HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-01-21, Page 5WO i 1 l.,A Al T114.ES, �T,� NUA
llr�T f'+.Rt I.OAC'e
*. -. WHI'1i.'ECHURCIL
I111 T. II Miller is borne visiting his
mother fair the p=est week, Tom looks
well and is always well received at
his old home, beteg a general favor-
ite with every body.
Mrs, Troy gave an At Horne to a•
dollars can be eaved by shrewd number of her friends on Wedges -
As this seasoneof the year many Ct day evening. Wedges -
buyers. Father than carry over tnC winter goods we are willing to 1, They report having
sen '� had a good time.
ve A FEW
them and completely lose sig o profit, special rill
Several sleighloads of young folks
t Itis quite reasonable that we will camp out ahead by givings'I surprised Mr. John Craig on Friday
el inducements to cash buyers who require winter goods, urokrasea. a
d e ready to pay cash for spring p I evening and bed a ri ht good old
That's the position to a nutshell,
Orth 16c for 121•,0 0 Iheart's content. and all joined i,n
Wo get the money an ar is ,
and accounts for the followiugt- -
tune dance, All enjoyed it to their
Grey Flannel "....worth
` worth 20e, for 16a 3 t wishing lir. and Mrs. Craig many
Grey Flannel , .... • . , la • .. . ,worth 20c, for 15c � I years of peace and p F
TASpecial brand Saxony i ern, per bun( ..... worth 20c, for 250
1 Ladies Vests, worth •15c, for 25o
la Ladies' Drawers, , .. worth 2.5e, for I8o Cn
r� Pram Grey Drese Goods worth 2"ue, for 18o
Fancy we ., P
Drese. Goods a airs for 2+,0
Men's Sox, special..... worth 950, for 750
Felt Sh s
Itit CJ Ulsters for Nen and Boysthat teras them is a
ros eritS .
Mr, Joseph Stalker, our popular
teacher treated the school board to
their ettnual oyster supper on
Friday night tend the old boys say
Mrs. Stalker knows how to fix oysters
YAC �ti brlb lAgrt WItell � eels zs'
� Why not ��uy now £
oe .,••• r
Irl d will be cleared at interesting pinrices. lr I in right gond style.,
LIK felt' days. Cr Mr, E. Phillips visited his parents
Ladies' Mantles, up-to-date, at t rices tt rJ at Goderich, on Saturday. Be says
BlatnketA Comforters, and all `linea ot Winter Goods, 9
�'� S allcer's on llianda evening.
CASH ANIS ONF. PRICE. hi 4 We are glad to sae that bliss Lizzie
Ci Ket\%,,who has. been on the sicklia I
�� rfor the past•week, is around again•
I tr. A. D. Beaton, made a business
IT, line to Clinton on Monday,
IRQuite a number from here attend -
led the .Y. P Convention in Wing-
, harm on Monday.
Maple logs are very valuable in
' will have to move during the present month• t d t satisfactory rr the old town is vert' q
Id' It's
our constant aim to have the goods you
wan an a
Mr J. II, McClinton, visited at Mr.
u[>-r-1,�17C�'y.r�C•�•:r—s1. �•.••.+5ia.�7`•�C'i•,�{ C.jlu'-Cz7 �1FCT-tei
Our laundry plant has arrived
and we are prepared to turn out
lirst•class work in all lines of
laundry WarIc on the Shortest
For the convenience of customers,
a DROP BOX will be placed at the
door to receive w('rk when laundry
is closed.
. -- `this vicinity at present.
than here of erine
'T U D : and for them,
I Frank Henry, Kinloss, president
I ot.the Whitechurch Butter Company,
and Gavin Wilson, director, are• at-
tending the Western Dairymen's I Hectic) with St, Stephens chute ,
I Association at Lindon this week, in ' held a social at the rectory on Wed -
the interests of that factory. nesday everting•
r Sabath was observed in the
tdethodit•t church, Gerrie, as Tem-
perance nee Sunday. The merlon in the
forenoon was by Miss Miss Lillian M.
netts,. I3 O•. of <St, Catharines,
• N t" rat
We have moved our
Before stock -taking begins we will make your dollars
buy bargains. See for yourselves the following "cut"
prices in Groceries and Dry Goods
lb. 1Vlonsoon Tea, 3bllack, in lead pkge., the regular
50o quality,.for
34 lb. pkge. Monsoon Tea, regular 25o, now ouly 20e..
