HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-01-21, Page 8M. H. WieraD004 BIG REDUOTION3 wawarka.r........racnommerravsnasno A RP.C.0,GAIN CARNIVAL AMONG N7 Vir GOODS 11111:i' Wit.N6 HAM CIANtE JANUARY 21, I,898, sojourii witk his parents anti friends here. Mr .1 3 1) un ill. of Blnevale, is down tu' the INIAlit hale polvice tit preseut, repress stittittg, W J Chapin:ties gloVe fautory, Xrs. M. T. Farrow (nen Nettie (1ellties) and ehilitren, ut Calg.try, are visiting old friends and relatives in Wingliam and vicniity. Jolla D Suliiven, of Winghatn, was in Blyth on Sunday -Miss Do.11tis, of. Wing. ham, was th s guest of the Misses Bmigh factp few days this week. -Blyth Standard: Valr. Joseph McKay( of Dundee. Man Robe, was visiting with his sister, Mrs. D. Stewart, during the week. It is fourteen years sine Mr. McKay visited in this vicinity, Mr. conn Stewart intends res turning/ to the prairie province with his unele4 A. Cousely was at Wingham last Sob- ' bath, whither ho went to call mien James MeLauchli», a former well known Brass ' selite, whose health, we are sorry to hear, ; is not at all gond. We hope for et speedy recovery for the better. „Miss Cornyn and. I Miss Sadler, of Wingbam, were visiting Mrs. W. F, Vanstone last week. -Brussels Post. 1 h LLIMEMN'S UN. until after stock -taking, Feb. 1. Reductions wade regardless of cost More money-savin g than you have seen in this shop for some time. Dress Goods, Silks, Mantle Cloths, Ready-made Mantles, Ready-made Clothing, Fur Coats, Capes, Caps and Ruffs, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Boots and Shoes. SPRING GOODS just opened this week, New Dress Goods, Prints, Shirt- ings, Cottonades, Tweeds, Shoes and Slippers, Gloves and Hosiery. All to be sold at Bargain Prices until Feb. 13..ilEvery day bargain day at IVI H. PANDO, WING HAM. CHUItUE 2J OTES. 1tey Mr. Anderson, of Wroxeter, occu pied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church, on Sonlay evening last. The Miasma Workers held a prayer the time came. for Marti meeting tAt Mr. Win. Arbuckle's, Bast I would go out or the Wawamosh, on 'Wednesday evening. in water up to y missy met on January .10th, 1898. The a,,ttittal baleen meeting of the awaY froth m) till night chopp. Pursuant to Statute. th:e necessary Seott.-. Reid,That this. commit do. ecti24t-Pgation of the Presbyterian church ing, logs out of e shish and -lee. I decla,ration.of qualification and Of now' arlsourn to meet again. on Mon- 1; -.moll ha held oa Monday evening next. was generally wet from head to foot, office were duly made and subscrib- day. Feb., 9th in the town hall Tees -:1 CONSTANTLY EXPOSED TO INCLEMAINT VirEATE ER. days 'without feeling any rheumatie pains. yes Dv. 'Williams' Pink. Pilis did me a world of good and I strong, ly recommendthem for the care of rheumatism, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create new blood, build up the nerves, and ttus drive disease from the system. In hundreds of eases they have cured after all other medicines had fulled, thus establishing the claim that they are a marvel among the triumphs of modern medical SO431100, The germ - hie Pink Pills are sold only in boxes, bearing the full trade mark, Dr. Wil limns' Pink Pills for Pale People," Protect yourself from imposition by refasing 'any pill that does not bear the registered trade mark around the box, RE FALLS AN EASY VIOTIM TO RHEUM'. eesiu AND KINDRED TROUBLES -A TWENTY YEARS' SUFFERER TELLS ROW RE FOUND RELEASE From the Richibocto, N, B., Review. Mr. Wm. Murray, of Cormiersville, N. B., is an old and respected farmer,. and a pioneer settler of the thriving little village he now makes his home. While Mr, Murray was yet a young man, he, together with his father and brother, founded one ,of the best Mill properties to be seen in those early days. The mills consisted of a saw- mill and gristmill, and were operated and managed by the two brothers. Labor saving appliances being then comparatively unknown. the young mi,o, were exposed to dangers and difficulties almost unknown to the pre,ent generation. One of the great- est evils in connection with the bust- . mess was exposure to wet and 'Cold, which, though unheeded at the