HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-01-21, Page 6li
'1lth W1:N(ar.l'.1A14. TIMES, .%IANUARY 21, 1898.
:fill ASHINf"rTQN LETTER. The Report of the Superintendent , SABk3A•TH SERVICES.
��p f� Ll l 11 Ft tl1�� of Farmers' Institutes in nli.TIIOI.IIST--lion. D. Ptteeoe, pas -
"L l" l d tL S j ` t : ggyv Uncle 13azzi Cares lar Iles Ontario. p
Worncut Soldiers and
taPILIDAt, JANUARY 21, tetra �•.-
r".",.,.."..,...,.-**!.- , - ....__ ._._ MXT1FNSIV1 eeesrEMs or •I1oa1E8 IN great improvement which has taken Lowe, rector. Services at 11 a m and 7
I '`Welleft TIM clOV1;HNn4);;NT,.:FNT1;lt- place is every department of Agri- '`l :'~PTISI'-Rev, Jas. ITamiltan, pas-
'INLOS". o -G} t. ,h 1 so
"caux•♦sa's: ' few y Barb, • it would be found in
r, ',Services at 11 a m and 7 m.
• J?f',r}'.SSYTERIA.N-Itsv. D. Perris,
pa.itor. S_ervioes at 11 a m and 7. p m.
If any pcicrut were needed of the Ih�)i'ISCOPAL, St. Paula• -Rev. Wm.
h ' TAINS' temus. TxAN 2'6,000 culture in ' n •trio, during the ti
Mies Jane Morrison, of 1plland, • a comparison of the report. Of the,
]i a1l'itott, evt o has spent six htaats inThe soldiers' homes esueblished by ' Superintendent of Farmers' Ines
tlee'l:3rairie Province hes arrived y dile rthe government are of twarkinds for stitntes of that Province, just issued,!
to •upend a couple of months r 1 ng regalar • srz:diers and -sailors, and with a otellurt of Agriculture 20
• ber,parents, ,11r, and i,lre. Samuelcthose for eselunteers who•.served in year ago, The report in question
Morrison of the tirst concession, the Civil war. They, are in lou is a most lieellellt one, covering a'll
There X��t�sed over thetrcceat •be• . sense altos houses, but, .are homes dep<.rttalertts of farming, • find is,,
v on friday week atalothe, of•ttae where the;overnmerlt provides food, • without doubt, the best Andmeet
sturdy pioneers of hlnlutes to•wnshIp
en tee peraun of Mr. peter ir1el•ntush,edpuartersg' been;+clothing, Jc., for all who practical ,ptlblicatian ever printed )V 2. It willor
never rust a11, is eorlsq-
A ,t
naa :ss, ut• �mrnsrr3mat.havinean llonorablye disehal•ged the Ontario Department of Agri-• - cu .. • - - quently durable.
tor. ttrrvicesat•11 aruall d7pm
Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a m and
p tri,.
Outran) and Look in maimed, Services
at:3 p m and 8 p
1Ttt LVr.TION ARMY--Acijutaut!•,tilos
ands wife in command, Services at 11 a.
m,:tl ll ni and B p m,
an esrch of the above mimed churches
Sabbath School ie held at 9..30 p pt.
Are You ---`
If so it i:3 your advantage to
call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug
Store, "Ninghan1. They
are the agents for the
celebrated Wetmore
1. Because it is dangerous to be a
moment 1Vit;1OUt one. •
of•les 15, in the •third con. ;I)eceasedefronl the•xrnly or navy :.awe unreole to culture.
wllo+ was of a cheerful anti soeial Ells -
earn a living by labor. i The ground covered by the
position, was well and favorably Every arisitor to Washington ear: "Farmers° l41alstitute system is nuw'
ntrtan and greatly, esttictillied. Ile ,•ries away pie:es:tnt reeefieettons of ' pretty generally known. It aims !to
mate born in the Latish cif.&betnathy,,ethebsautildl"Soldier& Houle"gr0ullds protide a • •cominoil meeting ground•
hlorrh,,ychire, Scotland, in Juno 1811( ;which are located just ii•orth of the' for all etatssee of agriculturists, and'
and•eame to Canada in .J.spril 1854.