301bs.Brown Sugar and 6 lbs. 20o Japan Tea for
Large pkge of Magic Soda sold everywhere for AOe,
this week 5d.
Small pkge of Magic Soda, regular 5o else, this week
for 3c.
Canned Pumpkin, regular 80, now only 5e,
Crosse & Blackwe-1 Pickles, reg, 35o bottle, now 25o.
i^ other "cut " prices whichwe annot quote here, so conte and inspect for
yourselves. You always find the goods and prices quoted quite right at
Best band assorted Raisins in 3 lb. boxes, regular
25c for 20o.
36 dpoh kf av Sheeting Cotton, regular 9a, this
weLadies' Black Cashmere Hose, heavy and warm
fur per. pair 20u,
Heavy Tweed Dress Goods, were sold for 25e per
yard, now 1210 regular 12 a
15 pieces [lest Prints, English width,
quality, this lot goes at Mo.
15 pieces McIntyre's 10e Prints, good cloth and fast
colors, for this week 50.
GORRIE.AtiOtvilliVWcfet"Ait/tANAlivit"4405,12016-4100bASINAVZ/Z,<ZAVGIVS.11/1111,11.4111,49/420e. 11011,104.14
vertise and sell the timber on side The Misses Evelyn and Erdily
line between lots 25 and `?6, con. 6, Turner left this week for Ottawa,
The Women's Auxiliary*'in con 1'aAcc lots 0� ed 21, con.
to be paidsd. s!school they will attend the Normal
lir. and Mrs• D• D. Green and
I T rt•11 D�kut:tt, ut ,
slaughter, of \o
(0 visiting with friends in this vicinity.
WEST ly.ltVAN081.1• IIl(,nni t;l:,.(ln: ( ,
,i,,,l nett
Sehoei „t 1.l, tt.
11 t,lir new building.
, + rU Srtllht(' , S On Monday
(Saigon lest a,eeetslilty Ill{la(lell,l,iit, l
on Jan. 10th '98, newly elected meta- eveciug' at S (,'tool:, in tt.t• Methodist
'.'ors took i . '
and qualificatdouufoffice. The lniutates celebrated and eloquent Lecture,
OPP. PRESBYTERIAN CHUBCR t 'c ` '1 the necessary cleclar•at on
chureh,�Miss Phelps delivered her
of last meeting read and approved: I "Sertucns in Stones."
where we will be pleased to I officers were appoint•
The Howlett District T. O. L. an•
The following o cors
• ed for this rear ; sista, �Y. b'teCrostie; Waal meeting was he!` -1 in Gerrie
1 allour old customers •
supply assessor,1
ts'eitstlt•et , Jus�'� tri d ;I'ucl:dar3' of �ernocn. A large number
and arty Pork,
ones s with choice t G.D. E. Munro t (sent tram all
Sausage, Bologne V4'. A. Wilson ; auditors, of ciele„atc:a were p'
Beef, York, 5 � Crawford. Thos. McRob arts of the •
distrier. 'l l:e nett • 11 •
follows :—Elliott Bros., tile, 31.10; Madame Wall has been engaged.
J. Corny), printing, Q7.75; Muni-
as soprano soloist in -Ontario street
World, election forms 87.20 ; ! Methodist church.
D. Sommerville, gravelling. 75c; :Jas.
L'olger, repairing culvert, $1.00; W.