time. have arippled its victim with rheuma- tism. In a late conversation regard ing, his disease, Mr. Murray told the following story of his long misery and final cure by the use of Dr. Hams' Pink Pills : "For over twenty years I have been sufferer from. rteumatisne I attribute the cause of the disease to the time when.as a young man I worked at our mills. In the Win te r ,ve would haul loge on the pond where the alternate laws and frosts of early spring w Id hill - bed tnem in the ice and slu •. When th mill nd sometimes nees asid VvOrk. • GLENANNAN. A number of our young people at- tended the dance at Mr. Robt.Breenzs last Tnesday night and report hav- ing a splendid time, Robt. Harkness in having a sale of farm stock and implements on ammendment, MeKay, Scott and Jarvis, fur the motion, Johnston And Reid. Aninacndment carried.. Scott—Reid—Tnat bylaw No 1, 1,898, fur the appointment of auditors be now read three dams, passed, signet) and sealed. -Carried. Reid -Johnston -That Thos. Alli- son he appointed to the position as Member of the board of health for the proper time, and Dr, Mies be Medical Health Officer r the year 1898, -Carried. Reid--' Sc,ott- That, the clerk for- ward eommneieation to county soli citor, also communication to county elerkl--Oarried Reid-Jarvis-Tna t by -law No. 2 fa the appointment of members of the board of health and Medical Health Officer be given the usual readings and passed. ---Carried. Johnston-Reld-That the stand- ing committees of the council be the this year as for last.-Caeried Reid-Seott - That the deputy reeve be autbaized to arrange with Tuesday next. He is giving up thevillage council frit' the use of the farming and is going to Brussels to town hall for, township municipal live retired. purposes.fnr the year 1898. -Carried. Nliss Maggie Young, of Winghauf Scott -Jarvis That the clerk spent Sunday last with • her uncle, lia‘ee a by-law prepared for next Wni Robinson of. this place. meeting to give the council powe.r•to Mr. Thomas James, wife and fam. assist in erecting grow fences along Tay; spent Sunday last with friends the highways of the Township where in Morris. necessary. -Carried. Miss Jane Small is visiting friends Reid-jarvis-That the clerk send in Culross this week. for seven' copies of the aunicipal Mr, James Fox's little daughter, World, and that a cheque be issued Rosa, is very ill with sacrletina. We for the amount. -Carried. hope she may son recover. • Johnston -Reid -That the Clerk A load Of young people of the make out the different accounts of ninth, drove out to Mr. Hodgson's in the deputy.returning officers and all Wawanosii on Thursday night of expenses in connection with taking last week and had a merry hoe-down the county plebiscite re House of Re - till nearly morn, when all departed rage, and that the reeve sign and the for their homes, well pleased with clerk forward the same to the county. the night' amusement 4 -Carried. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gilmour, who Scott -Reid -That the clerk send for. the treasurer's hooks as required House and lot Fo ale. Tho undersigned vire lot on Alice stree is a nine room f his house and sale. The house e one, with kitehen, and there is a n ber of good frnit trees on the lot. For full particulars apply te JAS. W ILSON, wingbam. were away on a visit to friends in Stanley, returned home on Friday last. WIWXETER. At the last annual meeting of the Methodist Sunday School, the follow- ing officers were elected: -J Bret- bauee, Superintendent; Thos. Hernp- hill, Secretary ; Richard Ran n, Trea- surer ;- Wm. Laekie, Librarian Teachers- W. C. Hazlewood, Miss Sarah Bray, Miss Mary Simmons, Mrs. Tbo,s. Walker, Miss Elda Eazle- wood. The school 16- in a healthy the treasurer has a balance of 520that the municipality heel condition. After pa yg all expenses, eon, 8, pafeli on iiia account the sum of $111. - on hand. 25, re engineers award, and that un-• CULROSS •less paid forthwith, the same will' The members -elect for the Muni_ have. tot be collected with seven per Council ef the Township of Cul- cent added thereto, as per itatute.