The Wingham Times, 1898-01-21, Page 77 Ti E WIN GRAM TIMES JANUAR Y 21, nim =am), a well known REASON IN a.IIS REGRET, GRANDMOTHER'S COUNSEL. St, athroy lawyer, died suddenly on riday last UE MOTTR;lEA TIIE LATIN R. BROWN Grandmother stays iu her (tempt old way Alyn MOUIRNE iiIat I ERVI;NTI.Y. "World wasn't made in a ds d • Every girl arrives at the age then she wants to d4.t.. o s because 'I have come,' said the Stranger ! flit --- ' And that blue sky where the white • tall "the other girls do them." with the mild face and the side whisk, : why the Lord was sik.da s painting zt1 ers to the undertaker in the little� "Tho way ain't sunny, town, 'to make some inquires concern, But don't you fret!. ing the late Mt'. Brown, What kind Cheer up, honey! �, You'll get there yeti" of a :;rave slid you give hien. ErvirLiE tr: �ti A r.....- -..... -....-.v as -'M �i'iyilt 'J it'rr; rnt^ curedn ✓ by these Little Pills. They also relieve DiFitress from Dyspepsia, Tndige.-tion a'sd Too hearty Eating. Aper. feet reme,iy f•:r Dizziness, Nausea, Tlrowsi. nett, Lid Ti.'tw in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Put. i;: the Side, TORPID LIVER. They R,.:;:date the3owcls., Purely Vegetable. ,S.j4 t ilii; Ef p r Small Doses 'eeetaTE Prices S'.l ).ail lilt tl Oil flee fraud of the day.. Stee you tact Carter's, ;•,)r Carter's, and demand Pills. THE PHRENOL!NE REMEDIES DIES 'Mr. Joseph Brown, sir,' said tde Graudmotber says in her quaint old way 1Vorld lvttsn mlde ds undertaker, 'was a poor man when ; r , 't r in a day --a (gay, he died, and his widocould not af- ; rhes meadow tbsrlo, where you ince to ford really high class obsequies. Int Why the Lord took time to carpet it! fact, there is no barn in stating that 1 Tho way ain't annoy, there is no stone over the grave at But don't you fret! all, Mrs. Brown left here very Cheer up, huneyl shortly after her husband's death and retell get thorn vet!" has not since returned. No one in And still to me in the beide and dells 1 our town .has seen her subsequently.' I Her sweet. vuir,e riugs like a chime of 1 Or two, and then drew his cheer up And ells, c dream brave dreams as I hoar her The stranger pondered a moment l say: "World wasn't made in a day -a day. "The way ain't sonny, lint don't you fret! . Cheer up, honey! You'll get there yet!" -Atlanta Constitution. to the undertaker, 'Your information agrees perfectly ( with what I had supposed,' said. . 'Now I want you to erect the hand- somest £tone you've got over the grave, and on this stone 1 wish the following inscription to be cut and gilded : T MOURN HIS LOSS, HOW DEEPLY NONE CAN TELL. 'RICHARD ROBINSON.' I The stranger here produced a large roll of bilis. The undertaker was delighted. -Certainly, sir. .It shall be done as ',you direct. You mast have been a great friend of his, sir, I take no doubt.' And he rubbed his, hands cheerfully - 'No, I never saw him in my life,' said the ether. 'What ? You astonish me. How comes it, then, that you mourn his loss so deeply, if I may .ask ?' i 'I married his widow,' ---San Fran ! ciseo Examiner, 'Raking the lead everywhere. We are working day and night to supply the demand.+ Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds t.f poor sufferers are being restored to health and happi- ness daily. TRY Otll RH>ERMATIG SPECIFIC) OR KIDNEY AND LIVER .PILLS They are absolutely Pure and healthful. Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. • 'BEWARE. OF SPURIOUS MITA PIONS Soldiu Wingham, only by Gordon dt Co Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained, rnd all patent business conducted for MODEE.%T1, FEES. My office is in thdimmediate vicinity of the Patent Office, and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wit's description and statement as to advantages claimed. Zai. ro charge is made for an opartion as to patentabiriai, and my fee for prosecuting the application toil/ not be called for until the ,patent , aUowerl. "INVEnTORS' QUIDS," con- taining full information seat free• All Oommuntfi cations considered as strictly confidential. FRANKaJN H. HOUGH $25 F St,oetun It/A (3113Z.SIGI 'Q9N. D. C. ELTON'S LIMPS Will stand wear and tear for e cars. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the feet that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years 'ago are still working. IRON and "ORCI; PIMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly atter ded to. Snor--Diagonal St. opposite 3eattio's T.!vet y. JOHN PELT wing am, Ont. An ordinary cough or cold may not be thought much of at the time, but neg- lect may mean in the end a consump- tive's grave. Dr. nhase's Syrup of Lin- seed and Turpentine will not cure Con- sumption when the lungs are riddled with cavities ; but it will stop the oough will cure Consumption in its early stages and even in its last stages gives such To - lief as to bo a perfect Godsend to tfOose whpse lives are gearing a close. Things Women Want to Know, Filmy bags of all shapes, sizes and elands are among the most useful and acceptable of gifts to a woman. The empire Japan shade, made of plain silk, lace or soft China silk, gathered, is tele fashionable thing to have. There is authority for the state- ment that man well dressed women are advocating and practicing home dressrnaking. Practical marketing—marketology -is tt Lew branch of study intro- duced into fashionable schools for Ode season, Th re is now made a platform scale specially desinged for use in , houses, particularly in bathrooms, and called a bathroom scale. The latest thing is the. old fashion. ed cross stitch in wool with the I high lights in silk, such as our grandmothers used to work. A cushion done in this material will last a generation. Sweet Oil as a Toilet Aeoessocy Did you ever suffer torment from a shoe tight in one spot 2 Here is a remedy for it, Apply sweet oil to the stocking where the rub Comes. It is better than applying it to the boot, because it softens the inside of the boot, where it is needed, instead of the outside. Sweet oil is an ex-. cellent household companion. It heals burns or bruises. Used in the form of baths, it feeds the skin, prevents, colds and gives flexibility to the' muscles. Delicate people derive the greatest benefit from being rubbed with olive oil, and for fragile child- ren it is invaluable, especially when there is any tender'cy to weakness of the chest, A soft corn da,n be cured by placing a tuft of cotton wool; satur- ated with olive oil between the toes and renewing it every day. The earn will very soon disappear. When the hair is dry and brittle and easily breaks off when bruslied, a Tittle olive oil well rubbed into the scalp . every night will give nutriment to the hair glands and strengthen and increase the growth. The Application of Manures. Wherever experim- nts h the been carefully made the results have been to show that the value of manure to a plant is in reverse proportion to the depth at which it has been placed in the earth. The nearer the surface the more effective the manure. This, explains Meehan's Monthly, arises from the fact that the feeding roots of a plant are nearly always at the surface. Manure has to be acted upon by the gases of the atmosphere before the plant can develop any benefit from it and the roots seem to understand this and come near the surface where the atmosphei is air can operate on the food they have to collect. While this is an abstract principle the beat system of applying manure is by top dressing. There is the counter trouble of evaporation, and some of the most desirable gases are lost by the top dressing system. On the whole, therefore; it has been found that the most judicious method of applying manure is to spread it on the surface and then rake it in. DON'T GO O.L•T, • Don't go on suffering from nervous troubles that make strong men weak, impotent, and unable to do the right thing at the right time, all because the system is tobacco poisoner!. We urge you to test Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, they