HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-01-28, Page 1VOL. XXVII.---NO, 1345. l✓ ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2,8„ 1898. Si A. YEAR IN ADVANC l :EDUCATION I F 4r.v142,5 ""1A The New is now with us, and as it is the fashion to make resolutions at this season, we have resolved to get rid of all our winter goods, and in .order to do this as quickly as possible, we are going to make such reductions in prices as will make the good people of this locality look as- tonished. We have still a good assortment of Ladies' an ekets antles and in these we will positively make a Cut of from 25 to 50 Per Cent. Our Furs in all lines will Suffer the same fate. The balance of our stock.of Boots and Shoes will go re- gardless of cost. Our stock of Tweeds and is unequalled in the County, and for balance of season will be sold very close to cost, We have some very`Nobby Overcoatings, which we will .4 make up in the best styles at prices you cannot resist. All 'cloths bought by the yard we will cut free o cost. We are selling most of our ready-made clothing at cost, and we have still a few of those U'lsters, the price of ch i 1 talk which has caused so much , and we let them go at lower prices than ever, Come and get some of these bona fide bargains at HOMUTH & BOWLES, SELL CHEAP. for every young map and young woman is a good praotical business education. The CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE • STRATFORD, . ONT. offers unexcelled advantages to all who desire a thorough business trait, - training; indieidual instruction. Students can enter at any time. Circulars free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Morrtago. Licenses Cssued by 11nRANK PATEERSON, No 23, Vic - 5m is street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. a s Do not fnrget that the old reliable City Restaurant is the spot to buy your Candies Nuts and Fruits . Figs, Malaga Grapes, Pipes. Confectionery in abundance. We solicit a share 'Of year .pat - ronago. • City' Restaurant, Telephone No. 35. • Macdonald Block. CHEAP READING ! Our Clubbing List. In order to smo our subscribers the trouble of making two or more remittances we Imre made special arrangements with. the publishers by which we aro enabled to offer the following publications In connection w+th rho windiest ME.; at special low rates from now until January.lSt,1500, Spas al clubbing rates with all newspapers and magazines quoted upon application. Ca h must accompany all orders .- Times and Weekly Globe, ▪ Q125 Times arid 'vaster') Advertiser, - 190 Tines and' Fancily Ilerald and Weekly Star and 'ictnre1 75 Tin •s DAM Farmers' Advocate, • 100 Times and farming, weekly, 175 Tories and Ladi,.s Journal, - 135 Times and Montreal Weekly Witness, 160 Tune and Farmers' Sun, - 1 25 Times and Daily Globe 4 2a - Times and Daily World - 3 00 Times and Country Gentleman, 2 70 Address, 11. B. ELLIOTTs wee GRAM. NEW lrDVERTISE5IENTS. Goo. Molten ie -Look M, 1a. Dtrind 0 -Special. McKinnon clo Co. -Blyth Fair. J. A. Morton Stores for Sale. A. C• Suns, Ferns for Sale. Chisholme ug Store -Special, Herm Is Bsn Reeveship, on cause any great was between 117 Joseph Gollcy. at the business Golley, as the fol Ward 1... Wand 2... Ward 3... Ward 4 a -•The contest for the ednesday last, did not xeitement, 'The Contest sses• John Hanna and tr. Hanna is an old band nd was too much for Mr. lowing figures will show: Colley. Hanna, .,GS e2 .37 27 30 53 3 1 70 155. 178 Majorit for Hanna, 23. In the evening procession was formed and proceeded t p and down ,Tosephino street, the newt, -elected .Reeve making short speeches at 'fferent pointe along the way. Ask Your Doctor. He will tell you that Scott's Emulsion cares poverty of the blood and debility of the nerves, lee will Say that it is the best remedy in the world for delicate children. 