HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-01-14, Page 5Dir. Andr 1llurdo
o a prominent cafe
vin,; in S'
hat ; the use
of trying to fool people by false pretences ? Better be honest
with thew. 'That's our experience, and is ono reason why this
business has grown to its present proportions. We've said be-
fore that this is a "satisfactory store "—a store where you get
the beet possible value for your tnouey--A CASH STORE—
where you can get your money back if not satisfied with
your purchase.
ra Fir
must all be cleared. out during the next two weeks.
gxeatly reduced. Every garment up-to-date,
Black Rough Cloth Mantles, regular price 04 50,
Black Beaver " " "` " 5 00,
4 50,
6 50,
7 50,
Tweed Effect, light grey, if `"
Brown Beaver Cloth Mantles, "
Blue Grey Beaver " "`
Beaver or Rough Cloth Mantles, in
Blaok and Colors, at fib 00 46
6100 r, II"o. Reduced to
Boys' and Men's Overcoats at greatly reduced prices.
Special line of Alen's Uleters at $4.4£.
Our prices are absolutely the lowest—not for one day in the week,
but every day in the year.
Prices ('
reduced to $3 50
3 75 ;X
400 r
{, 5 00
04:1r -Ed- r-rr� r-rr r-rr � ^t r fir- �r - r� i n
BEd• -='fit• -L`5"' 'rte -01,9 t ,.-tc-�ti '- t5LEJ,rr-5704. —si r_ A'A Y•s7e
Our laundry plant has arrived
and we are prepueed to turn out
first-class work in all Lines of
laundry Work on the Shortest
For the convenience of customers,
a DROP BOX will be placed at the.
door to receive work when laundry
is closed.
with your next order.
Opp. Union Factory.
Having opened up a shoe store
next door north of Cbisholnr's Block,
I am now ready for repairing, which
will be done at cash prices. •
'1'u lay aside .our• soiled or fad.'d
suits or overcoats, but taste thew
to the Wingham Cleaning and Dy
ing Works, and have then clean-
ed, dyed and repaired to loos like
J. w. 8eterise
o 1\7-
GEO. CARR has now in stock
• Overcoats, Fall and Winter Suits,
large display of the very newest material for
ousering, Fancy Vests, etc.,'eto. Also the
Most Zitylish Gents' nishings in the Market
If lou want stylish and well -made Clot : at a moderate price.
Gi%ees a call. We can giteyou the best workmancbip. Gccd fitguarateed.
13pposite Queen's Hotel,
As we are preparing te take stock we will offer for the next 80 days
especial value in Fur Goods censlsting of Ladies' Fur Coats, Fur Capes and
Ruffs. Also a large end well assorted atoek of Men's Fur Coats, Fur Capes
,and Fur Gauntlets.
In Rubber goods we lead. Ladies' Rubbers from 35e to 45e; Men's
Fancy Rubbers, special 50e, In Lumbermen's Rubbers and Rubber Boota
Ave v ill not be undersold.
Our Boots and Shoes are now complete in every line and quality,
which cannot be beaten.
Ladies', call and inspect our special line of Farcy Dress Goads which
ive are offering at a bargain.
Speeitti iln,rgalinra In OVERCOATS.
Mr. and Mrs. John 'Hastings of
Orangeville, are visiting friends in
out' vicinity.
Mr. and airs. John Mitchell, of
alauitoba, are visiting friends in this
Jean Gilmour, our former teaeher,
left last week for the Toronto Busi-
ness. College, where he is going to
take a e»urse in telegraphing, type.
writing, and short hand. We wish
hint success.
Our town is at present pretty
quiet, School meetings and 'Duni•
eipal elections are pest and Jimmy
has got his nerves steady at last, and
everything is going well with him.
Mr, Richard Scott, who has been
spending his holidays here with his
friends, returned, tohis college duties
in Detroit last week.,
Miss Aggie Eadie, who has been in
Toronto for some time, returned
home last week. '
Minutes of Council Meeting were
helct in Putland's hall, Bluevale,
Monday January 10th, '98. The
members of-eonneil stet according to
Statute, and be vim. taken the oath
of declaration and qua1lf c ,tin. of
office, took their seats. The reeve in
the choir.
