HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-01-28, Page 3THE WIN A, M TIMES ,JANUARY 28, 1898, MORRIS. 1\ri OW A V t.u1fl On Tuesday morning, January 18, HAPPY MAN gT;ess,,sedeleoandatsotthi eQtietshierietaiteett 0Jriihre brother Chsrles, 2rul con., aged 30 Mt. T. R. Baxter says „ i years 2 Months and 21 days. Ile "After the Use of Seven ogles • had been poorly for a few years and despite ail that could be done he • ot Paine's Celery Compound gradually failed and had been eon - 1 was Perfect y pre and Feel Young Again," 1tined to bed for the past month, Con- sumption was the muse of death. Deceaeed was. born in Morris. and with the exception of the past tew years spent in A.lgotna„. hes always resided in this township. His father The Great Medicine Is died 19 years ago. fhe su 3 ) Triurapha.,ntly Vic- this notice was most highly respected torious After Medical Men Fail, —4 noon Of last week, the interment be - 'This Almost Miraculous Cure Has vastly Increaesd the ing pride in the Brussels cemetery. Rev. David Rogers, of stuevale, ,,,.nd Fame of 416 Rev. S. J. Alliu, of Brussels, conduct. Paine's Celery Compound - eci the services In The tfla.ratime Provinces by all who knew bun, and ns de• cease will be greatly regretted, The funeral took place on Tbursiay after On Tuesday evening of last week at the1botee of Mr,,and Mrs. James Assurance and Hope for the Most Sharp„ of Morris, over 100 guests as. Desperate Cases. sembled to witness'the m.arriage of their daughter, Mss Nlinme, to Will Wells Jr, Richardson Co., Lowry,. formerly of l3russels, now of Dear Sir- :--,I desire to let you know eiou- Leech:lime Pame's Celery Com- ing festivies of the eveniag, The in - pound. teresting ceremony took place at six that made my life a inieery and' a bur- o'clock, the bridal party standing un - en, 1 had erysipelas fur forty years, der a bower of evergreens, from the bleeding piles tor fifteen year.sand eciatiu rheumatism for over a year. 1 tried the eioetors and all kinds of enedioines, but no help or relief was af- forded me. and I could not eat or sleep. was teen advised to ties Paine's Celery Compound, HMI, Oh, what a mighty obanee ! The use of the tirst bottle en- abled me to at. and sleep, and atter us- ing aevenbuteles 1 was quite another 11311.11 was perfectly mired, and fuel ;roping again, All that 1 have written tarbe proven by meements. demurs, megletrates null enree ministers of the Gospel. awl by scores of ether people. 1 shell always thank you and our won - awful medioine, Peies'e tielery Coin- poued. rre0S. R Beetreu, CANADA'S raftMilgr ISTE OF I Pointed Varasraplis. AT••••....1” Sir Oliver Mowatle. Successor in the Laurier Cabinet, Hon. David Mills with Fifty Itlembers of Parliament Praise .he Virtues of Dr Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. - — No one suffers the inconveniences of Caturrh more Minute° publio wreaker, Lantern jawed men are not always Itghtheaded. Some people, like brieks„ are al- , ways hard pressed for eash. Tears most of the slip* oecur after the cup has been to the lips. Tears of Joy and sadness are both Hon David Mills The miming Minister drawn from I.'" 69111P tnnic- , . Of Juetioe, says over his own signal'ure that Dr, Agnew's Catarrbal Powder gave biro immediate relief. PAcple every- where use it John McInnis Vilasha 13ridge, N, 5., says : "Dr. Agnew'a Ca- tarrhal did woudere for me." ft relieves in ten minutes and permaramily cures cater, h, cold in the head, solo throat and toneditts. Sold at Ohisholtn'a Drug Store, • V,nron Presbytery. The regular meeting of the Pres- bytery of Huron was held in Knox church Godorieh on Tuesday Jan - uary 17 the following members be- ing present: Revs, McLean, Blyth ; A. Stewart, Clinton ; Colin Fletcher, Thanes Road.; R. Hender- son, Auburn ; J. S. Henderson, Hen- sel' • J. A Hamilton, Londesboro ; J. A. liieDonald, Varna; Neil She*, i]te„- mondville ; W. M. Martin, Exeter ; No „jewler has ever been able to Improve on the setting of the sun. The man 'who has a telephone in his office charged with electricity. THE BEST EVER 'USED. 