Be<,Lrst settled in the :tatv:hship df•;city. Here in a park of• '700 acres in order -to suit all the different
are the e fauildings ereewd for the • branch•e,l•df:rarining, the meetings ate
Colborne, but only remained there a Sshelter•and'recreation of •i hose who made of a ,varied character. To the
shut" time, when he came 40 .Kinloss ,,have served in the regular service of President •df the Ontario Agricultar-
.;a;ndr.settied on the farm oe .whicn he • t1le.Utiited States, , al College .is dun the honor of an-.
died.. Before leaving Seot1atnd bo.was They'eomprise a library, hospital, auguratin a and org.lnizing the
earliarn he married to Miswo s May IUeBain,� 'hY. theatre,. dining roottae„, • etc., and first Institutes. They are the detect
Man-cosh j d tof iiinlvss,' :land 1e _ealuar•ters for 1250 men. "II'hose who outcome .of,the work carried on :et.
Lachlan McDougall, of •
Ca}L1met ;receive a,pension of rnoee'.than 4,16 Guelph; being an attempt, to givea1he
i4lirkaigJln, all of "hum survive him.''a rontlh are not eligibieeto the Home a 'ric_taleuratl community the benefit
.unless the reasons are very urgent; , of the Desalts of the work dune there.;
heea+ernains were interned in the .Asmo wklraen or ehildren•,are admitt The growing importance of the'.
If�,iulrass cemetery and rthe,funeralveils of course it breaks u•p' the hoine•' Institute :system soon made it Appaur-
wast•ltlrgely attended by .old .neigh -,•circle, 46.•anv such previously existed. ent that, sufacessfully as it had been
bors<and friends. I' !If thesperson admitted,ie: a pension. ' conducted ifttom the College, in order
•er•drawing $1G or loss at:: •,month he to produce ,the best results, it was
LUCIZNOW. ••may •assign it to his wife:,•.parent or !necessary .to,,put it under the care of
•chile!. .0.therwise it is payable to the . an energettic;nhan whe could devote
Theeannual meeting of.tlrn J inloss,.afcers•it1.Eharge, to be bead in. trust all his titse!te it. This was done in
Branch Agricultural Society was ,the soldier receiving sat;h, sums as' 1894 And the Minister of Agriculture,
held .,tn• the council chamber •af the tangy be thought proper, the balance selected as Ifiast Superintendent, Mr.;
totwn•leall on Wednesday afternoon, ,being.paid in full at the dine when , F. W. Hodson, who has showda
12th ;inst. On account of !the met eheeleavestthe horde. ;special capabilities for the work re-'
disagreeable weather and elle bad To.maintain the home, ar_d;r-lall sum Iquired, thus i fully justifying the;
roads, tattle attendance of members its dedncte4 each month fiesta the pay . Minister's election.
from the, townships was not .is large eeeevery.•¢nlisted''soldier and sailor. r
( rile atte14dat:nce at the . local ID -
as 'usual;
nas'usual; but a fair representation ':Thereetre. seven national homes .stitute lneet4l a dui ing 1896-7 has
wars;present. The Treasurer's •state- tfor.disabled volunteer soldiers and been most encouraging. In 1885,,
spent ._showed receipts of .$1+0 80.49, -sailors, ail. t them under charge of I the first ycltr Of eInstiteite work in
:atod.expenditurc of 88.26 84, ;leaving :the 'War department with laeadqu,irt- ;Ontario, 12 meetings w re held and'
balanced. $254.15 on hand. ,er-st Hartford Conn. 2,808 (persons a tterded tne sessions.
1:he election of officers resulted as i he largest of these is at ;:Dayton, Last 'sensor.' 1(1,59 meetings were
follows: -:President, P H. Me:lnen- :p,,, .where:. 000 old 'soldie"saTlve.The held and 125,177. persons attended,
zie Xinlosaa; 1st Vice. P. Corrigan, home .at;IH:ampton, Va., provides for while 3,277 addresses on aigricultural
fotlyrot44;:2nd Vice, Wm. Anderson, 3.,t100.men:.; those at Milwaukee, Wis topics Were delivered, and 15,452
Lueknow. Directors.— Ashfietld— and Leavenworth Ka.s„ for;; 2,300 Persons paid their , membership fees.