0 to LOCAL NEWS. Wanted -goon butter and eggs. Highest prices pairs. re C, Grabaul's grocery store, Chiseolm block. Oestren Striven -111 members of the Independent Order of Foresters will hold an oyster supper in t ir hall this (Friday) evening. lemon COUNTRY ' e understand that the G T R Lave a'•s eon el to have special cars visit every t 1.n ,ted oity on the system, for the p possible in'ormatio country. OYSTER SLIPPER of the newly electe te A. 11I.. on Tires( the brethren cepa city restanrant, supper wits serve AN er Hone - give an "At Ho (Friday) avenin vitaticns have b time will no don 14001i AT TuI Company offer a, rize of $5 worth of their cfroicest nursery eek, at the fall fair here, for the best pot toes grown from seed purchased from heir nursery. See J. f-Ialliday, Agent fo varieties. EXCELLENT PICTRES---Several excellent views taken along he Maitland river, by Mr II Hodgson, of awn, are now on view in Mr C A (:atnpbl's drug store window. They are a credit to Mr Hodgson. Take a look at them when an are passing. C. 0 F. Avner Mr. John Neelands, High Treasurer of he Canadian Order of Foresters, is in Brat tford this week attend- ing the last quartet ly audit of his books, prior to High Court meeting, which will be held in Peterboro, o February 22nd. BART Some- e members of Conrt Maitland, Canadia Order of Foresters, ar,d their friends ill hold their annual basket social in the Temperance hall, on Thursday avenin' of next week. A splendid program has been prepared and the Foresters and their friends will spend a pleasant social eve nag. e Masons of town will e" in tbo town hall this A large number of in - 0 sent out ane a pleasant t be spent --The Pelham Nursery N1ywe To re -G. W. Walker purchased a b autiful alae and white sf:otteti thorough -bred co oh doe last week from 1 m Joseph Golley, • S., a dog fancier, of Wingha:---(Jorri Vid rte, orr PiteTx 'Teem ss This week, Mr R Vanstope pnrohe el from Mr Geo. Shaw I the block occupied by Ales rs. A. Sebastian and D. E. leteD need -This is a good property and Dlr. Vanstone is to bo cote gratulated on 50011 in{,* it. Tun PoeLTrtY 8 ow -A nernber of our eitizoils are ,n Got °rich this week attend- ing the Huron Coe ty Poultry show. We believe that Mea s. W. Taylor, James fteuderson and J s, Gray have sent a number of their big s to the show. Looe Our FOR Tr Of -There are eortaie individuals selling o Out the county a co on a printed sheet w been found in the tot thing is a fraud, religion, deceiving olio alike. T'oe, Tae OYST evening a curling wee played b,' th The Losers acknaw and put up the oys players and score : Geo. Sadler c xtretchel' s Messrs, Shelton Nr, ' NEW A?AnnLE {tnsuNxs. 0. N. Griffin, Bros, of Mt. Cl:ments, tench„ have been til+Weston e,skip-3r in town during the past week looking around for a eu marble works rposo of giving all always pleased respecting the "Yukon After the installation officers of the A. F. y evening of last week, red to Mr W A Johns' here an excellent oyster Snlrarr:NTs-Mz.srs Elliott Bros. shipped a car load of brio s to Atwood an Wedues- day; D. MoDon Id. a car of hogs to Mitchell, and A nrkhold'r a eftr of oats to Montreal and . fglit cars of wheat for export to Liverpoo 12Th OF .1WLY ' - e Orangemen of this town will celebrat: the 12th ' cf July here this year, and ith that end in view, Mews. :lames 17c celvie and R. J. Mc. Math canvassed ti e town cfA Monday, and succeeded in h s g e200 subscribed for that purpin5 WANTED To RE March, by A X tailing 5 or 0 ro elso to have go word at Wm. Ar T. -About the 10511 of cAilister. a house, eon - ms, kitchen, woudsbed ;. d stable on lot. Leave our's, 1Vinuham. r Nlcw BncT &, 0 Einem STUD 'Mr J Eargue, of Herd ton, was in town a few days this weak and has leased the premises lately •- cupied by Sir Goer e Good, and is h. ving the same put 1n first-class shape, prior