone operator at. Bell in London the past few years. The quests .of honor asked to come to the front were Cathy, the bride-elect, her mother, Mrs. Don McDonald, . and. the groom's mother Mrs.' Earl Flaxbard of Zurich; both grandmotheisof Cathy's, Mrs. Lillian Newman of McDonald. • sang a solo "I'm his because of , Calvary." Rev. Michael Boulger of the United, Church in Moon was guest speaker and introduced by Mrs. Don McDonald. Rev. Boulger spoke on the Mission Outreach giving us much food for thought. He spoke on the live, love symbols, he spoke of mis- sionary work; it is a circle of love, it is our commitment to be faithful, our commitment to Mis- ions, to help• and share in the gospel, he suggested to use books tobe more effective in Missionary work s he asked for our prayer in the.support of Missions. Mrs. Boulger sang another .solo, "His eye is on the Sparrow'!. for, DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All yes of Repairs Phone 527-0270 r BANK RATE FINANCING • an all models - new and used Come toy Brussels Motors See Our Selection - '77 Catalinas with &..without air cond. 17 Chev. Impala, 2 door, air conditioning I'77 Pontiac Parisienne Brougham, 4 door. •'', 76 Le Mans 2 door. 6 cyl. '76 Le Mans 4 door V8 '75Chevelle 2 door H.T. '75 Ford Custom 500 4 door sedan 3-/5 Chev. Impalas 4 door- 2 with air - 1. without. "74 Buick Century 2 door '74 Catalina with A.C. 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