II. Kerr, printing, 75e; T. S. Bran- CUiL1tC•Se:
cion, municipal cash book, $3.80 ;
Jno. Mooney, salary, $85 ; T. 5.1 General joy prevails in the domi-
13randon, financial statement, $3.00 ; ,cite of Mr. Watt Marshal; over the
by-laws No 's 1 and 2, 1898, were ' dvent of a young daughter, No. 1,
duly read and passed. The council
; which took place last week.
then adjourned to meet again on the! Mr. J. N. Pickett left tor W'iarton
14tn.I+eb. next. I a few days ago, and intends remain -
W. CLARK, Clerk. ! inn. there while the snow lasts.
Mr. Currie, R. Marshal's brother-
s , in law from Dakota is here on a vis -
At the soggier meeting of Council' it. Mr. Richard Porter from Gode-
~ 115, Canadian Order of Chosen rich is also the guest of his sister Mrs.
�� k'riends, the following officers were il., marshal'.
and other A�eats, at the lowest and 1,• J. r will be held in lire vel I . g year : Chief a
t (l 1s et ll (r (,( Iltil{, I p 1 meeting f, installed for the (Oman y' I bar. Jt ten A. 1[eKenz<de, jr-, died
your ne:;t order. 1possible brise. • last week. after a fingering illness of•
with t several years. Ile was buried on
errs, was appointed caretaker . , Huy me . t
Treasurersst;itemcnt showed bal,ihee large of I3elmore. '1'he fultowingt councillor, George Stewart ; vice-
Dee 3l �;L1-, Tae I R the officers sleeted fur the ensuing councillor, D. C. Cook ; past council -
D. L' NG I
on ],t..ltoD-D,II' Please g• us a call. Icier': was instructed to procure mit.-
, year :--D• 1'I , J. Greer ; !•or. J. E. I3lacleall ; reearde., �'�• S• tliondaiv.
Charles Cl J Spence • W •
Weir pre•
ate 'incl by-law ,u r gee h 11 L+' Sevin.
edition ca
vice -
Opp. Union Factory. T. E trr�bct ut
lye hook for the rr.r,ni• «ikon , lap., as. Lawrence ;treasures. lir, John McRae drives a revised
to dl d The CUIIE`C1U1'S time was ex- IiCC. 5•, A. �• •-ti, ; ' ifl. late, R. Jenkins ; marshal] , • , ,
WALKER • trended to 1st February. Jas. e. •1 Czti'son ; ureas., .Jame.I�allia; D.: vvarclett, D. llleDonald. ;;ward, W. H '
1� to phvst
this new cutter, all awing
. _.___.._..._. - I Ward was appointed m l.r, Joe Dawson, d 1
(i G John r The faltott•in;; J Harper. 'IThe e r'i ,rte t Cook � auditors, B Church- l h � W Daw
� sijoE
� � � , Ec� board of heal h
��i NOT
Having opened up a shoe store
next door north of Chisbolm's Block,
will be
v ready. tor repairing,
w u
done at cash prices,
i1ILL. l
E�� �� I checks wereII k Bidden
• ' ai
'Mulvey Leet., r . , Sentry,0. ; -t F from Tharp a e
McKee and J. arrpL . ' r t Can, r,Shaw ; < 'is vision at his brother's' s
q a • • • ' (- issued art t , of celebrating the 13th of July vvas t 1t1 and 1�, Stewart ;representative to g '
unit ison
i Supp 8.05 • left over to the serol annnal meeting. Grand & C ' I Miss Lucy Caslick lies for 1896, ;; ,
faded . i°orld supplies, for 185)7-8, 31 5.55 ; vvhrch of her cousin, 1101 h foundry, K
• , !o Skin's coltish propensttes.
AI p
I Connell, J. E. Illackttll. c k was the guest
t Messrs, McPherson, Iioveyo s h
•usin Miss Rebecca Caslick.