to putting in a nobby velem-to-6. te stick of boots and shoe;, Mr I argu: hes been known by the writer for a numer of years and will make a good citiz a in every respect. DEATn, O1' A P OYI•MEEVord etre re- ceived in town on 'ednesday of the death of Mr John Mos11r ye, one of the pioneers of Turnberry, a . father of Mr A II Musgrove, principa of .the public school] We have been una•le to gather any par- ticulars of his de h for this issue. The funeral will take . ace from the residence of his son, Mr. olan Musgrove, lot 11, con. 4, Turubert' this (Friday) , r - noon, at 2 o'clock, for Morris' o•- etery, on the Oth con', of Turnberry. NOTICE -Ten L• dies' Fur grade. Regular ,85, 16 be cleared at $27 and These goods were bong wholesale house , t a great bargain, Shop early Saturday, argain day. M. H. Mc. I111100. Atnw.x Minrrn .'. he annual congre- gation meeting of tb Presbyterian church on Monday evening, with Mr. James A. Cline in the chair, there being a large number present. peeestiaacieteneeefinom iselesetretelhoete or theme past year, whine as vgi,y.asatisfeetofy. The tgt,,yl.areoutlt,,. " .td far the church debt wee:4r 22 The ieenets pf- the rrteergteetee s, eehee'elreethesiter 1. The f. lowing new members were appointed on the Board of Manage- ment for a term of three years : Messrs. Chas. Gillespie, Chas Elliott, Chas Manderson and W n Isbister. Mr George W Cline was re'a, pointed choir leader and 1111r S Graeey, tr usurer for the ensuing year. Messrs I) - tewart and 1.1 A,, Graham were appointed • iditotVfhe anniversary Services of the . uroh will be held on Sun- day, treb. 13th, and it was decided to hold a tea•naeeting on the Monday evening following. hies, high d 345. Will on Saturday. it this week from started in tow able to find bnsines. CALLED TO son, of the Po rocelved the morning, that home in Gode Robertson, o has been at th eometime pas Homy CL olnb 1t .tit last faotery arrengc for the use of th for the balance look forward to t will get themsely first-class game h our citizens wo game of hockey. .GBAsn 'CcrwtN were rather down day last, as tee down, but that e us with colder we very good shake o The game betwee was colnmencecl witnessed by a The following a score : fares ow. WeexerrR. Rink No. 1. Rink No. L R. Rugheteere G. Panlirt, .Ja•' Bry. 15 B. Black, J. D. Nichol, A. Panlin, J.G.Murdncb, ski -20 .1.E.BIaok, skip -15 Rink No, 2 • Rink Ro'2. - ,Tarnes'Hunter - - R. Thyne, rt. Carrigan, W. Robinson, ' And. Mur a, A. Brown, eV. Ail skip- 4 Theeeleae, skip -24 As will be seen f,osn the above, Wroxeter was in the lead •y 5 abate and they had to play Wingha clubr The match be- tween Wroxete, and Wiughare com- menced at, 7 o'el sok, there being quite a targe number of pnctators at the rtnk to sec the match, he players itnd the seers was as follows: Wormiest. Wisoxen:a. Rink 1. Rink 1. V. Vanuormau, R. Tltyne Dr. J. R. Maadon;15, W. Robinson, T. E. Bowles, A. Brown, F. Patterson, skip 14 Thos Rae, skip --13 Rink 2. Rink 2. George Sadler, G. Paulin, C. T. netehel, R. Black, C. N. Griffin, A. Paulin, W. Venstone, skip 15 .T.E.Black,skip--10 The above game t • stilted in a tie. Three ends more were pia ed and the tie was not broken, wbcn so a misunderstanding arose and CVrorreter efused to play another end, ant 'Ingham, therefore, Claims the gam was e. grad day's curling and both games were , od ones, Wingham club is now entitle to go to St. Marys and play at the : nals for the Western Ontario Tankard. distributing through v of a certain letter tela is claimed to have b of Our Lord. The ntended to ridieule otestants and Oath - n Wednesday trjh for tho oysters following players. edged their defeat re like then. The F. Patterson, Vanaornian, G, Aldorsr1d, Dr J R..Maodonale, skip-.