''•, Jas Lane; Wm. Kiekley, John Mc- inen.each wird tilos at Togas, Me., During the prev!tous season, a most
Iutyre, John Jamieson. Kiniees— Sesta lioni•lieti, Cal., and Maricell Ind. successful one, l.102;4G1 persons at -
,A. Nicholson, H Thompson, J. for oboist 110;00 each. ee,. tended the meetiegs, 2,638 addresses.
Crowston,t;7. lMeDierciid, A. B. Mc-; •So.far:as epossible all the timer
:lay. ,]mien ---A. C. Yattereee, G..pof titllas•are allied by inmates and
S. Rabertsdfpi R. Martin, T. Moore. -all weho .wish to perform manual
Waw.anosh-+Jas. Gaunt, M. Me- workrare.gisen employment an, the
fepillau. ;Iats:.'know—Jas. Bryan, J. feriae or' 111 the various shops. i1 lley
G. M1ad'docheJas. Lyons. • are`jaalid •by'tl,le hour ere"' everlaand•'has been,about 400, lwbile at souse
' in thee ,w.w!hundreds earn.enetsgh til it has rn as higtth :as 1,200. To
buy sobaieeo ; and other "Fsl alter South Waterloo belongs the credit
aeroslaytel•Ian Funds. luxuries. eke having the largest membership,
The greceipta,fbr the dil%rent fonds • In addition rte the National Menses 465 in all, its nearest competitor
of the Presbyteeian Church up to Jan- twenty-six states maintain private being North _HKstinge, with 390
nary 1stshutvele most, although not homes whish are whollyindependent members. An interesting ,feature in
in all, exses.aegealing off as compared of the War .department. "'The 11iIy- the present report is thatiit contains
with thesame.aeriod of the previous owing home diad last year only II4 the Bret annual report oftthelfirst Wo -
year. They •relate to the months inmates, while AhOse of Ohio, New men's Institute formed la al/Mario. It
from May 1st. The receipts are: York and Ili'inoistllad over 1000eats's. 13 in connection with the South Went-
Ilome missions, t18U6, $21,358.47 ; °,WISF3EI3 MYbe
SELF DEAD." the, forerworth
of nd d pro mcha triers 440Sto
1897, $19;.7.804 5 ; Augmentation,
1896, 82,665.49,; :1897, $2.986.2,3 How Many a Pone Dyspeptic Has A moat gratifying fact yin con•
foreign missions,. 511196, l 8,922 10; the Same Wail ?—But Soutl4' ,rection with the excellent week done
1897, 833,472..93;;:French evungeliz- American Neriine Gives a New,'])y the Instftutes is that it is carried
ation, 1896,87,4.30:37 ; 1897, 85,91.4.- I Lease of Life. :taut at such a trifling cost ,to the
49 • Pointe aux Treatable 189E $2,-1
Bacteriologist of the Ontario Agri-
•euleural College, while dairymen will
'beiinterested in "Paturient Apoplexy
:in Cows," by Prof Reed of the same
(College. Prof. Curtiss, of the Iowa
• laliperiment Station, writes on
"Points of Excellence in Beef Cattle."
.Among the articles on "Horse Breed -
in„" mac be mentioned those of
Prof. John A. Craig, Rice Lake,
Wisconsin, and itobert•He.s, Ho wick,
Que. W. C. Edwards, M. P.. Rock -
;land, gives useful information on;1
"Feeding- Work Horses and Colts."
Those interested in Dairying, Horti-
,cioltui'e and Poultry, will find some
:very practical papers on these
.New and „important branches of
•fmrming treated of in this report are
Forestl•y and FM Culture. In the
:latter. Department there are articles
thy •three Canadian specialists --Dr.
G. A.. McCallum, Chairman of the
+Ontario Game and Fish Commission ;
Prof: L. E. Prince, General Inspector
•of Fisheries for Canada ; and Edward
Harris, Port Dover.
'The total number of pages in the
report is 280, and of these 240 are
,devoted to selected papers on farm
su krjecis. The Agricultural Depart-
ment covers 60 pages ; articles on
1LJiive-stack occupying 50; 20 pages
treat•of Dairying, 14' of Horticulture,
and 1113- of Forestry ; Poultry have
6, ..Good Reads 4, and Entomology
33; while Fish .Culture takes up
14, the Home department 6, and
General Farm Topics, that do not
'come !under ot`,er headings, 20.