IRIS, I threshing• machine , starts this 'week
suits br ovorcoate, but take e
to t he WinSham Cleaning tied ?iy 160c ; registration f of
To ay aside °' i
6 th m 1 by S 141c(.ros re, nMr. A.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mason attended has been eclos dds down
oonning fun blast with his bride, for the West.
and deaths, I a of Hiss \lc\' attic Cast holiday k lace in : Horace Cornell, who has been
ins V�o;lre. and have them clean -I the weddingwedding too p M
ed, dyed and repaired to look like i gravel, 91c ; A. Glasco,e, refund ofC itholie ebur ch
k } ' 'at fir. lir Marshal's fo
`statute labor (hare ed on�ilolt, $1.50 l The •
Plymo.il to Friday 1 morons \\hell Alt,. months ods
T l ! your soiled or t clprc�; charges,
A pretty
ryer the past few
v+ee • ,Brethren \\dlt hold Sr•. Ju,ep v s Roman
11 W gone to is gyne in
a mooting in the stone school hawse • on +rrc a> t� (,nth, f;oderich• Some of our fair ones
' and Miss M. McCaughey, daughter wvou'(1 like to have gore with hits,
on Sandav afternoon .next, the 21srd!'laylor, of the London road
rie Mrs. 11icCaughy, of A.ultett, \�t,te I bus- •
l meet-
11r. Chas. Maguire and Miss Ag{;• ;1,t. v..0fer i, l,i�lc tr
have gone to London this week. �mar�ina�d wl�•,liissl'1'essittT�L'lv,tcil tinl;� nr, \ir. J. 1'1'ritvt•t'1'�.vl'tlrtrr�d:�y
The new y elected d the groomsman l�a,� <
J. W. Proprietor•
ter S1
E. McLean, grav , , 4 , . .
hart, 1 day on government and fins-
cial statement, $2 ; Wat. Campbell,
gravel and damages, $3.10 ; Thos.
Todd, gravel, $2.10 ; Moses Champion
culvert, at St, Augustine, $2,50; Din-
nis Carroll, gravel, $3.20; ,Mrs. Rob-
inson, charity, $8 ; Jno •;1"aylol•' col-
lector, 365 ; C Alexander, 2•days
minding grip, 50c,s• Alex. Dunkeld,
damage to Buggy,' 33.50 ; Municipal
World, subscriptions, $5.75 ; Jos. G.
Ward, trip to Ashtield township coun-
cil and trip to county treasurer, 42 ;
Council adjourned to meet utt
Monday, Feb. 14th at 10 o'claek.
W. . 111CCteosTIltt, Clerk.
As we are preparing to take t stock
o fv a mil' Fugr Coats,the
Fur Gapes and
special value in Fur Goods ennsi g
Buffs. Also a large and well assorted stock of Men's Fur Coats; lfur Capes
and Fur Gauntlets.
In Rubber Goods we lead. Lad�ber�men's Itubbo s ubbers from 5nd Itiubb0 to er Boots
Fitncy Rubbers, special 50e, In Lu
we rill not be undersold. •
Our Boots and Shoes are
which cannot be beaten.
ladies', call and inspect mar special line 'of loamy Dress Goods which
Spee ial liter smear hire OVEIIwCOA-TS.
now complete in every line and quality,
�1ve offering at a bargain.
Renew taur subscription. for lam
TIMES.' $1 per yes?.
l members of the brttl til r.
municipal council, viz., ,depuiy .reeve, I+, aCaughy of CIullett, rhe ecru-
reeve ; Geo Eirkley, deputy
andThv5. Code, 1VI..Carcldtf and W toIofony t largeerfoiltbet•iro#i+(interested i Mrs. Stert:amnt,, \.t.,, Rei&• at, itave
• been
Isbister,couneillois,nietaeeot int, 'spectator_
statute in the town hall, Jan; 10th, asp
decla and
ofs office and qu alifica--i hello an openmeeting, in One evening the dtlteiru hall
ar(4 stun
tiers, The reeve
occupied emeeting fo the 011897 I was rendered, not ttho lc �et enjoyable
Minutes read ins part of which was as mock 'trial,
were and confirmed Moved 1
by Wm, Isbister, 5ecoibleded ppo edI pla
rs li vs. Grog di1,Tl Lea ing in nun,-
ffic." Tbe tem.