will make the blood pure and rich, tingling with life and energy, and the man who feels old they make young and happy again. The Cause of • Fier • Auger, "Men are the most brutal crea- tures," said the young wife to her feminine friend. • "What makes you think so?" "The way my husband treated me this afternoon." "What did he do?" - "EIe came home from the office, and in the first place he kissed me, and"— "Ile ought to be asha"— "Oh, it isn't that, of course. But pretty soon he mentioned causally that he saw Mrs, Dawkins this after- noon and that she had on a beautiful new dress. Aud then he --what do yon suppose he did ?" "I can't guess, What is it?" "Went to talking about some- thing else." "The brute !" "Yes, and I'll die before I will ask him, but"— "So would I," But she asked hire the very next morning at breakfast, and when he said he believed it was some sort of a green or blue, or possibly brown, with yellow or gray trimmings --he was not certain which—and a sash, she said a woman might as well talk with a Fiji islander as with her husband for all the Instructive in- formation she would . obtain from him. And her husband was surprised to notice that she seemed almost angry about something or other. Denver Times. Strength Has Returned, "My Whole system was run down. I was so weak .I could scarcely got around to do my work. I finally began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and after using five bottles, I found that my strength had re- turned and my appetite was better, I now feel as strong as ever, MaKelley 0 Wellington Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. Mood's Pills cure nausea, sick head- ache, indigestion, billiousness. Ali drug- gists. 23 cents, 1/e,'. SAY "YES" AND PROVE IT. ham's 'leers Wrinkle Stlhi IN M ATHIEMATIIi w Wali T aereirr No sacrifice is:Otter when awe -.t miter Y WARD I3EEQIIER ailed with •love. - Henry Ward Reacher used t(i tell Unbidden guests give plbasrzre- • this story of the way, its whielz his .wl}en they go, teacher of mathematics taught him to depend upon .tii,rnselt'. 'I was sent to ,trate blackboard, and went, uncertain;,, full of whimper-- ing. " 'That lessolu must be learner!,;' said my teaehel ern a very quiet tome, but with a terrible inters ity. explanation anti excuses he trod ander f ,ot with utter scornfulness. 'I want that problem ; I don't want ,;aty reasons why you haven't it,' be would say. 'I aid study two hours.' " 'That's, nothing to me ; 1 want the lesson.. You need not sttly it at all, or• you may study it ten hours, just VD suit yourself. IP want the lesson:,'' " 'It was tough for a green boy ; but it seasoned tree. In less than a month T load• the most intense sense of intellectual independence and courage to defend my recitations. "One day his cold, calms voice fell upon me in the midst of a demon- stration, 'No.' "I hesitated and then, went back to, top beginning, and on reaching the, same point again 'Nut' uttered in A. tone of conviction, barred my pro gFess. " •The next!' and I sat down in : Ierst Cousins. "He. too, was stopped with •Na!'; Ile—Do you beleive that there is and Bach a thing as true bat went right on finished Olid, atruelasting love? he sat clown, was awarded with: Sete' -..Possibly, hut' I sometimes , 'Very well' doubt it. Ile -Well, there's Mr. and Mrs.' Gessing, for example. They have been harried ten years, and they seen) to never 'want to lose sight of each other. D :csrr't . that Look like true and lasting lore? Sue --It relay be that, but it looks to me more like trite and lasting jeal- ousy.