Ever.one who has not received a
eopy.of:this report should apply for
one at •o:nee to the Department of
Agriculture ae ri'oronto, and also be -
were delivered, rend the total mem- come a :member of the Local In-
bership was 12,3,84. The increase stituteso as to get all the reports sent
alt round in 18i (1-Yi over the year to members.pfevious is thus tvery pronounced.
The average attendance per meeting
Coughs.,colds, pneumonia' and fevers
may be prevented by keeping the blood
pure and ta�esystem toned up with Hoods
J. IN. Vaughan, the :yell -known
,eotn• munity, and with such moderate4-'
048.37 ; 1897, 230.71; aged and Mrs.:llary A. Sinnott, of Penetanguishene ,;;rants from the government. Tile.
writes : "I lvas a great.suerer for over results are, therefore, all the enure
infirm ministers' £und,i$9(i, 81,017.- four veers from nervone indigestion and '
22 ; 1897, $1,363,04, and General As. dyspepsia •,often wials:r`g myself dead ; sJltisf5.0 013r, and particularly .so,
eeinbly fund, 189.6•, :';0,205.43 ; 1897, was attended by best !physicians ; tried itaasmueh :,s• the benefits are Car -
.81,773.60. many remedies but found .very little relief. teaehing, not being confined to meta-
, I was attracted to South :Simericam Ner. berg of the Institutes .niv. Any
I vine by reading of the wonderful cures one •can attended the meetingswhile
wrought by it. i had abo!atioytall faith in g ,
• medicine, but I concluded to try it. One a copy of the annual report of the,
bottle wonderfully relieved rase. I gained Superintendent, which ,contains tne'
S strength right away, my appetite returhed
111E report of the i•n&peetol' Of asyl- and Ina very short "trite I was completely
taws, laid before the Legislature in ourod. 1 cheerfully recommenctit." Sold
(illtark, is on the increase. 'The aver- at Chisholm's Drug Store.
PAM numher of patients in Ithe.asylutns I False Teeth That Grow.
between the years 1877 and 4:881 was I The papers In the report to hand
2,143; between 188`2-18&6 it ,was 2,- I A Moscow dentist has solved the are most conveniently arranged
67;7; the number between 18$'7-1891 pronlem of supplying the human under the several departments of the
wee3,201 ; between 1892-189,rat was mouth with false teeth that will grow form with which they are concerned.
3,865• The number in the asylums into the gums as firmly as natural Lack of space prevents me giving
in 97t••t 4,279.r;
8 1<
sThetotal al trot -
mZ•extracts froth them, andwee
. Dr.aroesk,e a
ones.haspreformedn only
'her discharged as recovered was 223, several successful operatios on dogs. mention a few of the wrltdrs and
equal to 2.1.97 per cent, whieh is less as well as en human beings. The their subjects. Lt. -Col. McCrae,
than the average. This, however, teeth are made of gutta percha, por- Guelph, treats of the important
vecasions little supriae or disappoint. •celain or metal as the ease may. be. question of "Cattle Forage Crops."
anent, because on account of the dis• ; ,at the root of the false tooth holes Prof. I. P. Roberts, of Cornell
parity of those admitted there is a are made. Moles are also wade up- University, takes for his subjeet
great flt.ctuatton in numbers cured.; ward into the jaw. The tooth i; then "Five Loads of Manure per Acre
I placed in the cavity.In a short Enough." "Corn and the Silo"
TWINGING 81100 'r -' PAIN.: time a soft granulated growth finds receive attention from several
its way train the patients jaw into writers, R. A. Lehmann showing
Mr. Wm. Dyson, G4uelph Ont., say„ : the holes in the tooth, This growth "How to Build an Octagon Silo."