- Carrfed. Hu MEETING . OF County The Comm County of Huron Room in the TOWN ON ' TO ncil the rporation of the meet in the Court P GO 25th at 3 o'oloolt p. Dajan.10, '98, W. LANE, ERICH 'TAW. by statnte.-eCarried, By-law appointing road COnirniSS- loners was given the usual readings and passed. Finance report reads adopted and' cheques issued for the payment tette accounts. Robt. Lowery putting posts under bridge, eon 14, 52; Peter Ruth refund of tFiNeS, error in assess- ment, $5.84 ; Munietnal. World, 7 copies, $6 ; Peter KEhry, graver, $F5.25. Johnston -Reid -:-That the •clerk naffs? the owner of North Iot 11, F KERNEY '.CON SOR1AL ARTIST. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. STRAY CALVE Strayed into the premises 4 the eubserluer, lot d. oucessa `..t, Morris, four yearling ealves, the ow er is requested to prove property, p expenses and take them away. 11,013ERT WARWICK, iVorris, Jan. 7, '98, WOOTS,9 IPX-XCASF'ilLOMPIN3Wo. 'die Ovoid 'English rtesn011y. Six rackages Guaranteed wa promptly anti permanentfT euro f orals 1:)f Nervous Weallness,Emissfens,Sperm. atorrhea, impotency and au effects of Abuse or Reteessar. Mental Won't', excessive "80 Before and • After. Lf11,2btssa:holc,irLfge kaarastrru-n. . lir usanitu, Consumption and an early grave. 1 Ras been prescrlhed over SS years in thousands of • eases; ls the only Ratable and Honest Aredtainp known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodine;II .• blotters some worthless medicine in place of this, inclose price in totter, and we wilt send by return. mail. Price, one package, $1.; six, EL. One wilt Weiss; sin will cure. Pamphlets free to any addreal. Te Wood Company, wiaesor, Out., Canada. For an easy Shave and a First-Clase Hair Out, give him a trial. Razors Honed. Sold in Wingham by Colin Campbell,, Druggist. M Pianos, •rgans, Violins, Autoharps Accordeons, Mandolins Muth Organs at all prices up to $2,50. All kinds of taimminga for Musical Instruments MUSIC BOOKS AND SRT MUSIC. We can supply you with anything you. want. Sewing. Machines and. Sewing Machine Supplies. . FARMERS -Don't forget that I still handle all kinds of Farm Ira - Piemonte notwithstanding that reports are eireulatecl to the contrary. Meyer Block. P. S. -Planes; tuned and repaired by our competent man, Mr, Minife, Rev. S. n•ellery, B. D., of Guelpn, has • de,41,4u to aneept the can extended to him by the North street Methodist elicrob, of Goat tell. A convention of Young People's Societies in th Presbytery of Maitland was held in the Presbyterian oburch on Monday last, sind the Presbytery of Maitland held its regular nutting on Tuesday last, but we have been unable to get a report of the Meetings for this issue. PERSONALS. We qt,111 1)0 OSA to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If vou have• visi- tors or rerpose anion- away yottrtielfomi drop in tel us, or send us a note to that effect, ni and every second night of the week I ed. to. by, Henry AlcKay, as reeve vvater at the hour of 10. a. vithout ebanp....ing my '"'''r "-r" Johnston, as deputy reeve ; ried.. stay up and run the mill till daybPeak. • wnt. Wm. Jarvis and 'Graham So you see I was for two days at a Seott as councillors. The council be- . time in st snit of partially wet clothes, and this would last till the lee had melted in the pond. After a few years rheumatism fastened itself anon me as a reward for this itidIseretton, and ever inereasiug in its malignity it at last became so bad that for weeks in succession I could only go about with the aid of crutches At •other times I was able to hobble bout th0 house by the aid of canes Mr, Jac. Pocock spent Sunday with friends in Cliri,tort . Murray, of Renee.% was nailing on old friends in town this week. jir G F Bobbins. of Si. Marys, is spending afew weeks in town. MBE Hemphill, of Wroxeter, was visiting with Wingham friends this week. Miss Detta A. Zeigler Was a guest at Dr. Kednedy's during her stay here. and Mrs. Fisher, of Toronto, were the guests of Mrs. D. McInnes this week. Mr. t3ert Ruttel, of Kincardine, WW1 renewing old acquaintances in town this 'We k. sufferings remained undiminished. 