- 13 table place to open a new Succnssrue Bead. r.1rl2Ie1T-The enter - in our townyWe are bailment given in t to Metnodiet' church, to have new industries tin Monday evening last, was a successful and trust they may be affair in every part' alar. The singing by suitable pines to start the different part es was highly ap. predated. Mr. R IioasMiss Robert- gramophone, gave lie School teaching staff, which wero very end news, on Thursday audience. The it her sister bad died at her loll Township. '7pleesief1t Miss M. H. M cIndoo's store, b: side of her sister for -The Wingham hockey been able to make satis• is with Mr. Stephenson, rink on certain nights, of the season, We will le time when our boys s into shape and have a re, A Iarge number of 13 enjoy seeing a gond T1ae curlers of town in the mouth on Thurs. rain continued to pour ening old probe favored ther and the ice was 1u Friday for the matches. 1 ucknow and Wroxeter at 1 o'clock and .vas ergo number of people. e the plovers and the Salo twister. Thursday, February 10th, There will be sold by public &notion, without reserve, ort the above data, the valuable farm stook and implements of James D. Gray, on lots 87 and 38, con. 1, boundary, `J.'nrnberry Sale at 12,30 o'olocll. J Currie, Auctioneer, 1 eo. Mason, with his everal choice selections 10n012 enjoyed by the ustrated lecture, "An Eve.dne in Ludo ," given by Dr: Towler, Was indeed first-cl•..es. The different views Were explained a they were shown and it. gage Quo an idea tbo scenery in the old land, The local ews were well received by the au•iience, he Dr, is to bo cone graturated on eh, way in whish he gave his ;hart of the irograriame. The funds •i?1 Senday; Selma for which.. the :enter. tainnent Was give , will be nicely swelled, the proceeds amo ming to $30. r.. SMAL LOCALS. -Campbell's Heartache Wafers guaral . teed to cure headache, -The Winghee market is the best. -Tuesday last was the 130th anniversary of Burns' birthday. Everyone inde Son must pay u -We were in i winter weather ase -A new front Klondyke liver y Chishelm's Co d cat ptod to Reed,. Duffield & at Oboe. oceipt of our first genuine bis week. is being this weel dit on ed. L unty lodge will meet in f next week. ' Ugh have been placed at the aul's church. o her Big Box of Mouldings Frain 5, at Ireland & Button's. 'his week would play h open air rink. 1 w made its first' trip for dnesday morning. -Send the TIDIES to your absent friends. It will save you considerable postage dlirine the year. Prieete funds to loan at lowest rate, Apply to H. Davis, Wingham. 3m. • -The Chosen Fr` gids of town will elect their ofiieers at th ir meeting on Monday evening next. ' -Mr, .l, piing Ir s opened up a butcher shop in Mr. T. c. Walker's old stand. This mattes six but her shops for Winghaml -The following are the License Coin- missionerte ream ly appointed for South Huron t --David ►. Wilson, Peter Douglas, and Henry Doyle Those who hay guesses paid for a"d have not given th m in are requested to do so before the firs ' of February, as the peas will be caunted • n that date. Ireland & Button. --Ash Wedn::dey, the beginning of Lent, comes on Feb. 23, and is followed by Palm Sunda on April 3, Good Friday ori April 8, and easter Sanday on April 10. --.Wo *ill gi our readers s report of the West Hu .n Farmers' Institute meetings held 10 Blyth and Dungannon, on Thursday and 'ridgy last, in our next issue. We are on the r monuments and work, and are pr workmanship an. will not be 'enders d in the owders for horses an tie are uueq --The L O town on Tuesday -Electric lig entrances of St. Just got in an for Picture Fra -Tho storm mischief with t --The snow p the seltson on W tee scouring orders for aeadstoiaes, for spring pared to do better in prices than ever. We d. W Vanttone, 8t Fresh oysters serve .,;n .ai1y, 6tyla.a4 James Mcleelvie's Fitereetestaurant.