'Messrs. T. Milburn & On. Dear Sire, --I can recommend Dr. Wood's Norwav Pine Syrup as the very best medicine for coughs and 001(1R, sore throat and weak nines, which I have ever used. Your truly. Wm, FERRY, BIORbeirEt Oct, Time may be money, hut seme people's time is about as valuable as Confederate eurrency. The fabric of a ready made suit may not be ot the best, nut the fabricationsof the denier 'MT usuAly the real thing.--Chieago New8.• FROM A LEADING CHATHAM .MANUFACTURER. Maple City Cooperage, H.q. Phillipe, Prop. Chatham, Oct.19,1)T. Dear Sirs, -Some time ago I was treme0 11 one of our best silty doctera eat:Aimed bleeding at the nose. and the treatment 1 was• sutircted weakened my stomach so that nothing]. could eat would ;agree with roe. and cold retain nothing but bread and milk which chief diet. I tried a bottled - your Slean'andian Topic, and at once bow,' lo improve and it has made a per*, mationt cumin my case. 1 can now peritde of any food no matter how strong, sea experience no distress after eating. I hove reommended it to several people, and in every case it bas given grand results. and I, bottle of it should be in every bones - hold. Vottre • ery truly, R. T, PHILLIPS. INDIGESTION PEM-'-14TLY CURED. Dear Sirs, -It gives me great pleasure te Tonle has caused a most remareable (Menge • suffered from indigestion and weakness, mei ; • eine until your agent came here one do. Tonle. I did so, and have used four bottler life, and 1 can now rest Etnci sleep with Enif.1 TOIll(3 is the best medicine in the world T Walter Muir. Brucedeld ; S. Acheson Kippen ; W. Gralitim, Bayfield ; Jas. .ytilitte roe, Co. Norfolk, Oet, 19, '97, 410 to the taut that Sloan's Indian . For two yeate I have • advised nuf to try Sloan's Indian ...fin yours truly, It has made a great change in my ny conOttio ieve Sloan's Indian d comfort. 1 be,' tinding relief from any other medi eteS. O. PRICE, For sale by all defilers, or addle, .he Company at Hamilton. $1.00 per hot 1/43.00. 1.,m,•••••••••=malilmo...swomilamMaimimMiliamtv Do You ..,•••••••magefmromo.....pmemis ,equire Godericb and elders, W alkingsh a w. Printed Stationery? • AMA A. Hamilton, and -Jas. A.' Anderson, • Clinton, and Radcliff, Kirkton. The (tenter of which was suspende dainty wedding bell. The elaborate , ordinary routine business was trail - and tasty decorations throughotit the which, Rev. Dr. Robert- Etteted, after of Winnipeg, sunerintendent of house, were prepared by the deft:sou, hands of the bride's brothers, direet•Itbe Presbyterian Missions in the Can- ed by Mrs. Alex. Sharp, of Detroit. I adian Northwest, addressed the on "I•Iome Missions." A . CURE . . Mrs. D. Walker played the wedding me,eting atarch. The impressive service ofTORPID LIVER, program to be carrried out at a, spe-the Methodist church was conducted by Rev. J. S. Allin, of Bruseels. The bride and bridesmaid, Miss Julia Sharpe, were neatly and becomingly dressed in white. John G. Kendall, of Toronto, was Mr. • Lowry's "best man," rand did his pan well. Au eial meeting at Seatorth on the even. tug of Monday Jan. 24th, in com- standards, was read by Rev. 1)1.. McVicar, of the Presbyterian College Montreal, and Revs. MOSgrOVC, Me. Lean and 'Anderson will deliver ed. CONSTIPATION, memoration of the Westminster SICK HEADACHE, AND DYSPEPSIA l'Hs6cluIP' N. ' - I ' - • • s' 1 • - n .' 'I tett in t 1,r,., ,(11,33..,1,,,.. ministo.6. are clxpeoied to AIS a lam-,tivo, one. pill acts perfectly, , • Ole e•ettel he. nia.fo. n . oil titan of flies e beet, otyle t.f the 'ieste 4 .. 'f 1 't 1.' .' ' piVit01 (O1 Si MN' Wiest: id the Stall- and if a stronger action is desired ▪ j twvp by pert ire 1 het leenee, c„e.,,,,,,. videeent spice(' we, ;tele .• . ,i • R Llaster. .1.U/1,N 11. 111010;6 justice was done I 1 ie, ine- '111 e•'•8 ele id-, 011 toe sotleay orsoLynieg. os a -cathartic effect is produced by two . s's'''',",' °I. tuu 1'o,":0 and delicacies provided. .1.110 even., following the celebration . The next pills. In obstinate cases, where a pur- I. meetin New Election Regulatons. • n• Tuesday in March... gative is necessary, three pills will be i„ing was • most • enjoyably spent in 1.1 -egoist. g.