The minute., of last meeting of
council were read approved anti sign-
Communications were read. from
the Times Printing Co., of Peterboro,
re contract for township printing ;
also from the American Guarantee
Co. Both communications were
Moved by Cruickshanks, seconded
by Musgrove, tbat Dy -law No. 1
appointing the members of council
road comniissioners.tor the current
year.—Carried. •
Moved by Cruickshanks, seconded'
b}' Cnnplcnd,thtat 11v law No. 2 1898,`
itr lea:; td, rtpl'nit'ti"1T Alex. MChw'vr
:out Dongla;. F1•a-e•r, a.iurfitors fin•
this municipality fur the current.I
year.— Carried,
.Moved by alosgrove, seconded by
Mitchell, that the assessor's salary
f(lr the Current year be e55,o0,-Oar- I
Aloaed by. Cruickshanks, seconded
by Mr. Coupland that Bylaw No. 3
1898, he paged app!inting John S.
McTavish, assessor for the current
Moved by Mosgrove, seconded by
Mitchell, that the clerk be instructed
to send for a copy of the Municipal
World for each member of the coun-
cil and the clerk.—Carried.
Moved by Oruiekshanks, seconded
by Musgrove, that By-law No. 4 be
passed, appointing George Fortune
a member of the Board of Health for
three years, Dr. C. A. rTOule, Medical
Health Officer, and John Diluent
Sanitary Inspector. for the current
The following accounts were pass-
ed and cheques issued :
John Burgess. express charges, 35c;
do., registration fees, $18 ; du., elec.
tion expenses, $14 ; Toui K. Powell,
do., $8 ; George Scott, do., $8 ; Thos.
Netterfield, do., $8 ; Brown Bros.,
eash book, $3.40 ; County Treas..
county rate, $1667:04 ,• Bank of
Hamilton, commission, $2.10 ; Muni-
cipal World, papers, $5 Geo. Mason,
election staticeaer'y, $1 ; H. B. Elliott,
printing, $10.50.
Moved by 'Moigrove, seconded by
Mosgrove that this eonneil do now
adjourn to meet Monday Feb 7th„ at
10, a. m,—Carried.
JOAN Bunoitss,Cler'k..
Southworth Cole, Licene;t In-
spector, died suddenly at Brantford.'
If you cannot get beef,
mutton will answer.
. You may choose between
milk, water, coffee 'or tea.
But there is no second choice
for Scott's Emulsion.
It is Scott's Emulsion or
When you need the best
cod-liver oil, the best hypo-
phosphites, and the . best
glycerine, all combined in
the best possible manner,
you have only one,choice.
It brings prompt results
in all cases of wasting, or
loss in weight.
All druggists; *5oc. strirtSr,00.
COT do BOWNB, Chamiate, Toronto.
Before stock -taking begins we will make your dollars
buy bargains, See for yourselves the following "cut"
prices in Groceries and Dry Goods :
hynot buy now
1 lb. Moneoon'I,ea, black, in lead pkge., the regular
50o quality, for 35o,
34 lb. pkge. Monsoon Tea, regular 25o, now only 20c,
30 lbs, Brown Sugar and 6 lbs, 20c Japan Tea for
Large page of Magic Soda sold everywhere for 10o,
this week 5c.
Small lament Magic Soda, regular 5o size, this week
for 3e.
Canned Pumpkin, regular 8o, now only 5c,
Crosse & Blaokwe:l Pickles, reg. 35o bottle, now 25c.
Beat hand assorted Raisins in 3 Ib. boxes, regular
25c for 20o,
36 inch Heavy Sheeting Cotton, regular Da, this
week for 634o.
Ladies' Blank cashmere Hose, heavy and warm
'fur per pair 20e.
Heavy Tweed Dress Goods, were Bold for 25o per
yard, now 1234o.
15 pieces Best Prints, English width, regular 12ic
quality, this lot goes at 7,c.
15. pieces McIntyre's 100 Prints, good cloth and fast
colors, for this week 5c.