• • --The dates of $reeiWiiig ii ;fiteldeilii' foe this year will a September 27th and 2141 b. Is will pay you t see W Vanetono before you order year tom meets. 8t. -A. earrtival wo held in the Winghaue tink on Monday ev ping last and wee very well attended. -Condaeter Sal er has so completely roeovered from hi • recent zllness as to be able to be on duty again. 'We are bandlin any quantity of butter, eggs and dried apples ---cash or trade. A.lm all kinds of poultry. G. l;. Ring. -The employees f Mr. W J. Cliapman'ie glove factory have eon enjoying a holidays• - for the past week, wing to stock -taking. 1?r. Maedonajd is naw permanent- ly at home ana can be consulted by his patrons. -'.Glia box social given in the Tenaper- once hall, on Fi-id evening last, was well attended and w s a most successful entertainment. Only 4 days mo a to take advantage of the guessing on tie jar of peas at Ireland ee Button's. -As will be se n. by advertisement ii* another column, o ers will be received by J. A. Morton fol the purchase of the, stores occupied 1y Messrs. N. A,Faren- harson and W. I1 Wallace. Rooms, now occupied by Jolie bl /i.tchieock, to let in the Macdonald , --The member of Court Maitland, 0, O. F., will gleet i their Court room this Friday) evening. Every member is re- quested to be pre ent, as final arrange- ments will bo mad for the holding of the basket social. -For first-class tailoring and cheap,. gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the piece, in Queen's block. n PERS We shall be glad to column from any of our tors or purpose CoIRO tell0st qr 5.000 fly a not. 1)1r 1' beck, of over Sunday. .NLS. 1211.0 contrib»tions to this 'ceders. If \on have t•ls1- par yoursclf.and drop ixA tp Slat effect, s.rriston, was in town Mr Jas A Cline was in Loudon thin week on business. Bev I B Walwin, of Lucknow, was in: town on Friday Ise Miss Merit: Gari ye: was the guest of Blyth friends over -unday. Mr A Graham, o London, was in town, a ccuple of days thi- week. Miss Lottie Ellett is visiting with friends in Clinton t 'is week, Mrs W J Fleuty, of Blyth, visited with Wingham friends t cis week. Mrs 0 Dallas 's visiting wide Mrs. Eniigi, of Blyth, his week. Miss Jameson, .f Blyth, is the geed. of Wi•t„•ham frien s this week. Miss K Wilson, .f Brnssels, is the guest of her brother, Mr iiobt tCil,,1.n. Miss Lexie 1171 , of Wmlkerten was visiting frieuds in own this week. Mr Higgins, of Wingham, is visiting friends in town.- . small Observer. - Miss Cora Fere son visited friends in. Wingham last we c,-Teeswater News. Miss Ainrrav: G derich street, is visiting, friends in Wingh' n this week.-Scafortle Sun, elr • It Clegg, reprosonting the Ellis Furniture Co., In ersoli, was its town this-_ . . week. Dr Macdonald, next for Ottawa mentaty duties. Mrs George has been visiting, vicinity for the p Mr 11 McKay, -Was called ban° day;;, owing to th mother. Mr John 13 M the Ramsay Sere town this week, company. D. Stewart, so - of Alex Steuart, Queens street, has take a position in a Wingham drug store. no .hould make a competent hand. -Brussel Post. .,., Mr A Burklo Iger Wats in Toronto last week, attendi the funeral of his only- surviving brotl r, Mr Frank Burkholder, commercial ire eller. Miss Laura- ' . Jones, who has been the guest of her mit, Mrs 11 151 Robinson, tot some time, returned to her home its llatnilton o11 8 turday. Mr George osgrove, L. D. 1:3„ of Niagara Valls, as called home this week, to attend the f neral of his father, .Tohne Mosgrovc, of T rnberry. Misses Louie i orguson and Clara Peltent and 'l aster Ste lien Pelton, of Winghame ' were the guest of the Misses Seines -oils I over Sunday.-•- lyth Standard. M P., letves on Monday o attend to his parlia- holnsmn, of Godorich, rielids in 'Wingham and. st week. perator at the C. P. B.., o Thamesford on Turas- serious, illness of his ligan, advance agent of ertainment Co.. was its 'ying to fix a date for the 4