- will be held at Olin. amcs, music and social chili% and on 1ton on the second found sufficient. These pills leave no the dispersion of the large . eompany 0•2'1,V00111..V.X"OhaNcOl•MEItin'hsOr; We are in a position to turn out • Toe bill to amend the Peovineial Elaction Act, whioh the Attorney- many good wiihes were expressed General 'nal broeght, into he Legis- ; FAIN. TWINGING SHOOTINt* for the future happiness and prospe.- t lature, contain. a number of impr ity of the bride a:)d groom. tent provielune. en,teted that ' • the personal expenses Of at candidate, Woman! Idea -which tney he peel eiv hint direetly, ,ball include thee' rent of halle for iyler‘r.ineo n,1,1111S,41-wi hv Of Excellence. Mr. Win. Dysop, Guelph Ont., says: "My experience with Di an's Kideey Pills proves them to be a splendid retire - unpleasant after effect. One. pill taken each night during thirty days will cure constipation. PRICE 25 CENT9R 5 FOR $1.00. . ..,••• dy for any ono troubled with lee:kilo:le , -.- . or urinary ditlieulties, I bad km:1; pains iIT c.w, 1 10 my btiOc and shooting iniias all over GO l......_., 1 'my body. together nith dizziness and sksepleesnesseChrough the lies of Doan s The e.`qc119411411 W: cureA, 'LLIC; 4:4 Lila ..,3,1.c&,..wav and 4..4 . an. .1, or a • oak 9 1s DIS' • 47+ 'il"WthliniganWeEENIEW BILL HEAD3, LETTEB NOVO HEADS, STATEIVIEN TS, ETD. A,t a lower price than ever before . mmoartNics,-...,..-r,,,-nr.ttwaesarnessmai T.2,1•777 -M }DS We have the hest stock of Envelopes in town, and we can print and supply them as cheap as the cheapest. .o• fee) t) once" of SOY home necessity is cstaeliere wimes. ti 0 and ordinary hotel eteeeliene (lite f •orn ierienee that when the enxoell• .I. was." speaker for each meviemee not meted ing expenses for treadne e -anyone Who accoin M pa eg thc e endidate nod travels with him for the purpose of addrei•ssing public • an:Klee-8 with the " Candidate; elso reaeona hie ehierges - for the tim 0, and keep of horses and Charges for use by the. el ndidate of .one tean!. and cOnveyaneo and driver - polling' day, and the curriege of voters to the poll by vandidete 10 Stich cOnveybnce not in be _ a violation of the act, The hill also provides that the township clerk shall be one of the deputy returning officers in- his to.viiship, and if he should be absent the tiewnship ase Semi' or collector may be aypointed. eX Ha end gni•auteed, moneyme and tiare • A Contingent Nave TO OR, YOUR Printed on the seorieet notice and the price in keeping th 13EVOil When El1013 14008 aro use( . The Dininoud Dyes for home tlyeing The Syracuse Post says that a nave a d wide reputation, and stand ee , girl baby was recently brought to a ,ij worlteeil Lel dee IL kJ • • For Over Fl1W Years, AN OLD AND WICLL.TRIED It RIAEDY Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup hes • bee» used rue over [Vey yeat•s by mil-. 3ious'of mothers ter their children whildi teething, with perfeut ateuete. it eoothes .the child, softens the genie, alleys all pain, cures wind °olio. end is the best • ittuedy for dierrheea, Is pleeeent to the taste. Sold is druggists in every part of the wdrld. Tweitty-live tients • 'bottle. Its value is inualueble.Be pure and lisle for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take to (Weer kind first in purity; strength, lantnese anl s'Entilicity of USE4. When -the 1)iareorel Dyes .are neecl, old, faded and diugy gar name) are made to look as good 11•4 DOW at ED exceedingly•small cost. Diamond De ea, Rae ail other popular and perfeet goods, are largely imiteted. Do not allow your dealer to Sell y some inferior melte of nye ; ask for the "D:ainencl" and see that you get there. Send to Wells& Richardson Co,, Moot - 1?. Q , for velueble hope of three - Mons and sample (gird of eolore : sent free to any addrees. • clergyman ot the city to he baptized. The latter asked the name of the baby. "Dinah, M." the father responded. P1.3tit what does the `NI' stand for ?" interrogated the minis.ter. "Well, I do not know yet; It all depends how she turns ont." "flow she turns out ? Why. I do' not understand you," said • the gual.„neuei. dominie. 