—Chicano Record. The pruned !Loeb is SektOnt. Ube One that dyes. A little moat hltppinesscsonsista in 1 magnifying hiizoself. It takes both grace and grit to bear disappo:h.ltrnent welt; When,:a man makes a fool of him- self he ;enera'ly (toes the job well, i When wa"cannot do as well as we• w uld; it wilt smooth the jolts to be • willing.treato as we sheeted. • One treueele with thtte world is that there are.so rnanv people in it who ' are content to drift down stream. Few of'us gain by the mistakes of .e others,. s,, h:txt he who fails to profit by his own, mistakes vial soon be bank- rupahe knowledge---Ratr:'s Horn. NAPOLEON'S LOSS. ;t is said t ha. hu,t for an attack of in- digestion, brought on by over eating, , 'r(r"la.tleo,) woo td have won Waterloo. Groat issues depewd on good digestion - good digestion depends upon Burdock Blood Bitters. "Two years ago my wife was very ill wits►ds$pepsiti, Six bottles of 13. B. i3.ourerl her. and she has had no return of tha nittlady," Wm. Day, Port William, Ont,, red confusion. " 'Why,' whimpered I, '1 recited it ' just as he did, and you said 'No !' "'Why didn't you say 'Yes' end stick to it? It is not enough to know your lesson; you must know that you, know it. You have learned nothing until you are sure. If all the world sstys 'No !' your business is to say 'yes' and prove it,' " RHEUMATIC AGONY!' There's Delightful Relief in One or Two Doses of South Americam Rheutnatic Cure, — E H. Norton, of Giitneby. Ont., sad s ; 1"I tried homeopathic) and other remedies and was under medical attendance for in- 1 flamatory rheumatism. None of them gave me any re.ief. My legs and arms were useless. Icouid du nothing for three weeks. I was coufined to my bed and suf- fered agonies. I was advised to try South American Rheumatic Cure. I felt benefit' after two or three doses Ih.ur bottles completely cored me, and I am as well as over I was." Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. ,Rich Lights. Call no man It fr end who hasn't sense enough to spell your name rlgh t. When a man wins applause by saying a good thing he immediately says it again. :limy a woman solaces her broken heart by eating ten cents' worth of marshmallows. After the holidays a woman tries to economize by using• her silver thimble instead of her gold one. Every dog has his day, and he generally employs it in trying to prevent some eat from having hers. Silence has no place in society ; people who cannot act as foolish as the rest of us ought to stay at home. It makes a man better every time his wife kisses him ; even if she does it because she wants money it leaves him less to spend on himself. When a boy skates through the ice and is nearly drowned his worst suffering is lest his mother should find it out and not let him go again. Chicago Record. ROPES PULPILLED. Tho following letter tells what people think about Lasa -Liver Pills ; Dear Sirs, -I gladly testify to the vir- tues of Laxa-Liver Pills. I used to be troubled with severe headaches and con- stipation for a longtime and took these pills hoping for a cure, and my Lopes were rapidly fulfilled. 1 have found them a never -failing remedy and heartily re('ominend them. Signed, Mrs. S. LAwsort. Moncton, N. B. It is told in Mechan's Monthly that lettuce, in greenhouse as well as out- doors, prefers rank, partially rotted manure to any other kind, TI .0 13ES'.I' EVER USED. Messrs. T. Milburn Sc Co. • Dear Sirs, -I can reeommend Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup as the very bast medicine for coughs and colds, sore throat and weak lunge, which I have ever used. Yours truly. Wet. Femur, Blenheim, Ont. LIFE DEE T1.OYING CROUP Cxi::s'r, : l uu, _ •.cl li•t;ryara's Yellow Ute in my family •fur croup. an,. broo- chitts (Jura, the past 12 years, and nev- et' found it to fail. It e•lral every time. have ree„rn'ut"+le+.i it to my neigh- bors and they keep it on litmd. I would not be without it for any price. Yours truly, Mrs. II1:,11av tC'AanlIN, Winthrop.Ont News Notes. The shipment of American horses to England is steadily increasing • The National Stockman makes a !plea for free delivery of' .rural naafl There is 1 large de tease 111 tilt 1lumher if horses in this cou.ntrv. Itt is not iidvieed to use fresh save - dust heavily as a. mulch. According to American Creamery, squat e cheeses command three fourths of a cent per poul.d mare than do round cheeses of tele slime quality. Do- not