Ino .other " cut " prices which we cannot quote here, so come and inspect for
yourselves. You always find the goods and prices quoted quite right at
Mr. John A. Barnard is in London
this week attending the •Western
Poultry Show. He took a number
of bis fancy birds with him.
Anniversary services were conduct,
ed in the Presbyterian church on
Sundey inst. Rev. Mr. Somerville
of Oaten Sound preached the ser-
Cfat,a tocsin„ way not held in the
dlethtii,t. •,:: Snittl;iv last Ow.
lug to the aututvt;ae3 services of the
Pieabylel ian church.
Alr, Arthur lobinsun has been en-
gaged to teach in S. S. No. 0 How-
Mr'. ,lay. Lynn's team ran away
when returning from Brussels on
Saturday and a colt valued at $100
broke its leg. 'I'ne animal. had to
be killed
Airs. A. I. McColl, of Chatham,
is visiting et Mr. Duncan Taylor's and
surrounding vicinity.
Mr. Adam Roe began the work
of the smith last Monday. He
started like one who mean's to make
it his trade, and is determined to
push on to saccess.
Mr. D. Taylor has been indisposed
for some months with a sort of a
running sore on his neck. •
Mrs. Ramsay still continues to be
very low and the physicians are no•v
doubtful of her recovery.
(Intender' for last week.)
Mr Adam Roe, of the third of
Grey, is engaged as apprentice with
Mr. Geo. Echmeir, general black-
smith of this plade. We wish Adam
success in his new trade.
Donald Pope has leased the farm of
Robert Rae, for the present year, fuss
Mrs. Andrew Simpson was given a
Christmas box of a fine fur coat by
the different members •ef her family.
Robert Messer is drawing cedar
posts to Seaforth, a distance of 25
miles. He gets 10 eents a poet and
makes between. $10 and $12 a load.
Bob thinks he works for his money
even at that rate.
One of the events that has crane to
be looked forward to with great plea-
sure is the oyster supper that is an-
nually held' by the people of this
vicinity. The supper was held this
'gear on Wednesday evening at the
Commodious residence of Alex. Me
Donald, (Little Alex for distinetion.)
About 100 guests assembled and from
(3 to 9 p. in. was taken up in satisfy-
ing the inner man. The progam fol-
lowed. Mr. John 'Street= was vot-
ed to the chair, He called on, Messrs.
Robertson, MaLau ;hlin and Strachan
for addi esses. Music was afferdcd
by Mr. Dan end Mrs. and Mary
Straehau, Miss Alaggie Taylor, Abell,
Stewart, bliss Annie Stewart and Mr.
D. Lamont Instrumentals by Miss
Annie Strachan, ,Mss Jessie Mc-
Laughlin and Mr. L. Frain. Avery
one was well p'eased and will look
I'ra•ward frn' a shbillar event next
Three carloads of dote from Labra
dor, for use in the Klondike passes,
have arrived at Ottawa.
Our saw mill is running at full
blast, eleven bands being steadily
Grain deliveries have been un-
usually large this fall and winter.
This is a busy stock shipping point•.
Our storekeepers and tradesmen gen-
erally are smiling. Such a busy
centre should have a public school.
Look out for the Epworth League
concert on Tuesday, Jan. 18th.
Special features of the programme
will be faney marches and drills, and
monument building by a large com
pany of young ladies. Outside
musical end literary talent also en-
gaged. It promises to be the most
attractive of the season.
At the annual meetipg of the
Whiteehureh Creamery Company on
Friday last. A very successful year's
busincsi was reported, All the old
officers and directors were re-elected
fur the ensuing year.
A farmer near St. Marys brought
73 turkeys into that town for the
holidays; They weighed 1,020
pounds, and made the enterprising
farmer about $75.
The statement of G. T. R. for 1897
shows gross receipts of 53,916.069,
as compared with $53,047,560 for
too previous year and an increase of
The first debate of the Bluevale
Literary and Debating Society took
place on Monday evening,on aecount
of the Orange Young Britons' social
coming offer' Wednesday. The sub-
ject : "R.:solved that the sword is
greater than the pen, in the mould-
ing of a nation's character and prey
tige," was exceedingly welt•dellacred,
although alt the spea.kera confessed
to being nervous. The pen was up-
held by Messrs. A '' t' wen, aseisteu
by Alessrs, R. N. Duni; anti Rvhcrt
Black,. while the cause of the award
was eharnpioned by Mr..J. J.. Dean•
man, assisted by Meseta. R. G. Cabe -
more acid Will Fraser. The .sten woe
by four poi trts. Pl1eSi.:44.e. he
ho'ior&ry presidents, .rev. isles,'.. D.