Cocle, at W, Clarkare alto tpliehing touch
Mork at a salary of $130—Carried.
1s ccondedttby�gotrd<in(the eommlta)ity,
Moved by Kirkby, 11., {lereis a rumor a:0.drretit lilac VI r.
Cardiff, that W. IL Cloekey be ap 1
pointed auditor; M.l3laek,2nd auditor. I J. C. Gilroy,
will'thie �N�t'd an of Gilroy gown.
Moved by Isbister, seconded by .tc Wiseman,
appointed that W.
of theon be board will loseloneyofither� utoetoacts annum mud
health, and that Dr. 3.1cAsh be tnedi• calergt•tac huoiues, 'seen
Mr. S. S. Copt'r 4':at•s been c husetl
cal health officer—Carried. r1p,�li� •
cation was grade to have 'louse Henr f president,
residcalture t of th-' `Ilui n Vie,„ i.rl >g Ages. at
d tr►keil to the
hastier and vvill boom ih(' •rrcdt:t•.
Mr. Powell has '•pette(t ;t• it ,w
horn wed r�u t'1. v, fes
granted a new trial 1 ; the Dominion.
Cabins t.
•()oman s
Scott's Emulsion is not a
"baby food," but is a most
excellent food., for babies
who are not well nourished.
A part of a teaspoonful
mixed in milk and given
every three or four hours,
will give the most happy efuiivel hoods and has ui obvisible means , ,tat C' aer null, I (ornate
of support. Mo'ted lay hthister, see- ' Welter shop opt '
results. thousands ]aero found relict and cure in
'ver oil with the i nded bl` Godo that liar, l�.irlehy' he''t'his nr;ticu:t the' en It r►trrt•:,�;r ,.hot< i,i � ts'arlc, nervousnt'as, and impure bloo ,
The cod-liver t acted t C tvlut l,tc ., C
Is never done, and It is especially ircartng
Lod wearisome to those whose broad is3
impure and unfit properly to tan:'. sus-,
Iain, and renew the wasting of nerve
muscle and tissue. It is more because of
this condition ot the blood that women
are run dorm,
Tired, Weak, Nervous,
Than because of the work itself. Every"
physician says so, and that the only rem--
edy is in building up by ttki:'r good'
nerve tonic, blood' pull lick! ^.n 1 v .glazer(
like Hood's 3arsaparlll I. Per he t - able
Peculiar to Women et change ot eeas0n
or Iite, or resulting from hard
o town.
ins r k t '1es9t �
• o attend to the matter j , ,• ' w lets + disposed
hypopa sphites added,
as 1n and have said 1(aimuiolul token o
palatable etYiuls on, not the House of :Refugeat
secondedC by I Iiilvljltit, of Small' �,v l,tt•in�'`
this pI • d
Moved by Ca
I M • I' rrnr►l el' the Ilense
but -
C1Cl'k 1)e in'tructetl
1 its digestive t' prepare •t sketch of printing re
only to feeds the , ► irkb - that the
also regulates c' < and ask
cluired for the current year, :
functions. ' for tenders from the Blyth. Brussels..
Alli: your doctor about this, •and Wingltatn publishers- -O truer .
SW. and $1.o.); rel d:u;gtsts. i MOMI. by Kirkby, Seeebded by Code.,
SCOTT & bowl E, Chemists, Toronto. i that Mr. Cardiff be instrneted to ad. vfaithl;; his patcatts in town.
Refugo, is visiting tris fatherin On--
tari" eontlt•y. 'rile t,ld i entten)all
hrs liven in p nit• health for soar(
reel D tvis, of li •i-cvttirl, Man, is
The One True )tend i•ui fler l)1 ger battle.
E'retaarcd only l,y (1.1.110ea 81+.'o..1.0'vee, uses.
:(r•"tgtr o^1y 1,'111 Intake
Hood's- Pills wA.I, lluua ssass s
,' ;•:• j-