"My experience with feoen's !kidney gradually hardens and holds the. "flow 1b assure a water Supply for
Pills proves them to ben splendid risme-
dy for any one troubled with backache tooth in position. It is stated that it Crops,"is demonstrated by J. I3,
or urinary difficulties. 1 had bad pains does not matter whether the cavity Ileynolds, Lecturer iii :Agricultural
is tats/ thick and shooting pains all over in whieh the tooth is to be placed is Physics at Guelph, while W. S.
jJrxly, together with dizziness and one from which .R natural tooth has Woodward, Lockport, N. Y.. dis-
nees. Through the use of Doan e.
y Pills lam now entirely cured recently been drawn, or whether it
fe•eI fait a lap• and lie young Jia ever has been healed for years,,Ilfotow
Insanity in Ontario.
3. A person wearing a Wetmcro does
not fincl it a bother.
4, We will guarantee to hold in
. position any reducible rupture.
5. This truss cannot possibly move
after adjustment,
6. Some of our townspeople can
testify *o its 'merits,
.7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
)b 0.1tngg.m :.,fires,
Subsorlption price, $1 per year, in advance'
Space 11 yr. 1 0 mo. 1 3 0 0. i mo
One Column S00 00 540 00 620 OJ • 68 00
Halt " • 40 00 20 12 00 E 6 00•
Quarto " I 20 00 12 00 7 00 3 00
One Ina 500 300 200 100
Legal and other camel advertisement. Sc pet line -
for firs) Insertion,and 3o per line or each subsequent.
hrertian. Measured by nouparai scale.
Local notices 10c. per line for first insertion, and
5e. per line for each subsequent :r sertier•,
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Stray ed, Situations
and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 5 line
nonpareil, 51 for first month, and 50o. for each
subsequent month,
Rouses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 lino.
61 for that month, 50e. per subsequent month
Larger advertisements in p•oportian.
Those terms will be strietly adhered to
Special rates for larger advertisements, or for
longer periods.
Advertisements and local notices without epecifkr
directions, will he Instated till forbid and charge
accordingly. Transitory advortisomont, must bo•
paid in advance
Changes for contract advortluements must be lit
the aim by Wedneaday noon, in order to appeal:,
that week
& CO.V Y____ R AND Putma_
W I N G H A M.
Capital, $1,250,000• Beet, $725,000
President— mm STUART.
Vlce•rresideut—A. G. 1:Aat3AS.
WOOD, A. B. LSS (Toronto).
Cashier 1. TURNBULL.
Saving Bank-Uoure, lOto 3• Saturdays, 10
Deposits of 51 and upwards received and terest
Special Deposits also received at current,
rates of ie.:rest.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United State,•
bought and sold
E. L.1)LCIUNSON, Solicitor.
Money no Loan on Notes.
Notes Discounted
Mouoy advanced on Mortgages at 5t pet oontwith
1 privileeu of paying at the end of any year. Note
and aoeounte collected.
Boaver Block Winaham, Ont
Toronto and Last 6 60 a. rn. 2 40 p. m
Palmerston mixed 8 55 n, ni t 40 p m
London and South 0 53 a m 11 10 a m
3301,m 8tlOpm
Kincardine 11 10 a m. 6 RI rn
'2 55 p m' 3 30 p m
10 26 p n, 8 30 a m
temperance ;lecturer, died at his res!- I ,... 7-'='Tfl JJ
deuce in W4,rnni;peg, • on Thursday of
heart failure. Industrious Men of Character.
The people .ef. India are . the most
cone to .1ttf :aitti0n of anyon the red w sea "IS1.OaDno, GOLD
p There ' A l 1� A IJ FINLns" like a whit]. •
globe. are 11.,500,000 lawsuits. wind. Prospectus 2:1 cents, worth 51. Big pay. I tt7 DEANS, JR., WINo.:aat, .
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
interest. No commission chatgoc. Mortgagee, town',
and tarn property bought and sold
OFFICE:—Beevor Block W,NOBAM
1ringhanm, Ont.
Office—Beyer Monk. %%Ingham,
(Mee—Corner Ilam!Iton and St. Andrew streets!
opposite Colborne note!.
DENTISTRY.—J. S: JEROME, L. D. S.,lo.1NouA r.
� l lit ,uanufactur first-class sets o
'L,;.ly :' • , teeth as cheap as they can be made
• in the Dominion. Teeth extracted'
absolutely without pain, by his new
process, guaranteed perle. tly safe.
OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, oppos
Brunswick Mouse.
ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. s., 0. 8.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pwmsylt. n.
Dental College
OFFIOIi••-MAODONALD nL001<. • ".
Noir-1vi11visitBlyth every 11'edn••vdsy, rr
TORONTO. - WlnertAM,
every year,
Capital unnecessary.
ERanLsyr,ARRw.Ts.,N COMPANY, Limited,
.•,...,.,..a............,,.,i' 1 .
Throat 1inO Ulcers
A Young Lady Cured .of Long
Standing Catarrh and Ca-
tarrhal Sore Throat by Dr,
Chase's Catarrh Clore.
Miss Anna A. Howey, of Eden. Ont.,
says that she suffered from Catarrh for
ton years. used a Number of remedies
advertised, but was always disappointed
in the result.
Ct eaai,of all the papers read at the Last fall she suffered intense pain in
various meetings, can be obtained bor head. and her throat was lined with
ricers. The doctors called it Catarrhal
from the Secretaries of the local Sore Throat, bub did not cure it. she
Institutes. saw that Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure was
being highly recommended, so procured a
box from C. Thomson, druggist, 'Tilson-
burg, • Ont., and commenced its use.
Soon the nlcers cleared away from her
throat, the pain in her head ceased. She
says that Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure does
not cause distress or sneezing when being
need, and
is the most effective catarrh
remedy she ever tried.
Mr. J. D. Phillips, a Justice of the
Peace, declares that he l:no'ivs Miss Howey
and her mother, and can vouch for the
truthfulness of her statements.
Dr. chases Catarrh Cure, said by all Demers.
Price 25 Cents, complete with blower.
rot Tw-Inty.. even Tears
MY. UT CON 01tT TIIXr''`Nilll l
Having purchased the entire business
from Mr.
D .
to su l the p1 am now
preparedsupply public with
Wood and Ironn Ii! orae and
Lift Pumps, Brass and
Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz-
ed Iron Tubing. 'Cisterns,
• a4•ter Troughs, Sinks,
Baths, Pipe Fitting, 1�'e1l
Digging and everything in con-
nection with water•euppsies.
Galvanized Steel Windmills for power
Deep well pumps a speciality,
Repairing promptly attended to.
1•vartles writing for information or
ordering by mtul should always state
depth of well.
cyul'sea on "Bern Buildings". All wnrk guaranteed or no Gale.
and pumping water.
There is a very able paper on I THE 'rQOICS BEST FRIEND 0. ORNINGSTAE .
"Tuberculosis" by I+'. O. 'Unison, isoil, (,.lilleeSt i• BALM I d Cl'.DJrvr.r4.
Sales attended In any part of the Co. Chorgo
Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements
All orders lett at the TIMES eo promptly atter
ed to. Terre reasonablo.
0. ®• p Gawp C.dodouin No. 40, meet
u■"—the first, and third Monday in
every month, in ,he Odd Follows nal,. Visiting
brethren welccm• J. Murray, Chi3f. D Stew
art 1ten..Stc
"Queen Victorit; Her life and Reign," has sap,
tared the British Empire. Extraordinary testi.
menials from) the great mon ; send for copy tree,
Marquis of Lorne says, "The best popular life of the
(Zneon I halo seen." Dor Majesty sends a kind
letter of appreciation, Seliing by thousands ; gives
enthusiastic satisfaction. Cam assors male 815 to
640 weekly.
lied Tu
(Limited) TO.
If You AretEnergetic and Strong
If you are above foolish projndieo against canvass.
Ing ter agood book, write and get nay proposition,
The information will cost nothing.
I have put hundreds of men in the way of ,Dai Ing
money ; some c wbon, aro now rich.
I can dogood things for you, if you aro honorable
and will work hard.
T, n. LINSCOTT, Toronto;
erNCI.Un1NG Books, Pamphlets, rosters, B 1t
Heads, chanters, etc., die., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short
notice. Apply or address
T Mss Otfice. 1Vingham,
wo are pleased to armounco that env nooks or
btag.uJnes tuft with 11(1101 Btni0ng, will have oitr
13ox 140 Wingham, 'Ont, I
be given on annlidr Prices
0 theddTw,w ,droIn p aryl"