1897,,be adopted as the agreement Mr, Cabrl Griffin has returned from Morningte'n, where he had been visiting In the fall of 1895 1 went to a, doetortof the present year, and the clerk his brother. in 13uctouche to see if there were any I have the necessary bydaw drawn up S said 1,Prankly, "Mr. Murray you can- McKay-- Jarvis - Moved in ain- • Altr. John Ritchie for mom° ,, time, has 1 was not satisfied and then I was township of Culross for the, year 1898 LOCS 1 Mr. A. M. Todd, formerly editor of theiPills. I PrOcnred half ft dozen boxes Clerk, $100 ; trefISUrei,' OO ; $60 ; 0011ector •$50 ; road soon felt; a ehatige for the better and after my supply had been finished I got another balfdozen boxes and can tinned taking them acerrding to Itts „mi xit,resseet, Wingham, spent directions. That dozen boxes was all a couple of days in town last week, the I tock and you ace me now. I, am guests of Mrs Millions.-Teeswater News. alive and sMart and can dO all kind Mr. Frank DiteLauchlin returned to of work. I did my farming this Wrath on east:Hay kat, after a pleasant Spring and could fellow the plow for and aaain nt other time -i it 1.)rollid log duly organized, the reeve took Moved by Seott, seeonded by liCLOCILIN 3t: tne.chair. if . , Johnston. thate,Robert Lowery he paid the sum of two dolla,ra, fur putt - login, posts under bridge on 15th con, -Carried. Scott -Jarvis -That John McRae, be appointed auditor, to audit the treasureee books and accounts fur the year 1897, awl to look over the collector's, roll and to do eaie off a little and I was able to do all work thoroaghly as required by a little work, bat could never stand Statute. The renumeration to he) 1 it for more than a couele of hours at $13. each, and that a bylaw be drawn ' . CHA.S. BUTTON, Clerk. mormas ....memuvsor up and passed, con 1 mug poin talent. - Carried. The reeve appointed Robt. Wat- son as the other auditor. Johnston -Reid -That the paid offlers ot the township of Culross for the year -1898 be as' follows : Chas.' Button, Clerk. salary, IOC ; Peter Clark, Treasurer, 590; Henry E asesessoe salary 560; I Armstrong, collector, salary, 550 a time. The least bit of walking in damp weather would overcome me and 1 remember one stormy night when I tried to walk from Cocagne Bringe to my home, a distance of five miles that I had to sit down by the roadside six times to ease the terrible pain that seized my legs During all those years of agony I think I tried all the patent medicines 1 could get •a hold of, bat they did me no good at all. 1 consulted doctors but my I base disposed o interest of 'boot anti shoe making s heretofore carried' on in, Wingham, to Mr. Jas, Haugh, and; all persons indebted to as or either of us no the dateincurred in the above' .business are hereby authorised to pay, the said indebtedness to Mr. JtLE, Haugks. A.S.JMcLAUCELLIN. • Wingham, Ian, ilth, 118CA. and that the stat ding agreement of Order -AND- 401Ftl.P1... -FROM THE- HOLS1EIN DAIRY W M toast be passed signed and sealed in open A IL Jos Colley and wife, of Wilighami were means oy which nil& at the guests of G W Walker on Sunday.- doetor coencil confirtning their appointment. eased of my suffering The Gorrie Videttee. as Mr.Itobert Watson, who has been with not be eured, nothing can cure you," mood:nett that the paid officers for ' returned to his home in Hamilton. determined to try Dr. Williams' Pink ,:be as follows : -1 • • Clinton News -Record, was in town eb. Tuesday and gave the TIMES a call. Mr, and Mrs. A, IL McDonald, of Wingham, were the guesta of Reeve Hazleivocul this week. -Clifford Express. taking th in at once I sessor, andbegan e ebmtnissioxiers in per 'day, without mileage. Members of 13oard of Health same as councillors for meeting, and the genie as the road commissioners for inspection, and that the clerk get • posters and distribute them to the couneillors for receiving applieations for the following offices : clerk, treag. arer, afiessor ancl colle3tor. For the UM I We are paying the highest market priecs for good mind saw logs of every description. MeLEAN & SON', WINGIIAM, T. H. ROSS 1 We wish our many customers and friends a Happy and Pros- perous New Year. During 1898 we will endeavor to Meet all, the requirements of our increasing trade, and will offer the best possible inducement • to our customers. HALSEY PARK $50.00 reward for can't fix. watch we 0 41