Itogers and \V. .1. West and Dr.
Toole Each speaker wie attlu+e' d
ten. minutes, and the leader wle,
spoke tirst, tive minutes to iteply.
The st>tbject is almost •i.cex:ttasriblo.
They (night debate for wecke, and
neither side arrive at at eunvaneillg
conclasion, therefore ten trminumes wad
a tatalizingly short time for the de -
tatters, seeing too, they had sat agmeh
material gathered tap. Int wars evi-
dent the debaters had seadiea and
read up the snhjeet a good deal, and
if the debates in the future are as
well prepatecl, Bluevale will have a
considerable store ref information by
the spring. Before rite debate coin--
menerd the honorary presidents,
Rev. Rogers and West gales short
addresses of eneourgement to the
young society. The next debate
will carne off 00 Wednesday evening at
Th® One Tragi Moot Purger. zit per bottle.
January 1911, snbjeet : "Resolved
that it is at benefit to this 1 ;entry air- Hood's Mills ,i , . �ntts..
allow Chinamen to come in free."
The leader of the affirinative, is to
be Dr. Toole, assisted by Messrs.
Will Bailey and Louis Duff.' The
leader of the negative will be
Mr. Jack McCracken, assisted by
Messrs. George Leathern, and Will
Duff. The society will meet every
Wednesday evening in the Orange
Hall. An organ will soon be placed
in the hall for the winter, and every
evening a short literary and musical
entertainment will be given as well
as the debate.
The report that Mr. Noble Car-
rot hers, of London, who was working
here lately, had been killed in the
City Ball, is untrue. A Noble Car-
rothers was killed but not the one
known to us. •
At the meeting of the Epworth
League last Thursday evening Rev.
D. Rogers gave a good lecture en-
tit:ed. "The Gospel of Good Cheer."
Alex McKay, D. D. M. ; W. Mar-
tin and W. C. Smith attended the
District meeting of the I. O. O. F., at
Wingham, on Thursday of last week.
Fast and furious driving''1Ywill not
be permitted on the Brussels streets.
On the last Sabbath afternoon of
the old year, it was intended o have
made a presentation to Mr. Kerr but
he was abse. t, assisting in the Sun-
day school services at•Trowbridge so
it was postponed until Sunday week
when Mr. Gerry on behalf of the
school, presented hint with an easy
chair, as a token of their reepeet and
a slight aeknowledgetneet''1' his ser-
viee:r Ms superintendent, et the school
for the past 16 \ tsar,,. The Welt
were so 111era1 111:11, a larger
amount wtis rained than wag rttlnir-
ed rote tie chaire s., a l.rt-"it)robe
was included in the pt est otattit:n. AI>,
Kerr wns taken entiree by , nrprise,
out 'laving r'e'coversd mth! a happy
and suitab.e reply.
eeeesee.---enesearreeseesse-ss"----eee -tete
4.' 1)`:i
Medlcinai vans in a bott:3 of li:;5:I's 5ers ;a
*t:rrin.t than to any other propara t ion.
, Moro skulls required, more carr taken. niers
exgea4e Incurred in 10 utanu a tare.
It costs the proprietor and the dealer'
Moro net it costs the conswaer less, as re.
gets more Closes for ids tnouey.
Mora cvrattvo power Is secured by its peculiar
combination, proportion and process.•
which mal -o It peculiar to itself.
M ore peopia aro employed and more g,..leb 0c)
eluted In its Laboratory than any other.
More wonderful cures effected and more tes-
timonial' receival than by any other.
Moro sales and more increase year by year
are reportea by druggists.
More )ecpdayle athanr taanfiyhtgotherod,ao•snd Sarsaparillamornare
taking today than ever be:ore,
Moro and strt.t. N -tong reasmrs might be
given why you should take