'Oh, it she turns ont nice :and Queen's Block, - Wingham. sweet,and handy about the house, like, ber, mother, I shall call her Dinah May, but if She liatk.a fiery •1' 4 temper and displays a bombshell disposition like mine, I shall eall her ; Dinah Might," , • 0 The Ward System Going. One important measure passed at the recent eession of t he Ontario Legis lature, related to the councils of towns and villages. 'Phis measure provides -that every town of a , population of 50sjOs.,r under,sha II have a mayor and not more than six 'councillors, to be elected by a general vote. This does away with wards in the towns: The office of reeve and deputy reeve ia also abolished, and each ypter may vote for mayor. and also fS. six coun- cillors. In .the case of villages there shall be a reeve and but four ,coun- A disastrous tird matured at1 cillors elected in rhe same way and. Alyinston, burning out three stores and doing mach damage to other buildings. Ay: ,•011) .r.. 'Et ti.Aeh'' • Satisfaction -anti perfect fit 1 the Give us a call when you are in nor,: anything in the Printing line ' and we will use you right. by a general vote At the end of two years a by law may be submitt- ed to the electors, providing. for a re- version of the ward system and if Stan tza pol ittaysk ay tis the name I carried by a majority iote, one ef a station 00 the new Siberian councillor may be elected from each railway. By the time the guard ward each year, so long as the by. bat, finished calling' it, the train is in -the next town. •---er.--ereseestereer.seere...• asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's stria la size, tasteless, efuelest, thorough. As one man 0 *aid: "OC sever know you Uwe taken a p111 1111 It Is all *toot 256, C, 1. Hood its Co., IIIS Proprietors, Lowell, Mess. Pee only pills tektite with Xced'sarsanarille lave reinains in force, or until the whole six councillors are elected on the ward system. It is expected that atnext session a measure further ex- tending the system will be passed. e NAPOLEON'S LOSS.. Imes It is said that but for an ateauk of in- digestion, brought 011 h9 over eating, Nepoleoe would hey() won Waterloo. Great issues depend on good digestion -1 good digestion clap -ends upon Burdock Blood Bitters. "Two years ago my wife was very ill with dyspepsio. Six bottles of B. B. Beet red her. and she bee had no return of the malady." WM. D..* William, Ont, Pitch and Varlet. DOPES FI.IxiviLLND. The following letter fella what people think about Lnea•Liver Pills Dear Sirs, --I gladly testify to the vir- tues of Teixa•Teiver rifle, I used to be troubled with severe 'headaches and eon- etipation for (1 long time and took these Tens hoping for it ORM, and my hopes wore rapidly fulfilled. I have found them a never•failieg remedy and heartily 14"Ittlillen13$ Ii/l117d, Mtts, S. Lewson, Menden, N.B You can't put enough clothes on a worthlesrman to disguise him. That vt hich a man arcade most in marriage a woman tt inks inest of. .• When at man for any reason unable 10 attend a show, he usually I says it'is no gond. Most,. people have seen worse things in private than they pretend to be shocked at hi public. A tinily good MAO is one who can 1 live in a very small town and refuse to become small in bis opinions. „ , After a girl has been ont of town ; 018(1 muslIpmpany 111141111M. to talte singing 'lessons it is nn longer' said that she sings it song but that ' Mares" or ed at she "renders" it,—Atehison Globe, rirriarS OP P10143 'd f Ave ••• WINGILiL AN I) a An, ,00..5 tC•7° •%•Teeecs...Fte REM ''';.14.7.1021AR After serious Dinette IhIie tyti pestimoale, or the grip Ikod's Sarsaptt. I rills has wonderful strelighgiving power. THE TIMES, Wingham, ONE OWES REUEF. 9A Jam for Medicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. This Rost is put sap ates.717 to etetee the) unitursal pm:aunt ttosrand tr.t. A lost pries., If you don't find this sort of D ans t th ab L 11 s e. 9 •••••• U .11110.1A 1 Send Five Cents 10 Tnt IttrAlts S'et. 10 ttioN 1 :;)rare St., New Vail:, rod. the.: •!,1111...;... 1.;• 'I; or ie 1),.• tEaliCti :or 4.3 : ..!1 t -a to 0::I tc.at 141ipTabules are the vcry y.).: reel'