forget that sand and white lead make a hard cement for stopping leaks in roofs and other places. ' Keep pumpkins in a coo! place, but don't let them freeze. . • There are 45 patients in Graven-! hurt Home for Consumptives. Dr• Byree reports that over 3,000 per- sons died from consumption in Ontario last year, and he is of opinion that half of them might have been saved by proper treat- meat in the .""earlier stages of the disease Blood first of alt; that is the starting point on the road to health. Without it Dyspep- sia, Constipation, Biliousness, Headache, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Scrofula, Ulcers and Abscesses thrive and increase in the human system. But with pure circulating freely these diseases cannot Ion remain. There is nothing to keep them there -no impurities for theta to feed on. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood, and drives Out all impurities, 'waste and effete matter more quickly and surely than ady other femtdy. If you want pure blood and good health take IW Mauk cfv I&c, titto .Y' uuuwwuuuuawtwuu Mth Read OW, VIE -4 A 1 a Great Offer ti cit.- op The London l Free Pres rz--: Tho free Preset desiring to greatly increase its subscription libt, makes the following great offer to the farmers and stockmen of Canada whereby; sub- scribers to Viree;:ly k rc&Prese wu1 got One Year's Paper Free. z The Free Press ha& made arrange. ments with the Veterinary Scient•n Publishing Co. for a number of copies or their book, "The Vcterinasy Sutenee." rho price of which is 2.00. This br.o4 • treats fully and in plain language 11•. Anatomy, Diseases and Treatment w, Domestic Animals and Poultry, Otto containing a fun dcyoriptionof :tticdichie rind Receipts, so that-everyfarrnercan bo his own veterinary. ere e. 1 �O . The Weekly Free. Press an -i Farm an.l tiome for nnc•year (pried .t.Oul n nd ' '-••4 1 2 mi). oth he vi]i: b,, mailed tt t atloo (yttnd' dross neon the receipt of Two Doi tart:. I1n oat mita this 041100. We en; -,,.,t uttiird to eontinne tliisnitoriu(la•;tr, :rri�. Our object 'n making It now NI- , seema ut irnmediat:b response which a its 7 Iib ral offer might fall to aura, t. ilo• member. hy. sending $9.00 for the book roti got the. Wcctkty Free PiusS ane Pa s m and !!:rano ONE 'YEAR FREE. Ag ut+.:anted everywhere. Andress • all a on•rnat ib,ttione to tho tree. p4cos-.•`":"-- ":;;;;;;;mum7:qtryrf;;;; TRAMAP.as DEDESIGrvS COPYRIGHTS B&On Anyone sending a sketch and description may invention is probably patent ble80Communion-- U=8 ohmmun en'- trans strictly confidential. Landbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, intho Scientific Balaton. A handsomely illustrated weekly. 3 nrgest eir. euiation of any setonttae 9nurnal. Terms, $3 a. year; four months, 51. Sold by an newsdealer,, MUNN & Ce S81sroadway, New York Branch Office, 025 F St., Washington, D. C 683 Sixty. 100411 Vent 'THE 189& COUNTRY (i1iNT.EMAN '!` ie li('i t of ti e A.GRiOTILTUEA W.E;EKLIES. IIYTDISPEIiSIBLE TO .. ALL - COUNTRY IHEATS. 1,1 HO ruin Keep Up With the Times. TEA% FtEOIRIED FOB 1E98: Single .ubscril.tir•n. 1N 5, Lr•t I.A111.5. Had' &utsrt Mitts, •t11;. I:r I-r.ABS, Six t.l.I)1- a Pt I.I.ABSt i. t:ri-MMA)/1 rt(rat:rs• .r1..1 IA !:1 r•tta(dbg' noel . u 111.svue:.1 t 1)1r r (,•, t e in -:airs li.t.,;ct ( lob eat: 1%10 1.1 ('; t t• Ora .f t)isltar toNo Subt•ctit); t s i(1 1 tak. Its' ! nd a Iltn,iur.• :cr i rt ty I rec:er. 11 "1)1 be itt.,. 1.1,, t •b. •ittbut.( bet the cost (fttt(c11•tr.i (re t r,,,;) tar- 41(4 et rther nitric tatuu•I etttliu n r) :11 r: t, 1 ori td, by mak?t;; up a an all ( h.h, to Less Than a ( Crit a 4? eek Stt,d for 1.-41.i cin in C'npics which tall( nil u) 11r...1r r, vlt(l.,t th,seh orirotss dilrrsrntm. to I (o a1a Ulu 1 rt It1:t ;f hev�t ing the best tthat :tiittt v,c1d It n to such adiffeteu rir1t- ir, v.i: !( (s t(.dt Ad 'MSS LUTHER'.II'CIIPI & kON, AL.rANV, N,Y IT PAY'S wavvvvvevevromenegewrvivenuvownwavcavVeVm , .141.elbNl"Y.ew'eM TO ADVEIZT16141 IN TIIE TIMES . , .